##VIDEO ID:tePuwB_A2YM## good evening everyone my name is Laura sh and I am calling the meeting of the select Board of January 28th 2025 to order sorry we're a little bit late at 6:11 p.m. um Veronica Cal prent laip from prant would you join me in the clge of allegiance to the FL of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation indivisible andice for all thank you everyone i' like to uh thank all of our veterans and all of our all those currently serving as well as all of our First Responders the meeting is being recorded and uploaded to YouTube and is there anyone present who is also recording the meeting or online who is recording please announce yourself hearing none um I do have under 1.4 I do have an addition um that can I just handle this now or do I have to put it someplace in the agenda no you can talk about it okay um we give our uh an opportunity for another Grant um under uh the DTA there was I don't know if that will be in the next month or so but there was some money available and from the planning board they have asked that we present this letter to um Karen Chapman and it was at the meeting last night and so they all signed the members of planning board you mean planning board meeting yes and they all supported this letter um I'm happy to read the letter if you like or where would you like to add it to the meeting no I'm going to do it now oh under the right here under one p for I can do that right yeah okay all right um do I have coffee of it okay yes I do thank you it uh basically pertains to and this came from of the members of of the planning board the economic development for the town in various aspects of Economic Development and if we could get some technical assistance in reference to that according to the master plan little bit of an explanation of what we could do Under The Economic Development portion of our M master plan the reason for it being on tonight as well is that the um any letters or applications for such has to be in by May by February 4th and that's our meeting date our next meeting date so we'd miss it so do you want to read the letter into the record or um if you like this is uh to Miss Chapman and she's planning and development director at massachusett Regional Planning Commission and one it's for the um MBTA communities compliance to include but not limited to a continued assistance drafting the bylaw language B continued public Outreach education feedback solicitation C continued creation and printing of deliverable as the district selection process is completed and two Economic Development assistance to provide actionable items to support local businesses and help build the local economy a review and utilize Town's 2022 master plan and the 2021 Economic Development strategy appendex 3 in towns and 2022 master plan and creating action items for short-term and long-term economic growth B provide draft updates for zoning bylaws as outlined in the economic development strategy to assist towns in in driving the creation of more of a more diverse and stronger local economic base C assist with creating opportunity to grow local businesses explore opportunities to bolster local businesses such as through events marketing bolstering the local Business Association or creating of economic advisory committee and or other growth opportunities D create an acual plan for of how to attract local businesses to fill gaps identified in the town's 2022 master plan page 37 appendix 3 e identify opportunities to create affordable housing for those young adults residents who are aging and look to more smaller homes and Rental opportunities F additional ideas and opportunities to attract people to the area and create a great G Economic Opportunity G connect with residents and local business owners to gain feedback on this endeavor we appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to working with you to meet these goals respectfully the select board members um so I make a motion to um sign this letter and submit it for a DTA uh Grant and I second the motion any further discussion comments from anybody hearing none both all vote Veronica Kell yes and Laura Shipman yes thank you very much and is there a copy for us to sign I I think it's this one right this one yeah yeah and under 1.5 review and approve the meeting minutes of January 14th 2025 and January 21st 2025 is there a motion um I move that we approve the meeting minutes of 1114 2025 And1 2025 and I second um I submitted all mine to um and I did as well okay I'm all set I am too okay um V call Veronica K yes and Laura Shi yes thank you number two appointments and hearings V be taken 2.1 605 were a little late sorry uh meeting of the appointing Committee of um MOBA Valley Technical High School to appoint Harrison Maya to the nishoba uh glasses sorry valy technical school committee as Townson alternate representative effective January 28th for term to expire March 31st 2027 um so I would announce now that we we are not able to do this tonight and we're going to table this in bring this up on February 4th meeting yes if possible yeah we we'll see if everyone can get together for February 4th I don't know M CH could ask the school committee members if they can attend next week or I'm not sure a few folks meeting you're not meeting Weekly right end up there no but we may have some um joint meetings with to meet uh I I guess I would just suggest maybe we'll take our lead from you whenever you guys want to do it if if it you've got a better date than next week I think Harrison can hold his horses a bit uh I know he's anxious to get into the job meeting week Tuesday [Music] yeah 30 um Valley Technical School District is meeting February 4th and that is the public hearing on the budget for the district um so it may be valuable to have an alternate at the table at that time the board would be able to consider it sooner oh the me next meeting is the 30th we have to post it I too late to post what time is your meeting on the 30 6 could it be in the form of an amendment to the agenda if there's an existing agenda for that meeting already could we revise the agenda I think could I I mean I can always put that on as an addition but I I think we're talking about your posting right right right oh you're posting that's a problem and and I think it's somewhat a move Point Harrison I think that unless the Chapman are you aware the ch's not attending um I'm not certain if one or both will be present I imagine since Karen is the chair of the Budget Finance subcommittee I'm not what time is that school committee meeting is at 7 could we do it at 5:30 on the fourth I can reach out to you I can reach out to the CH and see amend we can amend that we're still within time to amend it oh absolutely yeah um okay so then we need at 5:30 on the 4th to to do this yeah if that works for you for your committee by 532 what about your committee uh where are the committee uh the um me members from the north middle school committee would you be able to attend a meeting next week Tuesday before at 5:30 sure yes okay EXC all right good we have a hand up there we yeah well he just said yes did do you have something else you wanted to say no okay all right so all right so 5:30 5:30 on February 4th you need to post your okay thank you may I request that we be that we be dismissed Mr Hackler and myself sure thank you thank you thank you for attending I didn't know I had that power [Laughter] all right have a good night you too bye all right so moving on to three 3.1 Eva vaugh would you like to come up to the table with us sure you here from the show wild and Scenic Stewardship Council she's here for appointment you're here for an appointment okay nice to meet you nice to meet you is there a motion um I move that we appoint EV bond to the Nashville River Wild and Scenic Stewardship Council effective 128 2025 for a full member uh three-year term to expire 6:30 2027 and I will second that and I did see your application in your volunteer form so thank you for volunteering thank you good pleasure did you want to say anything else to us or uh nothing nothing much but I'm very excited to uh to represent the town of towns on the council a pretty extensive background environmental analysis and permitting and also public meeting and Outreach so I think it's a great fit and I'm really excited to see what I can do for the town we're excited to have you thank you so glad to see your application so thank you for stepping up absolutely excited to see it on the court board Veronica Kell yes and Laura sh yes congratulations thank you appreciate welcome you be there for the rest of your meeting you can if you'd like to but we have town meeting at 7 if you'd like to join us yeah sure St okay great thank you meetings in the um Hall know that okay 3.2 appoint to Lanson as the Board of Water Commissioners representative to the conservation restriction committee effect of January 21st 2025 until completion of placing conservation Recreation restriction restriction on Sano Meadows is there a motion I move that we appoint Todd malanson as the Board of Water Commissioners representative to the conser ation restriction committee effective January 28th 2025 until completion of placing the conservation restriction on Squan cook Meadows a second any discussion not for me no say none okay roll call Veronica Kell yes Shi yes thank you meeting business 4.1 on cemeterian Parks departments Surplus request on the 2002 Ford F250 gr dun truck bed portion only is there a motion um I move to approve the cemetery and parks department Surplus request for the 2002 Ford F250 gray dump truck bed portion only second no call Veronica Kell yes La sh yes 4.2 special town meeting warrant article review so I've drafted I've drafted up the uh the Motions with um Adam to reviewed them today so I'm just going to hand them out and you kind of need to assign who reads what motion so I figure it would just be you know between Lori and Veronica just you know Rob um the but the planning board um articles were you hoping to read them or someone on the planning board or well the articles I guess themselves I guess I we have to read them oh that's right who's making the motion though are we making the motion or is the plan we making motion we're making a motion we are yeah yeah okay it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that the the article gets read by the moderator not not by you and not by so okay I'm G that in some instances the moderator has chosen not to read the entirety of the AR article he'll ask the body for a vote to wave the reading if it's too long like he may not read the entirety every line of bylaws all right um so he may entertain a motion to wave the reading but then the motion needs to be made and some communities have the select board make all motions other communities will have PL board make zoning motions and citizen petitioners make motions for articles that theyve presented historically in towns and the I think the selectman have made all motions okay I misspoke that's what I meant the um the the B for you um the Motions yeah the Motions so in the planning board meeting last night um we had it planned that Robert was going to read uh after the motion Robert was going to read the bullet that we had of the report or whatever the report from planning okay um and then uh Patrick was going to do one of them and he was going to do two of them and then Patrick is ill so I I got an email late today that Patrick is gonna be there so I'm not sure if Robert knows that he's doing all three because I'm I'm up with you guys and then um Carol who's the vice chair is on the finance she's m so that's why it was split up between um Robert and okay um so they actually had they left with their bullets last night ne's Robert had the two he was doing and Patrick had the one he was doing and I um Beth gave me a copy of it so good so I I I could uh give it to him um the one that he's missing that okay he now needs to read and he'll be fine I think he'll be fine doing it okay so you know it's either you or Veronica that goes first so you know maybe the easiest way to keep track is you know you have the E evens she has the odd number ones or vice versa on the Articles yeah to to read the Motions so if you want to do the first you do the odds I'll do the evens so you start I'll go second and just go back and forth that way okay it's a little bit easier to [Music] remember are you good with that Lori this is gonna be my first time at the table so I'll follow your lead I'll just make make the motion I think we're good okay so this is a little different than how it's been done in past years which you would know but Veronica will so the Motions are have been added not on this copy they're on the one I'm sorry look the same yep I have it so she's got it here so um that's the correct one yeah yeah that's the one so you'll see that that's the article one submitted by the select board description that's what you're reading okay fine so every every article it's just in past years we've had separate motion sheets and this year they're just living actually it's actually easier to do with this way they fall in line with the Articles so you can see the article Right Above It Y and we should just make the moderator aware that it's going to be Robert that's going to be reading the reports for the Articles so that he'll look specifically for Robert after after the motion's made and let Robert speak before he opens it up to the body and hopefully he shows up so so wait this is on 18 and 19 and and 1 17 17 um oh it's the definitions um so what's the order again Adam what's the order for this um so the order will be motion gets made okay motion gets read motion gets seconded so I guess one of you should remember that whichever one is not making the motion is gon to immediately say second so that the moderator each other and then once the second happens if we tell the moderator in advance that Robert who will presumably be sitting up front somewhere is going to get to the microphone and read the planning board report then John will look for him immediately before he opens it up for discussion for discussion okay so you make the motion John reads the no John will read it first so John will say art article article 16 closed article 17 open and then he'll read article 17 or he'll ask the W the reading because it's long and then once that occurs he'll then say do I have a motion and then 17 is an odd number so that'll be you Veronica so or that be so 7's odd number so you would then read the motion for 17 Veronica will second the motion for 17 and then the moderator will say do I have a report from the planning board and look down to Robert who will get to the microphone and read his bullets okay and then it'll be opened up to the to the um um there was one thing that did get changed um uh talking to the finance committee and I think we had questions too when this was first brought up it is article number which one is it is it 15 number number 15 it was the alternate Building Commissioner the original um was for 5,000 after looking through everything we thought 2500 would be sufficient okay um so um I I already I you know I Bolder that the revised motion would be for $2,500 that's for you are that's an odd one so it's Article 15 um but it's on your list well I see Article 15 and it say 5000 do you have the right packet motion number 15 myself there um on article 14 it says take no action but the Motions there's a motion there for actually doing what was originally planned four says to uh I I I I redrafted definitely postpone yeah number 14 we're doing the same thing we are not taking action on it your language was just to postpone it indefinitely right so what's 14 so 14 is the 250 to do eode for the that's coming off Al together corre yeah so so is that just so you can use either phrase you can use take no action or you can use indefinitely postpone you should use the same language for four and for 14 both even numbers so you'll be doing them both right you can take either the my mistake I used indefinitely postpone I think when I redrafted article four because that's that that's the actual legislative termos the Parliamentary procedure term is definely postp means the same thing but you can say take no action I think that's what you've done here in the past we've always take no action but I'm I'm good with indefinitely postpone either we can change so rock the bo I did like your language though I think the residents are are to the take no action yeah the residents are uh so what do you want me to say take no action take no action and then they'll know what you mean and I won have to resp hopefully there's no guarantee of that on article 14 and four and if someone says why are we taking no action on this um who is explaining that I happy with you so for four we're not taking any action because it was determined that that property was already conveyed right to fish in Wildlife so we don't own it any longer so we can't sell it yeah that is correct Y and that one says now do you have to then move that the town definitely postpone you're going to move to take no action that's the same thing so I just changed it to take when there's no oh it has to be okay and so there it makes sense in both cases it makes sense why are we taking no action on 14 because we're just not going to do it no because it's already done we found that there was sufficient funding to um take care to no need okay yeah this had been arpa funded and we removed the arpa funding to pay for the trash in December okay and but we prom open that can wor no no we're not but we promised to put it on the tell you warrant and use free cash to do it because it's still needed done you know whether you know the money had to come from somewhere sure to update ecode so but but I don't I don't think Kathy had a an amount yet when we talked in December correct and she found some money between her budget and um I a special account article to that specifically um was correct so she had enough money between everything to cover it sounds good is that it let's go one who is GNA talk about article two um I Aaron will actually is Aon be present she will be and she gave me some slides so um so actually that will be another one to let John know um right once once the motion is made and it's seconded um you know we can pass pass it on to her to to talk about the project so John knows that there will be a report or John will automatically ask for a report we going to tell John I'll tell him I need to tell him before so so he knows to a report would be good y i I think it would also be good to point out that we don't get to get and if this doesn't pass we don't get to keep that money we don't get the grants correct you know that's just all there is to it it won't be for schools it won't be for roads it just won't be period y so I added all the the Quant of vote for all of these various articles with it's a little messier than in past years I like this before it was a heading on categories and it that becomes that's even more challenging now than it was a few years ago because it used to be you could lump together for example the zoning articles and say two-thirds because the rule used to be that all zoning articles were two-thirds and then the legislature got involved in recent years and started changing that so it's hard to lump them together now so we have a Bill of a prior year that's the 910 vote we have conveyances of real property changing their purpose that's a two-thirds vote we have some zoning articles that are now protected by Statute like the Adu articles those are simple majority votes we have the age restricted development bylaw amendments that's a 2third vote so we're kind of all over the place tonight but I'll bring that to the attention of the the moderator before we get underway so he's looking for C there it is okay okay okay it should be an off half I think after each yeah it is I like it like that though because then you know for that article and you don't have to remember okay which which section are we in so that's good this is my new format that I just randomly came up with just to gather my thoughts and just it's easier to follow like it's all right there yeah and I like it so are we good with the warrant now I think so going on to work session I'm not sure just how much you want to do here um we have about five minutes yeah we're not doing anything on our projects tonight are we no um and then do you have any other reports for us um nothing I had a few things but given we're kind of short on time I can wait until next next s just tu and then the same for the leison reports unless you had something pressing you wanted to um the only thing uh I I have an agenda request for next time it's a reappointment to the affordable housing trust um because Dave blin's appointment um is through January 30th or 31st of 2025 so he will need to be reappointed Who David Worland okay can you put that on the next agenda Sabrina yeah okay um I think that didn't we have resignations that we were G to read that's uh under 5.3 I believe oh okay then I don't have anything else so under 5.3 uh let's see have a resignation from Veronica Cal as an at large member of the Townsen affordable housing trust can I say something on that then yeah and um do we need to appoint we need to post that appointment for a new atlarge member on the affordable housing trust because I'm now the select board representative right so um did you do that did the affordable trust do that did we post no it the it's the select board is the appointing authority okay so for the affordable housing trust so they should do the posting we should do okay Sabrina will you do that posting thank you thank you and then I have another one from Veronica on her resignation is at large member of the capital planning committee effective January 23rd and that was the appointment from the select board correct representative and so John Barrett the moderator is the one who does the appointments for the atlarge members on the capital planning committee so he has to post yes so when I turned in that resignation I also sent it to John okay and he's aware I heard back from okay and then we have a new letter here from kathen spord has submitted her retirement notice as town clerk effective April 27th 2025 attach to her so um this will in effect put the position of the town clerk to be added to the ballot for April 27th 20 26 and that's a onee um position yes compl it completes that term and then um she's she she further States I would like to add that I will be available should the select board decide to appoint intern town clerk to oversee the annual Town election April a and to cover until newly elected town clerk begins her term and so we can put that on an agenda for discussion correct yes yep okay we can put that on at the next meeting agenda and I would also like to discuss that position uh at the same time to discuss that position as an appointment versus an elected the resignation is the 27th which is the day before right right correct that was yeah that was uh to allow the position on the um to legally allow the position be on the day before the election all right becomes a vacancy so yeah okay um any other announcements or Communications or volunteer forms that have come in okay so this is my opportunity to say we are looking for more volunteers and we're looking for people of the community with an expertise they can easily help the community with so somebody like is educated in what they want to do would be great um and I'm not going to come off that Soap Box I think we need everybody's participation in helping the community be a better place okay our next meeting is a joint meeting with the finance committee January 30th at 6 PM so that got me thinking um when Adam said that our the header of the select board meeting um I look at it it doesn't say joint meeting so Adam would you would that be a problem if the header the meeting doesn't say joint meeting with so it wouldn't be so you can do it really of two ways you can post a single agenda that says at the top joint meeting of the board board a and board B and then the agenda is the same for both boards and usually that only works if the boards are only meeting to meet together and neither of them has any other items on their agenda that would be the case okay so you can do that as a single posting that says join agenda the alternative is and this often occurs if the select board has 20 items in its an agenda but one of those items is going to be a meeting with another board you post your full agenda and one of the items within your agenda is joint meeting with the other board and then the other board P posts their agenda and on their agenda they have a joint meeting with you so it can be done either way um if this meeting is simply going to be for the purpose of the two boards convening to discuss this topic and then they're both going to adjourn immediately afterwards you can do a single posting as a joint meeting of both boards because they posted and we've posted separately as well so I think but it's just for that one subject right right so we could have done a single posting because we are only meeing to discuss budget you could if posted there's no so theirs does say um joint meeting with select board okay so I just want to make sure we were covered sounds like it's but our doesn't what does ours say ours just says um the I thought we were it does it does say um in the one of the agenda items it does say it's a Jo meeting but but the header itself just says select board meeting do we have anything else on the agenda besides the joint meeting I thought that was it that was it okay yeah so it's okay okay we're covered then okay good I just want to make sure that's good to know for next time yeah and 5.5 uh review and sign payroll and bills payable warrants out of session I make a motion that we sign payroll and bills table garding warrant out of session I'll second that any discussion hear none roll call vote Veronica K yes FL yes motion to adjourn um I make a motion that we adjourn at 6:47 p.m. and second hear no objection we do do hearing no objection we're adjourned are we okay okay