hi I'm Dave vant the superintendent for the towns and water department and I just want to give you an update on the PS treatment project and where we're standing on it the F first thing is there's new regulations have come out Mass DP has established maximum containment level of 20 pots per trillion on the sum of six P components as of 10 April 24 this is now changed the new EPA guidelines bring those numbers down to four in P4 P pfn to 10 and others to much lower numbers the the final rule requires that Public Water Systems must monitor for for the these P components and have three years to complete initial monitoring by 2027 following the ongoing compliance warning Water Systems must also provide public with information on the levels of PE compounds in they drinking water towns has already completed this if moning shows that the drinking water levels exceed the mcl's public water system the public or will have five years by 2029 to implement solutions to reduce people comp compounds beginning in five years public water systems that have p in drink water which violate one or more of these mcls must take action to reduce these compounds in their drinking water and must provide notification for the public of this violation Thomson will be 100% compliance in November for what is peos what is what is bad about it and where does it come from P stands for per poly fluide alkalide substances and a group of over 4,000 CH chemicals widely used and consumer products from around the world since the 1950s some peers are very effective in resistant heat stains Grease water and making them use making them useful chemicals in range of applications including stain and water protection for carpet fabric Furniture apparel personal care products including makeup food containers paper Coatings and paper Coatings plus their widespread use and their persistent environment many PS are found in the blood of people and animals all over the world and are present in low levels in food products and an environment can you find peos in your bottle water in Foods yes currently companies are not required to test for peos and some have been find to contain high levels of these upon testing I have a private well I do not have had peos wrong there there's a good chance if you have a SE septic system with your private well that you have p in your private well and if you visit P central.org you can find sub the um companies that have no p in their products what are what are the risk of elev levels of P high cholesterol cholesterol levels development effects on delays of children changes in your immune system diid problems a high chance of kidney prostate and tops cancer increase blood pressure during pregnancy decrease vaccine response in children and Li liver enzyme changes the next one is a diagram on packaging how how it gets into your packaging will get into your um your food chains it it goes from it gets thrown away in your landfills and compost into the crops into the environment and into you and then back through your septic system and back in the bin that little for food packaging that little shiny coat on the coating on the inside of your food container paper can box bags more than likely is peos up to 400 pots per million the EPA regulations are four pots per trillion for these substances what is the difference for pots to Millions to billion 1,000 times what's the difference between one pot per billion and there are 1,000 times as many in a trillion that makes one million times and and if you add the four go from 4 to 400 that little cating that you have on your food products that is touching your food and going into the landfills is 100 million times more concentrated than what's what's allowed in your water the pce that that you get in the the town Wells or your private Wells come from landfills septic systems run off from peses and fertilizers and for for fire BS where does your p come from in Townson the number one source de setic systems other sources have been detected are the Oldtown dump and an unknown source of firey fighting foam things that can be found in the water uh are some of the following but not limited to nitrates p p fertilizer Pharmaceuticals wood preserv and disaffected they new filt plant will take care of all of these C water department the board of SEL selectman and the Board of Water Commission have done proactively have proactively done the following we shut down harbit Trace well in August of 2021 the well will not be turned back till the treatment plant goes online in November 24 we rehab the cross street well the well has been off since 2015 due to high iron and caused by Beaver Dam flooding the beaver dams were removed and the iron and meanes levels dropped we've installed a new well at 512 Main Street there's now 800 feet feet further back from the road and can produce 860,000 gallons of water per day he fast levels which we which are undetectable now were at 2 um two PS per million in the old wellfield and that took care of that that problem that well additional steps we've taken we planned funded and started construction the harbit trace P plant which opens in 7 months November 24th we have expanded the water system up by four miles making water available for homeowners with walls on South Harbor Road South Row Old Meeting House in Emory looping the timberl the water M from Timber Park to emry Road and to uh to em Road promotes water quality we started planning the process bringing water to lunenberg Road area which H has about 1,200 residents the water department has several complaints from private Wells of of drying up in that area alone starting we started the planning process to expand the water system if and when p is discovered in any private walls in a given area State legislation is in the process to require P samples from private walls in order to sell their homes what is being done today the treatment plant is being built at 25 harbit Trace Road the harbit trace well which P was 120 will bring in the following walls um harbit Trace wall which was 120 PS per trilli wites Brook well was which was up to 8s per trillion and wites Brook W to which is 18 million they were all fail failed to new limits land surveillance now being done on lunberg grow for the planning of building a tank and booster pump extension of the 12in waterline down one road is also being planted for planted for several hundred feet there's two there's two pictures of the treatment plant and the and the filters themselves in the next two drawings so some final thoughts we are in two years of the fiveyear infrastructure act which ends in 2027 as of M March 2024 only 11 states had people regulations only 11 states were building are looking to build peos plans only 11 states were sharing infrastructure money of $9 billion as of 10 April 2024 all 50 St 50 States now have P regulations they added $1 billion to the P infrastructure act that's 50 States now sharing $10 billion where 11 states were sharing n99 billion Thomson's one of the first towns to utilize the infrastructure act and we're near completion town of Massachusetts who thought they were safe before and now not with the new EPA regulations so Dave I want to thank you for all the work that you've done if any Resident has questions where should they be you can call the water you can call the water p and we'll get back to happy to talk about it and and uh and hopefully we'll have a nice opening sometime next winter okay sounds good so any questions that can get in touch with you thank you sir for your presentation well okay who's next so and the camera is right there right and you can address in that camera pretty much Start anytime yeah anytime you want and I'll just quiet okay um I'm Michael Brown I'm a member of the bylaw Review Committee um and we reviewed um a number of bylaws to see whether there there were any that would benefit from being updated or possibly ideas for new bylaws um and what I'm going to talk about now is an update to the outdoor lighting bylaw um outdoor lighting has been regulated in towns in since at least 1978 um in 1997 the town adopted two new bylaws covering private and public lighting that had more specific requirements um but they these bylaws have not been updated in 27 years so the committee found that the bylaws could benefit from greater Clarity increased flexibility and consideration of recent technological changes so therefore we're proposing revised out lighting bylaw to replace the existing ones and the revised version um would retain the main components of the existing bylaws but would make them clear and and make them easier to implement so very briefly I'll just explain the current um regulations on outdoor lighting and then how those would be proposed to change so as stated in the current bylaws and this would be retained in the new version the goals are first of all to eliminate glare which really means enhancing safety um minimize light trespass meaning try to keep light on a particular property rather than straining onto neighboring properties um reducing Sky glow which um really people often talk about the um the rural character of the town and one aspect of that is that we have relatively dark skies compared to locations closer to big cities um and finally to reduce energy use um one of the characteristics of lighting if the light is not directed where it's intended to go than any light that goes elsewhere like up in the sky or to the neighboring property is really wasting energy um so those are four goals and that would be still the case in the new version of the bylaws these goals are accomplished by shielding and aiming lights downward to the area where the light is needed there really two main specific requirements first first of all the lights must be fully shielded technical term for that would be full cut off lighting and secondly the the height of private lighting fixtures is limited to 25 feet and they're actually lower limits according to a formula near the property line uh the current as well as the new version the current bylaws apply only to relatively Bright Lights um that would be um any light above 900 lumens for flood lights and for other types of Lights 1,800 lumens and therefore do not regulate most lighting that would be installed by a typical resident the bylaw has no limits whatsoever on how many lights can be installed or how bright they can be provided the lights are properly shielded now I'll get into some of the proposed changes um and they're not really major it's just as I said to make the bylaw clearer um so the committee in consultation with the Town Council drafted a revised bylaw that retains many of the major elements of the current bylaws uh but makes it clearer so these are the changes that are being proposed first of all currently there are two separate bylaws there's a bylaw for private lighting which is zoning bylaw and then there's a bylaw for public Lighting in the general bylaws um this sometimes has been a source of confusion which one applies who enforces it that sort of thing so we're proposing in the future that we have a single bylaw and it would be a general bylaw covering both private and public lighting um the the this new B would have the same goals that I just went through um and retains the same requirements for full shielding of lights so that wouldn't change um the protection against light trespass So currently that would be made more flexible and easier to implement um currently that's taken care of by having the limit on height so like if you have a light very close to the property line there's a limit on how high that light can be so not too much of the light goes to the neighboring property but if limiting the height is Not Practical there would be a second option um now which would make it easier to comply with the second option would be to direct or Shield the light so that the intensity of light at the property line is below a specified level and that level that could be easily measured with a light meter um so that that provides flexibility to anybody who would be installing new lighting um another uh addition would be that applications for building permits for future new construction would would be um would include specifications on any outdoor lighting that's included in the plan project presumably that usually happens anyway but this would sort of make sure that um that that's some attention is paid to lighting as well as all the other elements of a new construction project um another requirement is that consistent with recent policy recommendations by the American Medical Association based on potential health effects of lighting at night future lighting installations would have a color temperature no higher than 3,000 Kelvin um this basically would avoid harsh blue light and its Associated health issues and excessive glare this policy has actually informally been followed by the town for several years now uh for example um I I'm also a member of the energy committee and we've been involved in um uh several energy conserving projects where uh new LED lights were installed at Town buildings and schools and these all of these lights and this also includes recently installed street lights um have been at the 3,000k color level or less so basically it's more on the warm end rather than that harsh blue that you sometimes see in some locations um there's a there's a new um provision related to sports lighting projects that would actually make it more flexible in the current bylaw so future sports lighting projects would follow upto-date guidelines that ensure that the light falls on or near the playing field and not in the adjacent neighborhood um recent Innovations in lighting technology and available Commercial Lighting projects products make this practical to implement so projects following these guidelines would not be subject to the remainder of the bylaw but would follow this separate um reference set of guidelines um the exceptions in the current bio would say the same that is the regulations would not apply to lights below 900 or 18800 lumens um there would be exemptions for temporary emergency lighting lights required for safety purposes and so on um the new BYO would be administ administered by the Town Administrator the building commissioner or design of either of those those parties um current lighting that conforms to the current bylaws would not have to comply with any new requirements until being replaced uh so there's kind of a what we used to call a grandfathering provision there um finally the revised bylaw includes illustrations of acceptable lighting thus making it clear to town officials and all Town residents what types of lights are acceptable to meet the goals of the bylaw in my mind this is probably the most useful part of the proposed amended bylaw we didn't re we didn't previously have those pictures and they they do uh could be a great benefit to helping everybody understand what we're trying to do so in summary the revised bylaw has the same goals and would retain most of the elements of the current bylaws however the regulations would be Consolidated into a single bylaw and that would be clearer more flexible and easier to implement all right and I I appreciate all the work that that you do you do for us um if we residents that have questions in regards to this article where would they Point them to um I mean I could I'd be happy to I could give my own email address or maybe whatever you feel is is necessary um sure I I guess um feel free to contact me at M brown. Galaxy yahoo.com okay all right thank you very much thank you okay okay so um I'm Veronica Kell I'm the I'm on the bylaw Review Committee and also um a trustee on the towns and affordable housing trust article 17 in the annual town meeting warrant um is corrections to the towns and affordable housing trust bylaw um this article um is to correct typographical errors that exist in the affordable housing bylaw that was accepted by the town at the 2023 annual meeting and approved by the Attorney General's office um the changes are as noted in the article um in one uh it references [Music] um section 48 the 48 should be 4B um in this is from section 1414 um the reference to section 5c should be a reference to section 55 C and um the third error I'll type out is in section 1405 um it it references article 7 Article 13 and article 12 where it should be referencing Section 8 section 14 and section 13 respectively and again these Corrections are merely to fix typos that are in the printed version of the article it doesn't change whether or not the article is in place that was established at the annual meeting last year so thank you very much in conjunction with the board of Selectmen and collaboration with tcam we are going to present the Articles both on the special town meeting and the annual town meeting here uh on videotape only for the purposes of allowing the town to hear exactly what each article is about there is um uh I I basically will be talking about each article as opposed to reading it um we will be following along with a presentation that will be also presented in um in the annual and the special town meeting uh the first thing I I'll start off with is the special town meeting um and I'll read the following in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify the legal voters of the town of Townsen qualified to vote at Town meetings for the transaction of town Affairs to meet at the Memorial Hall Great Hall uh 272 Main Street towns in Mass for the special town meeting on May 7th 2024 at 7:00 CL so this was posted uh by the constables and uh we are ready to go um first off is the reports article one article one is um basically uh read in every special town meeting that we have and it's a vote to hear the reports of boards or committees um or the commissions and um it's usually if uh the town's people would like to be able to hear the reports or be able to read it the um annual Town report is available uh will be available at that particular time as well uh article two is the first of the uh current fiscal year Financial articles uh some are majority votes and some are two-thirds vote uh article two is to uh in regards to the um towns and General Insurance costs um we didn't were not able to budget fully when we voted uh the budget in so currently we need to Article 2 asks for $2,457 uh to um pay for the unbudgeted increases in the town's General Insurance costs uh article three uh submitted by the board of Selectmen uh that is uh an article asking for $5,000 for funding a housing protocol for the Board of Health uh what that is is there are times that the board of Health would have to um look into uh ways for a residential condemn um condemnation to be able to uh uh not allow the towns uh or the resident of that particular uh uh house uh be able to go back into it uh currently we don't have anything budgeted within the town so what uh the board of uh Health has asked the board of Selectmen is to set aside an account account with $5,000 so that if we do uh we do enter into a situation like that we do have funds available to be able to do that the reason why it's on a special town meeting as opposed to uh budgeted within the uh the Board of Health is that these are usually onetime costs it's not something that recurs uh so if we had 5,000 that would give us uh or it give the Board of Health ample uh ability to pay for what they needed to and if they needed more money then we would then fund accordingly it it's again not a year-to-year cost article four uh again submitted by the board of selectman is um the uh town clerk's election budget we're asking for 22,000 for supplementing the town clerk's election budget uh what happens or what has been happening with the town clerk is that um there have been some years where we have uh several elections and other years that we only have uh won with the end the U the town election um that's hard for us to budget so what uh we are asking for is if we put the 22,000 in again a separate line item account uh we would not have to uh change the um uh the election budget uh for the town clerk um each year it would be able to do that once that particular fund runs down then it would go into another special account to be able to fund it again uh again this was a way in which we uh would be able to set a solid budget and know what the um election budget will be each year uh and what goes above and beyond if we have to add an election um that again would be coming out of this particular fund uh Article Five um is uh to see if the town is going to um do the same set set aside a separate account for $5,000 for the con Conservation Commission uh Conservation Commission uh because of um uh education Outreach and training um they do not have enough money in their budget to be able to do that uh and and again instead of adding to their yearly budget we um made a decision to have it on a special Town um town meeting so that the $5,000 is on a separate account uh they'll be able to run down that account and if they need more money in that then come back to the town at another special again rather than to put that money in their particular budget it's not something that they're probably going to use every year but more importantly um it is there for them when they need it and it it doesn't have they don't have to wait to go to another town meeting article six uh again presented by the board of Selectmen uh is $1,000 for the historic district commission uh again that is for training materials and supplies and that includes signage um there has been I've attended several meetings of the historic district commission and with the work that we have going on in some of our historic buildings um they have been talking about um getting signs that say you're entering a historic district um that takes um a little bit of time uh to be able to prepare for that it also takes a little bit of money this again is on a separate account it's not a recurring cost to the historic district commission but what it will allow them to do is uh if they had a reciprocal um Grant let's say for signage they'll be able to have that money available to them instead of waiting until the next town meeting uh to be able to get that um article 7 is brought forward by the town clerk uh and this is uh 5,000 uh for the purpose of paying workers compensation uh in the FIS um injured on duty claims uh this was something um again that we set aside for a separate account it's not on a on a a recurring budget um article 8 article8 is asking for this is for the highway department uh they are asking for $6,000 for the purpose of paying for CDL training for Highway Department staff uh depending upon their um uh um employment um cycle hits uh they do have at certain times during the year if they need somebody uh they advertise to be able to get a new employee in the new employee in comes in and there is CDL training uh sometimes the individuals don't have the money uh to be able to do that and we do need to have uh certain equipment at the highway department um requires to have a CDL license this allows the uh the highway department to make some decisions on uh assisting the new employee to get the CDL license uh with this funding again this is outside of the budget this would be an align item and it's not a recurring charge every year um when it does happen at least the highway department has the ability to um be able to pay for this without having to go to town meeting again uh article nine uh is a um this is for uh the bylaw Review Committee has asked the board of Selectmen um to uh hire a A or contract a consultant to come in and assist with the bylaw review the um the amount asking for is $14,500 uh this figure will allow uh a consultant to uh work with the bylaw Review Committee to go through all of the bylaws um in a more uh consistent basis to be able to update um and uh allow us to align align our fees or make suggestions to the board of Selectmen uh to align our fees um to be uh comparable to other um other other TX pounds the um the next one is article 10 article 10 is um a onetime ask for the fire department uh we did uh get a uh a new Fire Department emergency vehicle um it's a smaller than sending out the larger million dooll truck uh we need to um be able to put in emergency vehicle equipment in that particular truck cost on that is 35,000 uh we had again suggested to put this as a separate line item in the special as opposed to adding it to a recurring cost to the fire department um article 11 is to see if the town will vote to transfer um 9,541 this is our fiscal year 24 snow and ice deficit um I will say that we were doing really well uh in regards to snow and ice this year uh until the the storm in April uh that's why that figure is there um that's a figure that we had we don't have um the full amount it will be a little more than this but um we'll have the updated figure in the town meeting article 12 and article um 13 both articles are in reference to the Board of Health uh this is the year that um the Board of Health has been working with the um the trash and recycling contract um they are working with GW shop again after reaching out to several other organizations um Shaw and uh and Sons have proposed um um the contract is still under review nothing's been signed but what they are asking for what the Board of Health is asking for is for the town to enter into a five-year contract the board of Selectmen um can only approve a three-year contract so this vote is only for um whether or not the town would allow the the town to enter into a five-year contract for the trash um there are two articles uh article 12 is um a five-year contract um to include toter and toter are the specialized um receptacles that uh will allow a truck to have a grabber to pick it up and and dump it in without having individuals on the back of the trash truck and Article 13 is uh without the toter without toter are just the the receptacle the garbage receptacle um that will allow Shaw to have somebody on the back of the truck to actually empty it into the truck uh and again both of those articles are only for it's only in regards to allowing um the board of Selectmen to enter into a five-year contract uh article 14 is a zoning bylaw and adoptions um article uh 14 is is um to change the zoning of the property depicted on um accessor map 6 block 11 lot zero this is up on Greenville Road this is a um a resident petition uh this is not something that um was submitted by by the town uh this is uh submitted by Shan s Tachi and adsd realy LLC uh and this is in reference to changing a plot of land that I just mentioned uh from an industrial zoned um area to a residential zoned area Article 15 starts off with the real property articles um Article 15 is in regards to a 50-year lease agreement with the towns and Fire EMS relief Association for the old Harbor fire station located on Main Street uh this will allow the uh town to enter into a 50-year lease agreement with with the towns and Fire EMS relief Association who will be um uh running a museum outside uh in that particular facility once it gets upgraded um the old Harbor Fire Station um is um uh should be up and operable I would say by the end of the year it looks like they're they're moving right along with that but this again is just for an agreement to allow the town to enter into a 50-year lease agreement uh article 16 is the same uh except for the property is the old Central fire station um so this is uh article 16 is to allow the town to enter into a 50-year lease agreement with the towns and Fire EMS relief Association uh and again there will be um um that will be set up as a museum um as well article 17 is um in regards to property uh that's Loc ated on um 182 Warren Road this is map 31 block 36 lot 0 uh this is to allow the selectman to convey um fee simple or lesser interest in the land in or buildings herein known as 182 Warren Road uh this will allow the board of Selectmen there are several options um that the board of Selectmen is are um um that we're looking into and this will allow uh the town to allow the board of Selectmen to uh be able to uh find out what the best interest or the interests of the town to execute any agreement with that particular land whether it be for sale or or a transfer uh and that ends the special town meeting um if there is any questions in regards to any of those uh We've posted a lot of information on the town's website uh and we have also um um added links to any other information that's that uh you might be interested in if you still have questions um the uh you can always call the Town Administrator and the town administrators or the selectman's office should be able to answer any questions uh next would be our annual town meeting um and again this is just presenting and uh describing what the each article is um so if you can follow along with me on the PowerPoint presentation um article one is um to allow the board of Selectmen to appoint all all Town officers uh this is typical of as the first article in pretty much every annual town meeting we have uh this will allow the um the selectman to be able to point that the town officers um when necessary uh article two is to um accept any reports from any committees boards or commissions just like in our special uh and the town will vote on whether or not they want to be able to do that or not uh article three starts off the revolving fund uh articles uh the revolving funds are for the Departments that do carry a a limit um or a revolving fund uh this actually will uh the vote is for the amounts that are in each um revolving fund whether it be recycling recreation facility Cemetery uh Animal Care uh the fire police conservation um there are several revolving funds for the police department there's Firearms licensing uh public records requests and um their Cruiser fees also for the police department um details so on the warrant that's on the uh web page so you can look at that um article four is the fiscal year 25 operating budget um that is uh broken down into the functional segments uh and then the Omnibus Omnibus is the full budget um and I'm not going to go into any great detail with that that is something that you would need to um be able to do on your own I know this budget we are currently working on several uh facets of it um and this is uh something that's that's always of uh um it changes rapidly um on a day-to-day basis depending upon what information that we got uh Gathering the um the information uh we are working with the state we are working with local and we're also still negotiating with contracts so understand that um with the majority of the budget that the town has put in for the town departments um we may have to make some changes depending upon where some of the other segments come in uh I.E the school um as I said the trash contract is also still uh being under negotiation so there's there's still a lot of work that we're working on uh Article Five is a majority vote um and this is to transfer any free cash um to balance the budget for the fiscal year 20125 so if the uh that is basically um there so once we uh make any amendments or we go through the budget and there needs to be additional um cash to balance out the budget that is there is a uh precaution or not a precaution but more of a um a buffer uh to be able to anything that's that's over what we don't have here we can use that uh use money out of free cash if we need to it provides for a funding source to balance the budget article six um this is um uh always on there this is legally required to set the town clerk's budgetary salary um this is on there every year um article 7 starts off our water Enterprise Department budget um as you know there's been a lot of changes in additions with the water department um the um the article is uh looking to appropriate $2,621 uh 262,144 um to take out of the uh water Enterprise fund to be able to put in the operational fund for the water department um and it looks like 381,000 planning committee it lists all of the capital projects um or items being proposed for fiscal year 25 funded from bowering or requiring a two-thirds vote um this is uh I know that they they looked at this quite heavily and and there was a lot of things that were on the capital plan and they've narrowed it down to police energy and the highway department um and again that is all on the uh the warrant that's on the the uh town web page um article nine starts off our General Financial articles um article nine is um so-called prudent investor rule um this is something that um this is on almost every um town uh warrant articles this year uh The Prudent investor rule basically will allow the town um to invest money for any any trust that they have set up or uh uh for instance if they know it's being funded by uh let's say a lawsuit or or uh any funds coming into a particular uh Department in the town uh the town would be able to put it in an interest bearing account and that allows uh the town to be able to gain interest on any monies um that is in there uh that goes into that account um the article is a local acceptance provision that allows Investments and ordance with the so-called prudent investor rule which is General Law chapter 20 uh 203c which essentially allows for a broader range of Investments than what would otherwise be allowed for investments in Savings Banks um Savings Banks don't really have a high yield and this allows the town to be able to put funds into something to get a higher yield um article 10 article 10 is again another um article that is recurring this is in regards to the peg access receipts uh reserved account um and that is to allow the town to take it from the peg access receipts reserved reserved account and hand it over to tcam which they then will defray their uh operating costs this looks like uh we have had uh 87,7 a21 for the first and second quarters of fiscal year 24 um and that is this um vote will allow us to be able to transfer that over the article will appropriate and permit expenditure of current concast cable Revenue sharing funds in the peg access receipts reserved account for the purpose of continuing funding of the production of the broadcast of public educational and government uh access television by the nonprofit cable access corporation tcam which is towns and Community Access media pursuant to the grant agreement between the town and Comcast um and again they are providing us the ability to have this particular program on there so that the town is aware of what's going on in the town meeting um article 11 is um this is a um a vote for $5,000 um to provide funding for the town's 300th anniversary celebration we have been um um submitting $5,000 a year per a town vote um that will uh this will be the 300th anniversary celebration to be held in the year 2032 so this is again a yearly U um article that goes in article 12 um this is an article to fund the assessors uh fiscal year 25 504 valuations periodic inspections and Property Data verification program um it's mandated by the Mass Department of Revenue um so in essence what it means by mandated is that we have to we have to do it uh that's an $88,000 um um funding ask for fiscal year 25 and again that's going to the periodic inspections and Property Data verification program uh Article 13 starts off our general business General bylaws and adoptions um this is the this was asked by the um Council on Aging they asked the select board to put this on the article uh this article will adjust the the Council on aging's terms from four years to three years uh each member uh holds a position um on the um Council on Aging and it is currently a four-year and they have asked for us to place this on the air for the town to vote to drop that to a three-year um article 14 is uh in regards to fees under the scenic roads and bylaw uh this is um will amend the scenic roads bylaw to reflect the fees being located um in the fee table as opposed to the bylaw itself um so they're adding a fee table um the planning board is adding a fee table within their bylaws to make things easier to look up um so the they're taking their fees out of the actual um um written bylaw itself and putting it into a fee schedule so that when they make future changes um those changes can be done to the fee schedule instead of um having to affect each uh warrant article uh Article 15 is a noise control bylaw um I want to jump down to the actual description of this because it's a lengthy and I'm not going to read the whole thing um the full um warrant article is again going to be on the website um the article is to create a mechanism for noise bylaw for a noise bylaw in town so basically what the bylaw Review Committee has done is um added a mechanism for um any noise bylaw that's within the town um and again this is something that the bylaw Review Committee has um has submitted article 16 um this is a new general bylaw for outdoor lighting uh This was um I know that there had been some um comments in regards to the lighting bylaw uh this particular article uh and again it is lengthy um the article will amend the outdoor lighting bylaw in town um so again if you have any questions in regards to that particular warrant article that is on that will be on the website um article 17 is uh in regards to corrections to the towns and affordable housing trust bylaw uh when that bylaw was written um there has been some changes in uh General law in some of the chapters and subsections that um uh need to be up upd dated uh there's also uh replacing sections for um uh for instance the um there are certain um um areas where it was naming another area and some of those are incorrect now so they've changed that um but the article will amend various portions of the affordable housing trust bylaw so that they're in U in compliance article 18 is a zoning bylaw and adoption uh this is uh amendments to the regulation of accessory Apartments here in town um this particular um War an article will amend various portions of the accessory uh accessory apartment bylaw that is currently on the books uh again this is uh cleaning up some of the verbiage and it also is um uh the executive office of housing in liable communities is a new name for an executive office for the state um so that they're in compliance with with that it used to be dhcd now it's eohc so that's that's that um Article 19 Article 19 basically changes the fees for large scale ground mounted solar installations um this one came to us from the planning board the article will amend the ground mounted solar byot to reflect the fee being located in the fee table as opposed to the law itself again as I explained um the planning board has uh decided to have a fee table instead of having each fee in each bylaw to make it easy so that future changes are relatively easy for the the planning board uh article 20 is a um it's actually a deletion of outdoor lighting Provisions uh in the zoning bylaw um this basically um the article will delete the outdoor lighting Provisions that are currently located within the zoning bylaw so the outdoor lighting Provisions um that are currently located in the zoning bylaws um they're asking to delete it um my understanding is they're probably working on that in right now um if they delete that then they'll have a fresh slate to start off with um so that is article 20 and that is the final article on the annual town meeting uh so again if anybody has any questions um feel free to uh you may call Town Hall uh in regards to that the selectman's office uh Town Administrator will take your phone calls uh and I hope to see everybody on the 7th um the board of Selectmen will be meeting on the 6th at 11 o'clock in the morning uh that will be that meeting will be live on Channel 9 it'll also be on YouTube afterwards um the uh where this is where the board of Selectmen will be finalizing uh as much as we can uh we also have a meeting just before the town meeting uh that uh that meeting will basically finalize all the numbers that we have uh and then we will go directly from our meeting into the the uh both the special and the annual town meeting here at Town Hall so I thank you very much for your time and I hope this was helpful uh please feel free again to give us a call and let us know if this was helpful or not I personally want to thank tcam and everybody associated with tcam to allow us to be able to get this information out to the public and you all have a good day thank you