good afternoon um this is April 23d 2024 the 12 o'l selectman in the selectman's chambers I'd like to call this meeting to order and roll call please TR Mo present Joe shank present zoomed in Chad SE duranium present we stand for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance Allegiance United States of America to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all like to thank all those in service to our country past and present and our First Responders um the meeting is being recorded and it will be uploaded to YouTube um it will be uploaded to uh Channel 9 when after the completion uh 1.4 Chairman's additions and deletions I do not have any do you guys have any I do not I do not Joe I no I don't okay um 1.5 review and approv meeting minutes we do not have any I want to jump right down to 3.1 um I'd like a motion to uh appoint Rowan conden to the cemetery and parks department as part-time intermittent seasonal laborer with start uh effective date of 5:14 2024 so move second moved in second and any discussion um I have all the necessary paperwork um so I don't have any issues so all those in favor CH say mo yes Joe shank yes chinian yes uh 3.2 a point uh entertain a motion to appoint Alex stiletto to the police department as probationary full-time police officer for a term effective May 8th 2024 to June 30th 2024 so move second any discussion no again this brings this to the date that we're going to appoint all of them at the same time that's why it's such a short term um since there's no discussion all those in favor yes Joe shank yes CH xon deranian yes uh 4.1 review and approv debt loan Eric you want to take that one away yes this is the um capital projects that were approved uh for um at the at the last annual town meeting um this is to complete the borrowing for those capital projects um uh that includes um the F F350 pickup and plow for the highway department the covered inspection camera for the highway department the wing plow for the highway department um the fullsize pickup for the facilities department and the flamable storage cabinets for the facilities Department um so it's just a capital authorization for Capital debt borrowing um and and and furtherance of last year's Capital plan [Music] so what would the motion be uh would just be a motion to approve a debt loan for $142,500 for the approved capital projects as listed so Mo second any further discussion on that hey Chaz just know I'm G probably get to a bad area in about a minute or so but if I jump bump off you don't see just give me a minute before you continue will be hear me yeah okay okay um any further discussion all those in favor say mo yes Joe shank yes ch any Jo shank yes yeah we got it Joe we got it um 4.2 second reading to the review uh to review uh we'll look for a motion to uh approve the Personnel policies addendum in regards to the fractional employees so move second moov in second and do we want to read that one liner probably Mak sense all right you have it I think I have it in front of me if you want y go ahead so article one we're changing definitions probationary period and amends six months to one year article two where uh holidays we're amending the section that starts with full-time employees to State full-time employees part-time employees and fractional employees as defined in article one and deleting the following section that starts with part-time employees okay any discussion on that nope I'm good that's the second reading we had so all those in favor she say mo yes Joe shank yeah chanian yes if we can get that up on the website after we get it um edited okay uh 4.3 reor organization of the select board so I'd like to make a motion that we hang on Joe that we Chaz as the chair and myself as Vice chair nope I'm not second in that um I'd like to make a motion as that we leave the board as is Jaz this I don't know how we do this well there's a motion that has been made on the floor um we can do one or two things I could second it and then we could vote on it or you can amend the motion one sounds like they're going to a bad spot [Music] yes J Frozen so CH you be the chair I sa viair and Teresa say Clerk so that was a motion by Joe to amend the earlier motions all right give me one minute can you hear me anybody yeah we heard yeah y so that was a motion to amend the earlier motion to we we can hear you Joe right can and he just dropped up yeah lost him completely so he he made an motion he made a motion to amend the motion yeah I don't think I think we're gonna have to ignore Joe's motion because he dropped off and you're muted Joe muted now [Music] Joe can you unmute him you can yes J still muted all right let's try that again so I I want to make a motion to revise the motion on the floor CH be the chair Joe be the vice chair and Teresa be the clerk Mr chair go ahead your first motion was not really put on the floor because it wasn't it wasn't seconded right so now you're entertaining really a new motion yeah so I I think I think you as the chair should declare that the first motion died for lack of a second and open up for an subsequent motion that would be the simplest thing to do all right then I will declare that that was the first motion has died with the lack of second motion will entertain the motion that's now on the floor and I will second the motion that's on the floor any further discussion nope ter all those in favor TR M no Joe shank yes chanian yes um 4.4 discuss fiscal year 25 budget and over ride um so this was a I'm sorry Mr chair through you to the board yeah um this is the provision that we put on to have a discussion following yesterday's uh override questions that were on the ballot um uh before the warrant articles that are later in the uh in the meeting have to be finalized and and um submitted to uh uh the Constable for posting for the annual time meeting and special time meeting on May 7th um as I'm sure all the members of the board know uh the two override warrant articles yesterday failed um um both received um votes in the 400s for positive and in the 800s for opposition so it wasn't quite two to one but it was it was close um uh so at this point in time uh given the lack of an override the the current budget is not balanced because of the budget requests from the schools so our budget is approximately $1.75 million out of balance because the lack of an override um so um obviously uh the budget that will be sub emitted on the warrant is going to be the current budget because we haven't received any any obviously and we won't before we have to post the the uh the warrant we won't receive any subsequent information from the school district um as I we've mentioned all along my anticipation is that the noob Tech budget gets voted gets approved because they only need five of the eight towns to vote to approve it um and the majority of the towns are not looking for an override for noobax budget so my anticipation would be that number is not going to change the $287,000 um that we are currently in deficit for the nishoba tech budget um uh the uh 1.46 million uh deficit that currently exists for the school for the North Middle sex Regional School District budget um uh the fact that they override for Townson and they over for peil both failed yesterday uh means in all likelihood that their budget is is will be rejected as it in its current amount I've spoken to uh the superintendent of schools this morning um my anticipation is sometime within the next U sometime before our town meeting we will get a an amended budget from North Middle sex that will obviously be up to the administration and the and the school board what that amended budget look like I do not have I do not have any any information as to what that number is going to look like um so are we moving forward with what we have in it currently so I think for what's on the warrant we have to post what it is currently because that's the assessment the current assessment from the school district we can amend that and provide appropriate information on the day of town meeting if that number has changed in the past and we've changed the school budgets as they've come in to provide that information for people and then have read off the accurate information so that what they get on the day is accurate um but the printed warrant will have the existing budget because I think I believe we have to we have to print that that's the that's the official request right now um uh so we are we are guaranteed to have in my opinion at least a $287,000 deficit and we're likely to have a larger deficit if the North Middle sex doesn't come in with a level funded budget and I I I don't think they're going to come in with a level funded budget over last year they haven't made any indication that that's um something that they're even contemplated um so there are things I think between now and town meeting that the board of selectman um uh have to discuss about um how we are going to handle uh this shortfall um as uh I mentioned to members of the board I have gone back to the um the various departments at the department head meeting and let them know that uh they needed to present me with a uh Department level budget that cuts 10% of their Department budget um [Music] um given the total amounts of the of the um uh the department level budgets and the things we have that are um able to be cut so for instance we can't cut our our assessment from from retirement that's not optional when there are things that are contract contractually operated but the things that we could cut um if everybody cut uh 10% that would um be you know $900,000 to a $1.1 million cut depending that would likely Rec result in a drastic cut of services because there are some departments For Whom the only the only costs they have are salaries and wages so that means those departments would be cutting staff can can I ask a question about that sure most how many of the town's cost is in health insurance um so our our health insurance cost is a little over a million dollar and is that contractual that they have to have well there's much cheaper plant but then you have like a two $55,000 deductible right is there anything in their contract that the plan has to have a lower deductible or anything like that is I'm just trying to say is there any options along that route to cut into Insurance because you can significantly cut cost but then the point the person would have to put out a lot more on there sure so the when the town last made a chang its insurance policy was when they went from being self-insured to Maya um and that requires a uh convening of uh the insurance Advisory Board which includes members of all the unions um I can certainly ask Town Council what we have at our disposal with respect to those yeah in we're not going to get much of a deal outside being going selfish okay yeah Ma Maya provided us with some options to that would have resulted in some savings but the savings we're talking about were you know a percent and a half off of the increase okay and Meer didn't have any high high deductible plans that it was offering I I don't I don't know about the the those specifics we that was not something we brought up so that you know how work is like I said you got to H high doct but then you have to offer them to have me over put the funds in as part of their paycheck and then they pay for okay um CH go ahead can I I guess if Eric's gonna take some questions about this I I do have a real problem I do understand Eric that you know the first thing we do is we start you know we're going to cut 10% of our all our department budgets as far as I'm concerned our budgets our departments are not budgeted the way the they should be and we all understand that before we start threatening to cut any of our budgets I think the school committee needs to sit back they need to figure this out they can't come to us or any other town and expect us just to eliminate our staff we we're we're so razor thin on everything now uh I I just I wouldn't I wouldn't support that and you know by all means I support teachers and I think they're the ones that are getting the bad on this whole thing but they got to cut the fat at the top you know there's fact rule things there's people been hired recently with triple digit six-digit figures that they they just got hired they need to cut them and I I'm not in favor of threatening any of our employees or any of our departments that we need to start cut that's ludic so I I I agree with Joe and that in that I don't believe that we have departments in the town that are um running with an excess of Staff in fact most of the Departments if asked would tell you they probably need assistance um I just made the ask so that we would know because I think it's important for the board of San to know if the school and the other towns because unfortunately part of this being in a Regional School District means that budget is not 100% controlled by Townson ashb peol did pass it we would be required to fund it this is more of a um to provide the board of selectman with the information of what it would take to get that 10% cut um and I agree with you I think that would cut that would that that would be a bit Draconian I think the the cuts that would be made in Staffing I don't think that' be appropriate but this is to provide the board information there are other options that that um we have looked at uh one of the options that I think we uh we have looked at is the ability for the town through the board of selectman to impose a trash fee um there are uh it is without going to town meeting I believe the board of Selectmen could impose a fee to pay for trash um that would save the town the current amount that is budgeted for trash in our budget which is $825,000 by bringing in that an an amount of local Revenue additional local Revenue equal to that whatever the cost is for trash we did and we'll be discussing this and we discussed the special 10wn meeting warrant but we did get information from the Board of Health that the amount that we had budgeted in for trash is not sufficient for the contract that there that the the trash hauler has brought so we proposed a $770,000 increase over last year's cost for trash which was not quite a 10% increase close to a 10% increase it's the the the lowest amount looks like it's going to be about $140,000 increase over last year's trash amount so there's a $70,000 Gap there that we also have to to discuss but um a a a a trash fee I think would be you know unpopular um and uh I think folks have in the town have gotten used to having their trash services and having it paid for through the tax levy so that is another option though to to come up with the funds if this school budget passes and the town has to come up with funds to to f how many times can a town like let's well Regional have to be two towns PE Let's and town said how many time times can we reject it and it go back to the school board there's not a limit There's No Limit but each time the town rejects the budget they have to come with a lower number if it was two if it was two out of three towns they have to come back with a number that is lower it could be $1 I mean that statutorily that just means it could be $1 but yes they have to come back with the lower budget if it goes into next year in other words if there isn't a budget voted on by July one I believe they have to proceed with the prior Year's level funded [Music] budget well depends on how the town voted its budget because I think the if the town vote you don't have a balanced budget and the school is part of that budget then you have to do a um it's like a temporary budget we had to do that once before so I either way there are ramifications if the school budget doesn't get passed and we'll obviously have to figure out the specifics if it gets to that point and isn't there I'm sorry hang onad isn't there at one point a mediate you can bring mediation in on the budget I would have to look that up familiar with that but doesn't mean it's not the [Music] cas hang on Joe yeah I'm just I'm just confused about one thing this the number that's in the line item for the schools right now um from what I heard that's a level funding from last year's assessment is that correct that's correct so we didn't even give the schools a 2 and a half% increase that's correct correct okay what did we tell them we could afford just a level funded budget did usually there's some negotiation back and forth before we got here which would say you know what we can afford 5% over last year's assessment well we've had several negotiations with them we have been very um open with what we said that we could afford we've talked on and all you can all and what it came out with is all you can afford is a level funding no well the so the answer was I mean I think the the question I apologize is is what can the town afford without an override correct and it it you know I think we we told them you know 2% maybe less but that wasn't we never came up with a final number where we said this is what we need to do because the amount they came back with was so much over what we could afford it wasn't as though there was we were in a negotiation range because at one point $4 million is not I didn't want to negotiate against ourselves by saying oh we can afford something more no I I understand and that helps me understand it may just one other common question um so if we said we can afford a two% increase can't quite afford two and a half because our budget's up too right um that if we were going to amend their line item on the floor we could amend it to that 2% well that would involve Cuts because we did not fund our budget with their because of the amount that they came out with we did not fund our budget including 2% we fund our budget including a 0% increase so we spent the 2% that we would otherwise have given them we we so we decided to not have to come back for an override for Town Services which we may have had to do we didn't we didn't do that we made the determination the board made the determination to that they were going to request the override fully for the school services so my question here Eric Chaz is you know and I respect all the towns people I get all that you know but first and foremost we have to fund schools to a point I understand that lost him again the the people spoke very loud that they don't want that prop two and a half override and I for sure the hell I'm not looking to start cutting staff nor services in our town and if we need to cut or have trash paid to pick up that people have to understand they have to give something somewhere and I I I just as soon as we cut fire police Highway they're all going to be down our throats that the roads aren't good enough the pot rolls are bad the streets aren't taken care of fire department didn't get there fast enough well enough is enough the town spoke so now if that's what we got to do pay to pick up trash I have to pay as well as everybody else that's what we need to do because we got to put this to rest we can't let this continue forever so this is so this is more of a just kind of a discussion of options I think sometime over the next couple weeks before the before the annual town meeting um we'll have to flush out some other possibilities and hopefully I'll be getting information back from the department heads about what that would look like because I think it's important that the board knows what the 10% cut would look like correct and that's that's part of this budget and the Town Administrator and I have been in conversation again this morning in regards to to what the you know the the available options that we have um and that's really what we're talking about right now there are several options available to us um and we need to to all be thinking on what we need to I also want to say that we have to think that what we're not funding this year is going to be something that we need to look at for the following year as well so this is not just fiscal year 25 we we have to make sure that we're mindful that um this situation is going to occur again next year yeah I get it I get it just um so where do you want to go from here Eric well so this was not a requirement for any votes or anything this was just a kind of an informational after the override as to what the options were yeah Cindy yeah I just want to mention from from experience I'm just hopefully you're not planning on the chaos that I'm ensuing I see ensuing I just want to comment that it's important that you have a budget fixed balanced budget to present at Tom meeting if you leave it that it's unbalanced I chaos would ensue because you're leaving it to the voters to make Amendment after Amendment after Amendment our plan is our plan is to have a balance budget for for town meeting that's what our plans are yeah hopefully that's I know you know 10% yeah that's clearly going to mean layoffs there's no question about it and I know that we've done it in the past but it's been maybe 25 30 years since we've had to maybe I'm exaggerating but I done it's been okay you've looked good um unfortunate there's time and the economy is such that costs are exceeding what people want to spend and we're kind of we're stuck there and salaries is one of the biggest things things that I know employees whether they work for a town or Private Industry that cost of living is causing a need to have salaries which is causing the need to have unfortunate layoffs in some places um I also want to comment about trash collection um not just speaking my own thoughts on whether I want trash collection but it's been a sacet c going back many many years and I often make jokes about the year that we made it a safer cow and I'm not going to blame the certain police chief that no um but it was one of my when I first moved here 42 years ago it was one of the first town meetings maybe the first town meeting I ever attended when trash collection was scooped out on the notes to the the voters at the town meeting and come July first when the trash wasn't getting collected um we had a special to bring it back um I don't remember if there was an override involved with that that year um some of our overrides that we have had in the past have been about trash collection but it's such a sacred cow um and I don't think I [Music] think it would be worse than if the override had passed but in also financially I think it would be worse for each individual taxpayer I think the household cost of paying for trash individually and having individual contracts would exceed the household cost had we passed the school override that expecting to say okay you didn't pass the override now we're going to charge you more than you were chatting on Facebook about the increase in in what is going to cost you to have basic Services done um I think it's unfortunate but that I've been watching the the Board of Health meetings and I know that they're [Music] they're they're frightened by it too but they they see that they're doing what they can and I support what what I've been seeing that it's it's one of those basic services that is a necessity in life and Cindy I do talking about leaving their trash in the I appreciate your your your comments here and I I I just want to say that we're really just kind of throwing ideas out so it's not it's not anything else and I do want to be very clear that we have gone over and I will get to you Kathy I promise and that's all I wanted to I just wanted to yeah but I do want to say that that we have in in the discussions that I've had with the Town Administrator um that there are several options that are available um that we're looking at we wanted um my my big Point um to a lot of these things is to make sure that we're transparent and we're allowing everybody to know that we are discussing these these things individually you know that it's not something that we're this is what we're going to do we're saying these are the options available to us Kathy this question is probably more for Eric but if you don't mind no go ahead um so the 10% cuts for departments many of our employees are union employees how does that affect that would the cut actually affect Union employees so if so if you have to eliminate or reduce the hours of her position um because there's no funding is yeah because there's lack of an appropriation gen generally speaking that's something that just happens okay you know you have this year we have funding for a 30h hour position if we only have funding for 20 hour position next year then we inform them that it's going to be reduced to a 20 hour position and they have to make a determination as long as it's basically across the board it doesn't affect as long as one person so much more than the next no as long as you're affecting people who have the same job title same right right you can't I mean you you you are well even that you you could you could eliminate if you have three of the same job title and you eliminate one of them yeah then you eliminate one that would how that gets eliminated is decided by the Union contract generally speaking it's a seniority thing so you don't get to choose if you're eliminating three idal position who knows the union senority does okay um but yeah I mean if we're making budget cuts or reducing in hours Union and non-un employees would be affected by that okay and we should still factor in their Union raises but more go with well their raises their raises are contractual so that's so that's okay all right I just am trying to figure out how to look at the board I think Kathy would be able to will will try to consider all of that to have the least amount of impact on the greater ho okay all right all right just trying to get a handle on it thank you Teresa I know we're all keeping our fingers crossed and hoping this we can get this worked out with the schools and you know get our school committee members to just understand that these are options that we're going to have to go to if they can't but we're I'm I'm banking on that that bu but the the thing with the trash my I just a question on that you say under this law we as the town selectman can actually impose a fee impose the fee but can the Town come back at the meeting and put something on the meeting floor just open up the meeting floor and saying we reject your impos the Fe no I I don't believe fees are subject to town meeting fees are the chief executive officer I did run this by Town [Music] Council reject aill increases when we are going to be looking at increasing fees for fishing licenses or whatever they can't the fees are with the perview of the chief executive okay but they can okay so other new articles that we are coming forward to that don't have to do with fees that does go through the fall like lighting and stuff but anything with a fee it's they can't okay thank you so you know the one yeah so so that Fe and I again I did discuss this extensively with Town Council to make try to make a determination go to the power of the border of sment and that is within the purview of the border of sment and so and do we have any sense like I know we're we're going to be having um audit for the L lack of a better word but I know you have some concerns about the way it is but this outside company that was supposed to come in and look at all uh zoning was and Etc and also look at the fee schedule uh attached to those as compared to towns around us do we have any ex sense if we have to if there's leeway in that as well like building fees building permits Etc like that how much yeah how much that brings in and how much an increase in that could bring in we again just like other fees those fees are within the purview of the border so we could I mean the one of the other thing that's on the table is looking at other incremental fees that are charged but the local receipts the town brings in from those fees I mean total building permit fees are you know I think $100,000 okay thank you that's what I so fractional change in that is not gonna so even if we double dog licenses it's not going to make a big difference that's what I was trying to get those fees are not significant driver of Revenue into the town thank you um just a couple things the um the revenue projections that we're going by right now are still based on the governor's budget is that correct yes correct okay things aren't going well at the state level right now um but there's always a chance that other you know some of the aid could increase so we could possibly have an upside by the time the legislator they doing what they're doing in terms of existing towns [Music] um I would not be as optimistic about it this year as I've been in the past because of what's going on at the state level but you can keep that hope alive in the background Maybe but it's not going to save you totally my concern about the 10% across the board is that all departments are not created equal um my suggestion would respectfully being that you look at what are the priorities for the board of Selectmen from the town perspective because if you need to make tough decisions you're going to need to know what your priorities are to keep things running well and again these are the we're okay we're we're just throwing out options on what we do so we would definitely get on a granular level but in that Spirit um if you were willing to entertain um having a few more heads added to a work session to help you come up with possible options one that comes to my mind besides that priority way of of looking at Cuts would be um similar to the way that they do it in U Lunenburg and other communities and that's a um you have to buy bags over certain amount whatever for trash okay it's not quite the same as fees but I don't know if it would be more palatable that way or not I think it might actually encourage more recycling um for folks you know that are throwing stuff in the trash that they shouldn't be but um well I want to I want to open that up to Future a future discussion when we get to that point right what I'm suggesting it is if you want volunteers for some kind of a brainstorming session for you know we could look at this we could look at that I would be glad to help and I'm sure others might okay I appreciate that all right all right and I got your number too yes I know I just have a quick question just up too much time um one you're talking about the fees within the perview of the board of s meeting can't really vote on that but can we vote on the budget which is there trash collection is certainly paid for through the budget if it's not included in the budget and the Board of Health departmental budget which I think it's where it would normally be we could on the floor amend the budget the amount that would cover the trash collection it will still be at the budget it will be oh yeah then the amount would still be in the budget because the fees would come in as local receipts so say our local receipts I'm and I'm pulling them sah local receipts were 1.5 million last year we would impose a trash fee that would pay for the entirety of an $892,000 trash contract so our local receipts would then go from 1.5 million to 2.39 million but the budget would say the same but that we would show more local Revenue because pay be build every quarter would be what build every quarter based on the prior three months total tonnage and what if they don't pay it just like a water utility fee would probably gooll over to your to your tax bill yeah um can you walk it so again I don't want to get into the granular level on that that is that one option because we still have to talk about the contract in regards to other facets when we um to the next um to the next thing um but um as far as we stand now um we we'll need to be able to set up some maybe work sessions to be able to kind of work through this sure once we get some information back from the department heads and from the schools to get idea as to what their next ask is going to be so did you get a did you set a timeline line for the Departments or did you just kind of throw it out there I told them I wanted um I think I said I wanted it by the first um I didn't hear a date quite honestly I thought you just said just work on it yeah I think I wanted it by the first but I can certainly say yeah if we can send something out and find out um once we get that information if if it can be um shared with the board and then we'll we'll set up um um like a work session and I'd be more than glad to anybody that wanted to come to that to provide us input I don't have how would that work with the the finance committee we'd have to talk with them as well and I think you're inviting them to the the work session like that would probably make sense because isn't that what they're doing I mean they're on like Tuesdays and Thursdays every week now so yeah we we just need to be make sure right I don't want it I want to make sure they're well I want to be able to be on the same page as finance committee so that we we all we everything is recommended and we're going to move forward with a balanced budget that's the goal um that are here but Eric if you could send something out to let people know that we need to get that sooner rather than later I'd appreciate it um and if you guys don't mind I'd like to move on to 4.5 um to sign off uh final review and sign off of the special town meeting warrant so um as we discussed the um the special town meeting warrant uh on this at the meeting on the 16th um that was sent out out to to the uh Town Council who reviewed it and he made some kind of very minor changes to it um uh the the one significant change is as a result of the Board of Health meeting yesterday where they did um officially submit a request to the board of Selectmen to go to town meeting to approve a fiveyear contract with the track recycling vendor so because of the charter doesn't allow for contracts over 3 years to be done by the board of Selectmen without town meeting approval I did in in advance of this meeting I did discuss with Town Council what a um uh article would look like uh so the board of Selectmen want I mean sorry the board of health would like to put onto the warrant two separate options for um uh fiveyear contracts to be reviewed and approved by town meeting the first is a five-year contract of John Shan sha and Son Incorporated which would include toters so it would include a trash can a 64 gallon trash can and a 64 gallon recycling bin for each house um um uh and there's a cost a projected cost for that that goes out several years um and then the second article was a a fiveyear proposed five-year contract for trash Recycling services that does not include toter so maintain the current way that folks do their trash so the toter are the receptacles that they have the machine that goes out claw and grabs in and put put it in so that's the difference is you wouldn't be able to use your own trash can you'd have to use the trash can that's provided by by us if they use the toter because it's the only one that can grabbed and dumped into the into the truck um uh so those two articles have now been placed in the draft of the town meeting like I said that those articles were signed off orally by the Town Council on the phone you see and I walk through them the remainder of the articles are identical to what we already discussed article 12 and 13 those two articles where is our dollar amount we just going to put it on the floor yeah that would be as part of the presentation by the Board of Health on the floor um the Articles themselves don't I asked to ask Town councel whether the Articles were required to have the amounts and they're not so that would be an article that the Board of Health would be presenting yeah so they would be presenting the options between those two different contracts and would I think be requesting that the town meeting vote on one and decline the other um although I suppose town could vote Yes on both both of them and put it back on the board of health and the board of select one to decide which one to do but in theory I think they want choose okay um and the remainder of the articles are identical to what they were on um one more quickly I well we're just talking about what we're putting on for the warrant so it's really but it's something that we're I don't I'm not going to take any more comment on that so th this is um has this been brought to the finance committee as well the the I I do not know whether the Board of Health has bought brought that to the finance committee okay um so I I know that the finance committee I believe um uh the budget but once this is approved I will I will we'll get it to the clerk's office for the C to post this afternoon and we'll make sure that the finalized version gets to the uh gets to the fincom them to review approvement as well but again I don't know whether or not they've had anything to do with the okay so all we where then is is just to sign off on the on the the special time meting warrant with the addition of those two yes Chaz yeah go ahead I just you know I guess my problem I have is you know every other department had to have their budgets To Us by a certain date as far as I'm concerned for the Border the last second to try to put our back against the wall to put two articles on our our town meeting of special town meeting is unacceptable and if we start doing that every Department's going to do it and I don't think it's appropriate they all knew their job they should have done their job and get it to us before I um all I can say Joe is that's that's noted and it's on the record um but we do have to close the the warrant today yeah and I and I without discussing specifically what what Joe had been mentioning um the reality is that the the town does not have a traction recycling contract that goes past June 30th if the vendor is only wanting a five-year contract the only way to do that is to is to get on to um I apologize should but is to get on to town meeting um because the board alone can't approve a 5-year contract and so we would have to hold a special town meeting at whatever cost that would be um subsequent to this if for some reason we decided to to say no Chaz just so you know we'll have to jump off this meeting in a couple of minutes is there anything that we need to discuss that's going to need a vote before I get off um both of the the warrant articles so I'll entertain a motion to sign off on the special town meeting warrant as discussed so moved second any further discussion all those in favor Mo yes Jo shank yes CH seon deranian yes the annual town meeting 4.6 uh so the the warrant articles that we discussed on the 16th uh remain uh the same uh there is an open question that um I'm working with Town Council on to make sure that we have the the latest version of the uh uh the new outdoor lighting article so he's checking with that obviously you know we have the text there's text in the in the Ann time meeting about the new outdoor lighting article but he just wants to make sure it's the it's the version the last version that he signed off on with any Chang okay and that's the one you've been working on Teresa yes okay it looks right Jimmy but what do I know so there's again has all the diagrams that look familiar um and and there's also one article that was inadvertently left off of the the earlier warrant which is the correction to the town un affordable housing trust byw so there's just some some clerical changes and that's the one where we left the place place Mark we were aware that both of those yeah so we we we aware of all the articles that are there there may be again some minor changes to the the the underlying text um for some of the the language that Adam is double-checking on um but the Articles the actual articles are going to stay uh they're the same articles that we had okay um earlier that we that we fully we already discussed on six so I'll entertain a motion to sign off on the annual town meeting warrant so mov second any further discussion on that no all those in favor say mo yes Joe shank yes Chex Iranian yes so once we get that from Adam then we can post that so that yeah I'm gonna work I'll make sure that that um I work with the town clerk's office so that the Constable can get it in time to post it today yeah she's had I gave her heads up yesterday thank you and uh Vice chair shank um we have the mandatory referral for the planning board for the 39 Greenville Road that we had discussed before do you have any comments in regards to that is that the industrial property that is correct well I'll take the same stance I've took before that you know people have the right to do what they want with their property how however you know everybody wants us to try to you know produce revenues and tax for the town and if we eliminate industrial property and we can't get it back maybe it would be something that instead of eliminating the industrial piece of properties we ought to change something in the um the bylaw to allow maybe houses instead of eliminating the industrial because we never can go back so this is a mandatory referral and we have to have some sort of comment to the planning board for this I just did that was my opinion so would you feel comfortable if I I worked with um the clerk to be able to um put the that verbiage in with what we all agree with and then submit it absolutely okay can we that way what is the planning but I didn't think that was the way the planning board work going on this property well because they already there's already a house there right well there's a petition there's a p a citizen's petition for this so it's going in front of the town anyway yeah and the planning board is asking for all of our just comments comments to the planning board about a zoning change from industrial to residential right yeah that is not my opinion um so that's what I'm saying this this is Joe gave us his input and then you and I can work on what we want for the if if if Joe is okay with that I am all right with that that's fine okay you okay with that yeah okay [Music] um we can do it that way right yeah yeah I mean I think we you just need to kind of figure out what comment you want to make if there's yeah we can just say to the do it meeting yeah you you would need to do it now I think that but Jo but Joe needs to sign off sometime during discuss what I'm saying if Joe wants to sign off he can sign off and Teresa and I can work the wording out if you're okay with that Joe yes I am I will sign off for what you guys say you heard my input right this is only my opinion but as a board you I I give you my permission to write what the board should say Okay loud and clear I heard you loud and clear Joe thank you all right and if you wanted to sign off you can sir and have a great trip all right I have to because I'm done thank you guys have a great all right right um so when we starts to that Teresa what are your thoughts on it well my thoughts are there is already a residential house on that property and uh because it would had has already have a residential section because there's plenty of Frontage uh because um you know like I the the man has presented in his petition that he's trying to get his family closer to that I think it should be AOW in this situation if there wasn't a house on there my my opinion would be much different but he already had a house on that area okay well there there is already out a house in there yeah um yeah there there's a one of the two properties that he's proposing to reone already has a pre-existing non-conforming residential house on correct correct you know I have I have two plans of of thought in regards to this yes I agree that there was already um property on there um but I'm concerned about land that has been deemed industrial and we're going to be turning it back over to residential and what do we have left or resident uh for industrial land um but we can I mean the zoning committee can't go the other direction right we can take land that's out there without any homes on that is commercial or residential now and they have the option to try to move that to Industrial well the difference between the two is that and correct me if I'm wrong because this is kind of the nitty-gritty of it if it's commercial you can have residential on commercial have a single family home on a commercial lot if it's industrial you can't okay so the zoning could change to say yes you can allow it on Industrial and keep it keep it zoned as industrial right which makes me why are we saying it's zoned industrial but it has a commercial house on I think we've already made this non-conforming right I think it was before it was made industrial yeah I don't know when that house was built but my gu my guess would be that the house predates the I'm just saying opportunities we have you know in this town to look at other lots and see if we can make those industrial instead of taking this piece of property right that is industrial and keep it industrial because it already has a house on it that's how I feel about it correct and that's that's my concern as well that's I I understand I you went this way I'm that's that's my concern it's zone for industrial and and again I agree with Joe's comment that people should be able to do what they they want to with their land I 100% agree with that um my only concern is that if it's if it's um there's not many Parcels left that are zoned industrial so that's another action item that should be taken away from that we really need to look at that like where can we go and start looking at zoning more are is industrial but I don't think we should force this guy with a house on his property to keep his industrial because there's not enough in the town and that's exactly my conundrum that's that's where I am too you know I I believe that you know that that at some point that was deemed yeah an area for industrial and they have different plans for it now which which has changed um so i' love to see something deemed industrial right on the border of New Hampshire well in a lot of there's what do we have one two 3 four five six seven seven vacant Parcels right that are zoned industrial right now we need more that I agree with you know so and I want to make it clear I'm not saying we don't Needmore I just think right because he already has a house on it because of the location near the dump because of a bunch of other reasons I just don't think this isn't an ideal industrial area anyway so I'd like to see other possible and let this guy extend his family so again having having said all of that I also want to add that I do believe that um it's really something that the boards or committees are the ones to make the decisions because they're the the subject matter experts in regards to what it is so I want to be able to let them so this is the board of selectman's opinion Joe has his opinion Terry or however you Terry this CH that this that way but as always Border of Select me defer to your expertise that's that's I'm okay with that okay so we want to add in um that the board feels how we want to put in for the industrial whatever you want to do I just want to get to Iceland I mean I think it maybe something along the lines of the board is concerned about maintaining Andor replicating industrial sites but we defer to the expertise of the plan board this person already has a house residential we tend to understand his desire to go residential but as always we defer to the board to make the decision doing some words nothing it's fine the board is concerned about preserving existing Parcels that are industrial but agree that the landowner has the right to do what they want regarding their property the select board trusts the planning board to make this proper to make the proper decisions in this matter sounds good oh no I don't mean um so all those in favor well let's make a motion um are you are you okay with with how we're wording that Teresa yes I okay all those in favor CH say mo CH bringing yes so we will submit that over to to them and that's going to be on the um on the sixth on the sixth yeah today is the 23rd yes um well the next item on the agenda I'll entertain a motion Teresa to the meeting at 1005 second that all those in favores yes tanian yes thank you very much