##VIDEO ID:-brGNt-TjLA## there it's a good thing tor's moving back to Minnesota we stuff he's now she's going to be in red she's on her own she's buying all I have a freezer I have a freezer for stuff yeah but it was loyalty to I never I never you never seen a comment on any of the websites that are sitting out there or any of the social media I never put anything there and I just I refuse to do it put it out there but yes city is right ice cream plant the uh all all those buildings were full when I was even that was 70 been people a lot of Jenny just started working of well that whole parking lot whenever that goes through yeah they won't beat that I wonder where there he is good that's all I know are you lost you are you I got my calendar mixed up I you thought you were supposed to be here you mean morning and night or he just likes being here normally uhhuh me that allergies never I told him change it got R usually that we got a little bit left you have all that with no congestion you you in the back that's what difficulties again should get a bigger TVH where is the just as think last agenda I think that's what I was promised it's funny because when I have to buzz myselfy and I have reservations at the pool all right okay it's quite little State never understand how used to station request sit there for an hour and a half film but they can hear you might want to when after you open up the meeting that' be the first thing you want to say is we don't have camera tonight but we should all be able to hear okay that's good they won't know I to change my shoes we're good okay we ready once Diana runs own there okay guys we ready we'll call to order the regular city council meeting for Monday September 23rd we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all and we just like to point this out for all you people in TV land that we apologize we do not have a camera tonight but the audio should be working so you should be able to hear us any no changes to the agenda tonight I'm sorry there is one it's the resolution I have in front of you um for the is that the ly one for the G license for r okay something came in this afternoon yep jemy brought it this afternoon I'm sorry I forgot tell Jeff about it that's right it motion to approve is amended second all those in favor I oppos motion Carri anybody out in the public like to talk about something that is not on the agenda all right moving on to the consent calendar let's let's get this first part of it done first and then we can okay so I'll make a motion to approve the September 9th Council minutes approve Municipal accounts payable and payroll without breakthrough beverage approve the municipal accounts receivable approve the park board minutes from August 5th August 14th August 27th September 4th September 5th you guys you're busy yes uh set the truth and Taxation date for December 9th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. uh approve resolution 20 24-9 to approve the pull tab license for the Eagles Club because they're going to have pull tabs at Tracy Lanes as long as all fees are paid and approve resolution 2024 -91 approve the gambling permit for the Eagles Club for the royal that was a mouthful amen second that first and second any further discussion all right roll call please yes Henri yes shones hi land hi Schmid yes hi mayor hi break anybody have anything for mayor council commit do the oh I'm sorry we forgot bre a motion to approve a coun payable for breakthrough bage second roll call please yes HRI yes shones hiisu yes mandate hi mayor Carman hi if we could mayor if we could move ahead to just uh to pluck one of them out of new business number three um resolution 2024 86 except accept donation from mwest bank for uh Central Park Improvement project we can skip ahead to that please that would absolutely I'll make that a motion I'll second it roll call please for that we'll get that stuff out of the way y so um land hi shones hi HR hi Schmid yes arvu yes hi mayor car hi so going along with that tonight go ahead no you no you go ahead absolutely you go ahead so we have Darcy Carlson here from men West Bank um they graciously donated $60,000 to the Park Central Park equipment so that we can get our 50% off on all the pieces that we need and so we are indebted so Dar you get your picture taken too I do I do have the actual check here okay and then you wanted to run that to the bank quick make I do have and I have one where would you light behind the mayor okay Park sitting in front yeah take Park Board I think just the park do do the just do the park board you need to be part of it you want me behind Pam we're GNA go right over here my phone isn't working parkboard people do you have your phone Well's got you can take the picture and they'll get it to I'll give it to you dianee you should get in it to get in there yeah let's slide down so the TV's not can we turn that light on back here for you we need the light on cuz not you're in the dark we don't want that's okay thank you smile now okay ready can I have you and R switch sure so you're more in the middle sure the center of attention we should all be going like this point one two three why did they do that why just do one when you go to lift something heavy it's fine good for me cut out you need to pict thy let them know that we thank them very much for that and the park board we want to thank you very much for all the work you guys have done what's that the park board we want they've got something to say very well all the work on behalf of the board we would we are so gracious and so thankful for the donation that the bank gave us so that we can continue on with this we're so grateful and so thankful for each and every donation that we received and this is our first phase we're going to have two more phases so we hope that we'll continue to have the support that we've had through this phase so I can't say thank you enough a great community and God bless our community thank you thank you guys you know how much you guys work how hard you work on this so thank you it work extremely hard at this okay mayor if it's all right we can go back to uh your mayor and Council Communications if you have anything before I do a little staff reports yes anybody have anything thanks for coming aw okay okay um let's move on to staff reports um just with the uh everything going on with the uh um the the uh firemen tonight or the fire people tonight um they were all going to be gone then we had a couple other department heads that couldn't be here tonight so we're just they just all gave their written reports there is a couple things that I want to bring up in here that they will bring up when they come back in October also but uh um just want to just uh throw your attention to like uh liquor store sales um just a couple of for the month of August um Tam and her group out there are up $21,000 in in Revenue over 2022 just two years ago for the month of August alone 15,000 over 23 so you know with the new products has helped that out sometime but just just you know with the type of products that we're selling out there right now and and uh there's there's a nice markup there's it's it's it looks very good they they do very well out there they work hard out there and uh they uh they're doing a fantastic job so I wanted to bring that up um camping is the next one just want to bring up that for the month of August we had a uh as I know you've seen through July we had a nice uh increase um but for the month of August we had a $2,000 increase at the camp site from uh 2024 to 2023 we still have a good September coming which you know we're looking at the possibility of you know as much as 78,000 in extra Revenue out there so that's that's going well and it's it really bodess well for us that we're possibly going to be putting some of that money right back into the facility out there or the you know the the campground out there licensing up again U up $100 in August um for the year $122,000 um what we've made year-to date in the uh the DMV the amount of people that are that we see coming here and that the comments that have been made about the people in that room in there with Stacy and Christa and Tyler um coming here because of the service that they get and because you don't have to have an appointment and the amount of people it's it's I I felt sorry for Tyler here um Christa and Stacy were off on Friday so Tyler was solo and I'm not very much helping there and uh and the amount of people he was swamped the whole the whole day so it's uh we we we do a nice job in there for what we offer and and the three of them deserve all of the credit for for that um and then just just from from myself and and Tom and Tom might want to bring something up with this but just and I sent out the the email to to all of you just the construction the amount of construction going on here in town right now with the four new houses the uh the all the development that's going through the small cities development program and even houses that aren't going through the small development small cities development program the amount of houses that are redoing their siding and redoing their roofs in town here right now just drive around town and take a look at it it's it's fantastic to see it um I could give you addresses that Tom and I take a trip around I'm sure once a week and go around and look at the new the new houses because you know because that's Tom says that's his baby so you know so we go out there and take a look at that but at the same time we drive up and we see some of these houses that um that were in tough shape that are are doing something with their their houses and it's it's just good to see but just just for your and this will you know was going to be a part of my depart department head report but from the uh from 2000 when we started the the project out there at at or uh broad Acres um when these four houses come up and get onto the tax rols you know we're going to be looking at at uh $52,000 a year here in our tax base through property property taxes not that they're over tax it's just that the new houses brings in brings in that kind of money so when these get onto the tax roles cu the assessor has to get to it we got to get somebody in there somebody's got to pay the taxes we got to get them on the tax roll but when those these current four houses are up there we're looking at 52,000 just because the Eda took a chance four years ago and said we got to do something and that's when it wasn't really the Ed that took the chance it was the city council Who come out and said that's our one of our major priorities we can't do anything without housing he made the decision we made decisions that went along with it and here we are now we're staring down the the barrel of $52,000 in extra Revenue every year so um but that's that's all I got for department heads hopefully that was okay that we push them off till next week they'll probably all report on that and maybe even September's in October but uh I just wanted to bring those up to you right now what is the size of those houses out on Front Street I'll I'll swing upstairs and take a look at the I think they're just get 1525 1525 they look small they don't look as small now and what I would say is anybody that's kind of looking at them just Feld is to head to walut um us oh sorry how can you for you so I was just over Jeff and I were over I think two weeks ago um the exact house so the same floor plan same layout is fully constructed over in W The Grove just east of the old Catholic Church in that new part of town it's on the south side of the street dark dark brown uh but it's that's that is identical to what's out here as far as floor plan and so you're right I I had the same feeling when I went out when they had dug the basement or the footings I I literally came back got my tape measure went back out because I thought something had gone seriously wrong they had this is way too small there's no chance this could be it and then I got yep that's exactly what the floor plan and then when you get into the actual home built you go okay this feels good this is adequate is it placial no but it's they're nice size bedrooms three bedrooms two baths main floor laundry two car garage two overhead garage doors separate garage doors all the kind of things that are like okay this is a little over 1500 s ft mhm yeah I had I had the same thought too when I looked at it but I think everybody has that by that was on Friday when I got that email out to it was just nice when him and I went out there Tom and I went out there at about 9:00 in the morning there was was there 15 contractors out the contractor construction work is out there going crazy with building and cement work and everything else and then we just decided to keep walking around and then we headed over to the Second Street and you've got uh you know seven or eight kids out there that are they're working on we're going to really promote that with Southwest initiative Foundation you know with us having the the partnership with with the school you're going to hear a lot more about that Tom and I won't start quit talking about that that's it's important so now it's just uh we have to get the the houses sold all right any questions on on any of that right mayor if we can we can uh go into the resolutions that we have well go ahead we need to address no he's coming on on the back yep there's more all right sorry okay uh resolution 2024 84 allowing part-time police officers for the city of Tracy to be accepted as a member of the public employees police and fire plan they have that right it just has to be approved by the city council so what is the police what is the police fire it would be there a retirement plan it's it's a part-time people person and a part-time person could say no I don't want to be a part of it or yes and and our new one says I'd like to be a part of it so it's like P but it's specifically for police and fire so do all the poor time people get that they ask for well we don't have any I mean not the Fire part of it but you know what I'm talking about P yeah fire yes yeah we no not fire but the P I don't know if we have part-time city employees do we well we have do if you make over 425 a month you have to be part of the P program there are several programs most of us are on the coordinated program the police and fire have their own separate program their contribution rate is 11.8 for the employee and 17.7 for the employer where the coordinated plan is 6.5% for the employee and 7.5 for the employer so when more than 50% of your job is is towards the the doing police duties then they become eligible for the Poli in fire but they can't do it unless the council approves it because of the higher rats it just has to go through the city council well I think policemen aren't hard enough to recruit I don't think we want to deny them the option it's not a huge yeah I'll make that a motion uh 20 24- 84 second okay first and second roll call please hi yes yes HRI hi shones hi land I and pick her pick me I'm sorry oh all right number two resolution 2024 85 certify the 2025 preliminary budget that we discuss in our budgetary meeting um and that would be at the uh um at the 4% level for 2025 um meaning it can't go over the 4% it can only go down from there on our before December 9th meeting I am a little confused on the numbering of our resolutions it's 85 but this ISS 88 Tyler assign the 88 without knowing that we already have 85 86 87 so the one that's in the packet is 85 is the correct one the one that we're using here that we have out here and and I yeah I didn't know that so the one on the agenda is the correct one in the agenda is correct I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 85 second okay does anybody have any other discussion before we finalize that now all right roll call please L hi SE hi Henri hi schmi yes arisu yes TS hi mayor Carman hi all right resolution 2024 87 approval of election judges for the general election coming up in November I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024-the judges so this doesn't say who the election judges are it just right you're right yeah does it matter if it changes the resolution allows that to change if somebody's sick or whatever somebody doesn't show up or doesn't yeah can't make it we have to have party balance and all of that that day well mayor I was just going to comment I'm very feel very grateful that we have good people in locally that are willing to do this important job yeah it's nice that we don't really seem have a problem doing that cuz like at the counties around here can't find people to do theirs so all right any we ready for roll call Thena yes H hi TS hi land hi yes sh hi May hi okay the next two resolutions would be um what we've discussed before the first one would be resolution 202 2488 ordering corrective action at 50 Morgan Street and that would be um on that particular one the sighting um was missing or rotted the sighting on the residents uh the resident of the garage for lacking paint or weather resistant materials the residents of roof materials are deteriorated causing roof structure failure the resident roof structure was uh failing leading to unsafe structure the resident sopit and facial material were lacking paint and or weather resistant materials and the resident sofit and fhip material are missing or rotted so that is on uh 50 Morgan Street and the next step with there would be after we advise the uh of the the owner of 50 Morgan Street after we advised them that it's gone through the city council and the resolution has been passed then we give them 20 to 30 days before we uh take that to uh um file an order with the district court have you had any um input from the property owner yes yes for that property order we've had very good it's been a communication back and forth um I told the owner of the property that I'm not going to we're not going to stop the process because the communication back and forth is is wonderful like i' I've told all of you in fact we've cured a couple of them already and but on this particular one she um hasn't been able to get the electrician there she's got a contractor to tear it down I'm going to do it on her home she knows there's a problem and she's taking care of it do I believe it will get taken care of before it goes to the district court yep I believe it will be but I'm not going to if I stop the process then I can't restart the then I I to restart it all over again and that's from our our our attorney that's enough time to take care of all the stuff well it was it was 30 days right away when we gave notice some notice were given quite some time ago yes so if she can't get the electrician there in the 20 days is there any leeway if she shows good faith effort or we will have to address that when we get to that that 20 to 30 days and I'll take that under advisement with the with the attorney it's it's my biggest thing is is if we stop it and then nothing gets done I I have confidence in the fact that that owner is going to be taken care of that I do because we've been in constant communication after the initial um when she was served at the paperwork so it's been and it's been very a very good conversation I would make a motion that we pass resolution 202 4-88 ordering corrective action at 5050 second roll call please Shon I TS I yes yes Henri yes land hi cor hi okay the last one we have in the docket resolution 20 2489 ordering corrective action at 6743 Street um whereas the roof materials on the resident were are deteriorated or missing the siding material in the residence is deteriorated or missing trees growing near the residence of the foundation overgrown so questions on that can talk to him first my property yep I'm going to have it taken down can you come up here can't you hear me uh yeah baate nobody else can unless you get in the speaker no where on the TV on television oh we're on television TV Land all right no I have no problem but it needs to come down I've known for a long time so I actually I did talk to Kendall Corman yesterday just ran into him in a grocery store I brought it up to him problem for me right now is I need to get some storage out of there I need to do some reclaim some stuff uh insulation the house has got it actually I did a lot of work on it over the years with the idea that I could live in it part you know part of it but hasn't worked out unfortunately it's the first year summer I've had uh been able to do anything I've had three surgeries in The Last 5 Years including a double bypass last year so but I'm back and shape to a lot of clean up around there and that's what I've been working on not much else I can tell you what is the time frame on this this one then 20 to 30 days is where we have to either get it taken care of it gets taken care of or we take the corrective action on it well this it ain't going to happen in 20 or 30 days Jeff but okay you have any questions for me well I guess I've got some questions he's already being upfront and honest saying he's not going to get done in the 20 days I understand we have to be very careful because we can't be setting precedences to be lenient on some property owners and not on others but at the same time I want to be workable with with homeowners that are my question the house has been there for 115 years it ain't going to be a problem for I mean I don't know what else to tell you that's this whole situation with the I mean my family moved in there when I was four years old I know the I know the house I know the neighborhood for 68 years and unfortunately I felt at one point that the house was worth doing some work for but once things started to fall apart for me I just let it go but like I said it's uh so what time of a kind of a time frame are you even well it's getting kind of late in the fall to start on something like that and doing it in the winter is a little bit ridiculous I mean there's I don't know what what my question is why is it a a need to do it right now I mean I'm telling you it's going to come down I'm not trying to to get around that it's I think the tough part is is here a while back we passed the new ordinances and everything of trying to get homeowners accountable and acting on their their properties and everything so that's why it's coming up now right and so the the compliance order says needs a new ref needs a deciding well that's obvious that's a lot of money and I had 3 months to do that I mean I wouldn't do it it anyway it ain't going to happen but I guess I'm I'm saying I want to take it down but it ain't going to it ain't going to work for me to do any I mean you're just going to tear it down with my possessions in it and right now that's an issue I spent a lot of time dealing with my mother's possessions before we got uh sold her house my sister did I mean it's tough nowadays to find a place to get rid of things used to be Consignment auctions one in storan that's where it all went but you know that's I'm paying real storage on on possessions right now that I'd be the first to admit I got too much stuff but uh it ain't ready to go on a dumpster I think is one we just sadly we just have to go down the same path and then it's like after 30 days 20 30 days then we can maybe see where we're at Ian so what's the appeal process for me that you would have to talk to Jeff on the appeal process there wouldn't be anything cuz is we're we're doing we're following steps from our attorney number one number two you're in number two right now um we're going on to number three where this will be the resolution will get passed right now and then you'll have 20 to 30 days to take care of it and then after that we take it to district court and that's that that costs the city $1,500 to take it to to court and then there'll be then there'll be a certain amount of time after that before they make a judgment on it right and then they then they will give you up to a couple of weeks more for voluntary correct correction of the of the property and then after that once they they take care of that then they would give us the permission to take care care of it ourselves so in this process is there's got to be some form of appeal that he should be able to bring forward or something saying for an exception an extension just district court so it can't happen before you spend $1,500 you you can make that decision as a city council but if it doesn't get taken care of we start over I guess what I'd like to do is have you talked to to mat that I mean because I'm not a lawyer by any means at all but if there's some form of appeal that he could make before we would as a city would have to spend that $1,500 to take him to district court if there could be some form of a legal agreement that if he does not get it down in this amount of time you know longer than 20 20 days especially with winter and that but there still have to be some accountability I feel that you follow through on your word you know that you would take it down well I just told you that that's my intent which I know but you're I mean I'm not saying I don't believe you're no I understand but as a council person we have to look at what's best for the city and we have to have some legal accountability that and that's what this sounds to me this is all about a legal accountability I'm following the steps that I'm gave that's all I'm doing I was given understand direction from the council to clean up the town clean up the houses that aren't being used that are not in good shape I got the we got the ordinance we we put it together in steps and I'm following the steps and understand I don't blame you Jeff that's no and I'm not saying you're blaming me but it's it's going to be up to the city council to change the steps themselves and what would stop you from doing that setting the pred that's what in my opinion that would be the fear setting a precedent and then yeah I mean that's why I'm just wondering if there's some kind of a step that we set a precedence but it's a precedence we can live with if that makes sense but I think for tonight anyhow I think we need to just approve this this and then we can talk to lawyer and see if take care of then I'll talk to Matt talk to Matt see if there's another step we can potentially put in CU we obviously didn't think of everything in 20 to 30 days to tear house down is not a lot of time to find someone to do it and get it executed painting or fixing sighting but it's not technically it's not 20 to 30 days how long was the letter out um this isn't the first I mean this has been when was the first notification I'd have to if Shane or rough like you were here but roughly it's not that's not the first this is the first time that we've taken action on it the first time I was notified with a compliance order I did talk to Shane life was a lot different for me at the time and I told I said no I think that was at the time I was I had gotten uh hired to teach at the school um well like I said things have just not worked out for me there and I'll be the first to admit I've neglected the house but it hasn't been because of uh um uh what do I want to say I'd love to have fixed the house but it's not going to happen and it ain't worth it the house is you you can stick a lot of money in that never get it back that's the whole point so how about if we go ahead pass pass this resolution with the understanding that we're going to talk with we you are going to talk to Matt to see if there's some midle step that we can do to try to give Dick a little bit more time well it would I think it would be everybody if it's late in the year everybody but I would just go with that currently and if not there's not I don't know I just think we have you know well dick I'm very sympathetic to your situation I just think we have to stick with our procedure that we we set up um and have talked about numerous times the increased blight problem that we have in this community and so I I just feel like we have no recourse but to pass this resolution and I would I would make a a motion um that we pass resolution 20 2489 so are you saying that we should pass that what all talking to Matt and see if there's any yep thing yeah I think we need to keep moving forward I'll second I'll second it and then hopefully we can come up with something that works or M I hope something can does work work out but we've got to we've got to follow our ordinance well there ain't much I can stay there I made here going to do what you're going to do I so what's happening with some of some of these other quote derc properties I I can't well I know of one other person that's been given a a compliance order seven seven and we're going to work on seven more right away okay y we're just going to keep going yeah so there'll be a lot more vacant Lots at that one eventually well they're already vacant though really I mean technically there's a house there but it's vacant no that's true I haven't been in the house for 10 12 years or better just need to keep keep working on it I guess best we can and going down the unfortunate path all right um we have a first and a second so do we have roll call any other questions before we do roll call okay roll call please J hia yes yes hi sh hi hi can I get your phone number 507 626 0558 58 okay all right I'll let you know if I hear anything that you need to be right away okay no I are you through with me sorry yes sir yes well I appreciate your considerations thanks good I'm sorry I go hi all right make a motion to adjourn second all those in favor oppos motion carried didn't even hear me what yeah said all those oppos I said I didn't I did hear you you ignore me you know what I think is sad e for he oh hey he hey w you he a I a n e now a n he he oh can talk d f m oh n w for oh oh oh a n oh n n ow ow n w oh oh he a back hey he yeah w