##VIDEO ID:0P03iy6vJkI## it's on air I'm just trying to get the YouTube we can go yep we'll call to order the regular city council meeting for Monday December 9th we'll start with a pledge allegiance I PL aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all any changes to our agenda nope I will uh kind of guide us through it a little bit of how it will go with the uh with the uh the budget presentation and we'll do that after the public hearing so that's what we're going to do first to start it up the public hearing is for both of the uh of the topics there not only the uh adopting of the final tax levy for 2025 but also the approval of the budget okay motion to approve is written second second first and second all those in favor oppos motion carries so we'd like to open up the public hearing right now for like Jeff said the adopting of the final tax levy and also the approval of the budget anybody in the audience like to talk about something about this oh don't see anybody close her down all right we'll close that public hearing and we will call for some and that's what we'll do now we'll go through the uh the budget answer some questions to the uh the council and uh what you have in front of you um Tyler worked real hard on this really hard on this um I probably half of it while I was gone so thank youler we have the 2025 budget there that will go through and then you've got a full copy of it also um that you can take with you that is U just a printed copy of everything if you if you want to go through that and have some light reading at night you're more than welcome but you're right to sleep so go ahead Tyler all right so 2025 budget um first we have an overview um Revenue expenditures other sources and uses and what the net change in the fund balance is for 2025 and as you can see overall the net change we're going to be increasing um but that does take into account the use of fund balance uh we're going to be using $65,000 from the ineligible fund that was left over from the street projects and we're also going to be using um about 154,000 I want to say uh from the hospital fund and so in fact when you take into account the use of fund balance we are going to be going backwards slightly and that was due in large part to uh the decision to use the funds um that were designated for scada this year for um big engineering next year uh to pursue funding efforts with big and then also uh large Capital assets budget for next year and excuse me sorry and so overall will be going slightly backwards but it was planned for it's um money that was going to be spent this year on scada and it never was and now we're going to be spending it next year it's money that we had to spend anyway we had to get rid of it for the the ska and we just we reallocated it to to looking for more money instead so it was our money but we had we had to do something with it this year so so um I mean there's a lot there if you look through it General taxes that's our our property taxes uh mainly license licenses and permits things like animal permits um business permits be able to sell alcohol um plumbers licenses all that intergovernmental Revenue grants um LGA and I mean I could keep going but you guys have a pretty good idea are there any questions there on the revenues or expenditures I do want to bring up to the the council that we're going to be uh approving the fee schedule um I've seen it done in December and I've also seen it done in January before looking back at the other ones so we're going to do that in the first or the second week or the meeting in January there's a couple more things that that uh you know we looked at that possibly need some changes um anything drastic we would send it out ahead of time but there's a couple things that we we don't know what yet so we'd like to instead of going through and approving and having to make an amendment we'll just go ahead and approve it in January Tyler could you explain why are the special assessment of revenues more than budgeted um due to people paying off their uh like the 3A and the Center Street Street projects we had a lot of people decide to pay it off instead of having to pay the interest annually this year so yep it was a lot higher than budgeted yeah but the interest wasn't really that high it kind of surprises me it wasn't at 4% or 4.4% I think is what it was okay all right any other questions that was a good one it was quite a bit different all right uh continuing on to the general fund budget um so we'll just be barely squeaking by with a $741 net change in fund balance and I mean there's a lot I could talk about there but are there are there any questions about maybe like what a category is or why certain numbers a certain way or if you guys are okay we can just keep going on he changed the third column there from 2024 of uh actual to expected that's that's kind of an estimate is what it's going to be we'll have a report on what the actual budget is not only in the audit and everything else but we'll also have that in 2025 what the actuals are and Tyler the um expected interg government revenue um that's um the state funding essentially and that was a an increase in the formula correct um well it was yes the budget amount increased quite a bit because they gave us more yes the GA Y8 okay all right moving on um Debt Service we've seen this a million times but it's exciting that this coming year is the highest one and then 2026 we'll be going down and have a little more wiggle room either for projects or to save for future Street projects so that's exciting to see It'll be the first first time that we can actually say that we could go ahead and and bond for something I mean you'll see that and we'll talk about that here in a little bit at the at the far bottom of the agenda um looking at we had a meeting with the the state legislature and and uh state representative and Doms um and uh just uh we're kind of on the same page with them and they gave us some advice on what what to do it's kind of the same thing that we've already talked about but it was just uh it was nice to hear it out of their mouths with without us dragging it out of them they brought it up on what we should do and it's basically with with this building with the uh the state bonding and then we'll take a look at in the next couple years what we're going to be able to do with with some more Street projects too because I think Tyler and I talked about this extensively last week about at the end of 25 I do believe that we're going to be able to really see a path that we're on um you know because we're already increasing you know we did a good job of increasing the water the the sewer the you know and what we needed to do to get caught back up but then then we're going to be able to see at the end of 25 what we need to do in the you know for future but I I'm really curious or we're really curious to see what what what's going to end up in the sewer fund and the water fund at the end of 25 it's going to it will really put things I think a lot more clearer to us how come the end of 25 is going to look so great when it's only like $100,000 different it's $100,000 a lot of money Pam to some of us so if you put that into a any kind of bond you know that you wanted to straight first you know kind of you know that that could be a that could be our share a year to a a large Grant a large you know something that that hopefully that b is going to be able to find for us so like our portion of yes our portion of it that and then as you look and you know and this will be the last time you'll you'll hear it from me for a while anyway but then you look at the end of 2028 and then together those two will you know that's $300,000 between the two of them now if you look onward on it's it's quite a long ways out 2032 till it drops again because we've got plenty of of uh bills out there are running 40 years right now okay I got one more question for you so on the overview it says that our intergovernmental revenue is like 2.9 but on the general fund budget does the rest of it go someplace else it's. most of a huge chunk of the intergovermental revenue is for the airport for that hangers the hangers that are going up so that'll be someplace else down here um we won't look at the airport it's in the budget if you'd want to look at it towards it's towards the back all right I'll take your word for it well it's it is but it's a good question though because it's for me it it's it's it is really confusing because all the money that you know a lot of we're putting putting up front you we take we're going to be taking out one loan I think it's 138,000 yep loan is the only thing they going to be taking out for the for the airport projects and that's going to get paid off over 20 years at 0% interest to the point where you do want to mess with it anymore you just pay the stinking thing off but at 0% you know why do it but that's the only thing but a lot of the work that we're that's getting done is we're having to and it's going to come from state grants federal grants but those take a long time to come in so there'll be more times this year that that we over the next two years that we'll actually get money back from that we've already paid it out so if if you wanted to see the detail for the airport it's on page 97 in the budget and it's uh 1,50,000 in intergovernmental revenue for the airport hangers next year that all right um Capital assets we have a lot going on next year uh the big one is repaving the bike path which uh we're all hopeful for getting that Grant which would pay for most if not all of it would it be Jeff um just depends so just to go with that right away we thought that Paving the bik pack would be about 120,000 that was kind of an estimate through a couple of phone calls that Shane had made which is pretty darn close but then we started looking at a particular GL Grant if you remember right that we were going to be able to get um and that was going to not going to come until 2027 so we were looking at doing this in [Music] 2025 and then getting a reimburse that amount in 2027 um they're recommending that we don't do that now so we're going to find out whether we're going to get that Grant first whether we're going to decide whether we're going to be able we'll repay the the bike path this year or um talking to Shane we can put some doctoring to it um but it he said it will last a couple more years as long as we give it some attention this year so we're going to find that Val and I will find that out sometime in April or May whether or not we're going to be able to uh that we're going to get that money um it's actually we were asking 150,000 for it initially and we actually jumped that up to1 199,000 because you're dealing with that would be a federal government grant and with federal government grants there's Environmental Studies and all the engineering that needs to be done comes out to about $80,000 we have to ask for more money or we might as well just do it ourselves but we're working on that with B right now and with with b and with uh Southwest uh Regional development too so if we're working on the grant now usually there's not two years you have to wait to this one it is it's 2027 yeah that's kind of screwy yeah if they won't and if they're if they don't feel that if they feel that we're going to get it we'll wait till 2027 and then that $120,000 here won't get used this year except for maybe how much to do some 5 to 10 5 to $10,000 of it so there's a chance that this will not get used this year that's price shooting High right any questions on Capital assets page all right and then next one is on the RV spots is that putting water lines or is that just the Maneuvers that we were talking about moving and adding spaces adding the spaces but I don't know that we were putting water in those was that 40,000 or 20,000 I don't remember I thought we were I thought we were water SE Y and the $40,000 for the safe routes of school that meeting is taking place this Friday with the school so we went ahead and asked I think it was a couple of you asked me if the school was going to be adding any money to that and uh and so we've discussed that with them and we'll discuss it with them on Friday again all right and then there's a a list of new projects that also contributed to our expenses going up a little bit this coming year um but some really good things there uh rezoning the city so that we'd actually have correct zoning um and then saay for outs to school as we already mentioned the small cities development grant writing um that would be to get the 600,000 for the street projects if we were able to get that which B has always made it like a pretty sure thing so good to keep going forward with that and then tearing down the old houses in town that nobody lives there and need to get need to clean that up um transfers so we have one from the general fund to the Eda fund $50,000 for tearing down dilapidated houses um that second one and the last one we're moving money from the ineligible fund to the water fund and to the general fund so that's that $65,000 that was left over and the idea originally to the water fund was uh to use it for scada and now it's up in the air a little bit since we're waiting on to see if there's a funding opportunity from big and then uh those two in the middle um it's just the profit from garbage and from the liquor store all right and then the last slide here uh just an idea of the changes in fund balance so since we're getting that influx of money from uh fund 401 the rest look pretty Rosy uh it's just the the normal ones that always seem to have a drop like the Eda fund um you so 202 that's cdbg that's um like fixing up the houses in town um and the Federal grant you know everybody gets is it 20 $25,000 um to fix up their houses and then the businesses too if they continue living there for 10 years then that is Forgiven and they don't have to pay it back and so it's negative because we give out loans when people are unable to pay for the entire project will'll give out up to a $5,000 loan so that's why that's negative and then otherwise everything that goes out we get back from the federals Federal grant um fund 655 is the Eda fund that's always negative uh because there's no Revenue coming in and then fund 657 is the other one that's always been negative it's the cemetery and so we're hoping to see an improvement in that but also at the same time not don't want a lot of people dying that's one of them that we're taking a look at for the fee schedule is the the cemetery fund right now yeah but we already increased it a lot last year so have to stay competitive but we'll see see what we can do all right any any questions there I mean the water funds through the roof but that's in large part due to that uh transfer from the knowbles fund and that's that's all I've got got lots of hopefully I've got lots of answers if you guys have any questions I'm pleased to see that we've got 50,000 allocated for tearing down the dilapidated vac housing because when the state legislators were here the other day they said that's one thing that's probably going to be going up our landfill expenses down the road so we can do those sooner rather than later will help now we had put a Seth we had put a a number of houses and it was 10 or five I me and I'm I'm really thinking that that that it will go further than that with some of the success we've had so [Applause] far all right so what we need now would be uh with the first one the resolution so we would need a vote vote to uh um for the final tax levy as we had it preliminarily set at 4% um you can go down from there as a council tonight or you could say it there you can go down 2.5 down to three whatever you want to do it's really up to you from here we we put the numbers to it and uh so it's it's really would be at your discretion right now of of what you would like to do so we'd like a motion by somebody if anybody's got any thoughts on that in a in a second then a vote on that and then we'll pass the resolution also I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 106 adopting the final tax levy for 2025 fiscal year I'll second that do we have any further discussion the resolution at the at the percentage I'd like the vote for the the percentage first 4% correct yeah the numbers don't match of the resolutions they the one on the agenda is -106 the one in the packet is -112 is it okay say that again Jerry real quick on the agenda it's 2024-25 yep but on the actual resolution it's 2024 d112 okay I might have messed that up that's fine I just want to make sure the next one underneath that would be a 111 then Tyler and I's brains were on vacation last week cuz they had a daughter getting married so we'll uh we'll get that we'll get that so 106 is 112 yeah right 107 107 is 101 do you want me to look that up to make sure well it it's I don't think we'd have a problem putting it as long as we've talked about it already I'll just verify the first motion [Music] the yeah 11 and 112 is showing his budget which one's 111 is which one the 107 the one below it I just making sure what he was looking at oh opening in here just make sure again so 111 should be the budget and 112 would be the levy yeah that's what it's in the paper then paperwork then all right so I'll resend my first motion on the tax levy I'll make a new motion to approve resolution 2024 1112 adopting the final tax levy for 2025 fisal Year I'll second that okay roll call please all right TS IU yes Schmid yes HRI yes Jones hi land hi Corman hi then you want the other one to be 111 then that first one was 11 yeah I'm just tring to get my yeah I taking notes for her too I'll make a motion approve resolution 2024 111 approval of the 2025 budget back on that does anybody have any discussion on this one okay roll call please I sh hi Henri hi schmi yes deeps hiu yes hi mayor Corbin Hi and then we'll close the public hearing that was did we already close it oh yeah already CL that before we did the oh yeah okay well with that being said there's nobody I see in the audience to talk about about something that is not on the agenda so we will move on to the consent calendar make a motion to approve the 2025 Council minutes approve Municipal accounts payable and payroll without break through beverage approved the charter commission year end report approve the Planning Commission year end report like that okay we have a first and a second does anybody have any discussion yeah mayor I just have a question and comment about the uh report on the charter commission the annual report and I'm just wondering if there'd be any Merit to since we are the charter Commission Now to actually have a meeting maybe after we we talked about the Y after this meeting so that we can at least be on record that we are acve and we had an official meeting I I don't know what is we talked about it for January making sure that we have a meeting in January just to sit down and and kind of go over some plans on on we do have a Planning Commission uh meeting in January that we'll be uh adding a couple of new faces I think we'll be fully staffed there we've asked a couple of them actually to look at the charter commission also right now we have one person on the Char commission so we're okay not actually meeting meeting during 24 y that's what it said right we made that we made that call yes it's it's a good question though okay that's a good comment okay anybody else have anything help [Music] please hi yes H hi Jones hi hi yes Corman I I'll make a motion to approve accounts payable for breakthrough beverage I'll second that roll call please all right excuse me land hi Jones hi HRI hiu yes abstain good catch yes mayor Corman hi does anybody have anything for mayor council communication tonight I've got one uh thought uh mayor no we didn't have anyone turn out for our um public hearing on and Taxation hearing and I don't think we had anyone last year either we've got a big night an event tonight in the community the Christmas Prelude concert and last week the first Monday of the month we had the Tracy Elementary uh program which involves a lot of families I'm just wondering thinking ahead to next year could we consider having that this truth and Taxation hearing on a day that doesn't conflict with those two big school events I mean that see it happens every year here and just just as a courtesy to the public um I'd just like us to consider that that's something I think we should consider we can take it down in the notes you can see what U CU you can that's this is the last day that we could do it yes we could have done it earlier though yeah and this isn't the one this is just the levy itself that you're approving not the individual one if somebody wants to talk about their individual assessments or taxation so okay well that's the the valuation the Board of Equalization that's the spring right that's the spring yeah anybody else have anything else well I just want to remind the public that we will not be meeting this is our last one for the year Merry Christmas to everybody from the Tracy City Council y happy New Year all right mayor if we could move into new business City administrator uh resolution 2024 108 you might want to look that I yeah I think it might be 106 still have it up 108 it is 108 in the packet it's 106 the r one these are all correct on the agenda for these next for yeah the other two the other two were that were off so it is the the 108 and we'll go over it tomorrow too when D2 so so um the uh 2024 108 ordering corrective action this would be the the uh plan that we're going forward with the a few of the households here in town that that's the address of 453rd Street we'll take the next step where they'll have uh they'll get uh served and then there'll be 30 days and then they'll be um the chance of possibility of taking them to District Court on this summer so that's how far this one's gone I will tell you on this one it started to get cleaned up but it's not where we needed to be so we haven't had to to take anything to court yet but we never know but we need to move forward we need do everything the the same way each on each one of them okay any questions on that at all I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024-the on 453rd Street second call pleasei yes HRI yeah Jones hi land hi PE hiu yes mayor Corman hi all right mayor resolution 2024 109 gambling permits for Southwest Great Divide that would be your Rocky Mountain Association that's having a banquet at the Caboose in I believe it's February so y we'll make sure everything is paid up ahead of time so I'll make a motion approve resolution 2024 109 I'll second it roll call please HRI shones hi e hiisu yes land hi mitt yes mayor Corman hi all right last one we got on the list she resolution 2024 1110 supporting requests for State bonding infrastructure improvements um so the uh this is the same thing that we've gone over before this would just be the next step and putting it in front of the council just for the support part of it um we had a a group of people that were here in front of the state legislatures here two Tuesdays ago I suppose two weeks ago yes tomorrow and uh and and we talked about Lobby and we talked about this building we talked infr here within the the city of Tracy so we were kind of waiting for that town hall meeting before we put the resolution forward because we wanted to talk to them about that um they were on the Seth can be able to tell you that they're kind of on the same page of what we've already been told um we have um it won't be until the next the next meeting but uh we have a a contract out there for a potential lobbyist which was something that is budgeted out of that money um and it came in right at it we didn't know exactly what that would be but it came in at that the amount that we had budgeted so um it was kind of nice have to be able to tell you that that the name that they had brought up to us was uh Chris and I won't be able i' butcher his last name but uh they they said if you want to you want to get something done or the best chance of getting something done use uh this person and his firm and that that was the one that that actually B suggested that we did that we used also so we're going to have some we're going to have some help here in the spring of bringing our case to the state legislature see if we can get some bonding for this building and maybe some streets too even if it doesn't work this week or this year we'll just move it over to the next one eventually we're going to have we'll we'll get some help we I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 110 second that okay any other discussion who who is a second on that I there was two give it to [Laughter] Russell all right bro call please yesu yes yes I land I Steve hi mayy Corman hi all right that