##VIDEO ID:HgPCT3rU5yI## e e [Music] okay one more please this channel should be available yeah it's been like that for one moment it's going to break now education government where's Miss Jerry tonight she got 2 minutes yet not 63 6:29 she's pushing the limits 60 seconds to arrive makes for dramatic entrance where's my sister at yeah really there she is your sister or Jerry come get this Cera Cera come get this and then look at the text what your sister said it's a little confusing what you call jacket in there it's one of those brain teasers Pam trying to decide for her taxes got I tell her it's brain teaser so that you keep your brain active yeah but this is one of those I couldn't put together all the way I'm like don't quite think those numbers quite add up to what I'm looking for time text message or email I don't know what you s to me last it is time you got me confused so is everybody ready we're going to call to order the regular city council meeting for October 28th start with a pledge allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for stands one nation God indiv andice we her yeah send the chief of police out for do we have any changes to the agenda tonight yes mayor we've got a couple things um one of them won't add anything to it but there's just a resolution for the sale of the Eda Lots um we didn't put a resolution on there for uh the the vote for that and then also um we're going to uh at uh the end of Staff reports or somewhere in there we're going to talk a little bit about on November the 11th is a Monday that would be our next meeting and that is Veterans Day so we're going to be having uh the U the meeting at on Tuesday the 12th instead and also to go along with that we're going to be What's called canvasing canvasing the uh the vote from November the 5th so a uh four of the seven of you will be invited to that canvasing of the meeting anybody who's on the ballot can't be a part of that so we're going to meet at 5:45 that evening so you on the 12th Tuesday the 12th 5:45 yeah so I'd like uh I'll make a motion to approve as amended second all those in favor I I oppos motion carries before we get started I need to apologize to our Charter fans out there cuz we're not sure it says that everything is okay but we're not seeing it on our screen so we're hoping that everything is okay out there TV land in TV our TV friends okay so go ahead and open up the public hearing okay so we'll open up the public hearing for the s of the Eda lots that are at 349 2 Street and 361 Second Street please so Tom's going to explain a little bit about what's what's going on and uh then we can uh then you can close the public hearing and then go ahead and vote on the the sale of the property so we've had uh two lots on Second Street West they just call it Second Street and then we differentiate Second Street East these two would be facing Central Park um just about where the tennis courts are um we tore down two older uh dilapidated twostory homes back um I don't know 10 years ago maybe not that long ago on those two lots uh filled them in and uh they have been for sale since that time um we uh relisted them last year I think for a while they were listed at 25,000 each I think last year we relisted them when the listing had uh expired and we reduced the lots to 20,000 um and uh or no D I'm sorry I don't believe they're ever at 25 I believe we had 15 each point that was probably about 5 years ago and then we reduced them to 10,000 each so for a total of 20 is what we had them listed for uh we received a purchase agreement um for those uh initially for 5,000 each and uh after doing kind of a [Music] um what email um survey of the Eda without uh responding all I sent it out just to get their response back as to what their thoughts were and overwhelming was to counter and counter at 7500 that counter was accepted by the purchasers or on the purchase agreement um we uh had that on our Eda meeting a couple weeks ago and or last week time flies and um that was approved as well and so that's why we call for the public hearing at our meeting uh council meeting two weeks ago to have it published for the full two weeks tonight is the open hearing um for you your blessing to uh approve that sale uh should close then in November uh I have waited until I know for sure that everything is done uh to request then Matt Gross to put together developers agreement we will have a developers agreement what has been um approved or what has been agreed to is a 2-year something to begin on those lots and I've been assured that we'll see something most likely actually next spring beginning on one the two lots if not both at the same time is it two separate things then going on those two lots or one big thing it could be one either or and that's kind of the delay right now is the purchasers have not decided whether they would maybe like to actually build on both Lots their own home if not um they would build uh initially a smaller home on one lot with the idea of then doing a duplicate on the other one either lot really would putting them both together would at least give enough room to do a kind of a more modernized style home these days but um one of the longer not necessarily a tiny home but a smaller footprint would certainly fit in each of those lots I think with all the work that's being done in the park right across the street in the next year those are going to be really a nice location yeah Jo Diane would love to live right across from the park separately I don't think they would meet the criteria of for the the city I believe it's 110 Shan I don't know if you can remember or not but I've measured it probably a dozen times in the last few years but I believe it's 100 110 across the front of each one of them and then it goes 150 back to the alleyway but then there's a chunk that's taken out of there because there's a um um a garage that's back there that's owned by a private party you want to stay in case there any questions do you want to Mayor you want to ask anybody else anybody have any questions in the audience caring none I think we can move to a vote no you got to close it we got to close the Clos meeting or the close the public meeting open up our regular meeting and then we'll have a vote motion first yeah I I'll make that or you right at then end we have a first and second any further discussion oh I just think this is a huge win-win situation for both the community the neighborhood and the um prospective home builders and the and the it's been a blighted property for a long time and this I don't know how many years the city has had to mow those lots so I hardly support this sale anybody else forgive me because I walked in late but um in the sale is there the speculation of how soon they would have to I just know we had disc we're we're going to take a look at it when it closes so I don't two should be right if nothing it' be yeah we'll we'll look at that you know just to see if they need the spring of that following year whatever so it wouldn't be more than two and a half for sure okay are we ready for a roll call call please J hi AR yesi yes HR yes shones hi land hi mayor Carin hi is there anybody in the audience that would like to talk about something that is not on the agenda nobody else wants [Music] to okay well we hit we all gave Pledge of Allegiance and uh but first my dear you have to say your name and everything Russ Tracy Morgan Street anyway oh I'm also on the planning committee uh anyway so uh I notic that there's something coming up about marijuana and uh I I just want to remind people of their oath of office that that uh you may have made every officer in the city before entering upon duties or off shall take oath in any way this I'll quote it it says I do solemly swear to affirm to follow and support the laws Constitution of the United States the state of Minnesota and the charter ordinances of the city of Tracy so forth so bottom line is uh you probably all remember taking this oath to toh be able to serve here and my my main point is that you're sworn to uphold the laws of the United States and one of the laws that maybe you're all aware of is that as it stands now marijuana is illegal and uh anybody who supports the idea of selling marijuana is guilty of a crime and you're sworn to to uh uh to defend that and so hopefully uh you all are quite aware of that and even though justice department might not be enforcing that law it still it's on the books and you're sworn to file that law okay so that's one point uh you know last time I was talking about ducks and uh there's some things in the laws of or the rules of the of the city that are unclear and I'm I'm encouraging everybody to look carefully at those regulations uh my point is words important especially if they're in a statute or in a city regulation and so I encourage you all even though I handed out I gave you all a handout last time was a very tiny print but I know you all can can read it from another source and uh care please carefully look through that and see if uh you think it might need uh fixing and uh of course I make myself available if you want uh this is committee to make suggestions or uh uh an ordinance that might need need to be uh updated or corrected okay uh and in one more minute I can say there are uh it was brought to my attention that there are there were four families prior to my making a request about poultry I was told that there were four four requests on the books so that would make five if you include mine and uh you know uh poultry can be pets or they can be eaten and uh that brings to mind that we should support the idea of of allowing people to have the poultry thank you Russell that's that's the time thank you thank you for coming all right in my uh if I can address the point of order that I brought up last time uh mayor you're you're the one that should interrupt me if somebody interrupts me not anybody else you agree with that okay point taken now we'll okay my dear time is up okay well anyway uh so I I'm just saying that there's kind of some stuff in the news these days about uh people eating their pets well anyway I'm thinking that uh this that might be a common thing and some cultures for that to happen so we should be aware of that when we pass ordinances so if you're going to modify an ordinance Please be aware that there are several families in the area that have a desire to have C thank you thank you thank you for the privilege of talking does anybody else have anything that would like to talk about something that's not on the agenda okay moving on to the consent calendar I'll make a motion to approve the October October 14th Council minutes approve Municipal accounts payable and payroll without breakthrough beverage approve Municipal accounts receivable and call for a public hearing on November 25th at 6:30 p.m. to amend city code of section 8.30 I'll second it okay we have a first and second any discussion before we move on okay roll call please hi Hi H hi Schmid yes yes and hi and may I I'll make a motion to approve Municipal accounts payable to breakthrough beverage second that roll call please yes yes Henri hi land hi yes shones hi hi does anybody have anything for mayor council communication um mayor as the council representative on the wheels across the Prairie um Museum um board um I would just like to hiire highlight uh some of the uh really great things that the museum has gotten done in uh several the last several months including uh the 30 uh American flags flag flag poles put up uh We've U uh fixed the C uh roof on the Log Cabin uh got City uh water to the uh Museum site new septic system uh installed uh sighting on the uh railroad section house uh electrical improvements um uh so just a few of the things uh there been really a lot of things that have gotten done at the wheels site in recent months so if you driving by there uh take a look you know it's funny you say that because I just drove pass her four times in the last hour and a half and I thought to myself boy that's really a good nice over there brought that up real asset to the town really thank the county too for putting in the money for the septic system or whatever they could I thought that was very that was good very good of them very helpful mm very helpful okay anybody else have anything move on to staff reports Tamara would you like to go favor there we go again do a grandma thing and I'll be right back after done say go do a grandma thing quick and then I'll be right back um so September sales were pretty close to budget inventory um we were about 15,000 lower than budget so we're starting the downhill climb um our cash flow was up about 23,000 um the main thing one of things we donated the $500 check I got to get you that picture we donated the $500 check to the fire department that we won from the mmba um this month where Miller Light is helping breast cancer um the the stuff that's sold there's a portion of it that goes back to best cancer in the area I think they're doing it with the Sanford thing in our area actually um n November 1st is National beard day in case anybody wanted to know I have a sale in the store that day and um looking to have a like a inventory reduction sale to start reducing the inventory um again I can't say Kudos enough with our team that's out there right now they are um work really well together they do what I mean they don't even have to be told what to do they just all do stuff and just really have happy with our team we got going on right now it's they all work together and it works out great so anyways anybody else have any questions of Tam you mentioned inventory reduction sale I mean you've got some merchandise that just have it hasn't been moving and you just want to clear it out and make room for something else yes also Seth the reason that there was the the uh there wasn't as much inventory had to be bought because we had we kind of talked about that before was it July or August where we bought AE on some things to get in on some good discounts and that type of thing a couple of them and actually I just did one just a couple months ago because we that's one of our top sellers and they offered an extra couple cases free so it's kind of a no-brainer so it's that whole thing of being light on your feet and and not worrying about the month the month p&l looking at it quarterly or by the year end and if something comes up to to put some money and she always keeps such a good eye on it she finds something it's going to C you know then all of a sudden we've got three four cases of something that she can sell that's that we wouldn't have had them as free so you just have to wait for the profit sometimes you don't just don't get it right away because you got to spend it spend it to get it you know so yeah we're actually like long on inventory right now but it's stuff that we sell really well and eventually it'll even out in the wash kind of a thing yeah but you're really your inventory doesn't ever get old no right not like you're selling milk um you know the beer can get old but then they take it I mean know the the beer companies take it back kind of a thing but the liquor part never gets old but yeah the wine can to get old so it get better with aging that after it's in the bottle no generally not okay C and I kind of look at the reports and see like how many weeks it says it's going to take to sell something and those are the things that will do a discount on kind of the thing all right setha got you on my list of things to do to get you that picture okay I will be back later for that c thanks to you and your team Tamar that ordinance about the toally nothing for you tonight if you don't want to really okay all right thanks Chief to go next please is that all right mayor no I want him to go first good evening I'll answer any questions about the activity report if you have any um basically tonight I'd like to uh request to spend some money out of my budget um but it would have to be money that would be um transferred from other areas that wouldn't be specifically designated for what we're talking about um the uh this company has a really good deal on these radar signs for when you enter City Limits and I've been looking at these for a while and um this flyer came up and I just happened to be traveling up towards the Brainard area and I saw two different cities that had these exact um radar signs coming into town and they're they they look very nice um they got your attention they made you realize how fast you were going and um it seemed that people were paying attention to them and so um I'd like to take advantage of this sale that they've got going on from here until I it's end of December and so to pay for it um most of the money would come out of small tools for my budget um but there isn't quite enough there um to outright pay for it and so I'd like to uh trans for some of the uh money that we haven't spent in part-time wages all year there's 8,000 sitting in part-time wage budget line item and um there's also money in in other repairs and maintenance that hasn't been spent that won't be need to won't be being spent before the end of the year that I foresee either so um there's still a couple thousand in that line item so between the three line items I would like to uh take advantage of the sale and and um put take uh get three of these radar signs for Town um all that would be required from the city would be um putting in the pipe or pole that they would be mounted on um these signs are self-sufficient they're solar powered um I mean eventually three four years down the road we might have to put batteries in them to replace the rechargeable deep cell type B batteries but that would be about the maintenance on them so I want to be on the record as being very supportive of this I've had concerns expressed especially on the east side of town as Vehicles come into town we have not an attractive nuisance but we have Swift Lake Park we have the softball diamonds we have horseshoe and people that live in the neighborhood have commented they're very very concerned we're going to have a tragedy eventually um so I think this would be wonderful um hopefully it makes people aware cuz they'll hit town doing 50 easy it seems to me and I don't sit there with a radar gun but you know they're really cruising when they they come into town did you want to tell them Chief where where you were thinking about putting the three of them um originally the first if uh this year taking advantage of the sale I would like to put one on um Highway 14 coming in from the West about uh at the Museum property um one coming in from the east on Highway 14 um either along the bike path there before the uh crosswalk um which would be out in front of Premium Plant Services or even maybe just a little bit farther up if we wanted to put it into our u city park there where the Horseshoe Park is um and then the um other one I would like to put out on County Road 14 coming in from Walnut Grove so we have the new housing Edition right there on the corner and and um those people have been relaying to me how fast people come into town and don't start slowing down till they get closer to the elementary schools so I this would slow people down one of those signs coming in W to girl from the south and also going into Westbrook coming from the north and and it makes a difference to me it does yeah it's just a nice reminder and too bad you can't get a deal on six can these be used for ticketing at all or any or if you you can um no not for ticketing but you can um upgrade the uh the computers in them and and they will do surveys so you could download the information as to how many cars passed how many cars were over how many cars were under how many cars were it's a it's a $1,000 upgrade but it's available be done that so these three signs are uh the three of them put together are $9,000 the bid was $9,350 with shipping so I think those are three good spots we in a couple of meetings that Chief ly and I have had we we put a couple of the county ones or the state ones out on on Pine Street out there just to slow people down and and it's noticeable when you have those out there the in those Twin Homes out there that they'd really see people speeding up too much coming from the the high school side and then coming in from the Walnut Grove side but when when we put the sign up there it's just a reminder for everybody to slow down so I have a question because it's on two of them would be on um State Highway do we have to get permission from somewhere at the state level to put these uh alongside the road or not um Shane would probably know better about how do you do signage with the state do you I don't know how those portable it's a trailer right no these are no these will be permanent we'll have to put a pole on the ground to to house them and then the radar or the solar unit actually sits up on top of the sign I can get you Tom's got that contact yeah sign on the resolution we can figure I thought that this morning think wonder if we need to call somebody so so if we were to be interested in that $11,000 upgrade which could give us data that we could download you're saying mhm that would bring the cost for the 3 to 12 grand um yeah if you had that upgrade in each one of them yes we'll have to take a look at that yeah yes cuz I before you order I guess I'd like that discussed if we could think about it and maybe discuss that what's your opinion on the information what does the information do for you nothing just information it would be a research I don't know that would be about it I I'm not I'm not pushing for the upgrade before you spent 3,000 for that I'd rather see another one on the one coming on County Road 11 from the north we talked about that if we like these and they work out well and maybe next year we can um budget for another three if they have the same promotion and then uh Duke County Road 11 coming in from the North County Road 14 coming in in front of the elementary school and then we could debate where we wanted the third one maybe on the Highline Road especially if we see a difference if we can we can create a habit then maybe we can look at that next year right away because when you said you were having three that's right I thought you were putting that one is on con 11 but my my only question I don't wanted to be if we had the information then we'd know if it's helping or not you know people are slowing down or what not without that you're just unless somebody sits there and watches I usually hit the brakes when I see one flashing at me I'm sure that I think we'll get feedback from citizens if they're noticing a difference okay or not very good nice job we'll update you it's not a not a vote tonight it's it's something would just be a budget amendment and U this was the right time when we went over his uh his budget the last time so thank Chief anything else thank you have a good night do some sweet talk and maybe since it's getting really close to the end of the year they'll give you a really good deal and we can get one sweet talk talking to he can sweet talk I've never heard it all right B just want to touch a little bit on the Minnesota Library Association conference that I went to last week I was at that when I sent this in so I didn't have this information yet but one of the main reasons I or one of the main sessions that I was interested in attending was about the new banon book bands which you may have heard about in the news and you know as with any new statute or anything it's there's some interpretation that needs to be done particularly because it says that um material selections should be done by someone with u masters of library and information science or someone who's professionally trained in selection well that's kind of a you know that's not really well defined as who is who counts as a trained professional in you know selecting materials so um there was some good discussion on that and you know what that might mean for the Librarians who don't have their mlis degrees and um another so I and also I will be taking a look at our collection development policy and our request for um reconsideration policies and making sure that they comply with the new law and I'll be having the library board go over that at the next meeting um but something else exciting is that in response to needing training in order to select materials um the state and our local library systems they are responding by creating some training so that Librarians can go on access some free training get a certificate and then have something that says you know I've taken this 6-hour course on collection development um so that was very exciting and it it will be really interesting to see what all develops out of that there's only a couple of modules on there so far but I think it's something that people are really excited about so um talk about that at Rochester this past week yeah they did yeah those were the kind of the two things that I really really wanted to attend for um and is it going to be like a 6-hour course for you or is it going to be like 60 hours or I think the two that are on there right now are right in that 4 to 6 hour range you don't have to do them all at once so if I had you know half an hour before I went for lunch or whatever and wanted to you know do what I could then come back the next day or whenever I next had time to do it so um but yeah I I will be taking advantage of everything I can on there so it's great and then um just wanted to touch on some grant writing things um we submitted our next round of the Min Minnesota Historical Society grants uh this is a small Grant and will be for $110,000 that we're asking for and that would be for engineering costs associated with roof repairs on this building so um when we spoke to our design reviewer from MHS he told us that you know for the tuck pointing we don't really need to do um the engineering work on that or much engineering work and that he actually would help us um put together the request for bids on that but when it comes to Roofing that's a whole whole different story and that will need some um design work done so that was submitted a little bit with that we're we're looking at the potential of a 26 where it would be a $400,000 project where the city would come up with 100 and then the we're hoping the historical uh Minnesota historical will come up with the $300,000 Grant so we could do the tuck pointing and then some of the roof up up up top is is what we're looking for so we had Shane up on the RO roof taking pictures and we use some of those pictures on on turning it in with the with the grant just to just to see what we what we need to do because we we want to ask for as much as we can as many times as we can but at the same time we got to have we got to have plans for a $400,000 project you just can't say well we'll use the rest of it somehow so Val's been fantastic with Val's probably sick of me but valle's fantastic with getting everything we getting any help from Vol on these grants y we've had them on the phone multiple times with conference calls and and that's just another one that we're already well into they don't really have a lot to do with it but they were the ones that gave us a a task order for the for the $10,000 that we're asking for from U from Minnesota historical so we won't have to pay for that and it will be in um next summer may or may is the preliminary application deadline that we're hoping that we'll be able to apply for the large Grant then for completion of the work in 26 for the masonry and whatever portion of the roof that we can do 26 will be here before you know it it will and um I also submitted a couple of letters of intent now those aren't Grant applications they're just us um saying we're planning to apply for this you know this is what we're approximately what we're looking to do so the first one was for the safe route to school um we will receive the final report from our current consultant in November I believe is that right yep and so we'll be able to use that then to complete the full infrastructure Grant application which is due in January but we've got our letter of intent in that we plan to apply and the second one is for a I think this is a new program the transport Transportation assistance Grant and um we're hoping that that one could potentially cover some or all of the cost of the new sidewalks at Central Park so keep your fingers crossed on that one CU that would be very exciting um and then I have one more letter of intent to submit by Friday and that one is for the carbon reduction act and that one would be for improvements to the Swift Lake bike trail which we know needs to be reconstructed as well so so essentially it's how important Bon that the great job that she does it's not just thinking about what's going on this week and next week and next month or even next year this would be something where if we get approved for that Grant um you know we have it in our budget for I believe 115 or 125,000 for 2025 to do an overlay on the bike path so wouldn't it be nice in 20127 if we get that money right back M and we can do the do the work now we ask we can do the work now get the grant taken care of and then we'd be reimbursed that money in in 2027 yes 20127 so that's the type of work that she's doing on that now she's looking ahead years in advance to see if what we can do to make things make things better you might you won't see it until right two years from now and the the nice thing too is that we can you know instead of just doing one project and paying for all of it ourselves we can potentially do two or three projects and just come up with matches so um we're really looking to spread uh you know spread the money that we have budgeted as far as it will possibly go and to answer your your question again George even on something like that their bag is well aware they're not doing a lot with it but they're aware of what we're doing in case there's anything that they can do to help us yeah they're not really involved with these grants because they're I mean they're things that we're well established in and know what we're doing pretty well so yeah any questions thank you for all your hard work thank you well I was um impressed here with your uh craft Grant yes you want to say a little something about that sure so um I think this is the third or fourth year that Prairie lands which is our local multi-type multi-county system that we belong to um they've been offering a craft Grant and um this year I'll be doing some take-home kits about luminating so I've purchased 30 round looms and yarn and pom poms and everything people need to make a hat and um it comes with a video that's on this creative bug platform that Prairie lands actually pays for so they give you a little bonus if you tie it in with creative bug so I did that um and it's yeah it's very exciting it's is actually something I know how to do really well so if anyone asks questions I can actually help them and You' got 30 of those kits to give away then yeah yep and they will get to keep their looms and do additional projects with those if they would like and yeah I'm excited to you know hopefully spark a new creative Hobby in people you think anyone on the council would be capable of operating one of those looms absolutely why do you want One S just go ahead and ask I'm deferring to George on I think you I think you can all do it and you could have a new hat to wear [Laughter] so thank you all right thanks Tom you want to go next back to send her all right I uh had within my report a number of things going on a couple that I wanted to touch on um the uh Front Street Acres development I had uh I think Diane include within the packet um Big's initial three uh proposed Concepts and wanted to see if you had any comments or questions or anything about that um in the course of doing survey work um they and I I wished after I found this out that they had placed Stakes out there um they promised to come back and and locate some of the pins but they did find pins that um actually indicated that we have beyond that fence line if you've ever gone to the north part of that property there's a fence line that goes east and west all the way across and it kind of builds up to that point there's a fence it builds up and then it drops off our property actually is 80 ft on the other side of the north side of that fence it's been bailed for a number of years um they were apprehensive in Pounding stakes in there until we've contacted the individuals who have been failing it but uh I thought a long time ago when I looked at the Geo mapping on the County's website that where they had our line was not the fence and was beyond that fence and they've confirmed that so next time they're in town with their survey crew they were going to get in touch with us so we can meet out there and get a real clear idea where those spots are and U and no but that that actually does in some sense make it a little easier as that as that new property line goes to the east it gets closer and closer to that great big ditch that drains the um several of the Weds um so that it there's a potential we might not have to go across anybody else's property with additional drainage to take care of some of those needs out there certainly bolig will be looking into that farther but it was good news cuz it's crushed now the tile that's out there now is crushed and doesn't water run through it so so Tom that's whale that kind of runs through the Central Livestock property that would be kind of re-rooted and routed and like Jeff said it's not draining now correct I think uh in visiting with Denny folz is been a wealth of information about some of that so that spur that goes into the old Livestock Yard would have had potentially a 40ft easement on both sides of it so Center of that track would have had 40 ft and when that was conveyed that would be about the 80 ft to that fence line and it does kind of match with that so yes we would be able to work with that sale that right at this point in time captures more of that there is a there is another uh culbert that actually goes underneath that but as Jeff was saying that's actually been buried in Silt and it's not draining correctly either um U the old monford uh pork buying station property which is now owned by the uh Tracy uh Development Corporation mhm um does what is how is that zoned with and would that property if it were developed for some commercial would that be compatible with a residential new residential subdivision or well there's a there there's a pretty good siiz buffer area between what we own and that property that is still actually owned by the property Dale Johnson's been mowing that for a dozen years but I don't know that the other than somebody knows at the railroad that they're paying him to mow it I don't know that they know they own it and what use there is for and that's that beautiful Green Space so if you go east of our property line which is kind of there's a fence line and some volunteer trees and go east of that you're going to see this beautiful green grassy area and then it goes up to where that mon for is that section through there is at least a buffer zone to anything that happens residential but could if we at some point in time can talk to the right people at the railroad I don't know what could become of that but that'd be a beautiful construction say too I doubt they would sell railroads not tending to to sell property but they've been paying their bill because they don't use it yeah I can't but they pay their bill to have it mowed 10 times this summer okay which Rail Road the current isn't that uh Canadian Pacific I would assume that they still yeah there's a someplace along inside the city of Tracy as a dividing point and I don't know where that comes in but I got to believe it's farther west than where that site sits so whoever has it coming in in from the East I would assume that that's part of their but I think it's all CP I've still been working with them they I've been assured by two governmental agencies that they've been contacted about our Center Street and the materials to fix that have been ordered I just know it's going to get into the winter and then they're going to use winter as an excuse not to go out and fix that silly thing so doesn't that have to come through the county since it's on a County Road if the county could lend more you know uh Power to that great but I I mean I've actually I've been in contact with the railroad safety board out of Washington they've sent out a representative to look at it I don't know why but they said they didn't see that there was any safety conditions evidently I think all they're concerned about a safety conditions for the railroad as long as the track Works through there I guess you know whether we lose a tire not isn't safety but they did make a call which I think kind of helps a little bit to get or an email from that institution to Canadian Pacific probably means more than my phone calls week or monthly but I keep calling them every month and they look it up and say oh yeah yeah I see that thank you we'll get there call again any other questions on Front Street I think right now we're kind of at that point of trying to decide which one of those proposed and I haven't had a chance to talk with Shane as much but I think some of this will be certainly plan a from my past experience is the least expensive proposal because it's the least amount of streets and infrastructure least amount of plowing for Shane too so um Tom it's to cut to the chase it's the consensus of you and the Eda board that that area will will be an attractive area for prospective home buyers Builders I guess I can't specifically nobody from the Eda has objected at this point in time and I think everybody is looking at that going it's it matches so many of our I mean it's a perfect situation we own it number one we don't have to buy it from anyone the city owns it we already have the city owns it we already have um a road with infrastructure for the initial about nine Lots or so there which would really get us going we have Jee and I both have talked with buly just briefly and I think what we probably will look into in the future is in not too distant future to get some additional ideas of whether that would make a a good Tiff District at some point in time in the future but at this juncture there's there's no plans for that and I think they L will sell um sometimes you just need to get kind of the thing moving and those two houses if you haven't been over on front Street are looking fantastic and I think that gets a lot of information you'll see on the front page of the Sailor which one the peach in the upcoming Edition we'll be uh pictures of that and a floor plan and Jeff and I are doing an open house on uh the 6th the day after 7th day after election that's the sixth or seventh um an open house here and at the sites uh for individuals that might be interested in discussing and looking at uh the plans and specs and talking about what the potential could be so we hope that might drum up some interest I agree with you those new two new houses going up they look very attractive and it changes the whole character of that neighborhood it's really an enhancement um any other comments questions promoting that will be something that Tom and I'll be doing the rest of this week early next week but we want to get uh just like we did with the the town homes out here you know we having the open house here where we'll have some plans laid out for people handing them out we'll have some flyers it'll be in the newspaper it'll be was in the peach so we just want to get as many people as we can it just doesn't have to be the people that are wanting to buy a house but maybe know somebody that wants to buy a house so what the different concepts the three concepts are you looking for input from us or this ask questions or if anybody looks at it and said they kind of have a preference one way or another um once again we haven't had a chance really to talk as kind of as a group um with Planning and Zoning or any of that kind of stuff but I just from my past experience in developing I'm not sure whether that CU theack is going to really be advantageous uh generally speaking the additional cost of infrastructure and tar and everything to get two or three extra Lots just doesn't weigh out um they're never really easy for Street Crews to clear either they hate those um but we'll just see if it can if it can additional lot or two without creating a lot of extra cost we'll see you start talking about culde saac Shane starts to shake violently so we bump outs too yeah bump outs we might think about a roundabout on Highway 14 at some point in time too as long as Tom Tom you have any rough idea of what you have to charge for those lots um after you get off the Front Street for utilities I think that I think we'll need to do some kind of Market studies a little bit bit just to see what what they might bring um they're not going to bring what St Michael Albert Villa Rogers brings you know one of the one of the Cities up uh up around the Twin Cities but I think we need to get out of those uh you know enough to build up a little bit of or chest for creating additional Lots going back into then the the property um I think we have to weigh some of the cost of purchasing it weighing against what we get in return as far as tax revenue um and I think that's the advantage of making those lots affordable as opposed to entertaining um tax abatement I think in the you know as we look at tax abatement going forward sometimes we give out more than what the cost of an inexpensive lot might be and I think we just have to weigh that out to see with the value of these homes you know it's not it's not hard to get to 300,000 right now on any kind of entry level home so that's a little different than back when homes were 60 and 70,000 they didn't build up quite as much of a tax base as they do [Music] now they'll be here and done before you know it any other questions comments I will um I will wait for the the sign recognition part until we get to that part in the resolutions and I think that's everything that I had today thank you Shane you want I'm sorry if if we are down the road asked for input or whatever I guess unless I'm missing it I didn't see it what the actual size of the lots are and not that I can't count on the three concepts how many there are but even you know that there's this many Lots this size when I counted through each of those they all came within I think I think uh I'm going back from my memory here I want to say potential C or three was like 28 lots and then it went down from 26 and then it went to 21 there was not much of a difference in total a number of lots from one to the next but the two that were the highest were the result of that culdesac and so if we pay x amount to build this culdesac only to gain two lots but the cost of building the culdesac is more than what we could actually get from the two lots you have to kind of weigh that out and say does it make sense more Lots on the culdesac one to get to get to the cuac unless you put a Long Street and then the culdesac at the end to turn the total number of lots in the whole potential and and I have not um I would say that they're all going to be so if you see on uh concept e all the concepts really concept one two and three way in the bottom right hand corner those two lots are our current Lots which are 120 by 130 those are the smaller Lots really as you look at the rest of the concept the first two the ones we have right now and if you walk those lots and look how much space is in between the two houses that exist there and between that and the fence those are 120 gives you a lot of space they're still based on what is it Shane for the uh the minimum for a lot it 12,000 isn't it is it 12,000 or was it 12,000 ft in an R1 okay which is 100 by 120 normally yeah so these are in excess of that you get to about 120 by 130 I think as I figured these out these are about just short of a third acre each of them it's a good thing that we're talking about tax incre increment financing and that type of thing it's a good thing that that we're talking about it because we're you know we're right not right there on it but we're you know we still have some right on Front Street there we're going to be able to put a few more of them up but it's good to be able to talk about what we can do down the road to finance the roads and and infrastr structure as much as we can without taxing the everybody in town too and so that development is also a part of Bull's overall plan it's factored into the total amount that they are seeking on down the line and as I understand it as grants come up that fit a certain potential that'll probably be how we decide what our next next opportunity what our next priority is if the bunny is there available that's our next priority if we qualify for it and this is one of them that they'll be working on is the infrastructure out there um and that opens up maybe a few new avenues through um not only deed but also through um some of the home programs through the state of Minnesota it's a big big push right now affordable homes Tom talks to them a lot but right now he's discussing with them if we can get these two sold out there now can we get another one put up right away it' be nice to be starting another one out there right away but we got to it'll we'll have to sell these it's for the individual looking at new home these are a great deal we won't be able to duplicate them short of the program like this I mean these are $80,000 underneath what the actual cost was to build them they're going to be impressive they really are hopefully you'll get some interest once people can actually see see the kitchen yes because like we talked at the last meeting yeah thinking it looks so small yeah it does you know until people can actually go in and visualize right this is where a bed would fit and and the uh The walner Grove home which is an identical one of these um Steve from lumber yard did the plans for that one as well they're identical that one's nearly done so we have one where somebody is really interested um we can get information of how to get the locks opened over in wall in the Grove those have flooring and cabinets and everything in so they're very close be nice to be able use those for a little while before they're sold as our kind of as our go-to model spe hous yeah and that's that's really helpful cuz yeah you're right it from a many people can't take a floor plan and visualize how big this is so thank you thanks Tom Shane I think we're going to have you go next cuz uh we're going to go with Tyler and then he's going to go right into uh a resolution we'll move on around evening it's been a while since I've been here I feel like but um I guess uh we did start on the tennis court pavement removal today it's subst stantially thicker than I initially had thought but it's about a foot thick but uh they're working through that have a little bit more to haul but um as far as coming out it's not not going so bad so um so you'll see that going on right now um street sweeping when it wind quits blowing we're going to continue on that it started a little bit last Friday but um that's moving along I'm sending out 52 letters tomorrow on the lead service line information so anything that was unknown or had lead in it so whether and it could be just a matter of the property owner didn't contact us to let us in or whatever it's if it's not if we're not able to gain access or we don't know what one side or the other the curb stop is it's got to be considered unknown so they're kind of assuming it's lead but until we prove it otherwise so anything that's unknown or lad lines are getting letters so if you hear anything on that um you can send them my way and I can help uh educate them further on that but the letter is pretty informative it's three pages long so Shane are those people that didn't respond to the requests of this summer this were people were supposed to look at their uh where the water meter came in yep and it's not all non responses some of them are they responded but we don't know so on the the C there's a customer side and then there's the city Side so it's a split ownership system so if you go in and you can determine you know from our street plans that you know we have plastic and then you go in the house and you find that it's copper so then you can make the assumptions like okay there's no lead in the street and there's very likely no lead between the curb stop and the in the house but if you know like it's copper coming into the house but you know say we're on East Morgan Street that that road is put in and original utilities are from 1908 okay so there's lead's been on and off being used since 1908 and if you we don't have records or we haven't excavated that particular property to know what material it is we have to assume that it's lead so there's going to be a few of those in there too so um and that's part of that 552 letters so um we did have there's two or three that were confirmed lead um that are still in existence but which is which is pretty good Community our size and age to have that little there's there's cities with blocks and blocks of of lead um substantially larger than ours that that they're going to have to deal with through grants or whatever so one offs are a lot easier to deal with um during the street projects we actually had a few more that we've had removed over the years during Street projects you know we adapt that ordinance back in 2021 where we can we send them a letter we fix our side then they fix their side so um there will be likely grants coming up in the future with all of this lead um restrictions that they're putting on with the blood service line inventories so we're kind of just going through the inventory process now so we can so the state which trickles down to the federal government knows this is a nationwide survey they're doing So eventually it's going to trickle in some funding for the abatement of the lead later but not sure exactly where that's at right now so and that's also on bik's list yes and bik uh we got a grant from mdh for for big to do all the inventories and go door the door um for what response that we could get and then they submitted that to mdh now I have to send in now is I have to send these letters out and then certify that all these letters are sent out and I have to send a certification form to the state and then everything is done on our end for for this at this point so it's been a long summer with dealing with there's a lot of services out there there's a lot more than you think once you start putting them all on the spreadsheet so there's a few of us that are folding letters tomorrow morning yeah the folding machine didn't work oh I did oh I did but we got to stuff them all yet so and label them all so I'd like to get them out tomorrow so they're done with so any other questions with what's going on as of yet I guess address the swimming pool and the two things that were going to be within budget that we're still buying out there so um I just actually sent you a quote did you for the pool slide in the diving well the floor is about rusted through um and then the stairs also I did a price quote for getting the pieces for it and it was not too far off from a whole new structure so we just going to replace that structure I think it was 19,000 so which structure is that the it's that small slide that dumps into the diving well right next to the diving board it's all rusted through kids are cutting their toes on it and it's getting that that old and rusted so so I was able to find the same structure just 22 years newer um we have to do some modifications to only make a a right hand and we need a left hand but they said we have to unbolt it and flip some things 90° and 180° and said it'll be all better so um they got that figured out with their engineering department but um I think the other thing we looked at was uh the snake and I sent an email out for that um to put in an 8ft snake in yeah so the snake would get replaced it's a smaller snake but um and then the raft will go for a few more years yeah so what is the present snake is it like a 12T 16 16 16 are we going to and this is a what eight eight oh they're expensive if you want a 16 what was it 24 25,000 yeah 23,000 I for a 16t snake versus I don't know what this one is 14 yeah 12 12 and 14 yeah they're insane is there any salvage value with the old snake can we auction that off or I you can but it's not really good for the pool we had we actually had to pull it out for about a week to let it dry out and then reseal it back together but I wonder if someone who lives out on the lake or something would be interested in something like that it has to be anchored down that's the hardest part but I mean if you could anchor it I mean no I'm not taking it we can well those love it I think there would be actually yeah what we do with it I don't if we want to put it on Surplus sale we can that it don't matter to me so last thing I'd like you just to talk a little bit about the Second Street project that we're going to be doing we're going to have to do our hands have been forced our hands been forced about Second Street where the the service lines going into three different houses and and oh that that one I'll was thinking second East I don't H is going up uh we do have a a situation and we put the provisions in to help correct it cuz I actually knew about it early last year but uh so Center Street project we actually got a curb stop put in the last house that didn't have a curb stop so we have um a house 550 5 552nd Street that's feeding 551 Center and that was it the 200 block holl it's like 285 yeah hollot Street yeah anyway there's three houses right next to each other that are all tied together with one service line and one is got a fairly stealth delinquent bill on it um so our plan is to go in there and separate that so we have the shut off on Second Street they must have knew about this back in 2000 when they did Second Street CU they put a curb stop in but they never hooked it up so if you turn the curb stop on it just shoots out of the ground so we have a Provisions for both of the other two houses to get their service lines connected to those two curb stops the one we put in last year was Center Street and the other one was like I said in on Second Street when they did the the project there so we have three individuals shut off so we don't have to dig in the street but we just have to get some temporary easements which I'm currently working on to get in the yards and get it separated so for having to go through mat to get the temporary easement so we can go in there and do what's right and shut so we don't have to shut down all three of the houses we shut down the one that's not paying the bill yeah and we got another leaking curb stop on Ninth and another one to separate on easy street so hopefully we can get all them before winter yet but our V truck uh Friday Sean said it's all together we haven't taken it out and Tred yet I we had a couple little issues with it after we got it the new pump and stuff put in so there's some fittings that were put on wrong so we had Jamie remachine them so crossing our fingers it's good now so but um and once everything's done with that and back in operation and we're going to submit that to the insurance see how much they we already have a claim up for it from the for the fire so but there's whatever caused the issue they won't cover that so if it's the pump that blew out or a hose or whatever they determine then they won't cover that portion of it but everything that was damaged by the fire which was most of the hoses and some electrical and some air brake lines they're going to cover all that so um so right now it's basically just fix what you need to they it was the approval to repair it cuz there isn't anything like it around to just replace it so not for less than a milli half a million dollar okay thank you have a good night thanks what time you tomorrow morning uh 8:15 I should be ready 8:5 the full Stu party your stuffing party yeah bring off the nursing home do activity all right so I suppose the highlight and my report is uh the website upgrades uh we've been speaking with Catalyst who is I think you call him the host for our website or designer they kind of do the templates and the design and and then um Diane and Shane and Adam do updates to the website but um we're going to be doing like a complete over Hall on the website um we were pondering how to use up the Eda Grant funds uh that grants ending end of February I believe right Jeff and we still have some 46 Grand in that Grant and we thought well um improvements to the city website is included on that Grant so why not use it and that's not the way it happened I told him there's no way we're going to be able to use that money on that and then he called them and begged and they said yeah go ahead and use it so um yeah we'll be starting on that soon um Jeff signed the contract and got that over to him and now we're just waiting to hear back from the developers and Tam already covered box car so just address that real quick so the reason is as you know here in the last three years we did an overhaul already so but by 2026 I think it's January 1st 20126 all of our websites through a municipality have to be ADA Compliant so you got to be able to use the website and and from a a handicapped aspect so there's all kinds of things that they because they brought it to us going when do you want to do that and we found out that that's what we have to do and okay where are we going to get this money and that's when he went ahead and called about this thing and and they said they would they would cover it so we're going to get that kind of prepaid so then it's going to cover it so we will be ADA Compliant by March or April so it'll be something we'll again something that we'll have had to do and pay for by January 1st of 26 when we're going to have it done we're going to have it paid for us they also mentioned to US during our meetings that we'll have to switch to.gov soon so that'll be a change sometime in the future couple years yep it'll take a little bit of time it won't be yeah we'll have to change it then then there's no choice so um so camping went great this year is about double what we made last year and that's pretty much winding down um I don't see any much revenue coming in in October and utilities were we've been doing great this year licensing was once again uh higher than last year and to dat we have 13,000 more than last year and um so far the city has received a great amount of donations for Central Park and we did the we did the first half of the payment for the playground and so that's that's in process I'm sure you've heard that before but I'm excited that we'll be getting that new playground soon the kids are going to love it um and that's about it any questions so if you don't mind if there's uh no questions with that since he's the last department head can we move on to um number under the new one would be the number four resolution 2024 is that our right mayor that we do that let's go right to uh in case there's any questions on that number four resolution 2024 97 third quarter budget [Applause] amendments all right did everyone get a chance to read through that or should I just do you want me to read through the whole thing recap it okay so um third quarter budget amendments um we'll be purchasing the Central Park playground equipment this year thus the capital funds expense count account for the parks needs to be increased significantly it was only budgeted for 40 Grand and now we're going to be purchasing a $186,000 playground so it we need to increase that and um we also need to increase the revenue account for donations since we've received a large amount of donations the expense account needs to be increased to pay for the income survey and also the Front Street engineering work being done by big and the management fees account in the public housing fund needs to be increased to pay for the gas line extension to the new houses on Front Street and the revenue account for Grants and AIDS from local government needs to be increased due to the 200,000 we received from Lion County and then lastly the expense account for donations to Civic organizations needs to be increased for the $2,000 donation donation that we made to the wheels across the Prairie museum are there any questions or concerns on on those thanks Tyler move on okay yep all right let's go to number one then um no actually let's let's go ahead want to get up in front the microphone anyway didn't it no so so the general election is November 5th and then the council has to Canvas the results of the local race only which is the council um the county suggests doing it the 12 13th 14th or 15th or if we're moving the council meeting from the 11 to the 12 it would make more sense to do it at 545 on this again Brian Seth and George cannot participate um it it is not a long process it's just validating the numbers um and then we certify that to the county so if you guys are cool with that motion will take care of that so would we just do that if we're moving our council meeting to the 12th would we would just do it like right before yeah instead of having another meeting bringing you on another night she thought of that she said why don't we just do it on the 12th when we were going to do that anyway and we were going to vote on you know to to do it on the you know having the meeting from the 11th to the 12th anyway so is 6:00 early enough I mean do take 152 minutes or is it half hour that we have to do it or depends on how many questions you guys have um I won't have it might be what I said I won't have any questions does 545 work Jerry I'll just make whatever and for you on Tuesday yeah I could come 545 and you so then I'll make a motion that we'll do the canvasing on November 12th at 5:45 does that work works you want him to add to change the meeting from the 11th to the 12th add that to it no we'll do that okay and it's do we need to know who it's going to be do we need to list who it's going to be doing the canvasing or okay second from somebody oh I'll second okay we have a first and second yeah I have a question assume you should do we when Seth and George should abstain ask it's ruy so we have a first and second the who's the second the question George had is do they need to I think they need to abstain from it y we was just telling that yeah we're ready for roll call uh T hi yes Jones hi and mayor cor Hi and then um with the holiday lining on the 11 I'll make a motion to move the November 11th city council meeting to November 12th at the same time second we'll call for that hi yesth yes HRI yes shones hi land hi mayor Corman hi but so I have a question so when we did resolution 4 we never voted or anything on that do we not need to okay you can do it you can do that in order now that you have the information okay okay you move on MH okay let's uh start with number one then resolution 2024 94 order ordering corrective action of conditions on uh the uh abatement of 6743 street so due to uh your urging and some discussion the alls we doing is changing the resolution or just adding a little corrective action to that resolution if you remember right we were going to be able to take that uh particular person to District Court here in a month and instead they have signed off already through um communication through Matt Gross to let the city do that so we don't have to spend the money to go to district court and what you're signing off on is giving him till J or February the 3D to get his uh personal belongings out of that house and then we will take care of it and he's also signed off on putting it onto this taxes so we can we can uh put it right on to so he's taking care of it on his taxes so seems like a clean clean way of of uh of doing it we don't have to go to court with it stays out of anywhere that you know it would be out there so any uh any questions with that at all so you ask till February 3D 3rd who would like to make that motion I will make the a motion for resolution 20 24- 94 ordering corrective action on conditions on RP 6743 Street second do we need any further discussion on that or are we ready for a roll call roll call please land hi shones hi Henri hi Schmid yes aru yes hi May I Okay resolution 2024 96 approval of small cities development program citizen participation so instead of what's that what about number two that is number two on the new one I didn't say number three did i y mistake that I said number three because I'm looking at an old one that's something that we had crossed out I'm sorry but it is resolution 202 2496 approval of small cities development program citizen participation all doing here 95 90 no I don't I don't Morgan is okay yes all right 202495 approval of small cities development program citizens participation what this is is um so we had uh done some work here within the city and with bag getting some figures put together about uh um what the citizens of Tracy with low income and with that um we were able to apply for a grant if we do get that grant for infrastructure the uh this allows this resolution allows the uh the citizens of Tracy to come in and look at through a public hearing will allow them to look at the update on that particular program and what we're going to do with that money when we get it and then also just to uh come in and comment in another public hearing so it'll be a a series of two public hearings in in the spring that'll just allow the um citizens to come up and talk about what's going into that into that program and that is to the I can either read that or that 11 pages to you so that's what it is it's just allowing the citizens to have a public hearing so they can ask about the program I move that we adopt resolution any discussion on that hearing none can we have roll call Henri hi hi TS hi Schmid yesu yes shon hi mayor Corman hi all right um Tom you want to come up resolution 202 2496 approval of Dennis Morgan sign I think that you've seen it all in your your uh um packet just taking a look at that kind of looking for thoughts first of all on it it is uh something that we were had been working on for quite some time but then we thought well let's bring it in front of the the city council to make sure that we're all on the same page with it if we can please so we um I don't know where it began I think uh had thought about it I think Drew maybe you've mentioned it to Drew or Drew came to us Drew Larsson has ongoing kind of relationship conversation does some work for Dennis Morgan Dennis has some property just outside of the city limits and is in town from once in a while and um through the years has has been encouraged and has been very receptive to the idea of doing more for his hometown and uh and part of this has been just to say hey you know what it it would be nice to recognize um his accomplishments and in so doing also kind of put out there that uh you know what uh your dreams can become reality and uh look um from the city of Tracy individual who hitchhiked to Nashville and what he has done with his talent and uh uh in that uh in that regard um I began then working with uh mindat that's what I'd mentioned uh when chief iy was talking about the signage I got almost everything that you could possibly want and more of what you can and can't do in the RightWay of the dot uh and we were given some ideas one was to actually just latch on to the existing uh welcome to Tracy sign with the population on both the east and west side of town U that green sign that's almost dilapidated now I did get confirmation we have new signs coming sometime in the spring to replace those so that will be kind of almost maybe the same time um then began the conversation through Drew to Dennis to see if he would be open to that and initially we were told no he really wouldn't like that and uh particularly as far as the sign on that and you have to understand it's a different culture that he's been a part of and the reason was one of his good friends Willie Nelson didn't like it when his hometown did it for him for whatever reason I don't know but you know like I said it's a different a different whole culture that uh um and so over the time we gave him about three or four different ideas one was to just latch on to maybe the welcome to Tracy big um sign that's kind of over by um the east side and west side by the um Museum uh and maybe do something on it and then we had a whole separate sign that could be erected someplace and uh when all came down he decided that he would rather have this we went back and forth for a while on the the signage initially I had less lettering to it which would be a little easier to read um the sign itself will be already preset by menot it cannot exceed a certain number of space it'll be about the same size as that one that's out there right now um and so this is what was finally agreed upon that Dennis was happy with the way this looked and uh then we got pricing for it and uh pricing was very reasonable we have two quotes the lower one would be under $125 for each sign that's just to order the sign We'll be asking Shane crew to help us put that up um and we can do do the installation ourselves just add that a little bit we'd like to do some kind of uh the potential of maybe a ribbon cutting with something like that too we have a date in mind that we'll uh we'll discuss later I think it's a nice gesture I do to uh it's a pretty unique story that Dennis Morgan success story so I'd make a motion to approve resolution 2024 96 I'll second it roll call please hiu yes yes yes hi M hi mayor hi thank you all right just a couple left here resolution 2024 97 third quarter budget amendment if we could get a motion to um to approve that I'll make a motion to approve resolution can we move on to R call shon hi sh yes hi land hi Henri hivu yes may Carman hi last one resolution 2024 98 delegating registration and land use zoning responsibility for cannabis retailers so the only thing that we'd be doing by passing this resolution is we're allowing the county to to set the ordinance for the county as opposed to us creating another new ordinance and the county would be what like what would be in this ordinance would be if there was a retail business for cannabis here in the city of Tracy or Marshall or minota or ballottin or Cottonwood it would be how far that would have to be away from a a school away from a daycare that type of thing that's what we're looking for um I had a couple meetings with the county and we're having ongoing meetings with the county about this there's uh there's a lot more that's going to be coming out on January the 1st and we're going to be learning more over the next 6 months about what's going to be going on what we can do and what we can't do so this isn't making any decisions one way or another on cannabis sales here in the city of Tracy this just gives if there ever was one whether it was municipal or if it was privately owned it would have rules and regulations on how far you can be again from schools day carees churches mayor can I make a comment on that um not no the resolution it was not a resolution no you would have had to do that during the just remind you what I said earlier I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20249864 the memo that we got from John Baron the lion County zoning administrator where he states that um the new state law does not allow for a local government entity to Simply ban cannabis products from its jurisdiction I think that's an important point that first and second any other discussion okay roll call Ara yes shones I Hi l hi yes HRI y mayor cour I much much more discussion okay okay do we have a motion to adjourn all moved all right all those in favor all post motion carries thank you all for tonight sorry I was reading off of three different versions of the uh yeah it was interesting trying to follow I was wanting that to be a different one