##VIDEO ID:QD5spsfqG6Y## I'm G have to dig out my reading class you did you have a piece of paper for me did you say you made a copy of something see I didn't do that this one yeah but not what are you do your time years is enough I don't think said 10 years is that is a long long they do movies at the Hollywood for Christmas on Saturday the mat very nice where will we display [Applause] that we're live and it's used it as a babysitter I got the boat out of the water and it's ready to be wrapped sitting in front of my house be call it you're doing for the uh the public hearing there's a call for the public hearing you would have been born earlier you want G to the O'Brien that's where they that's where they told anyway that they had enough he film forth on Saturday no I know that's why I say I think I'm the got 6:30 right now oh I thank good okay it's 6:30 there Madam Mar she's hooking herself connect don't make me come across the table don't make me come getting feisty around here I'll wait so you're not the one oh I'll Stand okay so we will call to order the regular Tracy city council meeting for October 14th we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance I PL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all before we start tonight you guys we have a very important birthday in the house yeah happy birthday you want us to sing yeah let's sing Happy Birthday to youy birthday to you happy birthday dear Happy Birthday to [Music] You 29 what 29 oh yeah thank you that was well deserved you're a great person all righty so do we have any changes to the agenda I believe there is none motion to approve is written I'll second that first and second all those in favor I opposed motion carries um anybody that would like to talk about something that is not on the agenda tonight so uh I uh my son Adam uh somehow got interested in ducks and he uh he found a duck that was crossing the street and unfortunately it died and he talked me into buying some ducks by mail order so we got a couple ducks and they are now in a in a pen in our yard um I was uh somehow in in looking at the regulations it looked to me like uh we're allowed to have up to four animals um without a without getting any special permit and so I wasn't too concerned about it but uh our officer uh Jason let she came by one day and said uh you know that you're not allowed to have geese and I said oh well yeah I do have a couple Ducks back there he said oh okay well you know you're not allowed to do that uh and I think he said without without permit so I came to so the next day I came in and uh uh talk to Jeff about it and uh Jeff told me uh that well you can confirm that you said that but uh he said that uh he's working on cleaning up the city and he's not approving any more permits for farm animals trying to get farm animals out of the city and so he said I could put in this application but he was quite certain it would be denied and uh he also made sure that understood that his decision is final on the matter and U anyway so I thought well I'll go through the the paperwork anyway and see what what happens so the next day I went in and uh asked about application for animal permits and uh they had one on the Shelf there they had or they have a uh the front desk there they've got a bin with various permit forms and so forth and she gave me one of these forms and I filled it out and return it the next day so this has been one minute like three days one minute left okay so I'm going to ask uh for a couple minutes extension because I don't think I can finish finish what I'm going to say in one minute so would you consider that here um honestly we can't because if we did it for you we all right well the bottom line is uh I I gave you a handout here that shows the the regulations and that one that I have makes no sense because it's saying you're allowed to have that's the you've got Russell right there all right so I'm I'm going to ask that uh mayor's Council i' be allowed to address this issue thank you thank you for coming anybody else that would talk talk about something that is not on the agenda okay we'll move on to the consent calendar I'll make a motion to approve the September 23rd Council minutes approve Municipal accounts payable and payroll without breakthrough beverage approve resolution 2024-the 20th September 25th Park board minutes and then call for a public hearing for the sale of the two Eda Lots at 349 Second Street 361 Second Street on October 28th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. if there are any questions on that e there let me know during your discussion and I can answer a couple of questions if you have any it'll be going in front of the Eda on Wednesday morning so we're just getting the um um the public hearing address so we can have that on the 28th which should be 2 weeks from from tonight so but it'll be going in front of the Eda on Wednesday morning and if you got any questions with that you'll know more about it a little bit later too so these are the lots right across from the park remember the houses that we tore down probably five six years ago that were dilapitated and we tore them down on the not on the corner there but close to the corner right across some the park the park the park okay okay do we have a second I'll second do we have any further discussion is can you do some details on what they're planning to do yeah they're looking at either making the single family home or the potential of a twin home right there um just let you know that there will be a sale price on it that will be agreed on on Wednesday morning which has kind of already been you know hashed over and then also what we'll be doing is uh putting a development plan together just like we have been with the rest of the new houses when we sell a lot you won't just get to buy buy it and keep it for the next 6 years you'll have a time period of uh it's 2 or 3 years whatever the Eda decides but there'll be a time period of you have to have development on there or the Lots come back to the city for a lesser charge it would be nice to hold it to two years not to three yeah B we did that for this last one for the house the uh one of the new houses that went out there and we put two years on it and it seemed to be good enough it's it's uh it might cut a little bit short they might ask for an extension you you know we kind of told those that because it's it's tough to get a builder right now period so you almost have to as soon as you buy the lot and we give you the two years you better start working on it right away almost but I'd rather do that than extend it out extend it out right from the get-go for three years CU then nothing will get moving on it so three years the same thing then it'll go to four so I I would recommend the two and my question is who is responsible for ensuring the timelines because that has fallen apart in the past drastically well we knew like for the house that's going up out on on Broad Acres out there they knew and it was just contact between myself and them within the city who is the responsible party that is going to keep track of the timelines I would say that would be me yeah myself or the housing person Tom but because in the past we did not yep and that presented a problem yep so we have it on your calendar for two years down the road and thank you so but it be nice to have a number of those going on there again good problems to worry good problems to worry about for latero okay any other further discussion for anything else well I'm just really happy about this proposed sale on the Lots on Second Street it's very nice I are those Big Lots or yeah well they're they're 100t wide but there's two of them um but there's uh the one is uh 150 ft in in deep and then the other one has a little bit of an indentation cuz there is a uh a garage back there that has the potential of sale maybe that somebody could pick up if they wanted to there's a garage back there if you look at it just a on the South Side it goes back and then it over to the uh North and then kind of goes around that garage that's there it's a different parcel it's just a little just a small little parcel sitting there okay all those in favor I I got a roll call oh sorry I do sorry Henri hi AR yes hi SCH hi land hi Schmid yes mayor C hi I'll make a motion to approve Municipal account payable for breakthrough beverage I'll second roll call please land hi Hi H hi yesu yes mayor kman I mayor and Council communication does anybody have anything for that well I'm I'd just like to say how pleased I was at the open house for the fire department on Sunday it was uh the chili was good and uh the uh fire engines were sparkling and it was they had some nice demonstrations that they did too so nice nice to see the uh all of the Department's uh equipment I concur Seth I bet if you had to rank the top in the top 10 in the state in Minnesota in towns under 5,000 people I'm betting Tracy ranks in if not first in the top few yeah that's very possible very impressive to see what the the equipment that the department has and the training and the number of men that they have and their benefit then raises money for things that they need as a department so when our citizens participate it helps the department with equipment and I didn't get heartburn paron and I didn't get heartburn ah but the sad thing is don't you think it was down a little this they said it was I got there late so I don't uh I got there late too and they said it was kind of down so that's kind of sad oh I think they were more on the line tried y there was something they're going to try yeah so they don't uh always against something at the school and volleyball and football I thought it was a good idea for Sunday and the Vikings didn't play so they didn't have any excuse not to be there but well maybe we could state that donations could still be sent to the Tracy fire department absolutely yeah they do a great job okay do we um have some stff I'm going to just give a little bit of a staff report if you don't mind mayor um just a couple things that I'd like to just put into your uh put into your mind a little bit um five 84 fth street is uh just to give you a little bit of an update on that we have uh all of the necessary uh paperwork done that has been signed off on so anybody out there listening um as soon as we get a couple bids in for the tear down of 584 fth Street which should be across from the tornado tree that will be I'm hoping it's done right away is that the greenhouse that's the greenhouse it's been uh kind of was uh the one that had the the circumstances on it where the owner but the owner is signed off on it or the person that has their name on it has signed off on it and uh so we're going to go in and and take that one down right away the city is the city is going to do it yep yep getting getting a couple bids right now Jerry just and and your Matt we don't need to do an RFP or anything we're just going to let the the people around here that know what they're doing and we have to go in there and get right now or I think it was last Friday or today was when they're going in there check for asbest so we got to do that first to get that report back to us then we got to see if there's any asbest we need to take out of there and if there isn't then uh then we'll have somebody come in there and take that take that down but there's no on that particular one there is no uh basement or anything underneath it I don't even believe there's a crawl space so that one should be pretty easy even with a little bit of foundation it should come right out of there so I think that'll make a lot of people in that neighborhood happy yeah and that expense will be put on the tax on the taxes which will come back to us eventually anyway but it's it's is what it is um and I'm glad that that's going to be cleared up and it's uh interesting to note that I'm told anyway that that building was originally brought to town as one of the Huts for for after the tornado for school uh that school was conducted in one of those if those walls could talk yeah yeah oh jeez I went to school in the house you you you could maybe be there for the ceremony then they weren't there though when they were used for school HS we we'll cut a ribbon for us um next one I want to talk about with that one is uh just a success story 50 Morgan Street um it came through communication through the uh the building inspector to the owner to me to the owner back and forth and and we knew that I I could feel that something was going to be getting done but if you want to go to 50 um Morgan Street and take a look look at that and very professionally done the dwelling or not the dwelling but the uh the garage that was in s such tough shape was torn down it was all filled in correctly smoothed out and so it looks very nice and it just goes to really goes to show more than anything else is is talking with the person that owned it it was more in line of if she didn't live in town so she's not looking at it every day like neighbors are and that's kind of what we're trying to address is is the ones that you know some of them are they're if you don't see it every you don't notice that there's anything wrong so but you know that one's going to be that was taken care of and it'll be at besides uh maybe $50 worth of uh mailing to to the to the party up in the Minneapolis area that's all it was for us so it's all taken down W um last one I'm going to talk about with that would be the uh one that we discussed last week where there was somebody here at the city council meeting or I'm sorry three weeks ago at 6743 street so we are uh um we are going to continue with the plan the way it would go so he would have 30 days from when he was served here uh late last week and then it's going to be up to us and we'll be have we'll have that on the city council meeting on the 28th if the city council wants to give this person a uh um an extension on getting the uh their stuff out of the house itself um we can do that I went over it with Matt we can do that just through a a just another another resolution because remember there was a resolution that allowed us to start the process and then all go all the way to district court so speaker talking to the person that was that was here and that that he addressed the city council so that's what he's looking for is that he's allowing us to put it that all expenses onto the taxes and then he'll just pay them off that way and but then that'll be another one that we can get taken down in the very near future but it's going to be it it's I'm going I'll have it as a resolution and a discussion point on the 28th and then we'll decide if you want to give them that extra you know 60 days 90 days maybe till after Winter's over and then then we can start the we won't have to start the process over alls we would have to do is just go in there and take care of the problem it's called abatement and do we know if he's like started to take anything out in fact I talked to him I've talked to him twice now since the the meeting on 3 weeks ago in the council meeting was and in the one time I talked to him he was actually there at the time perfect it's cuz it's been gorgeous weather so yep good for him so we'll uh you know I don't see there being any issues it's my biggest issue that I went over with you last week is I didn't want to have to start the process all over again and then we're 6 months away again so we need to continue on we have a meeting tomorrow morning um with the with the group it'll be Chief licky Shane I and Clay will be together tomorrow morning again and we'll be discussing you know the the next step of the next project so we're just going to keep going from there since 50 Morgan streets taken care of we've got a close on five 84 Fifth Street we've got the one over on uh Third Street that we'll be taken care of in the near future we'll have plans for that and then okay where do we go from here so the 50 Morgan Street would still be in the ownership of the current owner yes and would pay for the demolition by virtue of the pain his taxes no they did they did it they paid for it they just did it themselves it's done gone it's gone oh wait a minute that was the garage s Third Street thank you y yes Third Street 74 Third Street yes yes you're right will remain in under custody of the original owner yes how about 584 fth Street it'll it'll remain under there it'll be but under the circumstances it's it'll be yeah well there she's signed off on allowing it to be put on the taxes and are any of these uh well obviously 50 Morgan Street was just a garage but is 584 fth Street like a buildable lot um actually potentially it was actually talked about bying Tom and I about when that's torn down there's a couple nice well what a nice little neighborhood yes there's a possibility of putting a we've got some ideas of the that they so there's potential for some develop it is enough for a build it's probably 100 at least 100 foot wide and it's probably only 75t deep but yes I believe it's buildable but buildable thank you that's what you know so it' be a a win-win-win type thing where we get rid of something but potential for having some more development would be great y y all right mayor I'll I'll move on um just just you know that there's a lot of communication going on um with the vmc here with the tuck pointing and and a lot of the uh grants that need to be applications need to be written out now we're applying right now Val and I for a small Grant to pay for any excess engineering for the tuck pointing and a little bit of the roof here we have to have that filled out by by Wednesday and then uh we're working we got a task order that was given to us by bag for the expenses that will come eventually on that I mean that's it's quite a ways down the road remember that'll be a project probably in 2026 so again what we're hoping for that particular part of this this building project would be tuck pointing partial roof and and that would be at that would be about a $400,000 project so that's when we're we're writing was going to help us find some money actually the the well that's no that's the historical part that's that's the uh Minnesota Historical Society will be a part of that that's where we'll get that money from and they're not going to do something like bik did where we you know they take that money and turn it into more money no that'll come right from them we might have to do a match there's not a match necessary but to do about a 400,000 to project we feel that we'll have to budget right around 100 for this building in in 2026 which isn't too far away then we'll be starting to budget that so have we heard anything from b as far as the SK system and that I have not about that no we're working on well I'm on the phone with them about every day but didn't they say that was it had to be in by the end of September it was already so they just they just put it in I mean it was the 30th of or September when it needed to be in so I think it'll be sometime before we're going to hear anything with that that was a pretty quick around like 60 days something I thought it was 60 we'd be looking at November then I'm not going to put my reputation on that yeah but for some I'm thinking 60 it was a short turnaround there's a tremendous amount of communication that goes on between them and this office here constantly okay last thing that I got for you um we're going to have to start thinking about cannabis so it is uh been been approached again from the county I've got three documents in front of me right now that I will give to all of you before you leave here um and it is uh just the I'm just going to read the one letter to you I've got the what the regulations will be and what license types there are going to be I'm going to give those to you um I'm going to give you a sample resolution that you can possibly look at I don't believe there going to be there's going to be anything on the 28th but I just want you to be familiar familiar with what's going on because it's going to need to be a discussion on what we want to do as a city um with this and and you know what I'm working on options but just want to read this real quick and I apologize it won't take me long um City officials U the Minnesota Legislature passed the adult use cannabis bill this this session legalizing the use possession and sale of cannabis in Minnesota the business of reail sales agriculture growing and manufacturing of cannabis will likely become licensed by the state in early 2025 the law provides some room for local regulations but does not allow a government entity to Simply ban cannabis products from its jurisdiction lion County will be adopting an ordinance that prohibits the operation of cannabis businesses near schools dayc carees residential treatment facilities and children's attractions within a public park hours of operation and limited number of cannabis businesses will be addressed as well cities have the authority to adopt and Implement zoning ordinances of your own if your city would like Lion County to address the zoning and cannabis related businesses it is advised that the city act on the enclosed resolution and send it back to the county when when when you can as with the County zoning issues input from cities is not only appreciated but will be used to develop the standards feel free to use email write a letter to us if you have any questions so where we're at right now is uh they will write a an ordinance that will be for for the county which will say there will be nothing sold distributed um manufactured anything within the you know the a certain amount of yards from a school from a playground from a any kind of um children's activities or anything like that um my suggestion would be that we let them do that piece of it let them make those rules and then that gives us a little bit of a time a little bit of time to figure out whether we want to partake in in the potential of having a municipal cannabis uh station or store or allowing a um uh an individual come in and do it so those are the decisions really that need to be made is are you going to allow it in the city and if you're going to allow in the city will it be a municipal or will it be private would this make sense to have our Police Department involved in this conversation they are no I mean with us yes yes it'll be it'll be something that I've already discussed with him and when we started getting asked at the city or the sorry at the uh County Commissioner meetings about about a month ago now and so it's it's getting closer and closer we're getting closer to that January 1st so I'll I'm going to try to keep you as informed as possible I'll I'm going to give you these tonight or I can just email them to you to too that's that's fine I'll I'll just scan them in and email them to you but it's just three forms that you just might want to read over and and that was the main one the other one's the resolution and the other one will give you a little bit of an idea about the uh the local cannabis regulation so when they're going to address like the day carees um are they going to address home day carees also I would assume it would be all day carees yes anybody that's licensed yes because I mean who knows where a home daycare could open up in the future and yeah you don't want one in the middle of a residential area but there's always the outskirts of residential butd up to your business zoning and all that so I would like the county to make sure that is part of their yep and we'll be a part of that too I mean that's we're the ones that show up at those meetings we just have to you know I I'm not a a uh proponent or an unprop I guess I just we just need to make some decisions I've got a stack in there about an inch thick of pulling up looking at uh the um the p&l part of it of a town less than 2,000 people that is has a municipal cannabis store there isn't a lot out there I mean this is all new for everybody um we we can we can go a couple different ways or actually three different ways say no let somebody else come in and do it or we can do it which brings in all kinds of other I'm not going to call them issues but there's also a lot of there's a lot of things that'll go along with this there's going to be a lot of regulations that are going to come out as of January 1st but I will keep you a rest of what's what is going on I just have to let them know I mean they've got somebody specifically working on this so Jeff it's on the agenda for tomorrow's board meeting to is it tomorrow's and I won't be there tomorrow so I'll be I'll be curious to see what you say yeah okay thank you are the regulations out yet no there's they didn't uh the state didn't come out with uh what what we needed last a Brian huh does that surprise you not bit not in the least so legalize things and not have any regulations yeah well there was no regulations there was no uh yeah there was no guance guidance yeah no guidance um sorry that took longer than I thought thank you so I will keep you I'll let you know but you'll all get these three pages by email here um sometime tomorrow mayor may I address you regarding a point of order can you what may I talk to you about a point of order you can put you can put it in writing if You' like who's in charge of the meeting here may I address you regarding point of order but Russ no but Russ if I let if I let you do that then everybody else that comes to a public hearing is going to say well how come that works for him and it doesn't work for us so I have to follow the rules okay well so you can send me an email okay that's all I have we under Rules of [Applause] Order okay so are we going to do this resolution yeah um we've got uh resolution 2024 92 accept donation from various donors for Central Park Improvement um there's we just have to accept those in there is a list some of them are are uh you know don't want to be have their name put in anywhere go ahead bab is is it two separate donation things we're doing for the library and for the Central Park on here it's listed the libraries listed to on the resolution under actual resolution itself oh up at the top yep yep no it is not so it's just for Central Park just the Central Park got J here so yeah you'll have to amend that yep okay just checking thank you are you done talking Jeff yep that's it okay I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 second we have a roll call please do you have something you wanted to say well I just wanted to say that again express my gratitude to everyone who's contributed to that Park fund and also to say that the park board um at its last meeting we discussed a formal way to express our gratitude and and thank you to all of the uh contributors so that's kind of in the in the work the official thank you and we just want to put it out there for everybody in TV land that donations are still needed so keep them coming please and thank you for everybody who has donated all right um anybody else have anything to comment about that Pro call please hia yes Smith yes Henri hi shones hi land hi mayor Carman hi we need to so we need to motion to close the regular meeting and open up the first of the closed meetings for Real Estate I'll do it yeah do it anybody want to Second his do it second anybody have any comments about that we have R call or we can just say all in favor yep going to do that in favor all in favor I I