##VIDEO ID:lK24X1anHRo## e e e where do you want to put zeros behind my name fundraising she or is that for your bank account a few Z I'm throw it away no you're not I'll like come on George now I had to spend a lot of time filling out mine I think it's probably the same as yours it's exactly zero zero she told you the answers you got yours the time I got done I forgot what told me too much they're all zeros and sign your name put Zer cash zero in kind zero cash on hand I never have any money Z my right I was feeling kind of lazy let's catch up tomorrow then okay whatever um got I knew it wouldn't matter because it's already Tuesday today Tuesday night today not when yet sometime mid morning or something like that I'm usually done like 11 just call me when you're when you're ready I'll let you have any dispersements well see I think our heating systems are not really I mean they're made to keep us warm one word in January easy that and below the in between kind of good as I'm going to get huh how good is that you can draw your own [Music] conclusions I don't know you love the world you ask me five minutes for I'm as good as I'm going to get you don't doesn't change any I said you're pretty trust um it is 6:29 1 minute is it time close Dar close get over here prep yep mentally prepare we'll call to order the regular CH city council meeting for Tuesday November 12th I pledge allei to flag of the United States of America and the for it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all something I want to say real quick before we start is that I didn't remind you I know is that I had the honor again of welcoming everybody to the Veterans Day program yesterday out at the high school in a if you guys have never been to that it'd be interesting to go once they have great speakers that come it's it's just a Great Patriotic thing so I just wanted to put that out there and remind people to try to get to that um mayor I I second your motion there I thought it was an exceptional program this year especially and uh one of our own uh 1996 graduate Colonel Julia mut King was the keynote speaker and did an excellent job and happy Veterans Day to all the veterans out there one day late but thank you for your service yes thank you yep so with that do we have any directions to the agenda yes a couple of them um there is going to be another resolution about a uh for bag for them to fill out a grant for us and we have to have a resolution for that um I'll go over it's highlighted in the in the new agenda in front of you and then also we have a guest tonight that uh is we're going to talk about a little bit of land here in uh in Tracy that uh would possibly be for sale and he wants to talk a little bit about during staff reports you know probably before the resolution so we'll get him up and after we do the couple the approvals of council payable and stuff we'll get him up to talk for a few minutes about that there'll be no decisions made on this at all tonight it'll be it'll it'll be uh just him kind of explaining what they're looking at doing um a company here in town and then uh then you know then we'll put it on the agenda for next week and whatever we need to do from there all right okay I'll make a motion to approve as amended I'll second that first and second do we have um sorry all those in favor I oppos motion carries anybody from the public that would like to talk about something that is not on the agenda oh hearing none we'll move on well the the consent calendar it's too short I don't know what to do approve the October 28th Council minutes approve Municipal accounts payable and payroll without breakthrough beverage second do we have any discussion on that okay roll call please Schmid yes abusive yes tees hi land hi Jones hi and mayor Corman hi I'll make a motion to approve Municipal accounts payable for breakthrough bage I'll second that roll call please ARA yes land hi shones hi Schmid yes mayor Corman hi anybody have anything for mayor council communication tonight that's we'll have um our guests come up right now if if you don't have anything oh sure maybe he wants to stay long maybe he doesn't come on up introduce yourself please and and then we can uh go through this a little bit I've got a couple what I've got pulled up in front go ahead and introduce yourself I'm sorry um my name is LOL Jeff said talk as loud as you can and I'm softspoken so um so my name is LEL Freeman I work uh at Hope DAC and also at Echo where it's a satellite for us Echo and um we're looking at doing some an addition um right now we just bought these three Parcels uh what was it March March March or April I think it went through and um uh we realized that um in order to get what we were looking for part of what we want to do is is make sure that we've got uh safe space for loading and unloading clients in a and we can't get our Transit van um to to work right um so that if we're not in if they're on ice or slush or um snow we don't really have a safe place to load and unload that's um not getting snowed on so we'd like to put an additional garage along here it's like a drive-thru kind of thing so we don't have this backing into the alley business that uh we're trying to do now it's pretty hard with a regular van and um almost impossible with a with a Transit van um so I want to explain a little bit what you're looking at here so this is their current building right here um and then this is the liquor store the old liquor store that was torn down so the two lots in question are would be the one right next to their building and then one here just to give you an idea each one of these is 25 ft I believe it's 25 ft 25 ft wide so what they would be looking at is uh purchasing a uh another two lots that are owned by the city um both 25 by I believe it's 175 all the way through so that's all way from from the alley to the street to the alley to the street yes Church yep yeah yeah we put the long-term plan would be to have this be addition on here you can um um we'll take a look at the next side but then have have parking here instead of a long the street um on Fourth Street um we can park on the property then instead we'll tar that everybody else or uh probably not concrete probably tar um but uh that should help with uh um cars being on the street and and then also helps us with loading and unloading so there would still be room if if it went through the the city council and everything was done the correct way there would still be one two three and then the Big Lot here so there' be plenty of room for somebody to build I went over this with Shane today if if somebody wanted to build something in this area also okay so are you ready for me to go to the sure what the drawing is so now kind of and I can go back and forth if you like just to picture what uh what we're looking at here so kind of this wall right here is the wall that that is already there so this is the this is the existing building right here and then what they would be looking at is if you can't see it on here I can't make it uh um to the size where you can read it um but this is right right at about 27 ft yeah and then that would stay away from setbacks so there'd be no variance or anything like that needed um and then you can see go ahead I'm sorry still in the Thunder here no that's all right so and then we're still not confident in uh a final layout of stuff but we need to we just know we need to have the bathroom close to the furnace room CU that's where the the sewer and water is located so what it needs to be in this General vicinity but I don't know if it's it might be over here too um and then um some office space and currently we don't really have any office space we're working on program floor and our um desks so we're actually taking up some of the licensed floor space for um for clients um by being we situated right in here right now for the office so that if we can move out of that space and uh then we've got more work space for the clients you can ask questions we just there's just no decisions made toight take me back to the other photo if you would um if I if I recall correctly there's a lot of parking there for when the Eagles have like their steak fry and stuff so that would move their parking further to the east yep along with the Bingo tent during during uh Box Car days and that type of thing but with this building gone it kind of distorts it a little bit cuz it's this is wide open in here yes but then for parking too you also have the the big city lot just across the street here so there are right here there are that usually does not get utilized too much but it would be available so one night a month it gets utilized pretty heavy that's about it yep when they have their Stak feed yep but it's adding on to a business yep I'm not complaining I'm just so just cuz I can't read on the the addition that you're putting on you know coming like to the bottom of the thing just kind tell me what those rooms it say it's just a storage room right now and then office office and office although one of these might be like a locker room for the staff to put their purses and um clothes and whatnot and then conference room here and then there's these are cars on so how big of a conference room are you looking at you know there was different discussion on that not that that matters but say I don't matter right now it's I think it's 12 by 32 something like that yeah looks like it's this looks like it says 30 here and I I can't even with my glasses I can't see it very well 12 would we have to cut in a turn in on go ahead any IDE no they can use our speakers I have two speakers out there for them would we have to cut in a turn in from is that South Street forget Shane and I asked that very same thing Dave is is what we thought is what we would be what one of the things that we'd be asking out of this um would be that that uh to make this so if vehicles are going to come out of this Garage on both ends um we would want a a uh a curb cut put in here so he could come out of it I was going to mention that and that just really safeguards that alley which is kind of tight anyway I think it's an excellent plan any any ideas when you would start um we got find yeah we got to find out if we need a uh what do you call it uh the um a blueprint that's a mechanical layout plan in Engineers or architect yeah yeah so if it's a if we need an architect type drawing well then it's going to take probably a little bit longer um otherwise if everything lined up and fell down exactly the way it needed to um maybe next summer that's not just that's just a shot from the hip though yeah well it doesn't matter just curious from the existing building there that garage would go what' you say 30 ft 26 20 this coming this way so then there'd be like another 25 ft on the side of the building there would be another yeah another 24 ft left that would take care of the 15t setbacks and everything else gotcha and would that have then like a rof almost a portico type thing or a garage where you drive through come in one end and go out the other like that I really like that idea because I'm Guardian for two that work there and each of them have fallen at least once on Ice yeah yeah if we can keep it dry um that would that's better so it's just kind of a FYI tonight and then we didn't have time to to start talking about it but we we'd be what we'd be asking for is is you know we'd have to put it to a because it' be selling property so there'd have to be a public hearing um we can call for the public hearing probably uh in on the 25th and we can have that public hearing probably after the first of the year if we want and then we we can discuss price on it I can give you the what it's worth on the the the site you know last time we did this um we actually had we gave it to them at a price that was on the market value and then they took care of the all the attorney bills and the uh writing up the purchase for wasn't a $5,000 for those other three lots yeah I don't I don't because they were they're they're listed right now um yeah let go I'm sorry well let's wait till we get the I mean that's each one of these right here I believe it's on the uh at $17 or $1,800 is what it's what it's worth for the gravel yeah I think it's something we just need to look at so yep that's great good job yeah I'll keep it coming all right you're a good uh neighbor in town we uh provides a really good service for the well it's yeah it's uh it's good for the businesses that were working in in their in the buildings uh it's also good for our clients cuz that gives them something to do it could be a good time to have an open house too if you don't mind say I mean that'd be a great to have a you get it done and have the open house and let the public come in yeah all right thank you for coming all right do I need to stick around or am I done you're fine I'll talk to you soon you stay T night thank you thank you stick around we'll put you on a committee easy all right thank you for listening to that anything that you need to add in stad I'm guessing they already have several employees and probably if they grow they were looking at a couple more yes yeah nice yep all right anything you have for staff report nope that was it thank you for listening to that remember we have the Clos meeting yet so don't get too excited all right new business then all right uh mayor resolution 2024 100 ordering corrective action at 224 Emory Street um I believe you know knock on wood here we have a uh another success story coming here um we'll just use the the address tonight we we've talked about it you know which which uh property this is I've been contacted by a bank and the people that are going to be tearing it down and there's a chance that this will be down this year so um I'm confident with them now we're still going to go ahead with the resolution tonight which gives him another uh 30 days I don't know we will I don't know that we will need I don't know that we will need to go to uh The Next Step where we would be ordering the um to take them to District Court I don't know that we'll have to do that on this one either but it'll so we might need another resolution in not on the 25th but on the 9th of December if it isn't if nothing has gotten done but I truly believe that this will be taken care of by then but for tonight we need to we're we're we want to stay consistent just like we have so far since we've been doing this program Tom and I and uh um clay Shane and chief licky we've been getting together once a month to go over the progress and what's going on with each one of them and that's how we keep track of where we're going with this with this program so is it is it possible or not to pull it up on there so we can see where you're talking because I absolutely no I am uh not familiar with the address that's fine and maybe doesn't matter I guess do you know where I live no good this is let's keep it that way I think so yeah did I say that out loud I heard it and I'm part of hearing so yes you did right there so George this is the Zion Lutheran Church right here okay and this would be the property right here is almost as big as the church it is the old DH Evans Mansion oh thank you you know some history S no history huh so the opinion of the owner it's not economically feasible to fix it yes nope it's not yep but it's been an iore for a long time and too bad there were once seven apartments in there say there's been nobody in there for 12 15 years at least I don't know how long but yeah but isn't that kind of sad that it cost them to tear it down they could just will cost them to fix it and have it going you don't fix I mean not fix it now I'm saying if they would have kept 20 years ago if they would is private property so it's yeah not now but that would have good so that's a pretty good size lot then probably buildable when it's done huh uh we've got a couple of ideas and we're going to um reach out to the Lutheran Church too and we might help him out there but he'll still own the property once it's once it's gone so so we will uh once we pass this resolution we will keep an eye on it and then we will I'll report on it again on the 9th you'll see a few more of these at least one more on the 25th and another one on the the 9th of the new resolution so okay so resolution 202 24100 ordering corrective action at 224 Emory Street I'll make that Diane I'll second anybody have any further discussion roll call please hia yes yes land hi hi stay so you guys want to keep your your vote out of this year so uh mayor we got resolution 2024 101 202 I'm sorry 2024 101 uh general election canvasing certification that was that took place at 4 5:45 here today so we need to pass this resolution I'll make that motion second Ro call please TS hi yes Jones hi mayor k hi all right the next one that we got is for the small cities development program that uh it's uh my fault that this didn't get done two weeks ago um I uh it was my fault I didn't get it onto the the agenda for two weeks ago so resolution 2024 102 local government resolution you have to put a uh a resolution out there that says that the the city is wanting the bag engineering to go ahead and get a their resolution taken care of for so they can apply for the small cities development program grant that we're looking to pay for the scada we just have to have a resolution going ahead and authorizing that if you got more questions I can read uh that's what we're waiting on I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 102 I'll second roll call please can I just ask one quick question sure y have a found out that we've gotten this grant no no wasn't this one that was supposed to have such a quick supposed to by it turnaround on it yes but the fact is they that's they're in the last steps of getting everything approved for them and we need to get this done so yeah it was a preliminary and then there was after the first year was a the main part of it so I think it's in I believe it wasn't until March I'd have to I'd have to ask again but there was a preliminary application and then there was like normal with deed then there is a the main one will be a little bit [Music] later any other questions welome land hi shones hi Schmid yes arisu yes CHS hi mayor Corman hi all right so I need a motion to close the regular meeting and open the Clos meeting so move second all those in favor I I clst motion carries good seeing you pair jez you probably took longer to walk over here today than it did your speech was longer morning than this Kendall Kendall's like you got to make that speech longer I'm like told me the last time I made a long speech to shorten it up so I'm short and sweet these days there you go don't make Harley sit around too long