##VIDEO ID:zsJ9wb3ubNU## e e e [Music] tell a photo I open open the your wife does she keep track I can make that most of it but her and Mike have a list work together so that forget anybody all right well I appre me so you were on my list that I had to no it's this really good quality started another St marshmallows like got horrible High I mean the [Music] doll 629 today way to go Jerry 30 seconds to [Music] spare now you just have to KCK two brothers or two cousins half ask you if you wanted to hold on to my car but I know hi [Music] J [Music] ready I went byy your house thought damn are you very old okay we all ready you liveing the dream all right we'll call to order the regular city council meeting for August [Music] 26th I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible with Li and justice for all it doesn't look like any changes to our agenda there are none mayor none other than we have some Jeremy is actually going to come up and and uh present something to the city but it's uh not on not on the agenda or Disney motion to approve is written second a first and second all those in favor I oppos motion carries I think Jeremy we're going to have you come up right away okay all right so first of all do I need to um is this our oh this is just about the people that have something talk about that is not on the agenda yeah so I have two checks uh to present tonight one uh both from the Eagles the one for alohan night raffle of $515 and then the other for $500 for the flying breakfast so ni do you who would like those thank you all right many thanks jery and Eagles and Eagles yes Dr tomorrow don't want a picture of that that's what I was Wonder we we can oh you can get it later we get it uh later with maybe you and him and because we got a couple other ones that need to be taken too eventually so well good I'll get my hair think bar will be there okay anybody else in the audience would like T B something that's not on the agenda here and N we'll just move right along you much time was fast all righty moving on to the consent calendar then I'll make a motion to approve the August 12th Council minutes approve Municipal accounts payable and payroll without breakthrough beverage and approve the municipal accounts receivable second do we have any further discussion on that um just one uh comment before I forget it I see we're paying the election judges for the primaries do we have are we doing well as far as getting election lodges line up for the general election good y okay any other questions roll call please TS hi Forman I'm sorry here yet arisu yes Schmid yes Henri yes shones hi land hi mayor kman hi I'll make a motion to approve uh accounts payroll or accounts payable for breakthrough beverage second we have any discussion on that one before we do roll call all right roll call please L hi shones hi HRI hi Smith yes areu yes mayor Corman I does anybody have anything for mayor council communication wow must be saving it for the uh department head reports they must be okay we'll move on to staff reports all right so let's start with uh Chief licky tonight please is that not my job to pick um not on this one not on that one good evening so National went out National Night Out I thought went really well went pretty smooth um the commit I'd like to thank the committee for putting on a another continuing to put on great gathering for the city box card a is coming up pretty quick we will have a full compliment on officers for the weekend um I have a new hire who will be starting hopefully sometime mid to late September um still a couple things to go through to get him licensed he he um for our department um his name is Officer Shane Nelson he worked for Morris Police Department for quite a few years he retired a couple years ago um before the police department disbanded um he was a past investigator Drug Task Force officer he's uh looking forward to pulling some part-time shifts cuz he just misses the work so um looking for that put you at then three full and one three full and two part time but two part time but one is very rare So able very rarely able to take shifts so I'm hoping what this part-time we'll do will will um hopefully alleviate some overtime and also it'll lessen the burden on officers where um he'll be covering daytime shifts Saturday and Sundays on open weekends so that the other officers don't have to worry about loss of sleep or getting called out multiple times and they in between being on call and being at work so so I hope it works out well um other than that I've been working with a city administrator and chain on some nuisance ordinance stuff and we served we served quite a few of I think we've got almost all them served except for one we'll talk about that when Shane comes up here after chief ly has to get it going tonight so then we'll talk about that a little bit when Shane comes up and we'll kind of let the uh let the council know how it's been going so any questions yeah Jason um I'm glad really glad that you got a part-time officer I know you were been looking for that we've been adver advertising since 22 and you mentioned he was a member of the Morse Police Department until it was disbanded that they went to the Sheriff's Department is that what happened there um yeah they they lost they lost some members to other um organizations and they were working so short that yeah they couldn't I mean there just aren't isn't a pool of officers out there like there used to be so they just kept getting shorter and shorter until they ended up not having enough to cover the city of moris so that's kind of unbelievable that's a is population excuse me what is the population of Morris more or less oh you don't know I 5500 I was going to guess about seven but yeah yeah it's hard to believe they couldn't staff their organization that is sad don't have such a good City administrators as we do oh good point it's also has a foure fouryear college there the Morse is a four-year College I think that's awesome that they did the um like the reenactment of like a grain bin at the National Night Out people that don't understand how that whole thing works that's really cool that so PO for that something different I know right so um Jason one other comment first of all I'm again commend you on working on these um nuisance complaints and uh abatement procedures uh I'm wondering um in garbage cans is there do we have an ordinance about overflowing garbage cans where the stuff is practically falling onto the street or putting garbage into the recycling bins do we actually have an ordinance on the book for that not to my knowledge just recently I I think that's starting to get to be a problem I think the garbage company has their guidelines as to they will say they won't pick it up if it's overflowed they don't get out of the truck so if it falls off it's your problem yeah one case in particular I noticed that it I know the recycling thing was looked like garbage in the in the recycling bin and it was picked up and I'm sure the driver can't really tell what's in it but it's it's I so just a reminder to the public to please not do that because that really contaminates the whole recycling stream thank you all right thanks Jason have a good night thanks have a good night Val do you want to go in the orders we do have Jessica also is going to go for the pool tonight um so summer reading is wrapping up we just have the last few kids coming in this week to spin the wheel for their last prizes um otherwise that is all done um just wanted to mention that we ended up postponing our Starwatch um event from last week um you know it's it's kind of nice working with the meteorologist because then he calls you and says it's going to be too cloudy tonight you know so we're we've rescheduled for this Wednesday evening that will be at Swift Lake Park um so if you know anyone who was hoping to come last week I'll make sure everybody knows that it's been moved to this Wednesday at 8:30 so um really looking forward to that it should be fun we've never done anything like that before now how long will that the program be so it's from 8:30 to 10:30 okay and so um yeah Mike will have several telescopes there um and talk about you know all kinds of interesting and he also takes um photog he does photography of different things in space with stars and whatnot so I think he'll talk about that and yeah okay good not my area of expertise did you say 8:30 to 10:30 8:30 to 10:30 y that's a cool idea yeah we decided to do that because we had um like a space theme for summer reading this year and so we did the planetarium trip earlier in the summer and then we're closing out with us so very cool well very nice but everyone's welcome it's not just for kids so very good Everyone likes space right people I don't know if like it anymore yeah really isn't the ones who are stuck there yeah I think about that it's like they food for that many more months oh yeah it is is nice for us down here on the on the ground to think [Music] [Laughter] about um that's all I have for you so um if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer miror looks good at the liquor store it does look great I I stopped by the one day she was painting I tried to get her around into her view all a sudden there wasn't a big black line coming through but yeah it looks good yeah I like it a lot and the one the library looks good too yes it does nice to get some art going in [Music] town oh thanks pH all right thank you thank you [Music] Jessica do you want to go all right so the summer obviously was a weird summer so we were a bit slower um we had a lot of compliments on our liner and our baby pool's freshly painted features we were open May 31st and we closed yesterday and out of those 86 days due to weather we had to close completely 6 days and probably another 12 to 15 partial days because cold rain just not good swimming weather um this was the first year that we had our registrations for season passes and swimming lessons online um a lot of people were asking about it I me personally I don't think it went over as well as we were hoping because all of our numbers were kind of down on that aspect but it all went off just fine um we scheduled our first well to my knowledge I should say which I mean if you know me I've had the pool a long time uh public pool party and we were hoping it to have it on the 4th of July 4th of July obviously is cold rainy so we rescheduled it for about the I think it was the 14th and it was I almost thought we were like I we had to count to make sure we were not at capacity and everyone that I've talked to really enjoyed it and we're hoping to have more of those um I put a suggestions PLL out on Facebook towards the middle of the season um and I was met with some really good ideas to improve the pool and different things we can do I know we have a loha night which is a hit or miss sometimes but um if you look at like the Marshall Aquatic Center Facebook page they have like teen nights they have family nights they have theme nights um lambertin I think just did a float in movie so those were some of the suggestions that I got which I think would be great to start incorporating into the pool um our fitness swimming and aerobic so like like lap swimming Seth was there almost every morning aerobics we are running out of space with how busy we get in the mornings so we have to in the offseason I'm hoping to talk to Jeff and Tom and figure out a way to accommodate everybody better that way um and then some additional updates that are going to need attention soon um that I've talked to some I think I've talked to Tom and Jeff and I've talked to Shane or Sean um and Shane a little bit we're gonna have to update the snake and the raft which I think we're meeting tomorrow to kind of talk through all that um the slides are going to get updated this offseason and so that should look really really nice by the end and hopefully with prolong their life and um the painting in the locker rooms is starting to chip away so we are going to need to get those painted um I don't know the last time they were painted something that Sean and I talked about when we were doing it was having Sammy Miller come in and maybe do a mural on it um we haven't talk Logistics or anything but that was just an idea that we had and then another suggestion that we had was to put up uh partitions in the CH or in the locker rooms so they wouldn't have to change in the bathrooms and they could still have have a private area and I don't think that would take much at all a few boards and a shower curtain but other than that it was really good and of course we closed yesterday and today is hot as can be again but if you guys have any questions I can try to answer pretty good crowd yesterday yeah yesterday was one of the busier days we've had in a while a lot of people said they were going for the last day yep and there's a lot of um a lot of people that wanted to we added some different things to our concessions this year and so a lot of families wanted to come and buy out the remaining concessions that we have so when we go out there tomorrow and go through everything I think Jeff's going to be pleasantly surprised with what little we have left out there so we hit that pretty well I I was wondering uh are you seeing people use the punch card more often than actually getting season tickets yes um Punch Cards I feel like have gone up a lot um and I don't know if that's I mean everyone's busy crazy busy these days um but I haven't heard any really complaints about the price of the season passes or anything like that the only complaint I had of the uptick in prices was pool parties I had one person canc so their like annual pool party due to the increase in prices but they were really the only ones that did everybody else if they really wanted the pool party they paid the price and I think it was fine Jesse how about the $1 increase in general admission did you get much I heard nothing on that all year so that was good and we up the morning swim $2 and I didn't hear any grumbling about that at all this year so really the only thing I had about the price increases was like I said the pool parties um however a lot of our concessions when we revamped it and went from like the bottles to cans of pop and all that some of those prices came down so I think that kind of offset it a little bit did you I imagine you explained to people with the parties that we were actually losing money prior to it yeah number of cards that we have to have yep exactly and I I tried but you know no matter what you're not always going to make everybody happy so and everybody that I mean we normally have five six pool parties a year and I think we had about that if not more even so is I guess as long as we're talking about pool and Shane maybe you would be more on top of this is was the Savings in use water usage because of the former leaks and the chemicals uh a drastic improvement for our bottom line I'm sorry to do that to you with Y the bottom line I'm not sure I have the hold on I have the so the the pool didn't change cuz what we used last year for chemical was made up this year on a different chemical which is more costly so there's a a little bit of savings but not a lot in the pool but there's a huge savings in the water plant cuz we're not treating all that water that's leaking down the hill so um we did see a savings you know in another department yeah um so either way it's still City funds but okay that answer your question yes thank you and I'm sorry I didn't ask that so you can be prepared nope you're good great job Jesse positive things about the pool I try does a nice job of creating new things she created some things in the concession stand that really went over big um back to our concessions we budgeted 7500 and ended up with I believe 8,700 so wow we sold you know I mean we're you know selling what's coming in so and I think we have um a couple of open 12 packs what's in the fridge and one thing of M&M's and one thing of nibs left and that's it so everything else plan great awesome thank you guys you camera do you want to go Jesse and I and Shane and Tom and and uh um Sean are meeting at the swimming pool tomorrow to go over just kind of recap everything and figure out what we need to do in the offseason and and uh and figure out a couple things that we're going to get prepared for for next year ready so so July sales were a little bit higher than budget um cash flow was about 7300 inventory is a little higher than normal just the season after box c car days it kind of start tapering back on down um actually I was like telling Jeff it's like there was one of the companies that had a really good bridge by that we do about 50 bottles of this one particular thing every two months so it's like it was a no-brainer to do it but it put us like way over over budget for that for sure um but we end up making more money in the long run right now we're doing the six annual fire department fundraiser with Coors Light 50 cents for each case gets donated to the Minnesota firefighters Association um we have a change box in the store as well for the fire department so when at the end of the it goes till September 11th then we'll donate that money to the fire department um the next mmba fundraiser is October for the food shelf um just wanted to shout out to our staff actually we have a great team right now they all work really well together and very happy with them and proud of what they're doing out there so just a kudos to the staff and anybody have any questions or comments am I'm looking at this um bar graph that uh Tyler made on liquor uh store monthly sales and it shows almost 100,000 um is that the the most the liquor stores ever done in a month in volume um you know what I don't know what that looks like actually but that's a tremendous volume of business when July is like one of the biggest year yeah July and December are like probably the two busiest months when you compare it to what it used to it used to do that's really a l a big volume definitely nice job there thanks a little more effort to could to hit 100,000 no you think yeah well I don't even know what that Barra looks like I think it was the best month was that July [Music] yeah so get that wonderful team you have just bumping it up it is it's like it works great when you have a team and they all work together it like makes a world a difference so yeah got a great team right now so very happy with them and with what's going on [Music] so anybody else have any questions oh great job to you and your team keep it up thank you thank you city of Tracy for buying alcohol and Tracy yeah exactly that's the thing right there [Music] supporting so um I wanted to say thank you to the staff um this was it last week Jeff I believe it was last week I was out I was out all almost all week I was only here on Friday um because my wife had a miscarriage and um brought her to the hospital in Tracy ended up going to the hospital in Marshall and it was scary um had an operation and and I was afraid but everything turned out great and she's doing really well now and I just really appreciate the staff and the flexibility the care that we have here it's really great um and appreciate your loved ones hold them close um so Utilities in August or in July I mean it was the biggest numbers we've ever seen we had a really great income in July um and same with the liquor store best numbers ever and same with camping we're having a record year um everything's going well and so far we've made almost 9 ,000 that warm May really helped a lot and then in licensing the DMV here uh was $1,300 higher than July of last year and so far this year we've earned $111,000 more than last year and that's due in large part to the increases in fees that the state allowed so yeah we've been doing well any questions Tyler first I'd like to say we appreciate you and love you doing the finan think so I'm glad your wife is doing better yeah um uh do you have any uh is there was there a special um reason for the water and sewer revenue for being so up so much in July well I mean we always we expect it to increase to record levels because our number of users has stayed constant and we've been been raising rates and so since July is one of the highest months of usage it would be expected that it would be the highest ever but it's good to see that our our budgeting and our calculations are actually taking effect and we're seeing that money come in partly volume partly rates yeah mostly rates because the volume stay pretty much constant okay I also wanted to commend our ambulance drivers it was Jordan Hy was here the last city council meeting talking about the his neighbor he was our ambulance driver and just the nicest guy and it was really neat so while Tyler's up there I'd like to talk a little bit about um the um the report that he just gave on the uh Swift Lake Park the camping out there right now if you look we're sitting at uh is it was it 8900 we're sitting at right now I believe yep and last year was 6,000 total yep so right now we're 2,900 ahead with a September is usually a pretty good month so August isn't on there and September isn't on there and October isn't on there you got a projection where you think we might end up I mean is that is that possible or is that just guessing we could maybe see another 6 or 7,000 so we could get close to 15,000 if the if it's stays full okay so a little bit of the conversation that uh you might have a or you will have a little bit of of decision making to do here in the next few weeks with budgeting is is something that we've discussed is with the the windmill construction and we know that's coming over the next five or six years and since we're so busy out there now um do we want to take advantage right now I can tell you that the lions are moving the uh with they already you already passed or except Ed Their donation so they're going to be putting that uh that shelter not a shelter but just a picnic shelter over in the middle so we're going to be moving that so there's going to be room for I would say five or six more spots out there if we wanted to do that so we're looking at that right now on figuring out what it would cost us to put five or six more spots in there since we will have the room right now we don't really have it with that big picnic shelter there but when we put that into the middle of the complex out there there will be room for six more so Shane and I have been out there I've been out there with the Legion or the Lions a couple times Tom's looked into it also and we're just trying to see if whether it would be worth it or not to take some of the increases out there over the next few years that we're going to know about and maybe try to take advantage of it and and put in six more spots out there is that the most we could add well it depends on how far George you go to the east or to the West I'm I'm just talking about just filling up the spots that are available there's there's a couple spots available right now that we could put a couple new ones in there but when you take that that shelter out of there there's going to be room for three or four more just in that spot so now where's the shelter moving to into the middle you where in the circle by the baths yep yep a higher ground because that was one of the problems that we have with that right now is is uh when the water kind of goes and settles right down in there where the picnic shelter is right now so we're going to be putting the C in which isn't going to cost us anything um Shane can just talk a little bit about it when he gets up here if he wants but it's uh We've looked at it for the they're for about 3500 they're going to put the cement in and then put some of the fixes onto the picnic shelter and they feel that they can pick the whole thing up and then set it right over on it in its new spot so we'd have new C you know some new oh some of the truss will be new and and it'll be painted and everything else we'll basically have a new a new picnic shelter out there and then it'll be a spot for some campers so how far do we go you know with electricity with sewer with water probably not not sewer but just water and electricity we're going to try to figure that out here in the next uh few weeks to see if that might be worth our time especially since we're you know I know we use more electricity out there so just because we we're bringing in more Revenue you know you still got to pay for more electricity more water and everything else but would it be worth it for us to create six more spots out there so we're trying to figure that out now I guess I like to see expand that some I've had quite a few residents come to me and say why don't we take advantage of that out there I think that'd be a good idea but I I think we need to do it sewer and electric and water all the way and I'm saying that because you go to w Grove that park there is full of people that want to be there all season and pay the the rate but they need the whole thing they don't want to hook up and have to go move their camper to dump their water and stuff so be nice if we could do it up do it upright and yes it's going to cost a little more but over the long run it's going to turn out better I'm positive well we want to take advantage of what's coming and we know what coming so how do we take advantage of it out there and that bite be the piece right there right now we don't have sewer no no but not sewer right everybody's got water um out of the sites five of them have water yeah they that's it they have uh there's a couple of that are are uh I what is that called there's no power or rustic orus nothing you can park in though it's just T area so but if we put them in yeah I would assume it's is it 30 or 50 amp 50 both so if we're going to put yeah if we're going to put Electric in there you know it wouldn't be that much more just to put it through that area we're talking about and maybe making sure all the rest of them have their electric red away too so we're trying to get that Shane and I are going to work on that and just just to see what we can do so there's you know maybe this is something we figure out what we're what it's going to cost us and then we get it done in the spring in 25 and you'll that'll be one of the you know hey does that something you want to do with you know the potential some of the budgeting money that we'll that we'll have I know at Lake chch where they have a campground I think he put her doubled it this year and it's put her all full already yeah same thing all around the area yeah y yeah want this we need to do it and do it right so thing we don't have is the swimming area and you know like does and Lake Laura they don't really have swimming area there unless they go a distance yeah some of them are a mile away from the lake L Laura not Laura I'm talking ATT oh but no like that place just blew up yep all of them around here Lake Laura no um I think it's something just by looking at the uh the revenue that we brought in this year already and we haven't put August September October in here and September is usually a pretty good month we'll we we'll at least be able to give you a little bit more information on you know what it's going to cost and you know probably not till October or so but we'll probably have to make that decision already before SE the end of September so well like you said we know what's coming and then if it's already full now what are we going to do with most of you do I would like to see the cost of doing the area where just the picnic shelter is and the cost if we would do any expansion that it doesn't have to be all at once or it can but I'd like to see the cost broken out for us to make our decision on yeah got an idea all right thanks thanks Tyler thank you Tom Shane a coin boys always to go well a lot of random things going on right now um I guess uh as far as the employee vacancy we have right now um we do have a labor position open until the 30th of this month um we'll review those right after Labor Day weekend um see what we have right now I think we're there's about five applicants give or take um so there might get a few more that trickle in but um Carter uh I think I put this in a report but Carter took over the cemetery supervisor Street labor position so um that filled uh David Peterson's spot there so um now we're looking for Phil Carter's vacancy so um as far as the campground if you want to talk about that uh there's there's Provisions for sewer there when we did the the sewer uh line out to the new ponds we did uh create a connection point for future um so we do have Provisions there for sewer now um and the depth is good for most of the park um it is fairly shallow there but um it can get it may be a little trouble on the the far Wester Westerly sites on the north side of the road but um everything else I think there shouldn't be a problem there with uh with connecting the sewer the water um it's under pressure so that's easy to accommodate there's currently three 50 amp services and all of them have a 30m so um but there's only two three of those those sites that have uh the 50m 220 connection so that we PR need that for the larger campers now can they accomodate a larger camper yeah those three sites can um one we've been trying to fill in with some rock cuz it gets a little wet towards the north side there but um feel like it stabilized quite a bit here now um we put some more rock and gravel in there to kind of build it up a little bit but it's kind of in a wet area so possibly a little tile through there um on the other side of the fence on the airport side would maybe help some of that um we're kind of looking in to doing something there that even where the dumpster is it's getting wet all the time there so um just some general minor improvements um over the upcoming years will help a lot with drainage and making the park a little better so um but waterers no not a problem there's a new 2in line feeding the park which is adequate for quite a few campers um so that ain't a problem there electrical we did update the after uh Labor Day weekend we had a little uh Darkness for a few hours uh Exel had to come bring us a new Transformer cuz it pulled more than 200 amps so we do have a 400 amp uh Transformer out there now um but there's still a lot of underground that would have to be done to bring everything up to a 50 amp so but it is the infrastructure is there so um other than that uh they finished up they're going to do the final sweeping on Wednesday for the seal coating for this year uh everything's complete I think they didn't waste any time getting that done so um went pretty good there yep so they went in between rain showers but Orchard Lanes it looked like it was done so um I don't know P were you out there recently did you go out to Orchard Lane They Se go to yeah they seal coded that right good question see they did Miss Long Green Lane we're going to hit that next year but they did take it off the quantities so um but I'll double check but yeah that should have got done out there it was on the map so um that was one place I forgot to stop so uh everything else on the map I he got done yeah there'll be final sweeping on Wednesday um throughout the day so all the loose Rock will be picked up before the Labor Day weekend so and if they don't make it here for some reason then we'll pick it up so either way it'll get done when you when they pick up the rock do they have no parking again so people have their vehicles off um they should I'm going to put a Facebook post out tomorrow morning just to help um you know I they can at least sweep around them um if they have to but it would be nice if they can get all the rock picked up so but if they aren't able to get it then if they do have a that they had to go around um if we have to go back and get a spot or two we'll we'll be out too so um typically they don't park for extended periods of time in those areas so um other than that I guess you have any other questions before we get into code enforcement I just got a quick one about Swift Lake before we go to to fast on expanding sites I'd like us to also look at like the playground CU you know the playground equipment is aged and it's up at the other end yep of the park you know if we're going to be going east and everything do we need to look at a different playground area you know and if that area where the picnic shelter was is low you know is that where we want to put spots or is that where we want to put a playground so it's right by the shelter you know I just before we go to Hog Wild saying let's put in the the stuff for stalls I just want to make sure we look at the whole plan out there MH cuz I do think we want to improve Swift Lake cuz camping has become uh more popular activity but they also want activity out there if you have a family right good idea I think we want to look at that stuff I think that'd be a an appropriate topic for the park board to consider talk about there you go and there's room I just don't want to delay no you know the sites but so I kind of want people thinking of it so we can get it on our agendas right away but where the picnic shelter is now that in my opinion it would make excellent space for new sites new camping sites but we have to build it up we know we know we'd have to build it up nice trees and nice nice area yeah I would you could put sights there or um there's a lot of room on the sou side of you where kind of the bike repair station is right on the so there's that all that land there that could be established for a playground too or sights um you may have to reroute part of the bike path to make it work but you know that's that's another option too so um so there's all kinds of options but be best just to draw it all out and see where it allays that's what I'm thinking we just need to be looking at the whole picture yep and when you're talking the whole picture the bike path should be included in that whole picture well the bike path is in our we talked about that is it already in our I thought was no it's it's it's one of the yeah it it's possibly going to be I was thinking it was it was discuss as a wish item so to to have an overlay done so but if we do decide that that's a viable option to to reroute that we can move it closer to the the solar field there and then you know just kind of change how it Loops um further to the west through the park so um definitely there's definitely options plenty of land there there isn't many options where the playground currently is cuz there's a Runway safety area there so just say just to the east of that playground you can't really have they don't even like like people driving through there um but we do have um I guess a kind of an easement through there with with FAA an exception to to let us keep using it as a park so I know they keep bringing up the subjects like well we should move the park like it was all put there at the same time so they just have to get along so but uh as far as code enforcement goes um so we did uh draft two letters um currently for a notice to go to council resolution for the 2nd September meeting um just to give them uh a heads up enough time for them to receive the letter and get to a meeting one of them may not make it to the meeting um they might have it remedied before the meeting which would be great um but uh I don't know how the other one's going to end up but um just so you aware of that uh we did send we had serve three other ones that didn't claim their first notice five out of six yeah um two were in Marshall um another one was in town here uh so they're going to be on the list here in 30 days so if they don't comply then we'll have those also on a a future Council resolution and we're just going to kind of keep talk to Jeff talk about keeping five on the list of all times and then if one ends up complying then we'll just add another one until we get through them all but as long as the the budget's there to to actual Abate the the issue so if that makes sense so there's a lot of Step ones that have already been satisfied so we're starting to go to the step two the abatements process so but we're giving everybody the opportunity more than enough opportunity to say hey we're in the wrong and we'll take care of it so we feel that we've got one of them that that will be uh one of the isour will be taken care of beforehand but we're knocking on doors asking people you know this is what's going to happen so here it comes this is the dates that it's going to go in front of the council this is when your address is going to be announced in front of the council um and if you want to avoid that this is what needs to be done given them the the steps the four steps all the way to going in front of the district court and we tell them what it's going to cost us to go through the district court and uh and then where it comes back if we have to Abate the property and what it's going to cost that person on their taxes too so we're giving everybody every opportunity there's no discrimination we are we uh we just sit down we uh five of us sat around and and uh and said okay we need to take care of some some ones that have been around for a long time um for instance we picked one that's uh four years yet before it goes onto the tax forfeiture list that's one of the biggest eyes soures that we have here in town um so we're that that's one of them um we can't say that address yet tonight but we will be addressing those and that these aren't these are the ones that we're doing for um hazardous and and for weed control and everything else but then that's besides the that isn't what also the 50,000 that we budgeted for um tearing down properties that are tax forfeiture two different to totally different different things this is on Swift Lake Park land I think or at least Farmland that we had I'm I'm curious about our solar farm out there one thing is I I just biked it last week and I they're better at weed control this year but some years they've it's been pretty tough to look at biking by but what I'm really interested in how much energy have they generated for our community and how does that does that feed into XL or yeah it does feeds EXL yeah but I don't think it's to this community though it is it is through this so the city actually has the majority of the water plant the Aquatic Center the liquor store um this building we pay you probably see it on the accounts payable it's called bhe Renewables we pay roughly $8,000 a month to them um so we pay we pay them for the the energy generated from the solar field and then EXL doesn't doesn't bill us for that energy so it's the energy is going to XEL but you know then they're billing us for the energy that Excel used to if that makes sense right are are we getting any kind of a special deal or is it pretty much the going it's not really the only thing is it's it's it's solar energy versus fossil fuels or however I mean I know XL has been Diversified over over the last 10 years they've been going to wind and solar too so it's all kind of a little bit of everything at some point in the future this is obviously not an emergency info point of information but I would like to know each year since they've started that how much energy they've generated I wish Tyler was still here because he would know about the contract and the money coming in I know he's talked about it okay but now I don't remember it's the details weren't we supposed to have gotten better rates or something for have letting them do that out there so we get the rates not really but we're we're getting lease revenue for the land for 25 years Revenue I I I remember just enough to not quite be dangerous but I remember him talking about what what the revenue that we were getting from it and all I think it was during one of our budget sessions it's about $50 an acre $750 an acre so it's and they have how many acres please um more or less I don't need to put you on get online and and look I can I can look it up quick and let you know before the end of the night it's not an important item but at some point in the future I just would be interested in knowing I think our community should know that it's a renewable energy Tyler can give us that information cuz I remember hearing it and I'm sure it was from him thank you everybody shean uh question on the wheels uh across the Prairie is are we still on schedule to get water extended to that this year last I heard they're talking about boring next week oh good September 3rd okay but I have not seen any utility locate yet so okay and then um I just wanted to note U and you've got a nice thank you in here for Tam Maran uh anram and Connie Anderson for couple of uh cleanup projects at the welcome to Tracy sign and also at the tornado tree and I want to also add to that that um there's a youth group and I think most the kids were from Tracy Lutheran that put in over an hour pulling weeds out at the tornado site so we really thank them too okay appreciate any efforts that our community puts into that it's it's a lot of work maintaining all these little flower garden areas and Landscaping so um see we're we're having trouble keeping up with grass so now we're one fulltime and two part-time short of what we normally budget for so and we're not going to have any until probably the next at least 3 weeks before we see a full full-time one coming in so um it'll be time for winter hopefully but tongue not mowing weeks you never know I know three weeks for the winner or hiring yes let's get them hired and let anything else getting ready for box card days now Sam what's your question I thought it was about the camp sites about the sewer part of it just wondering if there was sewer but it kind of got answered kind of a thing because currently people that want to rent it for longer than a period of time don't like having to move their c yeah why I say if we do some let's do it upright half of it it's hard because we don't have anybody that's on hand out there to put them into the right one where somebody's going to stay at night they don't need they could just dump you know on their way out but you know we don't have somebody sitting out there have to be a late yep so we'll get those numbers to Ed must have some money hidden that they could use to oh yeah Ed Ed yeah city has money all hit all over the place stuff like that oh you knew about that huh um my report uh if you have questions on it a couple shout outs um Carl Campbell and his crew were waiting in ankle deep clay mud over in the hole next to Brian's house and uh got footing foror today so um we are moving on that Second Street East Speck home um the uh Foundation it's uh should be going up in within in the next week then as well and I don't know whether we'll be in time for the opening day of school to uh begin working out there but maybe the guys will get some experience in putting up the um the walls too which would be an interesting activity so we'll see how that plays out and then uh Sunday got a text that uh Earth was moving out on Front Street so one of the two homes that are being built by ukap on Front Street is uh um excavated the lines are all stretched out there and so the um Foundation footings are to be poured potentially even tomorrow uh company will be coming in from out of town uh this one is General contracted by uh uh Dale Johnson and his crew and this will be a poured wall uh with h but it's just footings about 4T deep into the ground it's not a full basement but but uh hopefully see that U coming out of the ground before the weekend as well so right now in the city of Tracy there's three brand new homes being constructed I think that's a pretty positive thing and another one coming on hopefully before too long and um so that's exciting um um those ukap homes are they going to be in floor heat no they did not have one floor heat in those yeah would have been nice I think they tried their best to try to keep as much of that expense to make it affordable as possible and but yeah that would have been nice definitely I will say on those uh bear was asking some questions about that today um there is an identical one of those the um the lumber yard Tracy Lumber Drew up the plans for those two homes as well as the one in Walnut Grove uh you'll see maybe a picture in the paper I don't know otherwise I can send you one the one on wall in the Grobe is completely frame sided and has a roof on it so it will give you an idea of what these homes out here will look like it's the same floor plan which is kind of nice we'll be able to use that as a model almost for anybody that's interested in seeing it and can't quite visualize from a set of blueprints what the home might feel like or lay out like and um so hopefully we'll be able to use that for a little while until we have one here that's completely framed up I will say that I think this is a great deal and it may be the best deal we have on these two going forward even I would hope that maybe we get a few more of these in the years ahead where they are able to cover that Gap financing so once again say this home cost $350,000 to build the appraised value is what ukap is selling them for which at this point is 262,000 their funding through deed and through Minnesota housing is to cover that gap between what the real cost was and what they charge the customer now that apprais value is coming from light kind and quality that's how appraisal are done they have to use comps comparable sales well these these three homes that are being constructed will provide comparable sale prices and values going forward which we haven't had we have not had brand new homes for a little while that were used for comps I'm estimating that in the years ahead those appraisals will be higher and whether or not that also that that Gap financing also increases you know with inflation or what have you but I don't know that I think this is probably these two homes that we out have out here I guess is what I'm saying is are probably the best deal we're going to have for a little while so first come first serve the pricing is set all right we know what they will cost and ukap is in charge of the sale of those that's not anything that that we're involved with other than helping them Market those homes they're those proceeds are not coming through the city or through the Eda we are not getting compensated in any way for that we're just trying to help ukap get those sold so they can build more and hopefully uh in the future keep us in mind through their next programs if there is somebody out there that's potentially interested they can contact you to kind of know where to yep to go to exactly yep yeah we will we we have plans and specs um they're able to look at what the products are going to go into it at Tracy Lumber and Tyler Lumbers is doing the other one they'll be able to see exactly what they will look like there's not going to be as much of an opportunity to make Grand changes you know there's going to be no moving walls there's going to be no changing but colors have not been set in stone yet clearly nothing's been ordered so if individuals want to make flooring changes and that kind of thing they still can do that once they're under construction and once products have been ordered that'll probably be the end of that it will be what it will be just like any other model that's been built can you say again what the price is for those 262 262,000 they will be able individuals will need to go through a little bit of um qualification there are income guidelines they're not minimum guidelines they're maximum incomes okay to qualify which are still fairly decent levels these are not low income housing this would be moderate income and there is no test for assets which is an unusual part of this as well so individuals can have assets CDs land whatever it might be and maybe their income is still in that moderate range and they would qualify what is it to and three bedroom three bedroom two bath main floor laundry it's all one level 26x 26t garage which is a nice two separate garage doors on the garage so nice nicely set up um we're doing our own Gap financing on the one over on Second Street correct so with the uh with what we're going to save on on uh labor costs then we'll figure that out and then so that would be so we're kind of doing the same thing ukap is but just doing it with the school and and the in the Eda but that one's going to go up fast we need to have something we can Market you just don't have anything to Market you can't Market a hole in W or hole in the ground unless you're looking for a pool inside your house we're excited about uh Thursday night getting a little better feel for some of the programs that they'll be you know laying out as far as their overall concept plan of prioritization bowling will be here um 5:30 right and uh one of those things that's really important at least to what I do is to know what we're going to be doing with drainage out on Front Street was at a meeting at the county um last Tuesday evening the lion county is going through a brand new comp plan comprehensive plan drawing that up they haven't had one for 14 years or something of sorts and uh so I was invited as other Eda people and when and before it began I was able to visit with uh Rick Anderson and um Dan the drainage guy my mind just went blank his name but anyway they are very very aware of our drainage issue on the southwest side of Tracy Front Street is is just one part of a much much larger decision making process of how we're going to handle the flows of water that F come in from that Southwest side and actually make their way all the way through town it isn't just in a Southwest issue it's a Northeast issue by the time it all makes it there and so what we do on front streets kind of the perfect timing right now is to bring that that awareness and then once we know how they're going to design drainage through that whole 22 Acres or whatever's out there we can begin selling lots up and down Front Street without doing any new infrastructure they're set we can keep going on down the line but it makes no sense to do anything until we know where a drainage ditch might go or where the road should go to access the lots and back but I'm hoping that we have some good answers by next spring of what we might be doing and you guys thank you very much you guys approved a a plan to do that a few months ago at one of the council meetings to get the survey working they've begun that process out there they've already been asking questions about lot sizing and Frontage and setbacks and so I think we may see some concept plans soon thank you Tom thank you Tom thank you guys so I have a quick thing I forgot when we did the mayor council thing we just got a note I got a note from Jack Smith who was Senator Tina Smith's new housing Banking and transportation Outreach director um just congratulating us on the on the um grant that we got for the airport y so you'll you'll approve that here in a few weeks um that's the state grant that you're talking about and then we're we're getting the Federal grant as soon as that comes in then we'll have resolutions for both of them and uh I'm hoping in two weeks if not probably the 23rd is when the there think the federal one would come in and that'll show all of the the the amount of money that the state and the federal government are throwing into that airport project because we're throwing in very little it's nice so anyway he said if we have any questions we can reach out to him and he's got his contact information y yeah we'll bring I talked about we're going we're going to we'll bring that up we'll read that email um when it's when it's time when we have both of them instead of bringing the state one up going through the resolution explaining what it is and then having to do the exact same thing you know when the federal one comes up so we're going to do them on the same night I asked the boss about that and she said yes that's the way we should do thank you Diane okay um I've got just a few dates in here that I'd uh just like to REM remind you all of um first of all uh just it's a tradition on Labor Day weekend on Friday at noon the city sponsors a uh just a noon meal we'd like you to all come out if you can just come on over I don't know what exactly we're going to have yet but I'm sure it'll be good and that'll be from noon to 1:00 and we'll put some picnic tables up here and and uh and just just sit and have a little fellowship and and so come on out at at noon for the employees and the city council on Friday on Friday at noon yep it's this Friday yeah that's this Friday already um next thing the uh just a reminder and Tom did and I think Shane did also uh remember Thursday night 5:30 B will be here to put on their presentation um I'm not going to lie to you it's not going to be a short one it'll be it'll be a pretty long meeting I'm sure by the time you have your questions and everything there won't be a presentation given to you ahead of time you'll get it that night but it'll be uh we'll put it on the screen in in the basement Library okay I'm working with them on a few things right now they just asking me how we want a couple things presented so I'll be doing that that week so that'll be a very informative night on uh on Thursday night at 5:30 there is no ending time is what you're saying the last time we said they put it from 5:30 to 8:00 that's what it's put at so ending time would be 8:00 y okay very important meeting Thursday this week this Thurs Thursday night um next thing I guess Tom or uh Shane and and chief ly already had talked about this but we uh with uh the group of five or six of us that sat around and and uh went through the Hazardous properties and and we've already made some Pro progress on on a couple of them we got one of them that I had a conversation with today doesn't live here in town um pays the taxes doesn't want uh doesn't want her address put on to the city council and she said she'll have it taken care of in 2 weeks for one of the properties that we're you know we're having some issues with just goes to show that that what we're trying to do is get a hold of people and talk them through it a little bit we're not just bullying anybody we're saying hey here's the problem this is what we see we need to get it taken care of or these are the steps that we will take and it was a couple of uh of I think conforming emails and then a phone call this morning and it I believe one of those properties taken care of so that won't cost us in the end $1,500 she's going to take care of it herself can we add that $1,500 under the taxes as if we have to move that far forward what's that if it costs the city $1,500 to move forward to make this happen and then we have to put whatever our cleanup costs on their taxes can we add I understand what you're you're asking no I do not believe we can put that onto somebody's taxes that would be ours against them okay but we can put onto the tax taxes is any kind of abatement that uh that we take care of at their property yeah okay I really like the approach of good Communications with troubled Property Owners because if they're not living in town it's maybe easy to kind of out of sight out of mind and I just think it shows um just a good process that there's good communication and like you said we're actually going to be saving some money on some of the issues it's we started the organization part of it um we had a meeting here and then last week I think it was Thursday um it was Tom I clay Shane and chief ly we all met at the city shop in the morning and we went through it and and then we just kind of decided that you know and then we all of a you know by just going through some of the properties we added a couple and then so we just want to always keep five to seven on the list that we taking care of uh um so you'll see some resolutions maybe on the you know I hope we don't have a resolution on the 23rd that would be nice that that both of them would be taken care of by then and uh September the 23rd this is from me with the that's the last council meeting that we will have that we're going to be able to set the levy for 2025 we can we can lower it but we won't be able to raise it from there so we have to turn some things in by the 30th um the week before um I will have you more information it'll be in an email you'll have a little presentation given to you so you'll have an idea of what we want to talk about but I'd like to have a a budget meeting on the the 23rd is a city council meeting I don't believe we need to meet more than an hour ahead of time so maybe 5:30 on the uh on the 23rd we can meet for an hour for budgeting part of it so you can make some decisions that I need helped with and then we'd have the regular meeting on the 23rd um we didn't have the meeting which was going to be the uh I think in two weeks was was the was originally scheduled for the budget meeting but I I believe I'll have more information instead of giving you a half of what I'm going to learn I might as well get as much information I can out of everybody and we'll have we'll have had Bagan um engineering do their presentation with us also so we're going to have a lot more help a lot more information and then we can make some decisions okay I don't think the decisions that you're going to make are going to affect the percentage I think it'll be of what we're going to do with the money and what do we put off and what do we what do we take care of right away that's what I got for you tonight any questions on any of that yeah if I have answered on the solar garden question you sure as you can tell we have a lot going on everybody is staying very busy everybody's got their projects we have probably two more meetings if they're going to complain about something with me it's meeting having just make sure that we're all on the same page and a lot of communication so a lot of balls in the air yeah so your question is on the solar garden um out by in the industrial park on City owned property um it's a 3 megawatt facility um it's 24.3 acres is the lease and it's 700 an acre and a three 300 megawatt 3 megawatt excuse me say 3 megawatt three me thank you that was exagger our subscription with the city is 665,000 I know it's a 25e lease and there's different I think uh renewal periods within that I think every periods increases y I think after 10 years it has a potential going up 1.5% I think is how the how I read the contract so which is coming up here in a couple years so thank you Shane I didn't mean to put you on the spot where you feel you have to jump on the an oh okay because I if I wanted it right away I should have asked you a few days in advance but thank you any questions about any of the dates have all those written down embedded in your minds and only thing I don't have is what time is the Thursday night meeting start this Thursday 5:30 okay so we don't have another budget meeting until 5:30 on the on the 23rd yes okay move on business we do have a a close session tonight um so new business City administrator resolution 20247 accepting a donation from Perry and Carol fails for Central Park um I was surprised very pleasantly surprised um Perry and Carol fails come in uh I believe it was last Friday it was it was last Friday came in and and uh they uh they live they just made the comments that we lived here a long time and and they wanted to give back to the community that is you know they live out at Orchard Lanes and and they wanted to give back to the community and they uh they I don't I don't believe anybody with the park committee had reached out to them I'm not sure but they' they've heard the Rumblings of it and and uh so they uh bar and Carol came in and and gave us a they gave us a $10,000 check nice oh that's awesome for uh and that was kind of what uh what we the park committee needed for a a little bit of a match from Royo and there you're going to see some things in the paper um this week and and then it's going to be for social media our website and then the website for the park committee is already up in at them they have a goal of what they're reaching for and there's going to be ways to give to the park committee and that's uh it's right their their first big project is they're going after a uh um a 50% off sale with a it's a Federal Grant I believe it was a federal Grant and uh but what we have to it's in Alabama where it's made so we're going to have to get it up here but we're going to get uh for starters we're going to get probably close to a $200,000 swing sets and a uh uh a playground basically for $100000 so those aren't the exact numbers but so there's going to be uh some some things that the the city crew is going to be doing in Central Park but that's going to there's going to be a big change in Central Park by Next by next summer so they've done a nice job they've been very aggressive um they've used the the util or the um um all the tools that we gave them with helping them with their website and everything else and and they they don't let grass grow under their feet let me tell you right now they have if you add those other two they've had they've raised uh I believe right around $68,000 if you $888,000 including what okay okay without that yeah and then no actually more than that plus the 10 and 10 so 100,000 y so they've done a done a nice job but we appreciate uh um Harry and Carol fails for the the the unbelievable um check that they gave us so so if you get a chance and you see them we'd like to do you know something in the paper too they'll probably turn that down knowing them but you see them tell them thank you from the city of Tracy so yeah I'd like to just amplify that uh you know gratefulness for the fails is very generous donation and uh we're we're getting closer the park board has been working uh very hard on the uh you know we're meeting again uh this this week um but I do and there'll be an add in the paper um that a headlight that comes out with details about the need for donations but we do need everyone who who uses the park um or maybe some people who used to live in Tracy uh kids went to St Central Park and played and had a good time uh you know we need people to step to the plate and and U give some money to this project uh uh we've got to raise the money uh for the big playground set by uh September 29th or or or we can't do it the the discount goes away so we've got about one month to do it and every little bit helps if uh so you have a Target price out there that you need to raise yet um so all of the equipment that we're looking at is on the website the website is tracyn Central park.com each piece of equipment is out there with a price T attached to it so website again what's yeah Tracy MN Central park.com and you can donate right on that website you can look at what we're looking at for playground equipment how much it'll cost so if you wanted to donate a specific piece of equipment you can do that um gives a background on SRA Park and how it came to be and where it is now and the master plan is out there as well so there's a wealth of information out on now so we have until September 29th to raise this money for the first for the main play ground Y what are we short at this time see I think we're pretty close to having now we're looking they're looking to add on the little pieces that go along with it so the first the first part of it we will be we'll be all right with the first main the main part okay but for some reason I thought we would lose our discount or whatever if we don't get what by when well we're ordering it well they're talking about it tomorrow at the meeting and we're going to get that piece of it ordered but it's just the main the one main section if they depends on if they want to order just the I'm just throwing out a number I don't have say 200,000 we would need 100,000 to be able to order that but if they wanted to order to get the 50% off of some other pieces also that could be maybe a total of 300,000 they would need 150 by the 29th so really it's going to limit the goal is 300,000 so the grant does not the Standalone pieces does not qualify for the grant so so that we don't have to have ordered by the 29th it's the main structure and then the 2 to 5 structure two to five structure we don't have enough to cover that yet but we could get that at 50% off too if we have enough raised by the 29th so right now you almost have enough for the larger age structure but not for the younger age structure how much is the younger how much is the younger age structure it's about 40,000 so if if we can raise 20,000 between now and then then it would qualify actually being the young structures under1 ,000 it would only be 40% off so it' be about 25,000 that we would need raise to be able to get both both structures by the end of of September so more L another hopefully raise another 30,000 or so right now there yes and then we'll continue the fundraising for the sandalon pieces and the walking Loop and the I mean the rest of the master plan you'll have to go you'll have to go update your thermometer it says you're at 43 yeah I know do that tomorrow just helping Cas somebody goes well that's not what it says out there just another case of using the the just opportunities that come in and and you you brought some you bring some money forward and and then you get a place like this that um that that it was actually Val and Tom both found where this 50% % is 50% off and they use a what was it Thomas a a not children's it was healthy kids healthy kids initiative so more or less the short answer to Jan's question is they would need to raise hopefully another 30,000 by September 29th to be able to get two main structures that's what I was trying to get at because if people know what the goal is it might help in inspiring people and it that 30,000 sounds somewhat manageable um although we've got some tight work has been neglected for so many years we haven't updated the play equipment there in years and years and years and it's kind of the focal point of the city I mean so it'll be really nice to be able to move forward with that so that brings us to the resolution 2474 accepting the donation from Perry and Carol fails for Central Park I'll make that roll call please hi yes yes HR hi shones Hi l hi mayor Corman hi so that takes care of all of the business so then we will close the regular meeting and open the Clos meeting motion for that I'll make that motion second be a pair all those in favor those nice job for all you try you don't put any like okay oh kind of bird dog that sure that you get that I mean I like I I didn't see where you I didn't see where you just the more I keep face out of the paper the better i' like