##VIDEO ID:d7MuOsiotSc## for for for for the committee would like like to welcome the audience and viewers may watch live board committee meetings online at ts.net board recorded meetings may be viewed on demand at the same address so we are at the public comment portion of the agenda public okay all right um moving on to the procedural items portion of the agenda uh we are at the approval of the draft committee meeting units from the prior meeting which was actually October 31st are there any changes no okay hearing no changes minutes will remain as presented and we will move on to the next item um which is our board organizational meeting Finance related items I will defer to Christine Thomas Hill thank you so the first item is the property tax collection so this one always looks a little bit weird we're always a year ahead um we need to notify uh the tax collection agencies by January 1 and since organizational is usually a week and a half after for that we always do a year in advance so this one is actually approval to do the 2026 property tax collection so that'll come to the organizational meeting on Monday no changes from years P yeah and any any changes to the dation of depositories investment funds and signatures um there's uh Wes did you put on the 25 yet yeah yes yeah he added the 25 debt retirement accounts for the bond sale upcoming Bond sale all right any discussion okay hearing none uh the committee will move this item to the full board we comfortable with it going under consent yes okay great so moving on to acceptance of a grant we got something from the mahogany foundation for our student support network and I will defer to Dr Van w we did so we received um $10,000 Grant um from the mahag foundation um again you all know the work that are student support network does and and just really appreciate all of the uh support that we get but um the mahogany Foundation has done a lot of of work uh um here in teaps and so uh we always want to make sure that we bring and acknowledge that and so we'll make sure also to send a letter on behalf of the board of acceptance and appreciation of their gift excellent thank you very appreciative thank you to Mahogany as well absolutely yeah um and I just have a question about um are we is there a specific goal that we're looking for for SSN you know we're going to that's one thing we're going to actually look at one of the things is you know we have you know as as i' I've mentioned it various times we have different things that we know we have need and kids have need whether it's you know sponsorships for maybe Athletics or something they can't afford or uh different things so that's one of the things that I'm going to um start trying to map out of you know what that looks like CU I think there's a lot of people in my give that they just don't even know you know that we we have that need we've just kind of tried to figure it out and cover it but with our very narrow funds and unfortunately you know uh uh becoming more scarce it's something that we just don't want a kid to go without if we can at all help it I know there's a lot of people out there that would like to know that and so that's something that we're going to try and work on here over the next few months especially to be able to clearly articulate that going into this next budget year and like you said What specifically we're trying to raise the funds yeah okay great well moving on to bid services and or purchases um under facilities we have proposal for a robotic field painter so I will defer to Christine Thomas Hill thank you um so I want to introduce ran Phan I'm not sure if you guys have met her yet but she's our director of uh facilities um so I'll pass it off to her but in general this is something that Dr Van Wagner brought to her attention it's a GPS uh field paint liner so instead of lining our Fields our athletic fields by hand basically with some kind of moving wheel um techical to hand pushy Car Pushy car it's completely man it's completely labor manual driven so I'll let her give an overview of the research she did um a little bit about this particular piece of equipment it's pretty typical that they lease equipment and obviously we would prefer to buy under Bond and own the piece of equipment for a little bit longer period of time so that's something that we looked into so I'll let ran give a little bit of a overview yeah sure so we're um we'd like to purchase uh it's called a Turf tank and um it's really quite fascinating to watch it but it um easily sets the corners for the fields and so once you do that it's all tablet driven GPS and it can just go off on its own and it'll do the exact same lines every single time wow and so the nice thing is once you know once you set it up and get going our grounds keeper then can not have to be like right on top of the robot it can they can go and prepare the field right next to it or they can be working on something else um at the facility there while the robots doing the work and if something comes up if they need new you know more paint added or it hits a obstacle or whatever um the grounds keep would get a notification to know to come back and and address whatever is going on so it just frees them up and um then our manual one that we do have um one of our other grounds Keepers can be using that somewhere else so I think it'll just increase our productivity um we looked at Turf tank they were um by far ah had the best package and service that they could offer um we looked at a couple others the uh tiny mobile robots um package wasn't as good customer service was definitely a struggle just trying to get um details about what their product was and what that cost would look like was um a little difficult but um Turf tank they have a great warranty package um so we are able to buy the bot outright and uh there's a six-year warranty the nice thing is they come twice a year and they will service and do training on s which is really nice cuz we can get them here in the fall and the spring which is our big time for needing to paint the fields um so I like that because you know especially as the guys are learning the new process to be able to have them come back and just do a refresher for a different type of field I think is going to be valuable so and this is I um just for the anyone listening so for all of our schools um and mainly for like football uh soccer baseball basball softball okay so it works you just program it into whatever yield your lining so they have different templates but then it will go out and it'll set it based on your field and then whatever you want to have painted so like with a football field obviously like the practice field and the game field is going to be different so if you want to do hashtags and all of that for the game field you can program that right in or you can skip it you know depending on what you need so like the rooma for the field exactly I with a big pain tank in it I was picturing Uber Eats you seen those in a major city same concept though well we can try that out too yeah if only they come to Trevor City right um so do we do we know from other districts around the state like if they've been reliable and accurate and so forth we do and tbay has used this uhhuh they bought one a year ago okay and they line all their fields with there okay same company same company excellent yeah well I was I was kind of surprised in the packet to see just how labor intensive the manual painting is compared to this so yeah yeah hopefully this will be a cost-effective worthwhile long-term investment for us that's the goal okay all right any um objections from the committee to move this forward to consent calendar no okay then that's what we'll do L this item to the full board and we are on to informational items um for capital projects update from Mr TW all right well we've only got a couple of places that were under construction still right now I'm sure you boy that's right now change a lot your breath yeah take a deep breath celebrate I can that I drive by every day and we it was just like pow suddenly over at West yeah we have um we have five projects self forbid right now um four of them will be coming to the next board Finance meeting that so if you don't recognize it this is Central High in The Innovation manufacturing center there's you know right now there are Crews bouncing back and forth between each site tying things together wrapping things up uh like you can see the roof Edge on this one's not quite finished but when you when I show you the picture of West you'll see that it's been finished out and and trimmed um they moved everything they could out of the Big Bay Area they're starting painting at Central High all the ceilings the roof deck joist walls all that painting is going on they start obviously at the top work their way down and then they get to the floors and and you'll see a difference at West here when we get to that one too where is this it's not so and this is the uh uh balcony or the mezzanine at um Central High it's been finished everything's ready for paint over there they're doing everything they can to get get out of the way uh and get things ready for paint and the meeting room space at Central High and then over at U at West sign looks great on of the buildings yeah the the roof Edge you can see is done the roof are down up there everything's buttoning up again uh like the overhead doors we're waiting for uh to show up so as soon as we can get those there we'll have the overhead doors in that but you can see it's been painted and that and they're starting the floors there now cool yeah the green and gold looks that's cool going to clean that all up the floors theyve started the floors on the balcony or on the MZ area of epoxy flooring up there and then this they'll move down and uh start doing the sealed concrete on the lower levels oops little fast y this some more Innovation light natural light coming in yeah cable tray running along the outside carry all the power and data and the ceilings are going in lighting going in the grids again they're prepping the area for the floor finishes and they're actually finishing off some of the ceilings in there as they work along and um bring wiring through they had a huge crew of electricians over there this week pulling wires and terminating uh fittings and fixtures and and this is the typical restroom finishes going in the subway type tile on the wall nice you're pretty fancy yeah very pretty and they're the same finish on yeah that's right so um can we talk a little bit about timeline for the project so um Paul has been having meetings with the construction management firm and the architect about temporary occupancy um we're going to struggle to get those garage doors but we can still have students in there and get temp occupancy if we board them up so that's probably going to be a process we've really pushed them to have temp occupancy by the end of January so that at least students can get in there and use the field space if they want to do anything in there um I I know that um we're working on it I've told them we have to have that space February 3rd and so we're not backing away from that date so they're pushing to that I've got furniture and Equipment coming the end of this month the last week of January what are they telling you on the doors um I they're not yeah we'll let you know know when we he that kind of yeah but you've got a temporary solution even in the winter so and it's it doesn't there's no fire hazard it's all and and we'll get you know the fire marshal will come do his inspections and we'll get a temporary C so that's great good job so speaking of um permits or and inspections how about that process are we set yep things are good okay yeah well they've got uh they've managed to bring bring out a few more people I think at the state level than that so getting inspections has not been issue the issue has never been inspections it's always been plan review and that and getting through plan review same in residential it's so weird the inspectors we get there they come they're around and that and uh and we can get them out there pretty well and it's it's at it's town State at the plan review level things drag a little bit but we're past all that so so okay that's exciting my son who graduated from West I don't know 200 something anyway he's 21 now but he he drove by the other day he hadn't driven by there for like a couple of months and he drove by the other day and he just went wow like what is that Mom and I was like that's the new you know Innovation Center and he was so excited for the students there yeah that was so cool but it it was it was literally like he looked at it one day and then the next time he saw it it was what it is now yeah and it was all lit up of course so it was I run into some community members that have been real supportive and um you know they were a part of kind of coming in and talking to us and things like that about the importance of the you know the Innovation labs and those kind of things and anyway they're really excited I think a few of them came through on the tours and um so a lot of excitement and um so hopefully we can maybe when they're ready to go do like a media yeah we'll do we'll do a a you know a grand opening we want to get the doors and get everything set get the kids in there a little bit so it's probably going to be my guess is April early April is what we're kind of thinking but we'll do just like we do everything else of ribbon cutting and all that for both facilities and show the community like what a great um offer for our students I know it at West Senior High and I hope Central High School is doing the same thing the stem academic Community is getting the older students to tour the facility for the younger students to build up that interest and enthusiasm for are stum programming and of course the new robotic season just kicked off so the kids right now they're designing their robots but they're they're going to be eager to use that field so yep keep the pressure on for late January thank you for your efforts we appreciate it okay and then lastly on the informational items we have a finance update from Miss Thomas Hill yep so um really kind of a wrap up of this year so we had adopted a $3 million deficit it looked looks like we're probably going to do an amendment in February where it would be only a $2 million deficit um we've had some things come through with some carryover at some sites and some instructional U materials that aren't going to get spent this year just because of timing plus we were very fortunate to get a grant for our ccla materials so that really helped offset that so it looks like we're going to be closer to $2 million deficit and then going into next year it's really a big conversation about what that's going to look like and how the board and superintendent want to move forward so as of right now John had just asked me to give you some numbers as to what we think we need um as it relates to a foundation allowance and really there's so many factors and assumptions that need to be tied into it to to keep it simple if we didn't have any student declining uh enrollment um if we were able to restore the 31aa which is our uh Safety and Security um and mental health money if we got that additional million back that we lost and we kept the at risk the same so at risk is our 31aa and there has been a new formula associated with that risk which we believe we going to get decreased because of that formula um unfortunately with the free and reduced meals for all students we just can't get parents to fill out those free and reduced forms as easily as we used to and that really is one of the main factors on how we get our numbers for at risk and our allocation so that's a bummer um I'm hoping that's the same Statewide so in the grand scheme of things our share is the same we'll see yeah we've asked but they said that they s email and they said they wouldn't know until mid-February was it yeah is there something we could do like at the beginning of every school year we have the students and parents review the handbooks and sign that where we could also add that form yeah we we push out the form multiple times we push it out also with our annual disclosures and at open houses we have like tablets available for people to fill it out online so we do encourage can't force people to do it we do have it as part of our process like do this do this do this sometimes people just skip it or they'll take the form and just never turn it in I've always seen it as part of our enrollments anywhere like every year it's always I think it's a misunderstanding I don't think that people understand that even if you don't have the need you don't need you should feel fill it out we TR we say that like open to suggestions like we've we've looked at it so many times and we've tried to rewrite it so many times so we'd be open to suggestions on how to word it differently but we just spell it out that it helps us get grants and other opportunities that it's not just related to free and reduced even before the state you know did provide the the was it easier easy to get them but more people who were you know qualify blow it off but now it's everybody and I that's where I'm saying like because the kids are looking their student handbook during their classroom day they have a third hour whatever design need at the very beginning of school year I just wonder if you added that form in for the students to fill out it can't students can't it has to be parent it's financial information you know it's like a super mini fast foot if you can of it that way yeah but if it's if it's brought to their attention at that time maybe that would you know help we're going to explore different ideas so we'll let you know when do we have a social media push on we did yeah can we is that something like that we can revisit or put back up and then maybe members of the board and everybody can share that out it has to happen at the beginning of the year so you know like it's too late now it won't help us now October counts but next October it will be important we're going to we're definitely going to revamp and try to make whatever kind of push so we'll give you some ideas what we're going to do and take suggestions and thoughts yeah you know of that when time comes here so we'll probably revisit the conversation August okay late August and there's no midyear supplement in no yeah it's all October counts yeah and again you know our our hope is that everybody struggled the same way you know which would make sense and if so that you know it just lowered the bar if you will but we won't know that we've asked MD but they said they won't have that answer until mid February so for that that at risk funding though for the current fiscal year that we're in how did that shake out did we we have to same allocation as we did last year that it's really um this coming year the 25 26 that's the new way of creating the formula correct there was a like a held harmless thing Harless because of community eligibility provision so getting back to the numbers if we didn't lose students we were restored the million of 31aa and at R ATR stayed the same we would need a $500 per pupil increase to be structurally balanced next year sorry repeat that last $100 per pupil okay increase to be structurally balanced next year assuming no changes in expenses which is a lot yeah that's a lot now the good news is that you know that right now the the Senate Fisco came out with their projections for this next year and their revenues are up um they felt Senate felt like there was about a billion dollars of an increase in the uh school aid fund house uh came yesterday they're a little lower um they are I want to say it was around 750 million is what they're projected as an increase um so soon the revenue consensus where the two uh fiscal agencies and the treasure and treasure get together and then they kind of set what they think it is and that's what the governor's budget will be based off of and so that's where the work will begin initially and then again in May they'll do that same to really take a look again and then that's when the final numbers are done and then the budget's created and somewhere between we've been lucky before the 4th of July I'm a little bit more worried this year the state's fiscal runs October 1 and so technically the state does not have to give us a budget until October 1st even though we start school in September and so with a divided government now of of the Republicans that are taking control in the house it's going to be interesting MH and so my hope is that they can have Civility and come up with at least a school a budget before July July 1 um but you know so we want to get this and we we are planning on I'm I'm putting a letter together that I want to send out to all of our our our district our staff you know and eventually I one prably for parents to you know we need some help advocating for these numbers there's a real reality of the increased costs we've had um the realities of of where we are and and with the revenues it's not totally out of the realm of possibility that's the good news of what we're seeing at least right now but um you know the transportation categorical huge to stay in there right now it's not funded it was only funded for 3 years so we have some we have some advocating to do so we're going to make sure that the board um our staff with their Association others know what situation we're in going forward um because unfortunately the reality is is that's just to keep what we have right right and so um you know if not there we are going to have to look at you know different different reductions and fee increases and those things and something we don't want to do but we're going to Advocate like heck oh we can now but we are going to have to have at least some initial preparations for if that's not the case of what we need to do as a district yeah so with that said I think it's probably reasonable to assume we'll get at least half of the the I would assume we would get at least $250 per student maybe 300 but with that said I think it's I think the board and uh executive team uh need to do some work on identifying at least I believe up to $2 million in reductions to be prepared for that um I think there's a way that we can streamline some priorities and kind of identify chunks of money so if we need a million we've already got it written down there's already been a decision made on that and we know the impact we're um currently in a situation where we have extended the um retirement benefit for tce members uh usually it's by December 20th they get a little bit higher of um a bonus for announcing their retirement early we extended that until February with the announcement coming out from John that we are having some difficulty with our financing and explaining all these numbers we are anticipating reductions to make sure that we don't go into deficit again and I'm pushing that really because it does affect our bond rating I we have a bond uh rating um scheduled with S&P coming up and I know we're going to get dinged for dipping into fund balance and our bond rating is so important um it really does help us get lower interest rates our bonds are very sought-after and so I think we ought to at least have a plan to be able to show the bond rating plus the public that if this doesn't happen we are going to get our bond our budget structurally balanced so I'd like to get into some process of having at least a million identified and then maybe another million um just so that we are prepared and so just a quick question um uh the so talking about where we can have reductions versus pull from our fund balance would be more ideal because okay yeah well and we're we're dipping three million I think only two maybe only two now this year which pretty much brought us back that eroded the Sesser $3 million that we put in you know over the last three years can I clarify with the to many does that include birth of us now yeah I added birth of birth of us as Revenue um it was always the plan that birth of us selling was going to pay for printing however it just crossed two fiscal years um it actually hit last year so um so yeah that's one of the added benefits to of only drawing two um it it's just really making sure that we have a plan so that we're not relying on drawing from fund balance um if we are three the the issue to is so let's say this year we are really 3 million the whole because we didn't get that revenue for birth of us that gets exacerbated next year to 4.4 million we already have contract language with all of our Union groups that they get a 1% increase plus you've seen our increases with health insurance um so 4.4 assuming we get maybe 300 per student we probably still will be a million in the whole if we only cut two so I'm comfortable with that knowing we're only drawing two and we plan three um but I just really want to be prepared so that we know our ducks are in a row people are well informed of what the plan is if the money doesn't come to fruition just from a transparency standpoint um you know to the public um berth of boss is sold we signed Friday so relatively not that long ago um so that uh oh you know the I wasn't even sure when if the money was wired yet I think we have it so um so we were able to to complete that sale so that does help do cause to put back into into the equation so um you know but uh but definitely a lot of work to do um I'd much rather Advocate on the front side here to see if we can get what we need to balance our books and not have to do some of these things but you know I I'm optimistic but at the same point I don't know I'm as optimistic about those higher numbers um so you know we'll keep you informed as we move forward well so last well when say last year it's really our current year 2024 to 2025 the per Foundation did not increase you know the message from Lancing is well well we did other things to counterbalance that but if you look at the five years prior whether it was you know Governor Whitmer before that Snyder and and regardless of what the majority was in the legislature I mean it we've been getting pretty big for people Foundation increases every year so I feel personally pretty optimistic that the you know it could go back to I do to four to 600 that's just I don't know if it's G to get to five is the thing you know like like could I see 354 possibly yeah but maybe you know I will tell you that often times it's categorical as of a vendor that peels off a million here here out of that school aid if they were to concentrate just on the foundation in these key areas we've set I think it could and that's where the advocating is going to come into play here with our local legislators and the governor's office so make sure that everybody's informed and get some communication to our legislators especially of what our ask is in this realm and and we're pretty fortunate that we have bipartisan support we do you know we we'll have we'll have good opportunity to work with our legislators and that and hopefully they can work with their colleagues and uh and like I said but colleagues we have to worry about well and maybe maybe from a communication standpoint could we put out some kind of um I don't know just information to our parents as to how to advocate do I actually um yesterday filmed a state of the district address and in their shows how to contact and the contact information for local legislators in the governor's office to advocate for these specific items okay that's great I think it's important to the the only piece of hope I have that we might actually get close to 500 remember regardless of Myers Charter Schools got an increase and we did not it would seem like at some point we should be back to level which means we would get the increase they got plus whatever they get this next year I I believe that's what's right to do um I don't know that that's what's going to happen but at some point the disparity of the prop pupal allocation is going to come up and at some point they're going to have to level that back out it's just a matter of when okay so lots of work at us and when will that decision when will we know on we'll we'll have the governor's proposal in February so we'll have a good idea in January at the consensus Revenue estimating conference on what the three parties believe our actual revenues going to be and that's what the the governor will base her proposal on okay so she'll put hers out in February I'm optimistic that we'll have some semblance of house or Senate uh proposals by April I'm not sure John agrees with that but well I think we'll see them but when they actually pass them it'll be May so so it'll be you know a process there okay so the the hard part always is is we prepare our books for the um budget approval we prepare everything in May because we have we have to approve it before July 1 so it's a matter of we'll we'll do the best we can with the numbers we think are going to happen and we may actually find out actually what it is between the time we print and the time we approve it it's just so much work to do to change it so you know we'll share that with you guys at every finance committee meeting what we're hearing what we're thinking what the similarities are how it impacts our budget and U which way we think might actually go okay well you let us know what else we can do even if that means jumping in a car and going with you it might be it might be some leg you know some advocating with Mas masb and others so I know masb is on it they are great on the legislative front Okay and I I feel very fortunate that we have such a great um finance department here that keeps an eye on that stuff that really you know you guys know what you're talking about looking forward to I appreciate that like a lot the water and a deep bench of History yes okay U any other items I just want to review the upcoming District uh purchases because it is quite lengthy um so we've updated this for you we typically try to keep things coming in the next three months on that top schedule and then anything past that that we are aware of the upcoming projects in the bottom schedule um so as Paul said we have quite a few projects uh big project projects coming for app approval in February um I I believe Tyson will be ready with some school buses for a million dollars this will be his one purchase for two years um we did reduce if you remember the allocation for buying buses because our longevity of buses will now get longer with the bus wash so we plan to keep our buses a little bit longer now that we're able to take care of especially the the body part and the rust uh West Senior High circulation and bathroom renovation uh will be coming uh also in February um with that we are doing as part of the wesy air High circulation we added a small portion of an addition of um an exit at Long Lake Elementary so their enrollment has increased and they're really struggling with a short right turn lane to get traffic out of the site and so it's about $50,000 so since it's concrete it makes sense to wrap it into West Senior High we had the architect do some renderings and I worked with Kate burwinkle to make sure that that made sense for her so extending right turn lane I think will alleviate some pressure exiting the site so that'll be taking place um we've got lockers for Blair and CED coming in February uh Travers Heights the classroom Edition and cafeteria uh that's a pretty big one that's coming in February and then uh the permanent walls for music so that we have dedicated music rooms at the elementary schools will be coming in February uh and I'm not sure if technolog is going to be ready in February or March for Chromebooks um then we have the um Ela adoption so ccla coming in March uh savan Renovations in March um it's a little bit smaller scale now and then the facility storage building in March and we are doing some lockdown Shades so I think you've probably noticed in this building on the interior classrooms the black lockdown shade that can be released we're adding that to all K8 sites and we're using um the uh Safety and Security Bond money for that um so uh Patrick's working on a bid for that right now um we have done it at Long Lake Glen Lumis and monori um and it seems to be going really well the nice thing and what has been recommended by our um Safety and Security Experts is just having an easy way to be able to cover it but the important part is that you have to be able to see out when you need to so often times we have elementaries decorating and they'll put tape on the outside and they can't even release it on the inside to see out so that's really not the best way to have a Safety and Security um classroom door uh so we have these Shades coming in and they're pretty easy there's a pull tab even students can do it if they need to release it and then you just roll it back up with bcro so um they came out and measured um every side window and every window in a door so we'll have that available all K8 we have a little bit of a different situation at the high schools with some of the uh screening that they've done so we have to take a look at that and see how they want to move forward yeah I was just going to ask about high school what does that mean in terms of the screening well the screening really isn't what is recommended uh by the Safety and Security uh Consultants because you can't see out it's completely blocked with the um it's got nice lettering and they have used their logos throughout the building but it's not what's recommended the important part is the teacher needs to be able to see out to see if there's an intruder or if there's something going on um or if it's safe to come out or if it's really a police officer on the other side of the door so they don't recommend completely blocking it that there's no vision so we have to just work with the High School principles and figure out what will work for them so it'll take a little bit longer okay and it may not mean all of it but maybe a little section or something that could be we don't know yet so that's something for us to brainstorm and then you can just see on the later projects so Central High Greenhouse they did get a grant um however it's over the bid threshold so even though they got grant money it's now within our uh deposit account so Paul's working on a bid with them uh to make that happen keeping in mind that there's going to be a lot of construction at that site so we have to make sure we place it somewhere that it doesn't have to get moved in the future and then Paul is working with facilities on elevator upgrades so there's a new elevator safety feature that we even have to update um Eastern and monor correct or not monor um not mon okay so we have to even update Eastern so all of our elevators which we have more than I think you would think I always forget about thoroughb and some of those ancillary buildings so um that's probably going to be about 250,000 um uh Northwest Education Services has asked to do some Renovations at West Senior High and the principal is um amendable to that they'll pay for it but because it's our building we'll do the bidding and hiring out the contractors and then they'll reimburse us so Paul and Joe are currently working with North westad and the architect to design that work and then um some technology items that will be coming up the biggest purchase is going to be staff laptops and I think that'll be closer to may but just want to make sure always that you know what's going on if you have any questions feel free to reach out and the train work is going to start this spring boiler Replacements and and some of that other work it's going to get hot and heavy in the buildings literally hot in the buildings they'll start with Oak Park and Glenn Lumis um I've worked with the ISD on Oak Park and they want to get it done this first summer so we are working with them now to accommodate their summer programming they need nine classrooms for their summer programming and we're working with them now to see what site will work for them but we can't have students in the building when they're doing it's going to be a mess because they're going to be in ceilings throughout all the hallways and so but that's one of the oldest spoilers so uh we'll start there and then this one and then um Paul will sit down with facilities to make that priority list of buildings that are next LED lighting I think will be something that they'll be doing simultaneously and they'll be doing that on second and third shift so not really um interrupting operations of School exciting um I just had a couple questions and I don't have that spreadsheet in front of me but the there was the adjustment for the Sabin renovation and then a storage um just for clarification so is the storage uh com is it the birth of stuff that was stored at Birth of ooss it's birth of ooss and Sav okay and that's going to a storage facility yes that are we purchasing or are we renting or leasing or what what is that line item for that line item is to build a storage facility so it's a pre-engineered building okay we decided to attach it to the facility building otherwise we would have had to add a restroom inside of it if it was located on its own at sa no at facilities oh at facilities okay sorry sorry just right down the street yeah yeah okay got it and we'll probably use that a little bit for curriculum storage materials in the interum until we decide where that permanent location's going to be okay um but there's there is a lot that's being stored and more that people want to store that we have to say no to because we just simply don't have the space so it'll be nice to have it centrally located at facilities since all the move management happens out of facilities with the lift gates um so it'll work really nicely so that's just right now the budget is just over a million dollars I think we'll be a million or under when we actually go out to bid okay is that a heated like a temperature control very small portion is temperature controlled um for curricular materials or if we have instruments or something um we tried our very best to limit that just because of the expense associated with that but the other portion really facilities can use tables and chairs and things like that um but a lot of their equipment too can be stored inside okay well and with the music expansions that both is wasn't that one of the things was um instrument storage that they don't have control so that was important okay and then the Savin uh renovation money I think it was a mill is it a million um it's five it was 10 yeah so um we cut it back to 10 and right now the plan is to just use the portion of the building that isn't the octagon and just get HR and business office there okay um so we're currently working on renderings for that in addition to that train is replacing the boiler so they're collaborating with our architect on the site um leaving uh Michigan State Police there their contract doesn't extend till the end of uh 27 and they would like to renew anyway um so we'll have to work with them on some of the U modifications we're doing cuz we're going to want to make sure so some of that's updated at the same time and then I think um you know John has applied for a pretty substantial grant that might help us get the rest of everybody there at that building so we'll see U but right now we're moving forward with business office and HR and then having curriculum temporarily at the storage facility um building over at facilities so we've got places for everybody temporarily um and permanently before Central grade moves in here okay were you saying that pre-engineered storage space too that it would be portable down the road if we did need to move it's a permanent preiner so you know think of metal pole barn kind of structure the can see like you know different like Athletic Field houses what they're made of that's a pre-engineered building we we were hoping to have like individual storage rooms almost like a storage facility you would see so that we had more storage but we've um reduced the scope so it wasn't 2 million now it's down to one yeah okay um and those the renovations at Savin that are still planned for $5 million those just remind us were those part of the estimate for the bond like a year plus ago that when we went through all of the needs yeah we had a we had 10 million in for that and we've reduced it to five so we've reduced the scope that octagon is a problem and really it's recommended if we're going to put more people there that we demo that and build new which is one of the reasons why John has applied for a grant and I don't I don't know I kind of feel like we actually have a shot for that yeah it's a it's a state Grant that's um under internal consolidation so and it's and it's meant for you know various reasons on maybe came p a bond or you have declining enrollment and you've closed buildings so with us closing selling Boardman you know if you think about it we've now combined technology print shop you know business HR all that of internal consolidation so it really you know fits the bill really well to what this this grant is and they have $70 million um the state does um and and so we are are in the process of finishing out that Grant has to be completed by next week um we have the grant portion done we just have a a small narrative to complete which we'll have in the next few days but it fits the bill really well and we're hopeful maybe we get some money and that would hopefully allow for a tear down and a reconstructional okay yeah got it cool so we'll see yeah bit of the r of days but you you know you don't get what you don't swing at that's right exactly yeah okay that's it all right thank you very much so our next board finance and operations committee meeting will tentatively be Thursday January 30th at 8:15 a.m. I say tentatively because we do have our organizational meeting next Monday January 13th so it is up to the purview of the finance committee for this coming year um on the day of the week and the time which sometimes does change from year to year depending on the members of the committee um anyway the meeting will be held here at the administration building at Glenn Lumis um and with that we are adjourned --------- ##VIDEO ID:LiR77yGFTtI## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some public comment coming soon uh so anyway I will call this board except committee to order uh the committee would like to welcome the audience viewers may watch live board committee meetings online at tcaps.net board recorded meetings may be viewed on demand at the same address uh do we have any public comment I'm guessing no shoot okay all right we'll move right on into procedural items uh so the uh first item are the draft meeting minutes from December 5th uh are there any changes to those meeting minutes no ma'am okay those will remain as posted uh next item is standards of practice so um for those listening and those in the audience this is um our standards of practice every year we review our standards of practice as a board um and then uh bring them to the full board meeting to approve uh and basically it is a commitment of the school board um to follow these standards of practice for Effective responsible board government so um can we back up we got board policy I think Bott of the front page Miss oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I was going to go with it but know he's following I was and for those that are here I don't normally lead this committee you know actually in my six years I've never LED this committee so there you go so um okay so board policy so I will defer to Dr Van wag I will defer to County Taylor all right like we talked about at the last meeting during our transition period we received a number of updates from um TR Law Firm which we decided to defer to later so not to convolute the process of adopting all new policies so over the next few months as we did last month we'll be bringing them to you doing in groups so not to overwhelm everyone of the revised policies and any new policies that were recommended during our transition period so I'm going to walk through some of the changes we've highlighted them for you in your packet so you can see exactly but I will also just kind of give you a brief update as to what each of those is the first one in your packet policy 3211 on page three of that policy simply a clarification that the training that needs to be offered to a debt compliance officer needs to happen annually used to just say that it needed to be trained now we've clarified that it would be an annual training and that is the only revision to that policy all right policy 3301 purchasing and procurement um has simply added a reference to policy 2202 subsection C in terms of the responsibilities or administration of the ability to um enter into purchasing agreements and for your knowledge policy 2202 subsection C basically says that only those the board or only those persons delegated by the board have authority to bind the district contractually so it's that provision plus any other parameters set forth by the board so that's the only change to that policy and please feel free as I move through these if you have have any questions to to stop me all right so then the next policy in our thing is 3306 um um of late the federal government state government have issued prevailing wage statutes and so we needed to add those first to policy 3306 for the prevailing wage would apply to um any of our constru construction mechanics or laborers so that is subsection 5v5 which is highlighted for you again just a statutory requirement Connie yeah you uh 3303 the gifts and donations we just missed that one oh sorry we're just missing it's Okay We're all sorry this is good this is a good point because you're going to see this throughout the whole thing 3303 like last time anywhere that TR had previously referenced parent/guardian now only says parent because the definition of parent has been expanded to automatically include Guardian foster parent any of those and that's under State Statute right that is I did not know that I was curious of why they they made that change cuz yeah you're going to see that throughout this packet so I did remember that from our big review I did wonder though why do they capitalize parent everywhere you know I there's a few other places where they've gone to capitalizations which I'll I don't know why all right I'm not their copy editor so I will restrain myself I know it's usually two to make it a verb it would be to parent or parenting but yeah I don't know now they're making it a proper noun apparently exactly so um again so sorry then the 3306 that was the prevailing wage sorry I miss 333 guys I thought it would be good if I put the paper clips on them make them it easier and now the paper clips are sticking to one another so no good dets unfished similarly 3307 this refers to our um construction Administration construction professional Consultants that prevaling wage would also be applicable to them so that's D added under 3307 all right 342 is our next policy the drills plans and reports we had some changes to Michigan Statute that now require that our emergency response plan beginning in 2526 that the board will integrate the cardiac emergency response plan into our protocols for our local emergency response system and then also the training requirement that all um athletic coaches be trained in both CPR and um administration of the AED so that's just statutory and I am I correct to assume that if there are parent or Community member volunteers who coach High School athletics this requirement would apply to them as well just only actuals that are are actually employees of the District employees okay not that they can't be but as far as a requirement of their employee would that's important because it does take time to get certification and I'll just add because she's sitting here one of the things that we're doing now is we're offering CPR training um through tcaps at a much lower reduce just at Cost rate and we have some train the trainers and Kendall is one of those She Was Out today doing some CPR trainings to some of our staff two more classes tomorrow let me know if you ever want to get in on one of those classes guys I just got certified too I try to make it plan no not as a trainer just come on trainers come on over maybe I should get a side hustle though there you go happy to have in addition at 3402 we also have to adopt a drinking water management plan um by December 2025 I know our group has been working on that as well Michigan Statute was that by January 1st or by January 31st that we have to have it says January so we're going to go with 31st right all right we'll get it done second page on that policy again reference to just parents as opposed to parent Guardians and then the statutory references 3403 reporting accidents again just the parent change on that policy 3406 similarly just the parent change on that policy and then 3408 um obviously we have the parent change but in addition right now the individuals who may be May possess weapons and that's a May on our property our peace officer as defined by law that would be our typical police officer but they also added reference to the Michigan Statute um the 26.45 that policy lays out some additional folks who may be able to under certain circumstances carry a firearm um included in that would be if you had security guards the the employer required them to um to have a weapon they would be permitted to have them on site um there's others a retired police officers in certain incidences members of a sheriff posi for so there are just several car vs but they are are limited but they wanted to reference that statute as well all right 3410 it's our opioid antagonist previously that policy had been housed under our instructional division of of or bulk of policies we have now moved it to the Safety and Security um so you'll see there's a new obviously it's 3410 as opposed to previous being 5706 and then other than that we simply have the parent change can I make a request can I make a request that we hold off on 3408 there's an item here that I would actually like to talk to tr about absolutely under the permitted uses might be the same one I just caught I'd like to pull that okay so the next few policies the 4101 4102 and 4104 um the bulk of them as you will see through here is that when we last met all of the references to sexual harassment complaints related to sexual harassment were removed from these policies and are now housed in policies 3115 um a through 8 so instead of having the body of that in these policies you will now see references throughout these policies to those others but in addition they have included anywhere you this is the other one I was talking to you about Josie was that unlawful discrimination is now capitalized but previously he had just said discrimination and they've added the terminology unlawful discrimination I'm not sure of where discrimination is lawful but we are now clarifying that referencing unlawful discrimination and retaliation are now capitalized that that's the change there they've also in the second paragraph where we talk about pregnancy um any sort of discrimination based on pregnancy that added or related conditions and we'll get to that when we get to the new policies there's been some change in statute related to protection for pregnancy and related conditions so really no change in terms of the substance other than we remove uh the references to sexual harassment and then on page two there were a number of additional um statutes that weren't previously included in terms of employment actions that would violate now we've added FMLA um the paid um Medical Leave Act which is new um any references to Uniform service employment I.E any discrimination for our military service folks is now um delineated and they've also added the fair labor standards Act why those weren't included previously I don't know but we U have added those to prevent any sort of employment action that would violate those in the previously noted statutes under be there reporting requirements the previous policy had said that an employee who believes that they may have been subject to the behavior that violates this policy um must file a complaint and now it gives them discretion they are encouraged to file a complaint and again references to 3115 other than that no substantive changes to that policy similarly when we look at 4102 the anti-harassment moved to 3115 for all sexual harassment and the procedures for investigating unlawful harassment are contained in 3115 through 3115 H so rather than reiterate what that process is it just refers you back to the previous policy so no big changes there 4104 again removes any references to sexual harassment and that policy and refers you back to 3115 and then the capitalization of unlawful discrimination and retaliation okay 4105 just a point of clarification that previous policy was um 4105 workplace accommodation for employees and applicants now they've clarified and added disability it's always applied to disability but they wanted to make that clear um that it covers any discrimination based on Ada 504 and the pregnancy Discrimination Act and now we have that separate new policy on religious accommodations so I can see why they distinguished it here y for sure and you see the pregnancy discrimination we also have religious discrimination and then disability discrimination next one 4107 they have just added for protection under usera and the other military protection acts the space force it's now a officially recognized branch of the military 4109 break time for nursing mothers we've had some changes in statute that now extends nursing time to both exempt and non-exempt employees so they had to make the distinction in terms of our overall responsibilities for nursing mothers and then also specific Provisions that are applicable only to non-exempt employees I.E being unpaid or during a pay break period um but otherwise they're they basically just extended the same rights to both exempt and non-exempt employees 4201 um again we'll see the references to just parent and then you'll notice under seven employees have an ethical responsibility always to report as you see in six um sub suspected child abuse or neglect but it's also now saying from an ethical responsibility we have a responsibility to report any sub um suspected abuse of a vulnerable adult and so that's new they've expounded upon that um requirement under on page believe it's four of that same policy there's a whole new subsection about abuse or neglect and reporting that both for children and now for the vulnerable adults and it goes into defining uh vulnerable adults and then the reporting identity and all of those people that go along with that which is kind of a big change for us so we are planning on going over that with all of our administrative teams talking about if they suspect that there's a coworker or something from that aspect so so decent change and that's a statutory change in that reference is noted under the legal Authority and then again just further expounding upon that same concept under 4202 this policy really goes into the who the reporting must be made to and the procedures for reporting and it has in addition to CPS added the adult protected Service Agency so people will know this is who you need to make that report to and then that policy again we have some additional references to just parent versus parent guardian and the statutory references Connie just uh quick legal question do you know what the statutory definition of advanced age is well vulnerable so I don't know that but I do know they say vulnerable adult is anyone over 18 who's incapable of caring for or protecting themselves so in then Advanced age ask my kids they'd say it's over 40 ask me it's over exactly and that's in 4202 that's it says because of a vental or physical impairment or because of Advanced age yeah we'll find that out yeah I'm just curious you can look it up in the statute and find out what it means all right right so that's the changes for our revised policies that we would recommend go under the consent agenda and obviously if we've previously discussed if any board member has concerns and wants to talk about them further we can certainly pull them out on discussion yeah but as I think as we did last time we'll we'll put them out individually that way we wouldn't have to pull all of the revised policies out so if someone has one specific if they'd like to talk about that could be pulled in so we'll just revise remove the one that you want to 348 3408 yeah so we'll just remove that and other than that Jos are youing everything the Revis go to consent and then the new ones go to on the discussion and thanks for printing these out today St 348 thinking like bring it to maybe the February meeting or something possibly we'll see yeah um you know one thing I do want to remind the board one thing that is different with with these policies versus NAA is we now only have to have one reading vers say before we had to have two yeah now once we do the first one with the commment opportunity there does not have to be a second one as we had had in the P okay so as we get ready for the new ones here okay and the two new ones as we've already referenced there have been some changes in statute um related to pregnancy and related conditions and so we've always treated pregnancy as as uh something that would be potentially eligible for an accommodation or short-term disability but has never been considered an ADA eligible disability and so through this statute it is Ada eligible meaning we have to go through that same interactive dialogue if a staff member is requesting an accommodation related to pregnancy so we do a two part not only a staff member but an applicant as well so if someone is pregnant we will look at that and say you know can they perform the essential functions of their position and if they can't as that performance short term that we could accommodate that short term on or even if it's on a longer term basis if that accommodation does not cause an undue hardship to the organization we would then try to provide that accommodation for the staff member to continue working throughout that pregnancy or related condition and that again is all just new um coming in through the um pregnant worker Fairness Act regulations that were adopted last year and then similarly we've always had a Prohibition against discrimination based on religion and religious accommodations have been requested but this puts it more formally same sort of process that we do under a disability accommodation we would do for a religious accommodation the staff member would put forth what they are asking for and we would look to see if we can reasonably accommodate that without it causing an undue hardship so I was give the example if someone has a particular day uh a religious holiday that they recognize that they want the day off um obviously that would be a reasonable accommodation but if an individual says I cannot work any I say let's just say the job was a weekend job I can't work any Saturdays because that's Sabbath but that job is a Saturday Sunday job we'd have to say does that cause an undo hardship to give to reasonably accommodate that request but it's an individual interactive conversation that we have similar to Ada and pregnancy and that was new for uh the Supreme Court decision goth be Joy that reference is also the statutory references perfect so these will be added 4105a and 4105b will be added as well to the consent their discussion because they're new so all new board policies have to go onto the discussion okay got it got it got it okay perfect so um okay perfect also want to make note and I know I think it was mentioned this morning the new policies are now live um on our website so if you go and you under Board of Education if you click click under the policy it will take you to the site where you can find all the policies and also has a similar search function so if anyone's looking for a particular policy they can find it now obviously it's not going to include any of these revisions until adopted by the board once that's done we can go in and make those changes um essentially in real time good do we have there were two links do do we have all fix it okay we have and I mentioned this um also that we have archived of the old Neola policies if we need them for reference so even though we don't have links to them on the site anymore we do have access to those great great great great okay any other questions any questions no I'm good okay perfect uh we will move on to uh standards of practice um and I kind of already started with this but uh every year we as a board um agree to our um basically seven stand standards of practice and all uh commit to the following standards for Effective uh responsible board governance so um this will uh this will be brought up at our full board meeting uh to decide and I believe we actually read through all all of them and then we'll sign as a as a board at the end of the meeting um and those will remain posted for the year so um once it's approved um I will get it reprinted in the form that we post um on the wall on the other side of the wall it's in a like a weird big form but I don't want to have that printed in case we change anything and I'll bring it or Tammy will bring it to the next meeting okay perfect and did you have any questions now on standards of practice I don't have any questions I just was going to add that I know over the years we've revised it slightly like any member of the board can make a suggestion to add or revise something for example like really minor but at the very bottom there are a couple of references and I remember we updated did that a few years ago um so yeah that's that's all um I read through this already and it still looks good to me like we have in part to the mention of the threeyear Strategic plan that was one that we updated a couple of years ago obviously as opposed to the former blueprint so yeah yeah and again if if at the board meeting um on the 13th um if anyone wants to bring up any questions or comments then do you see it as a consent or a discussion item I think it has to be discussion I think so too but I just want to make sure and normally we did it like right after the officers in the committee discussion but but I saw it it currently it's like at the very end of the discussion I just wonder if it might make sense to bring it up higher that's fine if you want to make that the A and discussion you before school safety update I mean sure or yeah that's fine I mean that and the policy is probably the two most important like the new things for us to approve wait what are you saying to add it to a so she's just saying have the standards of practice the first discussion item oh oh oh oh yeah okay got okay um I see yeah okay which would make school safety B board policy C property hous okay okay okay perfect so we will add that uh to the agenda uh for the organizational meeting on the 13th um so next item is the uh Blair property housing projects so I will defer to Dr Van Wagner yeah so we've talked about this for a long time and it's really starting to now get pretty darn real um at this point we uh both Northwest educ ation services and tcaps have worked with our attorney TR uh trun to draft some language we we' also have partnership with grand ch's area Catholic schools and interlocking Center for the Arts um when it came down to the legal entities with this um they their legal teams felt like it would be better if they were secondary partners and were not um an actual legal entity um Northwest Education Services was the one the group that actually got the state appropriation of the $5 million and the property is currently tcaps property so the the two entities that have a a a financial and a legal stake in it are the ISDN so we've asked trun to put together a formal partnership document that you have in front of you for that that allows us to essentially conduct the business as the entities to move forward with the developer in that work um you know and then the next step that'll happen once that's formed is we are in the process of once the developer gets exactly the piece of property and amount of acreage we will have a um a uh um I want to say survey but a yeah realtor a evaluation of how much the property is worth Yes sounds like three there you go yes and uh at that point by law we have to sell the property for least fair market value by law so we can't really just even give it away or lease it we have to sell it from that standpoint at fair market value uh so once we get that appraisal that'll allow us to know what that is and then we will begin negotiations with the developer uh to to do that a lot of questions about ownership and so we as entities really debated for quite a while about the property and who owns this and that element and I think we all came to the the conclusion that we're in the the school business and not the property management business and we felt in the end of retaining any ownership was just really not our Bailey Wick um you know lots of things that can happen with that you know good and bad um so one of the but one of the things that's pretty insistent upon from our legislative group that really advocated for this and others is that somehow we have something that maintains that the property is stays and remains for the intended purpose of what it is of Ed you know educator and support staff housing for K12 so um that's embedded in the agreement and and we're working on trying to figure out how we can even embed it in the deed um when we sell the property that it has to remain that with a deed restriction from that standpoint our understand is is Misha which is an acur for the Michigan State Housing Development Authority they also because of it'll fall under a um category of of uh lower income housing they will also mandate some of those kind of things so that it happens you know there's been some properties here that have been questionable about the original intent and what it eventually became of you know of uh market value housing and so that is also an intent but that's a later coming once this is established that'll be the next step um you may remember from a financing standpoint we receiv received $5 million from the state in the appropriation um we are right now on the cusp and I think we're going to ah had there's a brand new program that's a very limited time that would allow us to actually be able to it's called the um it's it's formally the missing middle and it it's nicer because it allows a little bit higher income up to 120 Ami and allows us where we think we kind get more of the Sweet Spot of some of our teachers to be able to afford as well as our support staff um it's higher than 80% Ami of what the traditional U Misha Grant is so uh we are we have a here um tomorrow to really decide on what it is I am personally in talking to Nick I think we're very much in favor of going after the missing middle um money we think it's a short a short Gap and quick that would allow us to hopefully be able to do something possibly even this summer to break ground it'll probably be a few less units than we originally planned we're originally in about the 72 units of duplexes that would be on that property this is going to decrease it a little bit because um the the money you know is a little less than what we would do Under the traditional mionion program but we think the flexibility of having a li higher Ami is better for people you know in our area that are in K12 education to do it so and it doesn't keep us from later on to try and do another you know phase or something like that under State program um so we're Hopey hopefully looking to get that done get that application to Misha and it would be nice to have our funding completely figured out by March and be able to start moving on on this project so absolutely I think it's going to be really important to have um that deed language to because I I've seen firsthand how there's been M to housing um allocations from the state and then once they resell right you know they they go from affordable housing to market value um and so we're going to figure that out might it still cause us to remain a partial little bit of ownership or something possibly but we're hoping to be able to get away with that and as an entity that's what I've talked to with TR about trying to figure out to do and that's where that's at is an update right now and I'm just curious because I know we've been a leader on this you know in partnership with other um local education institutions have there been other districts in the state that have followed well no follow but they're trying to figure it out so we get a lot of calls we presented as a group at the northern Michigan Housing Summit and we've been requested to go other parts of the state and tell our story of how we've gone about doing this and so I think once we have really break ground I think people will really then go okay help us walk through how you did that you know we are the first in the state that you know there are some districts that have done you know a house or two like on Mao Island you know think there's a superintendent's house maybe and I know there's one in the thumb but as far as any kind of like more substantial units this is definitely the first in the state that's you know been able to try and do that and uh it'll be exciting to break around and really get that moved and you know one of the things it's a little bit people ask is you know the under the mishto requirements you can't limit exactly who and from what districts have eligibility so it can't just be tcaps it can't just be Northwest Ed or Interlocken or grand ch's Catholic schools it could be somebody from a neighboring District you know the the the most limit and this is never been done is to say K12 Educators and support staff is the very limit that you can do that's never even been accomplished before but we figured out the legal legalities to be able to do that so but you know if we have 54 Educators in our region there's a pretty darn good chance that some tcaps people some Northwest people Interlock in Grand TR c will have an opportunity at those units they have to go through a process and on aweight list and it's fair you know under Fair income standards so uh you know well while you know we're doing this as somewhat of a a gratus for the Educators in our region we're good with that for what we' tried to accomplish exciting this is uh it's so interesting to kind of be one of you know the only one in the state doing this to kind of see what happens from here um but just good stuff for all of our teach and Sport St and I think it's going to be really cool right next to Blair Elementary I think it's a great opportunity for recruiting you know for staff maybe that you know might be interested and working there what a great thing that you live right next door your kids can go to school right there you know all those things I think that's a really neat opportunity for us from a recruitment standpoint for both staff and kids yeah good good good good good update will you give this update at our uh at our F board meeting again yeah and we're going to have to approve that so I'm happy to do that same same thought at the board meeting I was going to say so uh it looked like there's intended to be attachments to this agreement one of those to be filled in oh yeah yeah so once we get exactly the um the components of the other pieces from the developer all those pieces that's when those will be added and so we won't actually approve the agreement until those you will approve the you will approve the the the resolution that's there it's the other pieces that would come later that establishes the connection with the sener the developer and all of that okay I think there was the reason why I asked this I think there was some language in the resolution itself that refers to the attachment like as described in [Music] the all right let me talk with Gordon and get that from that standpoint I we need to reward that yeah get to the let me get with TR and get that figured out for sure and you're calling that a resolution versus like a formal partnership same thing or the res it it's a little bit unique because we can't form we can't form like an LLC okay so this is the way that TR is giving us like this is all their Bailey Wick of how we have to do it so got it okay perfect um I'll get clarity though in the next 24 hours for on those those attachments if there's something that didn't get sent somehow or whatever we'll make sure you have them okay all right so we'll move on to agenda review uh the January 13th organizational meeting and January 27th so we'll start uh and Dr Van Wagner do you usually walk through the that's what I thought okay I do remember if Scott did or you did so there we go okay have to get there okay so we have our call to order and so under uh the rules the superintendent will serve as the acting chairperson until the election of the president's been completed so I'll start the Pledge of Allegiance um we'll have the appointment of a temporary secretary which will be crazy um and then the review the approval of the agenda and then we will conduct the election of officers once a president is elected they will take it from there um and then the board after all of the uh selections of officers are met at that point the board will establish board committees and the representatives on those committees um very standard to what we've had before um the uh only change is the name there of the committee um that's something the group wanted to try and have a little bit more narrow Focus I know that you at er you have that meeting today which the nutrition and fitness formally health and wellbeing committee um one board member is required I know that we had two we had last year we had two that were interested that can still be that way we just can't have three um again because of you know our our rules from that standpoint um but uh and then we do have the sustainability committee that's been added um and again um there's no rules on how many board members but we did have two that showed interest last time um so that is there as well so just sorry just a quick question on the nutrition and fitness um it says USDA required repres so in the so we just actually learn this in the past we've been required to have a USDA this was why the board initially put this Commit This committee was added so it doesn't require a board member anymore um but you know we we are required to have the committee under the USDA so the board could decide to not have somebody on there but I think it's something the board has enjoyed you know having some representation on so he left that but I just wanted to let you know that was the purpose but it's not necess neily require of board members now if the board chose to not have a member and just we have had two board members serving on that committee so originally under law you only had to have one okay and that one expressed interest again it's not that you can always have more than one you just can't have three okay you know and so again that's the same same from that standpoint okay and we've talked a little bit well this is yeah okay perfect yep okay and then we do have the central grade visioning committee that's not really a committee of the board you know from that standpoint that it's not a it's not a sustained committee it's going to be just a temporary and then be done from that standpoint so I really consider that more of an in District committee you know from that standpoint um it's not anything we will continue to establish so that is one that we've just invited board members you know from that standpoint okay just a quick question on the appointment of a temporary secretary because Stacy you'll only have like one meeting with us it's just that secretary is a board member immediately immediately she'll be the temp 4 minutes I think I know that you get in here and forget everything but we we do need her as a recording secretary but for the temporary secretary for this is just until a secretar right okay got it okay all right and so uh so yeah that's all those committees our first public comment um our legislative update District highlights are uh teachers that are meet meeting tenure and then we have it is Board of Education recognition month so that is our recognition for this month we will have our committee report outs um including um the superintendent Board of Education student advisory Council that uh uh Miss mmore was had the opportunity to attend we had our nutrition and fitness team as well we had uh miss mmore and miss pack um today and then Board office hours report out by uh Scott Newman Bale and then we have uh a new member to be appointed at some point for the next Board office hour so we don't um oh you have scheduled but approve it yeah and a couple of just quick just changes are the board and finance and app committee report out will be Josie oh yeah because uh Andrew wasn't there and then board executive committee will be myself yes a lot of moon more um report good C I'll tell you you're you're pretty popular for the report out as I look at it here I know okay got it and then did did oh yeah Scott did do the December 19th didn't didn't he attend Board office hours yes yes yes he did he did okay perfect yeah and so we have consent there again uh personal recommendations um and then again field trips and other sponsored Trips Again the board has approved this trip in the past but it was added at curriculum for C students to also attend with them our district course catalog for this year updates and then as well for next year we are starting the scheduling process um not that late not very um late from now that we'll start that already um we have the sex education Advisory Board appointment of a co-chair um again that was uh brought up in the curriculum committee there was comments from one board member I do anticipate the possibility of a request from consent on that one um but for now it is on that consented committee as done by the committee uh the uh curriculum committee uh we have that grad acceptance um so it was 10,000 in the past you will see under the new policies it was 20,000 um I always like to bring those to the board even if it's informational only um but under our our past policies it was that 10,000 I if you're okay with it I'd like to keep it on there even though it's not required at this point but moving forward it would be ones that are actually you know um discussion or agenda items would be over 20,000 per the policy that you just reviewed that the board will pass okay so um because really it's it's we're going off in you know the last right and so with that so with Neola okay and then bids and services Finance today reviewed the robotic field painter that you were both at that was again forwarded by the uh finance committee the board policies striking the uh 348 that we discussed earlier 34 34 firearm oh oh yeah yeah yeah that's right y we'll strike that from there yeah um and then uh then again we will have organizational meeting items again Finance review that as well today and uh place that there on the consent agenda and our meeting minutes then we'll have discussion we will go go ahead and have our standards of practice as our first discussion item followed by school safety board policy and then the Blair property housing project we'll have our second comment a public comment oh John I just want to ask you one thing for school safety update is the are the new aeds part of that did we get I have not gotten it from him yet okay so I will ask him if he has that from that info and we'll do that and then um and so again we will and with the Blair housing project second public comment and then we do have a closed session um again we do have the case listed there as well um as required by law for us to have the open meetings act and um we do have a letter from our attorney Greg mayor and he will be zooming and for that okay okay and then closing remarks and adjournment okay we have our study session agenda to go oh thank you artificial intelligence yes and so we have the call to order pledge the review the agenda for public comment our consent will have the meeting minutes and artificial intelligence so they're working hard on that um Evan and hisam M believeing that but also working with Jesse and Dan um I have to tell you some they had the chance as a group to attend the um Michigan virtual um uh AI conference and some of the things they brought back are unbelievable we had the chance to listen today Dan um came back with an app that you can put a newsletter in um and it creates a podcast of two people talking about it and giving comments and debating on what you have and two human voices and they said the next step is it'll actually be interactive where you can ask it questions as like a caller and they will give you an based off of what the information is in the newslet so you're going to see some of those kind of things we're going to project but you will laugh at this he had one that they did that had their Elementary newsletter and it talked about I've given a pretty strong mandate about not propping doors across the district with safety of security and it goes through and the and the the gentleman on the on the is on the podcast he explains that and there's a female um voice that's on there and she came back and she goes well wow that's a little bit excessive it actually makes comments the people do back and forth based on the comments he didn't send that one fortunately but you know it's pretty amazing about how fast this is moving yeah and what it creates so I think it'll be a really informative opportunity for that I'm really excited about the board to see some of that it'll be I think eye openening for all of us um some of the things they're seeing that is rapidly um happening in education technology then our second public comment and closing remarks in a journal Yep looks good to me looks good looks good so okay perfect um so we'll uh there's no other questions we'll move on to informational items and I will refer to Ana for human resource update so very briefly uh on our staffing update um right now we just for our postings toing some to your attention we're coming into that season where we have you know um spring Sports and spring activities so we have a number of coaching opportunities Co posted on our our website we also have some food service vacancies that we're looking to fill and then we continue to have within our TC capser group instructional AIDS special ed AIDS um English language learner AIDS noon AIDS so we're consistantly looking for those individuals and anything from one hour a day up to six hours a day so very part-time up to what would be considered 30 hours here is you know full time for our district so I refer people to our weite we update those daily so anytime new job postings come in we had uh today we had one of our open interview sessions held this morning and we had a number of people so when I W I'm sorry it was yesterday I walked in and three of our HR Specialists all were meeting with different people so I think that's really encouraging our next open interviews will be Wednesday January 22nd um we alternate between morning and afternoon and that would be the 3: to 5: in the afternoon opportunity right here at the Glenn Lumis administration building so anyone interested um in whether it be a retiree or anyone coming back and doing some work for our district we encourage you to participate in those it's a great way to find out about our opportunities here in the district also along the lines of Staffing as you know we're are coming upon where we do our mission-based budgeting and our staffing projections for next year and a big piece of that is knowing what of our current staff members are going to either exercise of retirement or resignations going in and as of today we have 27 individuals between retirements and or resignations um who've indicated that they will not be returning to tcea positions for next school year um and so as we look at potential budget reductions those things we always hope to be able to do those via attrition so knowing you know number of Staff members not returning is really important as a result the district has offered an incentive for early notification for our staff members to let us know of their retirement intentions and we had originally indicated that first cut off date would be December 20th but we have extended that now to February 1st so for any staff member who's kind of on that bubble I'm trying to determine um if they can let us know by February 1st allows us to plan better and also gives them a small monetary piece of conversation um for that notification um and right now that's all I have for you and just uh um in addition to our um needs for Staffing we also there's 19 kids at Central grade school we learned that are looking for a volunteer basketball coach so uh if anyone out there's listening we need a a volunteer basketball coach for Central grade school um kids that want to play basketball so and we talked about that this morning great opportunity for retiree but retirees but also for recent grads yeah who may have participated in athletics It's a Wonderful opportunity not only to volunteer in your community but it's a great Resume Builder to show that kids are working and then they might fall in love with it we might be able to get a student teacher potential future teacher pipeline so exactly exactly exactly and maybe we'll talk to Ginger about some communication around our grads or our seniors to graduate and just remind them that they can come back and volunteer in those type of um areas you know kids that played basketball through high school and then maybe they're here working and have some time that they can give back so um so anyway just a little say County and I were in the um nutrition um Fitness and Nutrition meeting this morning and yeah so found out they need a coach at Central grade school so um uh anyway moving on Communications update and Al theera Ginger Smith okay thank you so this time of year we always start talking about enrollment for the fall so it does always kind of come uh hit us hard right in January as we come back from the holiday break uh So currently we are looking at seeing a lot of the information sessions happening in February uh change this year our kindergarten information sessions will also all include Junior kindergarten in that same meeting for the last handful of years we have had a separate meeting um posed just for junior kindergarten and that was held virtually so instead we will no longer be doing that and it will be become Again part of the session at the kindergarten parent meeting so on February 10th we will be hosting kindergarten and Junior kindergarten information meetings at CED Long Lake and Willow Hill February 11 at Cherry null and Eastern in February 12 at Travers Heights Central grade Blair Silver Lake Westwoods and monor and that manasu uh event will also include their Casa program primary and prek then when we move on to our fifth graders exiting Elementary and entering the world of middle school we will host registration nights where the fifth grade student does attend with their family West uh we have East Middle School hosting on two nights February 10 and 17 and West Middle School will be hosting two nights on February 11 and 13 in that same right we also have our students who are exiting 8th grade and moving into 9th grade we have parent information meetings being held at West Senior High on February 6th and at Central High School on February 27 we will be posting all of the times and locations online we are just wrapping up receiving all of the details on these so you will see all of that information posted to our website in the next day or two and that's all I have to share perfect thank you perfect perfect thank you thank you uh any other items just side don't in my superintendent report um I know that the board um has received some different questions about um again monor about Frankie Road and that so um I asked gindra we're going to um talk just a little bit about safe rout to schools Grant so people understand kind of the Milestones that we have to reach and where we're at with that um and uh uh you know I have had the chance to meet with the road commission and Garfield Township I think uh there's a lot of of excitement about trying to do that Meers on board everybody um but you know a lot of that work is it has to happen on the Meer side of the road and so that it takes resources again we don't own the property we can use bond for our property so s for school's grants really really important of the financial aspect to be able to do what we want to do uh so um I've asked Ginger to kind of put that together and just take everybody through what that timeline you know kind of looks like and it's more kind of Milestones because you're at the mercy of the safe up to schools Grant um group to be able to say okay you've kind of passed this test now move on to the next one but I just want to make sure that that's clear for that we're we're still very much vibrant in that work and continuing and you know going to try and do that as fast as we can but it is kind of a process for us to get to so are Michigan State Police and Garfield Township also still Partners in that Garfield Township is and the road commission and and really kind of what the road commission is the one that kind of directs the state police so in our conversation that we had with the road commission I think if we can get the process done I think they are willing to have those conversations with the state police about the speed limit um I think that they're uh two summers away from completely redoing Frankie Road um from you know their timeline right now um so I think that you know even there's still maybe to bring tar tail Trails into the conversation about one side of the road there's still a lot of that meeting we had a lot of good conversation about it so we're going to complet continue to embed that in all these conversations to see where we get I just want to make sure that people know that we are still you know definitely very active and working on it and uh we're very committed to find a way to make that happen okay great thanks for that update and I had one other thing Erica too um so we had an unusual situation arise for executive committee this week with the uh standing members the president and the vice president absent and we actually Scott and I had a conversation we didn't have a protocol in place for who would be be the chair he talked to a parliamentarian and and and discovered that because of the structure the unique structure of this particular committee um with a third member being the rotating member we didn't have a protocol in place so that is something we can talk about on at an organizational meeting on Monday night is if this situation ever rises again who is the designated person to step in do we to CH add it to an agenda item or no It's really because it's not really a um it's a it's a formal part of your committee process okay so when you do your committees you know we in the past we've it it's more of a practice than a policy what's the practice that you have for it so the practice that the Committees have decided in the past is that if a members absence you know we have a uh we had a um an alternate for each committee you know from that standpoint and then you know after the alternate wasn't available it was just reaching out to other board members on who's available M and again all can be changed you know there's there's even no rules on committees or having them or you know all that element that is all to be decided who's on and that procedure in times all a part of the board's perview under practice versus policy okay okay got it um okay well with that uh the next uh executive committee meeting will be Thursday January 30th um of course the attendees uh it'll be the president vice president and then a rotating board member to be determined uh so we'll wait uh for the meeting on the 13th to figure out who will be at this meeting next and other than that I will adjourn the meeting so and students if you guys need signatures you can come on up and thanks for being here today