e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good evening everyone um welcome to the city of Treasure Island Board of Commissioners meeting for April 16th 2024 um to kick off our meeting if you could all please stand with me for the Pledge of Allegiance United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation andice all right thank you roll call please commissioner Toth here commission excuse me vice mayor doctor here commissioner minning commissioner Dicky here mayor Payne here thank you yeah the microphones are much better than last time thank you all right um next is approval of regular and workshop agendas do we have any changes that need to be made to our agenda as just one Mr Mayor if we could move the firefighter contract to the front please okay so we'll move the um item j6 up to the first item of business in in the items business section is everyone okay with that yes we could actually since J1 is going to be relativ let do we'll blo it up all the way up to the front I think we're good with that all right right any other changes all right sounds good um next is proclamations recognitions and certificates of appreciation we have none this evening so we'll move on to public comments for non-agenda items is there anyone in the audience who has any public comments for anything that we don't have on our agenda this evening all right hearing none we'll move into commissioner reports and we'll start with commissioner Toth I just have a short report thank you all for coming and I'd also like to recognize Carrie for her work with the adopted Beach and how many people came out on Saturday and then also thank you to the city for our Island days it was really a nice event thank you thank you vice mayor doctor I do not have a report tonight commissioner minning uh one item and that is there's going to be a golf scramble uh at the Treasure Bay on Sunday April 28th at 1:00 cost is $15 and it's hosted by the ti ladies golf league so I think if you want to sign up I think you do it at Treasure Bay thank you all right thank you commissioner dicki I have uh two upcoming events one is this Friday uh April 19th at the Pavilion on Sunset Beach uh coffee and cupcakes with the cops uh Chief Barkley and some other officers will be there to to meet with some of the residents there and hear some of their concerns that' be from 9:00 a.m. to noon so I'm hoping uh a lot of you can get out there and then on May 2nd Thursday May 2nd is the barbecue at the Lions Club which is an annual event we do at Sunset Beach it's always a big hit uh Mr I got him it will be doing the barbecue I don't know if you ever had his barbecue but it's very very good and the beach rats will be providing the entertainment that's uh starts at 6: p.m. uh and goes until whenever it's over uh there's a li number of tickets only 130 tickets on that so anyone who's interested uh should contact somebody from the Sunset Beach Community Association uh for tickets for that event all right thank you very much I do not have a report this evening um so we'll move on approval of minutes we have no minutes this evening okay and we have no items on our consent agenda so we'll move on to presentations and first up is the Clearwater Marine Aquarium welcome can you hear me now okay great hi thank you for allowing me to come tonight and speak to you briefly my name is Wendy Hollick I'm the new sea turtle nesting manager for clearw aquarium um this will be my first nesting season with clear water I come from several nesting programs up in the Panhandle so so I've been spending the last six months um familiarizing myself with the area and your beaches your beaches are beautiful um Treasure Island in particular has done a great job trying to help with the lighting and with some of the adop the beach programs that is initiating it's it's very noticeable and it's going to do great things for our Turtles um first I wanted to speak on behalf of clear water and Marine Aquarium to thank you for your continued support of our program um again like I said previously Treasure Islands always from what I understand a pleasure to work with and as far as my time here I've seen that as well I quickly wanted to review the 2023 nesting results that we had um for our area that Clearwater Marine patrols which is from Clare waterer all the way down to Treasure Island we had 227 nests um it was down significantly from the year before um and the year before we had over 300 um we did expect that season to be a little bit lower not quite that low um the storm that we had at the end of the season also did a lot of damage to our remaining Nest that we had in addition to the 227 nests we had 2 140 false crawls usually expect about a 50% false crawl rate for every Nest so that is a little bit High which tells me that the turtles are encountering something when they get on the shore that they're not liking which makes them turn around and go back into the water whether it's the amount of people on the beach at night um lighting um quality of the sand which is probably not that it's more likely Lighting in or people on the beach that's deterring them from nesting um in addition to that we had um for the for sure Treasure Island sign um treasure iseland only we had 25 nests 37 fults CS we also had 10 disorientations which means that of the 25 nests 10 of them that hatch the hatchlings went the wrong way and that is typically always due to lighting issues whether it's direct light or glow um the hatchlings are going that direction in addition to that we had six obstructive nesting activities which is where a turtle comes onto the beach either Nest or attempts to Nest but encounters a man-made object which disrupts their process that could be a seaw wall it could be lounge chair it could be any type of man-made structure so all of that information we report every year to Florida Fish and Wildlife looking forward to 2024 um we have started our patrols we started them yesterday uh while the official sea turtle nesting season starts May 1st Turtles don't always look at the calendar and Florida Fish and Wildlife recommends that we start our patrols no later than April 15th and we follow those guidelines so if you have you were out on the beach early yesterday morning or this morning you might have seen some of my team um we were out there and we will be out there every morning between yesterday and October 31st additionally we'll be doing our annual lighting surveys twice this year um the first set of surveys will take place April 29th through May 4th and then the second set of surveys will take place from July 7th through July 12th um this is we report all of this to pelis County however if you want um to see what the lighting results were for your particular area um let me know and I can make sure that we get that information shared with you lastly um we are on initiative to do even more with lighting I'm looking to work with some of your hotels in the areas we have window cleans that we would like to place on some of the Interior sliders that face the gulf um it's just a small reminder it's right where you put it right where the handle of the slider is um it reminds people to please close your drapes at night when you're out on the beach please do not use Bright Lights um please fill in your holes just all the turtle friendly things that people who are not from here may not know um so we're working to do that um in all of the municipalities on our stretch of beach we are also going to be out with you on Earth Day on Saturday looking forward to that and that is all I have today if any of you have any questions comments I'm happy to speak about turtles as long as you want great thank you do we have any questions work yeah thank you so much thank you very much all right next on our agenda is a presentation by Treasure Island adopt Beach good evening everyone hi I'm Carrie arbach Treasure Island adopted Beach want to thank you for inviting me to be here tonight um I'm thrilled and this is a very big passion of mine so I'm happy to share it with you um the mission of Treasure Island adopta Beach is serving to keep the safe and clear for people and Wildlife by creating a culture of a trash-free beach while striving to be a model for other communities um creating a culture of a clean Beach through education is pretty much what I figured would be the answer to most of our problems uh we have visitors who come here every day who do not know about our endangered turtles or don't realize how important it is to pick up your trash uh so I figured if we educate our visitors and our residents uh we can make a difference I started Treasure Island adopted beach in uh 2000 it was uh the summer of uh one of the first years I moved here and I I saw something as I was walking in today on my phone um somebody should do something about that then I realized I am somebody and that's an old Lily Tomlin quote and uh so I figured well let's just start by picking up trash and let's start with a beach cleanup and let's do this and let's do that and all sorts of activities and all of a sudden I found keep pelis beautiful and they uh brought me under their wing and they give me supplies and um have done such great things for supporting me and what uh my group does here on Treasure Island so I'm going to tell you a little bit about some of projects that we do and how you as residents can be involved um here are the numbers that ke panel's beautiful has kept I I give them a report after every cleanup uh so in 2023 we had 377 volunteers we collected over 2100 pounds of trash and almost 200 lb of recycling which came up to about 2400 volunteer hours so we're out there um every second Saturday doing Beach cleanups um oh I'll talk about that in a second but um uh we also do this uh cigarette receptacle uh thing where um you know now there's an ordinance for no smoking on the beach and so there are uh selected areas that you can smoke um there are parking lots uh but not on the beach and not on the beach walk so there are 18 receptacles along the beach Trail uh in parking lots and I've taken upon myself to empty them once a month and um 10 of them uh were donated by keep pelis beautiful I've got the keys to all of them and uh I go around on my bike and I just empty them out and I keep track of um whether they're quarter full half full um and uh it's been fun keeping track of them and reporting that uh each receptacle probably holds 10050 cigarette butts so um I've been enjoying watching the increase of these receptacles being used uh I think it's a good thing and not finding the butts on the beach or on the sidewalks or the parking lots um as uh oh sorry so what can you do I have a great Facebook page I've got 7,000 followers uh we're on Instagram as well but the Facebook page will tell you when there are cleanups uh if there are special cleanups some other projects that we're involved in so uh please jump on Facebook if you don't have Facebook or Instagram you can always reach out to me at Treasure Island adopt Beach atgmailcom every second Saturday we are across the street from Waffle House at the St Pete Municipal lot uh Under The Pavilion I give out supplies uh free supplies free parking free goodies uh it's a lot of fun last Saturday we did a um a collaboration with trash Colin and uh he has 2 million followers on Tik Tok uh trash wolf was there if you've ever seen him he dresses up like a wolf and he goes out and collects trash but we had a 100 people show up and we played games and we had food donated by The Floridian and Dunkin Donuts and um everyone had a great time so I was really proud of that uh and you can always go out and clean the beach do it yourself um and also there's a beach cleanup at cat's every second Saturday Richard Harris does that cleanup uh so come to his come to mine uh it's a great time and some really wonderful people uh we're doing this we've been doing a whole Patrol and we're going to expand it this year as Beach ambassadors and so that it's not just during Turtle season and if anybody is interested please reach out to me it's going to be a whole new initiative of uh patrolling the beach after like right around sunset uh filling holes knocking down Mounds um reporting improper lighting and um I'll have more information about the beach ambass Ambassador plan at another time but we want to keep the beach clean dark and flat um actually if you look here one night we were patrolling and that sand castle was there and the next and we knocked it down and the very next morning there was a turtle nest there so she didn't get spooked she didn't uh do a false crawl and um so that was a really cool thing to to witness um and many of you know that uh tragedy struck the East Coast uh after a 7 year old girl died in a collapsed hole on the beach um it's very tragic and uh we don't need to say more about that but um really horrific uh we're going to work really hard this year with Turtle lighting um the uh the city code violation uh city code department does a great job we have an incredible code here in Treasure Island that really enforces uh taking care of your improper lighting um and uh we want to get involved and and stay in touch with clear water marine aquarium so that um our beaches are dark during Turtle season and also uh in December we have a 5K run run for the beaches you don't have to be a runner you don't have to be a walker you can just come it's a great party we uh run uh or walk the beach at 8:00 a.m. from the Thunderbird past caddies and back again and uh the band actually starts at 9:00 a.m. a.m so uh it's a good morning party uh we will have keep panel's beautiful Seaside seabird Sanctuary Friends of the Pelicans um oh another bird uh organization and all of the proceeds will come back to the city they go back to these organizations to do great things for our environment and for Treasure Island so uh one of the things uh our money went to this year we will be planting seots on Saturday we also have in the works a water Filling Station Cooling and filtered it will be at Gul front lot so we've donated uh the proceeds to go towards that as well um as I said this Saturday we're doing a SE out planning we've got plenty of volunteers but we'll be um celebrating that uh the Run for the beaches money and keep penel beautiful uh donated 5,000 seots so we'll be planting those and looking forward to getting our beaches back and then one other really fun thing that uh we do and we've noticed great Improvement on July 4th uh I will gather volunteers and I will drop off 20 or 30 koozies that are filled with trash bags and you go out and walk the beach and hand them out to people visitors uh we've done this two years in a row and you can see it noticeable Improvement uh because the trash cans get full during the day so we like to walk around uh in the afternoon and uh Deb Toth was there it was a great time and uh you really get to meet some super people so uh if you're interested in being a part of that please reach out to me again at Treasure Island adopted Beach gmail.com um and I just really believe think globally act locally we've got some important uh phone numbers up there on the screen um I'm available to talk to anybody about this I'm really passionate and uh I appreciate your time thank you so much okay thank you any questions anybody have any questions I could talk about this for days okay thanks so much like it we all know that you do wonderful work and thank you and keep it up all right moving on with our agenda we're move into our items of business and as a ended we will move up um and the first item is collective bargaining agreement with the International Association of firefighters local 4966 good afternoon mayor Commissioners can you hear me okay yeah good afternoon um I'm here to present the collective bargaining agreement that we work so hard on to terms with the labor St Rand he our vice president International Association of firefighters local chap um just a couple of the highlights uh I'm sure you guys have all read through it but for the audience um we made a few changes with our overarching goal being um we really wanted to be competitive in in the market place for our federal paramedics which are in great Demand right now just with the land boom and the boom in the State of Florida for some reason firefighter paramedics are not Ming here they are they don't want to so um it's pretty much a Statewide problem that we can't fill these positions we realized through data analysis that we were the lowest paid fir in County out of the dep so through negotiating and and doing a few back and forth we've gotten ourselves up into the top of that's where we hope to stay so we can retain the best and bright um when we need to attract someone we can get them to come and apply for Department Services sure just got Qui so I just want to give a a thanks to both the uh the fire department administration and the entire management team uh during this negotiation process it was evident from the very beginning that we did have the same uh I want to give a personal thank you to Mr BR for coming back and finishing this project with us I'm still holding holding out hope I can keep you here for a little while longer Commissioners mayor appreciate the support and the commitment not only to the fire department but our firefighters as well lastly for our line members behind me I thank you all for allowing me to represent you it's a privilege and honor thank you thank you we're here for any questions you may have all right do we have any questions for the chief or the city manager I I have a few questions uh and please do not misinterpret any of these questions is my lack of support for our firefighters I have nothing but the utmost respect for them I I support them uh and I admire their dedication and their courage in the jobs they do but I do have some questions I the the item in the agreement that caught my attention the most was the 15% increase in year one and in this day and time and environment 15 per increases are not that common so so I did want to talk a little bit about that and as I understand you have uh your primary goal here is to get us off of the bottom in the pay range there and closer to the uh at least the top 50% or at least in the bottom of the top onethird I think is the way it was originally described to me but anyway I'm still kind of concerned about that 15% let me ask you a couple of questions about open positions do we currently have any open positions that we were trying to fill and are having difficulty doing so because of our current uh salary range no sir we do not uh we do have two firefighter EMTs currently we're in all paramedic department so those folks were hired without the required qualifications and were sending them to school because we just couldn't find Qualified firefighter paramedics that's the case with the last including those two the last four hes okay and relateded question a turnover has turnover been a a big issue in the past year or so amongst the firefighter rigns um given our relatively small size I would say yes we've lost three in the past year uh the two that we just replaced we were not able to replace with paramedics all right and I noticed in your in the uh the write up it mentioned that the uh cost of this 15% increase was going to be about $212,000 for the 15% increase is that that's correct it's an it's an average increase of of 25% over the three years of the contract and how we got there was was first of all um prior to this contract the firefighters and the police officers during covid both took a year of wage owners and did no pay no pay increase for a year so that put us a little behind quite a bit behind and and then during the last three-year contract which is expiring this one will replace um many municipalities did wage only openers and tried to catch up with other contracts that were being done we did not do that um in hindsight that might have been a better plan to offset this initial 15% um increase in year one of this three-year agreement to get us up to where we need to be um we were $199,000 below starting paramedic salary the the highest starting paramedic salary in the county and 25,000 or 20 28,000 below the top out for firefighter paramedic of the highest paying agency so um it's a great place to work people want to work here they love the the culture the environment the beach our department is good it's just hard to keep them here when they're young and trying to raise families and they you know they see that great shiny thing of somewhere else and then the last question I have thank you for those answers uh this uh these new rates would as you had written in here would have us about the seventh highest in the county for starting salaries but the second highest on the top end of the range and uh second highest that would put us up with St Petersburg Clear Water the the really large cities so I was just curious I understand moving the the minimum minimum range from bottom up to maybe the middle or or a little bit better than the middle but the the being uh the top end of the range being at the second highest in the county seemed uh a bit aggressive could you respond to that I can and we're we're thinking we want these folks to come here and be here for a career so it takes 14 years which is a long step plan to get to that top out um we only have one person that's going to even make it in the contract and that's if he doesn't retire before the contract um we've got a really young Department the way we structured the 14year step plan um it's 3% increases each step for the first half the first seven years and all but two of our firefighters fall into that and then four% increases over the back half um that's in place now and since we wrapped up our negotiations our neighbors to the north ratified a contract puts us down in third and there are five other agencies currently in negotiations so I don't anticipate being that high on the top house salary all right thank you that's all the questions I have okay any other questions appreciate everything that uh you've done for us especially you know in 2020 you know it it was going to be a big hit and uh and I think that uh we appreciate everything you've done thank you anything else all right we'll entertain a motion then I move to approve the October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2027 agreement between the city of Treasure Island and the Ia local 4966 it's been moved and approved do we have or moved and seconded do we have any um discussion or comments no I'm just really glad that to see that we have the firefighter paramedics and I commend those who' have gone to school and moved on up to being a paramedic I know how important that is I'm a nurse um kudos to yall thank you anything El keep up the good work um just comment from me I think I I appreciate commissioner Dicky's questions I think those are all really important things to to ask and I I recognize that it does move us into a much higher position in the in the ranking but you know just with every every career every profession um it is a very competitive work environment so I think we need to make sure that we're certainly not the bottom um of the of the list and getting us right up into that middle to top range I think is is a a good idea because we have a great department and we really want to make sure that we we keep it that way we've come a long way since I was first on the commission over the last six years um the department was nothing like it is now so um thank you chief for your hard work on the culture and um also the the um members of the department too it it doesn't just take a good Chief it takes a great Department to to do that and good people coming on board so thank you guys for creating that culture that people do want to work at even when we're at the lowest um end of the spectrum so I as well appreciate you guys and um thank you um city manager bumbeach for negotiating this for us and and leading the way anything else all right do we have any public comment all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minnie hi commissioner Dicky hi commissioner Toth hi mayor pay hi thank you all right it's approved unanimously thank you very much [Applause] all right next item is J1 which is a quas quasi judicial proceeding continued from November 7th 2023 case number b-00 394 d202 3 for 9900 GF Boulevard an after Thea variant request to an to allow an existing swimming pool to encroach Ro into the 10- foot setback turn it over to our City attorney all right so for a brief explanation of the proceedings tonight the applicant will have 10 minutes to present um and then staff will have 10 minutes to present we'll then take then there'll be an allowance for a five minute applicant rebuttal commission questioning and a close of the public hearing and the commission action however before we begin I need to ask the commission you have any commun disclos yeah m's on I think you need to be a little closer okay oh my goodness I have to be really close Okay um well with that anybody who wishes to speak tonight if you could please stand if you're able and raise your right hand to be sworn in the clerk in is anyone else that's going to be giving testimony someone from the applicant going to be speaking please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm what you're telling the city commission is the truth the whole TR truth and nothing but the truth thank you mayor I have consulted with the applicant due to the absence of brosan control line uh it's going to be very difficult for you all to to make a decision tonight so staff's recommendation in consult with the applicant is to table this to a future date once the E has been established okay um we'll still go move forward with the hearing though because we'll need to we can ask the applicant if if um that's acceptable to them and then if so you can take action okay so just include that as part of your um application so we'll open the public hearing and turn it over to the applicant um make sure you talk microphone that one you have to be a little closer too um basically the pool is encroaching on average about two feet into the main high water line and the variance is just a request to allow that um the main high water line in the city of Treasure Island it it varies and it it's it's not consistent uh so there's a lot of confusion with so many L along that uh Beach so it gets very confusing okay anything else d all right um and you're aable to the city manager suggestion come back to it okay sounds good all right thank you so our staff have anything to add good evening mayor commissioner uh yeah staff has nothing else to add ex member and that's the table okay sounds good thank you thank you um do I have any questions for the staff or the applicant uh are we correct in assuming that if the ecl is favorable to the applicant that this is moved uh commissioner at the oh that one's a little um I actually do not have I'm not sure where they are deciding to put this line uh stac and Bo might have a little bit more knowledge on that um I'm not asking where it was but if in the end it turns out that the applicants need for variance is gone because they are in fact within the Eco and this becomes unnecessary possibly it's going to depend so so as of right now the Treasure Island mean high water line where it's located we're not sure where they're going to put the line now so it still might be it still might be less than 10 feet away from their swimming pool phas phrasing the question differently if you if the final line the ecl that is established is 5 feet CW of where it is currently that would give them the needed room where they wouldn't need a a variant great yeah okay I'm sorry now I do understand sorry about that but yes that three feet yes if it if they would increase an additional up to three feet then they would definitely would not need this variance all right any other questions for staff um we'll we're about to do public comment so you can actually you're part you're with the applicant right okay we'll need to we'll need to swear you in first so if you can city clerk will swear you in M hang on one second you have to listen to the city clerk do you swear or affirm that the testimony or evidence that you're about to give before the city commission is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth than you okay come up yeah you can come to the mic my name is m i Am the project architect so I work with my man on establishing this uh this pool in this location and now um this line is running in just a certain in just a certain area in Treasure Island is not existing anywhere in PES County so I looked around to find out what is the meaning of this line and on the website I found I found something written about it it was established in 1968 it's called mean high water line established because a beach re renourishment project done in 1968 so I don't understand what's the relation between the renourishment line and our pool uh what is the relation why would there be a relation between rment plan made in 1968 and the pools in this area I don't understand it somebody can explain it to me sure So based on my understanding from the previous he hearing that we had and my understanding of the mean high water line that is essentially for purposes of setbacks that is the property line so there's also there's another line that's the postal Construction Control line and they kind of do this along our beach sometimes sometimes they run very close together that what's causing right so sometimes the Coastal Construction Control line is the effective property line and sometimes the ti mean High water line is the effective property line so you have to let explain our confusion our confusion sure so that's what we as we discussed at the last meeting the best hope for us to have a resolution on this is to have a new ecl which is in the works which could be a year could be a year and a half down the road could be two years down the road but in the meantime this is the best because as we discussed at the last hearing if we go off of The Facts of this case there really isn't a a case for a variance here so this is the best um the best route forward is to postpone it until we have hopefully an ecl that is more favorable for for the applicant thank you very much okay any other questions sure um if we're going to be t uh we still have an open permit that I cannot close at a time so how do I handle that can we that a question I cannot answer they have so the question is they have they have an open permit so until if we postpone this they'll continue to have an open permit until the variance is closed or withdrawn correct any other questions okay um do we have any public comment sure do public does public comment have to be sworn in as well okay do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give before the city commission is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you 9600 Boulevard as Omar requested a tw- put variance into the setback that back um we're trying to determine if this process is Fe makes the pool feasible this year or do we have to wait years to have that two foot encroachment to the setback encroaching two feet into the setbacks allows us to have a possible 8 foot wide swimming pool which is um on a 10 to 15 million doll home on the beach really isn't that exciting um if we can get a 10 foot wide pool allowing a splash pad and a small uh foot by 20 foot pool just creates a somewhat more usable space we already are against the structure of the home itself so when training to request these um proposals to encroach two feet uh means a huge difference of utility of the space um building the pool underneath the house is is a consideration that we already have considered or we will put the hot tub um but when we reviewed the neighboring properties of 9600 to the North and South both pools are approximately 8T from that property so in looking at like properties throughout the U the Gulf Beach spun um we've been disapproved to go through the variance process which is a timely ordeal um we understand that but we have to decide you know if if they don't get approved for a variance battle and we're just spinning wheels um so I just wanted to make that as a public comment that you know and I've known you know the Builder you know for several years Omar as well throughout the community and he's a stand up guy um you know whatever happened or whatever I don't understand but I speaking on his behalf for his good willll and his intentions to close permits I I know he's a state up he's on site um and I understand from the homeowners perspective and the Builder perspectives on having an effective usable space for a swimming pool is important for all of us um as the Builders of the homeowners and you know the taxpayers of the community they're here to make this a better space so um if there's any kind of way that we can help Express whatever the mean high water line or any Coastal setbacks um if there's a way that those can be expedited or some type of hedging on what these predicament will be um would help us also in our situation determine whether we have to make just a hot tub or can we get that extra two feet for somewhat of a usable space and there is there is a rooftop pool a hot tub on the rooftop of this house but with having almost 24 hours of sunlight it creates a really hot you know three foot deep little hot Tu so it's not a really the ideal space for a kid it's hard to express hardship um when you're on a roof with your family you know I can say that's not the best place to have you know thoughts running around but if we can get a space where you know a kid can jump in a pool and not across the pool just makes it a little better space so and just speaking on the behalf of the community and on their behalf of the varant and ours um I would like to I don't know if there's a way that this can be expedited um government I understand that there's a process and procedure um but I I would like to have a better understanding where we need to project so we can get the pool in the home no matter what size it is so the homeowner can use their home as a home and have their Co um it's really difficult being right on that show point of 9600 or the 7-Eleven in Treasure Island Sunside Beach is is it is just a very congested area so we can finish the construction understand where we're going um and whatever their determination is will help us understand where we're going so we're petitioning for any variances for that extra two feet and set back which I feel is reasonable on a 10 foot set and a person thank you guys for hearing me thank you um and it really sounds like you're asking the most proper path forward would be for us to to change that code in that setback not to allow more we can't allow variances we have very strict rules on the variances so that's something that I can talk to you about offline and like what that process is and um so I have business cards out on the front desk if you want to reach out we can yeah that would help I'll take ofs build all right thank you any other public comments okay um does the applicant have a rebuttal at all okay um I'll close the public hearing um and we have so our motion will be to postpone or um to table continue until continue indefinitely you would just table the matter because we don't have a specific date to continue it to okay and once um that line is established then we can see where we are with this case right do we have a motion to table yes I move that case number V 00 394-2228 GF Boulevard be tabled until further further notice thank you I'm sorry one quick um I think you said 2022 it should be 2023 are you will to make that Amendment sure CU yeah he it's two22 got it do we have a second yes second okay it's been moved and seconded um do we have any commission discussion who we're waiting for the E from the state to provide us the information for Beach renourishment purposes right so this is so the ecl on beach re nourishment in the f to of what we do yeah okay thank you just want to clar yeah so for the Public's knowledge um part of the beach R nourishment process what the Army Corps of Engineers is telling us is that we do not have an erosion control line um that is acceptable to them which would determine what properties in Sunset Beach and sunshine Beach would require um easements in order for the Army Corps to move move forward with so they've told us that we need to work with the state to establish a new Eco so we are working with the county and the state in order to get that line or that line established but it will be a long process I was hopeful that it would It ultimately has to be approved by the state legislature so we're on a bit of a time their time frame as well so the next legislative session will be in March to May 2025 so that is the earliest that we would have may 2025 is the earliest that we would have a new ecl so by postponing this this gets gives the applicant at least until then um to enjoy their pool um and not have to have us decide that they need to rip out two feet of it um so that's yeah the ecl situation right which is good for all the and that would if they do move the if the ecl is further out than where it is currently that would also help the situation for other homeowners in the area who are looking to build bigger pools because they would have a little bit more room but we have no idea if that will actually be seaw like closer to the water or closer to the land they could established a new ACL that's even closer to the property lines that or to the houses than the current mean high water line in that situation we'll have to make a decision um and that would be less favorable for homeowners in which case we probably would want to take a look at how the code's written and those those setbacks um so that's kind of where we are all right any other discussion or comments um the comment is that perhaps we could pass an ordinance that would do away with that um would that not be in conflict with the established Eco an ordinance that would do do away with what that would um reduce the setback oh I mean certainly it's within the purview of the commission to have an ordinance that would you know change fully within your Authority even though that's ordinance May conflict with an established Eco the ordinance wouldn't change Salon it would just change you're talking about just changing your setback right not changing you're not changing the 1960 in high water or am I misunderstanding your question the the solute the passion would be that we would change the setback so instead of 10t from the property line we could make it 5 feet or 7 feet and that would also resolve this situation um so I don't know we can maybe Workshop that and or we can talk to the building department about what that would look like and what the rationale for a 10-ft setback is um we want to do that before we have the ecl because if then it becomes compromised however the end result of the ecl is whatever you change now yeah so if we reduced the setback and then the ecl would even further out to water then we have giving even more right space yeah our recommendation would be the ecl comes first and then adjust whatever set packs you are comfortable with but until the until the ecl is established it doesn't make yeah okay we've already done public comment and that the hearing's closed at this time um any other questions or comments all right roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minn hi commissioner Dicky hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi um and those are conversations that may be best had between each commissioner and the city manager the um Community Improvement or Development Department to kind of talk about what the best course of action there is I don't know if there is some rationale for having that 10 foot um but I'm sure there is there's always a rationale all right moving on um item number two is second reading and public hearing of ordinance 2024-25 an ordinance of the city of Treasure Island Florida amending CH chapter 68 zoning regulations of the city of Treasure Island code of ordinances by revising Article 1 in general section 68-20 definitions to add definition for public Boardwalk amending section 68-4 63 miscellaneous lot regulations to include a public Boardwalk as an allowed structure over water providing for severability providing for conflict providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you good evening mayor and Commissioners um so this is the second reading for ordinance 2405 um as Jen just mentioned amending chapter 68 by adding a new definition for a public boardwalk and including a boardwalk as an allowed structure um as mentioned during the first reading in March um staff and LPA evaluated the ldrs and determined that a clear definition was needed to be more consistent with existing public boardwalks and to distinguish between boardwalks and docks um therefore LPA recommended through resolution 20243 that a definition be established for consistency and to bring those exist exting structures into conformance um there have been no changes to the ordinance since the first reading so okay do I have any um questions for the staff mayor I'd just like to make one comment in my conversation with commissioner Dicky uh there was potential concern about the fact that it didn't require to be overwater it doesn't forbid it from being overwater just allows for it to also be uh on land so any agreements that we currently have uh with condums or so forth that require the maintenance of a boardwalk this provides more flexibility it does not provide a route okay any other questions all right I'll open the public hearing do we helment all right hearing none I'll close the public hearing and I'll entertain a motion I move to approve ordinance 20 24-5 on second and final reading second okay any commission discussion or comments one question how many public boardwalks are there in Treasure Island two two both in uh Sunset Beach now there are many walkovers but the board walks themselves one's ours all right any other comments right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi M Payne hi all right thank you next is item three appointment of an alternate member to the gulf beaches public library board the purpose of this agenda item is to seek the commission's approval for the appointment of an alternate member of the gulf Beach's Public Library the appointment um becomes necessary due to the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Mr Jim Tano from his role as the Treasure Islands resident representative so the next step for mayor uh and commission's consideration is to select um a new applicant um for the resident and we have one which is um Miss uh Mrs uh Wetzel Mrs Mary Beth Wetzel so for your consideration all right thank you um that sounds wonderful do we have a motion to approve that I move to appoint Mary Beth Wetzel to serve on the gulf Beach's Public Library board as an alternate member second okay any comments or discussion from the commission I think former commissioner Wetzel will do a fantastic job it's a great way to keep her involved in the the community um and I did post this on all forms of social media I know that city did a great job of doing some Outreach to try to get some volunteers for this um and um Beth was the only one that put her hat in the ring so I think she will do a great job um any public comment all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minnie hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you thank you all right next is item four which is um a motion to accept a donation from the Rotary Club of the gulf beaches to the Parks and Recreation Department the Rotary Club of the gulf beaches is generously donating ,000 to our summer camp scholarship fund um to assist families who cannot otherwise afford our registration fees and I know that they are here to um speak on this item as well as take a photo all right I'm Rosemary Thompson got Susan Smith and we've got ham brangio okay so we're here mayor and Commissioners in your nice new building um to donate two checks tonight as a matter of fact one is $1,000 that is done for the recreation department for the summer wck program scholarship fund 000 then we have a check that comes to you by way of the 25th Annual golfin tennis classic um that we held in February so this was It was supposed to turn the things over yeah we'll do the two two donations as separate agenda items so we'll approve the this one and then we'll move on to the next one all right thank you um do we have a motion to accept the donation I move to accept the generous donation from the Rotary Club of G beaches for the Parks and Recreation Department scholarship fund in the amount of $11,000 thank you and happy to Second all right do we have any comments or discussion from the commission all right any public comment all right roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi all right thank you very much we'll do a we'll take a picture with the commission after the agenda items if you want [Applause] okay and the next item is number five which is a motion to accept the net profits from the Gul beaches rot rotary club's 25th Annual tennis challenge so I'll let you speak to that now well you know that meant more to me because I worked harder on I know okay so we have a check for 6,215 38 which represents the city's half of uh our accomplishment for the 25th Annual go beaches Golf and Tennis challenge that's a mouthful Sor take my time on that um it's always delightful to come here and to be able to recognize the people in the recreation department who helped us Kathy heuk and Renee and Mike from the recreation department and then the people from Treasure Bay that would be Kevin Fairchild I always remember yeah Fairchild Kevin Fairchild and Phil gerardi who is the tennis we really work very hard at it and I'd like to thank all of the people who were donors and sponsors the sponsors names have been up at um Treasure Bay so you can see them still I believe and um so thank you for letting us for working with us actually and it was a treat thank you very much all right do we have a motion I move to approve payment of $621 15. 38 cents from the GF beaches rotary club for the city's percentage of the net profits from the 25th Annual golf beaches rotary club's Golf and Tennis challenge to be used for the recreation department children's camps and Treasure Bay tennis Juniors programs second all right any comments or discussion thank you all very much we appreciate it um and do we have any public comment right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Minnie hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi thank you guys very much we'll take a picture in front of the dis e swing my all right our next item is item seven hold harmless agreement for use of city of Clearwater Fire Rescue Training Facility mayor commissioner good to see you again uh this is uh an agreement with the city of Clearwater so that our fire department can and hopefully you can participate in fire Ops 101 I know I've had some of you out there before this is a great program that um kind of gives you a a picture of a day in the life of the firefighter so you get to put the gear on you get to pick up the tools cut cars drag hoses through Smoky environments um search in a blacked out area all entirely safely um being Guided by the firefighters and and you get a good explanation of what our our work day is like when we have to go to work so um to do that we just need to agree to hold them harmless in case we have an injury and turn normal workers comp would would Prevail so when is fire Ops glad you asked fire Ops is May 11th and you're all invited I would love to have you there if you if you'd like to come just reach out to me and we'll get you fitted for gear and and get you the appropriate time and place to be and make sure you're taken care of perfect I've done it I know former commissioner Wetzel did it did you do it back in the day yeah it was an awesome experience so I definitely encourage anyone who hasn't done it to check it out and if you're not comfortable doing it you can go out and just be there and see it's a lot of elected officials Do It um it's a great great thing it's a great partnership between labor and and you know the fire chiefs we we support this is a labor initiative um we support them and help them put this on as does you know whoever the host agency is in this case clear water so there's plenty of observers there's plenty of folks on hand to explain what's going on and it's it's really a fun day you get a t-shirt you get fed usually have barbecue it's it's a good time yes all right do we have any questions for the chief all right I'll entertain a motion I move to approve the hold harmless agreement with the city of Clearwater to allow our fire department to utilize clear waters fire training grounds for inservice training second all right any commission discussion all right hearing none um any public comment all right roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi all right thank you very much next item is item eight authorize the city manager to approve a purchase authorization to Vortex Services LLC for lateral inspection and lining services in the amount of $200,000 good evening Commissioners um this is really an administrative task that we're doing here uh we have two contractors that perform lining for us we have one contractor in viral waste that does the main lines and then we have Vortex that does the laterals in the beginning we gave V uh enviral waste a $1.5 million purchase order what I'm trying to do with this is take $200,000 from that PO and transfer it to another po that you all approved uh you had approved three PE purchase orders uh for Vortex we have one that's about 13,000 remaining we have 2 thou 205,000 and we have 500,000 um $500,000 purchase order our total of 78,2 88 however when I came to you all for the 500,000 we had 45 we had we have 45 uh laterals that were remaining we only had enough money to do 35 this $200,000 will allow us to do the other 10 on Golf Boulevard so we can finish up the Golf Boulevard lateral lining in addition to the um transferring it over these both of these projects fall under the $1.5 million that the um Florida Department of Environmental Protection gave us as a grant so either one of these is being reimbursed by the state so I'm just taking 200 from this one transfer it to this one and it's just you've already approved the 1.5 so I'm still within the budget what was originally approved I'm just transfer [Music] I think that is it so I move to I'll take any questions from you all right do we have any questions for Mike any questions all right thank you I'll entertain a motion I move to approve staff's recommendation to authorize second here the city manager to execute an additional purchase authorization of $200,000 with Vortex Services LLC second any commission discussion or comments is it really an additional purchase or is it a transfer of funds it's a transfer of funds but it's still a purchase authorization I was just clarifying I wasting a little with the terminology of we doing all right any other comments any public comment sure yeah can you wait until you just for those at home tuning 11205 just to add a curiosity if you have two different contracts should you be terminating a certain amount from answer the answer to that is yes we will reduce the purchase order of one $200,000 and transfer it over to the other one 200,000 zero should we be reducing the spending Authority for the other one or is that not a needed practice the answer is you can it's not necessary we're not going to spend things that we're not supposed to spend by changing the the amount it's allowable under the purchase order you have effect he can spend beyond the amount of so when you're moving from one account when inreasing the other even you granted a greater Authority there if you only granted the purchase threshold to a certain amount they can't spend over that amount okay so through this action that we're taking tonight that also changes the purchase order that is correct so it can't be spent can't spend more than the purchase order and that so that's taken care of through this without coming back further comments sure actually with the contract right a contract with one compy contract a different company so the question what I'm posing is should you make an adjustment to the legal contract of one to the others even though you may internally Shi Financial work the question is you adjust contracts task orders so when we get a task order from them we approve each task that comes up so we would not be able to approve that next task for them if we didn't have the limit so we're not going to task out more than the total amount correct we we've not guaranteed the 5 million okay so that that's just our bookkeeping that is correct these both of these are are off the same piggyback contract is the Miami Beach uh contract for for lining I just piggybacked off of it told him here's the amount of money I have in my budget and then what we do is we task what we're going to say okay how much is it going to cost us to do all the inspections the reporting and the prioritization they give me a task to say $175,000 so I've only authorized him 17,000 and they come back and let's say they're 3,000 less or 13,000 $188 less so now I still have that amount but I'm using another to do the actual work so then I can combine those two together on the 13318 that's done and then I go to the next purch so it's just a task order basis that we that we use and we we control it through the actual task order system okay any other public comments all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner menning hi commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth hi mayor pay I thank you all right next item is number nine requesting spending authorization for the replacement of the it data system backup mayor and Commissioners there you go good good evening mayor and Commissioners um what I'm doing is I'm asking for uh authorization to spend uh CIP funds that were budgeted this for the fy2 24 year of $70,000 not to exceed that or the replacement of our backup systems for the servers um they have not only is it well over seven years old now but it failed that's uh part of the move from the old building to the new building finally took its last breath so we're at the point where we need a new one it was already planned for this year I was hoping a couple extra months but it's uh we're at that point okay any questions for Chris do we not currently have a backup system we have a disaster recovery unit in place um that's there in case of disaster recovery but it is not a true backup system um right now we're kind of uh if we lose the disaster recovery unit we're in a really bad place um that system is only designed to be an end all emergency system in case of like a hurricane or the building fire it's not a true backup system so how quickly will be will we be able to get this in place very quickly I've already got the vendor online ready to go we're just waiting for this meeting in the the santus Dominus and we're good to go all right any other questions and I'll be happy to answer any of the more cyber security pertinent questions uh in private all right do we have a motion I move to approve spending Authority in the not to exceed amount of $7,000 $70,000 for the purchase of replacement data backup system second any comments or discussion essential I appreciate you for I appreciate you letting us know that this was already planned for the future within this year so it's really just moving the timeline up a little bit so not an additional cost that we were um that we had to spend because of the city hall move this is something that was already planned to be done yes this was totally planned great all right any public comment all right hearing none roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner Dicky hi commissioner Toth hi mayor Payne hi all right thank you that concludes our regular meeting so we will adjourn and we'll recess for about five minutes um to take a break and we'll see back e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right welcome back everyone to the April 16th 2024 Board of Commissioners Workshop meeting um we'll go ahead and get started with the city manager and City attorney report wanted to update the commission because we did talk about this um at the last meeting regarding the living Shoreline and I just wanted to give you an update I did hear from State lands we have been working cooperatively with them with regard to that um one permitting question um we have identified a um path forward on that with regard to they've actually identified some of the land being Upland as opposed to being Sovereign to merged lands yeah I thought that would get you and so um at at least for a portion of it um they will not even need to authorize that that portion of the project so I continue to work with them in identifying exactly where the boundary line is and um and then if there's any further adjustment that's needed to the project so it's in a positive and very Cooperative relationship and moving forward all right and did you have an update on the um I wanted to have an update on the 50 room rule that we did last time yes and you you did ask me that it's okay it so yes so we um an update on the 50 room rule so we are still working on the language that will come back before you but first it will go to LPA for them to consider and then it'll come back before the commission for first reading again do we have like a time frame that we're think that we can get that accomplished by um I believe it will go to the next LP PA meeting not this upcoming one this week but the following but am I correct okay I see nod so yes I'm correct in that in May so when when is that meeting it's May 9th so then would it be able to be come before us at the um second meeting in May for a first reading our second meeting it may and and I want to say this um would either be May 9th or May 16th uh May 9th is is an evening meeting and so sometimes those uh meetings end up getting canceled so it will be one of those two meetings okay so then we'd be looking at our second meeting in May for our approval and then first meeting in June for second reading unless it went to the 16th meeting and would both be D okay all right thank you city manager uh I just wanted to give a real quick uh renourishment update part of which is uh also affected missing erosion control line uh but the authorization for re nourishment is getting ready to expire we're hoping it to be renewed in 2025 the uh prior explan exploration uh we sought renourish our be beaches and the core refused based on a shift in policy uh we've still got some obstacles in Sunset Beach and sun and sunshine Beach uh most of them revolve around the Army Corps of Engineers and and not only the ecl but also the uh e peret We are continuing to work on those uh both the city and the county are working together State on developing the ecl uh but the long poll in attent is going to be the army engineer okay any questions on that are we getting any help from um penas County we we're getting as much help is they're able to yes but with the core with the core as much help as they're able to provide and the problem with with that is that the County's been led to believe things that didn't necessarily end up panning out so there's there's not a lot of confidence in the information we're getting from the AR Corp even when we get so we're working through those issues but the county is aware of it as a matter of fact the county is pulling together and coordinating with all of the various Beach communities lobbyist up in Washington DC see if we can't move some things out is there is the prognosis for getting that Federal permit good I don't reauthorization or I don't well as you said it's going to expire next year I think it's an extended um I believe that it's been extended and Stacy can speak to it until 31 is that correct yeah so no the 25 yeah it was that renourishment authorization was extended to 31re that's the existing authorization under pre under the old engineering guidelines correct correct so I know when we talked about like the current authorization is how they've done renourishment in the past the new authorization was going to be a much larger Sand Dune um that would be quite a bit different so this is they've extended the current one through 331 okay can you for was that did that come from the county or that's news to me as well Stacey can forward it okay and then in addition to that the only thing I'll add is I believe that the county is also in the process of pursuing um their own design and separate permitting for possibly a renourishment project that they would hold that could be anywhere in penel County so it's not necessarily that it will be Treasure Island or Treasure Island first and I just in giving you an idea on that they don't even anticipate um the design and permitting to be completed until sometime in 2026 and that is isn't going out for bid and that isn't um actually doing the renourishment so I ju just to give you some idea on there are a bunch of different um avenues that everyone's trying to move forward with on this but none of them are quickly um and I asked them to give this update because I and I talked to Gary about this this morning I I know that the county is providing updates to staff and providing updates probably at the Board of Commissioners meetings and probably at the um tourist development commit Council meetings but we're kind of like left in the dark here and we're the ones that are dealing with the problem on the front lines and talking to our constituents and advocating for our beaches um so I'm trying to brainstorm and I'm going to reach out to our County Commissioner um and ask what the best way for us to stay informed is I think that at the very least the county should be publishing some sort of update or report in writing to all of the elected officials up and down the beaches as to what the status is and what progress is being made um and hopefully more than that I know that they do frequently come to The Big C meetings and give an update but um I haven't heard one in several months there so it just seems like all this information is scattered everywhere and going through different channels um so I'm going to suggest to County Commission um that we that they put together some sort of subscri subscription um where people can sign up to get updates on on this because it's just kind of all over the place I'm not really sure how to ask this question but there's a lot of concern with uh Sunset Beach residents in particular the ones that live right on West go Boulevard on the water that the next major storm that comes through here forget about beach erosion that there might be homes falling into the falling into the the ocean is that a concern that the city shares as well or are we overreacting there on Sunset Beach well I don't know if you're overreacting had been what we've identified as an imminent threat or an existential threat it's it it depends on storm so that's that's a bad question but the best answer I've got is we're sure we don't think on normal storms that that's a going to be a big r but we're not in nor storm times yeah I'm certainly concerned about that and I've relayed that after Adalia um before we did the Dune restoration I walked up and down the the beach with county commissioner Kathleen Peters and state senator Nick deigle just to give them a firsthand look at like what it looked like and what happened after Adalia um so I know that that was instrumental in getting the the Dune restoration done but it really comes down to the to the core not budging on this um easement issue for us that's really what it comes down to is they've changed their policy and are requiring easements but they won't tell us what easements we need because they are now saying we need that there just it's reasoning for it not happening is has changed but it still is the Army corpes responsib there the where the the problem or where the bottleneck is um so I know that Congress um congresswoman Luna had something she was pushing through Congress in the worda bill that she was confident was going to basically Force the Army Corps to do these projects I don't I haven't heard any update from her she came and spoke to the sunos league of cities several months ago um so I was going to follow up with her as well and find out what that what's up with that um but that's something that would be in this like what I'm saying is we need to have communication and this is a project that is led by the county for our benefit and they're the ones that are the main points of contact with the Army Corps of Engineers and they're the ones that are driving the policy and it should be there who are working with our federal government representatives to get those things changed so they're that the county staff is the most knowledgeable about this so they should be providing all of us updates on a regular basis um so there's I still I have questions and I'll I'll get answers and have the city manager kind of forward that over to you guys thank you all right anything else city manager all right we'll move into our discussion items um first is resolution 20243 repeal and replace resolution 20233 to update the Parks and Recreation facilities rental policy for the city of Treasure Island recognized nonprofit groups and organ gations good evening the um commission designates certain uh City facilities for free use for Treasure Island not for profit groups that main purpose is for the betterment of Treasure Island and that includes any group of Treasure Island residents businesses or um Property Owners staff recommends repealing resolution 2023-24 d03 for the following um run for the beaches is now a 501c4 organization and so they have requested free use for monthly meetings an annual fundraiser and their annual meeting um to be considered by the commission we were going to recommend deleting the Treasure Island focus group as they've not met in over a year and I'm not even sure if they are still a um active they're not okay organization and then just updating names of our city hall facilities and room rooms so those are the changes to the new [Music] resolution okay any questions for Kathy just the ones that you mentioned that's all that's the only changes it it the resolution is extensive as includes all the Civic associations and um ilets and um I think oh gosh there's a whole list of them the Historical Society I believe and now the Run for the beach is so the list is extensive as to what um facilities they can use and what organizations are permitted to use what of the facilities that can be used are the Garden Room over the in the community center the Treasure Bay Clubhouse City Hall Crows Nest boardroom which is on the fifth floor and the Beach Pavilion and park gazebos so this does not include free use of the M what's the room so in our current fee schedule um all non profit still have to pay the nonprofit fee to rent the um prominade deck which is on the fifth floor and what about the community center community center is offered free the whole the big space is offered for free as well for these groups yes okay and what is the nonprofit rate for the it is um what did you call it it's the prominade deck we're learning all our pirate names to so we have the quarter deck the fly bridge Cress and prominade deck so um nonprofit rate it is like oneir off so I think the rate currently we have the old Auditorium rate for the prominade deck so it's just a placeholder until we do the new fee schedule for fiscal year 25 but um I think the rate is like $400 for nonprofit right now okay should we be amending the fee schedule since we have quite a bit of the year left so we will be doing that um in fiscal year 25 but right now our fee schedule fits within this resolution so we're good we don't have to change anything at this moment the rates we're not there yet as to what we want to charge um we've gone to hourly for a lot of our facilities now because not everybody needs the standard six hours so we're just kind of evaluating everything in the room just to see where we're at right now does that put us in a position are we okay to be charging fees that aren't in the fee schedule no they are in the fee schedule I we actually put them in there in fiscal year 24 so we're good we're good with all the rates what they were were the a old Auditorium rates and we were in prep um we hadn't thought that we would be in the facility this year so we had the rates in the fee schedule oh we we thought we would they're in there okay we plan for it got all right any other questions all right are we okay moving this forward yes all right thank you Kathy thank you all right next item is number two discuss the Paradise Island landscaping project Scopes hopefully you can hear me a little better tonight um I'll just give a very quick recap because I know that was a long discussion that we had last time um so originally we had budgeted and planned a project to replace the landscaping and the irrigation on Paradise Boulevard sorry I'm struggling here um so that was one project and then we had another project that we had proposed on the lanes Paradise Lane and treasure Lane to redo the Landscaping from Paradise Boulevard to the Westbridge and on the North side additionally it was to reestablish a Swale area for the purposes of drainage get the water off the road and that would also entail replacing the irrigation on that north side also um so there was um quite a bit of discussion last time uh staff was requested to put together a map that would show um both the health and the um the imminent nature of some of the palm trees um on Paradise Boulevard so we did um that mapping exercise and that's provided here um what we're finding is that none seem to be in the high voltage lines right now we do have quite a bit that are um with the low voltage lines and the um the communications lines um we found that there were 11 that need replacement and six or seven that were formally removed that should be replaced with something um and then we also um we asked to look at potentially in lie of or in addition to the work that we discussed on the west Causeway we wanted to look at what we could do to freshen up the median in the short term so not necessarily planting new trees there that may be removed with a larger project later but the removal of the bottle brush trees there's about 10 out there and that's from the club entrance to the west bridge and then using the lamp or the light poles to Center um some Landscaping on so it would kind of mirror what you see out on the east side of the causeway so that would not include the extensive bullnose Landscaping with the lies and the Joseph's coat um but what we have in the memo is a staff Le project around 8, ,000 um to use the the lamp poles and then we'd have the mly grass on one CTI on the next kind of like you see on the other side and then we could always come back later and do more if more was was requested so I'd like to answer any questions that you might have great thank you um so let's take these two separate things so we'll talk about Paradise Boulevard first um and I I'll start off I had opportunity today to um go out and Drive Paradise Boulevard in a golf cart with Gary penano The Paradise Island civic association beautification chair right um so we took a look at this map that Stacy provided us and stopped and looked at each individual palm tree and kind of looked at their notes and looked at the tree and kind of got eyes on the project which was very helpful to do um um but what quickly became apparent to me um which wasn't super apparent through the map without seeing it in person was the median on the first page of the map which is right in front of the paradise Towers um there are one two three four five fox tail palms and then two sets of double cabbage palms and all five of the fox tail palms are are noted um by public works as needing to be replaced and they all are like they were all flooded in the um Street flooding that we had as a result of those two storms last year um so those are all in very bad condition so if those were removed um I think we would have quite a or they need to be removed but if we removed them and didn't replace them with something we'd have quite a large stretch of median there that would look very bare and um not great so what Gary and I talked about um and I'm hopeful that we can get some support for was to replace the um two on each end number nine and number 17 on the map replace those with foxtail Palms um so just replacing like for like because there's sight line issues at the in the B NOS so there's purple outlined um area on the map that shows where the sight line for like u-turns at that median has to be a certain height so Stacy has said that really the only type of P we'd have to plant a relatively tall Palm with a clear trunk um in those areas um so if we did that at each end then you'd have a fox tail on each end then the Cabbage palms and then we 13 12 13 and 14r in the middle we could do some sort of like low growing Palm like a Christmas Palm or something like that um which would provide that a lower growing um but still a palm tree that would continue to kind of look consistent um but also not provide something that's going to put us right back where we started here with palm trees growing into the power lines in a couple years um so that's what and really the rest of the median or the medians all the way down Paradise Boulevard the ones that have already been removed are fine they're kind of scattered throughout the ones that are being recommended to be removed additionally are minimal on the rest of the stretch of Gulf boulev or Paradise Boulevard so it's really that median and then also the two additional medians right after that in front of Treasure Bay um those were identified as needing to be place too so I think the same concept for number 19 and 20 might be beneficial as well with like a fox tail on each end and then some smaller Palms in the middle so I don't know what the cost for that would be but um Gary was in agreement that that sounded like a good approach and I think that maintains like we talked about last time uh consistency um but also not planting all new Fox tailes that are going to grow right back back into the power lines um so just want to hear your thoughts and feedback on that and also going forward with the grass and the irrigation I have um just one comment which was just that 19 um would need to be the clear CH yeah they would have they would be the taller ones okay because they're it's a short median so it's within and then it looks like 20 and 28 also have issues are they gone 26 has already been removed so that's gone entirely which I think it's fine and it doesn't need to be replaced it doesn't look unusual um 28 has been one of the stocks was cut down so it's just a single stock fox tail and that looks okay too so you wouldn't need to replace that CU I tried to drive around and look at it figure out which yeah it's helpful to do that it absolutely um and then let me see if I had any other driving and Counting and kids riding bikes yeah um and then other the other one was number five that was identified here as and I mentioned this to Stacy before the meeting um it has not been removed it says it has a fungus um and it's a single stock currently and the single stock is like not in good condition at all so I think that one might need to just be removed entirely and I think it would be fine to without replacing does that sound like a good approach to everyone and the ones that will replace the cabbage and more salt tolerant the on no the Cabbage aren't coming out the cabbage will stay the ones replac two Fox Tales will be replaced with Fox tales and then in between there it would be a like a shorter Palm we I was just going to leave that up to Stacy what I think the neighborhood voted so just take that into consideration Christmas Palm was one idea I think those are pretty good okay thank you I think that'll I think that'll address everyone's concerns on Paradise Boulevard at least um all right so Paradise Lane and treasure Lane um so I think kind of divvy this up too and Stacy mentioned the median um so is everyone okay with moving forward with that plan just strictly talking about the median where it's something that the staff can do inhouse and kind of create that consistent look with the smaller planting is and removing the bottle brush yeah that that would be there are 10 I I count them almost daily as I drive by them and I see so uh there also are some Hedges uh that are there as well but to be consistent with what the other side is they would come out as well then okay that's that's important we we have a plan or there was a plan at one point in time to just to go ahead and do everything all at the same time there and what we're talking about right now is just peace meal so the the plan was didn't have anything to do with the medians right it was correct it never involved the medians okay um so I'm going to the next thing so if we're all okay with the medians then I want to talk about the sides um so I think for $8,000 that's a great way to try spruce up at the very minimal that's what we'll be able to do um so then the remaining question is what to do on the side sides in between treasure Lane and Paradise Lane and the causeway so what I've been I've been asking a lot of questions and trying to glean as much info as I can but um so there was so I think I kind of in my head organized it as three different scenarios that we could move forward with there the top option would be as Stacy has talked about the full like Elevate TI project which calls for elevating that road it's currently at about 3 and 1/2t elevation and Elevate TI's protocols call for it to be at 5.1 so we as a commission had talked at some point about that being kind of the the inaugural project for an Elevate TI with showing the community how to elevate a road and what it would feel like that's going to be the most expensive option so that would entail elevating the road redoing the drainage to like the maximum that it should be designed to and engineered to and then relay Landscaping all those sides that would be something we would go after grant funding for so like we talked about at the last meeting that's something that could take quite a long time could take could be three to five years down the pike um scenario two which I we've also talked about last time would be less expensive than that full Elevate TI project but it would be a simpler drainage project where the the piping we would pipe the swales into the existing storm water drain so that there would be better water flow and those swales would drain quicker and that would be on both sides the both North and South yeah yes and it would be curbed as well um and it would also involve reconstruction of the roadway which needs to occur as well so it would still be a full roadway and drainage project but it would be less likely to be funded heavily through grants I'm not advocating for any of these scenarios I'm just putting them out there in my kind of organized way so it basically the full Project without elevating the road it would be taking care of the drainage not and taking care of the Landscaping um but not doing the full roadway elevation and that that might be like don't know costs I don't want Stacy to put herself on the spot and come up with that but it obviously wouldn't be as much as El elevating the road but it would still be quite a big investment for the city um and like Stacy just said not as ripe for potential grant funding but we would be taking out all the bottle brush trees yes sir okay um and then my scenario three was um to which is a hybrid of what was kind of proposed and what we've talked about um as an an option for like the most economical um would be to reestablish the Swale on the north side of the road and then in order to beautify The Edge or the sides a little bit more than they currently are without planting new trees we could remove some of the bottle brush trees and do like some muy grass and like more simple Landscaping between the bottle brush trees that are left to give the whole thing a little bit of a consistent look and fix the irrigation but that wouldn't be changing the like drainage really at all it would be reestablishing that sale um but I think that that I've I've heard from residents that they would like to have those sides beautified so this is kind of my like good better best option of that beautification of those side streets um so reestablishing the soil removing some trees fixing the irrigation and then adding some simple Landscaping between the remaining bottle brush trees so what I was going to ask is maybe we if that's something that we're interested in like exploring more as option that maybe we asked staff to go back and prepare estimates for what those different options would would cost that one option um I did talk to staff a little bit more this afternoon about that and there is a concern that when you reestablish that Swale that you may impact some of the roots of the trees that you wanted to preserve more than they can handle at their age there's that risk risk throw that up now at one point had you obviously option four is doing nothing one point hadn't you done a landscaping for the two sides uh that had some sort of tree and some grasses and everything else so what's changed since then is um there had been a lot of discussion back and forth um I guess amongst staff and um conversations that you all may or may not have had with Amy about how to prioritize these very large projects when you're looking at elevation so while a few years ago we did look at the West Causeway being the first we started to have a lot of conversations about development that was taking place downtown and other roadway concerns that may be addressed time so there may have been an opportunity to kind of solve a lot of issues downtown at the same time so it was thought well maybe we hold off on the West Side maybe we look at downtown more heavily well since we started talking about these Landscaping problems uh or the Landscaping you know that people want to have through step um we have had concerns from residents about um how they feel about the inner immediate drainage fix that we did on the south side which is really just reestablishing what was there initially um but I do understand the concern that after days it's not nice to still have water sitting there and so um so we thought this would be and when we proposed it in the budget a good intermediate fix until we came back and discussed when to do the project but we've since heard from people that um that maybe that's not the best inter room solution and so that's kind of why we're looking at Alternatives and holding off on that because when you dredge out that sale on the North side you are impacting irrigation and you are impacting those trees likely um and so then residents who live there are losing their screening and so the concern is if we put those trees back now and then decide that we do have a good Grant we want to do a big project in five years those trees are going to start looking really pretty three to five years from now and um that could become an issue like we've discussed on Paradise Boulevard out trees that's the concern there and I think the total cost that we have for like currently allocate we have some carry forward and we have some money budgeted from the storm water fund to do those that project that was already there's actually a map of it on the city website right now um with the Geer trees and everything in between like full Landscaping plan on the side but like Stacy's saying and that's kind of where why I didn't include that in my list of options was maybe it should still be an option um but knowing the cost of it and knowing that if down the road we do a full project on those and we do a big drainage project that that might impact the the Landscaping that we do put in there so I think we just need to be okay with spending that money and then having the potential of that Landscaping being damaged three to five years down the road or taken out in order to do the project do do we really think that we could do this in three to five years so the project that would be piping without the elevation I I I think absolutely depending on how you prioritize that in the upcoming budget year um with regard to the Elevate project we have um been notified by our lobbyists that there are grants available that cover 80% of that cost which is significant which may end up costing out of pocket about the same as the Lesser project um when you take the reimbursement into consideration but there's just so many factors when it comes to these grants um I still have not Reed the grant work plan um on the federal side for the master Pump Station so if that tells you anything about the timeline for not only getting awarded the grant but then getting the subsequent agreement that goes along with it we just don't have control over those things um so that's that's hard to say and sometimes grants the applications are more successful the second year um because they've heard it before and they you know familiar with the project and it just takes that second round to to get the funding so yeah well i' mayor I'd like to have us at least see the price tag on on that option four and and what it is because I mean that's I mean that's the entrance to the to our city and uh so yeah I don't disagree with that at all and I think that was for me was the like cost benefit analysis of do we invest say it's $200,000 to do that is that are we okay with that level of an investment knowing that in three to five years would' be seven right who knows ripping it all out again maybe the answer is yes I don't let me we just add a little bit to that how long does a landscaping project tend to last I it doesn't last forever clearly the bottle brush trees had bottle brush they have the uglier the longer it lasts something like what we land up to this point how long would that yeah our the irrigation systems that we've had have been around for decades um they've lasted a long time we point repair that's why our staff on Paradise Boulevard particularly are like we we can't Point repair these anymore there's so many problems but generally speaking the small stuff that you put in like the decorative type plants those get changed out you know when they need to we've gone to perennial plants that are more native and more salt tolerant so they they should hang out longer than like the uals and and some of the ones you're probably more accustomed to seeing um so basically the more expensive ones the bigger plants the bigger shrubs the trees they last longer than the small ones on the um concept that or at least the potential for the vegetation um to have to be removed in 3 five7 nine years whatever is it not feasible to just do a conceptual plan for what the ultimate project is going to look like and gear your current vegetation whatever you're going to replant so that it's not going to be disrupted down the road the elevating project would disrupt all of that area to slow back down to the Lane the whole thing over to treasure Lane and Paradise Lane that whole shoulder okay thank you because the road will need to be it's a foot and a half of elevation basically so having enough drainage and Landscaping over there I guess it would need the whole amount I don't know what I don't know what that slope would be if you raise the roadway a foot and a half what is the side slope I don't recall the width of the median um I can get that for you we can I mean we can look at Alternatives we're just so early on um I don't know if there's any any utilities that would need to be upgraded at the same time when you're undertaking such a big project you want to make sure that you're not going back and touching it again so if there's other infrastructure that that needs to be addressed it could be within that area I mean it's just you also have um just the general construction footprint to install that curve I mean they just damage even if it wasn't completely regraded thank you yeah that that's my point yeah yeah so Stacy did give me some numbers before the meeting that were outlining that project that you referred to kind of what we originally planned to do out there so we have $100,000 in general fund carry forward which was saved from not so she gave me the like project estimates and where the money was coming from so that came from savings from not Contracting out a portion of the city's ground maintenance work and then there's also in the storm water fund for this year there's $50,000 for the sale restoration on the North side and in the general fund there's $17,500 from 7 Street East savings um that we could use for because we performed all that work inhouse so that totals up to a little over 250,000 of funds that we could use and then the estimate for the project as you're describing was a design fee of um $30,000 with a 10% contingency so about 32,000 and then the estimated construction cost was 220,000 so that's where I I knew I had that 200 200,000 number in my head somewhere so that's the question is whether we do that full project and so is is 200 are we okay with spending that much now to have a really fully beautifully landscaped entryway we do part three the hybrid proposed we could cover that in house and then are we able to plant closer to Paradise Lane and so that gives us sale and a little bit more drainage or anything we put in there I'm not sure I follow that because the bottle brushes look like they smack dab in the middle and close to the road so um are we able to plant closer towards paradise and treasure Lane when we we put something buffer plants in that that is the plan um we also have the issue on those lands with um people parking there and they they run over those communication boxes that everyone doesn't like seeing broken all the time they're hitting irrigation um so the idea was to plant a little bit further back um and that kind of creates a little more buffer that I know I've I've seen the number I think it's 21 feet is is what each of the uh if I I remember right and they they uh definitely are not right on the road they are closer to the uh Lane the lane than uh than the road by quite a bit but they've got some ugly Roots if you ever out there and you walk that I mean they got big ugly roots that come up out of the ground and all of a sudden they go back under the ground and two feet away they come back up and it's yeah some some ugly roots on those ugly trees well they're designed to catch water and soil is what a bottle brush is from Australia because we had the tree in the yep and um they're designed to trap soil and they wreck havoc with drainage so that's part of the problem with planting them yeah when they're young they look really pretty but when they get older they just start to T with the weather and they tra dirt and they' cause irrigation and drainage problems say what drainage problems and crooked Roots yeah oh gosh um well and maybe we H I mentioned having them having staff come back with some more information on those couple options but if we have enough information in front of us to make a decision now we can always do that too so what do we what's everyone think well like I said I I think that it is important that we've done a great job with the east side and the West Side Causeway is really the the full entrance you know of coming into our city um I don't want to just waste money by any means but uh I do want to see it look you know very impressive as people come in and uh if that's what we're talking about what a quarter a million dollars um yeah that's a lot of money money but uh I think that if we asked our constituents you know um if we can do this whole West Causeway um how would you feel about it and I think that uh that we probably would hear a lot of positive comments from folks uh and I think that everybody understands you know it's it's not our money up here it's the taxpayers money but uh I think that we'd probably have very positive uh outcome so um it is just from not the median with the lanes the improvements that were suggested in here were just from Paradise Boulevard to the Westbridge correct there still is that sides on the other end yeah we're we're not sure what's going to happen over on that end but yeah so I I do understand that um if we proceed now are we just throwing money down the rat hole because five seven nine years from now we're going to tear it up anyhow that's a question for possibly rest of the commission not for St well if we if we do the the non- elevating project I can um at we're working through some Concepts right now to develop that estimate and I can look to see if there's a way to at least preserve the trees and protect the trees during that other project um that's a potential I would think that's an integral part along with identifying what is exactly in the subsurface uh in the soil between the lanes and the C you want to take some public comment or Mr paten is up here but we haven't called for public comment yet oh I yeah I'm just jumping right in there commissioner minning what so the paradise medium is a go right we'll start that soon yes get that going yes yes that's okay I just want so okay good sorry continue your and Bob you asked good question but the thing is when you asked the question it was 3579 and you know if if we're talking three years I think you're right if we're talking nine years or more then probably it's worth going forward you're willing to risk taxpayers dollars in the terms of a quarter million dollars well I don't think it's a waste I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't waste it it you know when you're talking about you know the appearance and coming into the city um I I do think that you know a couple hundred, is is yeah I do if you're talking nine years and a couple hundred, yeah I would put my money on it today yeah thinking about it from a three years I mean that's if we had a project ready to go in three years and we had to rip it all out that's almost $100,000 per year just to enjoy some Landscaping so that's the question that I'm asking as well I don't it gives me a little heartburn but I wanted to hear what the rest of the commission thinks I think it would be great for the community to have that um beautification it could be longer than that so how does the beautification integrate with the drainage how so well you're gonna this is just the the $ 200,000 some dollars is just for the median oh no no that's that's the that's the drainage that's that's the whole bit um so do we have a plan for the drainage how that gets integrated with the Landscaping so the cost estimates that we've worked on so far um for the purpose of Grant applications is for the Elevate project which was full roadway reconstruction drainage and Landscaping um so certainly when we look at the other alternative that we'll bring to you in budget so we can talk about the pros and cons and the difference in cost we would have um the same scope without the elevation aspect to it so it' be a a full encompassing unless when we do that lesser project if we choose to go that route we are able to to protect those trees the only other thing I was going to say is sometimes um with non-pm trees it takes the trees a while to start to flush out and to look nice um so ites it's not going to give you quite the instant gratification I think that the East Side did so it may take a few years before it starts to really you know look really nice well we have two issues here one is the beautification of the entryway um Aesthetics and I agree with that and the other one is drainage um are those two compatible it it does if we if we do the $250,000 option does that take care of lands caping and drainage it does to to an extent that may not be aesthetically acceptable to some of our residents but it it does provide a safer condition such that it gets the water off the road because it would be mirroring what's going what we have on the south side with just a Swale and it water would stand there right so that's my point though is and and on Landscaping um you know if it's just Landscaping at a quarter million I agree but if we get the whole project and we got the drainage and swaes and everything else I I think that then it starts to come into play but like I said if we knew it was three years no that probably is but if it's seven or nine or 10 years um you know we've got to get the the drainage done either way and and the drainage is what about half of it um no probably around 60,000 or so 60,000 of okay so but we get our drainage and we begin to get some of that beautification but but recognize what drainage you're talking about you're talking about reestablishing the swes not the piping drainage piping drainage is significantly more expensive okay so there's there's three in going back to the mayor's good better best we're still on the good with an enhanced Landscaping plan but the drainage is reestablishing what's already there okay and that would be option three right the hybrid proposed right with reestablishing the swell and then we could do hybrid three and then apply for Grants to really move forward because elevating the roadway is essential also to our evacuation and with the um king tide flooding that we just saw and then the rains and we still need to make sure we're able to get to and from on the island and not have all that flooding going on yeah so that was my my rationale for including for option three how I outlined it was to be somewhere in between the $250,000 and not doing anything at all so for less than that we could still re reestablish the sale take out some of the bottle brush trees add some simpler Landscaping in between and maybe be at like $100,000 um and still beautifying the sides so that that dollar stretched a bit little bit further even if it was a on a three-year time timeline I I for one would like to see that the uh you're talking about improving the soil on the North side okay and what about the southide it would be mirroring what we have on the south side to the north side nothing would change with the drainage on the Southside so we'd still have the 135 one two3 days of of wet retention yes there's no piping involved in what we're proposing intermittently if you go to elevate TI is there piping yes and with the middle option that I proposed was that full pipe like not an Elevate TI level project but including the piping that would run it off into the storm water system and drain those sailes quicker than they drain now which would be still very expensive like we talked about and that would not have as much opportunity for grant funding so we do we are still in the position of not really having a permanent solution to the drainage which Mr tuning I know you've talked about a lot is um that standing water and the um dangerous conditions of The Damp sides where you can have deep ruts from the the tires going off the road um so there wouldn't be any nothing would be preventing that until we do that fullon drainage project if you were to renew the swailes I'll call it on the Swale on the North side uh I presume that would be deepening it okay are you not expecting an outcome like you have on the South Side it would be the same outcome on the so we're uh creating another potential issue that's why we're having the discussion because I don't want to do that if that's not something that everyone wants yeah thank you I agree but right now how it stands the water stays on the road instead of going into the ditch Dicky I think the drainage problem needs to be addressed uh sooner than later and and it needs almost to be separated to the extent that it can from the Landscaping issue because drainage is a safety issue it's a evacuation issue it's something that needs to it's got all kinds of potential issues of not not addressing that that uh you know the drainage there so I think that needs to be discussed and then to the extent that we can work landscaping around it that that's fine but in the short run I think we need to come up with a plan to deal with the drainage problems there on Paradise Lane I agree with that and I think that that's kind of that was my another part of my rationale for giving that lowest option of some sort of Landscaping on the sides is that lets us not spend a ton of money over there that we could then really push as quickly as we can to get that elevate TI project done so that we are taking advantage of Grants and getting the drainage solved as soon as we can take but also accomplishing some beautification take me back to Paradise Boulevard what did we budget for Paradise Boulevard just just on a just on a budget standpoint yes so we budgeted $445,000 for design and construction the design fee was about 42 um after contingency 45 so leaving 400,000 um for construction well but not just construction what the project in in total oh so in total initially was was replacing the irrigation and removing all existing landscaping and then um putting new Landscaping correct and and how much was that total project design and construction was 445 on Paradise Boulevard okay and so when you take a look at $445,000 going to go into Paradise Boulevard Bud yeah we have it budgeted but but still I'm going back to the dollars we're spending versus the 250 $245,000 you know that we're going to do that segment of the West Causeway I think that relatively there you know I I would take the causeway probably before I would take the boulevard so but uh it's just what I'm saying is that $250,000 really isn't a big price tag if we're going to be seven or nine years we're going to get some drainage out of it we're going to get it's really not that big of a project especially when the project is almost double just to do the paradise Boulevard I mean just in just in relationship um no argument with that philosophy however for the two $225,000 we're not doing anything to the Southside SW that is that that condition's good and what we're doing is creating the same thing on the North side so I'm what we're trying to do though is one the safety issue that uh Arden you know brought up you know we're we're trying to get the water off the road and it does get the water off the road but uh and if you take a walk down a uh that piece of 107 um it's starting to there's areas that are starting to actually literally fall apart chunks the water that's yeah chunks of pavement that are that are you know just now they're just a hazard those are mainly on the on the South Side well you're seeing a lot of it on the South Side as well I mean it's it's really the whole thing and that's kind of the I guess the whole idea about Elevate TI and uh and or do the other drainage that's going to be the pipes but then we start to get real expensive and it's going to time to do as well it can't be done quickly M to do you have any are you leaning one way or the other I'm leaning towards option three and going for grant funding to elevate TI and put the proper drainage and do a good job with it all the way around it'll last a longer period of timei just going to repeat what I just said before and that's that we need to address the drainage issues sooner than later and and wrap the landscaping around after we've resolved the drainage issue so in the meantime we might have a drop a little bit more prominent s on the north side of the road as well yeah is what it's going to look like and getting the grant funding actually last for a longer period of time commissioner yeah F your mic sorry my bad I thought I was I can hear how about in order to have a since that option three that I proposed we don't really have an idea of how much that would be it sounds like the decision is going to come down I think we all agree that that full drainage project whether it's elevating the road or not elevating on the road and doing the drainage project needs to be done quickly and pushed forward um and hopefully try to get Grand funding for which would be more viable with the elevation of the road so that aside then maybe we can look at get Stacy to get us an estimate on what um we already have we already know that the fully designed already that's mapped out on the website would cost about 250,000 what would that scenario three that I outlined cost to do not take out all the bottle brush trees but take out some of them add some simple Landscaping establish the soil and then we could make a decision between those two options if we lose more of the trees would that be an issue just because of their age and the health of the trees I just don't know when we dig that out what we'll be able to preserve I don't I personally don't think so I think if we go through that and we realize that they have to come out and we have other Landscaping there that's new and beautiful that we would be okay until we get the full project done agreed I agree too a good approach do we have any public comment I figured ra shuning 11205 Third Street East um so I'm not going to get into the paradise Boulevard I think you guys are going down a good path to just you know pulling out the ones that are bad replacing those and I heard the number of 400 I didn't realize it was that much $450,000 plus some other things that's what we origin budgeted we're not how much is in the budget this year that is what's in the budget this year but we've so Bas the res first question would be are you gonna spend no okay that's what that's why we're that's the discussion we're having is the the plan to just got you'll have some you'll have some money left over and I think uh commissioner doctor brought up a very good point which is um you'd rather spend probably that much on the ENT way making that look really good and less on Paradise Boulevard and so you could you could potentially swap those amounts right and by doing such you could get rid of all of the bottle brush trees which we all know you know were probably a great idea in their day but they're not anymore and they're you know about exhausted their life you had uh I'm trying to figure out what happened because you originally had um budgeted for a landscape package for the the West Causeway section no reason what changed you know to change your mind to not go forward with that it was on the budget you got the money appropriated right you should go for the only thing that changed was there was some discussion on drainage and I'm I'm glad there's you know I'm glad that people are listening to me I'm also not sure I want people listening to me um but the fact of the matter is I don't think that those costs related to fixing the the grain is are that much and if you're going to have a bunch of money left over from Paradise Boulevard you could ship those funds over there you could get that accomplished as well as the the Landscaping so to me and my engineering and construction uh background says you take the trees out you fix the drainage and you come back in and you put on some nice Landscaping that you originally planned to do that and and get on with your business now with respect to um you guys have known all along on the elev TI U that you were going to do this and yet you approved putting in the Landscaping right so what changed again you you said that you were you were going to do that work regardless and knowing that you were going to probably go forward with Elevate TI now I don't know who who thinks we're going to get this done in three years five years I don't know who thinks you're going to get Elevate TI done in that stretch of the road and in five years I just don't think that's going to happen and I think we got to be realistic if it's going to be 9 years 10 years or more then let's get on with our business make our city look good and fix that this problem with the drainage which is you know a serious safety issue and get and get that entrance way get done and let's let's you know we need to think about on the Landscaping on doing a little bit each year and and you know across the city you know it's not the only place Paradise bevard is not the only place that probably needs some attention here and there there's problem you know there's some issues in is of Palms there's probably a bunch of issues and out of Capri and we all know that Sunset is being hit all the time with storms and stuff like that so we got to spread the wealth around on that kind of stuff too so anyways but that's my can I ask why you why do you think that that project couldn't be done in three to five years I think by the time you you go through the whole process of trying to get get funding because we can't afford it ourselves right I mean if that's if that's if we're going to wait on our own taxes Katie bar the door we all need to sell our houses or we need to become the new New Orleans and we'll have mon gross okay every year right so that's just not gonna gonna happen anytime soon I just do not see that I mean you've got big projects right now the uh Public Works building that's way behind I mean if you look at your original I even brought the in case we got into that whole discussion that that that is thing is so far behind right now and you're not going to catch up and I would write rather us as a city focus on a pump station sewer lift station and I know the yard is necessary and I support the yard I'm not sure the price tag I support but I support that um those are the things we should be focusing on and and so U until you've really wrapped up all of your funding and what have you to where it gets to a point where we can actually afford it and you know then then I then I think that's when you need to talk about things you can disregard I took up a lot of your time so if you have more to say you're welcome well I you know and these kinds of issues like here in a workshop I think you should afford everybody as much time and I do appreciate that very much so that I just don't think that's going to happen I mean let's be realistic it's just going to take a long time to get all the funding together and then um you know there's going to be all kinds of other issues that go into that you've got utilities Beyond just the drainage now if you're lifting the road up unless you're live lifting that land up too it stays where it is and um and then you're going to have to lift treasure Lane I guess is what it's called Paradise Lane and they're going to have to come up possibly I don't know um so until you see all that and you have all that engineered and that's going to be a feat in itself um I I just don't see that happening anytime soon so I just I just think about that so um that's my two cents worth and I do believe those two ditches what she's what she's talking about as far as digging them down is not necessarily the proper Solution on those I have other thoughts and I've sent you some stuff for you guys to consider I think an ex exfiltration trench that's done properly uh can can get that done and I do like the idea of thoughts about taking those ditches and using an X filtration type thing and then punching um pipe through pushing pipe through into existing drains and it can be done so you can use your existing Network and make that work so anyways what it's worth thank you for your time thank you any other public comment sure Mary alen Hu live it 408th Avenue number 101 right over here at Serena Bay I don't know a lot but I have learned something over a lifetime and sometimes the best $75 you will ever spend is on that interior designer coming and tell you when you're making a mistake so I hope that we have the resources to be able to get landscape architecture that kind of thing involved in this so so we know we're putting the right plant in the right place at the right time because if not we continue to have problems and we don't want to repeat what we've already done and what we've already gone through I also have something to say that's a compliment because I live at Serena Bay we had some overgrowth of some plants and um it was encroaching on the sidewalk and I asked several times for our board to please cut it back and they didn't want to they lik the way it looked one call one email it was gone the next day so thank you all very very much because you're making it a safer place when you do things like that and thank you very much I appreciate it you're welcome thank you all right any other public comments all right none does that sound like a good idea to have Stacy put together an estimate of what the option three would cost and then we can compare that to the full project as was already designed we'll also bring back before you a cost savings on Paradise Boulevard and an updated estimate there okay wonderful thank you very much all right I that is the last thing on our agenda um do we have any other public comment for any other other topics heing none word