##VIDEO ID:naw7jSInw-Y## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right um good morning everyone this is a special meeting of the city of Treasure Island Board of Commissioners on October 7th 2024 call the meeting to order um and if we can please stand for Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please commissioner Toth excused vice mayor doctor here commissioner Minnie here commissioner dicki here mayor pay here thank you thank you okay first we have um do we have any public comment for non-agenda items all right hearing none we'll move into our items of business um we have a few items um for today that are pertaining to Hurricane Helen and hurricane Milton um so that's the main purpose of this um meeting so the first one is a proclamation declaring a state of local emergency due to tropical storm Milton do we have any staff um explanation or I'm happy to explain it so before you is the as a proclamation um declaring the state of emergency and it's actually for Hurricane Milton now um both the governor has declared a state of emergency and I believe panella's County has as well they amended Theirs to include hurricane melon is that correct correct yes so in in abundance of caution and just to make sure that we have all the coverage we need should we need relief from FEMA we went ahead and added a proclamation for um hurricane Milton you already have done this under Helen so the powers aren't going to shift it's just notating both storms and then when we move forward and if we need to extend the proclamations we'll extend for both okay all right um does anyone want to touch on just some advice for the residents in regards to this storm or are we going to put out a message regarding that separate from this or um yes mayor you know we have been doing some messaging there has been some voluntary evacuations for zones a b and c for uh residents and businesses I think for medical facilities or assisted living facilities there's been a mandatory evacuation that has been put out before we're anticipating the uh the recommendation for people to voluntarily evacuate from Ab and c will actually turn into a mandatory evacuation at sometime today know it is being advised looks at the most current readings they have from the National Hurricane Center and some of the briefings that we've received have landfall approximately sometime in Thursday in the early am hours you know with significant storm surge rain and wind impacts yeah we are still continuing to uh do debris col ction as we can you know we still have um the state and federal assets that were mobilized down to this area are being called back out of the flood zone so they're working to remove some of those assets out of flood areas so that they can be redeployed in the future and what we're doing currently is we have an EOC that's operating out of the fifth floor of this building now we're working the messaging as we can for folks uh right now we're working to get some messaging out for the residents of Sunset Beach so that they're able to access their homes and I think what we've come up with is there's going to be a message going out that we're going to have vehicle access to Sunset Beach at noon today you know but that will be for residents only it will not be for contractors it will not be for tow trucks what we want to do is make sure that there's people have a way in and a way out especially right now with the anticipated mandatory evacuation we want to make sure people have the opportunity to get personal items that they would like to have there as part of the evacuation to be able to bring them out with themselves but also to offer the opportunity for people to evacuate you know I think during um hurricane Helen some individuals did not or were not able to evacuate evacuate so we want to make sure they do have that opportunity for their safety and I would just say please pay attention to the social media messages and uh social media sites because that's our primary Avenue of getting the word out if they do hear in um police vehicles or other vehicles with Sirens or um loud horn horns and noises advising people to get out that's what it will have changed from a voluntary evacuation to a mandatory evacuation okay thank you all right uh do we have a any questions for Chuck or the staff all right do we have a motion to approve the proclamation we read it are you it's not an ordinance it's a proclamation okay yes I move to approve and authorize the mayor to execute the proclamation declaring a state of local emergency for the C of Treasure Island Florida in response to Tropical Storm Milton second okay it's been moved and seconded uh do we have any public comment right hearing none um any further comments from the commission keep your fingers crossed it go south yeah so if the storm goes south we should um be a lot more fortunate with the storm surge um we really don't need another surge event here but please everyone don't don't count on that like we saw with this last one um even far away it had dire consequences for our city we had fatalities we had significant um flooding and damage to pretty much every structure in the city um so that one we didn't really have a lot of wind this one even if it hits south of us um or within it's it's coming for the our Coastline so wherever we're going to see some effects here so please take this seriously with the current state of our city um with debris we're going to be working as hard as we can the governor has ordered all state resources from any agency across the state that has um available equipment he's sent that here to the pellis county Barrier Islands to help with debris removal he's deployed the National Guard he's deployed the state guard um to help with that process so you will see them out on the roads but you know we have limited amount of time to get that done so I know we've been putting out some messages about um what to do if if we don't get to your debris pile um if there is any way for you to secure it with a tarp or um anything that could potentially hold it down and prevent things from flying around please please do that I believe the National Guard was out here near City Hall Distributing tarps I'm not sure if they have any left left but um that would be a good way to prepare and then please please please heed the evacuation warnings when it does come out um so with that we'll take a roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi mayor Payne hi thank you thank you okay next is a proclamation extending the or extending the proclamation for Hurricane Helen state of emergency and and mayor this really didn't um need to be on the agenda because this is something that the board has already authorized you to do so long as there is an existing state of emergency by the governor and by pelis County with regard to Helen so this is just U more of an informational item for the board to let it know that it will be extended another seven days okay do we have any questions on that can it be extended longer than seven no under the Florida Statutes we have to do it every seven days okay thank you m all right with for information only we'll move on to the next item then which is D3 which is request to approve resolution 20249 to temporarily wave the city of Treasure Islands building permit fees for water and Windstorm damage on specific types of construction and repair caused by Hurricane Helen we have a staff report good morning Commissioners um um so this is following the template of what we've done in previous hurricanes uh waving fees for interior demolition uh fence installation tree removal roof repair and replacement and electrical for meter bases and power surges um it doesn't quite match the memo which is both of these are recycled and I've seen both of these about five minutes ago so um that's what we're proposing for now I do think we probably want to take bigger look at this in the future um as we rebuild but we have to remember the impacts to the building fund as we do that okay all right um any questions for Katherine is there a is there a time limit to yes we put a time limit um from October 7th through November 30th uh what we're trying to do is to encourage people to get permits um it's very critical to our FEMA rating our flood insurance and our Disaster Assistance that that we uh document everything that has happened and the permit office is open for people to call in or we do not have a phone okay but we do are answering calls but at I mean emails at permits my treasure island.org we've been putting that message out um we were anticipating opening tomorrow but of course that has just changed so uh but through per we are monitoring permits and any questions we are answering so and if people have already started work which most people have on removing their drywall and things like that all they need to do is tell us that and we will send them the form to fill out we're notorized downstairs at certain hours of the day and coordinating with people to get that done so they can do a retroactive yes if they've already started yes okay yes because it is critical to get that drywall out as we all know in the installation okay now I did see some notes about uh demolition fees as well uh is there uh that is in this waiver for for this drywall what does it my question is what does it cover okay it is for drywall flooring baseboards and cabinets that initial tear out that typically happens after a flood okay and questions have been asked about uh probably longer term if it's determined that they need to demolish their home would that fee be waved as well well there is there is no fee right now okay for the next um approximately two months uh so we would expect that that would give people time to get those permits in here great during that fee waiver that would include a ENT a complete demolition of the structure but you bring up a very important fact about um substantial damage and it's very important uh that we have that message out that if your home is substantially damaged which means 50% of the value you will be required to raise your home thank you sure Katherine um have there been any orange X's or orange X's with circles on them placed on hes yes so there are a couple of different things going on out in the field they started out with no placards and so they orange X or these orange circle or the red placard all mean the same thing that the structure is not safe to enter and that it's also not safe to energize you'll also see placards um that say not safe to energize that's where the meters have been damaged and the city has notified Duke on a continuing stream of these as we identify those and Duke has been following along pulling those meters because it's it's a very high chance of fire damage a lot yeah there's a lot of Orange go and xes if you drive around sunset be it's yeah it's bad do we do we have a count on on how many of those I can create one I don't I don't have one cuz it getting it in from the field and pushing it through to Duke as fast as we all right thank you would that be I know we had the the damage assessment shows that there were 16 structured completely destroyed yeah 17 now yes um and also almost 1600 major Dam damage yes there damage yeah of the structures we've surveyed we are at 75% have major damage or destroyed major damage is defined by FEMA as more than 18 inches of water in the living area so it's as we know it's really Surge and it really depends what kind of structure you have as to what that surge did all right thank you um mayor I'm sorry one clarification just in the resolution itself it only contemplates the demolition of flood damage drywall flooring baseboards and cabinets it doesn't contemplate waving fees for a demolition of an entire structure so if that was something you wanted to do that would need to be added to this resolution what is the fee for permit fee for that do you know I don't know um it's a value based fee based on the cost of the work okay um but I would recommend that we do that as well was that something that was done previous storms no we did not but we did not have this level of D this is a whole different thing that's why I said we probably want to come back and revisit this we were just trying to get you something quickly to encourage people to get permits for the stuff they're pulling out will we be able to sustain the building fund um that's why this is we would like to bring this back to you because it is a the as as you all know the building fund um is it not funded through the general fund it's funded through building permit fees so anything we wave is eventually going to have to be refed back into the building fund through future fees so do you have like a ballpark of how much a demolition would permit a couple hundred dollars maybe three2 200 $300 I would assume okay may if I may what I'd like to do is get a little bit more more information pertaining to the building fund in the impact on that and we will definitely Monitor and then take a look and get that information back and bring it in another ordinance you know I I applaud Katherine and her folks because they wanted to get this in immediately because you've got folks who are you know leaning forward trying to get some of this work done yeah and and we want to be able to make sure that they don't have to worry about paying fees to do it okay does that sound good to everyone just for the record there still are like $4 of State fee so people end up with like a $4 permit because we can't wait those right Perfect all right do we have any public comment all right um I'll entertain a motion I move to approve resol resolution 20249 to temporarily wave building permit fees and Associated review fees beginning October 7th 2024 through and including November 30th 2024 for permits applied for for the following types of construction and repair wall repair wall replacement fence installation tree removal installation of Sops fascia and gutters roof repair roof replacement electrical for meter bases power surges on appliances and exempt site work and excuse me I'm I'm so sorry but um as Katherine had said the staff report was taken from an old resolution so the current resolution there are a couple of changes to what you just identified um the wall repair and replacement has been changed to be interior demolition of flood damaged drywall flooring baseboards and cabinets and then um there's also been a deletion of the installation of sofits faset and gutters and there is no exempt site work so those three that are in the staff report are not in the resolution itself so I just since you read through those I just wanted to make that clarification and see if you were okay with amending your resolution to reflect what I just stated yes thank you okay do I have a second all right um any discussion all right roll call please vice mayor doctor hi commissioner Min hi commissioner dicki hi mayor Payne hi thank you thank you um before we adjourn I we didn't have it on the agenda um but I did want to give any of the Commissioners an opportunity if you have anything else you wanted to share with your residents or any sort of update um anyone yeah yeah we'll go in the usual order maybe okay yes the the RV and trailer um we're still receiving calls on can they place an RV or a trailer on their property where their residence is but it's not uh it's not able to be lived in so the answer is yes the answer is yes for 36 months or until they receive a CO for their new for their if they're doing repairs a CO to move back into their home or a CO on a new home that's been built there that was a law signed into um a yeah statute signed into law by the governor two years ago so we there was a little confusion about it early on but we did the governor put out a press release and a statement that went over it I posted it on my Facebook page if anyone wants to take a look at that do we know if Jason has published that if I could we actually have it in our code currently okay there's a little bit of a a difference between the state law and our current code and our community development is working to get that messaging out appropriately of course that would not mean that you could bring an RV in under a mandatory evacuation you wouldn't be authorized to do that right that is coming back to the commission just on an informational or more basis so that we can deconflict a state law with what we have in our code okay okay um I don't know where to start but so I'll start with just a big than thanks to our First Responders City staff all the workers um it's just been incredible to watch the efficiency with which they have uh maneuvered I guess is the best way around the city through the uh corridors of trash and have been able to function I got kick on you're good excuse me commissioner oh you're good okay um and the other thing is the uh the camaraderie that has been exhibited amongst neighborhoods and neighbors it's just uh you look at it and all you have to you have to smile you have to be pleased with uh that it takes a storm like this to generate such uh conditions but nonetheless kudos to our our residents that uh have really stepped up to the plate to help out I I'd like to ditto again what commissioner minning just said but the city staff has been wonderful uh I can't thank you guys enough for what you've done again I look out at your faces right now and I see how tired how worn uh everybody is uh uh the camaraderie that commissioner Min uh mentions with the residents out there is just absolutely incredible my biggest concern at this stage with hurricane Milton and I can't overemphasize this or not a lot of Sunset Beach residents chose not to evacuate with hurricane Helen uh it would be extremely dangerous to ignore the evacuation mandatory evacuations of Sunset Beach uh through through hurricane Milton this is a a much stronger storm with a which much worse uh potential and anybody and everybody should evacuate uh I would like to ask the the uh uh city manager to make sure that we have a phone number available a for people who physically can't evacuate themselves that need help and uh so that they can call that I don't know if we have that already and if it been it would be 911 a 911 number 911 okay so that that's my biggest warning is there should not be anybody no soul should be left out on on Sunset Beach in particular thank you agree um and for me I already said a little bit but just again want to Echo thanking the staff you guys really have I I know that you're beat I know that this is really difficult um to go through a storm like this let alone have another one coming right back behind it this is unreal um unprecedented I don't think I've ever seen any anywhere in the United States where two storms have hit this close together it's it's kind of hard to digest so um I know that I talked to Jessica Zamora just before the meeting and she reminded me that our um EA AP is available for our um Commissioners but and also as employees but also of course all of our regular employees so as someone in the HR um field in my professional life I do want to encourage you all to please take advantage of that um get some rest try to decompress um as much as you can because this is going to be um it's going to be even harder than it already has so I want to make sure that you guys take good care of yourselves um don't pay attention to the their still some naysayers out there that are criticizing us through all this which is absolutely incomprehensible because if you step foot on the city hall property or anywhere at the EOC um or see any of our city staff you guys have worked your ass off um and it's very very impressive um so any of our residents who doubt that really need to take a second look at um what's going on here because this is an incredible team um and we are in very good hands as residents um to be guided through a situation like this did you have something mayor if I could uh Chief bars just got off a a call with the County EOC so I'd like to be able to give him a minute to provide an update to the commission and the community great thank you thank you mayor and Commissioners um I'm tired yeah so if I slur my words I haven't been at the bar it's just a fact of being tired I've noticed it's happening um I just got off the the phone with County Emergency Management and we got the latest update which I'm sure you're all seeing and I just want to caution everyone out there um there's a lot of great weather pages and internet frames but um you need to listen to the official forecast on this one um current forecast and track is calling for a cat 4 making landfall at or near here uh potentially 10- foot storm s surge which is three feet greater than we just experienced looking at beginning of on the current forecast and this is absolutely subject to change and it will change but what we're planning for now is uh beginning of storm uh tropical storm Forest winds at 10: a.m. on Wednesday exiting the area 3:00 a.m. Thursday with that being said the county plans on um initiating mandatory evacuation orders later today that's going to be certainly a level a and probably a b and we have plans to go to a level C a level C is 500,000 people evacuating the coastal area of penel County to do that we're opening six School shelters initially and we have 15 more warm on standby to open as needed so this could be a big event uh for just that just the evacuation Fe so you get more on that we for the storm has slowed and we've got a little more time so but once it starts to happen it's going to happen very rapidly and when I talked to you guys last time I told you time is the one resource that we don't have any more of that we can't make more of so when things starts to happen and you get your evacuation notices you need to heed them um we had to listen I don't know if you you saw the County press conference yesterday where the sheriff set his portable radio up on the on the Das and and said it was heartbreaking to hear people calling and asking for help he had 1,500 of those where he couldn't go get people and countywide 12 of those people drowned or were electrocuted because of that we had to let five structures burn in the city of Treasure Island last time um we had four confirmed fatalities we just could not come out we are physically going to evacuate to a safe EOC location and as soon as it is safe to do so will come back but during the storm we can't come get you no matter how dire your situation I can't stress that enough that I have to go on record that you need to evacuate being on the second or third floor of a home not enough this is likely to impact on the current track and forecast the second floor of your home that has impact that amount of water coming has the ability to impact the structural stability of our high-rise condos so because you're on the seventh floor the fifth floor that doesn't make you safe either um you'll start seeing the state assets that we've brought in the comfor stations the Pod uh the food and water be pulled back today State's requiring all of those assets to leave and go out of the flood plane we will still have access to them and we've put in request orders for more already pre- storm but from here today on forward till after we could get back those things won't be available to you either um and quite frankly for the first if it's as bad as they're predicting first four or five days we're not even worried about bringing those back to you you shouldn't be here you shouldn't need water and air conditioning and food you should be at a safe place off the island our first four or five days if we get hit as predicted will be search and rescue missions pulling people out from under collapsed buildings and I'm not not exaggerating uh there are plans County for the county to shut the water off at some point before impact and that is to protect the system uh we need to retain the water um in the towers so that we have water pressure for firefighting po storm uh there have been rumors that Duke was going to shut power off to the island uh unable to confirm that that's a entirely a Duke call that's generally not accepted practice but that could happen as well uh Florida National Guard has pulled out all of their assets to a safe location they will be back post storm and right now um fire police and Public Works are basically uh gearing up to protect the assets we have left and then uh prepare for for deployment after the after the next storm so Ender report unless you have any questions any questions all right thank you very much Chief anything else any other items of business that need to come before the commission all right with with that we're adjourned thank you everyone and please stay safe