##VIDEO ID:oNtByrByIrk## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right good evening everyone um this is the Board of Commissioners um for the city of Treasure Island a special meeting for Tuesday October 22nd um I'm going to call the meeting to order and if everyone could please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you roll call please commissioner Toth here vice mayor doctor here commissioner Min here commissioner dicki here mayor Payne here thank you um before we get started um we do obviously have a very large audience this evening we have overflow space in the um foyer so if you don't have aren't able to find a seat in here um that you should be able to view it in the hallway um that is due to fire fire capacity so um just wanted to say thank you to everyone for being here I know these are very trying times um I know that everyone has a lot of questions and I'm sure a lot of comments so we're going to um move through our agenda um as efficiently as possible since this is a special commission meeting um our agenda looked a little bit different and is missing some items so we actually don't even have the approval of the agenda on here so I'm going to add that as item C and request that we make some changes to our agenda here I'd like to um add a city manager report after agenda approval then we'll go into of business and then we'll go we'll have public comment for agenda items after that because we do have so many um of our residents here who are um interested in speaking then we'll have commissioner reports and then we'll have adjournment I'm hoping that by having public comments after our items of business may be able to um address some of the concerns that people hear specifically about commercial debris removal which we are going to be discussing um as our only agenda item this evening so is the commission okay with that um change to the agenda yes yes okay so we will move into um a city manager report and we ask to kind of give us an update on our storm um efforts currently and any other updates that we need thank you mayor painting Commissioners what I would like to do tonight being it's a special meeting we're focusing on getting the items completed for tonight so I'd like to just go over a little bit about where we started and how we've matured since our U storm surge um on the 26th of we have a meeting U next week and I'm going to expand on I provide tonight to give more specifics to the commission and the community um and also have handouts at that meeting for the community you know September 26 of this year y's pass tide chart high tide was at 11:37 p.m. and it was project8 ft the actual tide at 1137 was .66 ft so we had 7.8 foot of storm surge at a minimum we emergency evacuated 32 adults two children fire and EMS had 114 calls for service then the storm hit and on Saturday or excuse me on September 27th we had 139 calls for service for Fire EMS and storm responses and those calls were on hold from people who stayed uh who were on the island still and still needed fire rescue was able to clear all of those 139 in 11 o' that morning they also respond 65 for Fire EMS and storm responses throughout the day trans 22 adults and six dogs off the island Public Works was part of that initial that morning they went with the fire department and the police department to initially clear the roads and to immediately start making sure that our sanitary sewer system was up we had stations and two Master stations that were down and that they're now on me they were put on Bypass or generator power some destruction due to the storm surge we three lift stations that are on bypass generator power but we had no reportable ssos so we had nothing that um no incidents that were reportable that need to be reported having to do with sewage sanitary sewer overflows 4 148 total hours the average employee had about 119 hours over th those two weeks our EOC was activated and we we requested 108 resources via different requests put Comfort stations on order on the 26th of September and we requested debris removal teams and management and Incident Management team on the 27th conversation started arriving on the 28th we set bus routes to take people into and out of sun at Beach and around the community due to its inaccess we also had community help with Mr Dan mcnut donating his private parking lot you Beach residents so they could put their cars there not bring their vehicles down into Sunset Beach when they wanted to get back to their homes he also opened up an additional lot for outof State strike and search and rescue teams that were dispatched to Treasure Island state pulled resources came in for Hurricane Milton or excuse me the state pulled resources on the 7th of October we had about 120 assets not our own that were on the ground hurricane Milton came in on October 9th we had three adults evacuated to shelters one of those evacuates had to be picked shelter and taken to a hospital on the 10th we had five EMS fire and responses in search and rescue found 92 resident residential structures with severe roof damages our EOC was still op operational and we had 55 additional requests for Missions from the county and from the state received 10 grapple trucks with 50 dump trucks we got new Comfort station over at the fire department police department parking lot and we out on the ground at 173 people assets that were given to us overall to this date we have picked up 42,000 Cub yards of debris we have ongoing debris removal we have two service contractors operating within the city limits we've coordinated efforts for sand removal down at Sunset Beach and is making very good progress we've completed Beach clean and access points and as people have seen on the web pages and also on our social media post you know we have the north side of our beach open we're working our way to the South and we're we're confident that we're going to be able to be completely open this week except for the beaches down in Sunset Beach area we've be begun vegetation removal the storm water system has been cleared except for sun portions of Sunset Beach our Wastewater is up and operating 24-hour services and daily sanation is p being picked up and unschedule we do have the city of Largo that is lending us some trucks because due to the excessive weight of some of the cans from storm debris it's giving the truck some problems and they're breaking down more often our EOC in that time frame operated out of five locations we started at City Hall moved to South Pasadena church then to St Pete College Town campus and we moved to individ individual City Vehicles because we didn't have a place to go then we move back to South Pasadena church and then we're back here now City Hall residential damage assess been completed for Helen and Milton commercial safety assessment was by the F Florida Fire Marshals group permitting processes are streamlined and have been opened since the 16 of of October so substantial damage is pending the arrival of the Consultants from the state excuse me code enforcement outreaches ongoing for we had over 1,600 major declared structur that were categorized as major problems or issues with them waiting on the specific County data so we can specify and provide the right numbers to the community Milton we had 15 structures that were destroyed 15 were listed as major 188 is minor and 760 that were affected I would ask the community to please understand there is a federal Declaration of disaster the city of island is reimbursed by FEMA 100% so the items in the missions that and that we ask for assistance for are reimbursed 100% for what we um for what we request so that is not coming out of the city of Treasure Island funds or city budget and that is for the first 30 days and I'm working to confirm that it's been extended to the first 30 days with the Department of Emergency Management director and he's lobbying FEA to extend that to the first 180 days the city is posting daily updates on our web pages and our social media sites and it's hard to actually get as much information out with the way that things are changing we would ask residents to to please try to take a look at those places because there's a wealth of information there we're uping them twice a day and we encourage the community to please take a look at those items our phone system in City Hall Works inter not externally so we don't have a way for residents to call but we do have two phones that are operational for people to call into two lines of them is 72757 4575 and the other is 727 631 2947 City Hall started with the opening of business this week and today raised the flag in front of City Hall we're open from 8 to 4 with the exception of Community Development who's open from 9:00 to 3 the reason they're open from 9 to is because they're coming in before 9:00 to process permit and after 3:00 the process permits and trying to do that at specified time so that they'll be able to take care of the customers during that other window all I have thank you great thank you um do our commissioners have any questions for truck can you please repeat those phone numbers so if somebody calls us for it sure thing commissioner that would be 727 547 4575 and 727 631 2947 thank you Chuck you already intended to do this but your comments I think were very thorough and I appreciate getting all that that background if you would make sure those are posted on our website in social media uh as you read them to us I can do thank you any other questions all right um we'll business then so item C1 is a request for commission guidance on Commercial debris removal funding um there's a a um a cover page in the agenda packet and I'll turn this over to Chuck for the staff presentation thank you Mar and Commissioners um as you know and I have as I mentioned we do have currently debris collection ongoing within the city of Treasure Island um under the FEMA guidance there DPS and the the state excuse me statutes that debris removal is restricted to certain communities um within our community of Treasure Island what we find now is that residents be able to have their debris picked up but entities that are registered as with the count according to their property appraiser all under a portion FEMA does not reimburse the city if we do elction we've worked through the county and through the state in numerous phone calls discussions and in fact we had a meeting the uh the state director what we did get the other day was on the 18th of October FEMA or excuse me on the 13th of October go back a little bit um FEMA came out and their field control officer allowed the overlap image for Helen and Milton to be counted as one you know which is something we had been requesting on the 18th they came back and they gave us some rapid depri removal and demolition guidance that Ed it didn't expand into where we wanted to wanted it to go we had been lobbying for and asking for commercial de to be reimbursed by FEMA finding that we are not that getting some advice from the state today what we are do is presenting to the commission some options to accomplish this there's Agony going on within our community you know there's there seems to be a little bit of divisiveness in that people are being able to get pricked up but but all our residents are taxpayers in one form or another but FEMA is designating as commercial entities and that's what they designate as and not eligible for according to the FEMA rules so what we have presented to the commission tonight is what we see an opportunity potentially for the commission to pick up on we did is we went through and we did an analysis based upon what we have residential debris so far and using some cost factors in there between finance and Public Works we're able to come up with a dollar value that we think it would cost the city to pick up the commercial debris that remain that is unaccounted for for to be reimbursed by FEMA and so what I'm recommending to the commission is to consider you have two options by taking a look at the pellis county property designations and the costs associated with the debris collect if the city was to contract and proceed to re collect and remove commercial debris not followa guidance and I'll emphasize the FEMA guidance means we wouldn't have to have OBS we wouldn't have to have de sites and we would just do delivery to landfills we could probably pick up all the debris within the community that is left that is not reimbursable for FEMA for about $1.1 million the second item we could have contract to proceed to collect and remove that same debris but we could follow the FEMA guidelines we would have monitors we would make sure that we're taking care of all the lading the billing all of the items that are associated from FEMA measuring actually OBS that are going into the trucks and follow that guidance and still pursue reimbursement in FEMA we anticipate that cost be higher at about $2.75 million to be a slower process and take more more time so what we point out is you know these these approximations take account what we know today at the today's rates that were just renegotiated through the county here within the last week you know and it and it can't take into account all the unforeseen changes that occur for all we know FEMA could come out in two weeks you're eligible for reimbursement but if we do something what I would call like know the quick and dirty and we just get everything picked up as fast as we can and we get it off the streets because you have to remember this is this the same items that are being picked up for residential you know the opportunity for mosquito born diseases we have restrictions on site ways when people are driving on the roads I mean it is a danger to the community to have the debris so we're confident that we can get a contract either way but it's just for the commission to decide whether would like for the city to pick it up following the FEMA guidelines which I would say is at a slower Pace than the quick and dirty way to do it or to go in and just to get this done get and to the street we will finding the number and we'll keep taking a report commission but I just wanted to bring that to your attention sure questions for a track Yeah question um the 1.1 million uh that's throwing everything together and taking it to where we would probably use the pelis the county landfill okay because we did today that uh it is opened for business I would have you know check with staff here there may be a portion of what could not be taken I know like there's halfs that can't be taken oh that's yeah and there are some items that are excluded I don't have that list in front of me okay but those can't be taken either way right yeah so that's okay so 1.1 million what's the chance of feemale coming back in at the end of us spending 1.1 1% or less I would I would approximate that's if we do it the quick the the direct route and we don't the rules if we follow the rules a very low chance well there's a low chance that they're going to approve that is what I've we've kind of gathered from we've met with the exor of FD today and we talked specifically about what are the odds that FEMA will allow us to will grant us that request and he said very minimal minimal To None yeah rather than spending I I'll get into after discussions with the state about covering the 1.1 million um not with not in this context no no we didn't not today we just developed the number today we had talked to um the executive director today having to do with previous storms experience Florida and the reinforement from FEMA and it had been non-existent so we had T other about taking a look at it unless we're going to follow the FEMA rules there's no of getting reimbursement and if they were to if yeah I'll just leave it at that if I okay I understand thank you chck I have a couple of qu questions and comments one is uh has FEMA said No at this point or have they said just that it's not they're not likely to do that any directly back to the city of Treasure Island no they not said no they haven't said no but looking at previous storms and the information that we've re from the and the state and especially today with director Guth ratted off a number of storms that we've had you know in previous years and the lack of reimbursement very to none that we would get reimbursed okay I would like to add that we did transmit a letter still we are still Pur Fe allowance for the city to be reimbursed for this you know we're not sto to ask you know and you we we need FEMA to recognize that this is a crisis from a personal humanitarian piece an emotional phical piece something that needs to be taken care of you know and can't into personal feelings on that we uh do have a letter to the who recently actually just changed from one person to another this last Monday I do have a letter that I'm transmitting off tomorrow morning and just got it today and appr for the state and we're asking and seeking reimbursement but can you outline the process a little bit it's not be approval um you can you just kind of go into that a little bit what the is specifically if we were to go that route of trying to get FEMA to it's not that we're requesting it we would be submitting a letter of correct mayor thank you you know there is a a package that you can put together in order to request for reimbursement and it includes that we've collected from the fire chief from police chief and also from our local Health officials to talk about the humanitarian peace safety of our residents from a fire an EMS perspective a law enforcement perspective and from a health perspective you know mosquito born diseases within the state you know the more that we have this debris collecting the greater the chances are for those diseases toate you know so we do have those letters they're put together package that is signed off from the community myself and the mayor and that would go forward to Fe offici request um a notice or notify them of a notice of intent that we would be seeking reimbursement when we talk to people who've gone through this before they haven't seen them be successful we going to put that forward but the to be clear the 1. million versus the 2.75 million are odds of that reimbursed are both very very's 1% and the other is something close to that yeah 1.1% okay all right well that helps helps that decision yeah uh another a couple of other items I have is one related to this one is some of the uh Condominiums have already gotten their estimates and and to I just Mike Finch blind pass lagoons is it they got an estim clear their debris for $6,000 uh which sounds rela expensive compared to uh what what the city might pay so I guess I'm asking us to uh maybe allow uh condominiums that have gotten those estimates and they're reasonable to pass them B by the city and get their approval to go ahead remove because they can they can have this stuff done tomorrow or in the next day or two uh as to line for the for our contractors to get to them and do it at less spending less money than we and we would just agree to re for that commissioner that's moving into a different realm you know we're with entity to be able to come in and to perform this pickup there is still always the avability of commercial entities to have their own pickup Done Right In fact there's that have already you know and that's why I say this we based our approximation in a worst case scenario there were no um no pickups done or accomplished from associations so we went with the worst case piece on this get back into a reimbursement if if a commercial entity would like to have their up and they want to do it themselves they are free to do that yeah no I understand that I think they know who the the question what I'm asking that that if they do this uh like see the city reimburse them for it because they it's for them to hire contractor plus they'll get more immediate results than if they wait in line uh to get done by our so that's what I'm asking for consideration commissioner I apprciate that piece but to we're looking to go through and to get this done to envelop reimbursement process a door for many entities to come back and to start requesting reimburse and then you have to go through a validation process that could end up with um legal ramifications and I I I would recommend that we didn't do not go that route I mean it will take us a little bit at this contract in place if the commission Dees to pursue one Avenue or the other so you know they're more than welcome to wait on it but I would not recommend there all right and then my uh what our reserves what what are the city's reserves for the cover the expense I don't know if I see the finance director here oh he's coming out of the back room I don't I don't have off the top of my head uh the ending available sign fund balance was about million at the end of last year okay thank you and that's that's um reflected in the uh The Five-Year financial plan and so you can kind of see the details of what like assum uh the current fiveyear budget and plan thank you Mike so we have the funding to pay for it okay any other questions for CH not about this I just would like to ask about something in the future but we'll have a conversation about that as our Condominiums from commercial commercial to maybe a residential status that would become eligible in the future for a fem classification if that's ever possible and I'm I'm sure the conversations would have to at the county level I definitely would want to be able to provide points of contact on how we can assist with that but we don't have any say in the designation of that I understand that now um moving forward folks moving forward on this to they need to talk to right because our con people or residents are also taxers and we have a substantial amount of them and that's considerably different than a commercial restant I yeah think we really need to look into how we can reclassify them as homeowners and tax pirs versus the commercial yeah and to the end I IED all of the calls and I have the utmost empathy with all the condo owners that have situation the com the information out there has been very confusing the rationale given to us from FEMA for why they won't reimburse these doesn't make any sense to me either um so that's why we've been working every single angle myself and the City to try to I've I've met with Senator Rubio I've talked with the White House talked with um our congresswoman Anna and Aluna Senator Rick Scott I've I've we've been work every angle we've I said we met with the Florida Department management director Kevin Guthrie this morning asking all of these people how do we get this policy from FEMA change that will allow us to pick up the Condominiums um and our hotels along the beach because they're all um and just the answers that we get are just absolutely infuriating all will go process checklist send in all these letters and and you have to start the collection first before you um we'll even have a chance of hearing back from us on whether or not we're going to Grant you the um the reimbursement it's just it's been extremely frustrating I've been I advocating for this as hard as I can um and trying to find that's why we're here tonight is to discuss that solution so I just want to thank the city staff for putting together these two options and um all of the leg work that you have done I know there's been a lot of conversation on social media and Facebook and um I've been getting all a lot of EMA and calls and text M about this so we've heard and um it not something that were in the city was intentionally doing to try to treat their residential or family homes differently than our our multif family units that not the intent at all and so I'm hoping that our our actions here are deating you condo owners are of utmost importance to us as well and like commissioner said and all of you have told me you are taxpayers too so that's why we're here considering this tonight um to get a solution so that we can move forward uh question on the 1.1 million um pickup uh does that include well let me backtrack uh FEMA does three phases right they pick up the big stuff and then they pick up the mediumsized stuff and then they pick up the rest is that correct um I I wouldn't go into that I haven't a has been done so far right so you know we we realize there's going to have to be you know something done to assist with that even though I call that specificity that they would have to do that to make sure is clean you know their definition of clean I think would be very different from a homeowner's definition of clean I've seen the pickup so far and walked a few of the streets and you know I wouldn't call that clean I'd call it debris pickup and debris left okay um for the homeowners and and other folks who have who had piles and now have a smaller Pile in their front yard is that going to remain the homeowner's responsibility or is there pickup by FEMA we have um our current contractor LTS right now day window we asked the uh executive director today to extend that window because doing um they're getting about 20 2 day you know and upon that they might be done within a few more weeks underneath their 30-day window but we can't guarantee that they do all when we were talking to the director today we also ex asked him to expand so we could get street sweeping capability and smaller debris pickup so that's something that we're lobbying get past the 30-day mission that we have right now with our current contractor so we can go back and refine the pickup so it's better presentable now of course I would ask resents you know if they have the ability you know could you please assist this I think would I don't I can't speak for any of the residents but you know I know i' go rental place right now and pick it up so it looked nice if it only took me an hour or two to do that but we Pro expand the mission past the the 30 point and getting into like a second pass through to clean it up further okay a followup to that would be if we as homeowners uh are left to pick up what the f folks did not then that's going to go in our trash pickup because there's a lot of drywall debris in F people's front yards so is that going to go we actually started talking about that today to see what we were going to need to do and and staff is discussing to try and come up with some good options for folks so there'll be more information coming on that okay I I'm still in the dark as to what's going to happen take a poll here in the room and I think 90% of the folks are going to say yeah I've got drywall in my front yard and what do we do with it we're not supposed to put it in the trash because it's too heavy no I was going to say um stac are you with any more on what they have we requested today from the state that could assist no you pretty much covered it um unfortunately we have to wait for a second pass so we just ask that you pile it up and keep your pil separated as we've advised on the website and social media so that they're they continue to be eligible for further pickups okay but we're trying to make one full pass before we come back around as much as possible there will be another pass made though correct okay thank you that's and is that there's people who will have different lines we've gotten emails from folks who haven't even returned to their homes yet to so we realize that this is going to be an ongoing operation we the assets from the state and from from from the state so we can actually have reimburse from FEMA versus having to contract that out locally and using general fund money to do that all well but I agree if we're going to have a second pass then the folks who rake it up and make nice pile are going to be eligible to have that removed on the second pass MH thank could you outline the separation that you just mentioned what the different piles need to be so um your construction and demolition debris call it cndd debris which consists of wood drywall and things like that that come out of your house doors cabinets um that can go in the same pile as your furniture items which is a class three waste so those items together by the city's contractors and by the state forces um items that cannot be mixed in that is your regular household garbage any garbage that is in a black bag because we don't know what that is so that's considered something that they can't their stuff and that's been a very big point of confus that we've been trying to clarify um so the black bags we don't know what's in them pick them up your electronic should also be separate and generally speaking electronics are eligible into your trash into our trash trucks that's our normal practice that was a change that was made several years back by penis County we do consider that regular waste um bits I mean we have some Electronics obviously that that will require a special pickup appliances are also separate um vegetative waste is is another separation and then um as a manager we're not picking up any household hazardous materials no chemicals no paints of that sort but the county is pushing out more of those mobile collection events to take those items from from our folks for free great thank you st so if folks have a bunch of black bags in their front yards they should get those out of so that the what's in can be removed yes we just we don't know what's in them so those need to start going into the if they're going to stay in a trash bag they need to go into the trash can and for regular trash I would say that regular trash can please be the weight of trash can some of the trash cans they are Lally Shak trucks as you're picking them up and they're causing equipment failur and that's why we've had such a hard time staying on schedule with regular trash pickup gotta yeah um would have a better approach to people do have a a pile I've seen that all around town pile of black trash bags out at the because I went through it myself with my parents my home you go through the easiest way to get everything out to the curb is put it in a I can haul it out instead of carrying it one by one so if you have a pile of things in a trash bag at the curb what's the best thing to do rip them all open and dump them out alternative would be a clear trash bag can clearly identify it as being construction yeah it's too right but if it's so if it's small debris please please keep it down so that we can hear Stacy's answer thank you small debris if you rip it open and just leave it in your yard or put in your pile obviously that's just mess in your yard it's if it's not too heavy we could take that with with normal track it's not like giant pieces but if there's big pieces of things in they should be in the appropriate pile and sorted as such okay all right any other question thank you Stacy do we have any other questions for Chuck um to removal we are gonna get to public comment in a second any other questions no okay um what before we move to um public comment I just want to idea of where meaning as a commission so that uh we kind they kind of know and cond direct their comments appropriately so do we have any thoughts on which one of those two options um prefer to you go down the line sure towards the 1.1 million in getting here with protecting our environment and our our residents okay yeah I'm leaning towards the 1.1 million uh the health issues are are really I was at the gym today and there was a doctor on the treadmill next to me who was talking about uh the bacteria and about uh the the I guess ugliness of of you know the the skin and everything and uh they're hoping that they will rid of this very soon and uh they even start he talked about the water and stay out of the water and everything else so I uh clearly am leaning towards the point1 um ditto but I would have to come back in front of the commission at the next meeting what he is ask that question no commissioner wouldn't if we had a decision from tonight then we we could use that decision to move forward and take action and start working to get a contractor to okay we're as far as public on an agenda I'm sorry we're okay as far as I should yes we are actually okay on the publication timelines because the commission was notified I think it was on Sunday night so at that point there is not a 48 hour requirement notice for publication it's less um with the most availability that we're able to provide to the community okay so we can make the decision this evening yes you can okay one commission 1.1 okay I would agree um and I'll I'll kind of give some comments afterwards but um same point up here and like I said before we've tried our hardest to figure out how to get it done and reimbursed by FEMA to save our TA or save our local tax stop it has just become apparent that we've hit a brick wall and it is of the utmost importance to me to get this done we've heard you um like there's even more than what we up here the I talked to the police chief today and he was talking about just like sight lines um for looters that people have been so concerned about being in the neighborhood these trash piles create a hide and make it our more difficult for our police to do their job to patrol your neighborhood um there is just the the fire hazard and just the the mental that it puts our our residents through I've told several people um my mom is she's staying with my brother right now who lives in St Pete and she just doesn't even come back to the Island right now because every time she drives in and sees the piles in front of the homes that we've um grow grown up around for over 50 years in this see the devastation it's just absolutely mentally EX exhausting So the faster that we can get this done um the better in my book and if if we need to to it out of pocket I think that that's what we we need to do um so with that um that's not our vote yet we have still have to take um public comment and then we'll have a motion on how we actually want to move forward I do have so if anyone wants to speak specifically about the commercial debris collection that's what we're going to be voting on in just a bit now's your time to provide that public comment so I do have a few cards um and if anyone hasn't filled out a card and wants to speak if you could fill that out and let's pass it to Seline right here our city clerk um first I have Michael Finch each person will have um up to five minutes to speak if you can please provide your state your name for the record and your address or your District thank you Mr Mayor my name is Michael Finch my address is 98 15 Harold Avenue I am in the commercial part of town um So I Married to my lovely wife she is also a commercial person and I have three wonderful grandchildren and they are commercial grandchildren this is ridiculous okay this group that sits before me has a responsibility has an absolute responsibility to take care of their their citizens you have the responsibility to pick up this debris from residents commercial people people that support SPCA triaa residents everybody and that has to be done and I'm sure you're going to vote to start that process I hope it's quick I hope it's efficient so we can get back to what Treasure Island stands for so I imp implore all of you to vote the correct way which I'm sure you will and I also implore all of you to find a way to solve some of these problems the issue of reimbursement is critical to the commercial associations that are paying to get the job done and you need to make sure they get reimbursed you need to find a way either beg borrow or steal to reimburse those costs that those associations are bearing thank you for the time thank you um Mark hoey good evening Mark Hoy 225 104th Avenue District 3 bom I just want to put uh some numbers just for the record on this you're discussing exactly what the challenge is uh we have a 20 unit condominium complex just a used to be an apartment complex the Galaxy many years ago and I think to some degree ree that's where the county has screwed up because I think originally it was a for rent apartment complex and that's kind of what's in the file we went and dug in there and they really split it up in showing that kind of the common area is commercial and yet the individual units are residential when you drill down into the uh County tax records but nonetheless those 20 units combined and we're on about two uh 2third of an acre of land those 20 units paid $90,000 in property taxes last year the adjacent single family home and I'm not dishing them is on a third of an acre paid 10,500 in taxes so we're we're twice the physical size paying almost 9x the property taxes um from residents from from people living there so to me that's the part we've got a figure out and again you guys will make the right decision but how do we get the county to correct that kind of uh imbalance because it's not about the you know the difference in Money Paid these uh these 20 units are paying dearly for the services that are spread both County and City so appreciate that we certainly want to see that uh it gets picked up I'd certainly vote for the one one and let's get it done thank you thank you all right Chris Pearson I do have a few cards in the stack that didn't designate what you wanted to speak on so I am calling on the um people who wrote down C1 to speak first and then once we're through those if anyone I didn't call on we'll I'll call um you up to the podium so Chris my name is Chris Pearson I live at 28026 Avenue Treasure Island um I want to thank you guys uh Mr thank you for being so clear on the process I think you're doing your best um but the debris has become a problem on Commercial properties condominium associations we witness daily where people are taking black garbage bags and dumping it on our property and there again with FEMA it's not you it's FEMA who telling us we're responsible for the garbage that people are are dumping I I hope that the police are aware of this and will find people for littering um and and it's significant it's not just a little bit I mean I've been gone for two days I came back and I counted 20 yeah black garbage bags placed this big that we can't even physically lift up uh but I'm sure that you'll come to a resolution I love the plan that you put in place and Expediting it quickly you guys have done your due diligence I know that your job is the hardest job in the world right at this moment but we want to compliment you guys for moving forward and vote Yes on this quick action I I believe that's the right thing to do and I believe you believe that is so thank you thank you you Rick Matthew Rick Matthew District 3 um first I agree with the 1.1 good choice um keep in mind that the business and condo and all that all that trash is intermingled we have people that it's business that came across the street we have a dock that we don't know where it is if anybody's interested we have a boat in our backyard still on the trailer that we can't get it over the top of the building so um that we're having to work through that um the Hazmat absolutely let's set up a station that'll have to go through the fire department but we don't want illegal dumping we have three or four or five gallon buckets of paint that are not ours we don't want to throw them in the dumpster that's illegal set up a hmet station and let's get it out of here I I think that's the the best way to do it residents will respond to that if they can drop it off rather than throwing it in their dumpster and their trash can um this cannot be a hodg podge of pickup because what will happen is is you pick up one spot now I think a lot of homeowners are seeing it there's an empty space and that gets filled with other debris it's got to be sequential there in lies the problem with the condos we have some condos that are designated for pickup some that are not we have businesses intertwined it's got to be one one shot if you pick up one you're going to be back the next day to pick up another pile um another thing the trash are rocking they're driving around our trash to pick up our dumpsters and I mean it it's adding a lot of work for them so I want I do appreciate that and uh they they are making and that's critical to get the household garbage out because we don't want to Treasure Island become a fly Fest or mosquito Fest okay thank you thank you uh Chris Clark is Chris Clark here or out in the foyer come up to the podium and um just state your name and address or District the middle one standing um Chris Clark um 11205 a Street East I had a question on on the um the topic and then I had two other questions also um it sounds like that I agree that all the trash needs to be picked up there's no doubt about that it seems like we haven't exhausted all opportunities as far as people brought up going to the governor who seems like he's been very responsive and other other avenues possibly so my question would be it seems like we're already picking up the residential trash um could we wait till the end on the business trash and see if we could get it paid for in the mean time and if not then we spend our $1.1 million I mean it just seems like we haven't exhausted all opportunities I guess is is my question um I had two other questions um I couldn't help it noticed this morning that there the original agenda for this meeting had an emergency ordinance that was going to be voted on um to me that was a very scary when you read uh every opportunity of that it seemed like it offered unlimited spending and a lot of other things such as curfews and things and I'm just curious it seems like to me that that was taken off the agenda after you know public outcry so um I'm just curious as to why that was there and why it was was was taken off um my other question is surrounding um you know it seems like other municipalities around here are much further along with helping people figure out what they need to do to stay in our their homes um we seem to be far behind them um you know it seems to me that elevate to TI has been soundly defeated um and I don't believe that you're not going to keep trying to get that going but um you look at places like Madar Beach where they say they're going to do everything they can to keep people in their homes and I don't feel like that here in Treasure Island I feel like is Island's goal is to get me out of my home um it's just it's not a very good way to feel um you know I don't know why we don't let the market decide that instead of trying to to to to literally get people out of their homes because I already look at fair amount of old people on my street who have already gone they're gone they sold their homes and they're out um and you know I I can easily fix up my home for the amount of money that I have to fix it up um but I may wind up leaving too because I can't afford insurance anymore so my my my voice would be to let the market decide don't don't keep pushing elevati and trying to push people out of their homes thank you um do we have [Applause] any please refrain from clapping that's in our rules of decorum please um do we have any other do we have any other comments on the commercial trash pickup or commercial debris removal I do on Commercial debris removal oh not not commercial res okay we're going to once we vote on this we're once we vote on this we're going to move into general public comments if you can come to the sorry I need to come to the podium can you come up to the podium just so people at home can I just want to know did it include from the city manager is it all commercial trans can I answer that let me confirm that in the back like you know can you the Alleyways behind all the businesses it's just Mountain supp piles back there I'm just making sure that when you're going to vote on this it's for all track can you state your name and address my at 52 dolphin I know you will yeah thanks waiting on confirmation because I know uh I was just confused I didn't want to make sure it just condominiums that you know like the Alleyways behind all the businesses turning into mountains nobody knows who trash is what there there will be requirements such as putting trash and such out in the right of way in order to get the this stuff picked up yeah is is the director from okay thank we only have a couple commercial streets and we have big alleys behind the two properties and they're very wide and the trucks go through there all the time and so I just want to make sure it's going to be all the trash or you have to get somebody to move it all out to the street or okay that's my comment thank you we'll discuss that in our comment our commission discussion on the'll definitely okay um any other public comments all right hearing none um I'll entertain a motion please I move to utilize City funds for the debris removal process for commercial properties without exploring reimbursement options with FEMA uh cost 1.1 million second okay it's been moved and seconded um personally just to address that last comment I think that we need to make sure that it does include everything includes our condos also includes our our businesses as well just a question on that how rapidly or how quickly can that be uh initiated we can start taking a look at getting a contractor tomorrow I think we do have one that in mind that has the capability to do it we just have to work that confirmation okay thank you and just to be clear on the procedure um this is we're we're granting that spending Authority or due to the emergency declaration that we have is that why we were able to not go through all the the standard procurement um steps that we would under usual circumstances yes being that there was a federal state and locally declared emergency we're allowed to use different procurement procedures okay all right any other comments or discussion from the commission all right roll call please vice mayor doctor I commissioner Min I commissioner dicki hi commissioner Toth I may pay I thank you thank you okay um now we will take public comments for non-agenda items I know that a lot of people have um questions about things just as a reminder that this is a public comment period it's not necessarily a question and answer period so if you have questions you are welcome to ask them um we in order in the interest of time I will I'll write um questions down that I may be able to answer afterwards each of the Commissioners we're going to do commissioner reports right after that so if there's anything that any of us want to kind of respond to about that's when we'll do so we're not going to do a a back and forth type um thing so just if you can keep that in mind also if you want to include in your um comments or questions if you'd like me to um follow up with you you can um share your email address you can write it down and bring it up to me and um ask for me to send you a follow-up email you're welcome to email me um tpay TP a y NE ATM treasure island.org and I will be happy to make sure that I get um all of the answers to you um in a timely fashion that you are looking for so um starting with the cards that I have jackb hi Jack good evening Hi how are you good I know most of you know me I've been around here since 1968 practicing professionally and uh I hope I'm around for another 10 or so um you know one of the overwhelming things I was on the beach very early when the when the storm hit and uh because I'm involved in a bunch of different properties as the architect and and with uh friends and and people that I'm associated with on some of these properties um and the overwhelming thing was was that the uh since that time I see that the city has done an over been overwhelmed with permit processing and trying to get these things out of the ground and get people turned around and you're doing a great job now on the cleanup but once we get past the cleanup I would encourage you to kind of assist the the staff the planners and the uh the building department and developing a program that I know they're trying to but um it one point the small projects and the small items that are been found to be FEMA compliant and FEMA you know uh adaptable be somehow put into a position where everything's not in the same pot like the smaller projects can be done more expeditiously and perhaps your design professionals um you know who do have the authority to do affidavit uh affidavit assistance of inspections I don't know whether the commission is aware of that or not but Your Design Professionals in the code uh and I do quite a bit of affidavit work throughout the beaches I've got right now over 30 projects up and down the beaches from here uh in my office uh but affidavits are basically where your design professionals Architects and Engineers are and often do as a matter of fact even in the city of Treasure Island are allowed to do like an inspection file an inspection report assist so to speak in the in the process of Expediting uh things that need to be done especially on the smaller projects and I would encourage you to uh to assist the staff and providing a a method of trying to get some of these smaller projects into a a path where they can come in and get out quickly because I've seen the people that I've seen that are really in trouble out there aren't the people that have the hotels and the people that have the big businesses is the guys that have a little house that they bought you know five years ago six years ago that need some immediate relief on getting something to be able to do their even do their own work in there within licensing and all that I'm not saying without permits but um to do get get the permits on the smaller projects and perhaps even that might unload some of the load on the staff uh that are trying to go through some of the bigger projects in other words I think that the only thing I've seen is that it would be I think a great um assistance to everybody if the projects that are little ones that people can um either be done with affidavit are um are in a way where they can get in and get out and get on with their lives uh I think it'll allow you to get to the bigger projects quicker and I think that's the biggest thing that uh I've seen that uh the building department and planning department are struggling to try and keep up with this and they're doing a heck of a job in attempting to that but I think if you encourage them to get more leeway in getting the design professionals to come in and take responsibility on some of this stuff and assist them at Expediting some of it um you know it's also probably time for the uh design professionals to step up and assist in these matters this way when they can so if you're not familiar with half a David permits or not not necessarily permits but inspections you might um acquaint yourself with it with the staff and perhaps you can get some of these little projects out the way and and assist the people that really need that that's it great thank you um Richard k k and uh I'm in District three on Belleview um Jack had a very good point I just ran into the permitting process wall today and uh I've had F inspection I've had the uh in uh adjuster come out for the insurance company um gone through all the processes and at the point where I'm ready to put drywall back in and hit the wall and they said I have to have another inspection and in addition to that inspection they do not know when uh they're going to be able to to get the inspector out because apparently they're working together with pellis County for this inspection to ensure that the 50% rule is not exceeded so um I would like to agree with Jack on that last point that if we can get some of uh the affidavit inspectors in to start helping to get the the process going it would be a great help the other thing I I think that there's a problem with in association with that is is if I'm working on my own dollars I don't see why I have to worry about the 50% and I was told that I still had to have an inspection even if I'm working on my own dollars so I'm working on my own dollars right now and trying to get my house put back together and can't get a permit so if we could you know somehow figure out a way to give them a more little more leniency on how to get these permits through we sure would like to appreciate that and have get it going okay thank you Su cons Is suon Belleview Drive District three again on the affidavit I was up with the city twice today speaking about that and I got a phone call back I'm can't remember who I spoke spoke to but it was a flat out no you are not allowed to have an um Aid David inspection by a licensed architect or an engineer which as Jack had stated would speed things up tremendously for those of us that really didn't sustain that tremendous damage but we're already cut we're already dry our mildew is under control everything is good to go my drywall was delivered today and I got handcuffs on now I can't put my house back together so I would really like to readdress that affidavit inspection would be very beneficial for a lot of us thank you thank you steuart Sim Stuart Sims 780 Capri Boulevard it's been interesting few weeks has it um so I was I was here for Helen uh I was able to open up some houses for people after that first storm surge came through because a lot of people weren allowed back on the island and I really think that helped control some mold issues and you know let somewh into people's homes which I was really appreciative of um meet my neighbors managed to get a head start on things because of that I have a lot of Elder elderly neighbors too I managed to find people to help them out to help them pull drywall out and get things dry and get moving um I'd like to think I was fly ahead of the process until today when I got a stockwork order on my house so not time to issue permits but time to come around and stop me doing what I'm doing um according to the city of TI um and I'm just going to bring up a couple of little pieces of code I've got five minutes to B with me a second um no permit is required according to the city of TI uh from the two feet of drywall replacement baseboards all flooring which is all that I'm doing um however um without any cause and uh without any complaint uh code enforcement officer Jackie Gabriel again the one that we've had on multiple occasions decided to uh enter my property um without my permission and put a head in uh and give me a stock work ORD for electrical drywall and a whole home remodel which we are not at yet um according to statute 162.svg en acted code or ordinance by way of an anonymous anonymous complaint nobody's complained they should not be on my property every single resident in this town has been affected in some way by these storms um I don't see stock workor orders on any other house apart from mine I know that I'm targeted because I constantly challenge I constantly challenge um code enforcement a and and constantly prove right in the things that we do we're trying to make the residents Hall um so no times to issue you permits but certainly time to stop me uh trying to move forward and making my home hole again really really disappointed uh see your Treasure Island you know not something I really expected to deal with today um I'm here for anybody that has any issues with uh FEMA 50% rule um this is and madira Beach are actually holding a workshop tomorrow to help their residents understand the feema 50% Rule and get them back hold again it's at the uh um City madira City Hall tomorrow night I think it's around 6 PM for those that want to attend hopefully we do something similar here to help residents and not hinder them any further I'm sorry that it's a complaint again um I am not stopping my work come get me um I will be moving forward with with my work and making me and my family whole again and may to help anybody else that needs it too thank you very much thank you um Daniel Davenport May if I may just to uh clarify from what Mr sim said adira Beach does have a meeting tomorrow but it is at five o'clock and it'll be at their commission chamber okay so and uh we are trying to confirm that FEMA will be here Thursday but until we get that confirmation from them that we will be hosting the same type of workshop and informational session once we get that confirmation for Thursday we'll get the word out okay great uh Daniel Davenport hi everyone um Daniel's my husband cport we live at 12 3556 Street um you know we're new here we just bought our house four months ago which is very unfortunate um we do have a three-story home with the bottom floor is on ground level so we did sustain significant damage I'm just concerned and want to just bring up the point that we've done a lot of research about the 50% role but I've also heard some things about you know there's a lot of talk about all kinds of stuff and you know um worst case scenarios but uh I guess during Hurricane Ian and Fort Meers there was some late determinations about structures after the fact where people started to rebuild and then it was determined that kind of regardless the city determined regardless of the 50% rule that people were just going to have to build up and Des redesignate those areas as like flood AA zones um so I'm just a little concerned because I don't want to go through the process of rebuilding and then um you know late determinations about what happens with structures to be issued so I don't know if there's any way to even know that that could happen but I guess you know I just I think it would be helpful for everyone to kind of know like what the actual rule is going to be and then what we can work off of because I feel like a lot of people are very unsure including us about exactly what is the rule so any um you know any help or any like you know I guess determinations for us to work off of would be really great thanks great thank you um Lou bonsy my name is Lou bonie I live at 26 Paradise Lane Treasure Island I pay $336,000 a year in taxes 3,000 a month what I'd like to know is why on the picking up the brush you don't use a chipper which would you got 10 trucks a brush you pick up you could do it in a chipper one truck a chipper would equal 10 of your trucks that you use you're wasting money and labor and everything but to me it's just stupidity why can't you use a chipper truck instead of the brush truck anyway that's all I got to say thank you I will get an answer to that and I will send you an email um last card I have is Steve Steve con okay uh I just had a couple comments I don't know Monday morning back here but um when we lose power there's no way people are going on the internet checking for stuff right I just thought maybe there'd be old school when we lose power you go to paper maybe you have things published that would say like for trash or what we're doing for the public or something if it were me Tyler I'd get on a little quad and drive around the neighborhoods and say hi to people hey man I'm Tyler I'm your mayor what can I do to help you what do you guys need create a list we a very small community it wouldn't take that long I just think having your face out there for all of us because we see like mayor Caster all the time we see the guy from St Pete all the time and maybe we not like you want to get in front of the cameras or stuff but for us as a community we want to Rally around you guys you know this is the first meeting we've been to unfortunately emergency meeting but I think that Community Spirit we could take a long way and I think just when you lose power you lose hope you're like in the dark you don't have a generator if you had something published or you did events or something to get people involved I think the anxiety level will go down I appreciate you guys this the toughest job in the country probably right now we appreciate it and thanks for time thank you um Steve rebold rold how you doing my name Steve rival I live on 11460 8th Street East I've been here for five years so I hit kind of around the time actually Tyler that you moved into our street so um I would like to thank you all for all the hard work that you've done it's been a Yan's job you guys have have really knocked it out of the park the trash team's done a great job you guys your your your online communication has been extremely helpful so the social media the Facebook the Instagram have been really helpful there's a lot of insight neighborhood uh websites have been very helpful as well but it's also creating a little more consternation and shurn uh in the conversations that we're having so these open meetings are really great I like the idea of after speaking to FEMA to get some better rules on the 50% rule myself I've got contractors lined up that are waiting to come in to try and like everybody else in this room to get back in our homes and we're having trouble making financial decisions based on some of the ambiguity of the interpretation of your tax letters your 50% Rule and some of the FEMA rules so we're a little apprehensive of pulling the triggers getting permits and making these financial decisions of pulling money out of our own Pockets to try and get us up and running to clean up the biohazards that have been in our homes to eradicate the rat problem that's now starting to infest and take over our little island thank you guys for what you're doing we we at least me personally I don't know if everybody else but I would like to prioritize understanding the FEMA stuff so I will be attending the workshop in Madera Beach to gain some information Thursday if we have a community meeting that would be great that's the information that's going to really help we've got a lot of vultures that are singling out some of our elderly in the community to try and low ball them on their homes there's a lot of people that have scan lless people coming in from out of state to try and put the high pressure pitches I like the idea of you guys coming around talking to us personally one by one during the day I know you got your day jobs and you guys are doing a hell of a job if there's any relief that you can provide by coming around and talking to us and helping to dispel some of the myths and rumors and misinterpretations that are creating a lot of angst and anxiety for us that would go a long ways that's all I got thanks for time all right thank you do we have any other public comments sure Mike ban 11105 8 Street East on Treasure Island Gail and I have lived there since 2001 and always loved it uh it's challenging times and again thank you for all of your hard work everybody that's here and online is interested they're active they want to know and and all of that and I think that's awesome but there is a small group that checked out they're not here they have it as a rental home home or it's just a place that they come from time to time may or may not check on it we've got neighbors that just abandon the homes haven't seen them for years they've got gigantic trees they've got homes that I know are packed with all sorts of bugs and mold and don't forget the people who aren't here who have abandoned these spots I'm looking at trees mango trees that are functionally dead that in the future can land on our homes and uh just you know keep an eye on that it might not be an immediate thing but it is something where I wonder about how long is it going to be until this home is inspected and what's on the inside and the animals and everything else and the Rats they're going to affect all the rest of the people that are there so probably already on your agenda but don't forget about the ones that have been abandoned properties that are accelerating all of their issues that cause health hazards for the rest of us thank you thank you uh Kim no good evening U my name is Kim no and I'm a non-resident um I'm here doing some work with bird song Condominiums and um as a non-resident um from new SMY Beach I want to thank you for the opportunity as a licensed contractor to be here and to assist in any way possible um The Challenge I've uh seen in the last three weeks uh in regard starts to permitting is that um there's some information that is still uh that's outdated and I'm asking that maybe the office could please update the information that is like on this brochure because um what we request for permitting prior to doing any kind of work uh we were told that uh we can go ahead uh submit a notification via email and afterwards we will get uh a reply as to the next steps of Permitting uh but as today um and um our conversations today I'm seeing that things are different quite different in terms of um there are more uh steps that need to be done or more requirements that need to be fulfilled before we can move forward with with even the pre-application um and I see a lot of suffering from new SMY Beach we did have some damages but not as severe but from hurrian Nicole and Ian we had major flooding on the gulf on the um uh Atlantic side so uh we feel very badly about it and um we we pray for the best for everyone great thank you any other public comment sure you can come up to the podium please the um if you can wait we just need everyone at home and the record to hear what you have my name is Patty and I live on um Isle of Capri okay my question is um for the for the well for the pickup I'm so thankful that that we're doing that and that you guys agree on that um do we still have to separate it or cuz you said the quick and dirty or fast and dirty whatever you said do we still have to go and separate or you just coming in and taking it separation please we still have to separate it and also my next um thing too is when you guys have like little events where like the other day you had like free shovels and Shop backs I always feel like it's during the work week and some of us work and I can't come at you know 10:00 a.m. on a Tuesday I'm at work and my community Community could really use sh we lost everything on the first floor so we lost all of our tools all of everything but we're all at work and can't get there at 10 on a Tuesday so okay and so we still have to separate so okay that that was my biggest concern because our pile unfortunately because we are a condo our pile is getting larger and larger and it's not ours I mean like we don't have kids in our building and we have doll houses so like we know that it's not our stuff so we we have a big job because people are bringing more and more so all right thank you thank you any other comments Rick sure rck Matthew District 3 um I just had weathertight Windows put in a couple days after Milton which is a good plan um we have an open permit when weathertight called they said we're not doing any inspections so that being said what do we do do we wait is the permit extended how what's our timeline because right now I have stickers on there that are supposed to stay until we get an inspection that are going to absorb the Sun and leave residue and everything else we have holes because they can't close those out so we got fruit flies coming in until the inspection's done and then they'll finish the casing and everything so what is the plan for timelines for open permits that's not really a question for the commission or a comment for the commission but if you can send you have my email send me an email I'll pass it off to CDD or staff I I know that's probably permitting and everything else but I imagine some of the people have that same issue we the city said we're not doing any inspections okay we'll get that answered for you perfect thank you any other comments um okay do you already spoke so I'm going to go to this lady in the back hi um my name is Stephanie fiser I um at 125 254 Street East nice to see you thank you for all your hard work I know it's been a very frustrating and emotional situation for everyone um in regards to the debris removal I know we're work you're working to get the state or FEMA to cover it um has anyone thought about reaching out to the corporate world there's a lot of major retail players out there Publix is a major provider out here we're all shopping in Publix so you might want to look at the private business Network they're all donating to Major organizations right now um I've offered some help in trying to connect uh with some of the corporates I know we've floated some ideas um the other thing is uh so to an earlier uh moment a gentleman commented about the mad beach mad beach hosted something last week um they had Realtors there they had Builders there they had attorneys there they had Public Adjusters they had Insurance um people there and they really talked about options with people of mad beach I had an opportunity to go to that and it was very informative it's it gives people an idea of like hey what what does it mean if you're going to try to fix it or renovate what you have what is that 5050 rule um if you want to elevate or if you want to tear down and build up they provided a lot of options for people and I know there's a lot of still confusion in this community and it'd be great if we could organize that um I've already talked with the guys they'd be happy to put something together just to help inform residents and work with you guys on that and then the last thing I want to make a comment is uh just with my business if I can reach out to some of these corporate players right now we're all in cleanup mode we're all just trying to get rid of this debris but there will become a point where we need to rebuild and plan um the corporate world is out there I mean we can get retailers to give very deep discounts I mean people are trying to buy blow dryers and shoes and mattresses and we've all got to have at some point rebuilding so if there's a way to um work together and I can work with the business community and have a verified structure one of the things the retailers have asked is like is there a way to verify residents of Treasure Island or Indian Rocks or Madera Beach um that they can give a very big deep discount code so just want to offer it out there that there might be other options for all of us as we try to rebuild our lives um like I said I don't even have a mailbox right now because it's in someone else's yard so we're all in the same boat but um I I this is the time we can come together and the business Community is out there to pull from to not just the government so absolutely thank you and thank you for your help with everything [Laughter] um David y hello hello uh David schmeck District 3 lacasta Bravo our 27 entranceways all have a red sticker on them and we've had a preliminary uh report from a structural engineer and we really haven't had any feedback about what the next steps are I'm just asking for some feedback regarding access to those units that the structural engineer has determined are safe to enter we have a number we have I have a um uh insurance adjuster that has 25 clients 25 of our homeowners he wants to get into the insurance adjustment 14 of those have been marked safe to enter is it safe to enter can we give him permission to enter these are secured more or less against entry so any you know further information I can give get from uh the building department or anyone who has this would be appreciated great thank you thank you so other hand sure my name is Darby meow coft I live in Paradise Island um so I had a question about the debris like in my driveway you know stuff was kind of as we were trying to get stuff out was all the way back so there's there's a overhead wire that the for the the guy that was operating the heavy equipment said he couldn't go all the way back because he didn't want to you know it was dangerous like he was worried about the overhead line so when they're doing the second round of cleanup I mean you know even if you have the PS is there going to be somebody that has like a something that can push go in the driveway and kind of help push the stuff to the edge where they can actually get it with the heavy equipment because I don't know how to get it out of there okay it's it's it's tooo heavy there there's too much so in the second cleanup is there going to be are they going to be bringing out you know these small small equipment and can kind of help push the stuff where the heavy equipment guys can actually grab it well I'll I've noted your question and I'll we I'll I'll ask that question during my commission report that would be that would be very helpful and I think I'm not probably the only one because I drive around and I see it so yeah thank you any other comments yes in the back hi Monica Pepe also loc coost of Bravo um this is about the trash pickup uh I just want to make sure that you know we're not limited to a time frame on the trash pickup like we don't have any road Frontage so you're going to have to come in our community and get the trash pickup where you always come for bulk pickup anyway so I want to make sure that you take that into consideration and also because we can't get in our units like Dave said we need time our owners need time appreciate abolutely appreciate you moving forward anything else any other public comment yeah just if you can use the remainder of your time I don't you didn't speak very long so if it's quick yeah I just wanted to touch on the affidavit um permitting again because when I came to the city today I know they said panel's county has to inspect us but they couldn't give me a timeline she said it could be anywhere from one to two to three weeks so I would really love to see that affidavit inspection push through with licens by the state of Florida engineers and architex that it's already law so I don't know why we can't utilize that that's all I wanted to add okay thank you all right any other public comment sure Barbara Barb Adams 8th Street um is of Palms I noticed I guess it was today or yesterday that Hillsboro County and Pasco County are no longer requiring permits for drywall paint HVAC um and they're just letting people go ahead and get their work done is that something that you're aware of or be up for consideration I'll address that during my commission report okay thank you thank you any anyone else Corey uh Corey Evans on Forth Street this is very quick I fished out a large plastic mailbox out of the water if anybody lost one I got one I saw another hand here just really quickly I'm from Paradise Island um I would encourage because I got the letter when I was in Georgia I was here through Helen on my roof with my husband and my three dogs and we obviously chose to leave for Milton and I got the the letter about the 50/50 Rule and on story houses which I put a fortune in my house it was nice before I got there I made it nicer and that's not being considered in obviously like no one went in there to see what the house I had um I would encourage to drop the contractor percentage being like wave it as part of the 50 50 rule so that people get the things done correctly instead of doing it themselves and doing it poorly I mean we're going to have a lot of houses that should be condemned because of the rules that are being set right now and I want it done right I want a contractor that's going to come in there and do it right and he's going to charge me a lot of money to do it right because he's going to charge a percentage on what I do so if we could wave that percentage it would make the homes more stable than telling me that I need to stay home from my job and watch people and hope that I can recognize that they're doing something wrong because that's what it says in the letter that I have to be there to watch them do it and I'll be there to watch them do it but doesn't mean I'm going to know they're doing it wrong now if I hire a contractor to do it and we wave those fees like don't place that on the 50 50 everything else I'm fine with but not the general contractor let's get Professionals in to do it right we want stable homes we deserve it we're going to have rad infested moldy homes if we don't do it right please wave those fees okay thank you anyone else all right with that we'll move into our commissioner reports and give each of our commissioners a chance to give any updates about the their Community or address anything that we heard during um public comment tonight so we'll start with commissioner Toof okay thank you um I'd like to address about the derl homes because I've had some complaints about them and I think maybe we should start um maybe a spreadsheet to track of some of the homes that have been kind of neglected or left behind um especially after the storms and then secondly I'd like to thank Dave um from Bayou catering he's done a couple things for a capri um I kind of took over the FEMA tent one weekend so we could have a little gathering and the church brought some supplies it was the day of the music event that we were supposed to have music in the park well that got cancelled but anyway the tent was available so we made that do and Dave cooked um some some jumalia and then last weekend at Stephanie's house she also organized a church group and they went around and collected and helped people with their houses and I would like to thank her and Dave again for cooking jumalia um we're kind of caging down at our end of the world um but it was very nice and also I've noticed um along the way I've also seen people coming by and put putting garbage bags into condominium piles and adding to their collection you know toys different odd stuff that just they're pulling up in the evenings generally I've seen them on Second Street towards um roselli Park where there's people with trucks that just throw garbage into the piles so I'm asking that we kind of keep a closer eye on what's coming on with that and o to advise people too that if you see people with Panel trucks and different things that are going through the garbage and keep an eye out for your elderly neighbors because they they're the most vulnerable ones of our community and I'm glad we're collecting the debris from our Condominiums thank you thank you vice mayor doctor thank you um I uh have been walking the district uh quite a bit and uh it's a it's It's amazing And this is really a compliment to our police force as well as everybody that's helped out um as I was walking down the street I uh all of a sudden was uh followed by uh by one of the police departments that uh outside of our jurisdiction and um and I because I was going up to some of the homes and talking to people and and um so they they uh very kindly asked me for my ID and I I provided it to them and I also provided my commissioner uh ID and uh uh and and I'll tell you um we are doing a great job with our police force yes um we are doing a great job with the fire department um I couple of weeks ago I saw um it actually came from penel County uh fire department and uh and they came looking for anything in our garages and um and they pulled a lot of things out and just gave people so there was a couple of bicycles that were uh EVS the battery bicycles um and so I think that it's been very thorough it's been very safe um and I appreciate that now the other thing I wanted to mention is everybody knows about the 5050 rule but nobody really understands it and uh and I'm one of those people too I'm still asking a lot of questions but the one thing I will say is that uh I I am retired and so I've got lots of time and and uh I will stand with uh with any of you that uh that basically say hey I don't understand the 50/50 is there something that can be done is there something that's not being done right what can we do so uh for all the folks in in District 2 I'm more than happy to be there and as vice mayor I'll I'll stand with anybody and uh what we want to do is get people back in their homes we don't want to see people leave yeah can I just add something too I forgot to say thank you to our public works department they have really excelled on picking up the debris and helping people out I've watched them pick help people bring their garbage to the curb and stuff so thank you public works thank you Comm minning um I'll expand on that commissioner to and just say big thanks to all the city staff because they and as you all know and as observed uh it's been Non-Stop I mean you all feel stressed and uh rightly so um just walk a mile in their shoes uh and see how it feels I think we all owe them a debt of gratitude um for all the hard work they have um second thing is I'd like to say a big thank you and a compliment to all the residents of Treasure Island um it is uh been very pleasing to see how neighbors have actually talked to Neighbors uh and have actually volunteered to help them put their trash out uh move stuff around take care of garages and everything it's a shame that a disaster has to precipitate that type of behavior but hey if it happens it happens I just think it's great and I would compliment everybody who uh has expressed that and keep up the good work thank you thank you commissioner Nicki I only have 10 items uh for that but a quick uh update on on Sunset Beach we have the classic maslo hierarchy of needs going on there first after everybody got their water and power back now we've moved on to uh some other other items that are critical there and that sand removal that you don't hear a lot about that uh as a matter of fact the that that's probably the single biggest issue right now out on uh Sunset Beach is still the sand removal and I don't know how many cubic tons or yards or whatever have already been removed it's been a lot but there is still an enormous amount there and it's making it difficult to to get around it's making it difficult for contractors to find parking spaces uh uh people that are coming out their insurance agents or insurance adjustors or FEMA or whoever are parking in the roads and because they have no place else to park so sand removal is still a huge issue on on uh Sunset Beach uh debris removal especially in the North End of the county the the crew has done a very good job from about Central Sunset Beach all the way uh all the way down but the North End has really gotten neglected uh and I say neglected because we did have a contractor that started doing a couple of houses on each street but but missed more houses than uh than they got so we really uh need those and it's interesting hearing some of the comments uh that we've heard here today because they're talking about permitting and 50% rule you didn't hear anybody from Sunset Beach talking about that cuz we're not there yet on the maso's hierarchy of needs we're still worried about sand removal and debris removal and finally and I do appreciate all the work the city staff has done uh uh but but I'm still hearing a lot of concern about uh having uh more police visibility out there on Sunset Beach especially in the evenings uh I'm hearing a lot of people telling me they're finding things that are missing next day uh I ask them to make sure they reported so we have an official record but I but I think many of them are not even reporting that uh so that's a sunset or a District 4 Sunset Beach update but on a couple of other things I do have some other suggestions one is there have been a lot of questions and answers and uh May Payne you've you've uh responded that you'll be answering some of those but perhaps we can set up something on a on our website that has these has these questions and the anwers so not just the individual who asked the question gets the answer but everybody gets to see that also because there's so many questions coming through we've heard a lot of them this evening but there's thousands more that aren't here so maybe we can set something up on our website that allows people to ask the city a question that everybody can see and that everybody can see the answer because a lot of people will have the same types of questions uh I just have two more things on my list of 10 one is uh uh the uh FEMA uh meeting that we're talking about I I like the person a suggestion about including Realtors attorneys insurance adjusters including other people in with those female meetings that can answer questions about what what we can do to to to to save our house and to and not uh not to have to tear it down and then I have one last uh question so not question but comment and that's uh mayor somebody talked about you being more visible I just want to thank the mayor he's been extremely visible on Sunset Beach him and his family have been out there with gloves in hand and and digging out people from the Clutter and the debris that they've had in their yard I've seen him out there a number of times with other dignitaries so that they can see what's going on out there too and I think that's getting us the attention uh that we need so I appreciate uh that visibility and that help thank you thank you um all right I have a couple things um so to address from comments that were made um during public comments um one of them was about kind of more help with um permitting obviously is going to be a huge lift for us what sort of so these are some of these I want to just kind of address to the city manager and get some see if you have some answers are we ramping up um our our contracts with the the vendors that we already in had in place to help with the The increased volumes is that something that we've requested help with from the state through a mission um or is that some I know we talked today about we were had requested through the state a couple of Engineers to help out in the interm so is help in our community development department um something that we're looking into uh yes it is and if I could ask director yunan from Community Development to come up she can give the specifics on that because I know we have gotten some resources re we requested okay um yes we've uh one of the big upcoming things that has been a topic of discussion tonight is the substantial damage assessments so um knowing that those were coming and that requires a very high level of review uh we have requested we have a bunch of separate missions but long story short we've requested flood plane code enforcement uh permit tax uh plans reviewers and building inspectors um from the state and we have uh five people arrived yesterday so we're in the process of working with them and training them great thank you um could you explain what a mission is to the public because we those of us who have been kind of boots on the ground and understand what's going on behind the scenes are familiar with that but it is a kind of a term of Art in this sort of Emergency Management can you explain to the public what a a mission is sure a mission is a way for an organization to request assistance um when they have an identified need during a disaster so um a mission could be to put in for uh resources of personnel type equipment type food type or a certain service that can be provided by an entity so for example it could be um a mission to request U Engineers to come in to do uh excuse me uh to do Engineering Services and to do project management and uh you can do that you can put in a mission to request a new fire station um or a modular unit to be set up and erected as a fire station you can put missions in and we did put missions in for when we wanted our pods and our comfort stations so admission is a way to request something through the county and the state and if it can be settled at the lowest level possible they'll they'll send out the resources if not it goes to the state and if not then it goes up to the federal level gotcha thank you that helps yep um someone mentioned um kind of the suggestion of having more distribution events during not during the work week um you know unfortunately it does seem we had a really great event that you referenced um that was organized by the Thunderbird and a restaurant out of Utah that put together like six semi trucks full of um just stuff everything that the their Community out in Utah they collected it um anything they brought they brought it down here and gave it out to our community which was amazing so that wasn't necessarily something the city organized and picked the timing on and they tried to do it all day I was out there first thing in the morning at 9:00 a.m. when they started it and I'm sure that the stuff went really fast um there was a long line when I left even so um the the support has been unbelievable but unfortunately it does seem like those type of events are starting to dwindle you know the first week two weeks after Helen hit um everybody was out working on their their houses and getting stuff out and just absolutely exhausted and we had food trucks and um comfort stations and all this all these resources and people piling into the the city to help us um but this is something that they kind of warned us about when I went and down and visited santelle and got a tour of their destruction after Hurricane Ian with their mayor um she kind of told us she's like you're going to get a if this ever happens to you you get a lot of attention right off the bat and then it kind of starts to fizzle and after about a month people are going to start to forget about you and that's when the community itself really needs to come together um so um those sort of distribution events are really difficult for it's just one more thing that the city staff would have to take on to coordinate so what I've been asking people is if anybody knows of a a local community organization that could help us with something like that to create a sort of a local um distribution and collection site where our residents can come um and pick things up and other people can bring in that would be a huge help to the community whether that's our Civic associations banding together um or some other nonprofit in the area that's still a really big need that we have in the community they had an organization down in Santa Bel called fish that their I think their tagline was neighbors helping neighbors that they even three months four months after Hurricane Ian we did a drive here and brought down a whole um U-Haul trailer of supplies and brought it to fish when we went down there to to tour and learn from learn from them so we don't have that here yet I know that madir beach was collecting things in their City commission Chambers and they were having meetings just kind of around all the stuff that was piled up and um we are working on kind of a a small one here at City Hall but um we have um kind of limited space where we can do that and have it be really easily accessible to the public um so that's just something I'm thrown out there that might be neighbors um be able to to help each other and kind of rally together and form something and I know there's a lot of things going on out there and initiatives and Stephanie you've been great with offering to help with that um and I'm happy to help coordinate that and put people connect people and bring you together to try to solve it um so please reach out if you have any resources that might be able to help with that um we've already I'll can you just come see me afterwards and I'll answer it we've already just moved on from the public comment part sorry um regarding a Community event as far like that mad beach did with um insurance agents and attorneys and um things like that I believe that was organized by Jeff beggins and Bill KS right so that wasn't necessarily something organized by the city um I know both of them so I'd be and I think that they've offered to come and do something like that Jim e was a speaker and he's has um great history with Treasure Island so I think that that's something that we can definitely look into and ask our community to come together and host something um rather than kind something sanctioned by the city because I think you the residents would probably feel a little bit better about that too coming from some third parties because there is just that natural um kind you know our our city staff is doing their job to enforce the code um but we also could use some some advice from third parties out there so I think that that would be definitely a good suggestion and I'll work on um trans to help get that to happen um we had a couple comments about the debris that had already been picked up and pushing that out or not getting everything picked up in the first pass and the difficulty with getting that pushed up to the front of the driveway so um I've been telling people that you know try if it if it comes and they aren't able to get everything that there will be a second pass and try to get that stuff pushed up to the front I know there issues with allow or having the contractor won't go on to private property they're going on with a claw truck to get everything from the street um so that they don't damage people's driveways or Lawns I've had people that um have had that happen and I it's so much to keep track of I'm sure and make sure that the contractor is actually doing what they're supposed to be doing but um if you could just touch on that what our recommendation there is I think that there's a a way to to make that happen and I don't know if it's an individual um a affidavit or an agreement between uh the city or the uh contractor and the indivi and the property owner where they just sign a statement saying hey we're just we're going to come on to your private property you know and access is allowed for you to do this but uh you know please are recused from liability or anything happens we we did have an instance where that happened and there was a um a sprinkler line and a fiber optic line that was pulled out so I know the contractors had talked and said make sure they were staying just within the right of way got you know but I I did pick up note about you know is there a way to make or we can help somehow to push those heavy items that people can't get to the front if they weren't picked up in the first pass okay great so we'll we'll look into that um next one was the comment about Hillsboro and Pasco County I saw that post out put in on Facebook today um and I just did want to remind everyone that at our city commission meeting um I'm trying to see what the date was um I don't remember what meeting that was it was the one what was it October 7th October 7th it was the one where we met outside underneath the building um we did wave All City permit fees not permits but permit fees for interior demolition of flood damaged drywall flooring baseboards and cabinets fence installation Tree Room removal roof repair and replacement and electrical for meter bases power surges on appliances so um I know there was a list that someone posted about what Hillsboro and Pasco are doing I would assume that they are waving the fees for those things and not the permits for them um waving a permit for and the post included um reference to drywall patching drywall patching is different than drywall replacement if you have ripped out four feet three feet of your drywall and you're going to go ahead and replace that that's something that's going to need a permit and even under what Pasco County if they've waved permits for a patch that's not replacement um so I think that just be careful of what um just make sure to research what is actually being done in other counties because there are there are rules and there's um certain things that can't can't be done um then the other thing that I just wanted to touch on is with the 50% rule a lot of people have have found that number on the penel County Property Appraisers website where you go to your your property you pull up the FEMA letter and you get that number um that the property appraiser gives you for the value of your structure and then you have 50% of that to use towards improving your your property um the biggest Rec or thing I can say about that is that number is always much lower than you would anticipate and it's also much lower than a private proper a private appraiser will give you um so if you pull that number up and you are like I I can't do anything with that um I agree like I the the devastation of people's first level homes is just absolutely heartbreaking to me um I promise you that the city staff's intention my intention isn't to try to keep people from going back into those homes like if I could allow if we could just allow that and completely work around FEMA's rules like that's the most Humane thing to do but those that FEMA rule is in place for a reason it's not something that's unique to Treasure Island um and they want to make sure that if a community goes through something like this that it doesn't happen all over again so I think that if you can but we're willing to try to help and I want to help people make sure that you are able to do what you can do so that's one really big tool to be able to spend more and have more to work with is to get a private appraisal done and then you have um more to work with I was just um working on a renovation before the storm hit I was about 70% of the way through on my first level home and my um the the thema letter when I started was said I the value my structure was 200,000 um I got a private appraisal done and my that appraisal was 320,000 so I went from a $100,000 budget to a $160,000 budget to work with um so just firsthand experience there I know that a private appraiser right now is probably not um probably has a long line of people looking for that because um that's what everyone's going to be looking for but that's just my personal like biggest piece of advice for those of you in first level homes that are looking to kind of follow the um the procedures properly is to to get that number just so you have more to more to work with I know it's against the rules yeah it's not against the rules that's the um them y oh thank you um thank you yeah your meing um thank you uh is it not true that an appraiser can go back because a lot of people who have gone through this don't have appraisals private appraisal uh but that an appraiser can come back you can get a retrospect retroactive appraisal so I'm sure you have pictures of your home go through your phone find every single picture of your home that you can hopefully you followed the that's another reason why people suggest you go through your home before a big storm's coming and take videos take pictures of your items cuz an appraiser can use that as um kind of evidence of what the home looked like prior to the Storm come see me afterwards we're just going to try to wrap up things so um that concludes my report yes mayor if I could just to put out a couple of things all properties that FEMA had deemed ineligible previously will be included in this pickup so I know that question came up before you know residential commercial condos and businesses anything that FEMA deemed in eligible which included businesses will be part of this pickup so I know that question did come up before also um we were able to confirm that FEMA has let me get this back category a and category B costs are 100% Federal reimbursable for 90 days so it's not 30 days category a is debris removal and category B is emergency protective measures so anything that the city undertakes on those two categories is 90 days at 100% reimbursement no we are working to try and get FEA in here for Thursday but if not if I could add there are three assistance centers within the county one in Largo one in dened and one in St Petersburg and I do have the addresses here if anybody is interested okay okay does that mean what you just said about 90 days 100% reimbursable so that the 1.1 million if we get it done in 90 days is reimbursable if we go to Las Vegas and we bet black it is 100% reimbursable but under still under their FEMA rules so the debris removal we still subject to those Hope Springs Eternal all right um well with that I just want to say um thank you and to our residents um all of us up here are here to support you um please reach out I know a lot have um been spending a I can't even count how many hours I've spent answering phones and emails and being out in the community and um that's what I I signed up to do when I ran for this position was to be there for you the residents and um I I hope I have been there for you enough um if I if I haven't had a chance to talk to you oneon-one please feel free to give me a call my phone my cell phone number is on the city website um I'm here to support you guys and help you um through in any way that I can so I know that go that same goes for all of us up here all of our emails and phone numbers are on the website and we're here to represent you and um further your interest so our thoughts and prayers are with all of you um and again thank you to our city staff you guys are doing um tremendous work and I know it's absolutely exhausting so um we appreciate all of your efforts um keep up the good work and with that we'll adjourn our meeting thank you [Applause]