##VIDEO ID:ICh5_H-iNzU## e e Mr Garcia certainly Madam president I believe we have a quorum thank you we can start on your call yes Trenton city council meeting Thursday September 5th 5:30 pm we're officially calling this meeting to order let us all please stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to The Republic which it stands our nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 chapter 231 this agenda is complete to the extent known and was sent to the Trenton Times And The Trentonian newspapers posted on the first floor bulletin board in City Hall filed in the city clerk's office and posted on the city of Trenton website formal action will be taken Mr Garcia certainly Madam president roll call councilwoman Edwards president vice president Figaroa kenberg councilwoman frisbee present councilwoman Gonzalez for the record councilwoman Gonzalez is present via telephone councilman Harrison present councilwoman Williams present council president Feliciano present myself Brandon Garcia municipal clerk present uh legislative Council Mr Edward kogi and in for West Bridges City attorney is Mr Palmer Richardson thank you and Madam president if it's your wish I will read the invocation at this time yes almighty God who holds the fate of man and Nation we most humbly beseech thee to bless this our city these deliberations and these thy servants that they may act with wisdom and understanding for the good of our community and thy greater glory amen amen and Madam president as I understand well at this point from what I see if there's nothing additional or that you may have we can move to public comment yes could I have the public comment clipboard please and to the audience so you know public comment well hold on one Madame President I have 14 individuals listed for public comment this evening okay I'd like to make a motion to limit public comment to three minutes so moved second been moving second I'll pull the board councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried so the Public Public comment will be three minutes for each individual you may address any item that you wish please understand the council is not obligated to respond please state your name and address When approaching the uh the podium thank you our first individual for public comment listed is Mr Charles this is Charles Lewis thank you also when everyone approaches the podium if you would please press the button on the mic to turn the microphone on before you speak you'll know that the microphone is on because the r the red ring will light up indicating that the mic is on for you to speak thank you speak the micone have you on the record we want to make sure we record you okay but in order for me to illustrate what I want to say y' need to pass this up if I can to city council the three properties that we going to address uh we already went through it uh 198 196 202 Pennington Avenue all right now my issue here today is see you you guys can't see what's going on out there because you just don't see it the demos what going on in the public you might travel around but I'm G try to get straight to the point the point is that I lived my whole endeavor in regards to the demolition of these properties and as you know and also the the the uh issues and the damages to my property now it's been sitting when I put an offer up when everything was done and a demo started in February the demo was done the city closed up the contractor closed up on the defensive property in as of that point which I have right here also the application now the city $4,000 for the lot and I feel that that should suffice for 3,800 uh uh uh 300 square foot which was $7,400 didn't never go after the city for damages to my property so if you go through the pictures you can actually see my property what my property look like it got pictures of the church the church covers 5,000 square foot that lot is is is uh 3,800 square foot so so my issue in the whole long fight was not just to tear the house down but Revitalize that area and rejuvenate my property now we have a minister now I already put the offer into the City and it was May the 10th which you'll see on there I had to show my banking account $4,000 okay and filled out the application went through the procedures and it sat there went through all the process I went to Mr bro Dan roochi which is the in charge of housing Economic Development I went through the whole procedure I went back the next month he said nobody else went for the property I went back to the next month well now we came to August the beginning of August is I'm ready to move forward I'm I showed you my banking account what's going on the day I was supposed to come which is last Friday he called me up that Thursday and said Mr Lewis the church next door put a bid in more than yours okay now we talk about four months that that application and that offer to the city been sitting still now keeping gratitude if you see in the pictures the water damage in my basement the the termite infestation at the front of my house I never sued the city for anything because I'm I'm a contractor and I can fix my own I'm not depend on nobody to do anything for me when I got the abilities the money and the knowledge to do it and that's what I did okay but now here you have a minister at it's all beautified it's all Tor down when that house was like that for 10 years 10 years he had no concern because he doesn't live there I do he lives in Lawrence Township okay that church was a funeral home that church went into to the to the church in 1987 and it was sold for 25,000 to Reverend Clark see I know the history because that's where I live I was 19 years old I'm 61 okay but we can't have people that come outside a city that live in Lawrence and can go to a beautified area Okay and then want to try to monopolize uh Lots that's connected to a person's house I think by All rights I should have rights to that lot and I should have first dibs on it period he shouldn't even be in the equation they don't pay taxes they haven't paid taxes since 1980 City from the city 87 I've been paying taxes my ancestors before that at 196 and 198 Pennington Avenue so we've been giving Revenue to the city for years that church ain't G nothing I love the Lord I I I love the Lord I can take my shirt off right here and it's God on the back of my shirt because I don't play because I know the Lord but this man not playing in the Lord's game you know he's playing to try to take property from people that earn and deserve that I'm a public citizen he's not he lives in Lawrence Township come on now I'm is asking the city to you know have a little latitude here even if we got to go into a bid in war I'm I'm ready for it trust me on that I Lay My Life down for it because this house and these properties didn't went to four generation unfortunately my brother had the house that that caused a problem because my father owned both of them but I still maintain 198 penon Avenue just look at 198 and look at the pictures of my house the front the the back everything it's always in order and my taxes is paid up you know so I know only got 3 minutes uh you know I'm not going to leave you with those pictures I just wanted y'all to glance through them and get an ideal of how to okay thank you all right can I add that stuff yeah I need that back no oh you want this back we look I need that we'll have go ahead and look at it because I'll wait until you done looking at and okay we'll have him return to you sir Margaret Tucker I'm here today because I've come to speak to you on behalf of my church I got Victory Tabernacle I got and every year for I've been going to that church since I was 17 years old ma'am I'm sorry can we have your name and your address please Margaret Tucker and your address please 285 Hamilton Avenue thank thank you okay sorry thank you and I've been going there for since I was 17 years old and every year they have a parade that goes down our street and now that I became a senior it was okay when I was younger but now that I'm a senior citizen it's hard to park I come to church I go to Sunday school I usually go to church every Sunday Tuesdays and Thursdays and it's a very disregard hard for parking and they don't make announcements and letting us know that they're going to have a parade there's like two parades that come during the summer time and it's hard to park and when I have to park I have to park at two blocks from my church and I have my grandchildren and they're you know like one and two years old five years old and it's hard trying to find a parking space to get to my service on Sunday and yes it's on Sunday morning and the parade comes through and then they're so loud and then when I come out of church people are sitting um on our steps of the church and they won't move out the way because sometime we have to park on the sidewalk if we can you know whoever gets to church first you know if we can and they're sitting on our cars and we asking them to move and we're trying to get off the sidewalk to to try to get home and the church is out in um like Hamilton and I live in Yan and and and the streets are so blocked off that you have to go like a half an hour it takes me just to get back into Ying because every street is blocked off but if even if I go down there by Trenton High School I can't get through because you can't cross over to get into Ying Township and and it's it's it's been bothering me you know because it doesn't make sense that I can't go worship my God because of a parade and there's nowhere to park and that's all I have for you thank you C can I just ask one quick question I'm sorry just for clarity you you said the church is in ham Hamilton you you live in y yes you live in yu yes but the concern the the the chur who is at 285 Hamilton Avenue Victory Tabernacle Church of God of Christ okay yes okay okay thank you thank you Pastor Kevin bines my name is pastor Kevin bines Jr my church is Victory Tabernacle Church of God in Christ 285-287 Hamilton Avenue I have serious concerns in reference to the issuing of permits to allow parades on our street during our church services these parades are disruptive to our worship threatening to our safety and obstructive to our parking we have not been considered during the planning and entire process of these events yesterday was the worst day I've experienced as a pastor in this city most of our members couldn't get to church because our streets were blocked the ones that made it there prior to Street closings were forced to park on the sidewalk the Gathering crowd of parade Watchers blocked all of our entrances and exits to our church by sitting on our private property stairs most of whom were intoxicated the smell of marijuana blitzed our church service like an invading Army when I went outside I asked them to please honor and respect our church and move from our entrance and exit stairs where they had gathered with adult beverages and marijuana I was challenged and threat I called the police and was told they're on their way I'm still waiting to see a police car even tonight my wife was verbally assaulted and told FB I had to restrain my son from defending his mom along with myself this was utter chaos I called police again and was told to take it up with the city as a pastor in this city I'm utterly disgusted with the responses I've received or lack thereof I perceive if nothing is done about this future parades will gender incidents that will not be favorable to anyone let the records show that I've complained and now the ball is in your court please advise regrettably submitted disgruntled pastor and congregation Victory Tabernacle this email was sent out September 19th 2022 I came to this very same council meeting last year on the 21st uh and I I read this same email Miss frisbe wasn't here she was um electronically connected Amen to this meeting I was told that um we're sorry these things are happening they shouldn't be having parades that was it uh words empty platitudes on the 25th of this year there was another parade this time not one member was able to get to church I got there early because something told me to come to church early I was able to get down the street and I got there early we had to cancel our church service uh and tonight we're here in this meeting this these um processes these actions are direct uh uh egregious uh assault on our uh constitutional rights as a church which says Congress shall not make a law uh respecting an establishment of religious or prohibiting it's out of control thank you thank you Norman Marcel good evening my name is uh Norman Marcel um the address I'm talking about is 285 Hamilton Avenue um my title is Elder um I'm call I'm asking specifically that they schedule parades on the Hamilton Avenue route on Saturdays or at least after 3 P.M on Sundays to avoid and to mitigate the nuisances and all the Hazardous conditions with the churches there are three large churches with congregations on Hamilton Avenue between ch ber Street and Hudson Street we're on Hamilton and Hudson uh that was the pastor the church and one of the mothers at the church that we're also talking um particularly I'm talking about 285 Hamilton Avenue Victory Tabernacle Church of garden Christ has been overwhelmed for the past three years with people trespassing by sitting on the outside blocking the doorways as the services were being held so they could observe the parade and arguing making the situation hazardous for our congregation and we own the property we pay taxes on that property but we got to fight with the parade and we got to fight with just existing because they're having a parade we're not saying they can't have a parade we're happy for them we should be able to coexist all of our concerns for the last three years have been going on De ears I'm just here to see why we have a food Ministry at that same site every Saturday we feed 40 to 60 families every week consistently they come they sometimes they're lined up before I even get there in the mornings I maybe get there about 11:00 they're there okay this year we have a community initiative done by we care we share mentoring program which is a 501c3 that I own and it's also a part of one of the Church Ministries there uh we're doing an art workshop for the Youth and adult members of the community and we don't understand why we're upset by the Trenton city council and the police department to be at odds with the community when we we should be partnering okay I have another 51 C3 that's going pretty certainly well sir I believe that is your time your three minutes are up thank you okay I also thank you sir that is it sir integ thank you Elder security thank you security thank you Charles Hardy hi uh Charles Hardy I'm uh the clerk of the Trenton Meeting of Friends at 142 East Hover and uh the concern that has been decades long is how parking on that street especially in front of our building but the entire 100 and 200 block of East Hover um is in disarray we have right in front of our meeting house supposedly no parking all the way from the fire hydrant to the corner however there's well over 100t there and you got 25 ft for the parking for the um hydrant another 25 ft for the corner there's a space in between we have um had the situation of the volunteers who are coming for the Armand arm distribution out of the meeting house on Tuesdays uh getting ticketed because they've parked there um and uh there it's conflicting signage one says no parking at any time and other says it's a loading zone for I don't know what but that's that a a study of the the thing there and of course Orchid House uh blessed them they have um now taken up a couple of parking spaces with the uh outdoor dining no complaints to that but the parking did not get better because of that of course and um why there's no parking from the Broad Street Corner on East Handover all the way down to um um what used to be Pats the thing that Dan owns the parking lot there um I'm not sure why there's no parking there so it it needs a study and we'd really appreciate that um concerning our meeting and the concern that we have for the um for the well-being of that neighborhood and bringing that neighborhood up and protecting the children there right behind our property is what I always assumed was the parking lot for the Y when it existed I used to park there when I went to the Y uh it turns out from the tax map that almost half of that is owned by the city um giving the address is on North Montgomery but there's no entrance into it at all except off of Academy but it um I know the city came and cleaned up when someone had left huge piles of trash and a couple of times I did the gov alert thing and eventually that that pile of trash disappeared but right against the street um where there's a chain link fence it is just very much of an isore and it just gives uh you know how can the kids have pride in their neighborhood when they're walking past this and looking at this all the time so I would like to uh ask the city to uh at least the part of it that belongs to them according to the tax map um make some effort to clean up more than just taking away some bag of trash that someone had left and that's it thank you very much and I hope that there are people from the city who can hear and deal with this thank you thank you perene Waters did I get that correct thank you good evening my name is pearling Waters my address is 59 turl Tyrell avenon I'm here to thank you um city council for the ordinance 24 60 authorizing the honorary Street naming of East Day Street at Chambers to Father Brian McCormick way also I want to thank you for 2461 for um Mr Bingham uh I have um set before you today information that we had submitted with our application for those of you who might not be familiar with the work that Brian McCormack had done here in the city of Trenton so I thank you for allowing us to honor him in that way secondly as a resident of the north Ward and a homeowner whose um house has been affected by um the demolition of the properties 59 and a half through 67 uh turle Avenue and the tree had fall and I've been waiting 2 years for them to clean up the vacant lot and the construction debris from the side of my house and for to make the corrections to the sidewall work that was done at 59 um Tyrell thank you very much for letting me address you with my concerns thank you Electra hair thank you I'm elra brown hair [Music] and I'm here representing Victory Tabernacle Church of God in Christ 285 287 Hamilton Avenue where I'm a Church secretary um thank you we are we've been having a problem and it's not that we're against Civic and community activities it's just that has been infringing upon the rights of our church we have parades we started with St Patrick's Day but then they moved that someplace else I believe the Puerto Rican Day Parade they moved that someplace else but we still have a problem with the Guatemalan Ecuadorian parade and again the Guatemalan parade would be in another week or two um for the last few years we've come we plane we have parking designated for Sundays for handicap parking in front of our church because it's very difficult to park and so they gave us special signs with the dates the days of the week we are there for us to park however we don't get noticed there's a parade till we show up on Sundays we see the sign might have been put there on a Saturday so unless someone came by there on a Saturday we don't even know there was a parade schedule because we don't get any notice of it and then we Park up on our property which is the Cobblestone area that goes to the sidewalk and then we get blocked in the police don't assist us in parking or getting to and from the building we have handicapped people I'm one of them we can't park we're being obstructed from getting in and out of our building we had people wanted to fight with the pastor's wife last year they smoked weed and had alcohol on our porch on our steps to the church and we could not even get in and out it was being obstructed we have I have looked up a few of the ordinances in regards to these issues one there's a chapter 167 for noise it was so noisy and they got even louder because the park where they end up at is only a block of what a block the second block on Chestnut Whitaker is the next block and what happens is they stand there because they're going into the park because that's their ending place and then they get even louder right in front of the church where you can't even hear the preacher preaching the organ going or anything else we are in church to basically around 2:00 we have a Sunday school at 10:30 and we start our regular service at 12 [Music] um chapter 1671 prohibited noise it is time is up yes ma'am okay well if I give you the CH the Articles can y'all look them up and see that there's a problem or give me another time to come back I'd appreciate it you can come back at the next public meeting [Music] [Music] Carolyn Brooks thank you hi my name is Carolyn Brooks I'm an employee of 22 years [Music] um oh my address is 249 Hill Crest Avenue in Trenton I have been declared 33 to 40% disabled from a workers comp injury and I have been waiting for the settlement money to be released for two years now it has not been every time my attorney goes to um Court they um say it's going to be settled and Trenton Trenton is doesn't have any paper sign or it's officially a check um to settle the case and this is going on on and on and um my hand's not going to get any better um it's going to it's um no more improve thank you no more Improvement um that the doctors have can see it's only going to get worse as I age and so I mean I would like to get this settled move on and um come time come to some sort of resolution thank you Marvin [Music] Tyler how you do good evening how you doing everyone um this is in reference my name is Marvin tler property is 304 Courtland Street this is a reference to my property uh make it quick and simple just need your name and address for the record sir Marvin Tyler 30 or4 Coury Street oh I'm sorry I think yeah so um um make it simple uh someone paid the back taxes on my property I went to redeem the TA pay the taxes to redeem it so that way obviously they don't for clothes on it and they don't take the property so when I went to go pay the taxes uh constant luden she rejected it you understand so I don't know why she rejected it because I submitted uh everything she told me to submit I submitted uh I asked for a tax lean um lean Redemption calculation sheet U it was a process I had to email her such and such you know with my name proof of address and things of that nature so when I came in she rejected the payment for whatever reason I don't know why I said I needed a court order but in any case what I'm here today who do I speak to because I went through the proper steps I've uh I've talked to West Bridges which is the lawyer I've uh talked to I think her boss which is uh Maria Richardson um I know she I know that she's not employed by the city but she's employed by the state so I went up to uh nework to Hy Street to file a complaint there because all I want to do is pay the taxes on my property so that way it don't get foreclosed on and this is a simple lean Redemption process so can you guys advise me what's the next step to do can any one of you guys do something about just me paying the taxes on my property so that way I don't lose it the council's not I to respond yes it's not Q&A but okay all right well well guess what well this is what I've done I've sent emails I've sent complaints to a lot of people I sent complaints I wrote a complaint on constants because I obviously she's uh she's real she doesn't understand the law she thinks she knows the law and she's doing the city more harm than anything because um she's in a position that holds the city she's collecting taxes for the city which is the lifeline the bloodline to the city she's dealing with money but I don't think she know too much about money you understand and um it's not only about that she's harming the city because she's uh always DET turning people from paying their taxes people are constantly losing their home the state the city is constantly losing money you you guys can't pay the fire department correctly the police department correctly I'm not saying you guys but the city of course uh uh uh you can't play multiple people can't get paid so um the second step is and I know time is the essence what can you guys do in the next meeting so that way we can put an ordinance of her so we could get her not in office anymore because she's doing IR reputable harm to the city and we need another state official to come down that holds her particular position I know you guys don't talk back but I I need to know we need to put an order so to get her out of here because she's fraudulent and she needs to go the tax collector is bad obviously she's not doing that for the church she's not doing anything she not doing she's nothing you understand we have more money we have more policing so we could do what we need to do car carlot Crosby Sam Gaylord good evening I'm Samuel Gaylord um the address is 120 San Hein Drive uh I'm here this evening uh Miss Brooks is one of over a 100 city of Trenton employees that I currently represent whose cases languish when someone gets injured at work by law they are entitled to receive three very specific benefits they are entitled to receive medical treatment they're entitled to get paid temporary disability if they are out of work and then when that Pro of the process is concluded they are entitled to receive an award for their injuries that's by law not asking for D andf just ABC the city this Council should know that the city itself is actually operating like an uninsured employer there are over 300 city of Trenton workers compensation cases that do not move do not resolve and that are languishing in front of three now workers compensation judges in this Trenton in Trenton Visage there were other city of Trenton uh employees in Burlington and Camden as well but each and every case and this is by no exception each and every case we are now being told has to be tried we have to have a trial on every case because the city is not able to acquire through this body the authority to settle these cases this year I've checked that gone back I'm pretty sure that there are only four or five workers compensation cases that have been brought to this city council and that's the year of 2024 last year there were 10 you have almost 20% of the city of Trenton Workforce having workers compensation cases that are not moving your Council your attorneys now there are three separate firms that are handling your city of Trenton workers compensation cases I don't know if you know that but there are now three different firms handling these matters and we are told the same thing we don't have money we don't have authority we don't have the ability to resolve these cases and the judges look at the oldest case and put that on for trial and then the next oldest and the next oldest and the case that I'm currently trying is a case from 2017 that's one of your police officers 2017 7-year-old case now is having his day in court and I just wanted to come tonight and bring that to your attention because it seems to me that you guys may not know that thank you very much Michael Smith right good evening counselor Michael Smith for SE Avenue I just wanted to make this quick and brief it's about um I had a guy fill out for the police department he passed it he's Trenton raised he actually worked on this with uh Sergeant man when we had the security Squad back when they had the gang unit I have a couple of them actually but this one he passed the test and I'm kind of wondering why he didn't get on and why we have all these other officers on that's not even from the city but they were chosen over him that's my thing I have about maybe 20 other guys that I can reach that wants to take the test and get on the force and they're known in the streets and I feel it's good that they take the test and get on here being that they could probably reach a lot of these guys around here and stop these shootings and a lot of crime going on in the city I myself I volunteer doing security at certain spots where there's hot spots to keep things down if you go out there on the Chambersburg they had uh that store getting robbed the 7-Eleven if you go out there now I don't even have to be out there because I've been doing it for the last four months free without getting paid and you'll see there's no Laing there's nothing each cop that goes out there they can tell you about my presence out there and how it is anybody the business owners out there can tell you how I am with security so the guys that I had under me working for me at the bars Mr Harrison knows because he used to help us back when we used to do things running in the bars when we had problems so each of the guys that I do have up under me they're legal some I'm legal to carry I ask them to please get on the force because y'all believe actually contribute and you can make a difference in the city so the thing is I'm just here to propose is that um if their names come up there's one that's up already he already passed if we get him on this Force you'll see more of these youngest coming out that's clean to come out and want to take an interest in their Community just as I did to keep things down his name is dve linman if y'all could take a look into that and see if we can actually get him out there once he's out there in uniform I'm going to have about 19 more because that's all we need is about 20 of them out here at least four of them on each side west north south and east because they know the guys and they can keep this air down and then to make our city look good and we can start to move forward so that's my position now going in there because I volunteer security but uh I got some guys they want to come out he's the first one we need to get in uniform immediately he already passed the test he's qualified he's in shape like I am most of my guys will work out so and we'll make a difference thank [Music] you Cordelia Staton Cordia State 310 Garder Avenue good evening distinguished members of council so I come from come before for you tonight to actually uh make a compliment to the summer programs this summer at least the summer programs um the pools were all open served hundreds of kids safely there were no incidents um you introduced new activities for the resident well the department of recreation did you guys had a part in it too because a lot of you participated and that was good to see you out there in the community being invisible they offered the painting for residents the painting for seniors that was something new to take it to the streets program the end of the year extravagan everything this year sponsored by the city went event went incident free and I think that is really noteworthy and a testament to how things are moving in the city people appreciate those opportunities to get out and enjoy our city to stay in our city and find all these opportunities familyfriendly opportunities so I want to um thank the uh Department of recreation and natural resources for their hard work uh this summer in particular I want to also thank all of you because you know I keep up with you on Facebook and I see that you guys are out there and you're in the community you're out at a lot of different events and I know it's hard to do to be everywhere and everything to everybody and so you guys have done it very well this has been a really good year for you guys and I can only encourage enage you to keep up the good work and for those of you who are uh facing the election in November I am behind you 100% this is my endorsement of you and the work that you've done thus far if there's anything that I can do with you to help you cross the line just give me a call because I want to see you all come back and serve the city thank [Applause] you Edward Livingston good afternoon um Madame President good afternoon council members good afternoon City Hall staff my name is Edward Livingston I live on 656 Grand Street um before I begin um I would like to um go ahead and thank just like the lady did here um all of the all of you who have been doing a wonderful job in our city too as well um a lot of you I see out in the community doing awesome things um I also like to thank our uh honorable mayor uh Reed Gora for the work that he's done I'd like to thank our mayor's office or our directors um some of them I haven't thanked in a while um director antii um Chief sanur um I'd like to look like our directors of the water department our Public Safety departments our sanitation department and all of our city hall workers um I I say all of this is because there's an old saying you don't know how a person is going through unless you walk just a little bit in their shoes and and I say that is because I've been out in the community along with you some of you know this some of you I've seen out in the community and I thank you and I thank you so I'm going to be Begin by saying I need a little help here um I'm going to ask everybody here a question growing up when crossing the street what did our parents used to tell us when crossing the street thank you look both ways well the youth now and some of the people even in our generation now they're like this just pretend I have a phone or I have my phone they're like this they're they're hearten and ex in on find ao.com they're playing their Pokemon games they're doing all of these things well if you give me a second this is a stop sign now for the record for the record um I did not steal this stop sign um I'm going to show everybody I um procured this stop sign from a junker I chased the junker truck down and I paid $5 for it so but this stop sign this stop sign is for Grand Street and Dayton Street um I lived I lived in city of Trenton all my whole life and um most of my life went to Trenton highve went to Junior 2 went to woodro Wilson um I oh I'm already two minutes in oh geeez Louise three minutes in okay um can I give this to you ction for the 600 block of Grand Street and yes um who am I giving this to to me um city clerk Brandon Garcia Mr clerk thank you very much for so Mr Livingston with all due respect that has been three minutes and we do have to hold to that time for everybody so we're done we've heard you thank you so much you could give it to Mr Garcia we will look at it um after the meeting thank you thank you so much Madam president oh and you keep the stop sign y'all can keep the stop sign thank you much and use it please thank you thank you very [Music] much thank you no problem absolutely and thank you Council Council keep it on all right we got it Madame President that is the extent of the individuals that I have listed for public comment at this time if it's your wish you may start which whichever council person you'd like to for civic comment thank you Mr Garcia so Council I'll do as as I um always do when we limit the time of um public comment due to the the length and people so I would ask if you can limit your comment to three minutes we do so if not you do not exceed five minutes um in your comment we'll start tonight with councilwoman Edwards thank you good evening everyone um it's is great to see you all here today and um I want to first thank Miss pearlene for giving us all of this great great information um it's it's been such a pleasure reading the legacy of Mr McCormick's story up here while you know I'm up here working so um and we will look into your property as well on Tyro Avenue to see what's going on there and have the Administration address that I remember when those houses were taken down um so I also wanted to comment on uh the parades uh because I do remember when you all came in here and I remember the story and it was upsetting just to hear how you guys were treated especially your wife pastor and um I think that we should revisit this conversation we did like explore some ideas of what we can do to at least communicate with the churches in that immediate area to see how we could Remy this situation to work the parades around the hours of the church services or um to have them maybe on a Saturday instead of a Sunday so I'm not sure how the masses feel about that and we'll revisit that to see what we can work out I think that um it deserves some type of attention and um that's all my comments for this evening and I hope to see you all at the future meetings have a great week thank you councilwoman councilwoman frisbee good evening everyone and thank you for coming out out I want to start with um the church as well Victory Tabernacle I first of all I want to apologize for how you've been treated and especially the disrespect to your first lady uh no one should be disrespected especially someone uh person of God in it in your property that's the Sacred Space to be so um on behalf of uh myself I apologize um for what you have experienced I do think we need to revisit that especially since you're not getting proper or what I consider to be adequate notice to when the parades are actually going to adjust so you guys can adjust if need be or at least be prepared for it so that's a discussion that uh needs to happen um so hopefully we can get that taken care of and everybody can feel their voic is heard but above all respect it you shouldn't be um inconvenienced by people sitting on your front steps and then not moving in the um smell the residue of weed inside your uh your facil your esta your place of worship next I want to uh say to uh Mr Lewis um we hear you and that is something that we need to look into you know um for it to be four months and then suddenly that uh happens we need to look at everything and make sure that everything is being done in decency and in order uh I I'm not sure the other lady is still here um Miss Brooks she should not be waiting two years um no one should be waiting two years and we've got to just get things going and moving as far as uh settlements are concerned um I'll leave that right there and then uh I want to thank you I'm sorry I didn't catch um your name thank you for the beautiful packet that you so kindly very NE Miss Waters thank you um put together for us that was very thoughtful you very kind and thank you for um saying thank you you know that that's appreciated the same thing with you um Cordelia thank you we don't get a lot of folks coming into to say Thank you so we appreciate uh that as well uh petitions I did we got that we'll look into that about Grand Street and seeing how we can keep our community and most of all our children um and our elders safe I want to remind everyone that it is election time it is important for us to get out and vote who you vote for is your business but if you're not registered you can't vote you don't vote you don't have a voice you don't have a voice you lose your opportunity to complain because that means you are part of the issue you're are part of the problem our Mercer County Board of Elections they are paying $300 for the day I will leave these in the back for anyone who would like to work the uh boards that work for on Election Day and you can either scan the barcode on the bottom here or you can call the number that's on there in order to get um employment for the day $300 I want to say congratulations to our city my mayor's out of town but we had um cross country that came back to cat waler Park and we were really excited they came yesterday we had four schools that came together and it was absolutely a great time wanted to say uh there's going to be a town hall meeting for our youth our youth it's going to be Saturday September the 21st at 10: a.m. at Pentecostal Church of of Trenton at 50 North Clinton Avenue and that will be in the back as well and I believe that's all I have in my closing part of the city's mission statement is recogniz izing that the people of Trenton have made us guarding of the public trust we are committed to govern with integrity and fiscal responsibility to seek excellence in the city's operations and to serve all the city's people with respect and compassion thank you all for being out here and I especially thank our directors thank you councilwoman thank you council president councilwoman Gonzalez councilwoman I'm sorry I apologize my Mark was not on but I'll go ahead and reiterate that for the public uh the councilwoman does not have you don't have have any comments at this time for this evening correct correct yes I I can't really hear most of the concerns so I don't I I kind of going in and out so that's why I didn't want to anything but thank you for being present thank you thank you councilwoman councilman Harrison uh good evening everyone um I just want to thank Miss waters for our her due diligence um we're honoring uh Father Brian mccor mcway this has been a long time coming he's done a lot for this great City so I'm grateful to see this and with that let's have a great evening thank you so much thank you councilman councilwoman Williams thank you very much council president uh just first of all just um want to address a couple issues uh regarding the parades I'd like to maybe see if we can have a meeting regarding this um fortunately the St Patrick's state parade no longer exists it was stolen by Hamilton Township but that's a hardship I will have to bear uh but seriously though uh this is something we need to find a compromise and maybe as part of that compromise we need to figure out what maybe move to Saturday or hours the church would might need to be flexible upon hours regarding your your food mission on Saturdays but we definitely should entertain a discussion because I remember that conversation from last year when they came to council and this predates uh our time on councel uh Also regarding uh Miss perlene uh coming and discuss thank you so much for what you said regarding the the street renamings but also I know you've been working with Mr Valiant and the Department of Public Works uh to try to make sure I'm sorry Housing and Development to make sure that property gets cleared we've had a bunch of discussions uh particularly now the EPA is taking the other portion of that project uh to try to make sure we get everything cleared up and I'm hopeful that that will happen soon and I think you'll be happy uh with the results once we get there but thank you so much for your patience I know it's been a long time also uh regarding uh Handover treat um we need to really solve the situation we shouldn't have uh any part of the city where there's conflicting signs it's affecting Orchid House and the other businesses that could develop there we have uh daylight Twilight as well as the Quaker friends um meeting house so I really want to implore our city traffic and Transportation uh to get on this because this has been an issue I've asked about for over a year now others asked about this I my predecessor uh northw councilwoman marcha Wilson she tried to do what she could regarding this issue but we need to solve this soon and we need to solve it in every Ward because this issue is not going away finally uh two happier thoughts uh one is uh later this month will be the next North Ward C police advisory Council on 21st I hope everybody can uh in North Ward who can hear this or get this message on streaming will join us it's a great meeting good way to have conversation with your neighbors other folks in the ward and our police department and then finally uh tomorrow night is the opening home game for Trenton High football Friday Night Lights that's at 6 PM versus heightstown so if you uh are jonesing for some good football or you have some time available please go support our team they deserve our support and uh please support this young these young men and cheer them on as they start their season at home thank you very much thank you councilwoman Council vice president figuro kenberg thank you council president good evening everybody thank you all for being here and for your comments um much appreciated um Miss Dayton thank you for bringing it to our our attention that you know all the events this summer have been incident free that is that is Monumental that is powerful and that speaks volumes to how we're conducting ourselves and the care that we're starting to have for our community and for others so thanks for bringing that to everybody's attention and that's what we strive for in Trenton thank you um Mr Livingston I really want to um thank you you have done a tremendous job in getting those petitions for Grand Street you not only got petitions for your block of the 600 block of Grand Street but you did the entire strip of Grand Street um and I want to thank you for your efforts um I I want to thank Mr santor also um basically the 700 800 900 blocks of Grand Street have been approved for Speed humps and you did get all the houses on the rest of Grand Street and it does look like we will get those speed humps for the full length of Grand Street so kudos to you thank you so much for your due diligence and effort it's much appreciated and your stop sign for Grand and Dayton is in the works as well okay yes um and I also want to thank Mrs Sor and also Council colleague um Jennifer Williams she did mention Lamberton Street Lamberton Street has been uh contention for a long time um residents throughout the city are asking for Speed humps you know throughout so as long as it's not a main Vin as long as you know the police vehicles don't travel and fire vehicles don't travel um and there's no bus routes we can get speed humps if that's what the the residents want um so we are looking to get uh speed humps for the almost the entire length of Lamberton Street which is a a very serious win um for that street for both North and South Wards um we get a lot of traffic through there um finally I just want to say that on September 24th at the COO on South Broad Street 9:20 South Broad Street from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. I will be having a Civic meeting for the South Ward um the police will be there to address crime statistics in the South Ward including but not limited to drug influx throughout the South plaguing our streets and Alleyways and also will'll be discussing action plans and safety strategies Public Works and traffic will be there to address street sweepers trash and Street Paving speed humps and other traffic cing measures and parking Tron Waterworks will be there to discuss um lead lead pipes and other um related issues and Parks and Recreation also be there to uh address the park rehabs and safety as well as some of the street trimmings and finally fire will be there to discuss fire safety as winter is approaching so I encourage anybody in my South Warden anybody in Trenton in general you want to come out and just you know speak to our directors speak to the people in the streets making things happen for us please come out um it'll be very much informational and we need the communi come together thank you guys so much again and have a wonderful evening thank you Council vice president good evening everyone thank you for coming and joining us here tonight on this Thursday night here in the beautiful city of Trenton we thank you for all of your comments and everything that you bought forward to us please don't think that your comments fall on deaf ears we are listening some probably were sending emails while some of you were talking um but we stay on top of the different parts of the administration um I'm glad to say that we all actually work very well with the administration and they are open to hearing what it is that we have to say to Mr Lewis yeah we will look into the issue about the property and the house it it's not right he fixed it up he cleaned it up and then for anyone to just come and take it after all the work has been done is questionable especially when um an offer had been made and everything I'm not a lawyer so I can't speak to it from that standpoint but I am curious so I will ask the questions as well as I'm sure my colleagues as far as what is going on to Pastor bind thank you to you and to um your your parishioners to the Elder to um to miss hail to everyone that came to speak out about what is going on on Hamilton Avenue um there are there are a couple instances where parades have been brought up where it's been an issue or there's another place um in the Westward where we had concerns where there's a a church that it's it's actually a church that actually has like a big Festival that blocks down um Belleview Avenue that prohibits seniors from parking and things like that um that we had to look into as well things like this happening while I understand um we want the social aspects of stuff happening we still have to be respectful in what it is that we do so I will say to you that um our business administrator and our interm um Recreation director are sitting in the room now they've heard what you had to say we will have conversations with them to figure out if there is a compromise where we can meet halfway about the festivals about the parades um and about the churches because we certainly don't want people to be inconvenienced to be cussed out um and to not be able to park and go and worship as they would choose to do so um to Carolyn and then uh she left and then to Sam Gaylord I think that that that's interesting about the workers compensation cases about the 300 one the 300 cases that stand still I do know that we um allow the Law Department to go ahead and and bring in other um law firms to handle those cases and other things if they're not doing what needs to be done then we need to look at that as well so these just some questions that that um I'm going to have as far as why the long time um especially you know he said he's trying one from 2017 like what exactly is going on and what really is the problem um to Mr Livingston thank you um for your efforts Thank You for Your Love of the city your area thank you for doing what it is you do you know when I was saying about the stop for the people that go over the three minutes I was being slick with it um that was I mean I I meant it too but um I'm G hold that sign I'm I'mma need you stop just stop um I like that but thank you for the illustration you definitely had everyone's attention cuz I was you going to March around the room with it what are you going to do um but in all seriousness thank you right thank you for being out there for being president for doing the work I appreciate you to miss State and honorable Miss Dayton thank you for coming forward and for um extending the accolades upon the city for the work that the directors and everybody is doing certainly is not an easy task to do the work and to meet the needs of every body everybody's trying to do what they can do with the resources that they have to the very best of their ability and so I'm excited as I ride through the city now and seeing the work that's being done and seeing the advancements and the improvements and that we're moving one step at a time um again certainly we can't hit everybody's needs all at one time the city has to prioritize um as far as the administration deems it to be the mayor has certain goals that he wants to set and then the directors fall in line they all talk about it and then they make it happen and so I just want to commend everybody for the tremendous work that they do um and encourage everyone to keep going forward I love seeing my Council colleagues out and about everybody knows I'm always in the street I love to see everybody out there um moving and grooving amongst the people people love that they want to see that they like that right and I cheer for all of them right the more y'all out the more I can stay home I thank you all for everything that you do because it's important our community needs that and they want that engagement and so I commend each and every one of my Council colleagues for being out for being out for being present for doing the work for taking time for caring and to try to make a difference um to the best of your ability to help make Trenton better thank you all for I was done you good that was right there I stopped you did okay on your call Madam president let us continue certainly Madam president continuing with the docket at this time if you want to ask for a motion for approval of the minutes of June 18th and July 11th yes may I have a motion to approve the minutes June 18th okay and July 11 thank you thank you roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kinberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried and Madam president if you want to ask for I'm sorry I'm sorry okay we'll see to it is is we'll do that through the course of the meeting but thank you one moment um Madame President if you want to ask for a motion for communications to approve Communications petitions and reports can I have a motion to approve Communications petitions and reports so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman G councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried and moving on we have ordinances for second reading and public hearing ordinance 2451 an ordinance amending chapter 146 licensing article 9 cannabis businesses of the code of the city of Trenton to ban and penalize illegal and unlicensed cannabis operations are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time certainly and Madame President if you want to inform me of how much time to inform the individual that he has to speak three thank you please state your name and address for the record sir and you will have three minutes to speak the council is not obligated to respond hello my name is uh Edward n Tobias I'm an attorney with the law offices uh with with Sam redlick uh Esquire at freil Court in hillsbury Hillsboro New Jersey um I also represent NJ weedman's dispensary LLC which is seeking ler from the uh city of Trenton uh in fact we have uh we're appearing before the planning board and we hope to receive conditional approval uh from the board on uh July um July uh September 12th uh which we believe would be the final approval that we need from the City uh to achieve uh ler uh the reason I say this is because in the ordinance uh on the the second uh Preamble uh there are well first and second there are two fully licensed cannabis retailers now operating in the city of Trenton there is preliminary approval for an additional six operators and we are very proud that we are one of those operators so we have received uh uh the preliminary approval however uh unfortunately we have not yet received approval from the state uh based on uh an issue that the proprietor of NJ weedman's dispensary LLC uh Ed Fortune uh will go into and the reason I say that is because uh in section two section 14656 basically in order to uh establish or operate a cannabis business in the city of Trenton you must have lure from the city of Trenton which we are just out ready to uh achieve hopefully uh but you must also as it says receive permission from the state of New Jersey uh unfortunately uh as I'm saying we have been trying to do that for literally a number of years we put in our application March 15 uh 2022 um we have one issue that we asked for uh relief from back in November of 2023 we just had a meeting with the executive director and the staff of the Cannabis Regulatory Commission yesterday uh who informed us that the uh uh cannabis regulatory Commissioners are looking into that issue now so we we do ask for Relief if you do pass this uh ordinance at second reading to understand that we would have ler from the city of Trenton but we are unable to to uh achieve the the companion uh ler permission from the the state and unfortunately an issue that has nothing to do uh with the city of Trenton um and and I'll just you know have Mr Fortune explain now that I believe my time is probably just about up uh so that that he can show his heartfelt uh reason as to why uh if if this ordinance is is not tabled today at least its enforcement would be for uh other uh EXT are there any other members of the public yes there is go right ahead sir good evening [Music] Council I'm actually not 100% opposed to this ordinance um but my my issue is I guess I fit in there as being illegal but I don't think it's my fault I think I've been trying for the last couple years we've had this problem that problem won't go into the details I've complained about those problems before so I won't go into the details about those problems but I additionally have a have a problem with the state the state will I guess is delaying my action too basically and and in short me and my daughter both applied for state licenses if I was a trucking business which I had before I could be I could have a father and son trucking business if I was a plumber I could have Father and Son Plumbing business but for some reason the state I think they're stretching their thought process but they have an anti-nepotism type of law and technically my daughter applied before I did and now my license is on hold waiting for um either my daughter to withdraw which I'm not going to ask her to do or the state to change their ordinance to allow us both to have licenses which again is absurd to me especially when both the state city every politician I talk to has been encouraging social equity and this that and the other I think my daughter was a victim of the time when I was in prison and her applying and getting it before me was a great thing um but now it's it's becoming kind of weird that I can't get my state license based on the fact that my daughter applied and got her license first and I don't know it's it's it's it's kind of weird the lores can probably explain it a little bit better but I find myself now this ordinance actually applies to me too even though I really feel like I've been trying I feel like I'm a hostage to illegality now um for numerous different reasons um after I championed this idea for a long time not only did I Champion it as a straight legalization for everyone also knew the things that I did selling cannabis I wanted it to be not only legal I wanted to be a uh entrepreneur in that field in that industry and at numerous times I feel like this bureaucratic glitch this law this ordinance this person who doesn't like me whatever is keeping me illegal and here we are again with this ordinance the lawyers are working on it two or three of them are working on it but right now this ordinance you're getting ready to invoke it approve it whatever technically I fall right in there too so I just kind of wanted to make the court I mean the city council I guess aware of it and are there any members of the public other members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time yes ma'am cilia State and 310 Garder Avenue I am very pleased with this ordinance it gives the city the opportunity to control this particular industry from operating illegally in neighborhoods and an impacting the quality of life for residents uh for so long the city had Reckless bars and nightclubs and things and we really didn't have the arm to re re enforc or to shut down and we suffered we Lo people moved out and you know and the city's got and um our crime rate was affected Public Safety was affected and all those other things now this new industry um you know people say well you know it's no victim yeah well until you really until there is and then you have a problem I'm just really glad that you guys had the foresight to um create this ordinance to penalize to ban and penalize illegal and unlicensed cannabis operations thank you are there any other members of the public that wish to speak to the sword and at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may I have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance moving on to ordinance 24- 52 ordinance authorizing the acquisition of certain real properties commonly known as 817 to 819 821 823 South Warren Street and as referenced on the city's tax maps as block 11102 21 22 and 23 are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time seeing none Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so moved second I'm sorry who's the second Edwards thank you roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman [Music] Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24- 53 an ordinance continuing certain positions fixing salary ranges there therefore for and setting forth certain regulations for the implementation of the same assistant supervisor of billing and collecting equipment operator heavy equipment operator laborer to mechanic senior mechanic supervising mechanic are there any members of the are there any members of the public that wish to speak to the this ordinance at this time seeing n Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president fiano yes motion carried and Madame President moving on to the consent agenda Madam president I have one item that uh if you would please ask for a motion to remove from the consent agenda for roll call purposes that is the resolution that is resolution 385 so may I have a motion to approve to remove resolution number 24385 from the consent agenda for a roll call vote and that's simply because that deals with us adopting the um the budget so it's a resolution adopting calendar year 2024 Municipal budget so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried thank you and with that said Madame President if you would like to ask for a motion to approve the consent agenda this evening yes may have a motion to approve the consent agenda this evening consisting of resolutions 24 334 335 337 338 339 340 341 342 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 354 355 356 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 386 387 388 389 so [Music] moved roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president fig kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried moving on to roll call resolutions one moment thank you we'll start with resolution 24- 385 resolution adopting calendar year 2024 Municipal budget have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion car cared resolution 24- 343 resolution authorizing settlement of a civil action in the matter of Christy Williams administrator at prosequendum individually and on behalf of the estate of Alfred ctoe and Constantine toe the city of excuse me the Trenton police police officer she Shand miles and payment in the amount of $500,000 may I have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion Carri resolution 24- 344 resolution AU authorizing the settlement of a civil action in the matter of Rose Johnson the city of Trenton and in the and payment in the amount of $900,000 I have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Lano yes motion carried resolution 24352 resolution approving a settlement between the city of Trenton and 110 South Warren Street LLC authoriz and authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute Saint may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbe yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried resolution 24- 353 resolution awarding a contract through fair and open process in accordance with njsa 19 44 a 20.5 and njsa 41-4 at se to zenowitz signco for the city of Trenton and B excuse me buying through Department of Housing and Economic Development Division of Economic Development to hire Professional Services to install wayfinding downtown and in Chambersburg in accordance with njde regulations for a period not to exceed one year from date of award in an amount not to exceed $95,100 per RFP 202 24-22 may I have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried on to ordinances for first reading and introduction ordinance 24 -50 in ordinance amending chapter 283 of the code of the city of Trenton Towing and storage to modify the towing fee schedule and Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve that ordinance yeah may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-54 in ordinance establishing a program for the dissemination of certain forms in Spanish polish Liberian French Creole and Haitian I have a motion to approve second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-55 ordinance authorizing the lease of City own property located at 209 211 and 213 Center Street block 10305 Lots 2022 and 23 pursuant to njsa 40 A1 12-14 to the Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County may have a motion to approve so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes Council Ben Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 2456 ordinance authorizing the advertisement for the submission of sealed pursuant to njsa 4812 14a to lease certain real property owned by the city located at 142 to 144 East State Street Trenton New Jersey may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzales yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 2457 an ordinance amending and supplementing Trenton city code section 14- 7.4 and 147.5 regarding honorary Street naming may I have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman brisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-58 Bond ordinance providing for the construction of a skate park in and by the city of Trenton in the county of Mercer state of New Jersey appropriating $1,200,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 200,000 200 ,000 bonds or notes of the city of of the city to finance part of the cost thereof may have a motion to approve so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24- 59 an ordinance of the city of Trenton County of Mercer state of New Jersey opting into the examination exemption of Civil Service hiring procedures for the entry-level law enforcement for entrylevel law enforcement officer positions may have a motion to approve sove second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 24-6 an ordinance authorizing Street naming of East State Street at Chambers Street to Father Brian McCormack way may have a motion to approve so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried ordinance 2461 ordinance authorizing the honorary Street naming Brunswick Avenue from the intersection of North Broad Street and Brunswick Avenue to the intersection of Brunswick Avenue to Souther Street to Robert W Bingham Boulevard may have motion to approve move second second thank you I'm sorry the second was frisbee thank you roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried and Madame President unless there is anything additional Council uh president yes yeah have a walk on I would like to have permitted Mr Garcia yes uh the walk on please you have a walk on on ordinance I understand yes sir all right if you would like to read that or would you like me to read that into the record um you can read it in please if you want to read the record certainly I'll read the record thank you an ordinance renaming Trent the Trenton City Hall Annex as the Douglas H Palmer Municipal complex may have a motion to approve so moved second we'll designate this I apologize we're going to give this a number Council president yes and that will be 62 62 thank you 2462 24062 correct thank you there's a um there was a motion and a second correct there has been are we in the discussion yes understood go right ahead councilwoman Williams thank you ma'am just uh two things I'm very supportive of naming uh something uh after mayor Palmer of course as our first African-American mayor and that's a great achievement whether modern day people realize that are not being the first at something is extremely important because no one could imagine someone in that position until it happens uh however do we not as a council uh have to read this ordinance and I'm glad to have it walk on but we didn't even have a copy to look at just make sure we're all legal with everything and then I know there's been different controversies regarding whether we're naming the entire city hall or the annex so make sure for public dissemination if that could be cleared up because um we want to make sure when we get this done we get it right and it as we've seen it does have popular support So to touch on the second part it is the annex that will be renamed not the front of City Hall it is the annex that will be renamed because um from my understanding and dealing with the historical society and all of that with this being a historical building and everything no one's touching the front it would just be the annex part of the building with regards to the legalities and everything of it um councilwoman frisbee did do her due diligence and talking with the attorneys and everything um it was brought to light this evening that she wanted to walk it on I have no problem with that we all now have a copy in front so what I would ask respectfully is if we just take a moment let us read it now those that have not seen it let's read it now and then we will go ahead and and allow it to be introduced thank you so we'll just take a few moments of Silence thank you amen Madame President I do have a request from the public for the ordinance to be read into the record for the Public's benefit okay thank you and I'll defer to the solicitor for that purpose to appy to that request go ahead Mr cogi are you going to lend into this request from the public that the ordinance be read into the public record I'll the to the solist oh I'm sorry it's not an appropriate request it's up to the council this is just the introduction of an ordinance which is generally done by title at the next meeting there's going to be a public hearing on the ordinance and you know could certainly be dealt with in a much more you know expanded fashion but all we're doing is introducing the ordinance by title okay unless you know if the council wants to take a vote to you know agree to read the entire ordinance into the record that's up to council so the thing is I'm I am going to entertain that because this is a walk on um and we are being completely transparent with everything excuse me that is here and that is being said um I will ask for a motion to have this ordinance read into the record tonight may I have a motion so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes this is the annex right R Annex correct okay yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried I can read this into the record if you wish Madam president thank you certainly where at an ordinance excuse me an ordinance renaming the Trenton City Hall Annex as the Douglas H Palmer Municipal complex whereas Douglas H Palmer a lifelong treatened Resident was the first African-American mayor of the city of Trenton having served five consecutive terms from 1990 through 2010 and whereas upon graduating from the Bordentown Military Institute mayor Palmer was a graduate of Hampton University in Virginia with a BS in Bachelor of Science in business management and whereas May Palmer helped initiate the Trenton office of policy studies now the john s Watson Institute Watson Institute for Public Policy to provide quality focused research to Municipal Administrations and was also an active also active in a number of other policy Endeavors including the mayor against guns Coalition which included the mayor of some of the largest mayors of some of the largest cities in the nation and whereas mayor Palmer is the chairman of the Trenton literacy movement which is a movement for second graders and is in all 13 elementary schools and whereas mayor Palmer's leadership and vision for a better Trenton included an emphasis on economic development home ownership utility improvements Public Safety and enhanced Municipal services and whereas even after leaving office to this day mayor Palmer continues to Comm to support community and Grassroots organizations that Empower neighborhoods and mold the lives of young people including the charitable work such as Trenton first which promotes youth development through academic and athletic opportunities and whereas it is proper and fitting that Douglas H Palmer be publicly and permanently acknowledged for his tireless efforts on behalf of the city of Trenton now it is therefore ordained by the city council of the city of Trenton that the Trenton City Hall Annex shall be renamed the Douglas H Palmer Municipal complex in recognition of the forging and it is further ordained that the administrative that the administration take all necessary action to implement the foregoing and it is further ordained that an executed copy of this ordinance be presented to Mayor Palmer with sincere thanks of the with the sincere thanks of the governing body and the citizenry of this great City and it is further ordained that this ordinance shall take effect pursuant to njsa 469a 181 and applicable by law thank you and Madame President if you'd like to ask for a motion to approve this ordinance I have a motion to approve the ordinance so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez one moment all I believe Council I believe we've lost councilwoman Gonzalez she does have she did text that she had to leave us for the moment we'll move on to councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried thank you and Madame President if there is nothing additional I believe we reached the point you can ask for a motion to adjourn may have a motion to adjourn so move to fact roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Feliciano yes motion carried meeting adjourned thank you all