##VIDEO ID:WU12fZ9BP6s## Mr Garcia yes um attorney Palmer Richardson will also be joining us at the day this evening noted thank you and we'll note him as present as well thank you also before we continue I just want to make a quick announcement to everyone here while the audio um function is working and the meeting is being recorded uh we just found out that the zoom function is not and so this evening what we would ask is is that when it is time everyone please take your phones out there Canon and go live and I would like my Council colleagues to also do the same for tonight we will go live on our pages and we will stream um the portion of the meeting so I just wanted to say that that being said we will continue invocation tonight we are going to have Reverend Charles Boyer from Greater Mount z z Church to give us the invocation the other way yeah on the wrong side press the button press the button and pull it we go all right how about that thank you let us pray Lord we thank you uh we thank you for this meeting we thank you for the mayor the administration we thank you for this Council the council president thank you for all of the dignitaries in the house and we thank you for the people as the work of the people go forth bless it guide all of this in your will and as we think about Sacred Space and hallowed Halls May there be a mighty shout of Glory on what takes place on this evening this we pray in your Most Blessed name and let the entire Place say amen amen thank you Mr Garcia certainly Madame President uh Madam president moving forward with the agenda we've uh made a couple of changes one including the approval of the consent agenda however prior to that I will ask for your approval of communications and petitions yes and if you want to ask for a motion to approve Communications and petitions yes may I have a motion to approve Communications and petitions second thank you roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president fan yes motion carried and M president if there are no questions at this time you want to ask for an approval of a cons motion for approve the consent agenda this evening yes thank you may have a motion to approve the consent agenda this evening salute second second thank you roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president F gber yes Council Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzales yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president Fano yes motion carried and on to ordinances for second reading and public hearing ordinance 24- 62 an ordinance renaming the Trent City Hall Annex as the Douglas H Palmer Municipal complex are there any members of [Music] [Applause] [Music] are there any members of the public that wish to speak to this ordinance at this time um to security if there is there's a clipboard labeled with the ordinance in the back if anyone has signed up I do have some individuals here myself with the sheet that's already filled thank you and Madam president it appears that we have 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 individuals signed up for more public comment this uh for this for this ordinance this evening thank you I'd like to make a motion that we limit public comment to 2 minutes this evening second so moved yes yes so that was moved by Gonzalez okay second from Edward thank you roll call councilwoman Edwards yes vice president figer yes councilwoman frisbe yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes council president fisan yes motion carried to the Public Public comment will be limited to 2 minutes for each individual uh you may address well only for the subordinates and uh please not the council is not obligated to respond we will start off with mayor Reed the can you press the button to turn to mic on mayor thank you sir I I'm not here that much so thank you thank you uh Mr Clerk and Madame President distinguished council members and all the uh distinguished guests and visitors um today and especially the family of uh Douglas H Palmer I notice uh Father Brian McCormack is here that is was my Parish priest since I was the age of eight um so I'm really glad to see father McCormack but today um when we said the Pledge of Allegiance the um uh last phrase and and justice for all really implies that we are uh bringing justice to all and we're bringing recognition to all and especially to a wonderful gentleman uh former mayor Douglas H Palmer uh who served as The Guiding Light not only for me when I first took office but for countless others in City he's been a mentor and a steady hand both during his time as mayor in the years that followed his contributions to Trenton are far-reaching and I'll leave that for the other uh commentators because they all have their personal stories that's what John biley is for and and um his contributions are far-reaching and I firmly believe that renaming City Hall is a fitting tribute to his legacy of leadership serving as mayor from 1990 to 2010 mayor Palmer's 20-year tenure marked a period of significant growth and progress for Trenton he was the first African-American mayor of our city but more than that he was a Pioneer someone who was dedicated his life to improving the quality of life for all our residents his administration was defined by Innovation a focus on economic revitalization and a steadfast commitment to uplifting our neighborhoods his leadership extended beyond the borders of Trenton as he went on to serve as president of the US Conference of Mayors where he Amplified our City's voice on the national stage he is a legacy for this city and it is most fitting that we do rename this city hall complex the W the Douglas H Palmer city hall [Applause] complex but even more so is his continuing Legacy everyone at this Das has reached out to Douglas and Douglas has reached out to to us uh fully extending his hand anyone could have walked in the sunset after 20 long years of service and he does deserve a break but he continues the work he continues the help of the city God bless him on his lasting Legacy and thank you councel for giving him the recognition he dutifully deserves God bless thank [Applause] Mr Dan Benson County Executive thank you so much it is always an honor and a pleasure to address this Council happy to be with you once again particularly on this wonderful occasion again to my fellow elected officials to the family members of Mayor Palmer I can probably take two minutes just saying all the great things that mayor Palmer has done in his life the different titles as the county executive I'd like to take ownership of his title as a Freeholder for 10 years what we call County Commissioners now but I think his leadership with the National Conference of democratic Mayors two consecutive terms which I think is he may be the only one or rare to have occurred as consecutive president of the US Conference of Mayors and one of the founding leaders of Mayors against legal guns but I could also just talk away about mayor Palmer's Legacy continues to strengthen Trenton and Mercer County I see it every day in my job as we talk about ways the county can partner with our Capitol City he was doing it as mayor many years ago my predecessor is here uh County Executive pretti they had a relationship across the aisle to make things happen for the city and it is a legacy that we hope to continue this time I could talk about how he's been a mentor to so many young elected officials including myself I'm goingon to say I'm a young elected official let me say that I first met mayor Palmer as a high school senior at Hamilton West in a politics class and he was what maybe in his 20s as a young elected mayor maybe at the time um but it was great somebody's telling the real date there he took the time to say hi someone who wasn't even one of his residents but knew who was interested in current events and politics and history and he was willing to talk to me and how amazing it is number of years later won't so how many that when I had the opportunity with the support of the people of the city of Trenton and Mercer County to be the next County Executive that he helped lead along with Janine Frisby laru who's here my transition team as a special advisor to bring all of his background to make sure that when we talked about the future of the county at its heart would be the capital city ex so it is extremely fitting that this Council hopefully today we'll adopt this ordinance because too often our heroes are recognized Apostle or far too much later when we can say thank you today and we should cuz we know for generations to come his impact on the city will be felt I think it's time that we tell him thank you today and there's no better fitting tribute than to name this complex after him thank you for all that you [Music] do John Bailey mother Hazel Stewart is going to take the F over John Bailey and then John Bailey will come after Mother hael go ahead yes ma' there's a lot can be said regarding mayor Douglas H Palmer performance as one of Trenton's former mayors however as the first black mayor of this city dou palman Legacy is mared by his tiess effort to improve the city economic reduce crime and enhance the quality of life for Trenton residents his vision for safe more prosperous and exclusive Trenton guide his 20 years of tenure for economic development National leadership promised accomplishments reflect a deep commitment to public service and lasting impact on the community he served although his initiative Douglas H prom left a mark on Trenton Paving the way for the Future Leaders to continue the city progress therefore I am public announcing my support which includes those individual who requested me to speak on their behalf the name of Mayor of Trenton City Hall en in honor of the former mayor Douglas h b thank you for listening to me [Applause] good evening my name is Hazel uh thank you so much for this opportunity let me just say it's good being home it's good being back in Mercy County it's good being back in the capital city when you come over that bridge what what you see and what you visualize is a sign that's been there for how many years plenty what Trenton makes the world takes well today we're about to make a big decision I ask you to turn around and look at the wall behind you which is reflective of two things hope and history today we're about doing the Hope piece hope that everybody steps up hope that the decision is made hope that we leave here all feeling good about the decision that was made the historical part goes back long before Douglas goes back to the beginning of this nation so being here two 300 years later making a decision about taking a black man and putting him in a position of influence in this city is not only historical but it's Paramount and it's a testament to everybody that's in this room you ought to be happy for yourself you ought to be happy for Doug but more import importantly you're going to be happy for the city of Tren Doug stood up for the city of Tren for a long time but no one else did that's right we can come here tonight some of us for and some of us against but one thing we cannot do and say that this young man did not ever not stand up for the city of CH see we see him as a son but not only a son of the city we see him as a favorite son of the city and it's okay to disagree it's okay to not be supportive but it's not okay not to embrace history and not to embrace truth and so I come here this evening 2,000 Mi away just to be here just this I want folks to know how important Doug Palmer is not only to the city but to me when my wife passed away Doug made sure that I whatever I need be the funeral expenses be coming there to Denver to see me uh was his priorities same with Sam frisbee so I have a different perspective on mayor Palmer I love him many of you love him and all I ask tonight is that y'all love him and make this a unanimous vote to make Trenton City Hall n m station pal and I thank you for your time everything everyone is say saying it's so wonderful and we caught up in it but you going to have to run that timer yes ma'am yes Madam president thank you uh next up and we'll be clocked uh Mr bobett good evening evening council president members of coun Council mayor elected officials I'm very very happy to be here even though I'm on the clock now I'm still happy to be here and I'm going to keep this short I've known Doug Palmer for well over 40 years uh we we got acquainted with one another way back when he was working for the Trenton school board and I was working for the County government and you know the thing that had struck me about Doug in all of those years is that he was a marvelous wonderful friend and he was a good man and when we the county was about we're about to build a baseball stadium I called him and I said you know Doug I have this idea and he listened and he says well you know M you're crazy but I'm going to be there with you and as we went along and as the project got difficult I called him and I said D I'm really going to need your help getting through the Maze of bureaucracy and working with the state and all that he said you got it Bobby he said I'm going to stay out of your way when I need to and I'm going to be there when you need me and he was so this tribute this evening is about a man who not because he was the first black mayor of the city of Tren not because he was here for two decades more than two decades not because he was the president of the conference of Mayors for such a long time and made such an impact on that organization and the Nation had wise but because of his heart this is a man who didn't care what color you were what party you were in as witnessed by me white and Republican he didn't care what your religion was what he cared about was doing the right thing and his heart is in this building it's on those streets it's with these people and for his name to be on this building is not only a tribute to him but all the people that he had served over the years at quite some sacrifice to himself many many times that's what it's about it's about that man's heart so if you're going to do any justice all at all this evening recognize that and recognize the man that he is and the fact that his name should be on this building thank you for [Applause] trle oh sorry don't where he went I apologize that's right antig hello my name is n and I'm happy to be here tonight to the ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen insed members of the Council Council thank you you have a tough job every day not just today and I want you to know that there are many of us who appreciate you mayor luio and the clergy and at this time with the clergy who are here please stand we'd like to acknowledge you and thank you for your ongoing support onh not just thank you than you thank you and to the uh initiative team please stand all of you please stand those of you who started this then in the middle and now that includes those of you on the tip please I also like to reach out and thank the africanamerican collaborative of merer County please stand matasha bur sends her best wishes to all she is recovering from Co it is a PR and deep appreciation that I stand before you today to acknowledge the importance of this initiative it goes beyond the simple fact that he was mayor when you look around Trenton you see his work you see his footwork and that's important when you look at his family whom he loves and spoils especially sister you see his work right and so I just like to say today that this initiative not only represents recognition of Mayor Palmer's exceptional leadership but and I say exceptional because I serve with him and he kept me in check I was on Council then along with cilia and a few others right and so his exceptional leadership but also a testament to the Legacy that he's left not just Ser beh home but in this entire community so today i' just like to say U mayor pman your commitment to the people of Tren and your en tieless work to improve the lives of all residents have left an indelible mark on our City's history history I said the renaming is not simply about um an Annex or building it's about ensuring that the legacy of this man and his contributions to this city are known now and forever more and so today the well-being of all mayor Palmer has worked for and we just simply like to honor him in a very tangible way so to all of you who are here today please remember this the legacy of a mayor and even a counsel is important because you guys are the life for our community mayor Palmer thank you for your [Music] [Applause] life m dly good evening everybody even um I was born in ' 95 so I'm not going to you know talk too much about the term um as a as a young leader though I can't speak on the fact that when I was introduced to Doug Palmer um and I actually had a a one-on-one with him he was very genuine and he took me in under his arm so he asked me what did I need I said let me get an interview and then then we did the interview so doing the interview with duck Palmer um I realized a lot of different things and I learned a lot of different things um I thought he was going to talk about you know how the great programs he had um a lot of you know a lot of his accomplishments but he didn't what he really spoke about to me um was the trials of leadership especially in the time where he was in and being the first black mayor and the challeng um as a young man um having that conversation with him I think it really showed me the the path of leadership because even even at the age he was what he remembered in the '90s was um a girl who was murdered by the police how he had to deal with that and how that still weighed on his mind in presentent he he talked about the way he had to repair leadership you know so I knew from that moment talking to him that this was a genuine leader that was really in it for his people and he still remembered the little details and the important things and I seen the hardships of leadership I seen all of the different trials and tribulations although he had the biggest smile on his face I can see there was a lot of different challenges he faced as a man and there I can see you know the path that I would want to take the the the shoulders and the shoes that I would want to wear you know as a young man and what it would take to even get to close to that level so um it was very inspiring um we had a short relationship I can't speak too much about it but what I do know is that it was like talking to a history book you know he is history so that's it [Applause] good evening council president vice president of council and council members my name is David ponton and I reside at 861 M Avenue in the city of Trenton I have been a citizen of city of trenten since 1960 and I'm here tonight to talk about renaming were naming the annex to Doug Palmer Douglas H Palmer Municipal complex Doug has been the mayor of Trenton for 20 years during his tenure he has made a difference for many of his citizens and I could speak for hours about his accomplishments however I want to speak about his leadership with the residents of Marberry Street as most of you know Mar Street were flood Whenever there was a severe storm in the city of Trenton most of these homes were owner occupied and on every occasion when it flooded mayor Palmer would show up and be there for the residents of Marberry Street he would make sure that the police department was there to monitor the back of every structure and every alley to Marberry Street and during that time not one resident of Marberry Street ever filed a complaint of anything being stolen from their homes and that is a testament to his leadership once the W is receded Doug will show up and his nice shoes not post his nice shoes his nice suits and walk in the mud walk in the mud with the residents and make sure that we were be okay he would make sure that this fire department pumped every home basement from the water once the water was popped out of the basements he would make sure that his inspection department came in to make sure those structures were safe once they were gone he would have the health department come in and make sure that every resident had what they needed by the way one thing I forgot when we were out of our homes the Doug made sure that we had a place to stay at no cost to none of the [Applause] residents when those Waters receded we were actually out of our house for about 2 days within two days after the waters wece that every residence was in the home Doug did not stop coming and visited us until he knew we were all in our homes and we were all safe du I appreciate everything that you've done for us then and when we made it when the federal government decided that they no longer wanted to remedy the the issue of mar Street residents they wanted to buy those properties they gave it to Doug he formed the task force for the residents of marber Street ol Lee Jackson lived at 43 Mary Street had her home stolen by a predatory lender she called me up I called Doug up and Doug dropped what he was doing and he came to hurt me he stopped the predatory lenders from two seconds 2 seconds it is he got it he stopped the predatory lenders from taking her home and then broke her the deal when the home was sold she was able to purchase another home in South Trent that's that's the legacy of douve Palmer with Marb street thank you we [Music] Armstrong now here understood Cordelia State huh about two minutes good evening distinguished members of council I'm here to speak in favor of coordinates 2462 naming the municipal um Annex to doulas H Palmer Municipal complex you know I was here two weeks ago when I introduced um those petitions from all the people in the city expressing their desire to have this honor bestowed on our glov mayor and there's not much more to say between the time I brought the petitions and now cuz he's still just as great as he always was I've known him a very very long time a lot of people know that we are very good friends I always tease people and tell him I knew the mayor when he was just a player but he but he has come very and he was in this building but you know we do each other like it's all it's all right I love him and I know that most of the people in this room love him as well he leaves his footprint everywhere from the school districts to the neighborhoods from the Police Department fire department Recreation Human Services the TLC program that he initiated years ago which afforded all the children in trenty and their immunizations he has just been everywhere he's just been everywhere he is in this building as we speak his spirit is everywhere his heart is I don't know how big he deserves this more than anyone I could ever think of and I'm hoping that this passes now I do want to tell you everybody they know how to speak so if you're here in support of of ordinance 2462 please stand so Council understands just how much we want to see this happen [Applause] so I know there more people you already see in I want to thank you for your time and more than that I'm looking forward to your affirmative vote thank you p p huh okay Diane [Music] Campbell good evening although I did not sign up this evening and that you calling my name I will speak once again on behalf of Douglas H Palmer this City Hall should have some memory Legacy forever that will indicate the kind of Mayor and leader that Douglas Palmer was in the time that he was there what I would like to bring to everyone's attention is that we talk about malberry Street we talked about all the other kinds of things that Douglas did but what I felt was so significant was the way that he honored [Applause] children he honored children with little league he made them all kinds of nice uniforms he honored children even when they went away from Trenton into private schools he went there checked on them and he was always always looking at the children and supporting them so as you consider the ordinance please make sure that in terms of the way that Douglas Palmer managed himself it was whole it was everything and I support Douglas Palmer along with my family because we have known him for lifetimes my mother's Lifetime and also mine and people in my family thank [Applause] you Tracy sideb okay the next up was M ha Stewart Lance Lopez good evening my name is Lance Lopez and I am a 90% disabled veteran when I joined the military in 1990 I left the city of Trenton actually 92 but I remember the days back in 1990 when I went to Trenton Central High School's graduation and Douglas H Palmer became the mayor of this city and the sense of Pride that the students at Trent Central High School had and the parents and the falculty and the whole entire city had and the enthusiasm that everyone had in this city when Douglas H par had became the mayor of this great City it was the same Pride that I had when I was in the military it was the same Pride that I carried throughout my careers it is the same Pride that I hope you all as Council will have by voting unanimously unanimously to name this complex after one of the greatest city leaders that our city has ever had one of the leaders who this country has benefited from having that bread says it all day long Trenton makes and the world takes and the world has benefited from Douglas H Palmer becoming the mayor of the great city of Trenton New Jersey thank you I I hope that you all unanimously voted in favor of Douglas H Palmer being named being named at the city hall thank you good evening council president colleagues um I met dama in 1989 I was not a Trenton resident um my brother used to manage Mr Owens and he had a birthday party for his daughter and Mr Palmer was out there smiling um I kind of chucked it off because I didn't know he was out there campaigning but you know he was smiling he was talking to everybody all well and good but anyway for Mr Palmer The Trentonian as you all call yourselves um y'all voted for this man five terms so to and even though he is not mayor today he is still out there doing wonderful things for the city of TR you tonians do not make this city hall named after him you are robbing this man of his dignity because he cares for each and every one of you so I say please reach down in your heart and do the right thing give this man his flowers while he is here do not wait until he pass away and then I have to look at each and every one of you on Facebook with a picture of him thank you and have a good evening [Applause] uh let's see if I got this one right here pene Waters good evening everyone I stand before you dead city council and support of the ordinances for you dead Palmer knowing you since 1968 being my Aunt Pearl's neighbor and work my Delta team leader um I was told when I signed the sheet that it was for all the ordinances so I'm here to support the one for mayor Palmer as well as the one for Mr Bingham and if I may to save time cannot go into the ordinance while I was here because I'm just asking you all to vote in favor of naming the annex Douglas H Palmer Annex and one of the reasons for doing that is because mayor Palmer supported us the Martin house Family Programs particularly the better community housing when we were providing the opportunity for home ownership for very low and lwi income family amilies so with that being said if everyone would be patient with me in honor of Father Brian mcor we better community housing Martin house Community for justice Foundation Martin house dases of Trenton martinh house clothing store which is now the better community housing thrift store the Martin house Learning Center which is now CYO East State Street Doorway to Hope St Martin Center for Health Services Young adult men of Trenton initiative the martinh house boys and Girl Scout Troops all of these work with mayor Palmer under his administration as well as the previous administration Arthur Holland so as we and at this time i' like all of you that are here with me for the ordinance number 60 honoring to name East State Street at Chambers in honor of Father Brian mccor to please stand we had brought Father Brian with us for those of you who [Music] have always get along you remember being aness and we leaving at that so Father Ryan always had a saying leave a place better than you found it and that he did did he left East State Street especially the 700 block the 800 and the 900 the 1000 and the 1100 blocks other streets and avenues as well Walnut Thompson South C of the Wilbur section and Trenton's East Ward better than he found them in 1968 when he came to East State Street 784 he left 20 newly constru constructed homes in 2012 when he retired a new Greg Grant Park and two newly constructed buildings which he called the 10 TW 10 I'm sorry the Twin Towers of Trenton now better community housing thrift store C East Day Street with these buildings he continue the services and programs and activities and place of gathering in the community for civic recreational and social events to meet the needs of the people in The Wilbur section of Trenton the 700 800 900 Buck of East State Street from M Street to South Cook shows the process of home ownership and empowerment of community Civic involvement Kyler to North and South Logan as well he rehabed and built newly constructed homes on on Locust Street Thompson Street Gerard Avenue When Alan Malik moved us over to the east Tron area we had to go over there and do houses on turle but not wanting to take up any more of anyone's time I just want to ask you all to vote for the second reading for Douglas H Palmer and Father Brian mccor ordinances that they be named in his honor thank you for listening oness and this is his second book creating Global Oneness so I give it to city council for you all to share and stay together in your oness [Applause] next we have I'm not even sure um we're going to skip this one for a moment and go to Myrtle Cherry good evening uh council president members of city council uh uh elected officials and I noticed that uh Mr Palmer arrived right on time as usual uh I'm a 35 year football official so I'm used to being on the 2 minute clock uh one thing that I don't I haven't said this publicly but um Doug Palmer did me a huge favor when my oldest son was coming home from college looking for a job he gave him a job which probably allowed me to stay in the house and he could get out and he's still working so thank [Music] you I uh Trenton is a historic City very historic history uh story history and we denoted and recognize many things that have happened because of that history part of Trent's history is the election of the first uh black mayor that was a significant event in the history of the city tonight I am hoping that we will add to the history by naming the U Annex after uh Douglas h p I support this ordinance because it is well deserved significant things that happen in a historic City should be denoted and recognized and acknowledged so I hope that it will be congratulations and based on the crowd here I suspect that it will be I also hope that it will be unanimous and and uh thank you for giving my son that job roll po good good evening Council I'm also here to support the um the the ordinance and um my experience moving to Trenton in 1995 it was um I was a young man I was U 23 years old and I was just finding myself figuring out how to make my way in the world I had finished college and I was excited about what was going on around me I was meeting new people and right there um was mayor Palmer speaking so proudly and and um and showing the away being a great example for people that were coming up in the world at that age and the thing I want to say is that I moved into M Hill and he found a way of creating Partnerships there were people that wouldn't support historic preservation there were people that would and he found a way to create Bridges between um the historic preservationists and the people that sort of were like no knock it down you know and that was really made an impression on me and uh I continued to work in historic preservation after that um he also worked with Partnerships across party lines um B Bob pridi was the county executive at the time and they had the opportunity triangle which they had envisioned which was the ballpark the arena and the hotel and it was the downtown the Chambersburg and the river so it connected the city in in a new and Innovative way and these projects came to fruition under the leadership of these two men who work together across party lines to get something done building support within the community and that made a huge impression to see that happen in front of my eyes having moved there in '95 and then seeing the ball park being built seeing these these projects come to fruition and um that made a big impact on me and then um you know he also officiated my wedding which was in the William Trent house and um I remember showing up and um you know it was a Quaker wedding in which uh people the the husband and wife or the the two people people marri each other so Palmer uh showed up and he I think he was expecting to kind of pronounce us and make a lot of speeches and uh here were two Quakers marrying each other and he didn't have to do a whole lot but the um but the beauty of it was that he was so uh he still officiated it so well and was so humble and welcoming to the people who had come from out of town into Trenton and they left with such a great impression that's it thank you is there an individual last name of Scher Schiller Schuler all right maybe that's not well we're definitely not going to do process of elimination in this room so I do apologize to the idual whose name is elegible uh moving on with uh moving on then mam president I believe that's all the individuals we have for a comment on this ordinance at this time uh if it's your wish if you want to ask for a motion to approve may I have a motion to approve this so moved I can with with a motion in a second and open the possible discussion are there any is there any members of the council that have anything additional to say to this ordinance of this topic council at this time we going to speak to the ordinance if you like to so we'll start with Council woman good evening everyone um it's great to see a full house here today um especially in honor of such a great man that leaves that created a great legacy not only for his family but for the city of TR and it's an honor to vote for this ordinance and um I just want to say thank you for everything that you've done for the city for myself personally um you are mayor Palmer is who instilled Public Service in me aside from my parents he was the very first elected official that I met at the age of seven in the Hermitage Library when he was running for reelection for his second term and he read a book to us and he told us who he was and what the mayor does and how related to us on the level that we understood our libraries that we were sitting in our schools the budgets the parks all the services that we needed the after school programs that he worked with the council to get these things done and it intrigued me and I can say nearly 30 years later I'm sitting here on this days and I give credit to you mayor p [Applause] again it's an honor and thank you all for coming out tonight councilwoman Gonzalez well thank you good evening everyone um the man the myth the living legend mayor Palmer um you have been an incredible incredible figure in my life since I was a young girl I remember speaking to kindor to a councilman Edward said when I was in the fifth grade I remember us my teacher putting everyone that was running for office and we all had to vote in the classroom and I just remember your name sticking out and then when I met you years later I was impressed at how you embraced my father who at the time was very he was in opposition of you at that time and so the love that you had for my father especially when he passed away you stepped up you were one of the first people that were there for me um and even today you know reading to the kids we've been out and we reaching to the kids to this day you have not left us whenever we call you you are there for Sound Advice so I want to say I appreciate you I love you and I am so honored to be a part of this historic moment and renaming this building after [Applause] you councilman Harrison mayor Palmer um this is well well deserved you've been a part of the past in the city but you also been a part of everybody's life in this room you've touched everybody in this room and if you look around this room right now all you see is Smiles everybody in this room is proud of how you've been in everybody's Corner you've been a mentor you've listened to people you've been an advocate for this great City so thank you this is an easy vote for me a yes because well deserved thank you mayor pal thank you Council woman Williams thank you ma'am mayor Palmer um there's so many different things to say but I think everyone here tonight is saying them by the presence but I just would like to say a couple things one of the greatest things I've always admired about you is even in disagreement you can be a manable you can be respectful and you always want to get another point of view and you always always want to show leadership whether it was in times of the city when we were on a rise if it was times of the city where there was turmoil if there was times in a city when we weren't sure where we were going you were a rock for this community and your name deserves to be on this Annex and I know there we won't even acknowledge some of the negativity towards it but I'll say this when you're the first it's an incredible thing because no one could imagine someone in that position told it is you and thank you for being that person cuz I know in 1990 when I was coming home from college and election was a month away and I asked my parents I wasn't really address in politics and I said so who do we vote for and my dad said you're voting for Doug Palmer he came to 4:15 s happen knocked on our door we talked to him I like his smile I like his positivity he says he has a vision for train and that's what we need for this city we haven't had it in a long time so thank you for being our mayor thank you for leading us thank you for putting us on a national stage and thank you for your mentorship as we come on the council I know uh to myself having reached out to you for advice on things you've always been there and congratulations sir thank you and as been said I'm really happy to see that you do get your floud because that's really important particularly in these times when we too often wait so thank you sir and God bless Council vice president figuroa kenberg good evening um mayor Palmer my first introduction of you while I was while I was in elementary school I was getting some sort of Honor because you honored all of us kids all the time whether it was scholastically or for sports extracurricular something we got hon HED for something all the time and we came to City Hall so often because you were always honoring us and that went throughout my elementary junior high and high school experience here in Trenton and what I remember of you was always being so positive you made sure we were recognized and you did well to include the youth and keep us focused and inspired helped us to realize that there was greatness for us in trans and and Beyond so I want to really thank you for that because you stuck in my mind especially and I remember the first time I got a phone call from you and I was going to meet you when I was going to run for office for the first time in 2018 and I was so nervous and so intimidated to go sit down with you and you were so humble and so genuine and just so cool and you were just this real person but you were just this great person that was like untouchable it seemed like my entire life so I want to thank you for that as well I can only imagine serving as mayor is no easy feet especially for the city of Trenton but you have done it with great stride great pride taken everything under the chin and you have just remain humble loyal and just it's fantastic to the people you have served in Trenton while you were in office and now and as you can see by this room everybody is in awe of that so I'm honored and humbled to be part of history today to be part of this Dynamic Council that was able to have this ordinance in front of us to be able to name the adex of City Hall after you and to be able to vote for this because we are going to go down in history as much as you are and I just want to say that I'm glad we're able to do this while you're still alive while you can fask in it while you can enjoy it and you can say this is your great accomplish and this is the impression you have left on us here in the city of Trenton so congratulations um Doug and kudos to everybody in this room who has stood up for this ordinance before today and today so I would just like to say to Doug Palmer thank you for all of the work that you have done in the past the present and the things that you will do in the future thank you for having your authentic Spirit whenever you engage with people thank you for telling it exactly like it is thank you for being a fair man thank you for being a good man thank you for being a com a comedian a comedian rashan can you slide to the right a little bit so I can see him thank you thank you all I can say is is that you know you know this is a great moment for me this is a great moment for us um I am pleased that I have the honor to sit with this Council to make this happen we've done some great things together thus far um and I think that this is just probably one of the most awesomest things that we will have done together and I'm grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to sit and be a part of this I thank you for the examp that you set about family about love the love that you know you show for your wife for your child for your father for you know I mean just for your family everybody for Palmer for your sister for everyone you've always been that man with that tremendous heart and then the heart that you have for the city of Trenton right it goes even beyond your tenure as mayor Trenton will always be a part of you and you will always be a part of the very fabric of this city and so it is my honor to tonight to vote in the affirmative when the time comes for the annex to be renamed the mayor Douglas H Palmer Municipal conf and so now at this time I will let the council woman who not only served on the committee with everyone to make this happen but also the council woman that brought this uh ordinance forward it is it is presented Ed by councilwoman Tesa frisbee would like for you to close us out with REM marks thank you thank you council president appreciate your generosity Doug so tonight is one big thank you that's all this really is when you look around and you see everybody that's here even the ones that aren't here there were a countless number of people my husband included Sam frisbee who was in LA and he send his um regards uh who wanted to be here just to honor you folks kept asking the question why the rush why the rush why the rush and the response was why not why not why wait why put it off say wipe it off for tomorrow for what you couldn't do today we wanted to give you your flowers while you could smell them we wanted to give you a flowers while Chrissy could enjoy them while your dad could enjoy them while Nyla could enjoy while your wife your sister and your family members can all while we the community who have benefited from you being here could all enjoy [Applause] it so to have the support of the cting mayor so many elected officials many that are here many that were here many that really wanted to be who couldn't be here to me is a testament of who you are it is um a testament to the obstacles that you've overcome and when I think about it it reminds me of the story of when President Barack Obama had a little boy who said can I touch your hair and he wanted to know is that like are you really like me you made the difference you started the transition for to let other little children who look like you know that they can they also can do it that it is go that this space Also belongs to them yes they alone also in a mayor seat so it is about that and then some and it is about the Legacy that you leave behind you leave a longstanding legacy for many of us to follow after and we will all benefit from it we are all currently benefit benefiting from it so I just wanted to tell you thank you on behalf of my husband uh Samuel frisbee commissioner frisbee who could not be here he sends his love he sends his regard the reason why we came to Trenton cuz you wouldn't let us keep our brand new home that we had just built and to County and I'm not going to get into all that okay I just want to say this is not just for you it is for the community and when we put out the petitions when we put out the call to have the idea let alone we have an AC process that we wanted to have city hall or any part of it named after you it was a resounding yes when I spoke to each and every one of my colleagues not once but twice every one of them like absolutely he deserves it every one of them said he deserves it so to my colleagues I say thank you because we are making history here tonight but you are the one who did the work so for doing the work we say thank you and we commend you [Applause] [Music] good that being said Mr Garcia I would like to move for the vote Ser president I believe it's we move in second in and you who have made comments and discussion please uh pull the board councilwoman Edwards [Music] [Applause] yes vice president Figo [Applause] [Music] kber councilwoman frisbee [Applause] absolutely councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams of course yes council president Feliciano absolutely yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes I just want to say before the mayor gets up here to speak that that's what I call him all the time that on behalf of his number one cheerleader his mom the lady do and my dad who unfortunately could not make it because he was not feeling well but you have bestowed such an honor on our family that we shall never forget and he is deserving [Applause] of okay I'll be I'm going to try to be quick I'm sorry I was late but you know I I anyway I'm sorry I was first of all uh giving honor to God is first of my life I I want to first and foremost uh thank the committee uh for doing this for many years they said they didn't want to name something said I don't want to name anything after me I don't I don't I don't and then finally uh Tesa you just took the bull by the horns and got the committee together and said we're going to do this and uh relented uh and and I'm my heart is so full I'm so humble and honored uh to see all of you here and this means so much as my sister said uh not just for me and just like the council said not just for me but for this city man this is a great City this is a great City and I just know that the feeling of love that we all have in this building in this room right now that's what we need to keep together to push away the naysayers the people that always want to tear us down because with the energy we have here and out in the community we will do great things we will achieve what you want you said to me that I you know motivated you this Council and mayor G you motivate me you motiv [Music] because you have shown by being elected to office that if you work together things can happen for this city and we need that to happen so thank you again very very much she's very busy harly we go to things a lot but I'm glad that she's always been here and been my my my backbone uh all the time and I want to tell you when I first became African-American mayor I see so many Council people that serve with me I want mention all the names I know Frank cillo and of course Bob Peretti and all the folks that that helped I wouldn't be able to do any of these things without that without my chief of staff Bill Wason my first Chief of Staff my cabinet Rocky Peterson and all those people which at the appropriate time when we have the unveiling hopefully they'll all be able to make it here Renee Haynes and all them I wouldn't have been able to do anything without those people working and believing in me and believing in the the city I wouldn't have been able to do any of those things as you recognize without the citizens of Trenton without the people because if you don't have the people behind you you're not going to accomplish anything I was I was blessed and fortunate to have people work with me I was blessed and fortunate to have Father Brian McCormick it's it's it's just so gratifying This Day Is Ours it's not mine this is ours for all the work that you did that's all right because that's all right because if you're pushing for the right things you can find common ground and the last thing I want to say is is this I when I became the first African-American mayor of Trent it it was like overwhelming to me because I knew that oh man there's a lot of uh a lot of work to do and people were looking at me and at the time uh 26,000 votes were cast and I won by 297 trist Lee Pat hood and and Anette and and cord y'all know the numbers 26,000 votes and Andrew Bob of course 26,000 votes and I only won by 297 votes most of all the black people voted for me all the white folks voted for my dear friend and a great man and a great former mayor carti and the Latino boat was split down the the middle but we recognized that we had the big people work together that I was mayor for all the people and we were able to do that through tough times through reval through a lot of things the last thing I want to say is this this a funny story you said I'm a comedian but when I really realized the impact that I had on little kids cuz I didn't really think about the impact I had on you know little you know little kids I really didn't think about until this one day this young Bo came up to me and he said can I have your autograph and back then it like was like new to me people wanted to take my autograph you when they wanted my autograph so we didn't have any paper and he said put it on my shirt put on my t-shirt put on write it on my shirt I said oh no I'm not writing on your shirt your mom ain't going to come after me I on your shirt so he says uh write it on my hand write it on my hand I said okay I'll write it on your hand so I wrote my autograph on his hand I swear to God this true story and he said oh man I'm never going to wash my hand again I didn't think nothing of it 3 days later we to Tren High football game and during halftime I'm on the field this little kid comes down there part remember remember me I said yeah I Look to this hand his hand was Pitch Black I said Son you got to watch you got to watch I got some paper now I'll give you my you know those things they have on the field you pump wood and they drink it off I pumped Pumped his hand up washed his head that's when I really realized that not only seniors and and blacks and whites Latinos and others were counting on me but the young people of this city we're counting on me and the young people of this city are counting on all of us and I pledge to you this is just going to continue to motivate me even more to make this great city of ours and the city I love even greater and it's through love working together agreeing to be disagreeable but not being disagreeable but working together for the best of the city because we are the capital city and we are woring thank you God bless you I'll see you great soon take care [Applause]