##VIDEO ID:tZR5YxXAXP8## looking at something trying to focus this is to yeah [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] recording in progress Mr Garcia certainly Madam presid certainly Madam president I believe we have a quum at this time yes and if we would all women just waiting for [Music] yeah CH city council re organization meeting Tuesday January 2nd 5:30 p.m. let us call this meeting to order please stand for the flag lo I United States of America the stands na indiv adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 chap 2 31 this agenda is complete to the extent known and was sent to the Trent times posted on the first floor bulletin board in City Hall and filed in the city clerk's office formal action will be taken Mr Garcia thank you welcome to the uh TR welcome to the Trenton City Trenton City reorganization meeting Trenton city council reorganization meeting for the year 2025 is held this January 2nd 202 2025 at 5:30 p.m. Trenton City Hall good evening my name is Brandon Garcia I am your city clerk and it is my pleasure to honor and welcome you to the 2025 reorganization meeting for Trent city council um at this time we uh Madam President we have the uh invocation that I will read yes Almighty almighty God who holds the fate of man and Nation we most humbly beseech thee to bless this our city these deliberations and these thy servants that they may act with wisdom and understanding for the good of our community and thy greater glory amen amen and Madame President this time if you would like I can recite the uh results of this election this year yes thank you certainly following are the results of the November 5th 2025 general election and the December 3rd 2025 South board runoff Elections North Ward running unopposed reelected councilwoman Jennifer C Williams [Applause] East wward running unopposed reelected councilman Joseph A Harrison Westward reelected councilwoman Tesa T frisbee [Applause] and Southard reelected councilwoman Jenna L figuroa [Applause] kber at this time we will have the swearing in of governing body officials for the ward council seats uh first individual to be sworn in will be jennif Groen [Applause] [Applause] excuse me just want to order real quick should we do a roll call uh not yet you're all sworn in the officials and we'll do a roll call after that than [Music] know you ready repeat after me this the official oath of public officers oath of Allegiance I Jenna Figaroa cber I Jen Ro do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of a member of Trenton city council all the duties of a member of Trenton city council and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true allegiance to the same and I will bear true allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God [Applause] [Music] oh speech no speech congratulations I'm sorry yes congratulations our next individual to be sworn in will be Tesa T [Music] [Applause] brisby follow this [Music] well I I got to be somewhere I know I do know supposed to be somewhere okay repeat after me I state your name I Tes Frisby do solemly affirm to Solly confirm that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully imp partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of a member of Trenton city council all the members of Trenton city council and I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the governments established in the United States for the government establish of the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me that conrat [Applause] here [Music] congratulations our next councilman be sworn in will be Joseph Harrison [Applause] s not a problem councilman if you raise your right hand and repeat after me I Joseph A Harrison I Joseph A Harrison do solemnly affirm Sol your affirm that I will faithfully impartially and justly I will do faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of a member of perform all the duties of a member of the Trenton city council Trenton city council and I will support the Constitution of the United States I'll support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the Constitution of the United States of New Jersey and that I will bear true allegiance to the same and I will bear true allegiance to the same and to the government and to the governance established and established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people according to the best of my ability and according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] and finally our northw councilwoman Jennifer C Williams [Music] [Applause] I genery toir that I will Faithfully I Jennifer Williams do Solly affirm I Jennifer Williams do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform that I will faithfully justly and impartially perform all the D I of a member all the duties of a member of Trenton City Council of Trenton city council and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true allegiance to the same and that I will bear true allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of people according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abilities so help me God so help me God [Music] [Applause] [Music] and to all the newly swor in Council Members I know you are dying to make some comments and remarks and they will be during your Civic conference um as of now I can proudly do a roll call councilwoman Edwards pres councilwoman Felician pres councilwoman Figo kber pres councilwoman frisbee present councilwoman Gonzalez present councilman Harrison present councilwoman Williams present he present myself Brandon Garcia municipal clerk present and City attorney West Bridges thank you Mr G's excuse from this meeting and I apologize we will have the uh prior to the selection of council president actually I apologize we do have a video that we'd like to give um Senator Cory Booker uh did send his congratulatory remarks and if we could trans move on to that uh to that video please hello thank you for a few words as you walk out today to swear in members new and old look I remember the first time I raised my hand and swore and old I was a city council person and I want you to know that now in so many ways as you're a senator I rever this tradition it's not it's not routine it's an affirmation of our heritage of our governments and of the thousands of people across our state who dedicate themselves to serve our communities you all are the FR of meeting the needs of our constituents they are our friends they are our neighbors there are families in many ways it's the deepest understanding of that word congrate Community our state would not be able to thrive without dedicated public servant in the local and county level like you so I want to thank everyone of you for making this choice for dedicating yourself to this Great Patriotic ideal that we stand in service of each other I hope you find like I do that serving is one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have it's hard is trying it's around the clock it's meaning going to the supermarket is a lot longer than usual but it is truly the most incredible thing I've ever done in Fr I look forward to collaborating in that as your Senator and the partnership between our levels of government that serve new jerseyans and New Jersey families is so important and I feel privileged that as you swear this old we will have an even more important role to play together I wish you all the best May Arc Thrive under our Collective leadership it's not about white it's about all of us moving New Jersey [Applause] forward thank you all right the time the time has come for the selection of a new council president any member of council May nominate another member for the position of council president if seconded this nomination shall be voted upon by the council if the nominee receives a majority of affirmative votes he or she shall be name the new council president if not further nominations will be received and if seconded if SEC and if seconded voted upon the first nominee to receive a majority of affirmative votes shall be new council president I will then relinquish or the uh individual of the day will relinquish their seat to the new council president pursuant to ordinance 23-01 adopted in April of 2023 the council vice president shall have be the first Nomine for the council's consideration and vote as to the next council president there I therefore ask for a vote as to council vice president Jennifer gero kenberg for the position of council president I nominate Council vice president Jennifer gooa kenberg for Trenton city council president that's a nomination is there a second second moved in second I'll call the role I'm sorry I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I couldn't hear it that's second is there any discussion yes there is a discussion I was hoping that we could have a private discussion before we vote because we did not have a collective conversation I was hoping we would have an opportunity this evening to discuss before V I don't know how to answer the question because I'm not really sure what you're referring to from speak seems to let me um let me try to clarify pursuant to the ordinance that um Mr Garcia reference that was drafted um when this Council came in it's very clear that the uh vice president is the first person to be considered and voted upon so um I don't believe that a private conversation would be proper it's an open uh meeting to discuss who's going to be the next president um if there's a need for discussion um after the vote you can do that but right now under our statute we have to vote with respect to council vice president Jenna Figo kenberg as to whether or not she's going to be the next president so can I ask a question is there is there if there are any other so she's received the first nomination on it is there any way that we if there are any other nominations that people would want to place to be heard can we entertain that at that time before we move to the vote for either just to hear if there's any other nomination I think that that is the concern you can your yes this council is more than able to have a discussion here in public about the nomination or any other other potential nominations however under this under our ordinance it's it's very clear that we have to vote on Council J the KB first but if the but they can still if there was another nomination just to be her it can still be placed so that could be heard no no because you have to vote first and then if unsuccessful then you have a nomination at at that point in time you can have a discussion about this nomination now or potential other nomination but this um vote has to take place under our under our okay Council Edward [Music] so I'm going to ask she abstained oh say I didn't I'm sorry I did not hear that so that's abstention okay noted no I don't know who I believe comment oh okay are youing to the comment or to the vote is there a discussion or are we n everyone it's been moved and second disc now is the time for that discussion if you were so inclined yes I would like to I would like to discuss the the procedure of all of this I'm very uncomfortable I'm very uncomfortable with how this process is going um I don't agree with the interpretation of the legislation it says that vice president gets the first consideration for nomination however does not say that the vice president gets the first vote and then other nominations are heard afterwards that doesn't make sense and I've never in the history of politics and I'm I'm only 36 but I've never seen it operate like that I've always seen it where all nominations are put up at the same time and then we vote on each of them one by one whoever just the majority vote is who gets it but all nominations are heard at the same time and that's fair and so I would like that to be considered I've spoke to every counsel person including the clerk including our attorney and the City attorney and I I just have to keep up with that standard I spoke to the clerk as well and had asked the question about that where by excuse me the VP would get the first nomination but if there were any other nominations they would also be put out on the floor as well and then we would move to the vote in order of how it went just for fairness for transparency for clarity and all of that as well so now with what director Bridges is is saying I'm I'm inclined to move as we discussed it if there are any other nominations on the floor if there's anyone else that wants to be nominated then we should be allowed to hear that before we then move to the vote thank you if I council president yes the ordinance I do not have in front but as well articulated by councilman Edward the council vice president will be the first consideration for nomination there was a nomination just now I believe there was a second therefore she is now nominated as council president to be voted upon if she were not moved and seconded at that point in time then there could be additional nominations but this is the ordinance that um candidate was crafted by this Council and we have to follow um the laws that that that you've [Music] created I believe there was a uh I believe there was email communication back and forth with the council attorney regarding same and I believe he did he did allude to the same conclusion that director burges has as our we've we've we passed the ordinance and the ordinance was for the council vice president to receive this the first nominations for consideration um of course I'll defer to the solicitor I'll defer to solicitor present as to his interpretation or if it's the will of the council and the um we're legally advised different then I'll be happy to proceed I I provided my interpretation for for council's benefit I I hope that every I would hope all the emails from their legislative Council basically uh in line with what I cited to council here today um there can be discussion on it now if there is concerns questions additional thoughts but under the ordinance the council vice president his first consideration for a nomination that occurred here therefore barring any discussion that the vote must take place pursuing to ordance so um thank you council president uh so counc president and to the solicitor I my question is the ordinance says that we have to nominate first it's nominating and voting are not two they're not one and the same so when you nominate someone you can she can be nominated but it should the floor should not be closed does not say that the floor is closed she's the first person to get the nod for nomination unless it says nomination and vote they are not one and the same considerate nomination and vote is not the same yet that's is correct Council woman uh frisbee the council vice president under the language of the ordinance shall be considered first for nomination considered for nomination M that was considered and she was nominated correct now we have to vote on that nomination why are nominations cor my question but why can't we not continue to nominate she's the first one that means there's a second option may I may I offer a uh what possibly could be a compromise here or if we can may we may reach to one um director Bridges would you interpret the nomination what I what I see here written is I see the passing of an ordinance for the first nominee for the council's consideration if we can interpret the first nominee having been nominated and the council able to consider additional nominations close the floor for nominations and then I call a vote for each of those the vice president being the first vote I call would that be acceptable that would be acceptable as long as the first I mean yes it would be acceptable I I I'd like to think about a little bit more because I think we've had this email discussion back and forth we did a week and a half now and I know the emails were s summarizing this but that would be an acceptable practice as long as the council vice president is the first nominee for consideration I think for the matter just letting the the people the the council Express and the people here who folks you know we considering I guess in this process it's only fair and it's right so once we get through this process we'll have to definitely revisit that line in the ordinance to to make it make sense so that way we're not here again um the next time we move forward in this all right so we're going to agree Council Feliciano um if you know I'm sorry I don't need to jump in What I'll go ahead and do that if I may I apologize certainly I have um than to the chief of staff I now have the actual ordinance subsection C at the conclusion of the council president and Council vice president's term as set forth above operative language quote the vice president shall be the first nominee for Council consideration and vote as the new council president so you cannot even nominate anybody until this happens shall be the first nominee for council's consideration and vote as to the new council president so that all that was I think a good idea um just staying within the confine of four quarters of this ordinance language is very clear that uh councilwoman figuro kenberg shall be the first nominee for Council considering VOE on for for uh the uh council president position thank you director Bridges hearing what you said in accordance with what's been passed um in that order then there's a motion and a second at this time for uh vice president Figaro kenberg for the position of President um are we entertaining any additional discussion at this time or shall I move on with the vote so the question on the floor may I mam president yes so the floor is still open for any of the nominations for president is that correct no no it is not no this is a taking taking a vote for one individual unless there is additional discussion okay thank you regarding that inivision and that vote hearing none I'll move on with the roll call councilwoman Edwards AB noted councilman fana yes councilwoman Figaro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbe no noted councilwoman Gonzalez no noted councilwoman Harrison no noted councilwoman Williams yes noted that is 33 TI that motion failed moving on to additional nominations are there any other nominations for council president I nominate G manell Calis a second president are there any other I'm sorry I just I wanted to clarify uh so councilwoman Jennifer kenberg would need to be renominated or is there not nomination stand since it was defeated the last time it wasum to me it needs to be renominated I prefer it as solicitor um the next nomination would be considered she could be renominated if every council person up there failed to get a majority vote but that that mean it's that it it did not pass so we go on to the next motion failed so we move on to the we're now opening the floor before nominations we have a motion in a second for Yas Gonzalez are there any additional nominations nominate councilwoman Jennifer G kenberg is there a second wait there's a motion there's not a second that motion has failed we're now pursuing to our ordinance moving on to the next nominee are there consideration are there any other nominees is there a motion to close the floor for nomination to this time so moved second if there's nothing additional uh from from the law director then I'm going to move on with the vote for yes Melly Gonzalez for president no uh roll call councilwoman EV yes yes councilwoman Feliciano yes Council Figo yes councilwoman Frisby yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes congratulations motion motion carried congratulations [Applause] [Music] time council president if you want to take the seat of the council president's seat she will relinquish the seat to you very well council president in that in that case then if you want to ask for a motion for vice president yes may I have a motion for the vice president's position please motion for Nomine vice president I make a motion for J was the vice president second noted and I'm sorry the F the the motion came from Frisbee and the second from Harrison correct corre thank you very much are there any other nominations for vice president at this time is there a motion to close nominations so moved second roll call councilwoman Edwards for the motion to close yes thank you councilwoman first Fel Council Feliciano yes councilwoman figuro kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilwoman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes motion carried now for the consideration of Vice President rosi Edwards roll call councilwoman Edwards yes councilwoman cisano yes councilman Figo ker yes councilman frisbee yes councilwoman Gonzalez yes councilman Harrison yes councilwoman Williams yes motion carried [Music] [Applause] congratulations on to new Business Council we have two resolutions and Madame President if you want to ask for a motion to approve resolution 20 unless you will unless you'd like to approve a consent agenda that's up to you I would like to do a consent agenda unless any of the council members have any comments council president questions Mr Garcia is going to um change the council meeting date the one date for 2025 from June 5th to June the 3rd so it's going to be that's going to be changed mhm and for the public benefit that is due to the uh changing of the primary for this upcoming year the primary [Music] election Council yes uh regarding 25002 uh my understanding is that the trent times will be ceasing paper uh publication uh by the end of this month so I'd like to ask that we instead uh have the ads go into US1 newspaper which is still publishing a print edition uh we're going to have to do some research and confirm that they meet the requirements as far as circulation and what have you I I do have a recollection we um under the prior Council when we chose Trent ton and Trenton Times versus Trent ton we did research and they did not satisfy the requirements for public notification um I I'll recirculate that I'm fairly confident that was the case but both that as well as the Princeton packet were both considered uh just another item sorry apologize for comment purposes as well for that um I as I understand that things that go to the Trenton Times are also circulated through en.com so we would still have the online [Music] capability that's correct and for the council's benefit there's nothing uh naming an additional um circulation I just I I'm I'm fairly confident confirm that um for you by tomorrow that that newspaper you just referenced nor the Princeton packet suffice for notification purposes thank you director I have a question um director Bridges so if we approve this now just the way it is we can come back to amend it and add in if they do meet the requirements yes with proper notification council president that's correct thank you council president yes coun we so just to be clear director Bridges if we were to add it on as a consideration it doesn't mean that we always have to advertise and use it you're just naming it as one of the sources that we could use right you you would be named as a potential Source you could use and if it ultimately was confirmed that that did not um comply then we just wouldn't use it so I would recommend that we add consideration yep and then if it don't work we just don't use it it's easier just to add it on and then have us both to have it than to be going back and forth to take it off be clear then can I ask for a motion to amend the resolution to add the I'm sorry if you'll uh councilman Williams if you would just tell me that newspaper again us one it's weekly newspaper published uh in Mera County it's just called US1 yes sir thank you madam president it's a weekly yes if I may it I'm looking at where it says the official newspapers are defined by njsa 10.4 means paid published and circulated in the municipality and there be no such newspaper than at least one published in the county in which the municipality is located and said newspaper is circulated so that should cover us I thought he just his concern was that it didn't meet the requirement the first whenever they were looking at my concern is it didn't I mean if my record serves me properly the part that you read about being paid circulation was the Fatal flaw with respect to usa1 papers not paid circulation is PR and packed we did an analysis of that some time ago but I'll research it for it but is it to my understanding that even the ton the transon Times online that you need a subscription for that is that correct that's the PID yes so that still constitute that even if they don't circulate the actual the physical paper that they are still it is still a paid publication it's still a paid publication right TR you're talking about nj.com Trent and times yes yes that's correct so then there should be no need even if there's there should be no need to amend this if there's still circul that even though they're not circulating in the paper that ends at the end of this month if they still online needs to if you have to pay for that subscription is what I'm asking my understanding of the amendment was you would like to add US1 newspaper to NJ . Trends and times that was my understanding of the amendment to this um resolution so I was not asking for that that I know that's what council Williams was asking for I'm saying in lie of if we leave it as is with our with the publication still being online and having to paid for it be the Trenton Times or the Trenton if you're online you have to still have a subscription so then there would need be no need for us one if there's still we have to pay for the other newspaper online um no I I don't believe that there would be a need it can't hurt to have more advertisement than less but again I I believe even with the amendment we're going to uh it's going to be determined that us us one newspaper doesn't work for statutory purpos by way of background this decision to stop the physical paper is just is very recent and um I'm sure that we're going to be seeing some legislation or some clarity or some confirmation on what not only the city of Trenton is going to be dealing with um but also all the towns in the Mercer County that now don't have a physical circulation paper they have online circulation so it's a it's an issue that's is right for um some clarity by way of rules um but right now the TR uh the transit times I nj.com is our only option uh for my understanding based on the um the fact of the paid and circulation and it circulates within merer County thank you with that being the case I ask for that moot motion for that Amendment or and we can entertain that Amendment at this time Council council president thank you um I was doing a quick Google search US Weekly and it seems like it's just a publication for Princeton it doesn't seem like it is everywhere or in Mercer County like I I'm researching it and I'm wondering if anyone from the area reads this so that's my concern and if if it requires us to pay for this will that be a waste of money if Trentonian aren't reading so that's my concern it's just pres also yes I believe I'm actually looking at a at a legislative Bill actually co-sponsor for assem assembly room rold Jackson that confirms the ability to use online publication for uh notice purposes with respect to having these meetings so electronic notification is in and it's proper um for Trend times/ nj.com um director Rich really quick how long would it take for you to actually just do the research on it whether they met the requirements or not probably about 15 to 20 minutes oh okay okay council president I just like to add I do believe that the trent Public Library on Academy Street regularly gets uh delivery of the US1 a pile of about 30 40 copies of Le home print and the other good thing is that is a publication that most of the public libraries Mera County including Trenton uh keep a physical hard copy for its archive in case for research so if if I may make a suggestion yes president I I I do like the idea of amending this as written to add that no more notification is not a bad thing but once I get back in front of my computer after 15 20 minutes I'm fairly confident be sending you an email that usa1 paper does not work but that doesn't void the entirety of the resolution um to uh notify the public any way we can and again it can't hurt to give more notification than less so my suggestion would be to amend it to add that uh circulation to this and have voted on by this Council thank that's the will we can make a motion to amend it to add USA 1 paper um the council can vote on that Amendment and then we can have the resolution entirety BR to record and voted on by this Council again thank you director Bri may we have a motion to amend resolution 25002 so move second roll call Council Edwards yes councilwoman Feliciano yes councilwoman Figo kenberg yes councilwoman frisbee abstain noted coun councilman Harrison yes councilman Williams yes council president Gonzalez yes motion carried and I'll defer the solicitor if you need me to I do I need to read this into the in its entirety into the record vote on it as amended to include usa1 newspaper if that's the name of it I don't I'm not familiar with that Madam president if you want to ask for a motion to approve the resolution 25-2 as amended to include the US1 publication yes may we have a motion to amend 25002 and to put it into motion please include us A1 usa1 newspaper second who's the motion oh thank you sorry moved by Williams second by Harrison thank you very much roll call councilwoman Edwards yes Council Felician yes councilwoman Figo keber yes councilman frisbee yes counc Harrison yes councilman Williams yes council president Gonzalez yes motion Carri and then M president if you want to ask for a motion to approve the meeting dates and times that and I believe we were going to do a consent agenda prior to the discussion that ensued yes that's fine yes may I have to approve resolution with the change um date of June 3rd second roll call councilman Edwards yes councilman Feliciano yes Council Figo kber yes councilman frisbee yes councilman Harrison yes councilman Williams yes council president Gonzalez yes motion carried and Madame President that brings us I believe to the point of public comment yes if I can have the public comment clipboard please you didn't hear if I can have the public comment clipboard please and Madam president do we have no members for public comment if it is your will we may move to Civic comment this time much you may start with any individual you'd like I think that's the first um yeah so we'll just we'll go left to right Council Williams thank you very much ma'am um so I just want to uh say thank you to everyone for attending tonight and intending to swearing in and uh just have some brief comments that I'd like to share with you uh first of all I would like to thank uh all of our currently serving military and Veterans and their families for the service to our [Applause] country I also Al like to thank my constituents and the voters in the great North Ward who voted for me in the November election I was fortunate enough to run unopposed and even so I'm very appreciative that several thousand voters did find my name on the ballot I'd also like to thank my family especially my wife Tammy my son Ian and my daughter [Music] [Applause] Grace for all of their love their support and the many paper cuts as we put together campaign literature and community meeting literature over the past few years and uh just you helped me do my job in so many different ways and helped me to really try to represent the north Bo the best ways I can so thank you additionally it goes without saying that I'm grateful to my campaign manager Brendan chuchuk [Applause] and my team uh glad our Treasurer Mike and Jeremy and Mr chichchu in the back uh thank you for everything that you did all the hard work uh these past selections to help uh me get to this place on this days with my great colleagues to be able to make decisions that help our city over the past two years we've accomplished a great deal in the north board and Trenton from Memorial s honoring peacemakers and remembering the events of the 1968 riot in downtown to positive things like even like a new four-way stop at MLK in Ingam Avenue to make that area safer as we wait for a traffic light to be installed to one-way Street designations on streets to new and improved housing being created to improving the quality of life for Trent tonians and the restarting of the north W syiem police advisory Council and by the way our next meeting is on January 15th Wednesday at gly Baptist Church at 5:30 and everyone is welcome this full city council is getting things done it's clear we're improving the lives of everyone in Tren and I'd like to repeat from my initial campaign kickoff in 2022 that Trenton is a welcoming City no matter where you are from who you are who you love or even what football team me root for in this Maro siora has been a great partner with us in all of our efforts and though we sometimes disagree sometimes and sometimes really disagree on a few issues we can all work out everything together professionally and with full respect honor and commitment to the capitol city and its citizens I'm very very proud of that Senator Booker had it right when he spoke about how tough being a council person can be at times it is true but it really is a joy to serve I love being able to help my constituents and the best feeling in the world is when you help solve a problem that your constituent didn't think actually could get solved yes Trenton does work and that shared success is wonderful and I'd also like to thank Senator Shirley Turner uh for all your work and help to our city assembly woman Molina Reynolds Jackson was here earlier and with assemblymen Andy gelli we're very fortunate to have such a good representation at the state level and uh County Executive Dan Benson was here earlier with us mayor Palmer and mayor hamont uh morath from West were also here with us earlier and uh it's great to have support through from every level of government and even the neighboring CS for what we're trying to do we do face a lot of problems as we begin 2025 but we also see many opportunities on the horizon please trust that many good days are coming and that our Collective hard work will pay off in Washington DC we will see significant change in the near future but we have to take care of Trent at the end of the day that is our charge and I know that we can do that we can work together to make Trenton and northw even better than is on this day so I want to thank you so much for listening to my words I want to congratulate council president Gonzalez Council Poli president Edwards on our as sending to leadership and I have to keep this as a tradition go tornadoes Fly Eagles Fly and may God bless you your families the city of Trenton Mercer County and United States of America [Applause] councilman [Music] Harrison um I would like to thank all the wonderful people of the East War who um who believed in me all these years um I would like to thank my mom my brother my girlfriend um my wonderful team Mike Sabo Joe trut Barry Gano Ursula who did all the walking with me thank you thank you to Mickey Mickey for putting up signs all over the city thank you so much thank you that the person that nobody really seem to know but he's he's phenomenal L drop Larry L drop Larry is one of a guy guy works hustles every day got a heart of gold and he loves the city um it's wonderful wonderful human being so it's wonderful to be on this council with this great Council we have a new council president Gonzalez new vice president Edwards we see all the constituents out here um I'm blessed I'm truly blessed to be sitting here representing East W um ver Westcott does a wonderful job in Wilbert Harry jacking off trying to do all he can in Philip Park um this year we did lose somebody special Gilbert Bell who was a a lighting heart in this great City if anybody knew Gilbert Gilbert was one of a kind so I just like to say thank you I appreciate everybody's help let's continue to work together and I'm Steeler Nation I've got to say we keep losing and all started when we got pounded by Eagles so I got I got to give [Applause] CR conratulations [Applause] councilwoman Feliciano thank you council president Gonzalez so first let me say congratulations council president yes vanelli Gonzalez congratulations Council vice president ji M congratulations to um the whole government name right congratulations to um councilwoman Williams councilman Harrison councilwoman um Frisbee and councilwoman Figaroa kenberg on securing your WIS to serve four more years helping um the city of Trenton to do better right we need that we need the continuity um we need the partnership we need the collaboration so I must say um I've served two years in leadership on Council I've learned a lot in each respective capacity and I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to serve but as you know I'll be running again in 2026 so I need to Beat the Streets up so I gladly passed the torch on um to the next and y'all can have at it I'm excited for what's to come in the city of Trenton I'm excited to continue to work with the collaborative efforts that I have with mayor casor that doesn't change anything I'm still looking forward to working with DCA and the county and everyone within the city city of Trenton titles are wonderful I expect nothing but greatness from those that will now step into the sea but it's what you do with it right it's the work that you put in beyond the title that matters the most and so I'm excited to see how this this Council continues to grow and conses to do the works of the city and to help Tren and be better so again thank you for everyone coming out tonight thank you for y all your support thank you for being present Happy New Year to you all and God bless you [Applause] Council woman thank you council president so first I want to just say thank you to everyone um whether you're in my w or not in my ward um whether you voted for me or you didn't vote for me um that doesn't change what I the work that I will do my work ethic will remain the same um for those who voted for me for those who did not vote for me um although this is um the title says the agreement was that is this is a part-time job the commitment is full-time and we do that we do that um folks think that it is just a uh 4H hour five it is not it is a full-time job and so it is a balance that we put out but we do it because we're passionate about our great City so I look forward to the next four years I thank everyone um who gave me their support I want to thank my manager uh Dave ponon who is here I appreciate your love and support thank you so very much uh my biggest rock just left out of here is name is actually Sam Frisbee and Sam frisbee Jr those two let my son left out here my mother-in-law who's sitting in the front row the little woman who's the biggest giant of J I wanted to say thank you because it takes a lot of time away from family and I appreciate all of them giving me their love giving me their support allow me to take the time that I need you to do my job in excellence I want to thank those um elected who came out tonight because I know that there are a lot of things that are going on tonight which is where my husband is heading out the door to so I know that assembly woman tanil McCoy that she was here so I want to say thank you to her and of course commissioner frisbee I still call him Sam that's my honey bunny um I'm grateful for his love and support I want to thank um assemblyman Benson for being here he's all assembly excuse I cannot get you out of I'm put you out um thank you County EXA I got to get you out my phone is ass County ex Benson thank you for all that you do I love the work that we are doing together here in our city it is making such an incredible difference and I love the partnership that we're doing so thank you I appreciate who you are and what you bring to the city to Senator Turner thank you for the grow that you've paid thank you for all that you have done and you continue to do I appreciate appreciate you I watch you I study you more than you think that I do um but I just want you to know that you are appreciated what you have done your commitment is appreciate it and I'm still studying some of your bills uh so um I thank you for that um yes that um our assembly woman um ronold Jackson was was here I know that uh she had to leave out so I appreciate her I call her my sister from another mister I thank her for the path that she's Paving her commitment and her dedication to make sure I know today you got have more than just Trenton but we're spoiled we want you we we got you here so we call you and we claim you our own so Ed you can tell that we're spoiled and I and I continue to be spoiled um by that um so um but and I'm not going to say definitely not least but my mayor um RoR um I appreciate how you show up thank you for considering Trenton in your thoughts and your decisions to make sure that we are in the Forefront let other people understand that um it's not an easy job but you are committed I thank you for how you work with this Council I thank you for the relationships that we are building with one another that you have an open door policy um that is important that we know that we can come into you and that it is not we got to check with this person that that you cuz I know I call you at times even when you're on vacation I appreciate you for always answering the phone so thank you for that you are appreciated and I hope REM Miss if I did not thank our directors um I know all of them are not here on this evening um but we have a phenomenal group of directors uh director Wilson is in the back I know that our Police director was here I mean our father director was here there is over the corner douas is up here uh I see Jim over there in the corner I know there's so many others we have a great working team Paul was here is he got but to all Paul so to all of and Diego I see you as well thank you whether you're inum or not I don't call them inum I I know that some of them have the titles of in they're our directors they are doing the work so I just want to say thank you the city is moving forward because we are all working together and so I appreciate you I appreciate your efforts I appreciate your commitment and your dedication to getting it right and doing it right with dignity and respect so thank you thank you for that um I wanted to say to the various organiz ations that have helped me that have called and reached out to me I appreciate your love I appreciate your your support and wanting to see me succeed um I want to say as we move forward I am grateful for the work that we've been able to um to do cat Walder Park is going it has has been transforming over the last two years I'm proud of the work that we've done the work that we've been doing on West stage Street the work that we got done that um was one of the main things that I was my stomping point when I first was campaigning which is Belle Avenue seeing Belle Avenue repaved is is a giant for me and I'm so grateful for our um our directors for helping and I our mayor making sure that the money our County making sure that the state the assembly making sure the money is there nor that we can open transit back up for business and we can do things in excellence we're not getting um crumbs or brown bag lunches we're getting the cream the crop which is what we just serve here in the city of Trenton so I just want to close with saying um I'm appreciative I'm grateful for the work that we've done um the West wart is growing the West wart Center if you have not been there and have not seen how it's been refurbished and it is still getting refurbished come on out see what's going on there come out to the neighborhoods and see how the the uh apartments that have been left dormant for so many years we're now getting those knocked down the streets are getting the repairs those that need humps we're getting the crime believe it or not is going down and I appreciative because we are working collectively as a city I look forward to being the westw representative for the next four years and I look forward to working with each and every one of you thank you and enjoy your evening councilwoman the kenberg thank you good evening everybody um first I want to congratulate our new council president and Council vice president on your new seats um Council Council former council president Fel did a great job as council president um and I was honored to serve as the CVP for the time that I got to serve learned a lot and I wish the two new Council leaders the all the best moving forward as we continue to do the work um I want to thank Senator t uh Shirley Turner and County exec Dan Benson for being here tonight thank you guys so much and others who were here who cannot stay I am excited to still be here in front of you all to be standing here as your newly elected southw councilwoman does not fall short on me regarding the ultimate sacrifice the hard work the diligent that it took to remain in my seat I know what adversity is I know what it feels like at all angles it's not pretty but you have to stay humble through it all you have to stay strong you have to remain in your truth I use the word humbling as it pertains to me in my experience quite often in recent years and it's simply not an expression there's truth behind it they say all things are possible if you put your mind to it and do the work but understanding your head and your physical work will fight one another at times that throw you off track and make you want to quit that's part of the excitement of the win everyone doesn't know my story and that's okay it's not for everybody but what I do behind the scenes on an everyday bases in addition to what the public sees is extraordinary feet for myself and I never gave up on my seat for reelection not necessarily just for me but for the legitimate voters in the South board who believed in me who saw my work who responded to me who called me tirelessly with their concerns and who felt they finally had a voice and finally had someone to represent them equally across the board this was an election a runoff and a recount at the request of my opponent facets of my life had to be put on hold while other facets of my life were put on display but I continued to fight and wait and fight some more while most of you all were continuing your lives and celebrating with your families and celebrating holidays I was still knocking on doors going door to door asking people to come out and vote so I can continue to serve Us in the South board and be a representative for all of us in Trenton I made sure that they understood that I was there for them and I will continue to do the work that 2 years proved not enough time to do in the end after one of the largest voter turnouts on the South Ward we did Prevail and I have the honor and privilege of serving this serving the South board and TR as a whole for four more years as a councilwoman I've learned that advocating for others is just as important as advocating for yourself I learn to respect people where they are and for who they are the city has a lot of work that needs to be done in most most of the work takes time practice reorganization re establishment and understanding we are trying to move in a better direction for the city we are trying to make our quality of life experiences better we are trying to improve all lives and we are trying to make things practice not a one-time show I proud of all I've been able to accomplish in my first term as councilwoman from stop signs to pave roads fixed sidewalks speed bumps Park Rehabilitation sanitation maintenance and maintenance of abandoned buildings to help fight the light that we all deserve in Trenton as Trentonian something to be proud of something that we can all be proud of to say that we are we are tonians we stand strong and the city works for us I want to thank all of the city employees and all the directors for making it happen on a dayto day I know many of your jobs are thankless there's so much to do in this city and there's countless requests and we're backed up all the time but we are working we are moving we hear you we're trying to make these improvements I'm not a grandstander I am a talk about it type person and I'm a doer so if I say I'm going to get it done I say I'm going to work on it that's exactly what I set out to do because the South board elected me I plan to continue to continue to work in accordance with all goals better and best serving for the city of Trenton we have so much work to do and we need to do it together so I want to I want to shout out a few people give a couple of thank yous um first and foremost Terry West and March Caro Wilson uh my campaign manager and my campaign chairs to car car did the hard work listen to the phone calls got me motivated I got them motivated um disagreed agreed moved forward it it was it was relentless and I want to personally thank them uh mayor r thank you for supporting me and believing in me and walking with me and um you know acknowledging a lot of the the community concerns in the South board you know people people not only are happy to know that their Council people are paying attention but to know that their mayor is also paying attention is very key and it shows that we are able to work together across the board nobody's robber stamping anything we are holding one another accountable so I thank you for that for taking this time out um former mayor Palmer thank you for all of your support I know you were here and you left um I really do appreciate um advocating for me um my coun Council colleagues who came out and supported and endorsed me I want to thank you so much uh former council president Christoph luano thank you you have really stood by me during this whole process um from the election to the runoff to the recount to challenging what have you just late night advice early morning advice daytime advice whatever it was um I learned so much from you in the past year and I do appreciate um you as a counsil colleague and as a friend so thank you um Miss ston Cordelia St thank you for always speaking up for always speaking out for what's right um or at least giving your opinion of what you felt was right um I really do appreciate that thank you um U Mrs Laro thank you so much thank you for all your kind words thank you for the piece you put out on identity and what that means um just seeing some of the things that I had gone through uh standing up and running for office things that I should not have had to experience but I did and thank you just for seeing that for advocating and for speaking out I really appreciate it and for all of your endorsement and your support um Central labor Council thank all of them all the unions all the labors that supported Michelle Le tag was CWA they came out in extreme numbers and did um canvases for me um something Wayne D'Angelo and his local Luna with Randy brolo um elect women Trisha McGuire was here tonight and she had to leave they did an extraordinary feat of 3,000 postcards for me during the runoff and it was just amazing and they got it done quickly um jeie weim uh Brian Blakeley Joe trut Michael herado thank you so much for taking the time at walk with me in the sou Michael you really showed that um political lines are blurred when it comes to working for the people it doesn't matter what your affiliation is if you if your head and your mind your heart are in the right place for what you do and for what the people stand up for and and represent you're going to get the work done and it really does not matter what your political beliefs are and I really do appreciate you thank you I saw that LMA was in the building tonight in numbers I wish I was able to speak why they were here I really do appreciate um my LMA family for coming out and supporting tonight um they they've been family to me for quite some time and you know they they've always shown their support and love Reverend Eric kusman of St Bartholomew church I thank him for his endorsement um acting individually Debbie Parks thank you for your support our fire Union all of their support and just everyone who stepped up to Challenge walk um Advocate do Facebook post social media post just all of you thank you um I see Mr Brady in the room thank you so much you challenged on runoff day and you were there all day from morning tonight so thank you so much and the many others who did again this is for all of you to have positive representation unbiased representation representation across all lines regardless of race ethnicity gender religion Etc that's who who I am before you as the councilwoman our word is all we have at the end of the day my word is to keep things not personal and to serve those who elected me first and foremost so thank you all very [Applause] [Music] much Council vice president Edwards thank you good evening everyone uh first and foremost I want to congratulate all four of my colleagues on their re-elections um to their for councilman Harrison your third term and everyone else for their second terms that an amazing feed and I know firsthand that was not easy um so I just want to commend you all on the amazing work that uh you have done in the past two years and the work that I know you will continue to do um I want to thank all of our legislators that came out to be with us tonight Senator Shirley Turner we had assembly woman Tel McCoy we also have um by proxy at gens for assembly woman berina Reynolds Jackson we have our merer County Executive Dan Vincent thank you and mayor of course you're always present thank you all for coming here to be with us um I want to say that uh thank you all for your vote for me for vice president um I do not take this responsibility lightly and I'm looking forward to working with our new council president on council's business I feel like we can be doing so much more as council is our positions are more than just drafting legislation and saying yes or no and a vote we are the governing body of the city we are the oversight for the administration um and we do not take that lightly but I feel like we could be going so much further in the city um to step up and support the mayor and his administration in so many ways and um strengthen our relationships with DCA with the county um and by the way County Executive thank you so much um I have I have not been in this world for a long time but I can say in the last few decades I have not seen this much support from the County Administration than I do now for the capitol city so I thank you for giving us that respect um and in providing shared services in all the work that you are going to do you have a great vision and a great mind and with our mayor and with this Council we will drive our city a lot further than any Council that we've had before no disrespect to anyone else um I want to say uh thank you to Cordelia ston as well because as a former councilwoman and a city clerk you have invaluable information you have Decades of experience that each each one of us has learned from you and you hold us accountable you are um very transparent in your thoughts and you do not hesitate to let us know what is what and I appreciate that um wholeheartedly you have helped me make some tough decisions up here on the St so I appreciate that and everyone else and Miss L appreciate you as well um I look forward to serving as president like I said with u council president Gonzalez we share a a very deep vision of what we feel like this city um can be and I think together we will Bridge all of that and drive the city council forward and the city forward and support our mayor so I want to say thank you all for being with us this evening and again congratulations to you all [Applause] councilwoman first you want to say something else yes thank you council president I was remissed and um just saying um a couple things one I want to thank count um former mayor Palmer for being here swearing me and for his continuous um support I was remiss and not acknowledging um our former council president cilia ston thank you for from day one um stepping up making the phone phone calls sending the emails helping and giving guidance um it was not easy um I stumbled along the way but I appreciate your guidance in that so thank you for that um and I wanted to say I Brian Blakeley I call him my big brother but he was so instrumental in my reelection so I just wanted to say thank you to him as well congratulations to East um to councilman Harrison on his War his winning back his seat I'm to councilwoman Jennifer Williams for winning back her seat councilwoman Jennifer figuro K Mor for winning back your seat as well and I just want to say thank you to all I think this is one of the larger turnouts for the West w we had over 5,000 people who came out of which over 4,000 um I did get their votes I'm very grateful and I don't take that for granted um I excited to be working with the new president councilwoman Gonzalez congratulation on getting the nod you are deserving and we look forward to it councilwoman Edwards you are deserving as well and we are look forward to working with you as well to our outgoing president I thank you for all the work that you have put in and how you've set us up to be better than what we were a year ago and years before that as well so thank you for that um thank you for your work Council woman figuro at kenberg thank you for the work that you have put in and just thank you for just being there being present and on that thank you and good night everyone thank you for the opportunity [Music] um first thank you everyone for being present um congratulations to all of my colleagues who have been reelected um I'm excited I'm glad that we are still together to continue to move this city 4 um I definitely want to spend a special special thank you to our outgoing um President and Vice President your dedication and commitment have set a great foundation for us here that we'll build on and I'm looking forward forward to growing in that area and continuing the work that you all have started um and as I step into this role I'm eager to learn and grow alongside of each and every one of my colleagues so I just want to say thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to serve in this capacity um all of those who have voted for me I know may not have been an easy vote so I want to say thank you um for saying yes um I'm looking forward to this year I'm looking forward to a year of progress and collaboration in our city um I just want to thank everyone here um all of our elected officials a lot were mentioned I hope I don't miss anyone but of course our mayor our County exec Senator Turner uh Mr gens who is also here in place of assembly woman Reina Ren Jackson our former Council woman kri Cordelia state in and Mama Laro I just want to say thank you all for being here and supporting us in every role that we played on Council um every day is not easy as a council person and I know we don't always all agree but we are doing our best to respect one another and work together um for the betterment of our city and our community um just for those who have said that we are rubber stamps I keep hearing that a lot um in the last week or two you don't see the disagreements and the and the compromise and going back and forth sometimes with our Administration and our mayor and don't think that it's not being done just because we're not like our previous uh predecessors who may have done it publicly and argued and felt like that was the the way to get things done that's not how this Council Works um that um but we are here to work alongside our Administration and of course support our mayor in any way that we can if it benefits our city it's about the people here in the city of Trenton so I just want to say thank you all again for being present um happy New Year Tron so I just want to say thank you again and everyone have a good evening with that may I have emot to close the meeting so move second roll call councilwoman Edwards yes councilwoman Pano yes councilwoman F kber yes councilwoman frisbe yes councilman Harrison yes councilman Williams yes council president Gonzalez yes motion carried [Music]