##VIDEO ID:IiRyTAMHWKs## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e open good morning everyone the reorganization meeting is called to order we will now have the pledge allegion of the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law the New Jersey public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted on on the rules of this act the Trenton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by public publicizing the date time and place posted on the web page the times and the Star Ledger formal action will take place at this meeting mission statement all students will graduate with a vision for their future motivated to learn and prepared to succeed in their choice of college or career now we will have the swearing in of our newly elected board members by Mr James rooll all at once all at once all right um repeat after me I I State your name do solemnly swear or affirm doly swear or affir that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States to the governments establish in the United States in this state in this state under the authority of the people the authority of the people so help me God so help me God all right I do solemnly swear or affirm I do over that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications for the office of board member of Education of board member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and I'm not disqualified as a voter nor disqualified due to a conviction of a crime nor disqualified due to a conviction of a crime and I will Faithfully and impartially and I will faithfully and impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of that office perform all the duties ofice according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] [Applause] congratulations yep congratulations to our newly elected congratulations to our newly elected board members we look forward to working with you in the future Mr did we do we need to dooll oh he has a picture that's James hey that's premature okay wait a minute okay roll call Yolanda Lopez present Gerald truart Jean buoy present Addie Daniel Lane absent Austin Edwards Denise Johnson present Sasa Manana absent Larry trailer Jeanie weam pres we have rayum we will now have election for our board president for the 2526 school year the floor is open at this time I nin Gerald truart second are there any other nominations at this time before we second no more nominations okay so we have a second okay roll call Yolanda Lopez yes Joel truart yes Jean buoy yes Edie Daniels Lane absent Austin Edwards yes Denise Johnson yes Sasa Montana absent Larry trailer yes jeie weam yes congratulations to Mr truart as our new board president you may be seated at this time sir I'm for whoever may take it now Jo you will open up the floor for nominations for vice president oh that one open the floor for vice nominations for vice president I would like to nominate Denise Johnson as vice president second are there any more nominations okay roll call Yolanda Lopez yes Gerald truart yes Jean buoy yes Addie Daniels Lane absent Austin Edwards yes Denise Johnson yes Sasa Monta absent Larry trailer yes Jeanie wam yes congratulations to Denise Johnson is a newly appointed vice president and you may be seated where we did this now super comments okay we'll now have comments from our superintendent good morning everyone and happy New Year uh just want to congratulate our newly elected board members brother Jean Buie Mr Gerald truart and miss miss uh Denise Johnson um I've had the pleasure of working with you now for multiple a multiple number of years and really excited about the work uh that we're doing together and your vision for the district your support is it always appreciated and that you always focus on what's best for the children and Trenton so just really excited that you were reelected and I look forward to doing the continuing to do the strong work that we're doing together and just want to um extend a a separate congratulations to our president our new uh new president uh brother jald truart um spent some time talking with him personally and uh the deep personal connection along with the professional connection uh is really exciting to know about you know that he'll be sitting in the seat to continue to do the work so really proud of you and excited to work with you to continue to do our work in Trenton and VP Johnson uh new together uh Denise and I probably been here around the same time so I've gotten to know her and her heart about the children in Trenton and just really looking forward to her vision as we continue to do the strong work here so really excited to continue to work with the team uh and more excited about the work that we all commit to do in Trenton for the families and the children here so congratulations to all of you and I look forward to a prosperous year and years uh in the future open the floor for board member comments yes so I'm I'm thrilled I'm thrilled I'm going into my ninth year at this grind and nine is the number of completion and so it's significant for me and there's still a lot of work to be done but I'm honored to serve again thanks i' just like to congratulate um all y all for getting reelected and congratulate Gerald and Denise on your new found positions good luck thanks I'd like to do the same congratulations to our new quote unquote board members and congratulations to Gerald a long time coming Denise and we're here to continue working together I'm excited for a new um a new work same you know I'm really um I've you know um this is my first time not you know s being up here watching um my colleagues get sworn in and is really exciting definitely uh appreciate the hard work all three of you done this year and I'm excited to continue to work as we you know push the district forward um also say thank you Yolanda for your time as president you know ushering us in to where we got today um and helping us continue to move forward in the right direction so I'm deeply appreciate deeply appreciative of you know where we've how far we've come and how far we are going to continue to go so thank you I think we need to give our sister Yolanda a round of applause for [Applause] our easy I I just want to make a quick comment I want to thank this board for all the work that we do we are very committed to this uh Endeavor and uh of ensuring ing that the children in this District get a quality education I want to thank superintendent because we did come in at the same time uh so you know just working with you and seeing how much you love this district and the city frankly um it is very refreshing and I just want to thank the district right all the work that's done here I mean you you don't see it when you're when are outside of this organization and being a a a student from this District I'm I'm very proud so I just want to thank everyone here so thanks everyone um I'm excited about the board and the elections we've went through two elections and uh We've stayed strong in terms of being elected to the board as first of all appointed board members and then going through a first election last year um and having uh Larry come on board and of course Lopez and Addie Lane uh who have been on the board prior to that uh that was an awesome election year that first year now the second election year having trueart buoy and Johnson elected I selected to the board and just seeing this certificate of election for the first time I didn't see you guys I didn't see you guys uh this this is exciting work um it's so it's so rewarding to recognize and to know that the citizens of our community believe in the work that we have done and continue to do under the leadership of Jee Buie as president under the leadership of Al Daniels Lane as president and and um Hiring Our superintendent Mr James ear who's gone on four five years now in our district and um started out with our strategic plan when we first started our strategic plan four years ago and then uh president Lopez um coming on board as president um serving under uh president Lopez and all the work that she has done for board professional development we're a master a master board Master Certified board I mean that's that's a big deal uh in the state of New Jersey there's not many uh I'm not sure the the the statistics and numbers but I know that there's not there's few certified boards and we're the only one go ahead yon we're the only one in Mera County that's a certified board the first not the only the first and not the only I know Lawrence is right behind us they're all going to come right behind us so we're you've led us and you continue as you continue to lead um as a board member um I just want to give thanks to the past presidents and the shoulders uh that I stand on and us and Denise stand on and I thank God for uh Denise as being elected as vice president um and I look forward to continuing the great work that has been started let's get to work let's continue to work and let's get the work doing the work for our children thank you so much motion to adjourn second public participation no one sign no one signed up motion to adjourn hi