e this Trenton Board of Education comes to an opening please stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for which stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Yolanda Lopez present Gerald truart pres Jean buoy pres Edie Daniels Lane present Austin Edwards pres Denise Johnson present Sasa Manana here Jeanie weam absent Larry trailer pres we have a quarum the New Jersey Sunshine Law the New Jersey public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted on on the rules of this act the Trenton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by publicizing the date time and place therefore posted on the web page the times and the Star Ledger formal action will take place at this meeting mission statement all students will graduate with a vision for their future motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college or career if I may please have a motion to adopt the agenda with the following addendums in Human Resources personel trans uh new hires retirements athletic appointments and Personnel transactions moved second roll call Yolanda Lopez yes Gerald truart yes Jean buoy yes Denise Johnson yes Austin Edwards yes Jeanie weam absent Addie Daniels Lane yes Sasa man yes Larry trailer yes motion passed test um superintend superintendent good good evening uh and welcome to this beautiful spring day uh I know uh if you like me the outside looks really nice the inside looks great but the outside looks really really nice so we're happy that you could join us for those of you who are visiting today or joining us for the board meeting I have a few announcements uh some information uh just to share uh just quickly um uh just an update on the lead issue at uh Grant um Intermediate School we will be sending out an update on testing we've had two testing sites uh if I remember correctly uh We've tested about 80 or so students and probably near uh 25 or 30 staff members who and testing is not mandatory so we're happy that people did come to do lead blood testing uh that's the only way to determine whether you have potential lead in your system is to do a blood test and we've had offered that for free at uh grant school on two occasions the next one is uh the following uh spring break we have a third and we're working with the Trenton Health Department to continue testing for as long as necessary to give individuals an option so uh please stay tuned to the website for the actual dates uh if I say those and you don't write them down that way you can go to that site we have a space dedicated for that information um couple of quick announcements uh we have a resolution just want to call your attention to HH and the resolution when you see the agenda uh referencing the crown act um it's just a resol uh um legislature New Jersey passed to create respectful and open workplace for natural hair as many of you may remember uh young man was wrestling and had to have his hair cut uh and so we just put a resolution on stating that we support the crown act uh always have in Trenton and always will uh and so not an issue here but we wanted to stand strong with the other districts in Mercer County doing so um also on the agenda is the updated calendar uh for this year we've had to make some adjustments I did speak to that last uh board meeting regarding potential adjustments to that calendar and we have this on today for approval some of the things that you can see is we moved April 22nd uh board meeting because of the budget calendar to the 29th uh re we removed the May 24th emergency closing day we have to use that day uh we moov the last day of school from June 21st to June 25th which means June 24th and June 25th are the last two days they are half days uh and graduation also moved you can see this in the calendar when it's approved graduation at daylight Twilight High School school will be on June 24th graduation at Trenton Central High School will be on June 25th and the last day of school for staff is June 26 that is a result of using snow days uh we needed to use those days because we had emergency closing uh and we had one emergency day and I know that's always a question how many do you put in uh we do our best to accommodate all of the days that we are off which sometimes limits the number you can put in and however we believe this is the best solution to the calendar um just also wanted to I know it was announced at the last uh board meeting by the tea leadership Trenton Education Association but we also are very excited that we came to an agreement in negotiations and that the uh bargaining unit did ratify the contract and so we're excited about that and look forward to continue the collaboration with them moving forward years from now so we're want to thank our team our negotiations team and the board and the negotiations team for tea uh for the work done uh and sometimes it's very difficult but we stay with it and stay in a partnership and you get good results that way um so I just want to thank all all involved for getting to that point um April 19th uh is our bu somewhere around April 19th or late April will be our budget presentation in past years because we're a type one District we gave a budget presentation because we had the board of school estimates earlier and some people have reached out to me about the board uh budget presentation that presentation will take place after the approval because the governor approves that April 19th is that right M Howard somewhere around that time so after the budget's approved we can present the budget to the public so it's later because the shift we're an elected board now we're also a type two District so that shift needs to be made um also was mentioned in the last uh board meeting was translation services uh there were several members that brought that up as a concern with our district being multilingual and the majority of the families and parents we serve uh speak Spanish and many are speaking other uh languages the need for translation services at our board meeting and in other spaces at meeting so uh we are in the process of vetting vendors looking at vendors we're looking at our past presentations on YouTube where we translated board meetings to get some idea if that works and we intend to have a solution very soon if not by the next board meeting so uh we are dilig diligently uh team members on my staff and board members working together to come up with the best solution for translation services when you enter our spaces to make sure everyone can participate join and participate which is very important uh also we've heard from our security officers uh on numerous occasions I know I've been stopped in hallways and in different venues about their pay and the fact that they haven't been paid uh we want to uh want our security uh Team to know that we stand with them and have reached out to uh the vendor to see if there is a resolution uh we don't have all of the details but we know that some of our security may join us this evening to speak on that uh we are well aware and hopeful that there's a resolution soon because if you work you should be paid uh and it's pretty simple it's not much more to say than that uh and I'm not sure what the issue is but our vendor Works closely with our team and we're hopeful to find this solution soon um and then one thing that we're really excited about been working on for a little while is uh you'll hear very soon and we're going to roll it out kind of without guard rails so to speak we're working on the details but par deck tutor uh it's an online tutoring service uh it does not replace firstperson instruction it does not replace supports after school imagine uh in districts not like Trenton students can access tutoring because their parents may have resources they may be able to go out and pay for cuman or some of the other locations what we found is a way for our students to do the same virtually 24 hours seven days a week in their native language uh parents can be a part of it so parek tutor uh if you want to write that down you will see that marketed very soon but it gives our students an opportunity to level the playing field so often when you're in these spaces where you have to compete it's not always about what you don't know is if you have the resources to do everything that you can do so we're very excited that parek tutor will be coming aboard we've been approved met with our vendor we have our uh access passes for our students uh it's loaded on to class link uh and I may get all of that that right or wrong but just truly truly excited because we believe this is a game Cher for a student who's on a Saturday night speaks a language just came to Trenton and want to make sure that they have the supports they need in their classroom along with their teachers we're we're also excited about a grant we just received around uh high impact tutoring so we'll be engaging staff in this same process and many of our teachers tutor now so we're is trying to go above and beyond what we can offer and what we do and really excited about that so uh and then last on my uh uh plate is to share information I'm going to introduce Mrs Grant who will come up and talk about school Bas based youth services and introduce the team that will share information about their services and what they do at the secondary level with our middle school and high school children uh thank you Mrs Grant all right good evening um so I'm here to do a little pre-introduction to miss Melda Grant who will be coming up and uh giving an overview of school B Youth Services you may remember that school B Youth Services a few years ago go only provided services to students at Trenton Central High School we're happy to announce that in more recent years we've been able to expand those services to all middle and all high schools that this includes Mental Health Services clinicians youth specialist special programmingsoftware provides for our children and their families School Bay feed Services Miss Mel de Grant so thank you to assistant superintendent Grant and thank you all for your time it's a honor to be able to present about our services and I just want to also say thank you to superintendent Earl and to the board for these last four to five years of advocacy to ensure that school-based youth service remains um in effect and at the at the high school so I thank you and I just wanted to publicly just make that announcement and I'm pressing the I'm sorry so the buttons are skipping on me so the school-based youth services were're funded by the state of New Jersey Department of Children and Families and as you know or the uh school-based program is under Governor Corine's newly created Department of Children and Families so the Department of Children and Families was created in 2006 we are currently under the office of school linked services within the division of prevention and Community Partnerships so the New Jersey school-based Youth Services Program was actually started in 1987 and the program at the high school is one of the originally funded programs at that time there were about 10 to 15 school-based programs so we have actually been in existance at Trenton Central High School for about 37 years and the goal or the focus of the school-based programs is to help young people navigate their adolescent years finish their education obtain skills leading to employment or continuing education and to graduate healthy and drug-free so as you see the goal and the vision of the school-based program aligns with the district's Mission so there are approximately 90 school-based programs throughout the state of New Jersey and they're in urban suburban and rural school districts and each site develops programming based on the needs of their their locality and their individual schools as Mrs Grant has mentioned um the Trenton Board of Education has funded an expansion of the original program so now we are actually in six schools within Trenton Public Schools so we provide yearr round support services for students and families all of our services are free and confidential they're offered before school during school and after school and offered during the summer so a student any student is eligible for school-based services as long as they're enrolled in that school so the process is that a student would be referred to school-based youth services and we accept referrals from anyone from school staff Community a student may walk in other students May refer students and we accept referrals from administrators to custodial staff and a lot of times we find that the security guards and the custodial staff are some of our main sources of referral because they're in the hallways they hear the conversations and they often live in the communities and are familiar with the families of the students who are referred um but our administrators our teachers our guidance counselors we work very well with and we are definitely in partnership with them and our culture and climate Specialists so a student is referred and then we must obtain parental consent and then once the student is deemed appropriate for our services there's an intake assessment and then a file is created for each student and then they're entered into our data management information system so there are three components to the school-based youth services programs there's our mental health component with that provides individual family and group counseling with a master's level clinician there's our positive Youth Development component that focuses on building self-esteem positive relationships um and pretty much helping youth cope positively with any issue that is presented and then there's our parent linking program and this is the program for our expectant and parenting teens and within that program the goal of the program is to prevent dropout most teen parents when they have a child they don't have access to child care so a lot of times they end up dropping out of school so the program is designed to assign a case manager who provides intensive case management to each student we provide transportation from the custodial for the custodial parent and child from home to the high school then the child goes into the daycare center and then the student attends school and then the caveat to that is that they must participate in weekly parenting and life skills sessions so I'm going to come back to the TCH loss so right now the under the PLP program or our parenting program there are currently 26 enrolled expectant or parenting teenss at the high school of them four are fathers four are expectant and 18 are currently parenting of the 26 13 are seniors and I am so happy to be able to say that because each year we see these teen parents graduate and I can honestly say that without this program we would not see the rates of graduation that we do and there are currently 11 children enrolled in the actual Child Care Center our capacity is 12 so although there's 26 enrolled in the program all of them may not use the child care services so the other piece to that is that we have one classroom currently and we're currently in the works of we're currently in the process of converting the office to a second classroom so that we can increase the number of slots in the child care center so I'm going to talk a little bit about the expansion program now Dennis warned me that it would do this so at Trenton Central High School so I just want to point out that the numbers here are the services that require consent so these are our individual counseling numbers and our intensive group numbers all of which require consent so at the high school there are 69 individuals who come either weekly or by weekly and are seen by our mental health clinicians and there are about 549 in group and I'll tell you why that number is much larger at daylight there are 35 individuals and 30 in group at Tanga there are 35 receiving individual counseling 72 in group 20 and 12 at Dunn 4139 at Holland and King we just hired staff at King so right now there's nine individual and 17 group and where you see on the side where it has yds only or mental health clinician only that means that there's only one staff person at that site and again I just want to emphasize that these are consented services so there have been 17 students overall that have been referred to crisis or mobile response and I can honestly say that there's been a decrease in the number of students that we've been referring out to crisis because we spent a lot of time training our staff in safety planning the student students themselves are involved in their own safety plans as well as their families the safety plans focus on an increase in coping skills and protective factors so we've seen while we may have seen a decrease in referrals to crisis what that means is it's it's not saying that we're not sending kids to crisis if they're homicidal or suicidal or if their anger levels are high or if they've had a history of suicide we definitely refer out to crisis however with the safety planning we found that the ideation May decrease or the frequency of ideation May decrease because they are a part of that planning process and they're actually implementing the safety planning plan and it involves family it involves staff it involves community and involves other school Personnel we've been able to make a lot of resources a available 30% of the 10% of the staff at the high school have been trained in youth mental health first aid and I and what happens now is a lot of the referrals that we used to get staff are coming to us now saying I was able to implement what I learned in that training and I'm able to ask the appropriate questions so we've been receiving less F referrals for crisis because staff have been trained to identify certain needs based on our referrals the I would say our number one referral is for grief and loss we've had a number of students who have experienced tremendous grief not just covid related chronic illnesses accidents gun violence domestic violence and with the Lost piece it's incarceration or moving from one country to another or from one state to another or from one District to another so we've receed received a lot of referrals for grief and loss so each of the six schools has implemented a grief and loss support group and I also want to add most kids now it's their friends it's their siblings it's their cousins their parents so unconventional losses that we've seen in the past are are tending to present it's all about me and the Brotherhood our groups that are gender-based where we promote Sexual Health positive self-imagery positive connections our safe dates curriculum is actually an evidence-based program that we actually Implement in our health classes it's a Dating Violence prevention program so our staff go into the health classes twice a year and that large number that you saw earlier that 500 that's the reason that number was so great because we're able to go into all of the health classes and we've had students come into our offices after this particular presentation and say I think I'm in a toxic relationship or I think I'm I've been abused or I think I may be the abuser so the safe dates curriculum has been significant in identifying behavior and patterns of behavior that are not beneficial to students students our teen outreach program is a positive youth development program and it's also evidence-based our staff were just trained in that model and we look to implement that in the fall a lot of students come with degrees of Stress and Anxiety they like to say I have social anxiety um and a lot of the kids we find know the terminology so they come to us telling us a lot of times how they're feeling and then the groups are designed to help them cope better better yes you can is a book that we're using that gives a pathway to success in secondary schools and then we've partnered with the uh Mental Health Association in New Jersey they funded Trenton Central High School to train the entire 10th grade class in the fall they will be certified in Teen Mental Health First Aid so 10% of the high School staff were trained in youth mental health first aid and then all of the school-based staff and the sac staff were trained as instructors so in the fall we will roll out Teen Mental Health First Aid and each 10th grader will be certified again in Teen Mental Health First Aid so these are just some of the activities we ensure that when there is a themed month that we participate whether it's back to school Hispanic heritage um we have Halloween types of activities children's grief Awareness Month human trafficking awareness teen Dating Violence awareness women's History Month Autism Awareness mental health and pride month per the DCF contract we are required to have an Advisory Board and our Advisory Board is made up of various individuals from the school and the community and this year we added students and parents and I must say the student participation has been tremendous in that we've been able to take some of their feedback and implement it and I'll give you an example um one of our PLP or our team parents recently shared with us that because they have to get on the bus at 2 o'clock they're missing out on activities so we've been able to now offer extended hours for our uh teen parents to participate in schoolwide activities am I doing on time so I am I over time so one of my requirements of all the staff is that they participate in some communitybased Coalition or meeting so some of those are the traumatic loss Coalition we participate in the districtwide crisis team and some others this is our list of Partners we're obviously funded by the Department of Children and Families we're we're supplemented by Tritton Board of Education and Oaks integrated care is our subcontract Agency for our mental health and Youth Development staff and I just wanted to share some pictures these are from all the schools at different times so we've been to Broadway we've been to Morgan and copen and other colleges Colonial Bowling and entertainment year we take students from all three high schools to the Planned Parenthood teen conference we have various paint and shoes and mommy and me dinners we have various speakers come in for assembly types of programming and I definitely wanted to show you last but not least these are our parents and babies at Adventure Aquarium at the Philadelphia Zoo and this is Halloween a couple of the kids for Halloween and then we just definitely wanted to highlight the fathers who are involved in the children's lives and that's it any [Music] questions we do have a question somebody had a question um I actually have three questions I'll start with the easier one the roll out in the fall for the um sophomores the 10th graders yes we're talking about the students themselves they will be trained yes every 10th grader at Trenton high school that's awesome the other question was the teen outreach program what does that look like so the teen outreach program great question so it focuses on connectedness protective factors um commun effective communication violence prevention and just uh social skills in that it promotes self-efficacy to engage in positive behavior and how do you know what students um go into the different um areas of your activities in groups or do they ask for it or you know so students so what we do is because we get a lot of referrals sometimes we look at the referrals and see if there are themes So based on some of the themes we'll say to the student student well we we're offering this particular group would you be interested or we um um we speak to the administrators teachers guidance counselors and culture and climate Specialists to see if there are actually any students that they may refer as well and then during the summer when we're spending time with students who are coming into the high school the from the ninth grade academy because we have the ninth grade academy staff already at in place at ninth grade we already know what group we may need to work with Okay and my last question is has to do with safety planning with students and families now it just I should have written down the question while I remember uh Sasa you had a question thank you so I'm trying to um actually visualize the actual process and I have a couple questions around that okay um first is do students self-identify uh do they seek out these Services um and when a referral is made you talked about they have to get parental consent but how many or what percentage would you say off the top of your head are parents involved in this um process and how long typically does this child stay in is it the full Academic Year other than the teen parenting which is kind of um H how if you could kind of crystalize a scenario if you will okay so I forgot to mention that we include the parental consent form in the summer packets that go out so it's a part of that packet that goes out for each school so that we already have a consent form on file when the student may come to us we try to get as many of those as possible when we don't so there was a law that was passed called the Keystone law so any student age 16 and above can actually self-consent now so that helped us at the high school level but with those under 16 if the issue is with the family we struggle a lot of times honestly to get that consent however we're a systems focused model so a lot of times we're reaching out to the family we're talking about how we can usually the safety plan usually the referral and with the help of maybe an administrator or a guidance counselor we're usually able to obtain that consent how long do they remain in the program so it depends on their established goal at intake I see so some students are one-time assessments some students may come and see us for three months other students are here with us for longer depending on their needs okay and then some students we transfer into groups or we connect them into outside activities as well and the partners that you identified are those partners that send you referrals or how what is that partnership look like so it's a combination so we subcontract with Oaks integrated care and the Children's Home Society for our staff and for our child care services the partners may come in and provide training to staff or they may whether it's the school-based staff or the high school staff they may provide referrals presentations so it work or sometimes we're referring even out to the partners and vice versa yeah so it's been anything from co uh College and Career workshops resume development um mental health types of focused sessions and what would you say right now um Miss Grant had said at the beginning now we're doing it with middle schoolers and high schoolers what would you say the percentages of Middle School versus high school are there more high school students in this program or no I think it's pretty even across the board um well the high school obviously there's more because there's over 2,000 kids at the high school right um whereas the Middle School um I know on one of the slides I know at Holland for instance the case uh the clinician's case load there is she's over 40 okay yeah all right and um would you say I know they come from all over but obviously teachers are making referrals I mean that's all staff are making referrals yeah all staff I can honestly say all staff are making referrals okay all right thank you so much yeah and I also I'm sorry I wanted to acknowledge the two staff are here from Trenton high school and daylight amen just uh thank you just a quick comment wait there were more questions yeah just just a just really quick some quick comments Mela and hope um I I can recall and remember just a few years ago we had to Advocate yes to um secure this this great work that you are doing superintendent uh hope Grant and yourself and your whole team who are here the students benefiting and participating uh this is a outstanding presentation on the evidence that supports the work uh that you were doing with your team in the district and I can remember superintendent board just a few years ago it feels like a few years ago might this last year we expanded to the middle school with the support of our budget process with our business officer Jan Howard and of course our superintendent Mr Earl and hope Grant and the other team members Senior Management and uh Team uh at the high school ministr at the high school and other schools middle schools and so forth in Tanga TR nth grade academy or 9g I guess the children's call 9g um and so I'm I'm just so thankful for the work that you're doing I'm great I'm grateful that you uh came and presented this great work to the board and to our community and continue continue continue to do the great work continue to walk by faith we here to support you we're here to advocate for you if something comes come up again this will be the third time we going to keep advocating we're going to keep pushing because this is necessary and required work for our students is evidence by this presentation that is working and so I thank you thank you all thank you so much thank you all thank [Applause] you let me here for a little while Miss Grant pleasure to see you um a few questions I I don't want to um Echo everything but I think that this is an amazing program and I really appreciate uh your leadership in this effort you and the entire staff that's doing it but uh few questions that I had um I think in one section you mentioned that uh some of these kids know specific terminologies and are very familiar with not just the process but the need for help even before you know reaching out to the fir uh in the first place what do you generally rute to like how are these kids getting more educated about this well I think it's one of two things well I think it's two things um they've been dealing with the challenges themselves for so many years like because they come to the high school does not mean that they haven't been in outpatient or haven't seen psychiatrist or so they've been so used to going to therapists that when they come they know the language and the and the terminology and it's like almost robotic so a lot of times we're finding that we even have to break that down because we want to help you get to the core and be able to to Really Thrive and then the other piece is now we're talking about mental health in ways that we have not been in the past so it's the stigma is not as great as it has been in the past um students are very much aware um they support one another good beautiful beautiful uh did you also mention that there were uh trainings available for the students kind of like they'd be able to counsel some of their peers as well so I'm glad you asked that so let me clarify so the 10th graders will be it's just like regular first aid it's Mental Health First Aid so what they're going to be trained in is how to recognize signs and symptoms of a peer who may be in crisis and then they're going to be trained on what to do so after each session there are exit TI exit tickets so they'll have to fill out an exit ticket they'll Express their concerns and then we receive them daily so that we'll know how to Target each student that they have expressed a concern about and then they'll also be trained in who in all of the resources within the school and in the community to refer that student yes gotcha okay that's amazing I think I just have one more oh yeah let me let me handle this so I do have uh just one specific kind of a a gripe with the program a gripe a gripe yeah I noticed towards the end you were mentioning uh different activities Melda come on we got to get we got to get these kids to Howard all right I don't know what else we talking about right now so actually we are going on Tuesday April 9th Tuesday April 9th going thank you Mel I appreciate you so very just want to close comments just by acknowledging um you know with all the the good hard work that we do we often you know our hearts are heavy today because uh several weeks ago we lost a family member Mr Eric Keel custodian at um Jefferson uh devastating to the family at Jefferson and to the family in Trenton uh and then we also this weekend uh one of our family members passed who was at uh hedge Beth Williams and I don't know if I'm able to share the name so I won't do that yet but just want you to know as we move about in the next few weeks and certainly as we move about in a short time to uh remember and uh those families that are struggling out there and I know it's not just them but they were part of our family and I wanted to make sure I shared that so just want to thank you uh and that closes comment if I may please have our committee chairs present their reports I'll start on my right with uh Austin uh uh good evening everyone um presenting on the HR agenda uh I do just want to uh very briefly uh Echo the superintendent statements um just wanted to acknowledge uh Mr Eric Hil who uh is untimely passing just wanted to uh take a brief moment of silence uh just to recognize him and uh his family thank you now with the rest of the uh HR agenda uh again it's uh as discussed you know kind of month by month uh just want to highlight uh the many open positions that we have uh with the district again I've been uh trying to make sure I post uh as much as I can start getting my likes up on my Facebook but uh there's a lot of great positions specifically here with the district and we say it month by month right uh you your family members your friends everybody in the community community can be part of the great work that we're doing here right you know join the district get a well-paying job something that can support your family and also the children that we have here uh there's a lot of people that were um uh uh either retiring and I note on this uh that most of them are averaging I think the average here is about 20 25 years of service so you know some solid tier one retirement there so uh just want to just keep emphasizing that this is a great place to work we hope that everybody in the community can be a part of this process and uh we thank you for those who are part of the district and those who are looking to be part of it as well Gerald all right thank you thank you Bo president um just want to share a little about family community engagement and school support we met on March the 12th uh at 8:00 a.m. Denise Johnson Larry trer and myself and Dr Jose Rodriguez and Mr Earl were present we had a great conversation um at the at the community conversation uh family engagement and school support uh January 17th uh we had a facilities infrastructure Zoom meeting about 20 participants uh February 28th Technology Innovation at Jefferson School about 30 participants combining with students administrators uh board members and parents were there our March 20th bilingual education uh Community conversation was rescheduled and we'll have more information shortly on forthcoming on that next date for that particular uh topic April 17th special education will be here at Ellis Auditorium May 15th goal three developing the whole child and goal four staff development well-being will be at the 9th Grade Academy so if you can mark your calendars I believe it also is on the uh on the website uh so mark your calendars to come out to these Community conversations and and really have an opportunity to speak with not only the administrators and the staff but parents and teachers and students and board members and really have a a good conversation ask questions um about what's happening in our district around our fiveyear strategic plan and the implementation of that plan uh in our district it's a great opportunity to come and share ideas and ask questions uh and so forth we did also want to talk we talked about analytics in terms of who comes to our community conversations Gathering that data having assignment sheets and maybe doing a QR code where we capture data on Google sheet to find out who's attending uh and also to have you have an opportunity to share uh your concerns on a particular topic or if you want to have a topic discussed at one of our community conversations live our superintendent and his team uh you'll be able to uh to share that information with with the district through the superintendent office in the school Support Office one some of the reasons why we want to have these Community conversations there a few important things why it's important is to share ideas to get your questions answered to learn about District initiatives to meet District administrators teachers students and board members and to invol be involved in your children's education so it's critically important that that we all do that we also talked about um alumni student employee highlights an opportunity to highlight our students be graduates students Community Partners and so forth we talked about some specifics around that that superintendent is investigating but I also like to report out also that if you look at the Trenton Central High School Instagram page you'll find that they are doing a remarkable job in sharing the great work whether it be a teacher a graduate an alumnus um a parent a student a community partner go to go to the Trenton Central High instit stagram page and you'll find a lot of great information about some great people who are doing great and exceptional work in our district whether they either they graduated or they're still coming back they're they're back as an employee they're they're a student that's doing great work it really excites me every time I go to well I have a instant it comes to me instantly I have I'm I'm a friend on that page so I get it instantly but go to that page sign up for your for instant um uh post that come your way so you can see the great work that's happening at Trenton Central High School and we'll have more to come about great work that's happening also around around the district uh in terms of parent and Community engagement uh conversations Dr Jose and Denise of course have about 20 to 25 parents who are coming out to as a core group to attend regular sessions at the high school um and they're they're raising questions and getting their questions answered and getting directions on how to get things solved Within the high school and there's also parents coming from other schools as well so it's not just high school students but it's other students that are uh other parents of students who are involved with the Parent Connect series and also with the parent regular meetings uh in the group setting to have conversations around um issues and concerns and challenges and also great things that are happening in the district The Parent Connect series is going to restart uh April 2024 right here in LS auditoriums look forward to more information on our website uh and also emails and so forth from our parent support department under Den cre and Dr Jose Rodriguez so those are some of the great things that that are happening we do have did have a call to action uh we wanted to we asked superintendent to take a look at how we can have a calendar that um possibly captures the entire District activities I know we talked about that being a challenging situation we have 2 schools in our district plus um so it's 25 see 25 schools in our district plus and um we need to look at how the possibility would that be to have a group calendar or a calendar by school so he's investigating that also uh Larry trailer brought up one of the things that we've been working on which is the website where we can provide information on our board members uh he's going to work and coordinate that with the superintendent's office um director Mr Earl and and make that happen so looking forward to hearing from Larry more about about our Board website and updating that website Denise talked about uh why we serve videos that irin har Harmon did few years ago and we want to resurface that and see how we can have some historical purposes around the work that we did back then um and that was all that we have for for our community engagement April 9th our next meeting is via zoom and uh we'll we'll have our meeting meting in next month in April so I have more to report at our April board meeting in terms of policy we met James Roland myself we met um just a few weeks ago actually just last Thursday we we do have a report from Strauss Esme General counselor J James Ro we had a report from St Esme that outlined some areas where we need to um update some of our policies some of those polic we've already updated to update our website and so Mr Mr Ro is working on pulling that information together I do want to share with our board committee that we may need to meet twice a month beginning next month so please uh please be prepared to meet at least twice a month next month April May and June so we can get the policies that need to be updated from our stal estimate review on the agenda for a first reading and hopefully a second reading before we close out uh in June for for our summer recess so I wanted to share that information we also looking at the facility use policy not that there's anything specifically um in wrong with our current policy we just want to look at the policy improve the policy um make it a little more user friendly for folks to to utilize our facilities and the key is that we want our community organizations who are partnering with our district that have impact on our students to be able to have a easier pathway not that it's a hard pathway now but a easier streamlined pathway uh to utilize our facilities and we're looking at um putting that together we'll have information out to our board committee to review to discuss next committee meeting and then we'll present some information to the board we also had a conversation around the virtual board member policy um and we're looking at that all the things that were discussed at the governance committee level uh we felt we're we're we're good some of the recommendations that Mr R made uh we're looking at all those recommendations and we're looking forward to any comments or recommendations from the governance committee to take up with policy so we can come together reconcile that that policy to uh that by law to make sure that we get that done before the end of this year which mean mean June before June if not maybe we can Fast Track that we need to if we can get it done by April our April policy meeting maybe we can get the First on April uh board agenda and then approved at our May agenda at our May uh board meeting uh so we continue to do the work that we're required to do so thank you so much for your time aome sorry um the governance committee met on March 13th and just to remind the public that the governance committee's charge is basically to look at how we as a board govern ourselves um every little you know thing that we do in terms of from you know the superintendent evaluation to our self evaluation to policies that may affect the board um so we did a lot of work over the past year in getting up to speed and now uh we decided that our our committee will be meeting quarterly um our next meeting will be in June we also went over the superintendent evaluation cycle which is beginning this evening I believe um so we will be in time to meet all the deadlines um uh with the New Jersey school boards uh we reviewed our monthly board checklist we prepared a a board calendar um for every month of the of the Academic Year with things that we need to make sure that we are doing as a board or that we're on top of with the superintendent so we review that every time that we meet um and we're on track which is really good um we did um initiate the review of the uh virtual or remote policy for board member attendance when they cannot for whatever reason they are not physically here but their ability to attend that policy goes as far back as 2013 so it needed a little bit of revision especially after covid when virtual attendance you know took a big leap um and we did refer it over to the policy committee so I'm really glad Gerald that you guys are find those recommend we're just updating it basically good and hopefully it will make the April meeting and then we discussed again the superintendent mentioned this the need for the translation services which are very very important as we discussed at the last meeting so I'm really pleased that we're moving ahead um and that the superintendent is moving ahead um with that so our next meeting will be um in June and that's about it okay so good evening um I'm reporting on the um curriculum committee the curriculum committee met on uh Thursday March the um 21st um at that time we had a u robust presentation and discussion regarding um initial um High School 9th grade um performance and noted the fact that there was exceptional performance in um geometry with a higher number of students engaging in geometry and the fact that these students um outperformed the state average on Geometry so certainly um that was worthy to um note um we also discussed um or was shared with us um how the um math curriculum is being um restructured and looked at and um scaffolding is being included like in the early grades seventh and eighth grade so much so that many students are in fact um successfully completing Algebra 1 um before they get to high school and so when they get to the high school level they can go on to um geometry um physics and perhaps even algebra too um so again some movement in the area of math we then and um our math supervisor um Mr Dunston shared that information um with us we also reviewed the agenda items that were um submitted on various topics um happy to note that there was continuous professional development for staff um High School science programming was included a partnership with the College of New Jersey for um dual enrollment in special courses um summer school for high school students uh a combined summer school for credit was also um noted um there was also a notation for curriculum writing and updating for the 2425 school year uh the continuation of the teddy dance program was also o um noted where we um will focus on um the Arts and included with that is um the young audiences program that will be providing um artistic information throughout the schools um we had some questions about um how much how much of an investment are we um making in terms of social emotional learning and programming for social emotional learning and mental health and so very happy to um have that presentation tonight that really really um really highlighted a lot that's going on in terms of um support for social emotional um wellness and also um mental health and so there is a large investment at the middle school and the high school level and again very happy that that presentation was done in public so the public hear what services are being provided um we also talked about um the fact that we're um partnering with um Microsoft uh programming efforts in terms of Technology education and learning support um we talked about the graduation dates being changed uh changed because of our calendar issues with snow days and so on and so forth um there is a partnership with Hyundai to work with our automotive engineering program which is again a very significant accomplishment and we also talked about Apple professional learning and training that's being taking place at uh Jefferson and restorative practices that are being um shared throughout uh in addition we talked about of course the field trips where we were very excited about the field trips um so that our students get to um extend their learning in terms of going to the various universities uh museums amusement parks uh the aquarium so our students are getting beyond the walls of our schools and experiencing the world in general we also noted that there's continued partnership in terms of dual enrollment with uh Mercer uh County Community College as well as the College of New Jersey um we spoke about special education uh the fact fact is that the um Extended year program is going to take place there for our students at PJ hill a full four-week program from 8:30 to 2 um there are about four usually about 400 students that are eligible for um that particular U programming although not all take advantage of it but again it's um available and that there are um Support Services being provided during that particular time as well we also talked about um an increased uh partnership with the um the MC Mammoth Ocean County um special services system for related services that our students may need um and then the last thing that we talked about was um the color one run that's going to be held on um April the 27 and that is an Autism Awareness event that will take place at Trenton high school and again it's the uh Color Run and that's Saturday um April of 27 so that is our report from curriculum committee okay thank you ma'am um so we met on March 20th uh we discussed uh transfers the secretary's report treasur report staff Travel list of bills um the bill list was $ 34,1 181,000 facilities report um out of District placements and um we also actually um what I found was kind of excited about is that um we've now chosen someone for the demolition of Junior 1 uh and that's nearly $2 million $1.9 million and okay uh donations uh Capital Health $500 uh to Trenton Central High School Communications Department the New Jersey Department of Corrections $500 worth of nonp personable Goods to Joyce Kilmer and I would just um like to recommend to folks that um when you hear uh the amount of money that we discuss in the fac in the uh operations and finance committee that's a lot of dollars and so what I would recommend that you do is that uh the weekend prior to a board meeting please go to the district website so you can see where the funding is going um it's a significant amount of money um and it's important that you know where these dollars go um and then uh the last Point um when the budget presentation is made please attend please attend when you're when you're dealing in hundreds of of millions of dollars that's a big number you should know where that dollar is being spent um and so as as we get closer to that presentation please pay attention to the uh District website it's very very important that we are connected and aware of where these dollars go to support our children thank you thank you at this time we are going to address old business specifically concerns presented at the February 26th board meeting um we had several participants but the concerns were two one by Miss Laura MOA she asked if the board would consider having a Spanish translator at the board meetings as it may attract more parents and she also suggested a hotline for the students who are being bullied the other parent was Miss jissa ran said there are 64% Latinos students in the district and she would like to see meetings broadcasted in Spanish and translation at the meetings she also stated that help is needed for students being bullied in the schools in response uh the district has effective procedures to report any incidents of harassment intimidation and bullying the district takes all bullying incidents seriously and has also implemented districtwide initiatives to decrease incidents in schools um reason why this this year has been relatively much more uh peaceful and as far as the translation services uh we just wanted to I just wanted to say that um we sat down last year with a vendor who was providing services but those Services were found not to be adequate they were not um they were just not good translations one two the um the translator just couldn't keep up with the Translating the vendor uh also wanted to put it on on social platform but he was putting it on the vendors platform versus the board and so when we look at the broadcasting of those meetings we only had five views four views um to his subscription of not even a 100 subscribers and we needed it place in hours we only had three of those meetings uh put it on our on our Channel on YouTube um and the cost for that it it's just we couldn't pay almost $30,000 for the year for services that are not satisfactory that would be a um not a good use of our Monies we've been looking for the longest for people to translate we've called several places and right now what we're looking to do is to see how we can at least have the meetings as they are being streamed on YouTube that we can have some kind of close captioning provided for the Spanish speakers and for the Haitian speakers um so we are actively for the past I can say six and a half years uh been looking for translators um and we did try this one vendor but it just did not work we asked him if he could could find another translator that we would sit down again um and he never uh presented us with someone else to to do the Translating so that is why we have no translation at this time but we still are looking for them and that is it for public participation I'm sorry for old business now we're going to move on to public participation and before we do I'd like to read uh a disclaimer for public comments or an advisory the Trenton Public School District welcomes the attendance and comments from all members of the public at its meetings this public comment period is your time to be heard on any school or School District issue that a member of the public may feel is of concern to the residents of the school district each person who signed up to comment will have five minutes you will be notified when you um when your five minutes are up you cannot yield your time to another person when it is your turn to speak please address all your comments to the board president please conduct yourself in a respectable and courteous manner and for anyone whose comments or actions either harass intimidate or threaten the safety of any person we will provide you with a warning or immediately and your comment time also if you curse use vulgar language or make personal attacks we will provide you with a warning or end your comment time comments that adhere to these guidelines will not be interrupted you have if you have any questions we ask that you please ask them during your F minute comment period period after the public comment period is closed the board superintendent odesign will address your questions to the extent provided by the law we also ask that members of the public not interrupt the speaker during their public comment time first person that signed up was Miss opilia aderly good evening I'd like to address this question to the um president of the school board you could closer yes okay perfect my name is ailia aderly and I reside at 301 Artmore Avenue and um I guess over the last couple of weeks um our community which is essentially around the hatch patch William uh school have been experiencing a large number of cars in our community um traffic in our community um in the morning I guess when kids are dropped off as well as in the afternoon when kids are actually picked up by their parents um my understanding is that kids have been relocated from South Trenton to hch patch Williams it's the closest elementary school um and no Transportation far as busing has been provided to the parents so they are pretty much having to transport their own kids uh to school as well as to pick them up and like I said it's creating a lot of issues in the community traffic um safety issues um we have situations where um streets are pretty much blocked with cars because they come come approximately 30 to 45 minutes before school lets out and they Park um and we have um a sweeper that comes down so one side of the street actually is supposed to be for the sweeper but you find the parents parking on those sides of streets you have parents who block private driveways you have parents that actually pull into people's private driveways and when you ask them to move they're like oh well we're not parked and it's like okay well what does that mean because you're actually are in front of a private um driveway so we're experiencing a lot of issues in the community and we just wanted the board to know and understand that we have a lot of elderly people in our community and God forbid if someone haded to seek medical attention and amulance would not be able to get to their home and um it just caused quite a bit of Havoc I mean we understand that you know these kids you know unfortunately had to be relocated from um their neighborhoods in regards to South Trenton um there's not an issue with that we just would like the board to maybe look at ways that they can kind of alleviate the issue that the neighbors are facing I don't know if that's either busing the kids in or if that's maybe utilizing that part that um playground area to allow the parents to park back there to drop their kids off but whatever solution that maybe the board could come up with to maybe try to address the issues that the community is currently facing would be definitely appreciative because we understand that kids need to be educated and if that's the closest school then you know that's where they're going to have to get educated it's just that if the issues that the neighbors are facing can be addressed um it would definitely be appreciative thank you next we have Michael Ingram Michael Ingram uh hello good evening um my name is Michael lram I live at 256 Belleview Avenue and I am currently uh an employee of the Harvard prot and services in the security department and I'm here to just touch bases on what uh superintendent spoke on a little earlier about um the security and some of the issues just to go a little bit in depth of some of the challenges that we're facing and um I wrote it down just to you know I can don't skip anything so just bear with me um a moment okay so um basically I'm speaking here to bring some attention pressing to bring excuse me I'm here speaking to bring bring to your attention some pressing concerns that have been affecting our team in the security department firstly there has been some um ongoing issues with our pay many of us has noticed discrepancies in our paychecks with ours being incorrectly recorded despite raising these concerns we have yet to see any meaningful resolution you know this has um understandably caused frustration among the team especially considering the vital role we playing playing um maintaining um Security on campus you know and additionally since the transition to the new company morale with the department has significantly decrease you know we understand the changes can be challenging but the lack of effective leadership and communication is only exacerbated the situation know this demoralized and feel undervalue when in heard especially when expected to when especially when we are expected to continue performing our duties uh diligently one specific issue that needs addressing is the lack of compensation for full-time employees during school breaks it seems adjust that we are considered um considering our employment status as full-time employees when there's no school we don't get paid um as become to our attention to other schools in the districts are getting compensated more despite having fewer challenges and a less demanding workload you know we have encountered inaccuracies in our PTO paytime off records you know at the beginning of the school year it was brought to our attention at the PTO time was inaccurate however despite raising the issue there has been no effort to rectify the situation or provide Clarity or an actual accured PTO hours consequently when employees attempt to use their PTO their requests are being rejected creating further frustration and confusion it is essential that our PTO records are accurately maintained to ensure fair and Tre transparent treatment for all our employees you know we believe that our pay should reflect the demanding nature of our roles and the ne unique challenges we face in the busiest District we have yet to receive any ort support or guidance from our Union Representatives Representatives further compounding our sense of frustration and isolation in summary in summary the come the current situ ation is unattainable and is jeopardizing the stability of the security team we you to take Swift action to address these concerns before we reach a Breaking Point you know effective leadership and fair compensation are essential for making for maintaining a motiv motivated and dedicated Workforce I'd like to thank you for your attention to this matter and we do look forward to hearing you from you thank you thank you thank you at this time Mr super excuse me one second I skipped the person I'm very sorry when she's done I will get to Miss Lorraine Calhoun I apologize I skipped you by mistake okay forcia El um [Music] race for for see you SCH for for Central High School colge for heyy hey Mom um for gracias uh for those that did not understand I am going to recap um Miss Rodan was speaking about the process when we um when a parent or student wants to complain about the how that process works she would like to see H how it is um how it evolves secondly uh she spoke about the need for the interpretation and also uh a problem that a student had with the counselor at the Trenton Central High School and about the F FASA requirement that Governor uh uh Murray Murphy signed into legislation and how she would like for the parents to get some kind of notification when they have the meetings explaining how to fill out the fast performs at this time I will now ask Miss Lorraine Calon to please come up hello I'm with the Kyer 2 crime watch and I uh had a number of people contact me in regards to if the parents the children and the community community would not be better served if the children that goes to hpes school hpes William school if they could be bust because of the traffic congestion uh the you know blocking of driveways that uh even the uh Alleyways in some cases are completely uh loaded with cars um of course there's a certain amount of noise uh with that uh congestion uh in addition uh while I believe Mr already mentioned about getting us emergency service uh in that area and I'm talking basically about Gladstone and Kyler that's where the school is situated and then faran and Kyler at the other and section um but um Not only would it be a to seem to be a problem with emergency service coming through but we know that we also have medical transports which mean that a lot of time people can't be really blocked off in front of their houses um and I think basically um that is our concern uh so if something could be done about that or if you consider that I would like to know okay thank you thank you thank you very much and CIA Duncan so oh there she is thank you good evening I was not speaking this evening I just came to make sure you did the right thing during executive session this evening but um Mr Earl I just got up here to let you know that we can say his name the teacher's name was Jonathan gathin that we lost from hedgepath and um he will be memorialized on Wednesday and that's all I have to say thank you at this time if any of the board members have any comments that they'd like to make this is the moment to do so all right just uh two quick points uh wanted to highlight uh first and foremost uh as we discussed earlier uh with the crown act uh put on my NAACP uh president's hat here uh very glad that the district is going to be supporting the crown act uh for those who aren't familiar with it again it was legislation that was passed here in New Jersey in 2019 uh and passed 20 some odd States throughout the entire country and it specifically protects um you know hairstyles as you come into the workplace to make sure that you're not being discriminated against make sure that you know hiring and firing is not an issue uh simply because of what either is and and I was looking over at the superintendent as I was saying this or not on your head right um yeah it um discrimination is one of those things that shows up in very Insidious ways so you know making sure that we have the commitment from the entire District uh to protect those who uh look like me who may need to get their hair retwisted but uh you know still show up day in day out to do the great work is uh absolutely amazing so thank the district for that and and I also want to shout out uh my fellow board members um Miss Addie Daniel lanes and Miss uh Yolanda uh Maro Lopez uh it was the award ceremony and what specific ceremony the unsung heroes thank you I cannot remember the name of it that happened uh recently um this past week and in it we had six six students yes six students uh from the from the Trenton School District who are being awarded uh one in every school uh specifically throughout all of Mera County and really want to highlight each and every one of them for either you know their achievements in the classroom uh musically I know there was um uh some technical um uh Awards as well but really just making sure that all of our students are really highlighted and knowing that we had the absolute most amount of students at this event want to toot our own horn for a second but uh was very proud moment and glad being in attendance with my colleagues I I wanted to so um superintendent I wanted to follow up on the comment that was made about the um the congestion at the dismissal of schools because I have personally experienced it at several schools just traveling through the city and I worry very much that we might have a tragedy one day between um I mean it's not just what was brought up today about people not being able to get out of their own driveways but just people double parked kids crossing streets when traffic is going by just regular traffic that has nothing to like me that had nothing to do with the school trying to get by I'm very concerned about the safety of our students and I don't know if this is possible I I know it's not we can't bust that's just not but is there a possibility to do some sort of study so that a dismissal time there could be and every school is different some are in real neighborhoods some are on main roads it's it's different that there could be some sort of study about an orderly dismissal process or just something so so that we don't have a tragedy on our hands one day it's it's scary it's it's really scary so I think you correct and um a district I was in for a long time it took us about four years uh and then the next five years we executed a plan to do the same the school sat right in the middle of a residential neighborhood similar to many of ours um and it was very difficult until we all and when I say all I mean the board the Trenton Services police and everyone come together and make decisions about roadways what buses can travel at what times because the critical times are about 30 minutes before school and 30 minutes at dismissal and so there has to be some sacrifices made on uh maybe some of the city's part so that neighbors and everyone can feel safe so uh one thing that I'll do as I was listening typically we know that there's congestion but to actually go there and see it uh I happen to be there recently and I know about 45 minutes before school was over the roads were blocked and they were double parked and um there was a lot of congestion there so um I think it's going to take a hefty effort of everyone the mayor's office our offices and and um community members to come together to talk about what's best at those times of days uh so that we make sure people can get in and get out safely and that we protect people and driveways shouldn't be we we will likely need police involved and we don't want police involvement but somebody has to say you can't can't park there so so we'll we'll do that work with um the community and I'll probably take team members out and we'll go to those places we know it's Kilmer and Jefferson sitting together is and on that road is one of the busier roads too so we have several places that are just very difficult uh so if we can get everyone to agree to go in a direction to be okay to park you know a half mile away and let your child walk and that sounds easy to me but I know it's difficult for some people they want to be at the door and I get so we have some work to do but we're listening and we'll certainly see what we can come up with as a best plan thank you superintendent and I just want to Echo this isn't a problem unique to Trenton this happens in all municipalities all municipalities in merer County it's just that in an urban area a lot of our schools are in neighborhoods and that's the difference so y yeah thank you thank you just just one point with the U the traffic challenges I'm happy that hes will hes okay I'm glad that hpth Williams Community is here to share with us what's happening over at hes pth Williams but one of the things to consider also board and superintendent and your team is this is not just a problem and challenge over at hedge breth Williams it's somewhat of a challenge in many of our schools across the city uh not just um City schools in terms of trit public schools but Charter Schools as well whether it be West State Street with foundations whether it be daylight Twilight down over or Handover and so forth and so on other other district schools and other partner schools uh that we work directly with although all them are students and parents um so just just to make that note that it's a district-wide issue and in a Citywide issue that involves as superintendent Jesse alluded to and shared with us collaboration of many different departments uh in in municipalities and so forth across the city and maybe even at the county level to get support for What's Happening Here in capital city so I think you're right on track Su I think you're right right on track um the only other comment that I had was uh had a great conversation on the radio with one of our partners merca County Community College Trio Upward Bound I saw Stacy Denton and her team were here I think they left but she's here at every almost every meeting I see her she's always over at with meron County upper bound Trio upper bound uh ninth grade academy as well as at Trenton High doing great work in our schools with our students um and so I just wanted to make sure that we recognize that partnership recognize that work of one of the partners right know we have many partners but one of the partners that is doing great work she was on IMG uh last week and also on Facebook last week sharing about the impact report six-year impact report on all the great work that's happening and about 95% of our of the students that she serves are Trenton president students 5% are charter school students but 95% are City Trenton Public School students and you look at her impact report I passed that out I believe last board meeting or board board meeting prior to the last board meeting uh from her work that she's been doing with her team over at Mercy County Community College that's some tremendous tremendous work that's supporting the work in our district and you I know you support that work and you've been having conversations and preaching to the choir now right um so just wanted to share that so share that great news as part of my uh final comments for tonight thank you and three of our unsung heroes our participants yes that she was there with her team there also so any other comment from any other board member yes so um I was very thrilled to participate in the curriculum committee meeting and to hear about the math performance of our students as it relates to Geometry that's been one of the more challenging areas when you look at the work that we do and to see that kind of work and just I guess my prayer is that that work gets expanded more broadly so that we touch more children because we have brilliant children and when you give them the base that they need to be successful clearly they succeed so I just wanted to acknowledge the work that's done by Mr Dunston and the folks in the math department because I recall a time in 2019 where only one out of 10 students could do math on grade level so you know that's that's what five years ago so so that the work is truly bearing fruit so commend you and your team thanks any other comments okay then we will go on to um board discussion on the consent agenda before I ask for a motion if you have any questions any comments on the consent agenda would you please bring them up now being no questions or no comments on the an agenda I ask for a motion to approve so move second roll call Yolanda Lopez yes Gerald truart yes Jean buy yes Denise Johnson yes but yes but I'm just going to abstaining from the uh entry at letters mm res it's the uh resolution to approve the Trenton school-based so I'm just going to uh abstain from voting for that but I vote Yes for everything else Austin Edwards yes G Genie weim absent Addie Daniels Lane yes Sasa M yes Larry trailer yes motion passed thank you and before asking for a motion to adjourn into executive session I'd like to read our resolution whereas the open public meetings act codified as njsa paragraph 10 colon 4-6 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances and whereas the Trenton Board of Education is of the opinion that such circumstances prly pressant exist indicated as follow any material considered confidential by federal law state statute or Court rule any pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiations to which the board is or may become a party to and any matter falling within the attorney client privilege to the extent that confidentiality is required to preserve the attorney client relationship and allow the attorney to exercise his or her ethical duties as a lawyer as matters captioned one anticipated litigation update two ratification of the tea contract three negotiations update for the uh confidential employee policy and number five superintendent preconference evaluation now therefore be it resolved by the Trenton Board of Education County of Mercer state of New Jersey then an executive session will be held on March 25th 2024 for the statutorily permissible purposes indicated in this resolution be it further resolved that action may be taken by the board when it reconvenes an open session be a finally resolved that the minutes of the executive session with regard to the above subject matter shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved no longer adverse to the public interest or does not endanger any individual's right to privacy may I please have a motion to going to exective session second roll call you Lopez yes Joe truart yes Jean buoy yes Denise Johnson yes Austin Edwards yes jeie weam absent Addie Daniels Lane yes Sasa man yes Larry trailer yes motion pass adjourn to Executive session James you got to hurry up I need to see I need to get see the guy from hard do we know what those guys purpose was I want to call the guy from Harvard and say he need to set up a meeting but the guy the har is a new owner he just came on but I can't get his attention Jesse