##VIDEO ID:D-cq-itOSto## all right good morning everyone welcome to the Tuckerton burrow council's uh or reorganization meeting and swearing in so we do the swearing in first put that right there um Madam clerk would you please read the open public meetings act statement yes provisions of the open public meeting act I complied with as news was published in the beacon and the pressing the time being place to this meeting thank you Ro Mr breand pres Mr Martin here Mr Colangelo here Mr DUI here mayor Marshall here all right please stand for the flag Sal i al to the flag United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all you little ones going to school you you say the Pledge of eliance every day right right and you'll keep saying it it's all around us all the time all right so now I get the uh pleasure of uh installing our new giving the O of office to our new people and we'll start with councilman elect Frank deore so if you'll just come right up here we have the Bible you're right okay so you stand this way so people can see you sometimes you like to take pictures too all right Grandpa's going to put his hands there he and I this are you okay can you see it okay all right I state your name I Frank Dore do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of bural council all the duties of the office of burrow Council according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God here we go you were a really big part in this it's very very any of these words yeah good okay so now your Grandpop has to sign this and take a picture we can fill in the address later okay very good thank you all right now can you read that it's kind of hard isn't it it's very hard to write with this way but that's okay that's his name and we watched him do it so we can always say we saw him sign this piece of paper and this says that he was sworn in today so now we need to give this Bible to the next person and we're going to swear it in Mr Peterson wait wait one question you want [Laughter] pict okay thank you very much sure you're joining us up there all right welcome back we don't have that's okay all right so let's just turn Face the people who are taking the pictures and we're going to go this way and I state your name I Ronald Peterson do solemnly swear do solemnly sare that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and the governments established in the United States and the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially imp partially and justly perform justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of burl Council of the office of burough counsel according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God yes congratulations another turn just sign your name there and then we'll get the address thank you for your help okay very good good job s today you got to look you see that right there can you read it not it's okay someday you'll be able to read check and scratch that we adults do I don't know if you teach it in schools anym you're not teaching any when my kids go my grandchildren they are doing like the before school when they have the activities so they are teaching cursive if they want to learn and I will be writing and teaching I saved all my papers from third grade my here we [Applause] go um on to the mayor and councel for so I have a motion to open motion open the mayor and Council Forum second all right I have a motion in a second to open the mayor and Council Forum all in favor I any opposed no so does anyone on in Council have anything to say at this time I'd like to welcome our new councilman congratulations on the uh election and continued wellbe for the town of T you both asked that uh I'd like to thank thank Council and and B residents for their continued support thank you think that's very important and I too look forward to working with uh Frank and Ron uh we all have the same vision the same goal to do what's best for the residents of tuckeron we hope to work toward that very good else second to the previous s okay could say it better myself thank you I'd also like to thank everybody's support um I think we have a good team here we really work together and uh hopefully have continuous success and happy New Year at everyone very good all right uh thank you motion to close the mayor and public forum second all right I have a motion and second to close public the uh mayor and Council Forum all in favor I any oppos all right so that's done now motion to open public forum please motion to open public for second I have a motion in a second to open the public for all in favor any opposed all right so now anyone from the public have something they would like to say he started early this year congratulations congratulations she's always the first one allow that privileg to you there anyone else at this time all right seeing none may I have a motion to close public forum motion to close public for second all right now I have a motion and a second to close public forum all in favor any opposed public forum is now closed motion to adjourn second all right and now I have a motion and a second to adjourn all in favor any opposed we are closed thank you very much that was a very quick squaring and ceremony so now we move on to our reord this has lots of pages do you know the alphabet how many letters are in the alphabet do you know very good 26 I didn't hear you say that we go through the alphabet A to Z and then we go through again all the way to Q that's almost all the way through the alphabet again the second time we have all these appointments and all these things to say all right so now let's begin with uh oh Jenny when do we do the temporary budget um it's number six on uh it's number six oh there it is okay skip right over that so I'll hold that for later so I'm going to make some appointments no we have to do roll call don't worry we have to call this meeting to order let's start at the beginning so I call this meeting of the Tuckerton burrow council reorganization meeting to order on January 1st 2025 Madam clerk would you please read the open public meting act statement uh mayor if you wish you can technically since we did the all the other things the flag salute all that you can skip to the appointments of the Committees but I'll read um the public meeting act just just right now and then if you want you can skip right to the okay um provisions of the over media act have been complied with this notice was published in the beacon and the S Park Press dating the time datting place in this meeting very good and we will all hear roll call rise y full full board here yep and we have the flag salute we've already done so that's okay too now I will read the appointments of committees uh for 2025 the finance committee is going to be councilman mark as the chair and councilman depri as the um assistant chair next is the administration and Regulation and that is councilman dpri as the chair councilman Martin as the vice chair c law and Public Safety councilman Peterson as the chair councilman reand as the vice chair D Public Works Water and Sewer Service councilman Colangelo you're the head again councilman coel you're the head again right you are the person in charge and counil Dore you are correct the helper the assistant why can't I remember these words today too many things on my mind all right next is legislation councilman greeland you are the chair and councilman coangelo you will be the vice chair public buildings and grounds and Community Affairs councilman Dia Moore we do a great job to keep the town looking nice and running smoothly and councilman DM MO is the chair councilman Peterson is the vice chair moving on to number six on the agenda resolution for a temporary budget councilman W uh thank you mayor uh I have a resolution of the Bureau of tuckeron County of ocean state of New Jersey adopting the temporary budget for the year 2025 and I move this resolution second all right I have a motion and a second on this resolution I read roll call vote Please Mr Brean yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes thank you all right moving on to number seven on the agenda the land use board appointments uh a class two member of the official family for one term is Jones mcandrew the OCC dbg rep and your term will expire on December 31st this year 2025 appointment b class three council rep for one year term Keith freand to serm to expire on December 31st 2025 pardon I did say councilman um we do these all at once okay uh next is c a class 4 citizen fouryear term Wayne tonis ter to expire 12 3128 and D alternate number two citizen for a two-year term Robert Rue to ex term to expire on December 31st 2026 may I please have a motion and second I heard it second okay I have a motion from councilman Dei second by councilman Peterson to accept these appointments roll call vote Please Mr R yes for a c and d and abstain from B Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr dmore yes Mr dpre yes Mr Peterson yes thank you now next on the agenda is an appointment for the environmental committee chairman and I hereby appoint kayn Alman as the chair for the environmental commission this appointment must be done separately uh at this reorganization meeting May I please have a motion to accept this I so move second okay I have a motion and a second to say to accept kayn Alman as the chair for the environmental commission roll call vote Please Mr BR yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo Mr D Mo Mr Mr Peterson thank you now I am most happy to turn over the reading of the next resolutions to our rep okay I have resolution of the B tuon County of ocean state of New Jersey designating the meeting dates of the burrow Council and Affiliated boards for the year 2025 I move that resolution second okay a motion and second on this resolution roll call vote Please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr du yes Mr Peterson yes thank you uh I have a resolution of the B of chering County of ocean state of New Jersey winning Christopher J Conor's Esquire as bur solicitor for the bur of tuer for year 2025 I'll make that motion second okay I have a motion on a second to accept Christopher Connors as our B solicitor for 2025 roll call v v bro roll call vote Please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr C yes Mr yes Mr Mr Peterson thank you I have a resolution of the B of Taron County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the awarding of a professional service contract without competitive bitting or non-fair and open advertising for municipal engineer to Frank little PE of the firm Owen little and Associate I make that Mo okay I have a motion in a second on this appointment call vote Please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr C yes Mr Mo yes Mr Dee yes Mr Peterson thank you I have a resolution of the B of tuing County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the award of Professional Service contract without competitive bidding or non-fair and open advertising for a conflict engineer to tnm Associates I made okay I have a motion in a second on this appointment roll call please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr deore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes I have a resolution of the B of tuckeron County St New Jersey appointing Brian K Logan of sule cloney and Company auditor for the bough for the year 2025 I make that okay I have a motion a second on this resolution appointment please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr cangel yes Mr D Moore yes Mr Mr Peterson yes I have a resolution of the B of tman County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing William our mayor Esquire of the firm totis Fitzpatrick Co Giblin LLP is the burrow Bond Council for the bur t for the year 2025 I second have a motion or a second on this appointment please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Cel Mr D Mr Mr Peterson resolution of the bur of Tucker and County Motion state of New Jersey appointing Phoenix advisers LLC as the financial advisers for the B of Tucker for the year 2025 I make that motion second have a motion and a second on this appointment roll call vot please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo Mr Mr Mr Peterson yes I resolution of the bar of tuon County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing P&M Consultants LLC as financial adviser for the B of ton for year 2025 I make that motion second all right I have a motion a second on this appointment call please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr Dee yes Mr Peterson yes thank you have a resolution of the bar tuer County otion state of New Jersey appointing the Rogers Group LLC as the Consulting agent to assist in the njsa cop accreditation for the B tar for the year 2025 I made that second motion and a second this appointment V please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr pandelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes I have a resolution in the B of tucking County of ocean state of New Jersey putting uh Steven zabari Esquire as municipal prosecutor Barry a Styer Esquire and Robert Adams Esquire as alternate Municipal prosecutors all the firms H SLE and zabari for the bur t for 2025 I make that motion second motion of the second on this appointment we call vote Please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr D Mor Mr DUI yes Mr Peterson yes I have a resolution of the B of taring County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Laura m b Benson Esquire of the firm Barry S Co and Benson is the bur alternate prosecutor for the bur of Tucker in 2025 I made that Mo second have a motion second on this please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr palango yes Mr D Mr yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the bough of Tucker and County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Deborah rump Esquire as the chief Municipal public defender for the I made that motion second all right I have a motion and a second on appointment please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr yes Mr Dore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes resolution of the Bor of taring County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Timothy winr Esquire of Pepe and winr LLC is conflict public defender for the B I make that motion second motion a second on this on this please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr cango yes Mr Dore yes Mr D Mr thank you resolution of the B of tan County of moan state of New Jersey appointing Sam Colangelo as a president of council for the year 2025 I make that Mo second a motion of a second on this appointment roll call vote Please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo obain Mr Gore yes Mr du yes Mr Peterson yes resolution of the Bor of tarping County of ocean state of New Jersey designating the official newspaper for the purpose of providing legal advertising for the year 2025 and that's the beacon the Press of Atlantic City and the aay Park Press I make that motion second the motion of a second on this appointment roll call vote Please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr D Moore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes resolution of the B of Tucker County of ocean state of New Jersey setting the rate for the interest of delinquent taxes and Municipal charges for the year 2025 make that motion second I have a motion of a second on this um appointment please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes resolution of the B tarting County oan state of New Jersey authorizing signatures on burrow checks for the year 2025 I make the motion second I have a motion on a second on this appointment roll vote Please Mr breand yes Mr Martin stain Mr Colangelo yes Mr deore yes Mr dpri yes Mr Peters yes thank you resolution of the B of tarping County of oan state of New Jersey designating the official depositories for the current year of 2025 they M Squad bank and Jersey Cash New Jersey Cash management fund I make that motion second motion a second on this dis call vot please Mr bre yes Mr Mar yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Gore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the B of taring County of ocean state of Jersey authorizing the investment of idol funds and fund transfers I make that motion second have a motion of a second on this appointment call pleas Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr celo yes Mr Dore yes Mr du yes Mr peton yes resolution of the B of Tuck and County Motion state of New Jersey establishing a fee for the mailing of the minutes of the Tucker and bur Council I make that motion second all right have a motion in a second on this established Fe Please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr D yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution on the B of targeting County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax assessor or Municipal attorney as agent in filing petitions of appeals and complaints I make that motion second I have a motion a second on this appointment roll call vote Please Mr Brean yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr Dee yes Mr Peterson yes resolution on the bar ton County of ocean state of New Jersey Joseph iono as tax search officer and Jenny blor is assessment search officer for the year 2025 I make that motion second all right Motion in a second on this appointment please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr yes Mr Gore yes Mr H yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the B of tuckeron County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Keith freand as class three member of the tuckeron B make that motion second okay motion on a second on this appointment roll call vote please Mr reand didn't I already abstain from this yeah technically you're supposed to do by resolution in that that first thing I still abstain okay Mr Martin yes Mr yes Mr Dore yes Mr D yes Mr Peterson yes we like to you know change it up make sure I'm paying attention like you to you know focus in on that stuff uh resolution of the B County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Frank damore As Americans with Disabilities Act Mo second motion of a second on this appointment roll call vote Please Mr reand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr deore obain Mr pre yes Mr Peterson yes thank you uh resolution of the bar of T County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing James mcandrew as the bur representative and Sam kangel as the alternate representative to the Ocean County Community Development block grant committee for the year 2025 I make that motion motion of a second on this appointment we call V please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo Mr deore yes Mr D yes Mr Peterson yes thank you uh resolution of the B of cing County Motion state of New Jersey appointing Philip Reed Philip J re as zoning officer I make that motion on this on this uh appointment I'm sorry have a motion a second all call Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr D yes Mr Peterson yes um I have a resolution of the B of ton County of oan city of New Jersey appointing James J mcandrew as Deputy zoning officer make that motion second I have a motion a second on this appoint call please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr Dee yes Mr Peterson yes um I have a resolution of the B ofing County of O state of New Jersey appointing a mechanical sub code inspector and one Deputy mechanical inspector I make that motion for second moin these people please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr fangel yes Mr yes Mr D yes Mr Peterson yes uh resolution of the no resolution of the B of T County of oan state of New Jersey appointing Philip J Reed as building and fire inspector did did you guys have that in front of you or no we're gonna hold off on that because I think his term doesn't expire so that might have been just an added one um but I'm going to move on to resolution of the B of Tuan County Motion state Jersey appointing Lawrence f dsle as Plumbing subcode official plumbing inspector and Building Inspector and code enforcement officer for the bur make that motion second motion the second on this appointment we call vote Please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr diore yes Mr due yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the B of Tucker County of ocean state of New Jersey appointed John J helmstead as electrical sub code official electric inspector and building inspector for the Bur that Mo second on appointment please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr D yes Mr Mr Peters yes uh resolution of the b t County V state of New Jersey appointing Philip D moris alternate electric subcode official and the electrical inspector for the B make that motion second a second on this appointment call please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr deore obstain Mr due yes Mr Peterson yes just so that I can um because I do believe that the mechanical or the um not mechanical the fire inspector and the building inspector not building subcode is a one-year term I'm I'm going to read by title resolution of the bur of Tuckerman County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Philip J Reed as um um electrical no not electrical um fire fire inspector and building inspector uh for the B of t for 2025 I second motion second on this appointment V please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr D yes Mr Peterson yes you his building subcode official is a four-year term the fire inspector and then the plumbing inspector usually per our code is a one-year term so I just want to cover our basis and have that me it may be redundancy but I prefer that all right resolution of the B of tuing County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing a member to the TU and B pride and celebration committee and that is Renee gello to be appointed for a term to expire on December 31st 2027 I make that motion second all right I have a motion a second on this resolution roll please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo Mr Dore yes Mr dpri yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the B of Tucker County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the Tucker and bur Economic Development Committee that's John Miller to an uh a member to expire December 31st 2024 and then Glenn best is alternate number one for a term to expire December 31st 2026 I make that motion second did she say 2024 I should be be 2027 okay sure I heard that right all right I have a motion and a second on this Resolute disappointment roll call vote Please Mr Brean yes Mr Martin yes Mr pangela yes Mr deore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the B of Tucker and County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the Tucker and B historic preservation committee that's Lisa Sanson as a member to expire December 31st 2027 Cynthia Cortez as a member to expire December 31st 2027 Keith re Keith reeland is a member for a term to expire December 31st 2025 Don roesy alternate number one for a term to expire December 31st 2026 I'll make that motion second all right I have a motion the second on this appointment call please Mr yes on one two and four and abstain on three Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr dmore yes Mr du yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the B of Tucker County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the Tucker B environmental commission and that's kayin Olman as a member to expire December 31st 2027 I'll make that motion second I have a motion a second orint call please Mr yes Mr Martin mangelo Mr deore Mr Mr pet yesk you resolution of the B of tuing County Ocean State of New Jersey appointing Robert Shan Esquire Banky councel for the take that motion second have a motion on a second on this appointment we call pleas Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr D yes Mr Peterson yes thank you resolution of the B of T in county of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Ian Goldman Esquire of Le Shay Fifer and Goldman Legal Group as conflict attorney for the year for the bur of t for the year 2025 I make that motion second I motion a second on this resolution uh roll call vote Please Mr breand yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore Mr Dee yes Mr Peterson yes you resolution of the bar of tuer County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding contract for computer support services to Bia Technologies make that motion second we have a motion and a second on this appointment Ro call vote Please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes resolution of the bar T and County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Henry J manini M C of Henry jamen Associates for Appraisal Services I make that second a motion of a second on this appointment roll call vote Please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr deore yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes the resolution of the b t County oan city of New Jersey authorizing Bonnie AR Peterson Esquire to act as hearing officer for the bur Tucker and Personnel disciplinary matters I make that motion a motion in a second on this appointment roll call vot please Mr yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr Dore yes Mr due yes Mr Peters yes resolution of the B of tuer County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing I always do participation in the Houston galston area Council hgac Co-op purchas program to njsa 48 10-12 I make that motion motion on second authorizing this appointment roll call vote Please Mr bre yes Mr Martin yes Mr Colangelo yes Mr deore yes Mr yes Mr pet Okay resolution of the B of targeting County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing participation in the Bergen County Co-op purchasing program pursuant to njsa 4A 10-2a I made that MO I have motion second auth call please Mr yes Mr Martin yes yes Mr yes Mr Peterson yes um on the board of liaison that is all I have in the resolution Madam clerk I I have a question yeah do we have to uh vote on accepting the burough holidays or is that part of the meeting dates I don't remember that's part of the res resolution number two yes the meeting dates okay it's not a separate no no when you accept those meeting the title that accepting everything uh on the board liaison um I did not put on there fire and EMS um so when you make a motion it's going to be all of them you can say it all but the fire and EMS will be Mr depr from what I'm being okay so um I'm going to read those right yep all right uh next is the board leaon and uh historic preservation is councilman Dean bore pride in celebration is councilman Martin economic development is councilman Peterson environmental commission is councilman dpri and the fire and EMS is also councilman de pre and I make these appointments A Move Motion second all right I have a motion in a second on these appointments roll call vote please um Mr reand yes Mr Martin yes with abstaining from pride and celebration everybody's going abstain but but yeah um Mr Colangelo Mr Dore yes Mr yes exception the last y um Mr Peterson yes thank you all right next on agenda is the mayor and Council Forum does anyone have anything to say at this time I have a couple announcements to make uh looking ahead a public work yard will be closed on January 20th that's Monday Martin Luther King Day and the public work yard will be closed February 17th that's also a Monday which is President's Day trash pickup will be one day later than normal that's all I have everyone okay one day later all right uh does anyone else on Council have anything at this time all right uh yes sorry I did uh fireworks show over the lake tonight at 6: PM uh the p is 4th of July um Fireworks committee is putting on a free display tonight I believe we're hoping that the wind does not exceed kind of where it's at right now but as of now it's still on um they should be over there setting and uh 6 o' tonight that's good when I was in charge we were always waiting watching that win and um a lot of times I was reassured that the wind drops as the sun goes down so let's hope it does and that was tevy because I did have fireworks down there uh so next is a public forum moved open the public forum second a motion in a second to for all in favor I I any opposed all right right does anyone from the public have anything to say at this time thus right seeing none I have a motion to close public to close the public for all right I have a motion in a second to close public forum all in favor oppos that's closed and I need motion yes I a second oh I didn't hear a second I'm sorry a second and a motion a second to adjourn and what time is it 12:38 we did this in under 40 minutes that's very good um all in favor thank you for coming apprciate [Music] support yeah