##VIDEO ID:NN6KYcWud1k## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and essentially a non nonv variance uh application other than lot width which does not again impact at all the sight l or anything and uh I again the coler's letter very minor comments that again we're prepared to uh prepare to address and again we'll continue to work with the fire department and I and if you look at all of those those areas no issues with uh essentially what they say Thank you Mr Hill and as we discussed just for the record and for everyone to know uh the planning board caucused earlier today and I think one of the concerns that we wanted to do that we have is that we just simply would rather do it all in once instead of doing the presentations peace meal um that's just a preference that the board normally has here and that's why um I'm we asked um that today's presentation be really more of an opening statement type of a of a thing instead of the Q&A the direct examination everything else because like I said um we just feel more comfortable if this was done at the same time instead of Peace meal I get it as I've been indicated with all du respect I can't consent to that but I have you know obviously no control over I respect does and we we're prepared and ready willing and able to proceed and as usual you're representing your client in the best way possible and I do respect that Mr Hal thank you Mr chair Mr liberman would you like to address the board yes sir thank you very much uh my name is steuart liberman I'm from The Firm Libra blacker and sinkovich and it's a pleasure to see you and um I'm sorry and I represent the large mon State civic association um I've got a bunch of my clients over here they're very concerned about this application um first of all it is not a variance free application it's not the biggest variance in the world but there is a variance that's required and it's not a hardship variance because there's already a structure on this property so there this is already a a property that has a structure could be used could be utilized uh the variance doesn't have to be granted but my clients are concerned about this project because it's so out of character with their neighborhood this is a single family neighborhood and to have this kind of development where so much is being crammed into a very small space uh is really just going to destroy or it's going to cause a lot of harm to the neighborhood um this application is not ready to go and I do appreciate that the board isn't going to go because the plants have to be redone the fire department is not happy with this application they want the roof to be raised that's not minor and and they have an indoor garage this that might be the only way the fire trucks are going to be able to fight this fire when you read the fire department report they don't have access to the extremities of this project and one of the concerns of the fire chief had was how are we going to fight this thing on Mars Avenue are we going to put trucks on Mars Avenue during rush hour are we going to so the fire department is very concerned about this I really appreciate that we're going to see the devil in the details and if it can be done the wires need to be removed the the fire chief is completely adamant that these wires have to be removed because he's concerned and I know the board's going to be concern that you can't get the apparatus in there with those wires that's the concern so we really have a lot of concerns about this application it's out of character the variant should not be granted um and I I look forward to to to discussing that with you when you hear it I would ask that it not go in the next meeting I would ask that it go at the next I have longstanding vacation plans in Europe during your next meeting I having dealt with Mr ha on a number of occasions on scheduling I'm sure that you and Mr hail and the and the planning board attorney can work that out but I think you need to know tonight for notice that's my only concern well I can't we we're not ready to give a new date right now other than the date in September that you and I talked about uh we're not there yet um we're just not what I would suggest is perhaps it be carried without further notice to the September meeting and then we will speak to uh the board attorney and to Mr Lieberman and if we need to from that date to go to another date again not consenting but we'll work I appreciate that's very courteous of you thank you I appreciate that very much profess I did want to just two other things uh again this was carried on previous occasions without the requirement of further notice I know we uh it's the the one variance everything's been covered in that uh we did uh request and I know I spoke to the board attorney that uh uh that if Mr Lieberman is representing certain people they can certainly at the end of the case make their comments but the cross-examination would be limited to Mr liberman Right that I think that's the best way to do it because we don't as you're both lawyers and you're both trained on quars examining and the public really frankly isn't yeah I don't mind that I don't mind that I Mike I asked your attorney before how you're going to handle that because different boards handle that differently I certainly don't mind course examining but they might want to make comments and my question is going to be do you want me to call them individually or can they go up if comments yeah they'll have the opportunity for public comments that will happen that's at the end uh before we reach the the public comment section we have a direct examination cross- examination of the witnesses and it's just been our I'm sorry yeah and then that would be done Mr Le it's just been our experience that having the lawyers do the cross-examining and direct is just much more efficient and it's easier because you know how we have a recording device here uh and sometimes it's not it's not uncommon to for the cross-examiner to and the witness to be talking over each other and not would never happen here no would never happen also if you could just make sure that your your your clients who I see are all here we do have a form of order here and we abide by it and one of the things that have to abide by and we respect both of your sides your mic's off the mic's dead we have to be fair to both sides and so we we give everyone a fair shake when it comes to making their presentations okay just so that and so you're all aware of that okay I'm sure you do and I appreciate that okay fair enough okay Ste so again just for for the purpos of the record this would be carried without further notice I believe the date is September 26th at again no further notice but if uh you know if we need to appear if it's not going to go ahead on that night and I'll we'll speak then we would appear that evening and just confirm what the next date is so we don't have to R notice again that's terrific thank you very much for very nice of you I appreciate that thank you Mr H thank you MRK you we'll see you soon thank you yes enjoy your vacation sir if we want to just announce and confirm about it being carried yeah we'll do a motion for it right yeah take uh hear a motion that application 2024 is- 04 after caucusing with the lawyers would be carried to either the next planning board meeting or especially scheduled planning board meeting have a motion please I just want to confirm the date that 26th so it would be September 26th 7:00 in this room without the requirement of further notice if another date is scheduled after that it would be announced at that meeting yeah okay okay is that all right all right can can I have a motion please so moved second second roll call Mr Alexander Mr Cen yes Mr Lee Yes esposa yes Mr Miller yes minan Bowser yes Mr fr yes chairman Johnson yes okay gentlemen thank you good night everybody thank you thank you everybody all right uh with that said there is no more new business I'll take a motion that the planning board meeting be adjourned so move second second all in favor I oppos the eyes have it thank you all right record 20 minutes wow