##VIDEO ID:Y549BkhgE1U## chman Johnson yes all right for presentations today uh we are blessed with having Mr Hatter our engineer making a presentation on amendments to chapter 170 of the land use code chapter 170 of storm water management and solar ready warehouses and Mr Hatter thank you Mr chairman okay so uh the first ordinance uh that was referred uh to the uh planning board here is entitled uh chapter 170 land use code property grading uh as the engineering department has been responsible for ensuring that the best management practices are uh performed during new construction uh we realized that uh our ordinance really did not cover all of the as I would call them best management practices uh that they should and so our attempt here is to incorporate all of these uh bmps I'll give you an example uh when a new homeowner constructs his home the intent is not to divert storm water in such a way that impacts his neighbors okay so that is something that we are codifying in this amended version of the uh grading and drainage uh plan now uh I can tell you that uh the proposed ordinance is consistent with the land use plan element and the housing plan element of the master plan uh and so uh we are now uh in a position to uh clarify the town's authority to enforce all of the required grading and drainage Provisions that are necessary to protect private and public property so that is the extent of my presentation on this particular ordinance okay the next ordinance is uh chapter 170 storm waterer management and control uh the township had previously adopted a storm waterer management and Control Ordinance back in March of 2021 uh since that time the njde has revised the New Jersey Administrative Code uh as part of their regulatory review process uh and they have adopted changes back on July 17th of 2023 uh the most prominent change that they adopted is the requirement now for developers to not only consider Uh current rainfall projections but also future rainfall projections and the reason for that is uh the D is convinced that we are all being affected uh by climate change and that the climate is going to uh produce even more rainwater and so these developers will now have to take that into consideration uh on any what we call major development that would be a project that uh sits on a uh property that's over one acre in size so this ordinance uh basically is an adoption of the state statute uh and administrative code follows at verbatim and uh that's it okay that's it for that one the last ordinance is uh regarding warehouses over 100,000 square fet uh about two years ago state of New Jersey uh signed into law a statute requiring all warehouses that are over 100 100,000 square ft to be solar ready essentially the their roof has to be solar ready we're simply adopting an orance that mirrors the State statue and uh just as an FYI uh iv1 Union which is the latest Warehouse that received approv from this board uh although they were grandfathered out of the state stat uh they appreciate the value uh in having a rooftop solar panel system and so theyve gone ahead and designed their warehouse to be solar ready and eventually equipped with solar panels that was done voluntarily obviously with some electrical costs savings Associated behind it so that is the third ordinance and uh just so the board is aware uh the environmental commission had an opportunity to review this uh prior to the township committee introducing it at its last Township committee meeting and uh uh all uh approved of it wholeheartedly so I just um should include that all right so there you go those are the three ordinances any questions thank you Mr R questions from the board questions from the public I do have a question um for the second item pertaining to um chapter 170 um for storm water management and control table five and table six those two tables in particular page d17 um current uh precipitation adjustment factors and future precipitation change factors how how how are those factors determined um and how frequently do they change year-over-year okay well that goes to the core of why this ordinance was uh introduced in a law uh the state is convinced that because of climate change uh that we can anticipate uh some pretty intense rainfalls in the future and uh because of that uh they Define what these uh excess rainfor amounts would be and as you point out the table presented in the uh ordinance uh show that we're talking about factors of two to three increase in what our current forcasts are for R for so is are those numbers determined by by by your office by the engineer's office or is it provided by the state those are developed by the state by the state the D okay how how uh how frequent do um are those numbers uh updated by the D EP like when was the last time these numbers were updated well they were incorporated into their U Administrative Code back last year as to whether they have updated those estimates since then I don't know okay so basically any you can expect that if for some reason they should fall short of what the actual values become in the future that they will adjust that table okay and require the municipalities uh to adopt ordinances in line with the uh Administrative Code okay thank you uh my second question pertains to the uh the ordinance about the solar um it says here calculations prepared by the licensed structural engineer confirming the roofs can support the dead Lock the dead load of the solar uh Panel System panel system um I I assume if if a new Warehouse that would meet that criteria of over 100,000 square ft if if they're proposing a new Warehouse that would not be able to um sustain a dead load of a solar panel system of at least 40% or greater um what what would be the approach that um the engineers office would take in in the review of that application would that would that potentially go forward to the board or would that not we would recommend that they go back and get another architect and a structural engineer uh to look at the roof and come up with a design that would uh support that dead weight okay all right thank you okay any other questions from board questions from the public from Mr hatterer Right seeing none I will ask for a motion to approve the amendments to all three sets of ordinances to be referred to the township committee for adoption um move to make these ordinance um consistent with the okay thank you second second roll call Mr Lee yes Mr Miller yes perins yesito yes Bower yes yes Johnson yes okay that's all we have on on the agenda for today is there anyone here for anything other than uh than what we've gone over no see no see no responses I'll take a motion that our meeting be adjourned so moved all in favor I opposed you guys have it thank you next one's not e