##VIDEO ID:S4yZfff54XQ## e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e e this is a regular meeting of the township committee public notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings law a resolution was adopted on January 1st 2024 designating this date this Hall and 730 p.m. as the time for this regular meeting of the township Committee of the township of Union in the county of Union a notice of each and every meeting of the township committee was posted in accordance with the affers said open public meetings law in one public place reserved for the posted of ordinances and official notices of the township of Union namely the bulletin board next to the clerk's office in addition theto a copy of said resolution was forwarded to the local source and Star Ledger a copy of said resolution is on file with the clerk of the township thank you madam clerk good evening everyone this evening the prayer will be led by committee woman Terrell and the flax will be led by committeeman Bowser you please stand as we gather as members of this Township committee we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community keeping in mind always the enduring values of Life exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon which future Generations can build with confidence let us continue to strive to Make a Better Community amen our pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation Madam cler can I have a roll call please Mr Bowser here M Terell here Miss Frasier here Mr Florio here mayor figuro here can I have a motion to approve the minutes of the conference and regular session of November 26 2024 move to approve minutes second all in favor I I Madam cler can we move on with the ordinances and resolutions please I have he consideration on second and final reading an ordinance amending chapter 170 of the municipal code to clarify regulations for specific uses move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance of the township of Union County of union state of New Jersey amending chapter 170 of the municipal code is there anyone from the public wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes M Terell yes M Frasier yes Mr Florio mayor figuro yes amending chapter 388 of the municipal code to add supplemental information regarding massage and body work Services move ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance to amend chapter 388 of the code of the township of Union pertaining to massage and Bodywork services to add supplemental information is there anyone from the public wishing to speak on this ordinance move ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes M Terrell yes M Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor fig yes amending the financial agreement with Claremont fidelco urban renewal LLC and assigning same to Union urban renewal exchange LLC take for second final read second an ordinance of the township of Union County of Union New Jersey ending the financial agreement with Claremont fidelco urban renewal LLC formerly known as Claremont 1 and 2 urban renewal LLC and assigning same to Union urban renewal exchange LLC is there anyone from the public wishing to speak on this ordinance who your be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Mr trell yes M Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figure out yes the following resolutions authorizing a contract with Bergen protective systems for the 2025 inspection and testing of fire and burglar alarms for the municipal building for an amount not to exceed $2,434 45 move contract be approved second all in favor I I authorizing a three-year extension of the agreement with the Bureau of kennworth for construction code official building subcode official and Zoning officer for a period of three years beginning January 1st 2025 motion to approve second all in favor I I authorizing the release of a performance bond in the amount of $4,500 and cash bond in the amount of $500 to JP Morgan Chase Bank for the site improvements at 247d Route 22 Center subject to the posting of a 2-year maintenance bond in the amount of $ 24,7 64 motion to approve the resolution second all in favor authorizing Le lease of nine police vehicles from Enterprise corporate through the sourcewell co-op contract 03 0122 EFM for an amount not to exceed 96 ,000 for approval second all in favor authorizing Towing agreements with seatan Towing ink and Saro towing a Recovery Inc for a three-year period beginning January 1st 2025 move to approve second all in favor I authorizing an award of contract to Survivor Fire and Security ink for inspection testing and maintenance of sprinkler systems fire extinguishers and fire alarms for various buildings for a fee not to exceed $11,100 motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing a contract with Jersey elevator company for the 2025 service and maintenance of the municipal building and police department elevators for a fee not to exceed $471 64 motion to authorize the contract second all in favor authorizing a one-year extension with centorian printing for various printing services for an amount not to exceed 45,600 $46.75 move to approve the extension second all in favor I I authorizing one- year extension with Honeywell Inc for the 2025 HVAC services for the municipal building for an amount not to exceed $3,239 move to approve second all in favor I authorizing the sale and issuance of bond anticipation notes of the Township in the amount of 9,241 th000 motion to approve second all in favor I I authorizing change order number one increasing the amount to Lan of Construction Corporation by $79,200 1,761 14812 for the 2024 Green Lane improvements Phase 1 motion to approve the change order second all in favor I authorizing change order number one and final decreasing the amount of yourway construction by 74,7 39 for a revised total contract amount of 2,788 3481 in connection with the rapkin park Field improvements for approval second all in favor I amending resolution 2024 166 increasing the amount of vonic document solutions by $6,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,125 for records retention and Disposal for human resources move to approve second all in favor I authorizing a one-month contract extension with regional Industries for solid waste collection and disposal services within the township for the month of February 2025 motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing payment of all approved vouchers for solid waste collection holl and Disposal at the interim rate of $759 per ton for household waste and $119.1 per ton for bulky waste for the month of November motion to approve second all in favor authorizing a one-year extension with Harmony tree service for tree trimming and removal services for an amount now to exceed $142,500 move to approve the extension second all in favor I I amending resolution 2024 177 increasing the amount of rapid recovery services by an additional $2,454 for a total contract amount not to exceed $19,124 N3 for the Emergency rental of air conditioning units for the municipal building move to approve second all in favor I I aming resolution 2023 383 to change the finance company for two vehicles for the building department to Ford motor Municipal Finance motion to approve all in favor I ask you to approve the finances as listed on the agenda motion to approve the finances second all in favor I following Communications from Terry Manda tax collector requesting the township committee authorized checks issued to the following representing the Redemption of tax sales certificates as listed on the agenda move for approval second all in favor Joseph Venia Township engineer requesting the following payments payment number one to Lan a Construction Corporation in the amount of $943,000 $970 111 for work completed through September 27th 2024 in connection with the Green Lane improvements Phase 1 payment number five to Crossroads Paving Corporation in the amount of $645,000 final to yourway Construction in the amount of 137,50 18040 for work completed through July 19th 24 in connection with the rapkin park turfield improvements move to approve payments second all in favor I from J ranet Titan events 2003 Mars Avenue requesting to use Municipal lot number 20 on Caldwell Avenue to park cars on Tuesday December 31st 2024 from 11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. motion to approve second all in favor I ratifying request from Titan events for the use of the municipal parking lot on Stow street from on December 14th 2024 motion to approve the ratification second all in favor I the following Department reports from the clerk's office Fire Department police department Community Development and Municipal Court there be received and fil second all in favor I I that concludes my part of the agenda thank you madam clerk we go to our committee reports and we start with committee woman Terrell good evening everyone uh I'll be uh updating you on the Department of Public Works uh for today the December 17th uh in the road division the road division continues to work on repairing potholes and patching sections of Road throughout the township since our last meeting the road division has performed 38 pothole repairs and 334 streets were swept in the sewer division uh the sewer division continues to maintain catch basins pump stations and outfalls daily performing repairs when necessary since our last meeting the sewer division has performed 218 catch Basin cleanings 42 enzyme applications to minimize fats oils and grease and six emergency calls uh were handled and in the shade tree division the shade tree division continues to maintain trees in Parks Township properties and in Township rways since our last meeting tree Crews performed 18 removals 10 trees were trimmed and nine stumps were removed uh as a reminder uh we the Department of Public Public Works continues uh Leaf collect ction the 27th of December is quickly approaching and that is the last day for leaf collection so if you have um any leaves that you are getting together please make sure they're out by the 27th uh please leave them out in open 32 gallon containers or smaller no larger but smaller is fined or in brown biodegradable bags no plastic bags will be accepted for leaf collection uh all concerns uh and or inquiries regarding all division of Public Works can be addressed by calling public works at 908 6861 1922 or by using the reporter concern feature on the township website and on behalf of the Department of Public Works we would like to wish everyone a safe healthy and happy holiday season that concludes my report thank you thank you so much committ thank you mayor Police Department report for the period November the 23rd through December the 12th there were 1,147 direct patrols there was 3,561 calls for service and 94 arrests traffic control speed Initiative for the same period there were 65 stops 63 tickets eight were residents red light enforcement for the same period was uh 17 stops 23 tickets no residents were involved truck enforcement for the same period three stop four tickets and no local deliveries I have one highlight for the time frame on December the 1st officers were dispatched to winu Road on a report of a possible residential burglary as officers turned onto the street they observed the silver Hyundai driving at a high rate of speed away from the victim's home officers attempted to conduct a motor vehicle stop which the vehicle refused to stop and and was pursued officers pursued the vehicle until the suspect lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the township of Irvington five suspects fled the vehicle in different directions multiple officers arrived on the scene and were able to apprehend three of the suspects they were transported to headquarters and charged accordingly residential burglary and numerous other charges that concludes my report thank you so much committee woman G Frasier good evening everyone and happy holidays to you all from the Recreation Department registration for Union Recreation winter basketball and after school enrichment programs are now open these programs will include the recreation basketball league instructional basketball clinics Challenger special needs basketball open gym public speaking Robotics and ice skating flyers for all of these programs are available on social media and online registration is available through the town's website the recreational uh travel basketball season is finally underway we encourage residents to come out and support our young athletes as they compete for a championship season home games are played on select Wednesdays Fridays or Saturdays at kwami middle school for a home game schedule please check the Jersey basketball league we website for all the recreation um activities and in the recreation office if you have any questions please contact the union recreation department at 98686 4 4200 and for the senior center I would like to begin with um just saying how wonderful their holiday party was they had 165 seniors meet over at uh the Galloping Hill they had a great time Mr Bowser and myself were there they are um party animals so please get involved um they had a really excellent uh time also thank you to the Union High School students from the cosmetology department they came over today and had uh manicures for our seniors men and women alike they left there looking glamorous um the intergenerational connection is wonderful for our seniors and the youth um they get together and are able to you know connect in many different ways that was wonderful thank you to the Union High School students also um there is news out there that there are seniors from other towns that are trying to come and join our senior Department that is a tribute to the wonderful things that are going on in our senior center so seniors please get involved there's a lot of activities and a lot of fun going on also 36,000 um residents or seniors have used the services at the senior center as well as 7,055 seniors have used the busing so if busing is a concern or transportation is a concern please know that busing is available for you for you to attend many of the activities um so health and wellness January 7th from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the nurse will be there Zumba Gold Tuesday January 14th the 21st the 28th February 4th 11th 18th and the 25th from 1:30 to 2:30 this is a fun energizing fitness program it is designed specifically for older adults offering the joy of Zumba with a gentler pace for um low impact moves Splash into fitness every Wednesday January 8th through June 18th from 10 to 11:00 join us for fun and refreshing workout in our senior splash water aerobics class at the YMC at the YMCA it's obviously an indoor pool and uh Wind Creek Casino Bethlehem trip um is December 19th $35 tickets and they depart from Janette Avenue if you have any questions on any of these activities please call the senior center at 98851 5290 that concludes my report thank you and I I think the deputy mayor and I missed out on getting our nails done we have to catch that next time Deputy may they will be I think they have um six sessions throughout this new coming year we need to be there Deputy Mayor I will be right and with that I give you our deputy mayor for his report thank you thank you mayor uh in first in the form of a motion I want to move a special meeting on December 30th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. for bill payments do I have a second second all in favor I I thank you a sec second uh I'd like to move a special meeting for January 1st 2025 at 12 p.m. noon for our reorganization meeting second all in favor I I thank you from our fire department in the past two weeks the fire department has responded to 349 emergency calls for service with 156 medical calls to date with this period some of the significant events I always say some on November 27th the fire department apparatus responded to Andover Road for a garage fire attached to the home an aggressive attack stopped the fire extension to the interior house and the homeowners were able to stay in their home after the fire department CED the scene I'll tell you how important that is thanks and congratulations our fire department is nothing worse than being put out of your home with a fire in your back and they did a great job and ready to take care of that situation very quickly on November 28th the fire department apparat responded to cintus on green Cintas I'm sorry on Green Lane for a building fire fire was contained to the industrial dryers also in the early morning November 28th that's Thanksgiving Route 22 West was shut down completely for a vehicle that crashed into a pole bringing down numerous wires in pole and Transformer I I'd be very up I'd be disappointed if we didn't get a crash into a poll every two weeks or something this town don't understand what's going on don't either on December n Fire Department apparat responded to a house fire on Ray Avenue the fire started in the ceiling of a garage and dropped down to a vehicle in the garage catching the vehicle on fire fire was contained to the garage and the home runers were able to reside in the gr again thank you uh these are some of the safety messages we we issue sort of every meeting install smoke Al alarms please smoke alarms on every floor of your home connect them together if possible test your smoke alarms monthly all you got to do is go push the button the but thing beeps it's good doesn't beep you need to replace it if you really need help if you're an elder senior or something we will send somebody from the fire department out to help you install that fire alarm create a fire escape plan make plan and practice with with your family it's too late for Fire Hits and you and your family on the second floor you need to know how you're going to get out close doors very important closing door blocks the fire it can reduce the spread of that toxic smoke and temperatures electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in more than 40% of home Christmas tree fires we mentioned this last meeting because people start putting up Christmas trees they're beautiful we love them you got to be careful especially if you got a real one artificial is not a problem candle fires also peak in December and January everybody likes to light of candle and water your tree you got a real tree water often that's what happens when the tree gets too dry uh I'd like to basically wish everybody a happy holiday season I hope Santa brings all the things you want gifts including a seniors uh and I know the mayor has already hung his stocking over the chimney already expecting what I'm not sure but U but again Merry Christmas happy holiday everybody hope it's a bless and warm Christmas that's my report thank you deputy mayor for those warm wishes is um I'm going to start back on my soap box red lights don't run them yellow slow down stop at the red I am I'm happy to hear from our Police Commissioner that out of the 23 red light summs that were issued none of them were residents so the residents are getting the message The Outsiders warning come into Union you're going to receive a ticket do the right thing stop at red lights speeding we still have eight red residents of those 63 so residents watch that right foot as it steps down on that gas pedal look at the speed limit look at cars around you look at pedestrians around you and as our fire commissioner said we have too many cars meeting up with poles that's partially speeding there could be other factors in that but a lot of them are single cars that are meeting with an immobile pole there just it just befuddles me uh please be be careful out there especially this holiday season to time for us to be with our family members and loved ones please do not cause a hardship to others by passing a red light or excessive speeding uh you may have heard in the past couple of weeks everybody's looking up in the skies this is not a Superman thing is that a birds it a plane no it's drones people are looking up at drones uh flying all over our state two days ago I was on a call with FBI Department of Homeland Security and the FAA all of these agencies have taken the situation of drones seriously and actually the department of homand security has deployed a few Advanced drone detection systems to New Jersey already these came out two days ago to our state they can actually immobilize a drone if it's nefarious which there were none according to FBI there have been about 5,891 reported sightings it's important to note that each of these cases have been thoroughly investigated and they've determined most of these sightings are lawful commercial drones hobbyist drones law enforcement drones and of course airplanes and helicopters it's tough at night to really differentiate what's going on up there some were actually stars that people were looking at so uh one other important thing do not aim lasers up at these drones you don't know if it's an aircraft please do not that is a federal offense this is an important issue that they brought up to us on that call safety is an issue to that aircraft and the people that are piloting that aircraft and what I want everyone to know it is important to emphasize there is no risk to our Township security our State security our national security or any public safety with these drones um with that I want to extend a heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in our holiday events this month uh I want to start with Winter Wonderland I want to thank our assistant business administrator William Reyes again for organizing with his staff Natalie who's in the back the Silva and all of Edis and Edis was just all over the place at Winter Wonderland they did a phenomenal job if you missed it you missed it it's next year um and a Holiday Village um Sal tza who was uh in that control Booth Union tv34 doing a phenomenal job and um we also had our Quanza celebration this morning and we had a qu no I'm sorry we had a Quanza celebration at voxa library this past Saturday great event and this morning we had our monora lighting outside your presence at all these events made a difference Township committee and I wish you a wonderful holiday season but you can still celebrate the holidays in our Union Center come out this Saturday it'll be the last Saturday this is happening from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. at Union Center Mars and cyberon Avenue we have our horse Throne carriage rides a lot of fun strolling carolers didn't they sound great they sounded phenomenal warm soup and hot cocoa and of course photos with Santa at here's the story bookstore we missed you Deputy Mayor we all went to take a picture with Santa I even sat on his lap so it was great stop by here's the story from 11: to 2 to take a picture shop small that's what's important we want you out here support these local businesses and enjoy the holiday spirit visit Union centers.com or follow at Union Center Sid on social media for details um there is a very timely unfortunate incident that is happening as we speak there is a water main break on Mars Avenue by the Lowe's mall that is completely off limits and as you know that's a major East West artery this will continue for tomorrow's r hour in the morning and most likely tomorrow's rush hour in the evening so letting you know ahead of time about this it's been on social media we're throwing it out there all this information um we'll keep you up to date on that if you want upto-date information for emergency and general notifications you can go at www.un.org we encourage you to go on E everbridge and sign up for these notifications which will update you on all this information and I just want to wish from this Township committee from my family to all of yours a merry Christmas this year a happy Quanza and a happy Hanukkah which ironically falls on the same day of Christmas the 25th is the first day of Hanukkah wish you a wonderful holiday season with you and your loved ones I'll open the meeting up to the public with that microphone is open a five minute room seeing none can I have a motion to adjourn move to adjourn second all in favor have a great evening good holiday everyone