##VIDEO ID:av6vvIUwsuc## e e e e e e e this is a regular meeting of the township committee public notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings law a resolution was adopted on January 1st 2024 designating this date this Holland 7:30 p.m. as the time for this regular meeting of the township Committee of the township of Union in the county of Union a notice of each and every meeting of the township committee was posted in accordance with the affers said open public meetings law in one public place reserved for the posting of ordinances and official notices of the township of Union namely the bulletin board next to the clerk's office in addition thereto a copy of said resolution was forwarded to local Source in Star Ledger a copy of said resolution is on file with the clerk of the township thank you madam clerk this evening the prayer will be led by committee woman G Frasier and the flag salute by Deputy Mayor Floria would everyone please stand let us bow our hearts and Minds as we gather as members of this Township committee we pray that we are ever mindful of opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community keeping in mind always the enduring values of Life exerting our efforts in those areas on and on those things upon which future Generations can build with confidence let us continue to strive to Make a Better Community Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Madam cler can have a roll call please Mr Bowser here Mr Al here M Razer here Mr florel here mayor F here may I have a motion to approve the minutes of the conference and regular session of September 10th 2024 move to approve second all in favor I Madam cler can we move on with the ordinances and resolutions please I have your consideration on second and final reading an ordinance authorizing a lease with 10 Cherry Street asso Associates LLC for offices located at 855 Lehigh Avenue move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second an ordinance authorizing the township of Union as tenant to lease from 10 Cherry Street Associates LLC 5,682 Square ft of commercial office space located at 855 Lehigh Avenue Union New Jersey for Board of Education administrative offices for an initial term of 5 years with two 5-year renewal options is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes M Terell yes M Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figurita yes have your consideration on draft and first reading an ordinance requiring new warehouses over 100,000 square ft to be solar ready move draft be taken up for first reading at this time second an ordinance of the township of Union County of Union state of New Jersey requiring new warehouses over 100,000 square ft to be solar ready in the township of Union Union County New Jersey Mr Bowser yes M Terell yes M Fraser yes Mr Florio yes mayor figorito yes move draft be taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting for the second and final reading second Mr Bowser yes M Terell yes M Frasier yes Mr Floria mayor fig and many ordinance 3729 to add handicap spaces in front of 2126 Leonard Terrace and 47 Berkeley Place who would we be taken up first reading by title at this time second an ordinance amending the designation of restricted parking spaces for use by persons with special vehicle identification cards in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance creates a handicap space in front of 2126 Leonard Terrace and 47 Berkeley Place Mr Bowser yes Mr yes M Frasier yes Mr floral yes mayor figer yes who the draft be taken up for second and final reading at our next regular scheduled meeting second Mr Bowser yes Mr trell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor fig yes following resolutions authorizing the mayor and clerk to submit and execute a Grant application with the county of Union for the kids Recreation trust fund program move to approve second all in favor authorizing the insertion of a special item of Revenue into the 2024 Municipal budget in the amount of $168,400 disposal at the interim rate of $759 per ton for household waste and $119 12 per ton for bulky waste for the month of August motion to approve second all in favor authorizing the personto person transfer plenary retail consumption license number 20944 67002 to 1046 linkers Inc 1046 Thon Avenue move to approve the transfer second all in favor I I requesting New Jersey Transit perform routine cleaning maintenance repairs Renovations and upgrades to the Union Train Station and surrounding proper property also requesting to place welcome banners on the Mars Avenue Green Lane overpass move to approve second all in favor supporting the Grant application to New Jersey Transit Authority by the county of Union to enhance safety for multiple Township roads motion to approve second all in favor I I authorizing an award of contract to Joe Med Contracting Corporation for the sanitary sore pump installation at 2086 Leonard Terrace for an amount not to exceed $39,100 move to approve the contract second all in favor I authorizing an award of contract to LTS management company LLC for moving services for the relocation of the Township library for an amount not to exceed 147,000 623 move to approve the contract second all in favor I I ask you to approve the finances as listed on the agenda move to approve payments second all in favor the following Communications from Harry Manda tax collector requesting the township committee authorized checks issued to the following representing the Redemption of tax SES certificates as listed on the agenda motion to approve second all in favor Joseph vesia Township engineer requesting the following payments payment number three to PM Construction in the amount of$ 57,6 46.98 for work completed through September 6 2024 in connection with the 2024 Road resurfacing program Elizabeth Town Gas roads payment number two to Crossroads Paving Corporation in the amount of $15,900 47 for work completed through September 12 2024 in connection with the 2024 Road Improvement program motion to approve the payments second all in favor I Anthony manguso construction official requesting the return of a demolition bond to C Lori Contracting LLC in the amount of $110,000 for 929 Springfield Road South Mo for approval second all in favor I from Anthony Maloy stickies manager 2180 route22 requesting to host an illustrious popup car show on their property on October 4th 2024 between the hours of 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. and on November 3rd 2024 between the hours of 2 and 400 p.m. with approximately 30 participants move to approve request second all in favor I I from yanu Chen 99 cents plus 350 Chestnut Street requesting to continue displaying merchandise in front of the store from September 25th through December 25th 2024 motion to approve second all in favor I Michelle Carl's resident requesting to close off red Redwood Avenue on Sunday October 20th 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 300 p.m. for a Halloween block party motion to approve second all in favor I from Sandra Perez Leo Construction Corporation 1026 Thon Avenue requesting to hang 225 by 3ft banners on the building of the new Barber Avenue Apartments advertising new luxury one bedroom and two-bedroom apartments for a period of six months or until they are rented so we move second with a 60-day deputy mayor is that we're suppos we're moving that for a period of 60 days okay I I I said uh this would be approved with a 60-day maximum can I have a second on that second all in favor I I following Department reports from the Police Department fire department and Municipal Court move reports be received and filed second all in favor I I that concludes my part of the agenda thank you madam clerk we go to our committee reports we begin with committee woman Terell good evening uh my report is for the Department of Public Works uh for 92424 in the road division the road division Contin continues to work on repairing potholes and patching sections of Roads throughout the township since our last meeting the road division has performed 64 pothole repairs and 105 streets were swept in the sewer division the sewer division continues to maintain catch Basin basins pump stations and outfalls daily performing repairs when necessary since our last meeting the sewer division has performed 180 catch Basin cleanings 40 enzyme applications to to minimize fats oils and grease and there was one emergency call in the shade tree division the shade tree division continues to maintain trees in Parks Township properties and in Township right of ways since our last meeting tree Crews performed 17 removals 32 trees were trimmed and five stump removals all concerns or inquiries regarding all division of Public Works can be addressed by calling public works at 9086 61922 or by using the reporter concern feature on the township website and I'd like to at this time uh to send out a special thank you to Joe gra Graziano and his team for the great work that they do every single week that concludes my report thank you so much uh committeeman bow uh thank you mayor uh police department report for the period September 6 through September the 20th there were 1,340 direct patrols there were 2, 959 call for service and 72 arrests for that time frame under speed Initiative for the same period there were 107 stops 122 tickets 22 were residents under red light enforcement for the same period of time 45 stops 49 tickets Six for residents under weekly uh truck enforcement for the same period there were 11 stops nine tickets with four local deliveries and I have one highlight to review uh at this time uh for the same period on September the 18th a resident reported hearing a people inside his house officers immediately dispatched to the area as officers arrived to the scene they observed two males running from the house police officer Koka advised dispatched that he was on that he was pursuing two males on foot one one of the males were was able to jump into the suspect's vehicle that was stolen out of Maplewood the second suspect was apprehended by the police officer and Maplewood Police Department the suspect vehicle then fled the scene was pursued by Union Officers until the pursuit was terminated in newk the adult male suspect was transported to headquarters placed on a warrant and transported to County Jail that concludes my report thank you committee woman G frer uh good evening everyone the senior report um they had an awesome trip to Myrtle Beach this summer they had an amazing time the director was very pleased um they behaved well on their field trip they were all helping each other some of them were in wheelchairs they have canes but they were all very accommodating to one another if you are interested in going to the next um trip look for information and call the um senior department so Tuesday October 8th at 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the nurse will be there providing Health maintenance Tuesday October 15th of flu shots free flu shots at 1100 a.m. the New Jersey snap registration October 3rd remember that important date from 10: to 12: p.m. let our let our resource access team help you apply for SNAP benefits um programs the Memoir Workshop this Workshop will provide a window into important times in your life simple exercises and prompts will lead to write short vignettes that's October 8th October 24th from 10:30 to 12:30 computer classes um discover the basic plus um expert uh Power TP uh Power tips and that is September 30th and October 7th and the 21st also November 18th that is from 11 to 1 pm AARP will also be there again for smart driving classes um earn a multi-year discount on your auto insurance when you complete the course the course teaches you proven driving techniques to help keep you and your loved ones safe there $20 if you are an AARP Member and $25 for non-members that is October 17th at 9:30 to 3:30 p.m. and then upcoming trips Wind Creek Casino in Bethlehem PA that's October 17th the ticket are $35 and they depart from Janette Avenue they are also going to see a holiday show and that is um December 19th the tickets are $85 it includes the bus lunch and they depart at 12:30 for any additional information please call 851 5290 and for the recreation um again the travel basketball team if you are interested the interest list is available through September 27th the travel baseball program is for boys and girls fourth grade to 8th grade practices begin in November with games played December through March home games are played at Bernett and kuami while away games take place in surrounding towns travel basketball is a great way to Aspire players to play at a higher level of competition before getting to middle school and the high school those looking for introductory program will be available to sign up for our clinics instead of instead which will open for registration later in the fall the union Recreation Department is also gearing up for Halloween the longstanding annual traditions of Halloween window painting scarecrow contest will return once again supplies for both uh contests will be distributed beginning October 12th with final designs finished by the 21st winners will be announced on Halloween participation is free and supplies will be provided but Advanced registration is required please call the recreation department at 686 4200 that concludes my report thank you Deputy Mayor flua thank you mayor I'd like to put this these license applications approval in the form of a motion uh for gas stations BP North 235 2 Mars Avenue Double D Service Company 2674 Mars Avenue for Bob's Munchies fast food of Union 2 347 through 349 Chestnut Street and for an outdoor Cafe lassad Del pound Bakery and 550 CD North Avenue is in a form of a motion I have a second on that second all in favor all from our fire department uh we responded to 256 emergency call calls for service with 131 medical calls to date the month to date this month of September some to sum of the significant events during this period are on September 9th the fire department apparat responded to bisc Boulevard on reported house fire it was determined that rubbish near the garbage can started the fire and it spread vertically burning toid residents were able to stay in their home and there were no injuries on September 10th the fire department apparatus responded to a gas station on Li Avenue for a fire fire was located in the bathroom and was determined to be started with a discarded cigarette in the trash can also on September 10th the fire department appest resped sorry responded to Andrew Street North for a heavy smoke condition inside the residence upon investigation a burned plastic pot was found behind Furniture the burn plot had Embers from incense it's interesting on September 13th the fire department appest respondent the kanaine University the stem building for order emanating from a mechanical room that has drums stored with various chemicals from the chemistry land Union County has been responded and mitigated the situation remember as I say that's only very few of the incidents that we respond we have our my weekly safety message install smoke alarms on every floor of your home and connect them together if possible the National Fire Protection Association recommends replacing smoke alarms every 10 years create a fire escape plan very important make a plan and practice it with your family in case God for bid something happens check your writing your wiring regularly check power cords and frame broken connections and correct insulation very common uh cause for fires clean dryer vents have your dryer vents cleaned at least once a year do not play with matches and lighters remind children that matches and lighters are not toys Clos doors closing doors can reduce the spread of the fire toxic smoke and temperatures if you run out of a room where there's a fire close the door very important to try and contain the fire that's my report for tonight thank you deputy mayor uh going to begin my report getting on my soap box red light means stop yellow you can go but red please stop and I want to add school is fully in session now we're entering our fourth week uh Please be aware of those school buses please when that red flashing light is on you must stop you do not pass that school bus that is a danger to our children in this town and other children that are being busted to and fro again we're working with other communities adjacent to us in monitoring the speeding situations but it starts with each individual one of you um on to some brighter things car show mark your calendar for our annual car bike and truck show this is October 6th a few days after that October 3rdd important date committee woman G Frasier come on down to see the incredible Vehicles win some prizes um enjoy some great live music eat some great food and more to register cars or bikes or trucks please visit uniontown.pa the mayor's 5K is just around the corner is this Sunday Renaissance September 29th for a day of Fitness community and a lot of fun there it is a a great event all proceeds will go to the family of baby Leighton who is a six-month-old who was born with medical complications I will just tell you this Mother's plea uh when this baby was born they looked in her eyes and said your baby will not live past 24 hours and here we are six months later and the baby is still alive uh partial proceeds will go towards helping uh this family cope with this this baby is currently in Philadelphia and the mother has to travel back and forth from here to there so online registration is currently open VI via runsignup.com that's R NSN up.com and you have talent because I know we've got talent in Union so don't miss the chance to Showcase your unique talents in this year unions Got Talent competition this year we have some new prizes and categories for those who live work or attend school in Union County so we've opened it up a little bit Hur you because we're accepting online video submissions via unions gotot talent.org until September 30 and um we started talking about Halloween about decorating storefronts it's coming up save the date for our annual Recreation Halloween events on October 19th the annual big trunk retreat will be held at Jefferson School parking lot from 1: to 4:00 p.m. and will feature music treats and a prize for the best decorated vehicle be sure to wear your Halloween costumes also to the haunted Halloween food truckfest at rapkin Park from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. that same day this event will feature a kids and dog costume contest that's always cute photo booth DJ video game truck beer garden and more admission is is free and again any updates you can check on social media at TW WP Union and jrec and also ask you again for notifications go on everbridge you can sign up for emergency and general notifications at www. uniontown.pa with that I will open the meeting up to the public again a reminder there is a 5 minute rule please state your name name and address mic is open evening my name is Andrew Austin 128 plan Street uh just a quick one uh this past Saturday I wasn't aware there was I know there was a Hispanic heritage uh celebration at Beer Temple Park but I live right close to haberly and bar and I know there was a block party uh P or pine was closed from Mars to Foxhall Road and uh was not a big deal except that there was some type of killer DJ set up in the hly and bar parking lot with a sound system that should have been at Beer Temple I guess I don't know what kind of rules and regulations there are but I ended up having to leave my house for like 6 hours because it was so loud it was like unreal that's my question is how how is something like that permitted or is there just no rules on that Andrew was this during the day I don't recall yeah it started at 11:00 in the morning um we will take a look further as they apply they normally have to apply to Clos streets this was P I didn't have a problem at all with anything except the sound system it was this was Pine Street and I'm sorry Pine Street from Mars to it was close from Mars to uh foxall okay and it was very loud huh oh yeah yeah okay all right we will try to monitor these situations thank you for bringing it to our attention anyone else wishing to speak root slovic 1700 Patriot Way um I have a question on the moving services for the relocation of the Township Library um I understand expenses where is the all what kind of equipment where is it stored now and was there a charge for that there's in various locations where we have not only where the library is now but we have a storage facility in two locations all of those things need to be moved to when the library is ready so there's a storage fee for that I mean there was there was and and this is just a moving fee to get those things over to the new location so they this the expenses for the storage are now finished uh I don't have exact dates on that in front of me okay um I'm very appreciative to the police department for what they do and the the report from the police um person who reported here um there's one thing that I noticed and I don't know how it can be alleviated I mean people drive at different kind of situations but I call it bully driving when they go past the double yellow line try to beat people around the corner it happens a lot twice I had incidences where I was stopped at a red light ready to go and on the opposite end three cars behind someone happened twice goes over the yellow line and meets me head on trying to beat me to the intersection before the light changes um and I call that bully driving so the only way you can get that is if the police happen to be right there at that right time right but it happens a lot and the reports I hear from here are are from um uh speeding um there were just various things that the officers can can uh get people on however the bully driving is there anything we can do like a a PR campaign or or whatever to stop the bully driving because it's really really really bad we referred to it under an umbrella of aggressive driving really what all of it is it encompasses speeding it encompasses the scenario that you're describing It's all under that kind of driving aggressive driving unfortunately since the pandemic opened up it's not just systemic to Union New Jersey as you heard me we work with surrounding towns it is systemic throughout New Jersey you drive around to other communities they're experiencing the same thing uh as you said if an officer is there they will address the situation unfortunately uh as you know in any town we can't have an officer on every block7 so uh so I don't want to diminish I don't want to diminish the police department something that the police department is working they're working it's all part of the aggressive driving program that try to ctail that so there's a program for that you're saying oh thank you thank you I appreciate that um the date of the car show again is which October October 6th is that a Sunday it's a Sunday yes oh great okay um last year uh I mentioned that how much I enjoyed the car show but the music was too loud so if if there I don't I don't have any um amendments since last year regarding having each booth that has music not to attract the people so far away only the people in front of them um because it was too loud for me too loud for my dog I mean the two of us are like um I if anything anything it's can be done about that I don't know but um the last thing I want to mention to is Halloween and I'm not going to diminish a tradition that's that's very very you know Common and I'm not going to say you you shouldn't celebrate it if that's what you decide to do but I do see that it's getting more and more gory more and more scary more and more um evil if you want to use that word and I'm concerned about the impression that people who put stuff on their front Lawns that are so gross you have to turn away and the young people who see that it's quite scary so is there anything in the township that some kind of Regulation or limit or something because it's getting more and more disgusting and the music my time is up I'm sorry no no you still have unfortunately we don't have a gory ordinance yet so but I I think you'll have to agree that it's getting worse and worse and worse every year and Ruth some people like that um I know and even some of the kids like that it's it's a just a different time you know yeah but it still keeps them up at night and makes them scared and and if it happened in their real life that would be horrible but here we are if it's real thing it would it be horrible disgusting and how could this possibly happen and yet we're advertising it on our front Lawns so I just want you to think about that thank you so much thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing none a motion to adjourn second all in favor I have a good evening everyone