##VIDEO ID:chkjWG8qGY8## e e e e e e e e e this is a regular meeting of the township committee public notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings law a resolution was adopted on January 1st 2024 designating this date this Hall and 7:30 p.m. as the time for this regular meeting of the township Committee of the township of Union in the county of Union a notice of each and every meeting of the township committee was posted in accordance with the after said open public meetings law and one public place reserved for the posting of ordinances and official notices of the township of Union namely the bulletin board next to the clerk's office in addition theto a copy of said resolution was forwarded to the local source and Star Ledger a copy of said resolution is on file with the clerk of the township thank you madam clerk good afternoon this afternoon prayer will be given by committee woman lose and Deputy Mayor Mark will lead flag salute would you please stand as we gather as members of this Township committee we pray that we are ever mindful of our opportunities to render our service to fellow citizens and to our community keeping in mind always the enduring values of Life exerting our efforts in those areas and on those things upon which future Generations can build with confidence let us continue to strive to Make a Better Community amen amen I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for Madam clerk may I have a rooll call please Mr Bowser here miss here Miss Frasier here Mr Florio here mayor figuro here could I have a motion to approve the minutes of conference meeting on conference and regular session minutes of October 8th motion to approve second all in favor madam clerk can we move on with the ordinance resolutions I have on second and final reading an ordinance amending chapter 447 of the municipal code entitled rental property this ordinance prohibits short-term rentals of amenities or accessories move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Union County of union state of New Jersey amending chapter 447 the code entitled rental property this ordinance prohibits short-term rentals of amenities or accessories is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Floria yes mayor figuro yes creating a new article in chapter 203 entitled Redemption Amusement Games this ordinance allows skill-based Amusement machines to award tickets based on achieving a score or outcome instead of a fixed number of tickets regardless of outcome move the ordinance to be taken up for a second and final reading an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Union County of union state of New Jersey creating a new article in chapter 203 of the code entitled Redemption Amusement Games this ordinance allows skill-based Amusement machines to award tickets based on achieving a score or outcome instead of a fixed number of tickets regardless of outcome move the ordinance be adopted Mr Bowser yes may may needs to speak is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance to be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Miss Terrell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figuro authorizing the private sale of block 5011 lot 17 this ordinance authorizes the sale of an undersized lot located on oswal Place move the ordinance be taken up for second and final reading second ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Union County of union state of New Jersey authorizing the private sale of block 5811 lot 17 in the township of Union at private sale presant to njsa 4A colon 12-1 Etc this ordinance authorizes the sale of an undersized lot located on 259 oswal place is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance be adopted second Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier Mr Florio mayor figuro yes authorizing the private sale of block 5811 lot 15.03 this ordinance authorizes the sale of an undersized lot located on Oswald Place move the ordinance to be Tak for a second and final reading second ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Union County of union state of New Jersey authorizing the private sale of block 5011 lot 15.03 in the township of Union at private sale puru into njsa 4A 12-1 Etc this ordinance authorizes the sale of an undersized lot located on 267 Oswell place is there anyone from the public who wishes to speak on this ordinance move the ordinance to be adopted second M Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio mayor figuro yes I have on draft and first reading an ordinance amending chapter 266 d49 of the municipal code stop this ordinance affects Martin place at Martin Road move the draft be taken up by title at this time second an ordinance amending chapter 266-4984 Florio yes mayor figuro yes move draft be taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting for second and final reading second Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figuro yes amending chapter 170 of the municipal code to adopt flood plane management regulations move the draft be taken up by title at this time an ordinance by the township Committee of the township of Union and second an ordinance by the township Committee of the township of Union amending the township of Union code of ordinances to repeal chapter 170 Article 19 flood damage protection to adopt a new chapter 170 Article 19 flood plane management to adopt flood Hazard maps to designate a flood plane administrator and providing for separability and an effective date Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio yes mayor figuro yes move draft be taken up at the time next regularly scheduled meeting for second and final reading second Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr FIA yes may fita yes we will refer this to the planning board amending ordinance 3729 to include a fee for restricted parking spaces move the draft be taken up by the title at this time second with special vehicle identification cards in the township of Union Union County New Jersey this ordinance creates a fee for the issuance of a restricted parking space Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio mayor figuro yes move draft be taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting for meeting for the second and Final second Mr Bowser yes Miss Terrell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Florio mayor figuro yes authorizing a lease with Seaboard Properties LLC for the parking lot 35 steson Avenue for an initial term of 5 years with two 10-year extension options move the title move move the draft to be taken up by title at this time second an ordinance authorizing the township of Union as tenant to lease from Seaboard Properties LLC a parking lot behind 1035 steson Avenue with Ingress and egress on axon Avenue for an initial term of 5 years with two 10year renewal options Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Floria mayor figurita move draft taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting for the for the second and final reading second Mr Bowser yes Miss Terell yes Miss Frasier yes Mr Floria yes mayor figurita yes I have the following resolutions authorizing a contract to musco sports lighting for lighting at Beer Temple Park basketball courts through the Educational Service Commission of New Jersey Co-op for a fee not to exceed 100,2 $261 motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing an award of contract with Ed Donnelly Plumbing LLC for renovations of the ladyes bathroom located at Police Headquarters at their low responsive bid not to exceed $25,200 motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing ing payment of all approved vouchers for solid waste collection H and Disposal at the interim rate of $759 per ton for household waste and $119.1 12 per ton for bulky waste for the month of September motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing a Professional Services contract with Collier's engineering and design for amendments to the master plan reexamination report specifically the NC zone for an amount not to exceed $12,000 motion to approve second all in favor I authorizing the emergency repair to the boiler at Police Headquarters from Westside Plumbing Supply Co Inc for an amount not to exceed $876,000 I ask you to approve the finances as listed on the agenda motion to approve second all in favor I I have the following Communications from Terry M requesting the township committee authorized checks issued to the following representing the Redemption of tax sale certificates as listed on the agenda motion to approve second all in favor from Monica azy 901 Salem Road requesting a refund for an unused garage sale permit in the amount of $7 motion to approve second all in favor from Kimberly cyprien resident requesting to hold a block party on Quaker way Saturday October 26 2024 from 300 p.m. to 10 p.m. with the rain date of Sunday October 27th 2024 motion to approve within 8:00 p.m. end time on Sunday second all in favor I have the following Department reports from the municipal court and the police department move they be received and filed second all in favor I that concludes my part of the agenda thank you madam clerk now our committee reports starting with committee woman Marella at the public works we are going to highlight the fog fog is an acronym for fats oil and grease fog comes from meat fats cooking food scraps cooking oil shortening lard butter margarine gravy and other food products so to protect our dream we encourage the public to not pour oil or grease down the drain don't put food scraps down the drain don't run water over over dishes that has oil on it and wash grease do not don't rinse off oil and grease with hot water instead please use oil and grease in covered containers for proper disposal scrape food fruit scraps into trash and cans and garbage bags and dispose properly remove oil and grease from dishes hands friers and griddles and place in a container for proper disposal cool first before you skim scrape or wipe off excess grease cover kitchen sink with catch basket and empty the breeze into garbage can as needed we have no collections we have grass collection beginning April 13th and ends on September 30th leaf collection beginning October 5 and then ends on December 30th and if you want a calendar for the recycling and waste it is seen on the website all concerns are inquiries regarding all divisions of Public Works can be addressed by calling public works at 908 8 6861 922 or by using the report by using the report of concern future on the township website that concludes my report thank you thank you committee woman Mariela um committee woman April for the period of October 4th 2024 through October 18th 2024 I'm sorry this is the police department for the period of October 4 2024 through October 18th 2024 there were 1,226 direct patrols 2,271 calls for service and 52 arrests traffic control for the period of October 4th through October 17th 2024 there were 80 stops 71 tickets and 12 were residents traffic control red light enforcement for the same period of October 4th 2024 to October 17th 2024 there were 13 stops 14 tickets one of those were residents for truck enforcement weekly for the same period there were 14 stops 14 tickets and two local deliveries highlights for the periods of October 4th 2024 through October 18th on the morning of October 18th 2024 Union police received a call from a resident on oswood Terrace in reference to people attempting to gain entry into his house multiple officers immediately responded to the area and were able to locate the suspect vehicle as it was fleeing the scene the suspect vehicle refused to stop and initiated a motor vehicle Pursuit the pursuit continued onto Route 78 into new Yark where the vehicle became disabled appro approximately four male suspects exited the vehicle and fled on foot officers immediately gave Chase and set up a perimeter officers were able to locate and arrest two of the suspects they were transported to headquarters and charged accordingly this concludes my report thank you committee woman April committee woman loose this is the recreation department report the union Recreation Department would like to thank the thousands of people who came out to our Halloween events last weekend it was wonderful to see so many great costumes and to continue our annual Halloween Traditions voting for scarecrow contest will begin on Friday keep an eye out on social media for the voting form winners of the Scarecrow and Window Painting contest will be announced on Halloween we hope you enjoy the spooky feel these contests will bring in the center this is the senior report health and wellness Tuesday November 12th 2024 9:30 to 11:30 the nurse will be providing a health maintenance check and a prevention service programs get ready for your future lunch and learn November 8th 2024 at 11: discovered the vital role of having a will a power of attorney and addressing other estate matters in this Insight insightful lunch and learn session led by Anthony Roso Veterans Day tribute Tuesday November 12th 2024 12: to 3 p.m. join us as we honor the courageous men and women who have selfishly served in our Armed Forces protecting our freedoms and a way of life special guest speaker golden year design benefits entertainment Florian jazz band let's come together to celebrate our veterans upcoming trips wi Creek Casino Bethlehem Pennsylvania October 17 2024 $35 per ticket departure j jenet a paper mill Playhouse Mystic Pizza Thursday January 30th 2025 $38 per ticket 12:30 depart departure Senior Center a new a new musical about three workingclass waitresses who will navigate the complexities of life love and family in a small town pizza joint for additional information call the senior center at 98851 529 this concludes my report thank you committee woman lose Deputy Mayor Mark okay so this is the union fire department commissioner report the union fire department responded on 294 emergency calls for service and 147 medical calls to date for this twoe period some significant events during this period are on October 9th FD apparatus responded to Walker ab and oswood for an overturned vehicle with injuries on October 10th FD apparatus responded to West Chestnut Street for an MVA with the utility poll struck and power lines across the roadway on October 14th FD apparatus responded to Route 78 West for a fully involved vehicle fire on October 15th FD apparatus responded to to the GSP South for a fully involved vehicle fire on October 16th FD apparatus responded to oswood place for a vehicle into for a vehicle into the residence the second floor needed to be short and stabilized due due to a support column being taken out by the MBA safety message it is fire prevention month and this year's caption is smoke alarms make them work for you this serves to remind us the import of working smoke alarms in your home smoke alarms on every floor of your home and connect them all together if possible the National Fire Protection Association NF NFPA recommends replacing smoke alarms every 10 years test your smoke protector monly create a fire escape plan make a plan and practice it with your family close doors closing doors can reduce the spread of fire tox thank youut May May Mark um show on Sunday November 17th at 400 p.m. at Union High School don't miss out on an evening of entertainment where our community's top talents Will Shine On Stage grab your tickets today at unions gotot talent.org join us this Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 pm on stus and AV between Morris and ax and AVS for our Thursday Night Live event this pop-up event will feature a live performance by Danielle ilaro and band Giant games and our local union businesses admission is free for everyone the open road project is here for one week the project will transform raway Avenue from Morris to Liberty AV by closing the street to cars from 8: a.m. to to 8:00 a.m. to 10: a.m. and opening it to biking walking running and everything in between this Sunday is the last day to participate save the date for the Veterans Day ceremony here at Town Hall on Monday November 11th join us at 11: a.m. as we celebrate and honor all who served more details to come join us on December 6th and 7th at Beer Temple park for two Unforgettable days filled with festive fun and holiday spirit at the Winter Wonderland event there's something for everyone to enjoy so don't miss out on the special event that will light up your holiday season for all updates follow us on social media at twpunion New Jersey please sign up for for emergency and general notifications online at www.unt.edu Jersey and with that I wish to open it up to the public reminder five minute rule if anyone wishes to make any comments please come up and remember to state your name and address seeing none can I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor no