##VIDEO ID:Bcl8g1Zw3vE## e e e e e e e okay South y this meeting of the zoning Board of adjustment of the township of Union is being held pursuant to the the open public meeting law c231 laws of New Jersey dated 1975 notice of this meeting was advertised in the local Source Andor The Star Ledger the two newspapers of record a notice has been posted in the on the bulletin board in the municipal building adjacent to the municipal clerk's office roll call Mr Wy Miss marts here bener presid M Scott zson Mr Johnson here Mr mcneel here Mr Graves present M rickets is absent and uh Mr Chan here there being a quorum present this meeting is now declared open at this time are there any Communications uh there are no Communications hearing none our first order of business this evening is calendar number 344 410 Chestnut Street LLC block 2606 law 37 applicant wish to add Second Story a mezzanine area we're going to carry this for uh resolution of approval you've all had a chance to read the resolution are there any board members who would like to comment make changes or modification to this resolution as it is written hearing none may have a second a motion and a second for the adoption of the resolution Mr chairman I move that the board Grant the variant app to this application and that council is directed to prepare a resolution consistent with the board's decision I'm Sor I RVE that this board adop the resolution as written and accurately memorialized in previous finding of this board second a motion roll call Mr Wy yes M Marts Yesa yes Johnson yes Mr Graves yes and Mr champ yes our next order of business is calendar number 3442 Rd Management LLC located at 2395 Springfield Avenue block 4607 lot two applicant wishes to convert manager's office and 12 storage units into two bedroom apartments counselor would you like to begin yes good evening chairman and and board members Natasha Montalvo um on behalf of Rd management I just want to clarify one thing um it's only going to be converting 12 storage units the manager's office is going to remain so it's going to be the manager's office and a conversion of 12 storage units just want to clear into two-bedroom apartment each one will be two bedrooms it will be one two bedroom apartment okay yes okay so um we are seeking preliminary and final site plan approval with a D1 and D2 use variants um the property is located in the commercial Corridor Zone um which does not permit uh residential uses but uh we seeking one of those variances um as I stated the applicant proposes to convert 12 units into a two-bedroom apartment which would be occupied by the manager it would be a livein manager unit um the the stealth storage facility the hours will remain the same 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. um no it's not going to be extended hours it's going to operate as normal and that is a summary of what we're seeking I have our professional planner Nick gravano who's going to go over the building l out um operational testimony and the justification for the variances Mr graviano is your only witness this evening correct okay good evening Mr graviano can I ask you to swear or affirm the testimony you can provide this evening is the truth and the whole truth I do and just for the record State spell your name with your affiliation yes Nicholas with an H graviano gr V is and Victor i o I am a planner and partner with gravan on Gillis Architects and planners with a business address of 101 Crawford's Corner Road in Hell New Jersey and any changes in your credentials from the last time you were certified before this board as an expert planner no sir the board will accept your CR credentials thank you always a pleasure being here so uh as you heard in the intro the applicant is uh requesting board approval tonight to convert 12 uh storage units to a livein manager quarters um this quarters will solely be used by the manager of the facility will not be open for uh living accommodations for someone who is not employed by the applicant uh the applicant is proposing a two-bedroom apartment um as you can see here it's a it's a open living uh living room dining kitchen area with uh two bedrooms and two bathrooms uh for the dwelling unit the apartment will be located on the second floor in the corner of the building which faces the uh main uh entry and off street parking area um this will be a unit that uh will conform to all applicable building code requirements will be fully sprinklered and it will have access to two different means of ESS uh the applicant is requesting uh both D1 and t d two variance relief with this application I would like to note that since this apartment is an accessory use to the self- storage unit I I would classify this solely as a D2 because it's part of the self storage facility however we will put on the proofs for the D1 use variants uh as well the applicants reasoning for the swelling unit it is multifaceted first uh the applicant uh in an era where most on-site security is done via remote cameras and and and Alternate facilities the applicant would like to go above and beyond and provide a presence on site uh the applicant is using 12 units uh losing 12 units as well as fitting out this apartment um showing a a true dedication to providing a safe situation on site additionally it serves um as an employee benefit to retain employees that are committed to the operation of this facility and will be on site as much as possible and lastly you know given this site's uh remote location in the in the corner of the Home Depot parking lot uh the applicant would like an on-site present to uh prevent any uh dumping that may occur on the applicant's grounds so that is the reasoning for uh the dwelling unit which is being proposed before you this evening uh with respect to the D1 use variant uh the applicant must satisfy the positive and negative criteria in particular cases and for special reasons um the applicant must also demonstrate that the site is particularly suited uh for the enter Enterprise of use that is proposed um in terms of the particular suitability onsite residential dwelling quarters was a a part of this industry in the past it's kind of evolved from that but this is certainly uh something that's part of the norm of the history of these uh types of facilities and certainly uh goes a long way towards promoting the purposes of zoning of the municipal land use law specifically uh purpose a promotion of the general health safety morals and Welfare um and and the afor mentioned uh security and and and eyes on the street purposes certainly advance that purpose Additionally the proposal advances purpose G to provide sufficient space and appropriate location for a variety of residential commercial uses to meet the needs of New Jersey citizens um this this site is located in the CC Zone which does not permit self- storage facilities however uh this facility does exist um and this is certainly an improvement to the site so certainly there's no substantial impairment to the Zone plan or zoning ordinance with this proposal additionally uh with respect to the D2 variance when you look at a D2 variance um you know one of the key proofs for that does it does the proposal make this use more acceptable in its particular setting and I think the promotion of on-site security and an on-site uh live-in manager certainly makes this use more acceptable in its particular setting and and that variance could also be granted without substantial impairment to the Zone plan or zoning ordinance uh looking at the Collier's letter the applicant um off street parking for this site there's 60 spaces um in this current climate you know a facility like this would most likely have 10 to 15 spaces um the additional required two spaces uh for the dwelling unit does not uh create any parking variances uh the applicant will uh provide a sign and seal plan in the event of approval um comment 4.2 um I indicated where the bedroom will be located on the plan um as a part of approval the applicant will provide that information um I would also like just to add um that the applicant does have five different storage facilities in the New Jersey New York area and their Clifton Clifton location does also have a live-in um manager and security has been amazing that somebody's actually there um so I I think it would be an improvement and we have reviewed the fire comments and um the applicant is willing to comply with all building codes to make sure that it is up to code for residential units at this time are there any board members that would like to question Mr graviano testimony yeah I do I have a question that's going directly to the concerns of the fire department um is there any restrictions uh currently in existence that prohibits the storage of any combustible materials yes yes that that is provided for in the applicants leasing contract to the uh users of the facility you know additionally having an on-site manager goes a long way towards enforcing you know the dos and don'ts of the facility um as I stated in previous testimony on-site living quarters for self- storage facilities is a common scen scario you know across the country um the applicant will be bound to provide all adequate uh fire separation uh for the dwelling unit um and the the uh facility uh is sprinklered so um this is certainly not an unusual situation I do understand um the Fire reviews concerns but you know I think the the adequate way to address this is through the construction documents at the building department which you know will provide the the necessary safety mechanisms in the design of the unit to you know make sure this function safely and the building's fully sprinkled sprinkled as well and the residential unit will also be as well and that that's notable but the question is still it you're going to you're going to um fit out this this second floor area there's storage areas below that right now is there any validation process where um you know the onsite manager as you will um validates that there's no combustible materials that stored on that first level so that um you know the person is upstairs although it's sprinkled it up there the area below him is not no the building is fully it's currently correct currently the first floor and in the second for addition would be completely sprinkled but the whole building right now as is is sprinklered okay and going back to the the gallons it's it's in the he currently has leases in place that it is also not legal I don't think it's legal to store gallons like that gasoline stuff we know that may not be legal yes but in their lease they don't they don't allow the storage of gasoline motorcycles anything that is flammable like that the liquids yeah as I stated on-site residential quarters in a self- storage building is a very common scenario are there any other board members that would like to question the testimony the witness has provide it I note for the record Mr chairman I marked day one the application as it was submitted and I marked day two the site plan of the architect so that's part of the record uh I do not too the acknowledgement I had Communications with Mr hail's office office and there was a written it wasn't a communication to the board but I will noted for the record Mr graviano testified about it that the fire comments that because there are fire department comments in your packet uh are and Council mentioned it as well are going to be fully accommodated so that's important to note because they were stringent and rightfully so for the reasons of the questions that are being exchanged uh but it will be addressed and should satisfy uh the fire department's concerns any other board members like to comment on the application hearing none are there any members of the public that would like to question the testimony Mr graviano has given or comment counselor is the app the appli the applicant is available if you guys have any questions for him but we didn't think it was NE do any board members want to question the applicant hearing n are there any members of the public that would like to question the applicant have to ask it hearing none are there any members of the public that would like to comment on this application hearing none counselor would you like to sum up just for the record Mr chairman there there was not a a communication that made it to the record there was a neighbor that just offered some concerns which really were echoed by the cers and the fire department comment just as a matter of of disclosure that that communication came through the building department through Mr Mango's office uh just in case the public is watching they they they aren't ignored uh they were subsumed in cers in the fire department comment so I think the main concern was for for fire and safety and concerns that exist for the site so I just wanted to make that point for the record since it wasn't in the board's packet but it was uh normally if if public wants to comment on something and uh you know they should be here to allow Council to cross-examine them but we didn't want to ignore the fact that they were offering uh a comment about the application so uh just for the record we'll note that are there any Board of members that would like to hear the comment from the neighbor hearing none counselor would you want to sum up yeah um again we're seeking preliminary and final site plan approval with D1 and D2 variances for uh converting 12 units to a two-bedroom apartment um for Livin manager um I hope this testimony that was given today brings an affirmative vote and I thank you guys for your time all right at this time I believe we can conference this Mr BNA would you like to begin yes uh thank you Mr chairman based on the testimony tonight I think the variance was justified and I'll be voting yes Mr Johnson again based on the testimony tonight I also agree with the uh application I think it's a good application for this reuse and I won be go against Miss Martens thank you Mr chairman um this is a clean straightforward application so I will be voting yes Mr mcneel um based on the testimony and the uh assurance that the architectural and Engineering plans will uh meet the approval of the fire department I two will be voting yes Mr Graves the building's far set back from the street in the commercial Zone I feel has no negative impact on the community and I'm supportive of the managerment and Mr Wy yes chairman I agree with my colleagues and I'm going to vote Yes as for myself I feel the applicant has met the criteria to justify the variances which he has requested therefore I too will vote Yes for this application may have a motion and a second to Grant the application Mr chairman I move that the board Grant the variants applicable to this application and that council is directed to prepare a resolution consistent with the board's decision second roll call Mr Wy yes M Martins yes be Vaga yes Mr Johnson yes Mr mcneel yes Mr Graves yes Mr champy yes thank you board the December 11th will be on the board's agenda gend for pass to the resolution December 11th thank you may I have a motion to adjourn Mr chairman there be no further business coming before the board I move that we adjourn second all in favor I opposed so moved