[Music] [Music] ATT hey there you know I know him who told him it was tonight of course you you should have expected him right hi Jamie June 3 Sheriff hello hello be fun it's a long trip but it'll be fun hello hello hello hello when do I say this I know I wasn't here but when do I say [Music] it nice somebody's good I hope so okay have you Turkish turs usually on curious what your other stops are we on over there we that's always really and this my every week you in that screen okay good for you good evening at this time I will call this meeting to order Clerk of the board please call the role uh yes chairwoman commissioner Baker present commissioner bodek here commissioner delis for Pres commissioner gados here commissioner Kowalski here commissioner Mirabella present commissioner Williams here Vice chairwoman Leon I'm here and chairwoman P Mar mud here uh let the record reflect you have nine Commissioners present for this evening's agenda setting session thank you Clerk of the board please lead us in the prayer and salute to the flag humbly we ask God The Giver of peace and lover of Charity to give the entire family of Nations true agreement with his will and to Grant the light of his Spirit on all who work for justice and peace amen pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Clerk of the board please read the statement of compliance with the open public meetings act chair wishes to announce that pursuant to the requirements of New Jersey statute anotated title 10 chapter 4 section 10 of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting of the board of County commissioners of the county of Union has been given by mailing the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 along with periodic changes necessitated by circumstance to the newspapers circulating within the county of Union who are designated to receive such notice and by posting the annual meeting schedule for year 2024 in the administration building and further by filing the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 with the office of the county clerk thank you good evening everyone May is mental health awareness month and tonight the board is honored to present a resolution to Maryanne Wilson of the Kimberly Anne Wilson Foundation the Kimberly Anne Wilson Foundation has made remarkable contributions in supporting students facing mental health challenges within our schools here in Union County through their dedicated efforts they have provided essential in school support ensuring that struggling students receive the care and resources they need we recognize and deeply appreciate the foundation's commitment to creating a supportive and nurturing educational environment I'm going to ask um my vice chairwoman lordis Leon to join me and MaryAnn Wilson please join us up at the front thank you for being here and um we we know that you created this foundation in memory of your daughter uh Kimberly who was a mental health Advocate unfortunately passed away very young and wasn't able to fulfill that career but we are all appreciative of your work in ensuring that our student throughout the county um are provided with the services that they so desperately need and we all know every day we hear more and more about the younger um children that need the services and what you do is super outside of the box too which is amazing and um we're just a better Community for having you so we're so grateful for the Partnerships that we have with you and for all that you do for our students to say thank you to Amy Wagner and Kim for um and as well I know I just made you but um I'm very touched and honored by this and um I want to say that I'm looking forward to working with you in the fall with the uh stepup um mental health Summit yes and anytime you need me I'm here to help I'm a very strong advocate for mental health especially with the when it comes to our kids and um just to quickly say we've we've been in in about 23 schools Andor organizations at this point and with about 14 different programs and we're going forward and we're going to keep going until we hit up every school in New Jersey we're hoping to do that so I appreciate it and thank you so much very kind so much we're gonna put this here and we'll just take and this is a resolution on behalf of the board we won't read it now but it just highlights all that you done [Applause] okay tonight the board will be present I'm sorry tonight we will be adopting the communications during tonight's regular meeting we will adopt the April minute during tonight's regular meeting as well and at this time I will call upon prosecutor Daniel to present his resolution resolutions evening everyone uh the Union County prosecutor's office has three resolutions on for this evening and if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer them commissioner bodak can resolution number two um can you explain what the equipment is and how it functions uh all right it's it's equipment for the Union County prosecutor's office laboratory uh it's for I'm just reading from a summary I have uh we're requesting to purchase two pieces of equipment from agilant uh that will be used in over 90% of the CDs testing that we do control dangerous substance testing and these two pieces of equipment will replace C equipment that we have but are so old they no longer make parts for them it's like an old used car um and uh they cannot be repaired if they break down you're [Music] welcome okay okay thank you thank you have a nice evening you too I'd now like to call upon Office of the Union County sheriff sheriff Pete Corelli chairwoman Commissioners the sheriff's office has one resolution on the agenda for your consideration I'd be happy to answer any questions commissioner Mirabella yes thank you madam chair Sheriff can you just um explain a little bit of where this equipment is being used is it in the jail is it in your office just I want a little additional information on it sure with this money uh all our buildings all satellite offices that don't have this equipment will now be equipped with it and the Aging equipment here as a prosecutor said the the parts in the software aren't being made anymore they need to be replaced so that's what this money do so time to upgrade it's time yeah okay thank you Sheriff thank you thank you Department of Economic Development Deputy County Manager Dr Amy Wagner good evening Commissioners the Department of Economic Development has five resolutions for your consideration and I'd be happy to answer any questions oh um m chair yes commissioner Baker yeah just for the um sake of public [Music] in stfe for public information and knowledge uh resolution three and four would you U give a brief explanation of what starting with number three you know the transferring of the uh expenses from py23 to to 22 sure certainly so really all the first four are closed out resolutions where it enables us to take funds monies that were charged to 2023 and charge them back to the 2022 funds because they're expiring so it prevents us from returning money that we haven't spent and it's an allowable practice under this grant okay thank you thank you department of engineering Public Works and Facilities Management acting director Joe P good evening department of engineering Public Works and Facilities has has five resolutions on the agenda be happy to try and answer any questions you may have thank you thank you Department of Human Services director Debian Anderson good evening chair members of the board the Department of Human Services has four resolutions on and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have commissioner Williams uh thank you chair chairwoman uh director could you please uh give us a little bit more uh background on number one sure through you chairwoman um this is a uh Transportation Grant run through parat Transit it is um it was established in 2007 for us to enter an agreement with New Jersey Transit and it's improving access to transportation for employment Ser um employment services and activities this works through through um it's our Route 22 shuttle um and it works with our lowincome um community and also individuals that are receiving social servfaces benefits to make sure that on the Route 22 they have access to buses and um access to getting to work and make livable wages thank you you're wel thank you CH thank you commissioner Marabella thank you madam chair um director number three on financial literacy can you I don't see any dollars Associated that is this just changing the term terms or the time period it is changing the time period for um it's in existing we're just extending it two more months okay no additional funding no no additional dollars okay very good thank you that was what I was hoping to hear and just to go back to uh number one um in 2023 we served as over 64,000 individuals took Route 22 shuttle wow thank you you're welome welcome uh office of County Council County Council Bruce Bergen thank you chair office of County Council has three resolutions tonight I'll be happy to answer any questions thank you thank you there are 11 business resolutions from the board do any Commissioners have any questions regarding these resolutions all AUD resolutions and resolutions of condolence are from the entire board are there any comments from any of my colleagues well no I would just um Madam chair I would just like to say that uh the um I think it's an an awful um an awful um how how can I put this now the resolution for the young artist from raway whose artwork will be uh displayed uh in New Jersey Transit um um where is it going to be their project you know where in nor the ter the terminal yeah I I think that you know that's worth recognizing uh of course there will be other artist displays artwork displayed there but an individual from Union County will also have his artwork displayed at the uh the terminal uh in uh Newark and I just I just thought it would be noteworthy to have that uh uh latory resolution prepared and acknowledged for this person's ability and skill absolutely thank you thank you thank you okay uh may I have a motion to adjourn so moveed Madam chair second a motion was made by commissioner mayabella was seconded by commissioner boak Clerk of the board please call the role uh certainly uh commissioner Baker I commissioner bodek I commissioner delis for I commissioner grados hi commissioner Kowalski yes commissioner Mella I commissioner Williams I Vice chairwoman Leon I and chairwoman marry mudad I I have nine votes in your to journ this meeting okay thank you [Music] [Music]