[Music] [Music] at this time I will call this meeting to order Clerk of the board please call the role certainly chair commissioner Baker present commissioner bodc here commissioner for pres commissioner granados here commissioner Kowalski here commissioner Mirabella pres commissioner Williams here Vice chairwoman Leon here and chairwoman palmary mudad here let the record reflect you have nine Commissioners present for this evening's regular meeting thank you Clerk of the board please lead us in prayer and salute to the flag hum we ask God The Giver of peace and lover of Charity to give the entire family of Nations true agreement with his will and to Grant the light of his Spirit on all who work for justice and peace amen a pledge allegiance to flag the United States of America to the stand indivisible Clerk of the board please read the statement of compliance with the open public meeting meetings act the chair wishes to announce that pursuant to the requirements of the New Jersey statutes annotated title 10 chapter 4 section 10 of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting the board of County commissioners of the county of Union has been given by mailing the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 along with periodic changes necessitated by circumstance to the newspapers circulating within the county of Union who are designated to receive such notice and by posting the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 in the administration building and further by fin the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 with the office of the county clerk may I have a motion to approve the communications may have a second uh a motion was made by commissioner Mirabella and was seconded by commissioner quasi Clerk of the board please call the role commissioner Baker I commissioner bodc I commissioner delis for I commissioner granados I I commissioner Kowalski yes commissioner Mirabella I commissioner Williams I Vice chairwoman Leon I and chairwoman palmary mudad I have nine votes in the affirmative on the communications prior to opening the meeting for public comments on resolutions I would like to ask fiscal chair commissioner Williams to say a few words on tonight's budget adoption thank you madam chair again good evening to everyone is chair of the 2024 fiscal committee I would like to announce that after months of review and state approval we're prepared for the final vote on this year's budget following tonight's hearing for the fa past four years as many of you know we have maintained a consistent 0% increase in taxes however to uphold our commitment to excellent services in programs we've made the difficult decision that the 2024 budget will in include a 1.75% tax increase driven by inflation as you all know and Rising operational costs so despite this adjustment our triaa credit rating remains strong reflecting our steadfast fiscal responsibility and Union County continues to prioritize sheared services to maximize resources we've carefully considered the impact on our residents and worked diligently to minimize it we appreciate the community's understanding and support as we ensure Union County's exceptional quality of life um and I do on behalf of my colleagues I do want to extend my gratitude to ER County Manager Ed otman our finance director BB Taylor and her her team John zidek and Ali Enriquez and to my colleagues on the fiscal committee including chair Vice chairwoman uh Leon Commissioners Ali Alexander Mirabella and Sergio granados for their hard work in helping to craft this budget and thank you to everyone involved in uh this process for their collaborative efforts thank you thank you chairwoman thank you fiscal chair Williams please note tonight's public comments are for all resolutions listed on tonight's agenda however the board will be voting specifically on the budget resolutions and the various chapter 159 budget modifying resolutions after the official public hearing on the budget the meeting is now open to the public for the purpose of commenting on resolutions being offered for adoption and or on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern kindly state your name and town of residence for the record and if speaking on a resolution on the agenda please note the resolution number to which you are referring and adhere to the 5 minute time limit good evening board Commissioners Madam chairwoman uh my name is Michael Freeman 158 Main Street Woodbridge New Jersey I'm the Executive Vice President of New Jersey state PBA uh before I get started with what I'm here for I need to thank the Board of Commissioners for uh getting a deep pond in the city of summit Bryant Park I approached commissioner gradas years ago um with the issue with the pond getting overgrown the project has started it looks to be effective uh with about a tenth of the pond done it's a fascinating process that they're going through digging out that that that pond if you have the opportunity to come up and watch those machines do their work come on over sit in my yard and we can have a couple coffee that being said the reason I'm here is that uh as I said I represent State PBA uh Labor Relations essentially that's uh probably 75% of the law enforcement officers in the state of New Jersey including Sheriff's departments and County Corrections Officers many of those County officers are here uh in attendance uh we're here in support of PBA local 199 we recognize the fact that the jail Union County Jail has to close uh for the midnight shift it's a cost-saving measure we understand it and uh we're we applaud any efforts to to save money Our concern conc ER is that the uh attempts to conser to save money would include layoffs of nine police officers at the same time the county is attempting to hire Sheriff's officers the C as you know of course the uh Corrections Officers are under the direction of the sheriff's department I had the opportunity to speak with Mr Atman today and with Sheriff Corelli and they provided me with some some some facts basically and uh one of the things that was stated was that the the gap program that we're looking to get our correct Direction officers into through the approval of the county through the Sheriff's Department uh to transfer them into uh Sheriff's officers so that they could continue working for the county of Union uh was a one shot deal in 2021 it was a legal interpretation which I understand uh in reading it but we checked with our representatives from the police training commission and in fact that is a misunderstanding uh in fact today uh Somerset County is running against program regardless of what the statute uh appears to read from from from the advice that they got so my ask here is that you consider taking the employees that you already have that have committed themselves to Union County uh who are well aware of the fact that some of them are going to be taking a pay cut in order to Gap over from the Corrections Department to the sheriff's department but they want to do that they want to stay here as County Employees I think the alternative of going out and hiring new people that you don't know uh going through the cost of training them for six months where this gap program is only it's actually six and a half months the gap program is 12 weeks uh the cost associated with that as I spoke with Mr opman uh there is a savings I worked it out uh conservatively about $80,000 in the first six months thereafter it will pick up but what you will have is members of your employee group that want to be here more than anything else the unfortunate reality is going out and hir ing new people uh doing their background checks doing their psychological exams sending them to a full uh basic recruit class hoping that they make it through to get on the sheriff's department as Sheriff's officers the reality is many of them are looking to move on quarter to a third have done that year over year over year it happens uh the members that are looking to be gapped over have been here for several years they were laid off they had an opportunity to go back to another uh Corrections Department to go somewhere else they chose to wait and they came back to Union County they're committed to Union County we're asking that the leadership here in Union County examine uh the reality of approaching the PTC ensuring that they can put a gap program together and in 12 weeks at the same time that this closure is going to happen for the midnight shift these members are made Sheriff's officers in Union County thank you for your time thank you good evening Commissioners my name is Timothy PR I'm general counsel for PBA local 199 I see some familiar faces up there um but um tonight it's an unfortunate situation because what really brings us here is a boiling over of contract negotiations where the county basically um is leveraging its muscle to negatively impact PBA local 199 members by threatening this layoff the layoff is threatened in bad faith we're in contract negotiations actually looking for more Corrections Officers in the hub which provides tremendous service to all of the municipalities and to the county itself transporting prisoners who are going to be transported to the S6 County facility um and taking load off of numerous other law enforcement agencies in the county and at the municipal level all the way up to the county level across the board um they're involved in shepher prisoners and and people who are customers for court so to speak um they are involved in pulling people from the facilities uh in the municipalities themselves closing the night shift itself was a threat that was made in contract negotiations basically we were looking for more Corrections Officers as through the sheriff and the threat was made by the sheriff that well uh what we're we'll just close the third shift well that was an unfair practice and we're up at perk on that now but we didn't do it right away instead we had our hands full with the fop who tried to do a perk challenge which we won and remained the majority representative that was also mentioned by the sheriff and contract negotiations oh I don't have to deal with you because we have uh the fop might be we might be dealing with them so there's unfair practice charges there's bad faith that are permeating the entirety of this layoff proposal the cost saving measure it's not just about cost savings there has to be a reason to have cost savings Union County through your excellent shepherding and fiscal management is flush with plenty of of cash you have kept taxes zero for a long time a 1.75% increase a very modest increase very reasonable for the residents but things cost money Health costs money we've talked about safety in the presentations that we saw we talked about safety numerous times I've heard it the prayer that started tonight's uh meeting talks about Justice help costs money you need law enforcement to provide the services PBA 199's members and the the employees of the Hub are taking load off of the municipalities they're providing safety the reason we needed more officers was because there strains and constraints on the system which is a good system that we needed to improve and when we brought those things up again in bad faith the threat was made to cancel the the night shift then after we came back and wanted to sit down at contract negotiations it came down to oh we're laying everybody off so that comes in direct retaliation to the proposal to bring on more people to keep the residents safe to keep keep the county safer to keep each municipality safer taking officers out of the Hub and out of that whole program is going to make all the municipalities put a burden on each and every one of them to transport more people house more people pull officers off the road to transport people up to Essex County in the middle of the night on a Saturday if they even work I know I know there are some agencies that don't I mean the police departments work but there are other agencies in the county that don't work on the weekends so what you have in 199 is a tremendous resource and a valuable resource and so by doing the bad faith negotiation and tactics it's actually exposing the county to liability and that's an issue that at perk we're already at perk on an unfair practice charge for the bad faith that was already exhibited in the negotiations civil service is another venue where these things occur and just at Perkin Civil Service which is familiar territory for a lot of people there's all sorts of reasons why why this is a bad idea and also unlawful so we would ask you to reconsider um uh because you're really making the residents less safe with this as well as harming the individuals who are doing an excellent job and have been in many cases for years for the county and the residents of the municipalities individually as well thank you very much [Applause] Commissioners how you guys doing this evening commissioner Baker Mr how you guys doing Mr how you guys doing I'm glad to see you somewhere else instead of Atlantic City but good to see you yeah I'm sorry name is Douglas W I'm the State Delegate for 199 I'm here almost 31 years this is has this is the worst I ever seen us being treated what the world needs now is love sweet love that's the only thing that's the problem I see you come over there miss kka how we treat you pretty good right run through her how you doing ma'am how you doing now if God came to us today we all about I'm 60 going on 61 years old I know if he tapped me in my show today will we be ready I can ask that question we all went to church on Sunday right did we go to church just to go to church to say we next we Church went to church he said we believe in God and we believe in treating people the way we need to be treated there's no love there on 15 Elizabeth toown Plaza none you being threatened you want to take your job retire you old get out something's wrong here accountability you got to hold us accountable if I'm not dressed right I come late you going to get me right got be held some accountability These Guys these families here got kids come on what we doing here to get laid off again you guys got us in this resiliency program for what that's more stress no counsel's over you gonna take your job I think we need some grief counseling over there people hurting they crying they blaming everybody but themselves they're blaming everybody but the freeholders but the sheriff blaming us guys again if guy tapped you on your shoulder today would you be ready for how we treat people how we treat each other that's the problem what happened to the old Democrats of of past Jim floral C we was gonna get thrown out help my mother help my mother keep us in the projects they was going to throw us out the projects so my mom couldn't pay for it seven kids what happened to that bring them back what is going on why we hate each other so much why do they hate correction so much I don't get it we don't bother nobody but everybody want to bother us for some reason I I don't want to I don't want to say what it is I don't know but please have mercy on us guys these guys don't want to lose their jobs they're coming back to go back on the street again go to ess6 soft Landing that's not soft Landing you come over me with ESS and do a P with me brother barel they want to come to ESS they want to come to and do a do a sit around do a sit down with us s on the power with us don't let them know who you are see how it is let me throw some piss on your face let them know who other day hot microwave put put lotion in the microwave threw it in officer's face this is what they going through but they say this is a soft Landing let a soft Landing be let's Gap these guys so I told her three years ago I said said let's Gap these guys so I know this is coming again 3 years is here again give them their certification so we ain't got to worry about this no more we wearing about it right here again stress on everyone but we got a brand new resiliency program for what just just say we got it I appreciate you guys for having me here today brother Baker you know be known me for years Job Corp I'm that same guy man I'm that same good man I'm not changing about being right in what's right it's about what's doing right for the public doing right for our workers here that's what's right I want to thank everybody for coming God I appreciate you guys thank you good CL guys iate you thank you guys I appreciate you guys time is up thank you my salutation is extended to all in attendance of this board of commissioner meeting on the e8th day of May 2024 my name is ly stellis of Lyndon and I am grateful for the opportunity to stand here as a resident of Union County to discuss matters affecting the prosperity of this County I have also been in employee of Union County for about 16 years as a correctional police officer now under the management of the sheriff's department since 2021 as a result of shared services as I stand here I do not stand as an officer I represent myself as a taxpayer in this County who will share observations Union County though the last County of New Jersey established among 21 counties has some of the oldest towns founded in the county in New Jersey and even in the United States at large Elizabeth New Jersey is the very county seat of Union County and was founded in 1664 holding over 30 historic sites our current Courthouse was built in 1931 and our jail is architecturally designed to be connected to the courthouse which can hold over 1,000 incarcerated individuals the incarcerated individuals are escorted through an internal bridge to ensure timely in-person Court appearances per the law families attorneys and Friends of incarcerated individuals were able to visit their loved ones within the jurisdiction of where the alleged crime had been committed a significant amount of taxpayers money went into the construction of the jail in the late ' 80s and early 90s in 2021 Union County effectuated an agree agreement that was signed in 2020 of shared services with Essex County over 200 correction officers with various ranks were affected by way of unforeseen intergovernmental transfers and others including myself laid off from work the Corrections Officers who experienced the consequences of the countywide layoffs and transfers were also the ones who worked during the global pandemic without Hazard pay the irony of it all departments that were not fully activated were allowed to work from the convenience of their homes or may not have been required to work at all due to closing yet they received Hazard pay the jail business and Corrections Officers are needed on a 24-hour basis the jail operating during the clobal global shutdown demonstrated that the layoffs that took place in 2021 were preceded by layoffs only 20 years before in April of 2001 now on the third anniversary of the 2021 layoffs another layoff is dated for July 1st 2024 all three layoffs affecting officers share similarities in the sense that layoffs are announced shortly after promotions and subsequent hiring waves the two main differences between the 2021 layoff and this upcoming July 1st 2024 layoff are that only the Division of Corrections within the sheriff's department is subjected to layoff and the fact that the ones who are subjected to layoffs were just called back from a layoff where is the economic stability in the lives of these employees at what point in time did Union County as the employer the Board of Commissioners realized that the numbers weren't adding up that the math wasn't making sense why hire just to lay off why uproot the lives of others and jeopardize their livelihood when their job is a necessity Union County corrections as a division of Sheriff's Department is the only division Department being laid off yet other departments are hiring Elizabeth has 135 134,00 documented residents per consensus as of 2022 Union County has 565,000 720 do 28 documented residents Essex County Jail has a capacity of 2400 inmates during covid-19 they reached their capacity I'm sorry I'm sorry it's a five minute time limit thank you uh Vic Bermudez uh C County Department of Corrections PBA local 231 we went through the same thing uh down in cly County Gloucester County cam County Mercer County and there's one common denominator that we see as a registered Democrat and what we're seeing here is through the consolidation joint and share Services act I used to worry about fighting as a as a Latino uh for civil rights the right to work we used to fight against that this is worse this is the right not to nobody work this is getting rid of jobs period and and for the people that don't know these aren't people with four or five years we got people 16 years on up that invested their time invested their pensions and invested their on the line behind that wall for this County to share services and ship inmates elsewhere where you absolutely do not save any money and the common denominator with all these counties is you guys are cutting government jobs in half if you sell them to a private entity they don't they don't you don't the anticipated revenue is no longer there the Cornerstone of taxpayers are the employees of the county and you're getting rid of those you're getting rid of those this panel I lived here 30 years ago I used to jump the path to go to Ruckers and I'm sorry to say it looks exactly the same downtown as it did 30 years ago this is a shame I can't believe that you won't even entertain the G program to make things right but to have us come up here and keep on hollering at you guys and show the ugliness for that dog and pony show that you guys had up on the screen showing with with the nice editing and fading I had to walk here on plywood down the sidewalk anybody else is it's terrible 31 years you're trying to lay this man off and it's disgusting the way you guys are doing it because what you're not telling everybody and what we're going what I'm what we're going to say is is through un lawful practices in the job and they call it attrition that is the word they use to push people out is attrition with W with uh sending things to perk and messing with their time and giving them write ups the same thing they did to us in Cumberland same thing they did to us in Mercer and Gloucester was come down on the people that dedicated their lives and we got our wives and kids here that are on the line and this is the thanks that we get no gap program no pension out no nothing no talks no contract just you know what we're not even going to have a contract we're just going to lay you off and that is a black eye on all of you all of you I mean it's really disgusting Behavior so you see the PBA is here we're going to keep coming and I understand it's going to be a vote at the end of the month but uh we're not going anywhere thank you [Applause] uh my name is Jose valz former Union County Correction Officer my starting date was 1989 I did 25 years in Corrections out my 25 years I spent with him I spent with him these guys I spent my Christmas I spent my new years's I Thanksgiving because I couldn't go home to my family these guys are my family I know their kids they know my kids I've been retired 11 years 11 years I've been retired but I'm here today for my brothers and my sisters because their jobs their fam are being threatened being jeopardized not one of you guys has spent time into jail 24 hours we're open 24 hours and a time when I wanted to go home when my 8 hour shift was over I couldn't but I stayed this job was a choice for us to better our lives and to better our families what would you do for your family what would you do for your kids I'm asking you what would you do we as officers as sacrific so much and we've asked for so little mind you I did 25 years been retired 11 years and we still suffer for those games guys played laying us off rehiring us back again it's not only us it's our wives it's our kids it's our homes realize what you guys are doing please open your eyes open your hearts what would you do for your job if I came to you today and tell you today is your last day or if you don't do this and you don't do that you guys are gone there's a skeleton crew over there a skeleton crew when I started we over 300 officers I had 300 brothers and sisters tyan black Hispanic I was one when I first started started one out of six Hispanics and I've seen my family grow and multiply we've been from the PBA picnics to the functions we bring our families too so I know his kids I know her kids they know my children and all this is being threatened guys I ask you in God's holy name to have mercy to realize what you are doing and what cause and effect you will have on these men and women I thank you for this opportunity I thank you for this time good evening commission Dave mat's uh PBA 382 s County Department of Corrections uh two questions uh I want to know if this board has done the research on how this affects the community um about a week ago I ran into a neighborhood store right here in Clark and they had a family member that was arrested they had to get their property they had they wanted to know information about visiting their family member and getting their property to run their store because the family member had that property on them so they came to me they were directed to to Clark to Union to Union County and this little old lady was getting on the bus to norc getting a bus to Union to Clark did you guys do the research how this would affect your community moving your people here to a whole another County and as far as our officers there's a gap program sometimes for Selective officers for not everyone then we're not doing a gap program but then we're H hiring off the streets civilians is it because we don't want to hire douge as a sheriff's officer we only want to hire certain selective officers on the sheriff's department is there bias or discri discrimination have you guys done that research thank you [Applause] good evening Commissioners uh I'm the president from uh PBA 109 Hudson County Correction we got a bulk of your officers back in April of 2021 have your name for the record Benny lisoo uh we got a bulk of your correction officers back in April 2021 and uh just going to keep it brief so a lot of those guys came over and then they were promised the opportunity to come back home where they started at their careers and where they live at and pay taxes and here we are today in front of you less than two years later from when they went back to Union County and you're telling them that they're we're good enough to come back and settle their families back in home where they were accustomed to and now tell them well now we could care less what happens to you guys you guys have a budget to hire 15 Sheriff officers these guys are family they pay taxes here their kids go to school here I truly believe and I'm asking of you all at the end of the day they didn't ask they didn't beg to come back they the doors were open like guys want to come back home and they went back home right they had a home in Hudson County Corrections we still have 2 23 Union County correction officers currently hired at our department that came over back in April 2021 they chose to stay these guys chose to come back and I believe that at the end of the day the final say is going to go through you guys not the sheriff and you guys should truly consider and understand that these guys have been faithful to your county and to this department for 15 16 17 years so when you make that decision think about your families as you think about their families and what you guys would do because like I said they I the bulk of those laid off officers came over to my department in 2021 and they were offered an opportunity to come back home and they did without a doubt took a drop in pay to come back home to Union County could have stayed where we're at but now here they are being told that they're once again going to be let go with no promise of of of of employment anywhere so when you make that decision all I ask for you guys to think about your families think about what you guys would do for your family thank you good evening everybody uh my name is Regina major I stand here in representation for PVA 199 and as an employee of the Union County Corrections um I stand here today not as me but as your son your daughter and I'm in the position of the one of the peoples that was laid off back in 2021 it devastated me it caused me a lot of stuff to happen I got anxiety that now I have to take pills for because imagine you've been working for 16 years and then you're outside on the street with no other opportunity to do something else and nobody helped us because they didn't care nobody stood up for Corrections nobody stood up for me how would you feel if it was your son if it was your daughter and nobody stood up for them but they could and they didn't not only that I'm in the military I'm in the Navy and they always say thank you for your service but at the same time y'all not thinking me for my service when yall put me on the street the ne the Navy would never on top of that 16 years and you're outside so now I've been I've been working since 13 years old I come over here this this is my career when it was Co we was essential how is it that I have to tell my kid Mommy why do you got to go to work because I'm essential and our job is 247 I can't be home with my kid on holidays because I'm here serving the Union County jail but nobody sees that when we was when it was covid cops they they didn't have to go outside to work they was not picking up people because of Co we was in that jail getting sick not being able to come to work and still coming back every day trying to figure out dad you know this is sad and nobody cared but we still did it and put in our time and put in our sacrifice to make sure we still got to come to work and not bring nothing back home to our families but nobody car getting anxiety and you being in the military not only did it affect me as my outside life but then I had to it had to cross over into my Navy life because now I got to explain to them why am I taking pills because the Union County did this to me because they didn't care enough to say we're not going to do this to y'all we going to Gap y'all we going to give you an opportunity and the South right is was a punch in the face because soon as we got laid off you hired the sheriff's hired 30 people y'all could have hired us 30 people and called it a day I'm here today to say look at us as we was your kids and how would you feel if your kids was put in this position and nobody did nothing nobody said nothing and everything swept under the table this is 2024 and something got to give we can't keep living in the past whatever I don't know why the people don't like corrections but that's the old times this is a new day something got to give if y'all got hearts and love yourself like and love us the way y'all would love your kids I'm here today to ask y' give us some Grace we tired we sacrificed 24/7 we behind those walls we deal with these enemies 8 hours a day sometimes 6 hours to day and that's all I got have Grace on us thank [Applause] you stanell president PBA local 199 good evening County manager and commissioners of Union County I'm here this evening to ask that that the closing of the third shift across the street in Union County Hub be and the displace possible displacement of the nine officers be reconsidered the third shift provides a valuable service to the Union County Community allowing municipalities to drop off their prisoners during overnight hours and not have either hold on to their prisoners overnight or carry the burden of transporting them to essis County possibly waiting long wait times to drop off the inmates taking valuable resources from the community their police officers off the street to do so the Hub has been running effectively and efficiently efficiency with all three shifts since July 1st of 2021 with getting police agencies in and out in Record Times eliminating third shift could possibly have the police a agencies transporting their prisoners to essis County with longer longer wait times uh and which reduced the Manpower of their officers off the roads japanizing the safety of the public in those communities with the summer fastly approaching and crime usually rise during those summer months having the third shift is a necessity to alleviate the burden and stress that these police departments May encounter on the overnight shift so the PBA 199 199a is asking in this governing body to reconsider closing the night the third shift thank you [Applause] good good evening chair ladies and gentlemen of the commissioner board and the various golden nuggets uh Bruce Patterson Garwood New Jersey and I'm sure you're all aware that by state law um the county really has only three purposes and one of them is of course the county jails so just wanted to toss that in there um I have some questions on resos uh reso 359 is given CME Associates 150 Grand in shuffling paperwork for the Ashbrook restoration project uh CME donated 150,000 in four years to yours and your crony campaigns $55,000 just to the Commissioners uh we must wonder where they get all that money to donate uh is this just for the golf course holds underwater or also for the Ashbrook swamp land the excavator illegally damaged reso 360 is spending $120,000 for three pickup trucks for the DPW uh how come this isn't buried in the 66 million Capital Bond coming up in a couple of months uh like a lot of the other vehicles that are listed there in reso 3607 is approving an amendment to the 24 2024 approved budget I guess you're going to be talking about that 67 in the next session uh reso 379 through 383 is combining four old Bond notes into a formal Bond of 48.5 million Finance tayor did talk about that uh later in the year we'll see the 66 million Capital Bond uh together we are looking at over $110 million bonding trench this year uh a couple of questions from the first set of the rebonding is there any cost savings since we are trending up in interest rates and also what are the section 20 costs for this rebounding and two uh this appears we are now back to increasing our debt load where you had claim Nam a decreasing debt load reso 386 uh is planning to apply for a $4 million grant for dredging and Remediation of the Clark Reservoir I hope Senator scutari is chasing this one down so at least he can do one good deed reso 392 is increasing a law firm contract of Jova burns up to $85,000 in Andy Kim versus Union County it's now up to a huge amount of 84,000 85,000 last time I asked about this suit no one could answer what it's about and we are the defendant in the suit I have a feeling that a lot of outside costs are probably being buried in this resolution since this suit appears to really be a simple matter I hope Council Bergen can explain and towards General comments uh there's a New Jersey Bill upcoming for review and vote in the legislature in regards to allowing undisclosed stiens and other money to be given to County highlevel administrators without transparency and public scrutiny this is a direct result from The Office of the State comproller in his October report regarding three Union County administrators apparently grifting $400,000 two of them here in this room County manager oan and Director of Finance BBY tayor what is so amazing is that Senator stack who is sponsoring this Bill said Union County requested it and the bill is to be retroactive back before the state com controllers findings of our County administrators apparent grifting this apparently comes out of County Manager Atman be best friends with Senate President scutari and scutari pulling his weight to make Oatman and Taylor's grifting charge go away like commissioner granadas inadvertently said one time Oatman was hired because of who he knows commissioner Baker now do you understand when I say about New Jersey and corruption with the right slimy officials at the right levels our state can perfect legalize corruption Integrity transparency scrutiny to hell with those for this action I now call on Senator scutari to turn in his Boye head Eagle his Boyhood Eagle Scout badge he received this bill he is pushing beches the high honor of the 12 tenants and the Boy Scouts do you hear me scutari give back your Boy Scout badge I'm sure he's listening to you my buddy uh and we must Wonder uh what county manager opman will be doing with that discretionary 700 Grand that is now in the uh budget for his Department which I'll be talking about later thank you very much seeing no one else I will formally close this portion of the meeting um I'm going to ask um yeah um my name is Gina Lewis um I currently work at the jail um I got laid off in 2021 which made me so devastated I just came back September um I've only been back in nine months I was the last person to come back I was at E6 County for a little while but I made a decision to come back thinking that I was going to have my job now I'm going to have to tell my 10-year-old I'm not going to have a job um very upset about this we just want to know what can we do to resolve this problem it's not fair to any of us we can interg governmentally transfer to the regular sheriff department and everything be fine we already do the transport I'm on transport all the time we're dealing with all the inmates with cold red with everything the police department they can't handle that they don't know how to deal with the inmates if somebody's in the cell banging their head or they doing something they don't know how to do the stuff we do we're trained to do stuff like that and you're taking resour resources off the street I live in raway you gave them like I don't know even know how much money $100,000 whatever it was to redo everything in raway you're using all that money that that's in the bank but you guys don't want to pay us anything you guys don't even want the jail to be open we're a valuable asset to Union County I got hired in 2019 I was there every day perfect attendance for over a year and a half every day I never said no to any mandates or anything and I got laid off I was there to the last day and now I'm being laid off again it's not fair is wrong y'all giving yourselves bonuses and it's coming out in the newspapers and everything is wrong million dooll homes that people buying it's wrong I come to work every day I never call out unless I'm sick and I come with a doctor's note no I want so something got to be done it's wrong you wouldn't want none of your kids to go through none of this to be getting a job losing a job I work hard to get through that Police Academy real hard I was up every day every morning everything dropping my kid off so she had somewhere to be my family helped me I lived in Union County for 34 years this is wrong that's that's [Applause] it how you doing officer s labadi vice president PBA local 382 the Essex County General Newark um when it comes to layoffs such as this there's an emotion side to it which you're seeing and then there is the fiscal side the budget side which is what you guys care about if you look at it fiscally financially you just stood up here and bragged about how you don't have to raise taxes for multiple years in a row 0% for multiple years in a row and now you're laying off an entire shift right now I don't know exactly how many officers as that is maybe nine maybe 10 that's a home run for you right you save a lot of money there uh these guys are out of jobs they're just a number to you they're not human beings they don't have families remember we're looking at it just fiscally financially budget wise but now if we look at it heartless and coldist like how politicians do it's still a home run for you to give these numbers a job at the sheriff's department you still save money fiscally financially why hire new recruits and put them through a whole Academy when you got trained people who you know are not going to leave you and you only have to put in a fraction in that amount for only a few weeks fiscally you win so you save the spots at the jail and you save money training them you win so the only reason why this would be happening is there's clear clearly something personal going on I don't know if maybe with the sheriff I'm from a different County so I don't know the politics of Union County but I do know politics this is personal because fiscally financially training time length you win do the right thing give them a job [Applause] okay and now I will formally close this portion of the meeting um I will ask uh our County engineer Rick Matas to come forward to speak about um number 359 uh thank you commissioner uh resolution 359 is to CME for uh project management and permit applications related to the Ashbrook restoration project this is for all of the downstream work that's necessary for the stream to alleviate the flooding wait speak thank you uh and I'm going to ask County Manager uh edman to speak up uh about the issues from Corrections uh thank you chair I was going to address some of the points but everybody left I will say I talked to Mr Freeman today he was I asked for his fiscal analysis about the savings but he's yet to provide it um I will not go into Mr Pearl's comments about uh the sheriff but I will say uh I'm very confident Sheriff does not act in bad faith and I am looking forward to our hearing before perk um and thank you for your time chairman chair if I might also I would like to address the comments by Council for the PBA and I would like to point out but I believe they were inappropriate as Council knows this body cannot and will not you cannot respond to me this body cannot and will not negotiate in public for you to stand up and make legal charges of bad faith and threatening of the members of the Union is inappropriate as an attorney and I would suggest that you not do it I thank you you had your time I would suggest that you not come before this body again and speak so inappropriately thank you thank you chair thank you at this time I would like like to ask for a motion to adopt resolutions 2024-25 7 through 2024 368 and resolutions 2024 379 through 224 d406 so move second uh a motion was made made by commissioner mirab Bella was seconded by Vice chairwoman Leon Clerk of the board can you please call the role commissioner uh Baker I commissioner bodc abstain on 391 I to the rest commissioner dallis for I commissioner granados hi commissioner Kowalski yes commissioner Mirabella I commissioner Williams I Vice chairwoman Leon I and chairwoman pal mudad I chair let the record reflect you have nine votes in the affirmative on all resolutions with the exception of resolution 2024 391 where you have eight votes in the affirmative with one exstension thank you uh Clerk of the board um I would like you to read the intro into the record um uh of the amendments to the budget please certainly chairwoman the budget amendments are as follows 2024 budget amendments sheet four number three miscellaneous revenues section a local revenues interest on investments and deposits from 750,000 to $1,470,000 m190 th000 to $3,910 N4 sheet six number three miscellaneous revenues section c State Assumption of costs of County Social and Welfare Services and psychiatric facilities supplemental social security income from 2,850,000 to [Music] 1,729 n6 Total section c State Assumption of costs of County Social and Welfare Services and psychiatric facilities from 2,850,000 to 1,729 n6 sheet eight number three miscellaneous revenues section e special items of General Revenue anticipated with prior written consent of director of local government services other special items reimbursement from state and federal programs number two indirect costs from from $600,000 to $1 million total section e special items of General Revenue anticipated with prior written consent of director of local government services other special items from 79 m612 to8 mil1 12, $811 sheet N9 number three miscellaneous revenues total section a local revenues from $3,190 to 3,910 th094 Total section c State Assumption of costs of County Social and Welfare Services and psychiatric facilities from 2,850,000 to 1,7 [Music] 9,967 m612 1811 to 80,1 11,811 those are the budget amendments to the 2024 County budget thank you the meeting is now open to the public for the purpose of commenting on the 2024 Union County budget kindly state your name and town of residence for the record and adhere to the 5 minute time limit good evening CH ladies and gentlemen I through the ex budget and by multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars we find a follow the count manag office add $700,000 to line item which is an increase of $550,000 and in any of this there was no explanation as to why he did that the Board of Elections up $500,000 40% increase I understand you know sooner or later somebody will say for the presidential elections and the added miscellaneous elections around the town uh the Division of Motor Vehicles that was up $720,000 which is 16% increase and uh from what I could figure out it's updating fueling sites uh the Community Development and housing line item uh down $380,000 which is a decrease of 66% no reason given a division is strategic planning up $450,000 which is a 43% increase no reason was given anywhere the Sheriff's Office this is interesting because they were here talking about it uh that's up $4.7 million which is an 800% increase and no reason is is given as to that increase uh the Division of Corrections which gentlemen I don't know if he left or not but anyway Division of Corrections actually saw a decrease of $350,000 which from I guess what I understand it's it's their cancelling the third uh shift at the jail uh the office of director in the public safety adds $1.2 million up 12 1,200% no reason given Emergency Medical Services up $600,000 24% increase uh from what I understand it's a takeover of the planfield EMS division of police uh this is interesting it's up $460,000 but no reason is given and part of part of their budget now is $10 million in arpa monies and this is a one shot deal the arpa money so uh uh we're going to be worrying about next year about $10 million missing a hole in the budget County prosecutor's office up $1.8 million which is a 7% increase uh I understand 36 licensed readers the arrived program uh there's a lot of Outreach programs he has in initiatives Corner psychiatric was down $300,000 down 2% no reason was given division of Social Services for some reason the salaries are down 500,000 and the other expenses are up 630,000 and really no reason was given I see there's maybe a central call center uh being done uh division of parks the office of director is adding $4 million which is up 400% uh there's no initiative but my guess could be this uh planetarium or the Clark Reservoir you're talking about uh the recreation facilities adds 1.2 million which is 14% increase and I saw maybe Stables riding area upgrades a little bit of Paving see this this specific uh to the other expense increases $15.4 million on these line items and $1,500,000 has no reason given in any of these books or from what I heard uh the public has no idea what this is about yet you're going to be voting on it that's transparency you know my main concern of course is the county manager's office which is getting $700,000 which is his discretion to spend and I'm just worrying about this law that's coming up on the the vote uh let's go into the budget factors um the debt let's start with a little bit of good news that yes the debt is going down I see The Debt Service actually decreased from 79 million to 75 million so that's good I don't know what the overall debt numbers are as to gross or net debt maybe uh about it uh one thing is the the uh the running fund balance is now $196 million uh Surplus remaining is $157 million and one thing on that page is the res reserves which is now went from 100 million to 150 million something screwy there that there's a lot of money out there reserved for some reason or other the open space trust fund this is not a good story here uh they're collecting from 14 million last year to over thank you for your comson open space trust fund you're transferring a lot thank you thank you you're done thank you you're done thank you go time's up I'm sure you do okay seeing no one else I will formally close this portion of the public hearing um and call director BB tayor to the microphone to address thank you with reoccurring expenses all of the expenses that are in the budget that are offset by arpa are one-time expenses the $10 million that we previously talked about are for public safety equipment and for expenses associated with the prosecutor's office that you will not see again next year because that Revenue Source will not also be here we do not use onetime Revenue sources again as many of the other local units tend to do and that's why we maintain a AAA Bond rating because we are quite conservative with regard to our debt as far at year end 2023 let me just give a little bit of background in 2013 the percentage of net was 0 87% as of the year end 2023 it is now at . 57% the ordinances that we adopt on a regular basis we ensure that we are paying off more debt than we are reauthorizing and that is again still consistent with all of the ratings that we have consistently received that show that we are conservative in our budgeting practices as well as our management of debt with regard to the later the items that were increased I can just simply go through them if you wish Madam chair I'll defer to you to provide an explanation that's fine so with regard to the county manager's office we do know that the lease for rynolds hospital is up at the end of this year as a result we do need Professionals in order to help us identify alternate space as well as a plan in order to modify our certificate of need hence the need for an increase in the OE line item the county clerk's office yes it is a presidential election year as a result we do have many more people that vote and there are a lot more activities so yes there is an increase in the OE budget with regard to the Division of Motor Vehicles we have an aging Fleet we also have underground storage tanks and many of our facilities that we need to maintain and upgrade so there is an increase in that the division of strategic planning into governmental relations that is actually if the speaker looked at it that that's an offset to community services so the Division of Community Services decreased by $247,000 and then there was a corresponding offset and an increase into the strategic planning division so it was just a movement of operations between units of government the Sheriff's Office did increase its operating expenses again because of one-time public safety equipment that was needed in order to um mitigate any emergencies that you will not see prospectively same thing with the Department of the um public safety director that is a $1.2 million increase again Public Safety related equipment that you will not see again next year the medical examiner's office unfortunately we do have the need because of many people that are passing and because of the Statewide protocols associated with some of the deaths we still do need to do autopsies because of covid and verify the passing so that unfortunately we do have an increase in OE related to that Medical Services that's BEC we are adding new staff to that because of the shared services which reap Revenue to offset these expenses so you will see that in the revenue side of the house with regard to recreational facilities yes there is a 1.8 mil 1.1 million increase but you'll also see an offsetting increase in the recreational facility fees on the revenue side division of Social Services a $638,000 increase that is because there are some State assumption costs that we do do have to budget for so those numbers are provided by the state overall I will just simply say that our budget is reflective of a 1.75% increase which is something that many public entities in the state of New Jersey do not maintain point in fact many of them have not had four zeros throughout the pandemic because of our financial practices I will tell you that we have been very conservative for the past 10 years we have consistently been holding ourselves lower than the allow allowable amount that we are allowed to raise in taxes with that Madam chair I'll be happy to answer any other questions the board may have thank you director commissioner granados thank you chair um first off wow that's amazing one breath he didn't even take a breath during that whole entire statement I was like it's gonna add a Cy man wow passion right there but just correct me if I'm wrong um Finance director based off Moody's rating agency and the global Authority on financial performance have they not St that Union County has a strong management team conservative budgeting practices manageable debt and stronger financial performance than it's pierc throughout the state of New Jersey that is correct that is a reflection of our 2024 rating thank you very much Finance I mean Finance you two I got you both thanks sh uh commissioner Williams and then commissioner Baker yeah I was going to say something a little bit um similar that you know Moody's is the ratings agency that um that all of the counties go by right and as as uh my colleague said they are the global Authority I don't know what Authority other people have um and um I thought the mic dropped it should have but it didn't thank you commissioner Baker yeah well uh I've said before that uh we have smart business practices we have a smart uh operating budget um and it comes through collaboration between the department heads and but and the county manager but I do want to ask a question because it was raised uh about the Surplus the budget surplus uh so could you explain that so that it's understanded absolutely understood so we generate Surplus by essentially holding the line on filling some vacancies throughout the year by aggressively going after all revenue sources that are due the county and so you'll see that in our indirect cost you'll see that in our Fringe benefit costs you'll see that in all of the revenue on the grants throughout the year that we tend to apply for and then offset some of our operations by so in order to mitigate any emergencies that the county has and I'll give you a prime example during Hurricane Sandy during the pandemic we were able to use our surplus funds in order to help many of the County residents that were impacted by these emergencies without having to issue new debt to pay for those operations we were able to float all of those operations without having to access the market and so when many profession at the beginning of the pandemic were dooming Gloom that essentially costs are going to Skyrocket there's not going to be any Revenue sources the county of Union maintained its Surplus in order to continue operations and open up the first County run testing site in order to help many of its residents through and residents throughout the state of New Jersey so that's the need for Surplus it also ensures that we have Financial Health flexibility in order to continue all operations without continuously having to go out and issue emergency Appropriations and the such when the need arises right now um just one other point um and correct me if I'm if I'm wrong aren't we obligated through State regulation or state statutes to maintain a certain level of surplus unfortunately there is no statutory requirement for the amount of surplus you need to maintain however I will just also give you a little bit of an example back in 2012 the county of unit at year end had $16 Million worth of surplus as a result in 2012 we also had to have a huge layoff associated with maintaining operations because a lot of the revenue streams were not available to help offset operations because of our financial footing we've been able to one continue to go to the negotiating table pay a fair wage we've been able to maintain our Workforce while still looking at ways to achieve economy and efficiencies throughout the year okay I my memory uh that's for school districts that's what you're thinking of school districts right okay all right thank you very much okay Dr Telly thank you very much for um your explanation today as well as all of your work on this budget along with your team that is sitting in the back thank you all for the hard work I know this isn't something that happens overnight and we do appreciate all of the efforts that you put into doing this maintaining a % increase for so many years and then just um being able to um keep it at at a low increase this year um I know that on behalf of our residents we are all very grateful so thank you again uh at this time I would like to ask for a motion to adopt resolutions 2024 369 through 2024 378 second uh a motion was made by commissioner mayabella and was seconded by commissioner Baker Clerk of the board please call the role commissioner Baker I commissioner bodc I commissioner delis for I commissioner granados hi commissioner Kowalski yes commissioner Mirabella hi commissioner Williams I Vice chairwoman Leon I chairwoman palmary mudad I at the record reflect of nine votes in the affirmative on the resolutions 369 through 378 thank you at this time um we are going to present our commissioner reports and comments and I will start with commissioner bodak sorry would like to invite all residents with special needs to participate paint in the park on Saturday May 18th from 11: a.m. to 1 p.m. at War Park paint in the Park event a unique opportunity for participants to express their artistic talent ad admit the natural scenery of warle Park this event is hosted by the Union County office for persons with Disability and Special Needs under the division of individual and Family Support Services of the Union County Department of Human Services the event is free of charge but registration is required to register for this event or for more information about other programs or events hosted by the Union County office for persons with disabilities and special needs please visit our website or call 908 527 4781 that concludes my remarks Madam chair thank you commissioner dallis for thank you madam chair um I'd like to applaud our um fiscal departments and um of course the fiscal committee for preparing such a conservative budget um and so you know again and for that I applaud you I'd also like to take a moment to discuss the successful hosting of our inauguration flag raising Ceremony this past Monday which saw a wonderful turnout my heartfelt thanks really goes out to all of the coordinators and attendees for their contributions to its success um in keeping with our commitment to creating cultural exchange and appreciation within our community we're pleased to announce the continuation of our celebration throughout the month of May this month we're also Al featuring an exhibit showcasing Haitian art located just outside these doors offering a glimpse into Haiti's vibrant cultural um tapestry residents interested in viewing the Showcase can do so from 9:00 am to 5:00 P PM Monday through Friday and again our gratitude extends to The Talented artists whose contributions have enriched this monthlong tribute so once again we sincerely thank all of those who have helped make this month possible and that concludes my report thank you commissioner Marabella thank you very much Madam chair I want to is it on yeah I want to first start by thanking uh County Manager opman all our directors particularly director Taylor for the fine work on the the budget for 2024 commissioner Williams did a great job leading the fiscal committee I was proud to be a part of that team uh but it really is a lot of hard work to put that budget together that is fiscally responsible that provides excellent service to our County residents and I was very proud earlier this evening to vote for it if anybody needs to have any indication of the health of the finances Union County it was mentioned before but needs to be highlighted the AAA Bond rating that this county has and maintained over many years is an objective indication of the quality of the leadership a quality of the man management and the quality of the finances in our County and uh that is by an independent rating agency uh and um very few counties in the entire state of New Jersey even have a AAA Bond rating it's probably four or five so um I I thank uh everyone who put this budget together and uh it it uh it meets our needs at a fiscally responsible uh cost and uh I always appreciate director Taylor being being smarter than the questioners in this uh Community I do want to also say that uh from the corre corrections perspective uh I always appreciate when people want to come and give their opinions I I don't always appreciate uh the sarcasm sometimes that goes to that although I do understand that it's a very personal and very emotional issues particularly for those that are being impacted but I will say that I have full confidence in the county manager and the sheriff to uh minimize uh any impact as best they can to any employees in our County That Couldn't disagree with uh hardly any of them when they said that they work hard they're dedicated they're Public Safety professionals that's all very true and uh you know for various reasons it's come to the the board that this is something that we need to move forward with uh although I I for one want to make sure that we do our best and I'm sure we will to minimize the impact to any particular employee uh two other quick things Madam chair um I I am happy to announce that we're expanding the reusable bag recycling program to tackle the surplus of bags in our communities in collaboration with various Partners including the Union County BAU of recycling and planning and the Goat tote Incorporated uh with new jerseys uh get past plastic bad in effect most people are using reusable bags particularly if I remember to bring them into the store uh but but Surplus bags are accumulating due to forgetfulness and grocery grocery stores and people really need them they're compiling them food pantries and food banks are struggling to keep up with the demand for reusable bags and are no longer allowed to use single use plastic bags residents across Union County can drop them off uh these gently re reusable bags in any one of 14 designated locations listed on our website so I encourage people to go to ucnj.org and and look at that site uh goat tote will collect them clean them sanitize them and redistribute them uh to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey uh and also other local food pantries so please take your unused bags and get them into the the right hand and we'll take care of for an a lastly Madam chair I was able to attend the performance of The Golden Girls at um Hamilton stage and I really uh was delighted to be there I love the programming that's happening at ucpac and the Hamilton stage uh I uh thank director Durban Drake and executive director of the UC Pac Deanna hun for all their efforts providing uh entertainment at a minimal cost to the community and it really is a wonderful place to see a show and I encourage people to go on the UC Pac website and find a show and go visit raway go to a restaurant and see a show you won't be disappointed thanks Madam chair thank you commissioner kski thank you chair excuse me I'd like to add my appreciation to County Manager opman Deputy County Manager Wagner our finance director Taylor and our fiscal committee and and everyone who worked on the budget I it's it's another example of the the serious uh attitude that Union County takes to serving our residents and uh I know we will continue to do that I appreciate the work done um I also would like to um thank everybody who worked on uh wild earthfest our parks department and uh another uh staff who were up at um Trailside um last week or week before last it was uh I think it was a beautiful day we had a record number of people there were all kinds of uh activities for children and families and uh be great music and uh I think a good time was had by all was a great job by everybody involved and I would encourage everybody who hasn't had a chance to go look at the senior art show which is over at the Union College uh building uh at the votch complex and Scotch Plains to go have a look at the at the really impressive art done by our seniors um another thing that is reflecting our uh our uh goal of keeping our Parks cleaner is an initiative that we're launching in waren anko park to enhance Recycling and reduce litter so we are we have obtained 9 196 gallon Recycling and trash containers and uh dumpsters for recycling and trash so and a and a satellite lifter system and pickup truck to help in waste collection so um this is a time when our parks and especially Morin ankko Park is very heavily used in the spring and summer seasons and uh this uh automation of trash and recycling pickups will improve the the quality of the environment in the park for all of its visitors and there will be guidelines posted in English and Spanish um so this was uh made possible by our my colleagues so the County Board of Commissioners and the parks department of Parks and Recreation and the rers environmental Steward program and it's funded through the uh Recycling and enhancement act Grant and the clean community ities Grant from the New Jersey D so you can find more information at ucnj.org recycle thank you chair thank you commissioner Baker thank you madam chair um all the residents are invited to bring their personal documents and sensitive papers to the County's next free paper shredding event there are two events which will take place on Friday May 17th and Sunday May 19th these events are rain or shine and will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 1 p.m. unless the trucks are at capacity at the following locations May 17th in the parking lot of the Hillside Pool located at 1209 Central Avenue and on May 19 in the parking lot of the Berkeley Heights Municipal complex located at 29 Park Avenue for the complete 24 or 2024 paper shredding schedule and information on All Recycling programs hosted by Union County visit the recycling uh section of our website and uh that concludes my comments and my report thank you madam thank thank you commissioner Williams thank you madam chair um my comments tonight really are focused on voting uh Union County residents who are interested in helping voters at polling locations on Election Day this year still have time to apply to become pole workers um in our County pole workers will earn $300 for the day uh it is a long day starting at 5:15 a.m. through at least 8:15 after the close of polls at at 8:00 p.m. uh this year's primary election is held on Tuesday June 4th and poll workers as we know perform essential services for us on Election Day ensuring that every eligible voter is afforded uh afforded an opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to vote so to apply online visit the Union County Board of Elections at ucnj.org poll worker and we do thank you in advance for your participation in this essential Civic activity um that's all I have this this evening thank you chair thank you commissioner granados I'll Bank my time thank you chair um County Council Bergen thank you chair nothing for me okay County Manager oan uh thank you CH I'm thanking Sergio St Vice chairwoman Leon thank you chairwoman um first and foremost um I would like to thank our finance director Taylor for all her hard work uh preparing this year's budget uh our County Manager Deputy County Manager our fiscal chair commissioner Williams and all the directors and staff on another note uh some information for our Union County voters for those that vote in person Union County Clerk Joan ropi advises voters that they can view their sample value for our four our June 4th primary election online at the county clerk's elections website Union County votes.com in addition voters will receive a printed copy of their sample valot in the mail due to the recent changes this year mandated by the federal courts it is crucial for voters to take the time to familiarize themselves with their sample ballots beforehand sample ballots will be mailed out approximately two weeks before election day for more information about the county clerk's election services please visit uncount bolts.com or contact the elections division at 908 52749059 Union County New Jersey for being recognized as a semifinalist for the prestigious 2025 Aspen prize for Community College Excellence by the Aspen Institute College Excellence program this remarkable achievement emphasizes Union College's strong dedication to creating Equitable Equitable Student Success and advancing excellence in education uh your commitment to empowering students and promoting a supportive learning environment exemplifies the values of our community as a semi-finalist for the Aspen prize Union College stands among the nation's leading institutions that are P pioneering Innovative practices to enhance student outcomes and promote inclusive excellence and I know we have uh Dr jamy seagull here today she's always at our meetings um and representing Union College and it's very much appreciated that you're here month after month at our meetings and I know for my myself uh and I think I speak um about from all my colleagues um it's such a privilege for us to have Union College as a partner the students are fantastic I know I love anytime there's anything going on there it's exciting to be a part of it um we love to support you and your students and we we do value your support as well so congratulations on this and and thank you for always being here as well um and with that I think I will ask for a motion to close a motion was made by commissioner Marabella seconded by Vice chair woman Leon all in favor I I Mother's Day good night yes oh that's right oh okay happy Mother's Day Sunday's Mother's Day happy Mother's Day forgot about it and yes and's Grandma's sister [Music] [Music]