[Music] [Music] at this time I will call this meeting to order Clerk of the board please call the role commissioner Baker president commissioner bodc here commissioner delis for presid commissioner granados here commissioner Kowalski here commissioner Mirabella presid commissioner Williams here Vice chairwoman Leon here and chairwoman pom mudad here chair let the record reflect you have nine Commissioners present for this evening's agenda setting meeting thank you Clerk of the board please lead us in prayer and salute to the flag humbly we ask God The Giver of peace and the lover of Charity to give the entire family of Nations true agreement with his will and to Grant the light of his Spirit on all who work for justice and peace amen I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with li Clerk of the board please read the statement of compliance with the open public meetings act chair wishes to announce that pursuant to the requirements of the New Jersey statutes annotated title 10 chapter 4 section 10 of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting of the board of County commissioners of the county of Union has been given by mailing the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 or along with periodic changes necessitated by circumstance to the newspapers circulating within the county of Union who are designated to receive such notice and by posing the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 in the administration building and further by filing the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 with the office of the county clerk thank you we will adopt the communications during tonight's regular meeting at this time I will first call upon Sheriff Corelli to present his resolution good evening Commissioners the sheriff's office has one resolution on the agenda tonight for your consideration I'd be happy to answer any of your questions seeing none thank you thank you I'd like to call upon Christopher Hudak our Union County surrogate good evening chair the office of the Union County surrogate has one resolution on on this evening it's an amendment to a prior resolution um which is a countywide resolution for Johnson Controls uh the actual amount of the resolution for our office is for $4,625 and it's for the purchase of a video conference system for our court I welcome any questions thank you thank you chair Department of Economic Development Amy Wagner Deputy County Manager good evening Commissioners the Department of Economic Development has two resolutions for your consideration and I'd be happy to answer any questions thank you department of engineering Public Works and Facilities Management Joe P good evening commissioners department of engineering Public Works and Facilities has nine resolutions on the agenda I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have Madam chair yes commissioner Marella yes uh thank you um Joe can you talk about a little bit about number four and when that program is going to start in the county this is I'm referring to the U countywide of dispersement of uh mosquito control commissioner through you commission this is an air spray program in case it's needed like when we had the Triple E outbreak a couple of years ago the state was almost going to Target an area by airspray this is only if and when needed and we haven't needed it in ever so but we always put the airspray program in every year okay so just in case just in case yes sir very good thank you thank you thank you Department of Finance director BB Taylor good evening chairwoman Paul Mary mooded and members of the board of County Commissioners the Department of Finance has one resolution for your consideration this evening and I'd be happy to answer any questions thank you Department of Human Services director Debian Anderson good evening chair members of the board the Department of Human Services has one resolution on and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have thank you thank you Department of Parks and Recreation director Victoria Durban Drake good evening um the department has six items on on the agenda for your review and I would be happy to attempt to answer any questions you may have thank you thank you Department of Public Safety Dennis Burke acting director thank you chairwoman good evening Commissioners the Department of Public Safety has two items on the agenda for your consideration happy to take any questions you may have Vice chairwoman Leon number two they joining our staff right yes they were previously with us uh they separated approximately two and a half years ago they're coming back online uh early in the second quarter absolutely thank you thank you off Office of the County Council County Council Bruce Bergen thank you chair good evening uh members of the board County Council has two resolutions tonight I'll be happy to answer any questions thank you thank you uh in regards to our next resolution I see that we have uh Dr harrove who is our vice president for student development at Union College of Union County uh here with us today he's also our recipient this year of the Chester homes humanitarian award so congratulations than you that was thank you thank you that was a wonderful night and we were so it was so um much of an honor to have you and your wife and your beautiful sons that joined us that night so congratulations again um but we wanted to invite you uh to speak on the uh below resolution yes well you know on behalf of Dr bman she's unfortunately unable to be here this uh evening we want to just thank the Commissioners uh chairwoman really appreciate the support that's being being given I think that um and of course uh Mr edman as Wellman I'm sorry as well you know four years ago um we left our campuses during covid and it was quickly emerging it was a scary time for me and my children um at that time our mayor was uh commissioner delis for and Union and so you know for many of us I think in this room it was a scary time and so but at that moment we saw the display that the Commissioners uh gave us and so that support to the county was on full display and it's on display now with this very generous support for food and security at our College my son and I uh my youngest and the oldest we actually had an opportunity to meet Mr Oatman at one of the food drives and so we did some trauma bonding because we're Met fans and that's what Mets fans do but we had the opportunity to see on full display what was taking place food drives uh vaccinations um testing and so you know this is just further support and food insecurity of what you're doing for us uh the capital budget the operating budget we can't say enough how uh much that means to our staff and our students currently uh where our students are going through you know who they are they are your constituencies and they're one of the most neediest populations that we have in our County so this is going to go very far in helping them we have pantries open we give our students food uh packages we give them grub passes to our cafeteria so this is going to be substantial in that support for them so we just thank you and thank you all for all the support that you give usk you yes ma'am Ed would you like to say anything else um I'd be happy to answer any questions from the board thank you uh and I just think you know one thing that we forget um is that many of your students uh did have meal plans in their elementary schools middle schools high schools where they were provided with sometimes three meals a day um that need doesn't change once they're in um a higher educational institution so this is such an important element uh to what you do there so we are very happy to support it thank you thank you any questions well yes Madam chair yes commissioner Baker just U just a little FYI uh for my own information uh you talked about the neediest uh students on campus and I wanted to know uh kind of curious about are those the students that do not have a a meal plan or how how do you determine the most neediest kids sir yes sir we we do not uh differentiate between anyone that comes to our pantries or comes to have a grub pass but what we know about our students at the campus is that 60% over 60% of that population are pel recipients then we have a population that's 80% of them are pel recipients as well as scholarship recipients so we have at our institution and many of the community colleges it's not just unique to us a very needy population in regard to financial support um so anyone is eligible to take part within our uh grub passes or our pantries but we do know that when we take uh um our attendance of who is actually coming in we look those students up and they are primarily those students that areel recipients those who through K12 uh receive the uh free lunch and so that's we know about the students okay all right thank you yes sir okay thank you again for joining us thank you there are four business resolutions from the board do any Commissioners have any questions regarding these resolutions okay all auditory resolutions and resolutions of condolence are from the entire board are there any comments from any of my colleagues okay may I have a motion to adjourn so moov Madam chair a second second uh a motion was made by commissioner Mirabella seconded by commissioner Williams Clerk of the board can you please call the role certainly uh commissioner Baker I commissioner bodet I commissioner delport I commissioner granados I commissioner Kowalski yes commissioner mirab Bella I commissioner Williams I Vice chairwoman Leon I and chairwoman P mudad I have nine votes in the affirmative we are ad Jour [Music] okay