[Music] [Music] at this time I will call this meeting to order that's Clerk of the board can you please call the role certainly chairwoman commissioner Baker present commissioner bodc here commissioner delis for present commissioner granados here commissioner Kowalski here commissioner Mirabella present commissioner Williams here Vice chairwoman Leon here and chairwoman pal mudad here uh chairwoman please let Rec reflect nine Commissioners present for this evening agenda setting session thank you uh Clerk of the board please lead us in the prayer and salute to the flag humbly we ask God The Giver of Peace the lover of Charity to give the entire family of Nations true agreement with his will and to Grant the light of his Spirit on all who work for justice and peace amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Clerk of the board please read the statement of compliance with the open public meetings act the chair wishes to announce that pursuant to the requirements of New Jersey statutes annotated title 10 chapter 4 section 10 of the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting of the board of County commissioners of the county of Union has been given by mailing the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 along with periodic changes necessitated by circumstance to the newspapers circulating within the county of Union who are designated to receive such notice and by posting the annual meeting schedule for the year 2024 and the administration Builder and further by following the annual meeting scheduled for the year 2024 with the office of the county clerk thank you can we confirm that your microphone is working properly right can you hear everyone can hear that you no I can yeah I don't I it sounds like it's very muffled when you're speaking so but it just then it didn't so maybe it's my ears no no no um at this time on behalf of the board of County Commissioners I'd kindly ask for a moment of silence to honor the memory of Plainfield firefighter Maris Hudson who tragically lost his life at the age of 32 while courageously battling a fire in plan fields we continue to extend our deepest condolences to his grieving family friends and to the planfield fire department and firefighters fmba local 7 thank you we will adopt the communications during tonight's regular meeting at this time I will I will first call upon our Union County uh clerk uh uh CL uh clerk Clara Fernandez who is representing the department thank you has four items um tonight for your consideration if there's any questions I'll be happy to answer thank you okay thank you uh Department of administra services County Manager Ed opman who is representing the department today thank you chair the department of admin Services has one item on tonight's agenda and I'd be happy to answer any questions any questions seeing none thank you thank you uh Department of Economic Development Amy Wagner sorry good evening Commissioners Department of Economic Development has two resolutions for your consideration and I'd be happy to answer any questions seeing none thank you our department of engineering Public Works and Facilities Management Ricardo Matias good evening chair the department of engineering Public Works and Facilities Management has eight resolutions on this evening's agenda i' be happy to try and answer any questions uh Vice chair on uh on number six can you elaborate why there's a decrease of one point yes uh this is a uh a Paving project from uh 2021 so there were a couple different reasons for the decrease uh one of the major reasons is the fuel and asphalt price adjustments that's built into the dot contract so it's almost like a Commodities adjustment and also there were some changes in the roads uh due to utilities no one else okay thank you than you so much Department of Human Services director Debian Anderson good evening chair members of the board the Department of Human Services has four resolutions and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have commissioner granados thank you chair um director can you elaborate on number three please sure through you um this is a new program for United Way doing tax um processing for our low um income families and this is um first year it's a pilot it's $20,000 that we're offering and we're excited because the tax preparation is for getting our most vulnerable population more resources the child tax um act and other things so we're excited to have this opportunity we have volunteers signing up um at United Way Through the commissioner sponsored program so it's a very exciting opportunity I remember reading about this program I know a chairwoman Paul Mary mooded was a heavy advocate in making sure we're providing this tax assistance program for our residents I just want to thank her for her leadership working with your department and United Way thank you anyone else uh director number two um is our interpretation Services how many uh can you just elaborate because I know that that has expanded um in terms of languages um sure so this year we had to increase um this line to $10,000 more the influx of the Creole population the Arabic um Russian um coming into the social services to get benefits it's all of the new Americans influx that we are receiving so we have the capability through the language line to really help those clients in answering and how to perform their application and how to apply for benefit so this is a very needed service um on an annual basis we're looking at 6 to 7,000 calls that they're working on per month just sem Elizabeth location so it's a needed service absolutely and the fact that it can be expanded to meet the needs of our community is really wonderful so thank you so very happy and thank you for this support okay thank you so much thank you uh the department of parks and recreations director uh Vicky Durban Drake good evening the department of Parks and Recreation has one item on the agenda and I would be happy to attempt to answer any questions you may have Madam chair yes commissioner Baker director Durban Drake I since there's only one could could could you explain what that uh the license agreement and the doring of equipment right this uh project being conducted by PS psng um yes sir I'd be happy to psng through the subcontractor has a utility project that is ongoing they need a place to store equipment so that they can daily continue um we believe the project is shortterm so this contract is for no more than two months um and it meets all of the requirements and is a is a contractual okay all right well thank you thank you madam chair okay thank you our Department of Public Safety our acting director Dennis Burke thank you chairwoman good evening members of the board Department of Public Safety has five items on the agenda for your consideration be happy to take any questions you may have okay seeing them thank you thank you chairman office of County Council our County Council Bruce Bergen thank you chair Office of the County Council has two resolutions tonight and I'll be happy to answer any questions seeing none thank you thank you okay moving on to commissioner sponsored resolutions there are seven business resolutions from the board six from the clerk of the board's office and one from the O office of open space do any of our commissioners have any questions regarding these resolutions no okay uh and our laudatory resolutions and resolutions of condolence are from the entire board um are there any comments from any of my colleagues commissioner Williams yeah I I did just want to um thank my colleagues thank everyone for all of the well-wishes uh to the city of planfield um in this you know time of of grieving so um thank you all okay may I have a motion to adjourn so move Madam chair may I have a second second uh Clerk of the I'm sorry there is a motion made by commissioner Mirabella and a second by commissioner Williams Clerk of the board please call the role commissioner Baker I commissioner bodc I commissioner delis forfor hi commissioner granados I commissioner Kowalski yes commissioner Mirabella I commissioner Williams I Vice chairwoman Leon I and chairwoman pal Mar mudad I uh chairwoman you have nine votes in the affirmative for the adjournment okay and uh are we able to go into the [Music] next