##VIDEO ID:25mCPzgDIAI## the notice of this meeting the upper count committee was posted was posted on the official C bullet board and the upper countship website emailed to the L pressy sent Ledger Herald times and followed with the coun clerk tonight's meeting is being video recorded up until the Clos session portion of this meeting will be available on the upper C website I hereby direct that this announcement be made apart of the minutes of this meeting could you please rise for 5 Second to flag of the United States of America and to rep it stands one nation indivisible andice for all Mr Corson Mrs Hayes here Mr naen Mr Panos here may Newman here all members are present uh pleasure on the minutes would we adopt the regular close session for July 22nd call the RO Please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappen yes Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried we governing body members we'll start out with u Deputy Mayor hay thank you very much Mr Mayor remind everyone our call test will be October 6 which is a Sunday and also e vendor applications are now available for anyone who's interested you can out for our Recreation leader L Cole lle at upper township.com um we have F Tru vendor spaces are $100 for a 20x 15 space and event vendors are $30 for a 15x 10t space um all vet businesses are free as are thank you good evening everybody thank you so much for coming out as always um my family and I really enjoyed the Touch a Truck Event so everybody that came out to that thank you so much great pictures great day for the township and the courts and Animal Control are running smoothly so I don't really have much to report on that front that's all I have thank you Mark Pan um everything's going pretty good on the be control side we do have a little bit ofo started again Public Works made uh buckets with flly holders in them we subed it low TI the other evening as the one Jett is starting to reappear I think yeah so they were insted the other night I thinket is appearing again and they do have some sparking I think we get I'm sorry than everything's kind of quiet uh same as Vic touched on that the touch of truck event was a huge success want to thank uh everybody that came out to it it was a uh um it was everybody that was supposed to show up did we even had some people step up and it was really neat to see uh uh like Tom Sherby um we were talking about Coach Tim football and he's out there with his stock bar and I think all the kids love that stuff really cool cool uh cool event and uh the real highlight of the event was the uh the the the child that had Dylan the person we having the fundraiser for showed up at the end of it and it was pretty neat and it was very very actually touching to see him walk he was walking with a with assistance he's got a long road to Hope but it was really really a good event and it was good for our First Responders to see the result of their efforts including the same paramedics and flight nurses and the pilots and everything on the on the helicopter for him that day so a lot of times they don't get to see the results till months and months and years later and this they got to see you know this kid uh Not only was he living but he was also being strength and getting better uh as day went on and just as support of the whole Community was was absolutely phenomenal so um that that is about all I have for night till I'm sure I'll remember something on the way down and we interrupt everybody and uh we'll we'll 'll do that but uh for now we'll keep on going with Gary I than you that a couple different things first I got to need a couple Notions one for my cmfo for continuing cus as well as Mr Johnson our Deputy tax assessor for some continuing cus both be going to conferences Barber has it's in September right yes September first October um [Music] ear and then I have uh Michelle Johnson who's going 26th 27th 28th 29th that's out of state we are she only she we're not picking up the cost of the conference just the the days that she'll be out of of the office so that is one motion that I I'd like to make that motion uh second call Ro Please Mr porson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappin yes Panos May Newman yes motion Carri the the uh the continuing Saga of our um affordable housing anual renewing reports are coming up uh the date for the filing of this particular report is September 16th um Triad is our financial technical advisor on this they're asking for $2,200 to do the report that report includes the uh the's St on share all those different things that are in the required report the housing units the amount of units projects and programs that the township is involved so it is a short timeline I'm asking for a motion this evening but we'll do a resolution at a I'll make that motion move on second you call the RO Please Mr Corson yes na yes pan Coast yes uh there's some Annua fees the reinstatement fee was more than what was currently owed she had some family issues relative to maintaining the family she was asking for the waiver she had paid the $12 in the dump day but she's asking for a waiver of the $100 in state so she actually was over by $12 and uh it cost her $100 to get it reinstated she had some family issues and she's just asking for a courtesy a one time courtesy to to to to wave that I I'll make that in for motion than Please Mr Corson Mr PA Mr nappin yes Mr Panos yes Newman yes motion carried last one I think her you can did Chief hany speak to you about the boat yes okay so there's been I just don't want Joan was kind enough to kind of go through the uh the ordinance there was some conflicting language to what we can do what we can't do on on the township property I wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with that um the the gentleman is not responsible for any vandalism he does have a gentl new boat he wants to leave it on our Point Beach so they can actually use it people test it people but it also provides us an opportunity so I think you spoke their gu just the correct the township will not be responsible for hand I think gentlemen not he willing to sign a waiver and he's willing to do whatever but like like Curtis said it is that type of voting it's not unique voting we already have one there can't hurt have another one cor just need a motion to allow that I would just suggest that I would just suggest it be subject to assigning an identification and car yes would that motion last thing that the small thing that [Music] Mr Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nain yes Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried the last thing we had was war and I had a an $8 million Bond sale it went it went uh uh extremely well uh as the markets tank the investors look for more stable Market to invest their money one of those stable markets are municipal bonds so what we do have a very good rating thank you uh Panos so that between our good rating the market and what we had to offer in the municipality we were able to secure a very nice rate with a premium uh for them to take that particular Bond so we we took um uh T right BS and we makeing permanent financing so the numbers don't change perent financing so so the amount that we're paying in bonding doesn't change but now it's longterm bonding with a premium and then that premium will be subject to the auditor and premium the premium has to be used culated to be used for interest but our interest rate was 2. that I have nothing thank you I don't have anything M you good now here come Ryan thank you Mr Mayor only a couple items tonight great news with the paving program everything's been running very smooth all the mill and overlays have been completed for all 18 roads uh the final scope of work just includes some minor roadway striping to close out the project couple other uh traffic detours along County and state roads first one will be uh in Mount Pleasant tuo Road uh the county is proceeding with a Mill and reconstruction of the roadway uh work is anticipated start within the next couple weeks and will be completed in December of 2024 this year um project limits are from dennisville Petersburg Road up to the railroad crossing near Reading Avenue um there will be some dra traffic detours Northbound traffic will be maintained but southbound traffic will be detoured and two-way traffic will resume at the end of each workday another minor uh project along Route 9 it's 1220 Route 9 near the intersection of Harry's Court um this week they'll be completing some concrete curving and driveway apron installations uh in the project uh we'll just have some Lan ships along Route 9 so something to be aware of that's all I had for tonight I got a couple things for you first of all we get we get a lot of questions and I know all of us up here do one way shape form or another um people want to know what's going in those tubes that there are installing on Route n uh I've heard that it was fiber optics I have no idea if that's the case or not um is that yeah that that's completely correct it's fiber optic cable installation uh up and down r n so that's that's what you're seeing there um also uh we had some drainage issues that were brought to I think the the the crews attention or the engineers attention that's working with the Department of Transportation um maybe you could follow up on those if if that if you feel like that's that's warranted I think one of them was in the already completed project area along North Shore Road in the area of Randol olart the curve there they're very aware of that there's also some drainage issues that hopefully that they will repair um in the um when they're doing the south side of that project with regard to uh right there there's a property at Route 9 at se sounds Avenue as well as property right near uh where Heritage where first used to have Heritage links to bring that up that's the only 15 years right since you have it but that's that's also um in the uh 1300 block of sash Road as well I think there's a couple others there that they just really need to take a look at do do the drainage correctly I also have sent a couple emails to you I've seen you sent a couple emails as well to the county requesting that they we look at think I went through garage uh repair Taho Road between Mars Hill or Bri Brier and uh Church Ro it's just terrific the the amount of truck traffic that's G through town right now is unbelievable and it really has nothing to do with the township because they carrying asphalt from the Woodbine plant here to some projects elsewhere can't stop from going on our roads but we certainly can get the county to do some repairs out there they've been severely lacking completely agree I know uh the County engineer has indicated their Public Works are evaluating if that's something the public works from the county can handle or that's what Curtis coron will call Okie do so so obviously be following up uh with County engineer as well as do on those Str issues and what why you're at it while you're on the County engineer thing this is what I knew I'd come up with something uh we had a um power outage in on um route n excuse meel boulard power outage was stemm from something happened on Evergreen it was power was out more more a couple different spots for several hours I think it was Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday afternoon and evening one of the things that occurred when the power went out was the traffic L at on R Boulevard at the intersection at the southbound exit southbound entrance went from working to flashing okay in Winter that uh you know it might work that way but works not what I'm really what I'm concerned about it's not necessarily that it happen because stuff happens is the response from the county was was terrible they didn't fix it till the next day um and that is unacceptable uh I know it was reported on multiple occasions to our Dispatch Center who has documented all the reportings to the County Dispatch Center County and somebody show up they show up for the next day which is Sunday trying to get out of town and it came up they fixed it and we went back into flashing again and it took them another hour or two to get back up there so that needs to be addressed and I do have all the documentations with our Dispatch Center so uh we need to know times in life we can get that okay say that's that's just that's unacceptable response for the busiest cting Road in the county is agree I I'll follow up on all those items I would appreciate it just let me know how you make out Lu thank you I do have one more thing before you close it then thank you to Jonesy and the re as the water subsides and we get drer and drier we're able to identify areas of stra here on that b you that were problematic one that we identified recently was Vincent Vincent had a bad valve the crew went down into the pits they pulled the old one that was was deficient and crusty and and Mal functioning they put a new tie valve in uh in that area now as so we continue to march on to to identify those problematic areas and I think we're going to do find pits next and and start to suck those things D so thank you very okay now we'll open it up to the public uh anybody with public wants to address the township committee uh you may do so by stepping forward to the microphone and stating your name and city that you live in or town that you live in for the record and let us know what you want to know you want us to know yes sir go right ahead step up yeah just just give us your name and address my name's Brandon mccraine and I I was looking for an update on the stop signs on Sleepy Hollow Road I put a request in roughly a year ago and they put up stop signs at the wrong intersection at the wrong corners of the intersection and I was wondering if there was going to be an update on that I think we communicated quite frequently with with uh via email that was late last week today is Monday uh we there was a mistake relative to the placement that was been transmitted to Public Works and we are correcting again we couldn't put those stop signs up until the origin became effective that became effective last uh last me or so so my joke is the speed of government right and so we do apologize relative to making it legit but there's no need to put an improper or illegal stop sign in an intersection that can only become problematic so it looks like you're going to get a freway one going uh off off into the into the development the dead end will not Happ one since there only one house going up the hill there and then the two stop sign will be um on Sleepy Hollow so two on Sleepy Hollow beautiful all right thank you Brandon receive thanks everybody appreciate anybody else from the public okay here not I'll close the public portion and we will move on to D lovely voice consent agenda all consent agenda items listed below are routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion if the mayor or any Committee Member wishes a particular agenda item to be considered separately it will be removed from the content agenda and acted on separately the content agenda second would you call the RO Please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes yes Mr ma yes Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried and our resolution to be acted on separately urging the state of New Jersey to take an incremental and targeted approach to adopting the proposed protecting against climate threat resilient environments and Landscape rules um I think Gary you could probably explain it the best why this is off of here in order this have that email front you so we adopted one in February that was similar but this one is is particularly different do you have that ch yeah yes that's exactly what it was just administrator reach out and asked us to do this from the about FL plane elevation all that really going to affect any construction yeah my understanding is I think municipality and County not effective at this point it's all about Chang elevation to add to that D is considering changing the flood elevations uh about 5 to 6 feet in tial flood uh Hazard areas so changing our flood elevations would result in a larger portion of the township uh being now located in a flood Hazard area which then would require flood insurance higher elevations additional fill additional compliance uh based on rights T River area all there's multiple roadways that would be below flood elevation so raising the infrastructure would be a high cost so raising all these elevations would have a mass massive ripple effect to development in just looking at the notes it looks like uh this time 15 out of the 16 municipalities are supporting the resolution and it's exactly what you so this is just a collaborative supportive resolution motion to approve item number 23 which call please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos Newman yes motion carried under ordinances we have the introduction and first reading of ordinance number 13 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 8 animal control of the code of Upper Township could have the public hearing on September 9th uh yeah this or ordinance is just adding a section to the Animal Control chapter of the Upper Township Code to allow the state police to enforce the Animal Control ordinances through the issuance uh of a it says a a notice of violation but it's probably a summons this will get referred to the to the uh to the uh court for input before adoption uh one thing um you may want to look at as well there there's a minimum fine section in this chapter that has a minimum fine F of $50 for a First Defense uh 75 for a second 150 for a third which is kind of on the low end um the general enforcement section penalty section allows you to establish minimum fines of at least $100 so you may want to look at that as well I would say we do that can we do that without the can we introduce yeah and can we also put something in a caveat in there which we've done that in the past on some of our ordinances that the fees or fines or penalties can be adjusted by resolution that we don't have to be the ordinance if you want to adjust the fees and the and this ordinance also allows not just the state police but doesn't limit anybody to uh to sign that particular anyone that saw the right if they saw the offense they saw the well they if they s anybody that has the authority to issue a summons can can sign a summons the complaint could be issued by anybody but if it's not uh Witness by somebody that has the ability to issue with summons it has to go to a probable cause hearing correct in court basically this allows our code enforcement if they wanted to enforce wants to come off the street and it'll be treated just like so you can sign a complaint for harass you a complaint wit your neighbor on so you know so this brings it into the same Realm of the flexibility of such as Dennis P has some the same that allows uh just a person come the street yeah when a private citizen signs a citizen complaint it goes to the court administrator who has to either make a finding of probable cause or have a probable cause hearing when a licensed officer such as State Police or code enforcement signs a summons it doesn't need Pro you don't have to have a probable cause hearing it goes right to a hearing on the violation okay would someone like to introduce I got it I move we introduce ordinance number 13 of 2024 with a public hearing and final option on sorry September 9th September 9th call Ro Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes mayman yes motion carried under new business we have multi-jurisdictional program for public information 2024 update and we did the first half on uh in June and this will be the second half of the uh the information so on SharePoint was the 14 page um overview of the uh MJ PPI which I everyone's going to be quizzed on it later this afternoon but if you want to give the highlights yeah so this was as Gary mentioned previously discussed in a June meeting but essentially the town should participates in Atlantic Cape multi-jurisdictional program for public information MJ PPI uh so this there was a report that was issued that updated uh essentially outlining the members of this uh organization uh to really we had two meetings for this committee one was in June 6th of this year where we discussed the goals object objectives outcomes and priority audiences and Outreach topics for flood and insurance and flood plane management so some of those goals and OB objectives sorry is to ensure that those affected by flooding are aware of risks coordinate Municipal efforts to increase flood awareness awareness uh also maximize our participation in the National flood insurance program and CRS to provide flood insurance premium discounts to policy holders that's a big one of our participation and it's really just a discussing priority Outreach topics to Residents which including includes knowing your flood Hazard area uh ensure your property if you're in a flood Hazard area protect people from the hazard and build responsibly in a flood Hazard area uh again I won't go through the whole 14 page report yeah so I uh definitely I would review it but I I'm not going to do that here tonight so what action do we need to take so it just had to be discussed at a committee meeting in circulated to the committee uh and then this organization will submit this to really uh nfip CRS uh just again to continue and give us additional credits uh for our residents and FL okay thank you very much uh your pleasure on the bills hereby move that all claims submitted for payment at this meeting be approved and then Incorporated in full this meeting second second please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nain yes Mr Panos yes motion carried uh Comm PCOS I hearby move that a resolution be incorporated into the minutes authorizing the township committee to enter into an executive session for the following matters pursuing to the open public meetings act number one personnel number two contract negotiation act Engineers number three contract negotiation CME Associates environmental Consulting Services number four contract negotiation mua host Community benefit agreement number five contract negotiation shared services agreement for municipal court services number six potential litigation Prescot Avenue number seven litigation tax appeals I also including my motion estimate time and the circumstances under which the discussion conducted in Clos session can be disposed to the public as follows is anticipated the me the matters discussed in Clos session may be disclosed to the public upon determination of the township committee that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality with respect to employment Personnel matters such discussions will made public if and when formal action is taken or when the individuals involved consent that it can be made public see with respect to contract negotiation such matters been made public negotiations have ceased and there is no longer a reason for confidentiality the with respect to litigation matters such discussion we a public when medication is complete and the applicable appeal period has expired call the rooll Please Mr Corson yes s Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos nman yes car so we will take a very very short break since uh clear room and we'll