in compliance with the open public meeting law I wish to state that on March 24th or excuse me March 22nd 2024 the notice of this meeting of the Upper Township committee was posted on the official Township bulletin board and the Upper Township website emailed to the Atlantic City Press the Ocean City cental Ledger the heral times and filed with the Township Clerk tonight's meeting is being video recorded up until the closed session portion of this meeting and will be available on the Upper Township website I hear by direct that this announcement May made part of the minutes of this meeting would you please rise for the flag sleep I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all call please Mr Corson pres Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr Panos here mayor Newman here all members are present could uh I have your uh your pleasure on the menic we approved the regular and Clos session minutes from March 11th 2024 second call the r Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappin yes Mr Panos yes may Newman yes motion carried um okay uh Mark PCOS start that end uh report from Public Works uh they're currently busy in stra here doing road signs I see some they ordered some no parking signs placing over there in strir uh both trash pickup is April 2nd um and also our second or first of the year brush collection uh that is scheduled for April will'll begin on April 9th so um if everybody could please have their uh brush out starting this week ending on April 8th and be picked up on the N that's all I have I think uh with uh everybody with the recent storms prob a little bit more out than nor would so we'll go around and pick it up as as needed uh Kim I just wanted to give a couple of thank yous for our egg hunt over the past weekend U Mother Nature did not cooperate but it was a really great team effort to move it indoors for the first time um and it actually was pretty successful people seem to really like it I personally liked it cuz it wasn't cold for w so I just want to say thank you to Larry Cole our Recreation leader um for setting it up ahead of time and then being able to pivot the day before to be able to move it inside um also from our DPW Barbara Brun who was there that day helping out Cheryl Sidell who did our face painting uh Catey County library Upper Upper Township Branch for their attendance that day um the volunteers from the Upper Township middle school and also special thank you to the seille Andor Fire Company fire police for their traffic quieting calming that's about it wasn't wasn't directing traffic traffic calming measures um to help with parking weren't quite sure what that was going to look like what the crowds were going to be that is all I have today I we have one thing um strair fishing environmental Club I talked with Randy Roach over there and um they are looking to do a beach plan they want to plant some small seedling Cedars on the secondary Doom some beach plums and some grasses and they were looking for permission to do that and they were also looking for a recommendation if we had a mendation of where so I guess I would can they do we had plan done before by uh Improvement association's done them in the past the Boy Scouts have done in the past other you know so I guess I I'd like to see we grant them permission to do you I think we need to lean on Josh and our Public Works and see where they can recommend it obviously I don't think they can do it on the new new R I'm sorry I don't think they can do it on the new dudes if the DP because the dp's not done signing off on them yeah so technically technically you would need some type of D approval for that those plan things um but yeah I would recommend they are least we propose it on the dunes that were not uh added to during the renourishment project yes like, 1400 South like could probably get go and do something down there and I mean I think it's anytime you can encourage an organization or somebody to to do something to improve it I think it's a win I mean it's a I mean last two years I they did plant sh fooding Association planted Beach B he did lose a lot of those a lot of them survived cu the the ones they lost were but they I would recommend that that what they do is they they send a email to Gary and ran and then let them figure it out okay they can distribute the uh uh information as needed and make it happen I don't think do we need to vote on it or I don't think we have I would like to see what the uh we have a new contact Reeves and I and Ryan both have a new contact relatively so some uh some other issues that are going on the beach at this point and so we'll just pass an point then um I I think we have a general consensus of the of the committee that it's okay VI Y and let me know as soon as possible spot I'll the r out but also tell them the email you guys y we'll get on we'll get on the a horn with them tomorrow good evening everyone thank you so much for coming out um also attended the Easter egg hunt with my kids I like the fact that I could keep my eye on them in the small room I like lose them in the whats or anything so it was a nice event um I just I don't have anything in my department I just wanted to share out so Janet McBride who's in Joann's office every month she sends out uh Wellness newsletters for the employees and I think they're really great um yesterday I was at a certain fast food restaurant I won't say who U they have a two3 menu there wasn't a single item on that menu that was less than $30 which I thought was kind of weird uh she s down a healthy meals on a budget I think that could be good information to maybe sent out to the township it's just so expensive right now to do anything so maybe that could help everybody I like I like your newsletter part of our mayor's yeah we could put that on the website probably should put it on our C website perfect and that's it that's all I have thank you you're welcome I only have one thing I want to discuss and that is uh Deputy Mayor Hayes uh in my absence I wasn't able to to handle it uh put out a um you know rooc call reverse 91 whatever we utilize um to to for the for residents to look at the township website and take action with regard to school funding uh school funding uh as everybody knows is not really our purview up here however as the governing body I think we do have somewhat of responsibility to understand what goes on what has gone on with the school funding um and to present that to to the public and I was talking with uh committee mcon before we started the meeting and we even though we go over every year that we are just the collection agency for the schools we are not the we do not fund the schools through the township government we just collect the taxes and giv goes right to the school and then I add a chance to speak with M Mr Castello earlier who does multiple municipalities and multiple schools uh throughout the state the southern portion of the state as the auditor uh and the budget maker and all that other stuff and the vast and I you know I'm not trying to defend the school board but everybody knows the vast majority of the funding that comes from out of the state out the state is totally out of their control um for example the tuition to the high school is set by the state of New Jersey not for the a City Board of Education more the Upper Township Board of Education um they have some formula that they do and nobody knows what it is and and and I guess they do and the tuition sent also the state funding comes from from the um uh from the board of I guess the Department of Education just cut drastically once again this year for the fourth or fifth year in a row I think and it affects us tremendously so I I don't know if you have anything to add to that Leon I mean not it's your area of expertise is not that particular budget but at least how it com from the state no that was very very accurate and again the tuition number is a Formula that's based by the state and it's calculated every year the only thing that the two districts agree on is how many students are coming over and then times that rate and that's what you charge and there's the students are the students when they go over there they go over there it's a bill that they have to pay but that's beside the point at at this point but what I wanted everybody to know that that's either watching it on YouTube or out in the audience or follows up later or for the newspaper is that uh go to our website uh upper and I think there's the instructions on there to uh how to send how to help the Upper Township Board of Education and Upper Township in general by writing to your state legislation you're making a phone call and during the process of potentially giving us reducing state aid or excuse me having increasing the state aid come into Upper Township um when the governor says that they fully funded education it's just not true you when you fully funded education you get this much money this year and this much less the next year it's not fully fund What's the total La is it like $6 million over four years over four years over four years so to put that in perspective that's what's our total tax levy is like 7 million P right so for our local purpose tax your entire tax bill that comes to the township is about $7 million the schools have lost almost that same amount you really put it in the actual numbers School tax levy in other words what the school taxes Upper Township residents to run their school was $27.5 Million yours was $5.3 Million to R they're real numbers and that's right right so you think about it someone came to us one day and said your budget's G figure it out you know that's kind of what the school's faing they're losing that major portion so whatever support the community can give to them you know we ask you to do that thank you thank you um Gary it's a good point uh mayor it is also on Facebook that issue yes okay so they can go there but the you know majority of the phone calls I get or the tax rate and then once I start breaking it down into the percentages that we did they understand that it's not an upper Township issue it's it's a bigger issue for the for the for the township um so it is important it is important to understand it is it affects everyone in the township but unfortunately this board here does not have the control that we want um and maybe they can get it down to 1.4 cents I don't know right but uh the the uh the news for my twoe book report was based upon the quad or the Triad of uh the grants that we we've been doing and watching along so uh we've been um working with the clerk's office and Barbara and engineering and public works and it's interesting when we do these Zoom meetings or in person around the tables everybody's discipline plays into each other and we come out with a final product which is the $1.4 million bond that is going to effect that we're doing uh the two dozen or show roads in the township so to start maybe within a week or so or there it's going to start must in you'll see you'll see the uh you'll see the uh the construction signs around we're also breaking ground did we break ground today or were they supposed to start today they did so the anomaly that uh strap their pumps the we had already purchased them at $500,000 a piece or fre $300,000 P just 300,000 a piece and there's three of them no total on just the pumps right yeah it was 300,000 Tot so you got 600,000 in pumps plus another put 300,000 in pumps 300,000 pumps there's an X to put them in and then that starts today so there was uh we had a very good conference with the with Public Works once again and residents and we came up with a very good schematic to put those those pumps in uh going back to some of the signage you have Eng sign is yes there's about the there was about two dozen or so signs that we either replaced or um reset in strair and on the mainland so uh Josh tuer worked diligently over the past winter months to present a ordinance uh on the 8th that will memorialize all the uh stop signs and no parking signs and loading signs make them legit we're also going to do some some um um uh Corrections in the court system to make mandatory appearances uh paid by mail and some and some other Corrections within the within the code uh and again um the stop signs on the mainland that were requested by the board they'll be be put in and then put into rews as well that's uh that's where I'm at this week I have nothing thank you one thing mayor um our efforts to acquire the communications Tower behind the rescue squad are finally coming to fruition uh there is an ordinance for adoption tonight uh but also as an update um the the bidding package went out and we're expecting bids to be returned sometime in May I'm sorry sometime in April for to be effective in May so we're looking at maybe a May 1st closing and at that point um the tower will be owned by the township and all the revenue derived from that will go to the township as well and that's it May thank you barara Ryan I have a few things to touch on big one as Gary mentioned was Paving program um so we had that scope finalized under our last meeting and essentially we're waiting for uh performance bonds documents uh they're currently under review and I would say within a week or two we should be ready to uh proceed with signing the contract with pavment plus and scheduling a pre-construction meeting to start that road networ next one up again as Gary mentioned the storm water pump project uh so I held a pre-con meeting with JF Kylie uh this uh the 21st and construction started today at putham um so they're going to be starting at putham Avenue street end proceeding onto Sumer and then finishing up with Webster Street end and still pushing them uh to complete that work before Memorial Day holiday next one is living Shoreline uh which is being uh designed by act Engineers they finalized the DP application um and essentially ask for assistance from the township to obtain uh some additional signatures from some of the owners uh along this Wetland area so once we obtain those signatures on behalf of act Engineers they could submit the application to d one let me just uh put a little caveat on to that one uh mayor and Curtis I sent that to both of you that is one block so it's not spread out all over Strath miror so if you look at that email that I sent that is one uh one block four properties and it looks like they're all somehow intertwined so if we can find one of the owners within that for then we can get those final uh documents we went through this on the beach replenishment years ago on the first one and this property is either going just washed away or underwater in high TI state repar which probably say enate domain can take place in the state actually owns it Dan young successfully made that argument and it took yeah years probably 75% of the easements we had to require and signatures like this on our first initial Beach rep punishement so I don't know if we can think into that file and if that would be op I I saw I saw the list uh of names okay and did did uh I don't want to mention them here because I could be wrong but we we'll get with you and try to figure that out from there we're close yeah so so that that being said that the the um is there some sort of form letter that we can have together that if we are able to do that um ahead of time so if we're able to find these people and are willing to sign it we just get it done for my R viw it looks like one family and there is a there is a standard form that needs the uh that needs the sign yes so that's the yeah and again this is area that's Wetland area that's regulated anyway so they can't do any types of improvements in this area so hopefully it's they come to an understanding that this essentially is an unusable area of their property anyway and the best use of it is to protect that Shor line one property is tied into the library what that one property is tied into the library oh I can get that signature and then and then if you get that one then the three will follow okay well I I I know I got called I think well I'm saying because of the nature of it a lot of that property is gone and I'm saying we should probably use the same argument we use for replenishment okay and I took 75% of sounds like that process would probably take a lot longer than getting the so maybe we both still get the no actually took no time if I remember right we were still waiting for signatures yeah so one of the things is you mention what you mentioned I think we it can be res can be done quickly and and they need that to submit okay and then that'll close up that gr and then the last uh couple projects to touch on uh as Gary mentioned we're working on uh resubmission to County open space for both skate park improvements as well as beasy Point Park Phase 2 um I am anticipating resubmissions by the end of April uh with the help of so just had to put together some concept plans uh some additional application forms and uh complete those resubmissions for both those separate our open space and that's all I had for today thank you very much we have the 2024 budget uh number one public hearing and final adoption of ordinance number 2 2024 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limit and to establish a c bank you want to yeah just real quick um we're not exceeding anything our part of it is establishment Bank we're 537,500 for ordinance number two of 2024 this is just talking about the cap Bank okay just about the C Bank anybody from the public would like to make a comment hearing none I'll close the public portion of that and entertain a motion to adopt ordinance number two of 2024 make a motion we adopt ordinance number two of 2024 second call the rooll Please Mr hon yes Mrs hay Mr nappen Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion Carri we have two authorizing the reading of the 2024 annual municip Municipal budget by title only I'll make a motion that we uh adopt number two that we approve number two second you call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes mayor nman yes motion carried 3 2024 budget public hearing okay before I open up the public I would like to turn it over to uh uh Mr Castell who have any comments other than the the budget you have before you tonight is the same one we introduced we've made no changes to it um it's still the 1.4 tax increase uh you're like we just mentioned you're well under the spending cap you're even further under the 11 you could raise more taxes if you want to but that's not the desire the um your ratables increase slightly which is a good thing from last year uh revenues are no one timers there's no gimms in this the fact that you're not changing this budget is also a good sign because sometimes towns like to introduce a budget and say we're going to work on it get it down some we always put out what we plan on adopting and where we go so there's no changes that are being proposed unless somebody has one tonight tonight what we need to do is open to the public for comments the public onomon you can amend it if you desire to amend it where you can adopt it as is thank you thank you uh before I open up to the public I'd also like to anybody from the uh governing body would like to say anything about the budget Mark Curtis I just like I say it's a good solid budget um paying down our debt service allowing for future and I'd like to thank everyone for the time that was put into it yeah I think this is a solid budget um I think everyone is especially our department heads have really looked at it and made sure that it was you know as lean as it could be without um putting us in a situation where we would be too lean at the end of the year um I think a lot of what work that we've done over the last few years to pay down Debt Service build the Surplus you know our ratables are up all of that is helping us to create some stability so we don't have big fluctuations where we have Z and 15s you know we're looking at small stable increases which is which is great yes um and before I open up the public I'd just like to say a couple things about the budget and we talked about it before and the word of the day was stable uh I want to thank our professionals uh from Barb Ryan Barbara Leon Gary Jan Tony not to leave anybody out but they're the ones that put this together Gary especially starts the be you know months ago before the year starts get in departments together department heads putting together good solid budgets there also negotiated multiple uh not negotiated but set up a salary schedule SC salary Matrix uh that stabilizes our salaries throughout township hall which keeps everybody uh in line with where they should be uh and and that Matrix you know developed by Gary and put put through to every body has really really helped it out along with that we have in this budget and our for those you don't know our legal bills are ex are down pretty much or they're down a lot uh from prior and keep throwing it on Gary but that's because he's making decisions at Town Hall and the town hall and and the Departments are run efficiently as long as we go through him and he's making decisions that are that are keeping our legal bills and and and and I also want to add that to the clerk's office does the same thing they do a great job it saves us a lot of money um by not having to go through legal which is I think Tony would uh back that up 100% even though it's less money in your pocket we love you we just don't want to pay I give I give credit to the staff but they do a phenomenal job also included in this in this budget is a large number of shared services agreements uh and I just wrote down a couple of them people won't realize how many shared services agreements we have until we go over them and sit there and go wow okay we have a lot of shared service agreements which stays US money and also the the service that we are sharing and one of them and I was talking to my colleagues earlier about uh Ocean City dispatch we also been sharing court system with Dennis Township for years um Corbin City Public Works that's a new one so that brings in money to the town ship uh without utilizing utilizing our current Public Works they are very very happy with that we should see the EMS you EMS goes into strair because it just makes sense on the reverse Corbin City EMS upper EMS goes into Corbin City uh our tax assessor our tax assessor is on shared service okay just saved us a lot of money um our beach Patrol has has started uh merging and and utilizing oan City Beach Patrol why because are right there and they they started training together along with strair fire uh our Upper Township Fire and EMS uh which I'll as as anybody in in fireing EMS Services knows we're now acting as one unit instead of four or five different units and it's working out tremendously um we have contracts we have grants uh we had I think we listed some 1 Point uh 20 grants in the township uh most some of them we haven't we've applied for but haven't received some we've already we've already been awarded and they've been put into use and some of them were still working on putting applications in one of that was the county open space skate park and Bey Point Park phase two this is all stuff coming from the county granted money from the county that's coming to Upper Township that is managed by Upper Township and we'll be able to put that to good use without um putting putting the onus on the taxpayers of upper countship this is this is what goes on on a a daily basis the strair storm water project I think we got grants on that didn't we some of the did we money Co money uh it's still a grant you still have to apply for it and you got it the living Shoreline living Shoreline what's an interesting thing is here and this is I hate to belor it but it needs to be belabored you talk about act engineering we had to hire act engineering to do a study about the living Shoreline before we can apply for the grant to get the living Shoreline done for free so we had to send some money that particular contract uh we held them to yeah just so everybody knows fish environmental Club is very much partnered with us in this thing and they have a congressional promise M through the funding of $1.5 million toward construction which is huge yeah but we you can't even touch that so in a scra fishing environmental Club that's another great example of a public private partnership that goes on all the time that goes on behind the scenes that's a lot of money folks that that we're getting good stuff we have a Paving program $1.3 million Paving program that's going on now being managed by our our Engineers our engineering costs are down uh from prior years um our Surplus is up to where it should be our bond our our grants are there our our bond and debt we're paying our bond debt down and we got you know we have like I said $1.3 million coming out and this is all due to teamwork in the township hall teamwork with our professionals that work outside of township hall they all comes together those those balls J jugle up and down and and they do a great job and I think that is a really good uh summary of what goes on in in Upper Township and how how works out and how we do uh and I'm proud of it and I the public should be proud too nobody likes paying taxes but we got pretty good here we got pretty good here it's a great place to live work and raise a family bring it on so uh now I'll open it up to the public after that what else can you say I'll open up to the public anybody want to comment on the 2024 budget well in that case I'll close the public portion of it and entertain a motion to adopt the 2024 budget move we adopt the 2024 budget second you call the rooll Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes may Newman yes motion carried if I could just read something into the record be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of upper County of Kate May that the budget here and before set forth is hereby adopted and shall constitute an appropriation for the purposes stated of the sums therein set forth as appropriation an authorization of the amount of 5 million 68,5 A6 for municipal purposes uh you want to explain what that is that's your tax ly school is 27 million certify that's very good and then we have the local unit budget examination okay when yes yes local Bud examination second call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr naen Mr Panos yes may Newman yes motion carried you have another meeting to well thank you sucess good thank you okay next we have the consent agenda all consent agenda items listed below are routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion if the mayor or any Committee Member wishes a particular agenda item to be considered separately it will be removed from the consent agenda and acted on separately motion we approve the consent agenda items number 5 Second call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr napen yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried under ordinances we have public hearing and final adoption of ordinance number 3 2024 an ordinance vacating Valley Avenue within the township of upper County of Kate May in state of New Jersey okay uh this is a standard uh Street vacation correct correct anything to add to Joan or Tony um recommended by the planning board went to that planning board for review and and uh it's you know an area that's un not utilized I think a question was raised last time as to whether it would be merged in with the other properties I mean there's no deed of consolidation necessary with the street vacation that automatically becomes part of the adjoining properties so everything's fine with this okay um that I'll open it up to the public anybody from the public want to comment on ordinance number three of 2024 hearing none close public portion and entertain a motion for adoption move we adopt ordinance number three of 2024 I'll second that R Please Mr coron yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappin yes Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried uh public hearing and final adoption of ordinance number four 2024 an ordinance adding chapter 10 section 2 lead base paint inspection in residential dwellings to the code of Upper Township Gary anything to add Gary no sir I think this is uh another one of those ordinances or one of those things that we got a grant for to implement this this the and again we're working on with the state at this point to see if we can use some of the money given for a program that we need so we had it was was a POS responsible it wasn't definitive so we are we are waiting for for the uh the final answer so we are uh we are moving along with that particular requirement of the state okay um this rental right yes okay a no it says Le Bay State Inspection to residential dwellings it's a state mandate yeah it's a state mandate uh anybody from the public like to comment ordinance number four of 24 heing none I'll close the public portion entertain a motion for adoption move we adopt ordinance number four 2024 second you call the RO Please Mr hon yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappin yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion Carri 22 public hearing and final adoption of ordinance number 5 2024 an ordinance authorizing the township of upper to acquire the tower on property known as block 477 lot 6 on the official tax map of the township of upper Mr monzo thank you mayor this is as I explained earlier it's this is an ordinance that will authorize the acquisition of the communications Tower uh after a year long of negotiations and trying to get to the right party in interest we were finally able to to determine that T-Mobile actually owns the communications Tower and they were willing to enter into negotiations so um there's basically no cost other than just a recession on some of the rent during the first 5 years of any lease term that they may have for space on the tower and there are two other carriers as well so um that will be paying the full amount of of of rent and and according to this agreement t- mobile will get a $11,000 per month credit for the first 60 months so the basic cost without doing a present value calculation is $60,000 compared to um we have estimates of between 2 and 300, ,000 for the construction of a new tower including all the engineering and and all the other fees associated with that so it just makes a whole lot of sense it's already there now we'll okay anybody from any other questions from the members of the governing body that you good everybody good all right uh open open up to the public uh ordinance number five of 2024 anybody have any public comment basically the Township's buying a tower that it's already there that is already on our land so okay so we can generate Revenue more Revenue Generation Um so close the public portion and accept a motion for ordinance number five I'll make a motion we adopt ordinance number five of 2024 second call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr yes Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried 23 introduction and first reading of ordinance number 6 2024 an ordinance amending revised General ordinance chapter 20 zoning of the code of Upper Township and if uh could have public hearing for April 22nd mayor yeah this is basically a cleanup ordinance uh just in going through the zoning U code hotels and motels or permitted uses in certain zones but they're not really defined anywhere so this basically just adds a definition of as the what constitutes a hotel motel for purposes of zoning thank you all right uh I'll I'll make a what's what's it going to be April 22nd April 22nd April 22nd Mo that we adopt ordinance number six of 2024 with a public hearing and final adoption on April 22nd second would you call the role Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr napen yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried our new business we have the bid results for towing storage and lockout services and there's not there were no bids um should uh I think we should put that probably out again and contact is there any way we can get around I talked with Joan about this a little bit I think there is a uh uh say get around but a a bond or something that they're supposed to post uh that actually cost them to bid on this so we have very little call for it but if we do we might need toe we have to have a towing contractor uh result if we have motor vehicle accidents uh our the state police have a rotation they call but if we have a parking issue or vehicle that be needs to be removed by the zoning officer or something along those lines we have to we'd have to call this contractor we could take a look I think it's a requirement for the bond but if if if there's some way to to minimize the bond I think the issue we're running into is costing them more to bonds than they ever make on calls because you don't really need it but we have to have it it's definitely you know we're running into with the same thing with Paving plus right so so bond is a passor bond they post it and we want to pay um but if there's some sort of nomeclature in the language Tony that uh well if it's already been out to bid and no one responded are we able to just negotiate we have to go through it two times we have to do it twice that alleviates the requirement for insurance B yeah but again as you point out as part of the negotiation the cost can just be a pass through um so I I think through negotiation I think have some success but it has to go out twice before you can do that okay so let's go ahead and put that out again and um then we get no results again make it a short turnaround and um that way we can get it done maybe next meeting or meeting behind just so you know there was a requirement we have to have it out advertised for a certain amount of time so we will not be able to have it uh for the next meeting okay 25 we have the donation of a beach wheelchair wheelchair from the desatnik foundation mayor I don't know if you spoke to Mr Hanley or not you said that one was broken last year or so yes yes so I'll make a motion that we accept this donation second I think we we sent ni thank you letter or once we accept yeah we don't have would you call the role Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr napin yes Mr Panos yes may Newman yes motion carried uh your pleasure on the bills hereby move that all claims submitted for payment at this meeting be approved and then Incorporated in full in the minutes of this meeting second would you call the role Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappin Mr Panos mayor Newman yes motion carried okay now time for public comment anybody from the public like to speak to the township committee um please make yourself known okay hearing and seeing none I will close the public portion and entertain a motion to go into Clos session committee men pancas I hereby move that a resolution be incorporated into the minutes authorizing the countship committee to enter into an executive session for the following matters pursuing to the open public meetings act number one personnel number two contract negotiation Lewis a bado Appraisal Services three contract negotiation Deacon animal rescue four contract negotiation CME Engineering Services five contract negotiation mua host Community benefit agreement six litigation heny versus counc leer I also include my motion the estimated time and the circumstances under which discussion conducted in close session can be disclosed to the public as follows a it is anticipated that the matters discussed in close session may be disclosed to the public upon determination of the township committee that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality B with respect to employment in Personnel matters such discussion will be made public if and when formal action is taken or when the individuals involved consent that it can be made public see with respect to contract negotiations such matters will be made public when negotiations have ceased and there is no longer a reason for confidentiality D with respect litigation matters such discussion will be made public when litigation is complete and the applicable appeal period has expired second would you call the role Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen Mr canos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried okay we'll take a