##VIDEO ID:ZeoFulSdYiY## is really used to work with her the they must 15 but I said to St and I said related to Tom yeah it was my UNC was your UNC [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] any other F pop I'm G miss someone before Monday morning I can hear so much better on my recording good how are you you ready good evening we're going to get started good evening everyone good evening thank you all for coming in compliance with the open public meetings law I wish to state that on December 31st 2024 the notice of this reorganization meeting of the Upper Township committee was posted on the official Township bulletin board and the Upper Township website email to Atlantic City Press the Ocean City sent a ledger the heral times and filed with the Township Clerk tonight's meeting is being video recorded and will be available on the Upper Township website I hereby direct that this announcement be made a part of the minutes of this meeting now we'll have the presentation and posting of colors by Boy Scout Troop 79 United States of America and to the for stands indivisible andice for all if you could remain standing for the national Anthony performed by Joey magdum by the [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] star that was amazing thank you Joey if you could remain standing for the invocation by Father Peter shaki and but I am honed glad to be here with each and every one of you your families this evening on this special occasion so tonight we come with usly thankful for all this we have especially this last celebration we had we are thankful to those who have help us to that where we are and we are thankful to the current Township council members to our mayor and all their heart labor and all and the power for our country as our newly elected council members are about to assume their new resp responsibilities let us pray that may they be empowered to Bear their responsibility of leadership with atmost Integrity courage and humility may they always see and we may always see in them a dedication to service and may they always see in us and willingness to give them support may they be inspired with courage wisdom and compassion that they may stand in solidarity with all our citizens and Friends may they be guided to know and to do what is right may you about to elect council members may your intention be sincere may your labor selfless and may our beautiful Township become a shining example for all to follow amen amen thank you Father that was beautiful thank you gentlemen up next is the statement of determination of election a statement of the determination of the board of County canvassers relative to an election held in the township of upper in the county of Kate May in the state of New Jersey for the election of a certain officers for said municipality on the 5ifth day of November in the year of Our Lord 2024 the bo the said board did determine that at said election Zachary Palumbo and Samuel Palumbo were jly elected for a three-year term as members of the township Committee in the township buer this was signed on the 20th day of November 2024 by author St bonfest chairman of the board of County campers and witnessed and certified by Rita M rothberg Kate May County Clerk so now we're ready for the Oaths of office for committee man elect Samuel J Palumbo this will be administered by assemblyman Antoine l mclen thank you do swear doly swear that will support of the United States that I will support theit of the United States and theti of the state of New Jersy and theit of the state of newy that I will TR that will bear TR fa Fai and Ali to the same and alance to the same and to the government establish and to the government establish in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will faithfully and that I willfully and and all the of EXC according to the best of my so con thank you we have the oath of office for committee Zachary H Palumbo administered by assemblyman Eric K Simonson got a Bible all right do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of United States and the Constitution and theti of the state of New Jersey of the state of newy that I would bear true faith and Allegiance Al to the same and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people other people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially impartially and justly and justly perform perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of Upper Township committee Upper Township according according to the best my ability my ability so help me God so help me God conrat [Applause] thank you I'm going to call the role for the first time of many Mr Corson pres Mr nappen present Mr Sam Palumbo pres Mr Zach Palumbo present next we have the municipal vacancy appointment of nominee to fill the vacancy on the township committee so U Mr Mayor governing body members just for for information and reference so the statutory reference that sets forth the requirements F filling this vacancy they're set forth at njsa 4A 16-11 and essentially what it requires is when there is a vacancy that is created uh from a prior Committee Member that was an incumbent and elected with an a partisan election from a political party that within 15 days of that vacancy the M the Republican organization in this case in Upper Township submit three names to the governing body for consideration uh by yourselves uh so so Madam cler can you confirm with me that in fact three names were submitted to you within that 15-day period they were yes and they were provided to the governing body members correct yes so if that's the case right now uh within 30 days of that vacancy which time period we're in uh you have a responsibility to go over those three names consider them and make a nomination fulfilling that seat so now would be an appropriate time to do so if the nomination is uh is present well after reviewing the names the county committee overly supported one individual and this time I'd like to recommend we appoint Tyler Cassio to fill the vacancy need a second on that second Mr Corson yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes motion carried bring for Tyler you want to do the o yeah support support Conti of the United States Constitution of the United States [Music] and allegiance to the same the and to the government in the United States established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of people under the authority of the people I willth I will faithfully impartially and justly all the the [Applause] boys nice job okay now we'll call for nominations for mayor for 2025 I would like to nominate CIS Corson for mayor second Mr Corson yes sorry Mr Casio first Mr Corson yes Mr nain yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes carried just to confirm you were a yes vote on it okay okay so start the resolutions mayor question goe number one we have the appointment of deputy mayor I'd like to nominate Victor napping for Deputy Mayor second Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes mayor Corson yes motion carried number two assignment of we number two we have the assignment of Township committee members to oversee departments some like to make motion I'll make a motion second please call Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried number four we have the number three we have appointment of Municipal auditor solicitor Bond counsel prosecutor and public defender so moved second second okay please call a Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried and just so everybody knows the only change to this is our Municipal attorney who is Mr John amuser who's a local resident not thanks Jess number four we have appointment of of official to certified Municipal Improvement searches like so moves I make a motion second please call Mr caceo yes Mr nain yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried five designation of banking institutions as official depositories motion to approve second please call the r Mr Cassio yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes mayor Corson yes motion carried number six designation of official newspapers motion to approve second please call roll Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes mayor Corson yes motion carried seven payment of real estate taxes and penalty for late payments motion to approve second please call Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried schedule of Township committee meetings for 2025 motion to approve second please call Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes mayor Corson yes motion carried just for the record this is stating our times our times are going to change all meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. no alternate meetings thought process there we had some early we had some late we figured just keep it simple right in the middle number nine we have providing for a bi-weekly payroll motion you approve second please call the r Mr Casio yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes mayor coron yes motion carried 10 appointments to the Upper Township Zoning Board of adjustment motion to approve second Mr caceo yes Mr nappin Mr s Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes M Corson yes motion carried number 11 appointment of class three member to the Upper Township planning board motion to approve second and the class stre member will be Sam P Mr casasso yes Mr na yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried 12 establishing salaries for various officers and employees motion to approve second please call the RO Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried 13 we have meeting procedures motion you approve second please call Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried 14 imposing a fee of $35 and all checks given to the township of upper which are Dishonored for any reason so moved second roll Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried 15 authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to maintain a petty cash fund you approve please call the roll Mr caceo yes Mr nappen yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried 16 authorizing the tax assessor to file a petition of appeal or appeals for the tax year 2025 with the Kate M County Board of tax and or the tax Court of New Jersey to seek Corrections of errors and proper values so moved second please call a r Mr Cassio yes Mr nain yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried 17 adopting the cash management plan for the town Tri buer motion to approve second please call the r Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes M Corson yes motion carried 18 2025 temporary budget temporary um to approve yes motion to approve please roll Mr caceo yes Mr napin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion Carri 19 appointment of Thomas H H Heist IV as Risk Management Consultant motion to approve second please call a roll Mr kassio yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes mayor porson yes motion carried 20 confirming appointments to various positions required by the Atlanta County Municipal joint Insurance Fund motion to proof second Mr Cacho yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes M Corson yes motion carried 21 appointments to the Upper Township sports and recreation Advisory Board motion to approve second please call the r Mr Cassio yes Mr nain yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried 22 adoption of the national Incident Management System motion to approve second R Mr Cassio yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes mayor Corson yes motion carried 23 appointing members to the Upper Township municipal court security committee motion to approve second who Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes may Corson yes motion carried four appointment of various persons to Township positions motion to approve second Mr Cassio yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zach Palumbo yes M hon yes motion carried and 25 appointing the Upper Township Green Team advisory committee motion to approve second please call a rooll Mr caceo yes Mr nappin yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes mayor Corson now we have the executive order of the mayor for the planning board appointments okay pursuant to the authority bested in me as the mayor of Upper Township I hereby make the following appointments to the Upper Township planning board pursuant to the provision of the municial land use act in the state of New Jersey Richard cars mski is hereby appointed to a one-year term commencing on January 1 2025 and expiring on December 31st 2025 is a class two member class one member I will be the class one member obiously class three member will be Sam palum member member of the government body class four member Theodore Kingston is hereby appointed to a four-year term commencing on January 1 2025 and expiring on December 31 2028 Joseph Harney appointed to a four-year term commencing on January 1 2025 and expiring on December 31st 2028 and they will join the rest of the members who are already seated next we have the comments by members of the governing body yes I guess uh we'll start thanks Curtis um thanks Mom you know without you I wouldn't be here so thanks a lot for that I I'm GNA get you okay all and I'm gonna apologize for all the extra thank you I also want to make sure sure I thank my family especially for my extremely patient wife Lori and my children uh thank you for allowing me to pursue this for the township I also want to thank Carly Palumbo for allowing Sam to come with me on this ride um and I want to thank my cousin Sam for showing the gumption and running with me his much older cousin um much gratitude chairman uh Mike donu and assembly Eric Simonson who helped me open a pathway uh for us uh that to venture down this road to Public Service together thank you to commissioner Melanie Colette assemblymen antoan mclen and leader Larry truy the rest of the K goop and our County committee team who helped us both run a successful primary and general election campaign to those who voted for Sam and I and to those who did not understand that we will make every decision from here with the interest of those who call up for Township their home we are excited to give back to our community lastly I want to to thank all our late grandfather ELO and I also want to thank my father Rich for being the models of Public's leadership we hope to bring the same pragmatic guidance in public office as they did once again we are very excited to get to work and face whatever challenges May emerge to keep upper a great place to live and a desirable place to raise a family thank you [Applause] next we'll go to Sam uh luckily my much older cousin went before me and thanked everyone that I was going to thank um but seriously thank you to everyone for giving us this opportunity me and Zach uh when we first talked about doing this it was a far off dream but I'm so grateful for this day and I'm so happy that this town is moving forward in this Direction with us um thank you to my wife and to Scarlet obviously uh who could be here tonight um we're going to make this town a great place to live for a long time and I'm really excited to be here and I'm really grateful for the opportunity and thank you everyone who voted for us and for those of you who didn't I hope you learn to see uh the direction that we're going in and I I appreciate your time thank you Tyler i' obviously like to thank my wife my two kids I have one here tonight my younger one's probably already asleep um I'd like to thank the county committee Township committee um all people here from K JP showing support here tonight like to thank the residents of Upper Township uh I know you haven't voted for me but I really uh promise to bring honesty transparency and accessibility as a committee person and uh I'm a fourth generation Upper Township uh family member and I hope I have four more generations to live in this town and uh every decision I make will always have that longm term Vision long-term core of mind thank you guys Deputy Mayor Victor NE good evening everybody thank you so much for coming out and supporting us on this night it's wonderful to see so many people County support and local support i' just like to take this time to thank my Mom and Dad my mom got involved in Upper Township politics a long time ago and it was just an outside thing that I heard fact I didn't really like politics growing up my dad would have the news on all the time like can you please turn that off let's put ESPN on or something but here I am and I'm happy to be up here with these gentlemen we're going to do some great things for the township I'm keeping it short and sweet because my beautiful wife is hungry she told me she wants to go eat uh she text me she said vic what does the deputy mayor's wife wear to a meeting like this I and I wrote her back one word I said red which is easy for her thank you all mayor you got something want to say yes I'm going to keep my comments brief uh first of all I'd like to congratulate my fellow members of the committee here I look forward to working with everyone I think uh it's going to be a lot of hard work but we're going to get through and I would also like to thank you for your support as mayor um I look forward to working as mayor again and I am very honored thank you very much and to the people in the audience I would like to thank everyone for coming out tonight I know it's not the nicest weather but your support for Upper Township means a lot to all of us and we're so happy to see you and we could not do it without the support of the family Friends Community I mean that's what makes it all possible and I am not even going to try to name all the elected officials here but there's a few I will mention Eric and Antoine thank you for coming out tonight and swearing in our counties uh it's we're quite honored to have two of our local assembly in Comm out County Commissioner Lenny daero his saring name was last night he is here with us he's also the mayor of our neighboring Community sea and it's quite an honor and I'm very happy to see you brought most of your board tonight and thank you very much and then we couldn't have done it without our leadership of the county leadership Michael Donnie who passor supremor court judg is here thank you Mike for everything you've done for Upper Township and the support of our organization and our group and I guess at this time I I'm going to ask if every elected official that's out in the audience just please raise your hand let us acknowledge your stand up please let us know you're here [Applause] thank you everyone for being here and I'd like to thank my family Tyler mentioned he's the fourth generation well I'm proud to say you got a lot of work to me buddy uh I'm the 13th generation I have uh one of my children who's the 14th generation and two of my grandchildren are the audience today and they're the 15th generation and I'm proud this is this is why I do this I care about our Township I care about our community and I care about the future of our Township and what it can and should be so thank you for being here tonight I'd also like to thank Karen Mitchell because without her support and encouragement I wouldn't even be here today so I could not do it without in the coming years Upper Township we do CH uh face many challenges so not just the three big ones that I could think of we've had a lot of loss of state aid and that's all through South Jersey our state tax dollars go elsewhere they don't stay in South Jersey line share of it is raised down here in Kate May County and it leaves our community and our school systems feel it townships feel it and it hurts us uh hopefully our assembly men are listening I heard this before we had the be Le Point development Redevelopment project coming up it's obviously been talked about for many years well the site is now been totally cleaned up remediated we have a lot of work and we're going to hopefully that'll come to exporation here real soon which we're going to start seeing plans for that and we're going to have to be very diligent about that and the other long-term solution we need to come up was solution to our beach erosion we put sand in last May by June we were already experiencing erosion so we need to come up with a long-term solution for that and I look forward to working with our legislators and our federal government and hopefully we can come up with something that would be Rock up so with that I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and after our meeting ad JNS we are going to all head Lin Brewery which I'm surprised none of you guys mentioned that um there's going to be uh a toast for lack of a better word so moving right along I guess we'll go back to Joan there if any members of the public would like to speak now is the time oh yes yes yes hello I'm Natalie M I would uh like to thank you for considering me as one of the three and I would i' like to congratulate you and I know you will do well and I look forward to speaking to you thank you thank you Natalie thank you Natalie there anyone else in the public yes please thank you everyone for the welcome I'm from Ocean City my name is Nelson dice I come from a family of eight I'm the only one who's ever been jail that I know of the reason I was coming out tonight I had no idea there'd be this many people here nor the plethora of civil servants and elected officials I I understand it's five minutes correct yes okay over the past Dozen Years St peters's United Methodist Church combined with the Ocean City Police Department to jail me just for wearing a stripe prison shirt to church I was making a statement they didn't like it they went to the government the government trumped up charges accuse me of felonies it turns out through this process I'm going to make two or three statements and you can check these out for yourself number one the flag that's up here right now is against the Constitution I can prove it it's happened in Ocean City because the current chief of police the old chief of police lost his position because of what was done to me he hasn't been prosecuted but they just gave him a retir that I believe the new police chief has authorized the correct flag to be flying which gives him protection not to arrest someone falsely on a judge's fake warrant Thomas Jefferson said he was uh close to the end of his life The Germ of destruction of our nation is in the power of the Judiciary who I honor an irresponsible body working like Gravity by night and by day gaining a little today and a little tomorrow to save time I'll skip the rest do you know that when a superior court judge denies trial by jury they have the authority under the Constitution to put me in Anora for 6 months do you know that the trial by jury is not permitted under the state constitution I can prove it I'm not going I don't have time tonight do you know that every warrant look it up 1947 state constitution says that no person excuse me it says that no warrant shall issue unless it describes the place to be searched this is New Jersey and the papers and things to be seized I was seized as a thing we don't have the Constitution now we do but not for voters lastly I'm going to tell you this uh two things one is is the uh Army regulations allow that flag that's up there the the stripes only on a military installation or at a CER I don't stand for the flag with that I didn't stand for years in Ocean City they finally got the right flag now I stand so lastly uh while both miseducation and Mal education refer to poor or incorrect education miseducation generally implies a mistake or misunderstanding in the educational process while Mal education suggests and this is what I'm claiming is happening in America I am a conservative I'm here to help and answer any questions of how I got to this place and now there's actually a warrant out for my arrest and the chief of police in Ocean City said is I believe he said I'm not doing it six times is enough thank you thank you thank you is there any other public comment this time close the public portion uh father Zaki if you could come in the benediction yes end beginning for every memory Dre ahead so as we comeing to the conclusion of this celebration installation please remember especially you you elected officials your families and keep in your hearts what you have and live through and it is saying that that we always have to be mindful that our thought we D upon become us and everything whatever we do is going to come back to us whatever we do to others so we believe and we know and we trust you that you are going to do the best for us guidance of the almighty one so pray Lord give those the gift of Integrity father we live our hearts of our elected official up to you we pray that they will selfishly and to the best of their ability to look to the interest of the people they have come to ser we pray that they will serve with integrity and fulfill the responsibilities of their office with Godly character father when they are feeling overwhelmed by the tremendous way of the demands before them may they find rest in your presence impart strength to them in every area of their lives raise their hearts up when they feel hopeless so that they feel then the pointed back to you Lord you are the source of all strength and the God of All Comfort we pray that these leaders will lead by example and that they will exit bravery in the face of evil grant them the courage to do the right things even when it is not popular help them to rely upon you and your Mighty power Lord give them wisdom father we ask your wisdom and for our officials help them to give careful thought to the they are on and to remain we pray that they will recognize the need of wisdom and discernment to May our official receive the double portion of the sermon so they will be able to distinguish clearly but right and wrong your ways Lord are true and right and we desire for our leaders to exhibit humanity and humility and to do your will father our officials in the way that they should go and we pray that they will listen cons them and watch over them we pray for the members too that they will the they only coun that is good and God and mayy God new father and the Hoy am now I entertain a motion to adjourn motion second please call a roll Mr Casio yes Mr nain yes Mr Sam Palumbo yes Mr Zack Palumbo yes may Corson yes car thank at this time we're going to adjourn my colleagues and I will be happy to meet everyone down at L Brewery and uh we're going to take a portrait real quick for our official website and then uh we will join everyone so thank you very much thank you