on June 7th 2024 the notice of this meeting the Upper Township committee posted on the official Township bulletin board and the Upper Township website email to lantic press the ocean s Ledger The Herald times and file with the Township Clerk tonight's meeting is being video recorded up until the closed session portion of this meeting and will be available on the Upper Township website I hereby direct that this announcement me be part of the minutes of this meeting would you please rise for the five Al to flag the United States of America stands naice it's clear from somewhere would you call the rooll Please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes here Mr naen here Mr hanos is absent mayor Newman here your pleasure on a minutes we approve regular and close session minutes for May 28 2024 the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nain yes mayor Newman yes motion carried uh Kim So a couple things um first our planning has well underway um you'll have the final planning meeting this week just to hammer out all the stuff things so it'll be right along what we've done the last few years open at four we'll have food vendors cck vendors um there is still space for a few more if anyone is interested they can reach out um to our Recreation leader at recre at recreation department at upper to.com or 609 628211 exension 248 a couple other things here we had couple complaints about the condition of the beach and these Point around the boat ramp um I've had some extension extensive conversations with our Deputy superintendent of Public Works about the feasibility of beach rakes and such there um and it really doesn't seem like that's a feasible possibility to be able to keep that beach clean and don't break the beach in tra either so we're looking at the possibility of maybe making that part of the responsibilities of the boat dependence still need to get it cleaned up a couple times a week so more come on that um we also had a complaint about the placement of the Porta at PL I want to thank Mr for going down there personally and investigating it and having it move to a more uh reable space for the neighboring proper and the issue that with that Deputy Mayor is that it is a Ada Porta poot and that ADA Porta is tied into our beach plant so we can't you know we just can't make it disappear we can't remove it if we could we would have but that is a handicap uh handicap um ramp and so there's an ADA there and so the placement of it is now just being isolated and the Public Works had come up with a with a solution I think that is uh helpful to the neighbors and and the cor itself it became more complicated because you can't just move Gary and I actually met down there today and it was uh I figured met with as the neighbor who has a problem with it I think it very uh good solution has been resolved wonderful um I still that sever people have read about the vandalism that we had in the field yesterday um it sounds like want to thank the fire department for their comp response um we're still accepting the damage to the field and the equipment that was there and state police are investigating it that's correct more to come on that as well that is all I have to good evening everybody thanks so much for coming out as always control uh report from May was 41 issues everything from injured blueberry BL uh Blue Jays injured Turtles uh Ducks raccoons this report's always uh fun and entertaining to look through so they continue do a great job and the courts are quiet and everything else is great so that's all I have tonight hey um beaches are all quiet we have not had any major issues and uh we are we did receive our new vote it was donated by Brian and Carol mhan and it was named Dita M and they actually christened it and had a uh June 1st it was a very intimate Affair by the family their mother passed away during Co and they did not have a proper send off for their mother so they did all that and uh no no but it was it was closure for the family it was I had a very intimate Family Affair and it was very nice so it was all well done and uh it was a very nice Affair to Remember M they have family from all over the country come in oh if I may add one more thing to my report um there was a beacon update Gary maybe you could speak more on that that came into my email late this afternoon I know that was something we talked about last week it looks like they made some progress over there so yeah so I submitted I gave it to the clerk she simil disseminated on SharePoint which no one will look at and we'll tell you back it's on there for a close session but yes you good yeah I'm good all right uh a couple things um we want to uh Kim referred to the the fires and obviously uh um this sometimes occurs it's C tool well obviously we keep on top of that um it is being handled as State Police matter uh we also also want to give out a give a shout out to the uh actually can Mark Han his job as a not here his job as a lieutenant Police Department we had a person a missing person the other day on um Tyler Road and uh as working with the state police I was the inent commander and requested that asked the state police we can bring a drone in to look for this particular person and um uh they they obviously said yes the Drone came in from the YC Police Department which has an active drone unit one of the first in the area that I know it was put together by uh um Mark Panos and uh this drone found the individual 3 minutes medication would have been a long drawn out Fair um searching for individual so uh it really ended up uh working out the best it possibly could saved a lot of time trouble see disguise life my opinion so that's a shout out to City police department and obviously we I've you know already Smitt a letter as our chief more more to uh their Chief thanking them for that really really really really it was absolutely amazing this thing of is that something that maybe um not should we look at our yeah it is a it is a program you said it is a program and it's mostly wall enforcement there's a lot of wall enforcement things out there and if you go up there and just start flying for purposes of what we for us have have we can't take evidence they other agencies that have that the county I'm just sure that the county team has one which is county regional this A Fire EMS based rescue team that comes struct classes they they hand they have like sure the for fire as well but this what amazed me more than anything was it takes a little bit to put this program together it's just not it's just not you a of people I think the CATE police has right yeah that's that's um that's the that's the the catch on that everything that I can see where that would be involved with a water rescue anything yeah that's what it was yeah yep they've already done a couple in Ocean City I know that this this was the same thing here yeah I heard that heard this police department has access they demo our scho one day and they put the up in the air and they get um we also have uh coming up uh the end of this month is the annual Kids Camp which is going to be run by upper tbms that is that is run uh the end of June I think it's the last week of June uh and it's absolutely is that that one it is part it usually is graduation is usually yes yes yes that's right that's exactly correct so it might be yeah yeah might be but in any event it is an extremely an extremely successful program uh contact uh upper count of division of the EMS or I think it's on our website as well the kids camp application I don't know if the applications are closed yet but it usually fills up pretty quickly uh and it's just been a great great great program over the past uh five four five years um I also spent some time in Strath miror this weekend as some other people did um and I ran into um our uh countship administrator as well as a lot of our parking people uh and they were having old confab there stopped and talk to them and unbelievable job that they're doing over there and it really is it it is you know it is parking issue always going to be an issue there there's no way to create Parky spaces out of thin air there's just so many people so many spaces there's so much only so much you can do uh it's the same way down to be's Point Park be Point Park has parking spaces there if we added 50 parking spaces there still wouldn't be enough so for what people want to do down there so it is just it's it's it's I guess a good thing or a bad thing uh that we have you know this is going on um but could uh point out a couple things first one of our parking attendant liw chatt um uh had a lock out with a boat ramp trailer this is over and above this is in Strath one our own Mike Jones jump jump the stranded family um you know this is just some of the things that these guys do on a regular basis um Brian Kean was out there I think jumped off a couple of uh families as well Ur Josh toer our one of our parking guys as well was down at his point working with um Larry Cole with regard to getting uh some situations that Gary alluded to before with regard to uh not parking but on Rush of uh several um uh jet Skys showed up and that's been a problem not a problem but it's been an isue down there for years uh just a sheer number of jet Skys there's only so much space and we can't create more so you know and it's hopefully everybody will understand and do the best you can and get away the the the beach of beeses point is extremely popular people would thank you that there's I mean that think is full almost every weekend it's a place to go so um that's all I have for now and we'll turn it over to the well I'll let me throw in for for Mark and another prompt to the the public work gu so I happens to be filling up the the the OEM car at the end of the day and uh there was 30 some OD very sweaty very tired men leaving very quickly from the yard so uh they do a fantastic job and they've been doing the trash cans they've been doing the beaches they've been doing the the grass cuttings and and the town again um looks fantastic and I do appreciate it uh again mayor you are correct uh the parking enforcement has four gentlemen um we all have we all are sworn we we can can issue sumes but we have great discretion relative to what we can do and what we what we need to do but we do bring that civility we bring that Visual and it does seem to uh to to bring a commic sense and some and some um and some order to S of the weekend chaos and I do appreciate and again uh I think even with all his years as a as a public work superintended to switch roles and to put it in in a tiny little vest with a barking hat he he didn't look that bad there did you get pictures he didn't well he wouldn't let him he wouldn't let him but um I do appreciate it and I do want to bring up some house cleaning issues we did Issue a a resolution to to put our code enforcement officer as a parking enforcement officer as well and I put him in the wrong category of payment so uh he is a hourly employee he is not eligible for the siphon so we need to kind of correct it relative to another resolution how would you want to do that another resolution to correct it could we or can we do that by motion or by motion so he can get paid correctly tomorrow and then follow up at the next meeting with the resolution so he's just going to get paid his hourly rate and whenever I'll make that motion is it an hourly rate or overtime rate well see it's it's hourly rate but whatever the hourly rate calculates after but it's definitely not a s make that Mo call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappin May Newman yes motion carried car on Mr and then relative to what we've been doing uh HR and myself and and and Joanne you'll just look down the resolutions by consent the separation agreements there's policy updates uh uh there's appointment of beach Patrol so it's been very busy this time of year putting employees in place one of the things that we did your uh mayor is that we put Larry Co who was our recreational supervisor we put him in charge of the beach of Beasley point in the boat ramp guys and it goes to the ability to have the bo Grand guys focus on the 53 or 55 different jet skis that were going on while Larry's kind of overseeing the the the cond line of boats and then Josh was doing the uh parking and so in un it brought brought some U order to that to that day that was they told us Thursday that they might be coming Saturday and then 53 on top of what we get showed up 53 with 53 cars 53 trailers and 23 spots you can imagine what what the what um and yes it's a part 107 is the FAA and it is a course and then once you pass the course thing there's all kinds of certification that you need and so is involved and the equipment is terribly expensive for anything thank you Joan I have nothing thank you Mr monzo yeah mayor thank you uh there are the three resolutions on the consent agenda for the awarding of licenses to AT&T Verizon and T-Mobile the combined annual licensing fee initially is about $110,000 with uh increases every 5 years of about 15 I think it's 15% Joan correct 3% a year correct and I did circulate an email earlier the only issue we had at the last meeting was what potential cost there could be with upgrades that are needed um the engineering uh firm um colar sent that estimate over and if everybody's okay with that um this these resolutions can be adopted the agreement uh of sale for or the transfer agreement for the cell tower with T-Mobile can be completed and this all should take effect on July 1 thank you uh Barbara Ryan thank you uh just a couple quick ones for tonight first one uh storm water pump project in strair uh great news elania City Electric was out on site and set all three meters so now the final uh final item is pump startup and we're scheduling that walk through next week with the pump manufacturer so hopefully by the end of next week all three pumps are up and running beautiful next one is uh the NJ doot project along Route nine uh they're implementing a uh for Hope course in Road on Tuesday and Wednesday this week um they're shutting down really that road to install some concrete improvements at the intersection of uh Northshore Road and hope Corson Road Southshore Road by the way sorry Southshore Road and hope Corson Road um so they will be uh detouring traffic through stage coach and that is for tomorrow and Wednesday last one up is uh Coastal Coalition Gary and I attended uh last week Gary's in person I was online uh this is a group of really multiple flood plan commun throughout New Jersey specifically within Atlantic and K man County um and we meet at a monthly basis to discuss common flooding issues and game plan ideas for alleviating the flooding issues part of that is uh a program Atlantic Cape multi-jurisdictional program for public information um that is a part of the kosal Coalition but that's two meetings a year and our participation in this program uh allows us to get credits for our FEMA's Community rating system program which the higher rating we have leads to a reduction of flood insurance rate for uh the res of the township so with all that said over the next couple months we're going to be scheduling a couple Outreach meetings as well as sending out Outreach Flyers as part of our recertification with the community rating system uh so again that would be really towards the end of the summer and that's all I had I just want um another engineering thing that we had going on and I wanted to to advise the board that we have to send those letters out about the L so about 300 letters are going to go into people's mailbox this is not the impetus of this board this is not the the the uh the the will of the board if I could put Murphy's phone number on the bottle I would uh but this is something that the state is one of those things that we we joke around there about the unfunded Landings and uh so those those notifications will go out this week and you know if we get any feedback I gave my you [Applause] go okay thank you r two years ago can send agenda items assisted below are routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion if the mayor or any Committee Member wishes a particular agenda item to be considered separately it will be removed from the consent agenda and acted on separately approva item number one appr second R Please Mr hon yes Mrs Hayes Mr nain yes may Newman yes motion carried and our ordinances we have the introduction and first reading of ordinance number 10 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 19 Lance subdivision site plan and land use Administration and chapter 20 zoning of the code of uple Township Mr mono mayor this ordinance accomplishes two objectives uh first one is to uh bring the Township Code um in line with Municipal luse law which uh limits what you can uh require for performance guarantees to improvements that are either in the public right of way if there a landscape buffer um buffering for neighboring properties that can be um uh bonded and also uh there's requirement or there's a provision for safety and stabilization guarantees to protect safety and Welfare so those three items following the changes to the Mis molan use law are contained in this ordinance uh the second thing um and it's also in the um zoning section it's it's um at the request or at the recommendation of of the um Mount Laurel committee and and the affordable housing attorney uh a mandatory set aside has been um recommended for inclusion in the um Township's uh provision dealing with uh affordable housing and that set aside would be 20% of any residential development that's five or more new units uh we also added in this that if you have a fractional unit so if you have um nine units you can't build 1.8 so you'd build one but you'd have to pay into the trust fund uh the the 80% fraction based on the based on the standards that are set published by the state so it it um helps the Township in terms of requiring the set aside and also creating more funding to the extent um they're in that fractional share thank you anybody else have any questions or what's going on with this ordinance what's the date July 22nd July 22nd M we introduce ordinance number 10 of 2024 with a public hearing and final adoption on July 22nd second would you call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappen yes mayor Newman yes motion carried 17 introduction and first reading of ordinance number 11 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 3 police regulations chapter 7 traffic and chapter 7A traffic schedules of the code of upper down mono well this is a here culmination and it's a continuing work in progress uh to update uh stop signs uh loading zones no parkings feat and trailer parking 15 minute zones uh and so we've been going through the code and um been implementing it or inserting it for me and as um she does I go back and check so this this ordinance is going to start to clean up and legitimize the parking um so some of the streets that are listed in the ordinance that clearly have both sides of street parking Sherman or or or rangl or um in the ordinance does not allow any Street 15minute zones on the post office over over at the stpm that's going to be a companion resolution because that's a County Road um the stop signs are all now legitimize so last year remember we we took it we adopt the ordinance that allowed to go from 50 to 20 five with site with sight lines um and the um uh the loading and and unloading zones have now been um memorialized the next ordinance that you'll see is taking code section 8 where it say 38 Joanne it's h it's 38 for the so so they will not require mandatory Court appearances so that that's in this one that is in this one as well so so some of the things that we work with the court and some of these the Minimus uh tickets required such as having a trailer on the on the street required a manatory court appearance now you can pay it by you can pay it by mail without an appearance so this is uh again this is a basically cleaning up it's clean it up a lot years and years and years actually write tickets actually hold water very very good the question is like what's the impact of parking now I mean we've said it a million times there's already no parking there is this going to further parking no actually this is increasing important because what we did at depy mayor is that we removed um where there was curbs that had 50 ft of stop sign parking now you can go down to 25 ft on the other side where you had 25 ft of sight lines you can go down to 5T and so uh Public Works has been going through repainting graying out yellows so this is actually increasing um the point okay that's thank you for that I couldn't find where to compare it to I really didn't seem be much well well what happened is we had that traffic study done about four years ago and we followed their recommendations but we never did an ordinance to clean up the legitim yes so that's where we are beautiful okay we hear I'd like to make motion we introduce ordinance number 11 of 2024 with the final hearing July 22nd call roll please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nain yes mayor Newman yes motion carried under new business we had the disposal of surplus property so on the surface it seems uh dominous um and it is but unfortunately the the the ladder rack would be going to troop 79 we want to donate the old lad rack from the beach from the 2014 Beach truck two troops every now but a den father rich is a member of that troop with his sons and that lad act may be seen on the back of Rich's truck so we just want to make it perfectly clear that the that it's going to 279 Barbera did some research we can't see finded in in our um uh what's it fix access fixed access list uh Public Works that said there's relatively any value to the rack itself so to put it on gov deals would be it's going to go for scrap value it's going to go for scrap value anyway would minim yes or but you know but again it's event so would it behoove us just though to just have a resolution from this board recognizing the fact that we donated it to 79 period paragraph no confusion we need two two part resolution we have to declare Surplus and non minimal value and we're same so so normally when there's a private sale private transfer of of of personal property it requires an ordinance but in this case if it has no value and I I'll work with Joanne on this to see if we can just do a resolution as as Mr Corson said it's you have to declare it a surplus and then to authorize the donation of it based on having minimal value in fact you know maybe it maybe it be more of a of a of a deficit to to the township to try to sell it you know and all the work associated with that and getting it getting any money for it than it is just to donate it and have somebody pick it up somewhat of a shame that we have to go through this but I think that just to protect everybody to be deced no value and okay okay we can do that for next meeting whatever so we want do it now no it'll require at least a resolution so we can it would require a resolution so it would have to be on the agenda next meeting okay that's fine okay and then uh 19 I'm not sure it's a continuation so one of the one of the recommendations of the of the um public information uh conference was to we talk about public information to make it public and put it on to on the agenda so this kind of memorializes the document that Ryan and I attended that uh that that conference which was which was um given by Paul um he he he left the Township in a nice position with that particular program so um we we're hoping to have Mr uh he maybe next time okay um pleasure the billsby all claim subed for payment this meeting be approved and incor minutes this meeting second Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr naan yes mayor Newman yes motion carried okay uh anybody from the public would like to make a comment okay hearing none uh who's got the's got it I hereby move that a resolution be incorporated to the minutes authorized in the township committee to enter into an executive session for the following matters person to the open public meetings Act One Personnel two contract negotiation Beacon animal rescue three contract negotiation Grace oil Roosevelt Boulevard four contract negotiation New Jersey Turnpike Authority I also include in my motion the estimated time and circumstances under which the discussion conducted in close session can be disclosed to the public as follows to anticipate that the matters discussed in close session may be disclosed to the public upon the determination of the township committee that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality with respect to employment and Personnel matters such discussions will be made public if and when formal action is taken or when the individuals involved consent that it can be made public with respect to contract negotiations such matters will be made public when negotiations have ceased and there is no longer a reason for confidentiality second please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes may Newman yes motion carried thank you uh we'll take