2024 my birthday the notice of this meeting of the Upper Township committee was posted in the official Township bulletin board and the Upper Township website emailed to the Atlantic City Press the Ocean City Central Ledger the Herold times and filed with the Township Clerk tonight's meeting is being video recorded up until the closed session portion of this meeting and will be available on the Upper Township website I hereby direct that this announcement be made part of the minutes of this meeting which approves i al toag the United States of America to for stands Nation indivisible andice for all would you call the role Please Mr Corson pres Mrs Hayes here Mr naan Mr Panos here mayman here all members are present uh your uh pleasure on the minutes that we make uh approve the regular and Clos session minutes for March 25th 2024 second call the rooll Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappin yes Mr Panos yes may Newman yes motion carried okay we're going to go a little bit out of order so that uh the Upper Township basketball association eighth grades boys team can get back home and do their chores and get their homework done because I know they're planning to um uh have everything done and they got big test coming up soon so what we'd like you to do is what we thought in the past is if you all gather around up front here as I call call your name out and uh we'll present you with a certificate get a couple pictures Township committee will come out and we'll say hi how how you doing and go from there so here we go whereas the Upper Township basketball association eighth grade boys team had an outstanding 2024 season becoming the eighth grade boys 2024 were Southshore basketball league champions and whereas the team averaged over 40 points per game finishing a regular season with a league leading scoring of 491 points and had a strong defense all season with the least amount of points scored against them and whereas on March 9th 2024 the Upper Township basketball association participated in the in the 2024 Southshore Basketball League Championship Games held at the Wildwood Crest Pier recreation center and in the final championship game against Dennis Township the Upper Township e8th grade boys team dominated for the win with a score of 44-35 and it is appropriate that on behalf of the citizens of Upper Township we recognize and congratulate the players listed as follows and as I call your name please come forward Andrew zitner Bobby drowsky Jake candeloro Jeremy capoo Tommy Christopher Christopher Wan Trent acella Liam Weber Anthony Libo colum Higgins Johnny Clay Bauer Alexander Christensen whereas we also extend our recognition and appreciation to those that have generously given their personal time to coach this team being head coach Bob danowski assistant coaches Steve Alford and Joe zentner now therefore resol the township committee on behalf of the citizens of Upper Township Township of upper that we extend the Upper Township basketball association's 8th grade boys team congratulations on winning the Southshore basketball league championship and to the coaches our heartfelt gratitude for the generous donation of their time and service to the young people of this community uh thank [Applause] you guys all ATT the championship all right great basketball play basketball that was as fun we wind okay we'll move on um report of governing body members uh Deputy Mayor paes yes sir thank you um so first I wanted to share with everyone you know we've been talking a lot about our efforts for the mayor's Wellness campaign for 2024 um but we were able to actually be recognized for everything that we've done in the community in 23 um so we were named as a healthy Town up and coming we are one of only 12 in the state and only two in cman County to make the list at all so that's pretty cool so I just want to thank our our subcommittee that's been spearheading that particularly Ralph Cooper for his efforts he really help us put together the application uh the green team will be hosting their shredding event on April 14th at Fogo flooring which is at 444 Southshore Road in Marmora and I want to thank them for once again hosting that this that again this year um they they've done it multiple years in a row and it's really been great for the community and on a more somber note I'd like to just extend my condolences to commissioner director Dez Dario and his family on the loss of their their mother Mrs D um you know she's definitely going to be felt as a loss of the entire Community there as a young girl growing up in in SE City I can always remember her calling my sister and I peaches and cream and she continued to do that after we were adults so that's one of those things that I'll always remember when I think of her and you know I just want to extend again send my condolences to them that's all I have thank you Victor good evening everyone thank you so much for coming out as always uh condolences as well very well stated uh th those Wellness certificates and things that you get are very difficult to achieve so that is a job well done uh we've done a few of those at my school and the Hoops you have to jump through and what you have to prove and how you're doing things so that's really great um we made it through the three e this week Eclipse Easter and an earthquake that was kind of fun um I wanted shout out to PTO they gave all the kids at school eclipse glasses my my sons were out there looking at the eclipse safely today which was really cool and I do have one uh item for the courts uh April is distracted driver Awareness Month Police New Jersey are cracking down on this issue that's part of a national campaign called you drive you text you pay uh that runs through this month but it's something that people should be not doing at all times we all lives our phones are constantly blowing up so keep those notifications off on your drive and that's all I have for this even thank you uh thank you Mark thank you Mr Mayor hopefully everybody enjoyed their Easter break I know I did and uh looks at some of the children that were in the audience they also enjoyed it as well little sunburnt little sunburnt from down there uh two things from Public Works um brush collection starts tomorrow um we're doing one pass around the township so if you have have any loose brush please have it out at the curb so they can pick that up and uh leaf collection loose leaf collection will begin next week on April 16th um also I would like to add to our Clos uh session um part portion of the meeting uh contract with inera who is our it provider um is up so talk about that that would be great other than that I don't have anything else thank you thank you Mark Curtis thank you I uh had a phone call today and I asked Gary I told Gary to look into it he had a situation with drones in the PLO area so I don't know if anybody's heard anything about it it was a large size drone buzzing a couple houses so where where where about it between stage coach and route nine my pass there somewhere and that generality and actually two phone calls on it and uh guys in the FAA they're supposed to F something like they flying a drone it wasn't like a real doing a listing or something like that Dr shot but it was actually buzzed like three or four different houses so you have to have a license for oh yeah people were little B concerned about him and you know then the conspiracy theory started and all that St car actually car had connections with the fa and he's actually shoot the eclipse maybe if it was over my house more than the eclipse would been shot the FAA would have gotten well probably um so that's all I have but if I guess if anybody's aware sees any drone activity I guess give Gary a call because he's going to have some answers probably light a mo on it so that's all I thank you Curtis I have a couple things um couple things to follow up on some of my colleagues that brought up uh tonight number one is uh the wellness program and I I I see it says it's the mayor's wellness program but it's Kim's wellness program because she has taking the lead on it the Township's wellness and but I just want to acknowledge her for that she is in the health care field I like doing putting people in charge of things that is what their field is is what they do you know it's uh just makes it a little bit easier navigating the waters I thank you for that um and she mentioned Ralph Cooper and I give a shout out to Ralph again as well because you know all the spearheads at Green Team he also does that Wellness stuff and I think Janet McBride and T Paul does the same thing in here uh get emails constantly with that this do a great job Ralph does a great job as well and um and also and this is UN totally unscientific survey or uh and I want to pick up on something that Victor said and that is uh that the state police distracted ring that in my mind is probably and I once again I am not not backed by any statistics this is just knowledge of going out and all these all ACD calls vast majority of them where they used to be alcohol involved and not distract without a doubt and and when you get there the first thing you're doing is r no phone no I what about my phone yes it were you know just St of driving is a serious serious issue I think uh John Carter you can probably back me up on this that most of the time it is it is it is distracted driving and that you know that's something that can be easily corrected so uh keep that in mind we also uh want to make sure everybody's aware of uh the National Day of Prayer ceremony to be held on Thursday May 2nd 2024 right here steps of township hall 10: a.m this is one of my uh absolute favorite one of absolute favorite ceremonies because I am 110% uh behind the fact that um this country was founded on certain judeo Christian principles and that we should continue with with that and that the Constitution of the United States uh allows Freedom practice of religion not from religion and uh I will continue to to broadcast that and that's where we're at and that's where I'll be out in the front steps of township hall probably quoting now the Bible again so if you want to come there fine if not that's fine too um that's all I have and we can move on now our our administrator Gary dearo is while he's always usually always available today I'm pretty sure he is at the confirmation of his son uh that was in wa Crest at 430 and I doubt he will be here but uh I think we can mudle along without him as well so we'll turn to it'll be a quicker meeting I have nothing thank you though thank you Mr monzo one thing mayor I did send a letter to Leslie jimo U informing her that that drer tan wanted to participate in the negotiation of the state master plan and was not supporting cross acceptance I got a response back from from Leslie and she indicated that she along with the county officials want to work with the municipalities to make sure that the needs of all the municipalities in K May County are addressed they did delay the release of that state plan until May so she's going to keep us updated and I'll update the committee and the planning board should work with the committee in that process matter thank you very good thank you thank you for sponsor Brian thank you Mr Mayor um I do have a couple updates to get through first one being the paving program uh so the contract was signed with Paving plus uh preconstruction meeting I have scheduled for Thursday the 11th and anticipated start date for that project is April 17th so uh Wednesday next week um also some uh update on track Mir St water pump project construction is moving along pretty quickly uh they have both they have two structures in the ground at putam and suar and we'll be moving on to Webster next week um still pushing them to hit the deadline of Memorial Day for that project there's also a change order on the agenda for approval tonight uh just involves recutting pipe openings within one of the pump station structures as well as drilling holes in uh each pump station for electrical conduit connections last update I have for tonight is living Shoreline uh as we discussed last meeting we're working with act Engineers to obtain signatures on application forms letters were sent out by act Engineers on April 3rd requesting those signatures and we're hoping to hear back quickly and then act Engineers can submit the application to D I think we got some of those signatures already I know I hand delivered on to a couple of them I think we got one others um and we're just waiting for one more I I spoke to the attorney for that last one today and he was following up on that and believes it should not be a problem but yeah I'll report back after I hear very good that's all I have for tonight thank you 100 three cents um moving on right along I'm for okay uh the consent agenda all consent agenda in below are routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion if the mayor or any Committee Member wishes a particular agenda item to be considered separately it will be removed from the consent agenda and acted on separately move we adopt numbers 3 through 25 on the consent agenda second SC Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappen yes Mr P Coast yes may Newman yes motion carried under ordinances we have the introduction and first reading of ordinance number 7 2024 an ordinance authorizing sale lands to it block 329 Lots 1 2 3 4 and 8 and block 332 Lots 26 and 30 um Mr mono yes um mayor these are several lots that are all small undersized lots that are surrounded by properties that are owned by the same same person or the same two people so this does not need to go out the public bid this will just be acquired by um the individuals that own the surrounding Lots uh if approved by the governing body and uh there would be a a deed of consolidation as a condition to that they are paying all the costs and uh Joanne has been working with getting the uh total work in at the cost stated in the ordinance very good uh anybody have any questions okay we'll entertain a motion and what's going to be the adoption date May 13th May 13th would somebody like to introduce this ordinance move we introduce ordinance number s of 2024 with a public hearing and final adoption of May 13th second I'll second that call the rooll Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappen yes Mr panst yes may Newman yes motion carried we have the introduction and first reading of ordinance number 8 2024 and ordinance adding chapter 13 Section 5 of public Street Highway RightWay or other public place to the code of Upper Township Mr Moo uh sure this one came out of um a recommendation from the planning board uh previously the the vacation ordinance were reviewed by Paul Dietrich and he would make a recommendation with Paul not here I made a suggestion a few months ago that maybe the planning board should look at Street vacation ordinances because it could impact planning objectives so when they looked at the last loan we sent they came back with a list of of things that should be included in an ordinance so we have a process to follow uh some of the things in here could be waved at the discretion of the governing body so there is a provision in here that allows for that um so everything that's in here is basically a recommendation of the of the planning board okay good move we introduce ordinance number eight of 2024 with a public hearing the final adoption May 13th second you call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr yes Mr pancost yes mayor Newman yes M Kyrie okay bills pleasure hereby move that all claims submitted for payment at this meeting be approved and then Incorporated in full in the minutes of this meeting second you call the rooll Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr nappen yes Mr pancost yes mayor Newman yes motion carried okay this time we're going to open it up to the public does anybody from the public have uh any comment uh that they would like to make to Township committee or the governing body public comment and if you could blanch please state your name for the record thank you sure blanch Adams um residing in Steelman toown New Jersey um I just wanted to make a couple of comments it kind of struck me tonight might be obvious to everybody but your support of the basketball team your support of the Business Association and I'm going to talk a little bit about your support of the takaho food pantry um is just so nice to see like you don't just take care of Township business like it just struck me tonight you you're so much more about supporting the community and I just wanted to publicly thank you and recognize we appreciate that yeah absolutely um so um just starting with the business Community you know and and the Green Team you're helping um support in some ways um the shredding event on Saturday I think you're bringing cones out Ralph told me and you just do that you support our business group um all the time and um Craig and I put our heads together just a little while ago for the Planters you're supporting the the planters that the Business Association puts out and we're going to get them watered and we figured all that out so those kind of things that not a lot of people know the Partnerships that you have with the community groups is uh is wonderful and appreciate it well if I could interject there I think it just goes to show the the cooperation that our staff has here uh not only in township hall but in public works and in EMS and they're they're all over the place anywhere you need them that's where they're there for and we appreciate you acknowledging that that you know we have a phenomenal staff here that is ready willing and able to help help the community and led by the people in Township Halls we really appreciate that thank you it's so appreciated and the second thing that I wanted to public publicly recognize is the support of our food pantry um I am the volunteer manager of the tuckaho food pantry and we are an agency partner with the Community Food Bank um I wanted to tell you that we did get the grant that I talked about like in November we got a grant um which will enable us to expand our services to community to Upper residents and shamming Community by um being able to buy uh freezer refrigerator shelving like storage so we'll be expanding that to some of our Working Families in the future so I wanted to give you that update um and also to thank Public Works Mike Jones Craig um the township committee support um you they have offered their services to our food pantry for a couple of times um and it's so appreciated it's so refreshing um we can't always our volunteers can't always pick up tables and carry heavy things and I just know that you support our food pantry um through the public works and that is definitely um appreciate it and just to kind of piggyback real quick on that on the mayor's Wellness on your mayor's Wellness committee our food pantry serves many senior citizens that reside in Upper you know we see some families come out but really the food insecurity with seniors is uh is quite um disturbing but but we're trying to meet that need too so just a public thank you for all your help with the community groups thank you thank you boy thank you we seille um just a a question and um just hoping you can answer it I know in our at the last meeting um you're the there's actually at the next meeting you're going to have an ordinance you're going to vot on regarding hotels you know defining what hotels and motels are in the township and I appreciate that I saw the review the ordinance online and I appreciate the language in it so and I know there's a proposed hotel in um the seille section of our Township I'm not really sure the status of that right now I didn't it on the zoning board agenda for this this Thursday so I'm not really sure what's what the status is but this leads into my question um the Town Center there we've talked about exit 20 for a long time and traffic studies you know I'm not sure if the hotel goes there there's a traffic studying plan but you have talked about pursuing exit 20 it's definitely necessary um not sure whether You' reached out to the county the state I know it was in the queue at one point I'm wondering what you've done to follow up with exit 20 if anything can you give us an update last I heard that it was actually on an agenda from the highway Authority so so it's waiting to be funded is what they keep telling us right so it's a shame Gary's not here because he's really been spearheading that for us and it's sort of a touch point with um transportation I think he's doing a monthly touch point with them at this point just to keep it on the radar I know that they had had there was a little bit of lag about maybe six months ago they had the former director retired new director came in which was actually a good thing for us because there this new director is much more receptive to the idea of exit 20 um there are some questions because they are looping exit 20 in with exit 17 which has a many many more environmental concerns so our goal right now is to ask them to sort of look at that separately if you could just push that out separately anybody who knows what they went through just repaving SE bulard saw how long that took and it was really because it was constant D and just trying to get around the environmental concerns in that area so while we do have some where exit 20 would be we don't have as many so that's sort of what our Target right now is to try and push to get them to you know look at it separately I don't know that we'll be successful in that because they like to fund big projects like that all is on but we're is there any way of getting a stronger County support for it um just I mean it is it's a safety concern absolutely I mean there's all the I mean traffic when I mean the count is 100% supportive of it it's not that they're not supportive of we've done over last numerous years we've done 15 plus ordinances or resolutions for this I know and the County's done numerous resolutions for us in support of it I think the county and the township it's state and federal funding we're waiting for during our plan endorsement process I believe they told us it would be funded in 2025 um so there is enough like we're very lucky there's no property acquisition at 950 there's almost 10 acres there to Parkway Authority order to trans Jersey they there is some Wetlands issues here but there nothing compared to x 17 right if there was development in that seasal area like a business a hotel I'm not sure again I'm not sure what the status is but you know um you would like to have ratables come into the town whether there's a hotel or there's some kind of Business Development especially in that acne shopping center you know that traffic is increasing there with the especially during the summer and getting into Ocean City is a nightmare Etc so I'm wondering if the township is looking at doing any traffic studies or have there when's the last traffic study that was done in that area so it would have to be conducted by the state for to State Highway right the state highway so they would have to conduct conduct this traffic study to be effective we do we request it or do they just can we request it what's part of the requests that have been done numerous occasions for example we and what they doing now is if you request a traffic study we got to pay for it whated we need to back up a little bit too cuz here's the thing everybody including the state is agreeing that it's a project that should happen what's happening to us is they keep saying well we're going to take this money and put it somewhere else because they think it's more important to put it here so that's why we're continuing to push the conversation and beat the doors and say like everybody's agreed this should happen it we put us up enough now time to fund our project I don't yeah I was going to say we don't need a traffic a study to confirm we need it done everybody knows it needs to be done is there anything the public can do to help support your efforts yeah right to your legislators right to right to the governor just keep the keep hammering the doors like we are you mean that's it the more public outcry is always always helpful all right thank you thank you thanks anybody else from the public comment please state your name for the record Mike Jones assistant superintendent of Public Works um I wanted turn the tables on blanch here and thank blanch absolutely for everything that she does if it wasn't for her I don't know if you guys have been to the food bank and for my boss allowing us to send people there to assist them and help them during the cold times um if it wasn't for blance they wouldn't need our help so thank you lanch for doing what you do anybody else from the public okay hearing none I will uh close the public portion of the meeting and entertain a motion to go into close session could Mar could you do your I hereby move that a resolution be incorporated into the minutes authorized in the council committee to enter into an executive session for the following matters pursuing to the open public meetings act number one Personnel two contract negotiation cost of payroll servic is three contract negotiation cost of reporting Services four contract negotiation Adam Raymond and haen tax M maintenance five contract negotiation Dan young special legal counsel number six potential litigation unsaved structure 7 litigation block 647 7 and the add-on contract negotiation for inero IT services I also include in my motion the estimated time and circumstances under which the discussion conducted in Clos session and be disclosed to the public as follows a it is anticipated the matters discussed in CL session can be disclosed to the public upon the determination of the counil committee at the public interest will no longer be served by such such confidentiality the with respect to employment in Personnel matters such discussions will be made public if and when formal action is taken or when the individuals involved consent that it can be made public see with respect to contract negotiation such matters will be made public when negotiations have ceased and there is no longer a reason for confidentiality the with respect to litigation matters such discussions will be made public when litigation is complete and the applicable appeal period has expired second you call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes yes Mr napen yes Mr Panos yes may Newman yes Mo take a couple minutes