The Herald times and filed with the township CLK tonight's meeting is being video recorded up until the closed session portion of this meeting and will be available on the Upper Township website I hereby direct that this announcement be made a part of the minutes of this meeting would you please rise flag Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all you all call the r Please Mr Corson Mrs Hayes here Mr nappen Mr Panos mayor Newman here all members are present pleasure on the minutes Mo we adop the regular Clos session minutes from May 13th 2024 second call the rooll Please Mr Corson obain Mrs Hayes yes Mr nain yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion carried okay uh start off with Deputy Mayor Hayes so I just would like to thank the residents of os point for once again hosting the Memorial Day service this year which I'm sure it's of people EO the sentiments um it was you know again it's wonderful service it's great that they put that together for the community um on a personal note I always feel like I get so much support from the veterans out there because I've talked about over and over again my son being the list in the Coast Guard and I always feel he has like a major event going along whenever we go to those those things and they're always so supportive um I do want to share that their ralist Jim Hoffner uh presented a song called the folded flag if you haven't heard it you really should go on YouTube and listen to it cuz it really explains why we honor them on Memorial Day um additionally I would like to recognize the flag football season for officially coming to close um that program has grown massively in two years and I just want to recognize Matt Lowry um he came to Larry col about two years ago and said I want to do this and he completely took it on um the epatant Football Association was gracious to break him under their umbrella so that he can make it happen pretty quickly and it's really just expanded and exploded and been very successful and it helps with the skills for the future when they when they put the pads on sure does that's all I have okay Victor good evening everyone thank you so much for coming out as always um I was also at the Memorial Day ceremony at ospry point it was powerful and it was a great day by all they also dedicated a bench to H former mayor Alo Columbo which was nice so just a great great day uh animal patol received 35 calls this month everything from coyotes to snakes to possums and they were taken care of very professionally so thank you to them for that and I also want to St shout out the State Troopers that were present at flag football this past weekend uh they were mixing it up with the kids and putting a smile on all their faces uh my son's team was actually short and a couple guys jumped on and they had like a couple ringers playing for them and uh they had a really good day so thank you sir and to everybody El and uh yeah and um and the courts are running smoothly so that's all I have Mar thank you mayor uh public works department uh finishing up in strair get the mov mats out that we have um trash can is delivered um and from the technology um Department would just like to bring attention to 112 and 13 on our agenda today um you know this is something um with our our team that we have built over the past couple years um Tony Monza bringing this forward um the fact that this the cell phone tower um these aren't pulled right yeah yeah we're going to close s yes I'll talk about that okay um well you see them there we went from about $4,000 land weed to potentially 11 12 and 13 so amount of money is substantial $111,000 $11,000 it's a substantial increase over the $4,000 land Le that we had PR Perpetual Perpetual yeah so um I'd like to thank our team and obviously Tony for bringing that than that that's all I have ctis I'm sorry thank you um first of all I would like to say the Memorial Day celebration was a phenomenal uh turnout the weather was turned out to be a nice day but we moved inside we been nicer outside we got these that but uh other than that it was a very good turnout and it was a nice day um our beaches were open this weekend sucess we had five stands open I think there's going to be during the week it was going to be two stands open and on a Friday Saturday and Sunday we're going to try to well Saturday and Sunday it'll definitely be five stand open but Friday we're going to try to open more possible because Friday Thursday turned into the new Friday now least things like um there was no incidence to report on the beach which was all good and uh the only thing I did receive a couple phone calls this weekend about the beach beach point and the boat ramp so hopefully we we get Public Works down there and get that cleaned up was uh other than that I think it was a very good opening weekend for summer thank you um we do want to point out uh after speaking with uh Mr monzo uh we are going to move uh items off the consent agenda 11 12 and 13 for Clos session for just some minor tweaks that he wants to uh be made made aware of and we might come out of close session and approve these tonight not sure we're going to move them move to there and as Mark uh committee with Panos pointed out uh that is $11,000 that is going to be coming this Revenue to the Township in about 35005 35,000 excuse me but still that's big difference big huge difference and we have um that that's that's going to help us in the future and just you know thank uh Mark and the team of professionals putting that together that worked with uh uh Verizon especially uh Mr monzo and U and Gary and John Britton I would be remiss if I didn't least mention him he's not here but uh he did a good job out there with um putting all that stuff together making sure we have everything that we need uh going on um I also uh attended the uh uh OS Point uh Memorial Day observance ceremony which I thought was fantastic uh I too would have liked to had it outside um so uh I want to thank our Public Safety people for publicly once again for being there I had the honor of being speaking um which I I thought um went over very well with the with the community that was there and it was just a good solid program there just and I appreciate what the residents of ospre point do on a on a year annual basis they have three ceremonies down there that we participate in either um between Memorial Day uh September 11 or Patriots Day and um Veterans Day and it's just fantastic and if you have have as they get older if you had kids make sure you bring that Victor and uh um you know that that's a good thing to be at to you can honor these people and remember these people uh the veterans uh also it was pretty safe weekend not only in the beaches but uh out there in the field I I was talking to Lieutenant mcneel a couple minutes before the meeting I don't think there was anything major he cautioned me on using those quiet Words which I did anyway and because that usually turns into a show uh we got a little bit busy probably today busier from Midnight last night to the end of the day more than anything else right supervising am c y so um and then we we had several calls at the same time this morning all done um well the traffic wasn't too bad in a lot of cases um and no major incidence to report which is good that's what we like all right uh so we will move that Joan the consent agenda when we get to that we're going to take off um 11 11 12 and 13 move to close session and then we might if everybody's satisfied up here we'll come out of close session and U and approve that afterwards okay uh go ahead D I have nothing thank you that I have nothing oh I'm sorry I'm sorry skip right over you that's that's uh again you're going to hear from engineering today and it's almost like having for and GM work together so Stephanie is in the off audience today and I got CM over here and triad is kind of overseeing the grant process but we we have uh half a dozen brands in process uh and the uh the bike way the sidewalks the roadway reconstruction so Stephanie's going to touch based on that uh you're going to hear from Ryan about where are the stra re pumps and living Shoreline and some of the state projects but it is a tremendous collaborative uh success they roll it through Public Works who does the does the barricades and the lines and the signs uh and everything runs through Joann's office because any record in Township gets memorialized by uh the clerk office she does fantastic so the the the where we were with the cell tower we all remember is that the original owner uh took the position that he owned it right and then all the rent had to go to him and then Tony wind up the man the man the company managing the tower correctly took a position that had owned the tower when they never really when it never really did so so and so from where we're at today with with the it and the board giving us the flexibility and this kind of format to work collectively between all the professionals and kind of drill down at to what we do you can kind of see uh you know the sorry not sorry type of thing for being successful to what what the board is doing um so I'm going to allow the the two professionals here at conic to uh to go through um where they want to be and where they want to go with with the grants at this point so um your honor that's all I have okay I I Echo Mr dear's comments about the cell tower and I do thank the committee all of you for working together uh and being patient because it wasn't easy and you know getting through and sorting through all these issues we started this it was almost a year ago and we we're to a point now where we have minor some minor points that we just need to discuss but I don't see anything that's going to have any impact on this going forward so I want to thank everyone for that anything else that's it WR I do have one other thing just a quick motion I had sent a employee to a three-day seminar it the three-day does require a quick motion didn't cost the T of anything I let the committee M Corson know I just need a motion to uh to verify allow on Miss Johnson for the time that we already s I'll make that motion wasle call the RO Please Mr coron yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman yes motion car uh let's go with Barber I know that Ryan has a little bit a little bit more all right Ryan thank you Mr Mayor um definitely a few things to get through tonight first one uh stme Stone water pump project this is in great shape now concrete and asphalt reation has been completed so no large Machinery out in trapman for the project the Final close out is going to be working with Landa City Electric to install the meters and then proceed with pump startup with the manufacturer um so because the landing city electric push it out a bit that walk through date is scheduled for June 6 so hopefully after June 6 we'll have those pumps up and running thank you next one up is living Shoreline project um so received some more good news uh really the last resident That was supposed to sign the application has signed the application and act Engineers is ready to submit the application at D I know on top of that we have had some initial discussions with shmir fishing environmental Club about potentially working collectively to uh move forward with a living Shoreline project um I know they are reaching out to have discussions with the township I I think I'm going to stop you here and I did talk to you about this a little bit earlier uh I think what I would like to do here and is I'll get with Ryan and and uh Gary and we're going to put together a subcommittee to look at this because everything we've done with the subcommittee form has come out uh successful in a positive way uh for the township and for the for the projects that we're doing we can talk about the cell towers the same thing happen short-term rentals all kinds of things that have have occurred out there and and we'll I'll sit down with you and G and figure out who we're going to put on that okay we'll take that consideration involed this project since we'll uh we take that and we'll put the the professionals on it and let the professionals do that has been probably the most the best part of it is let the professionals do their work because that's what you know how to do you know how to engineer you know how to law than we're still I'm still practicing so that's why they call the practice um we'll do that and uh we'll put that together and put one or two people C committee on there and go from there okay so sounds like something that U with in addition to professionals continue said that once we had that subcommittee set up then we could proceed with meeting with strair fish and environmental Club to see how we move the project along actually another good person for that would probably be Wayne Thomas who on fishing environmental I believe he's actually the president right now yes he he's our point of contact he's actually an engineer too and is very stud on these kind of projects so it might be not taking anything away from you Ryan but he's actually built these projects I've actually been talking to Wayne um he he definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to Shoreline projects I know also Doug GNE um from track Mir fishing and environmental as well as I believe Randy Ro uh were all the members of that club that we've been in contact with but when we do this we're not going to overload it with dra fishing environmental Club absolutely there has to be balance in there so and the last thing I guess on that is obviously recommend act Engineers is involved because they did the initial design project okay uh next one up is uh an update on the church road construction project um as you've seen today they're actually out there doing surface course pavement uh so the last two inches of the roadway is being installed today and it should be finished up tomorrow um so there's been some detours today and tomorrow but it should be wrapped up end of day tomorrow I I think I was out there today and I'm not an engineer and I've never put a piece of asphalt down in my life but it looked like they were done close to being done obviously having painted lines and stuff like that good news okay next one up we we got an update from Marshallville Bridge Road Project another County project um so the county has indicated they received their approval from the state histor preservation office um and they're moving forward with sending the project out to bid in June um and then anticipating late summer early fall construction start date for that project so not really a detour for that because they're they're already detours it's yeah so there will be additional when it gets closer to construction but yeah shouldn't be more than what was already was already out there so the last one as Gary touched on is Municipal Aid applications that Stephanie and I have been working on are going to be working on um that includes uh do Grant applications for potential bike ways uh sidewalks uh for the schools as well as a roadway reconstruction project so really the one thing Stephie and I need to button up those applications is input from the committee on really the location first of the radway Reconstruction project as well as the locations for Bikeway and sidewalk projects in order for us to submit those applications by the July 1st deadline so we really need that input before the June 10th meeting um so we can pass resolutions for the areas we're going to be submitting applications for so over the next really at the end of this week early next week we'll need to discuss with the committee um on some feedback on areas to look into for those applications so just Stephanie refer to Stephanie CL for our uh uh engineer or our planning Planning Engineer planning board engineer and has is pretty well vers and knowledgeable on these bway sidewalks roadway reconstruction stuff okay is that it R I just want want to just clarify that the the New Jersey DOT Grant are different or the same than the municipal aid grant it's the same and there different and that would complement the safe routes to school and then one of the recommendations that we spoke about earlier today was that safe route safe travel STP School Trav School traffic plan so one of the things that we're going to ask the school and you'll see some of the emails through the two Engineers is to try to get the school to do this STP which is a a safe travel plan it's not a completely requirement for the grants but again it's enhancement so we have a community help me out here I think the they see Community travel plan we have a travel plan in in this complement so it's almost like the shore lines where you're seeing that they require all these different advancements and endorsements for these grants so I would I ask ahead some of those GRS favor applications that can school travel and our research founder dist not have so it would be beneficial to at some point so that appli that it's an education every day yes it is is thank you so much let the professionals hand um Before I Let You Go Ryan or before I let you up hook uh if you could and and this is uh say at your leisure but I get a lot of questions concerning the state project the highway the rout n project if you could summarize what they're doing cuz people have no idea what they're doing why the sidewalks going nowhere why are the um uh why are they digging holes to put pipe in the ground when are they can to actually start Paving that type of thing the curbs of sidewalks things probably the most you know the sidewalks end the telephone pole and don't are around it the levels seem to be all wrong not that you know I'm sure you got you engineers figure that stuff out all the time but if you could put together a Layman's uh thing and maybe we could get it onto our our website or Facebook page course do you want to you want just a separate email or summary about that or I could rattle off well you can no I'd rather see you know you don't have to do it now but I'd rather have it you can summarize it for for us maybe some estimated start times that type of thing yeah cuz I big concern is obviously it's going to be done this summer I don't know if they're going to get the I hope not so what I currently have is do is expecting to be completed fall 2024 so that's very broad obviously I would probably expect them to be later in Fall 2024 but that's the latest update I received is they're anticipating fall 20124 probably be billing and Paving there some yeah that would be towards the end of the project a lot of times you'll start with your underground excavations what they're installing is electrical conduit um storm water piping signal improvements so all that work has to come first and then any base repair that's needed for the roadway uh would come before an eventual Mill in overlay that's one of the last things they'll likely do um yeah if you just summarize that no problem and of course I don't think there's much we can do about having coming summer take the all consent agenda items listed below are routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion if the mayor or any Committee Member wishes a particular agenda item to be considered separately it will be removed from the content agenda and acted on SE separately I'd like to make a motion on a consent items one through 10 second call the RO Please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes mayor Newman motion carried uh your pleasure on the bills hereby move the all claims submitted for payment at this meeting be approved and then Incorporated in full in the minutes of this meeting second call the roll please Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes may Newman yes motion carried okay we'll now open it up to the public anybody from the public would like to uh um speak please uh go to the podium state your name and town in which you live in for the Natalie n Petersburg um I'd like to thank Gary dearo for coming out you would like to thank me or you going to thank I'd like to thank you second that's a lot make sure records for making a visit to the uh Upper Township senior center and um speaking with the residents um and I am curious um I think I made some documentation through Ryan and CC Mr dear y things we were concerned about we got it and it was it was delightful to have lunch with you and the people were enjoyable and want to do it again for you Natalie did you really make it lasagna because that's what he told me you were going to [Laughter] do all right thank you anybody else kep to the podium and uh get state your name and your town and which you live for the record please hi my name is asked I live in Anar Township M I'm a volunteer at Beacon animal rescue I have had concerns about Beacon animal rescue I'm not sure if you're aware that on March 14 2024 Beacon animal rescue was shut down by the health department and in 2020 which I'm trying to get this information they were shut down prior to this in 2020 for 30 days I don't I I reached out to the health department I that's who would have that information right yes yes even if it was reported to authorities by by the veterinarian by Parkway it still goes through the health department we're very aware of both those instances and at this we're at this time we're working with them to correct those whatever deficiencies they have I think uh Victor I don't know if you could provide anything further from that or not just Echo those sentiments also I reported last week that uh Beacon had that intern famous moment where Dave poroy uh found out about some of those problems and made a large sum donation to assist with some of those items uh namely the septic tank so we're well aware and everything's being worked on so I hope you guys don't mind me saying this I was a volunteer at Beacon 12 years ago um under Al re 2010 2011 and it was just volunteer based and it ran very efficiently I mean I don't know if you looked at the health department the health report for March 14th um I'm just wondering because I'm under the impression that Upper Township lets that building is is owned by Upper Township yes the building is owned by Upper Township uh we lease it to them for a nominal fee which is a dollar a year uh however they are responsibility responsible for Operation the upkeep uh and everything that needs to be done in the T to keep that building going they are private organization so so I have to tell you this and I I hope you guys understand I'm here to speak for these dogs if you want me to be honest um I um I would like to know like I I know that the board is responsible I have been at Beacon animal rescue as a volunteer from 1 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. completely by myself when I was there you know back in 2010 2011 there was always a board member alre was always there there was always volunteers board members there is no oversight at Beacon the reason for that failure of inspection I'm there believe me I'm there every week the reason for that failure is because there is no oversight the board members are not there like I'm here to want I would like to know who what who is in charge of the board members if their board members aren't doing what they're supposed to do this is nothing personal I'm here for these animals to be honest we are the landlord of Rec okay so I have a lot of information that if I could share with you and if you could get in we go ahead we Rel it to Beacon animal they're your own nonprofit entity go ahead we in no way shape or form I don't think any of us sit here on be do we or do any of volunteer no we're it's so it falls under the inspection falls under the health department just like any other animal control sh wood or kennel situation we have nothing to do with day-to-day operations oh good so I understand that and from my understanding is Upper Township generously gave Beacon the building to help the do the animals yes so if the animals are not being helped and if the donations are not going where they're supposed to if you look at that Health Report I have plenty of pictures Rusty cels Paint This is the going on for years like if the money's not going to the dogs and like is there a guideline for Upper Township to say now they've been shut down twice in four years like is there a guideline that somebody says wait a minute somebody's not doing what they're supposed to for these animals and if anybody needs anything from me I I'm everything I can say I can back up of the health department pleases them I don't know what our rights are as a landlord okay Mr Mon it's based the lease I mean the leasee can put in certain requirements that they furnish to you that they maintain certain standards that they give you financial information and as long as they're doing what they say in the lease I I doubt that that was in there uh if you get a chance could you look at the lease between now and our next meeting and that's I mean I don't know what our ramifications are I mean if we last thing we want to do is resend the lease I'm sure there's a way to do that cuz what's going to happen to these animals if they have know where to go well right now there's no animals in there and I was there with the conditions of these animals and I can I can gladly send anybody pictures so there's no when I was there no they had to shut down the the animals would still be sitting there rotting in those kennels if the health department didn't shut them down go go I have plenty of pictures look at the health dep rust there's no upkeep at at Beacon right now the septic tank was legally they have to replace the septic tank otherwise it would be be exactly the same none of the donations if I have the copy of the 2021 and 2022 tax documents I'm no accountant but they're always minus like I'm just telling you like I looked at Al's last tax do in 2016 he raised 119,000 in donations he had 4,000 4,584 left over 34% because it was big it was ran by solely volunteers that were there passionately I was one of them now there's there's a paid employee I'm just telling you I'm just I'm just saying they get enough donations that they should be able to upkeep your that building that's my that's how I feel and I'm just wondering who who who pays attention to that so I think there's I think you have two separate issues there so the pictures that you have have you provided those to the health department I actually yes and I'm I will tell you the truth and I put my name on everything because I right now I'm here speaking for these dogs that I care about so I hope you guys can all understand that I put my name I'm the one that called the health department and I'm the one that has these concerns and my concern is the board is not running efficienc and that is what the problem is so so that's where I'm say there's two and I and I completely you and you did the right thing you know in my line work I deal with um adult cases of the black and typically those agency want first person reporting they don't want someone else to come in and say I was told this they want whoever saw it to go to them and say this is what I saw so I commend you for standing up and doing that um and that was the right thing the other issue that you're talking about you're talking about finances and board members and stuff I think that's more of like maybe like an IRS issue if they're filing as a nonprofit but they are bringing in all this income and they're not reinvesting it into their organization you have to go through the challenge are nonprofit so just so everybody knows here I've done all that okay but what on my concern is right now is especially now because what happened is and I I hope you guys don't mind I'm just going to be honest this is nothing personal when I looked at the articles in the press okay I'm going to tell you how that came about Ryan Parker supposedly they didn't have money to fix the septics so he reached out to the volunteers uh dogs are getting killed we need to help dogs so volunteers start donating the volunteers don't know in my understanding that it it was even shut down so the volunteer who was a wonderful person Jillian she's wonderful she reached out to because she follows Mrs peaches she reached out honestly thinking Beacon needs the help doesn't know that they're shut down now they are getting a lot of donations my concern today is okay now they're getting all the donations now people are reaching out because they don't know that Beacon was shut down and now twice in four years so I'm happy you guys know that now they're going to get all that money to fix it up the problem will remain the same the board is still going to be an issue and this has been going on for a long time we if we went down the road of pretending the leas still exist as an organization you know what I mean like so yeah like I'm just wondering if there's any guidelines to hey we want you to help animals but if you're not doing the right thing who steps in and says hey this is not right Health Department okay and I appreciate your help because this is something I'm very upset about over here do we have any control Mr Bono over their board not over their board but you have control over making sure they meet all the requirements of being a tax exemp 501c3 organization because you cannot least to a private for-profit organization at a nominal rent as part of their lease agreement they send an annual report and part of that is making sure that they're still tax now per the lease you can put certain reasonable requirements with respect to how they govern themselves and also how going to do okay now we we're obviously going to have to look at our lease and and all that and Joan's all about those leases I'm sure and uh she she's up on them and uh there there three individuals over here and we hate to not pass it all but these are the professionals so they'll look into it and I've emailed Joan I'm the one that I have I appreciate she's always gotten back to me I appreciate and then uh Gary deara is our administrator Joan is our our Council cler so just just so so so you understand and so everybody up here understands that that you know like we own the building but as Kim said and I Curtis referred to it as well that is a private nonprofit organization as far as whether they're being run correctly or not we really don't have a lot of control over that unless it refers to it in the lease so we appreciate your concern but also understand that we have we have a process to go through no I appreciate I just that's what I'm wondering because I know that I know I I'm still in contact with some of the founders of Beacon and I know that it was the the goal was to help the community and to help these animals so let's help these animals let's that's what that's wonderful that they have that building it it needs to be used properly and and just so you know 501c3 there are guidelines I'm going to tell you if anybody looks into I don't know who to get to do this but you look into the board minutes they don't have they don't keep track of board minutes they don't have board meetings they're not doing what they're properly supposed to be doing and that's why I'm here today and that's why they were shut down on March 14th now from what my understanding they were shut down when they were shut down they were told they could not take any more animals in but there were animals there at that time right yeah they've all thank God they've all gotten out there's no cats there's zero animals zero animals the cats another issue they don't even have our re to have 15 20 cats they the cat is another issue so I know they were when they were shut down they were told they couldn't take any more animals they could keep the ones they had there but so now you're telling me there's zero animals here yes zero animals so that's a good thing yes but but now moving forward now that they're getting all this donation and they got all this nety they're getting more donations you guys know I'm I'm sorry I was friends with Al re Beacon had a great reputation yes that you see people with their obituaries they leave their whole Estates to Beacon for the animals so to me that's where it's supposed to be going it's because Beacon did have a great reputation I'd hate to see that get brillant honestly because right now moving forward they would not have had the money okay to F to fix all this who knows why because they have enough donations they wouldn't have had but now that Dave bar School stepped in and all these people are donating they're probably going to all they have to do is fix all the stuff which should have already been fixed they're all the money coming is is now going to fix everything and to me the problem will remain the same and I appreciate all your time because that's why I'm here I'm very passionate these animals are like I I adopted I have two dogs from weekend these and I have other dogs these these are my dogs you understand I hope the township is I mean when we joined the county each shelter there was much discussion about the I was only I think you might have been to back there was much discussion about what we're going to do with it actually I think it was Li they came to us and asked us about a long-term lease and we for the animals we did it cuz it was the right thing to do because there was an existing dog sh in our community it was a perfect use for it instead of just demolishing it and we have always demonstrated and always supported them and that's I I I will continue to support that stand but we do not we are the landlord we do not get involved but I just want to know so I'm here to find out there has to be somebody that has to be I'm hoping somebody's monitoring I hope I can't just come Upper Township open a nonprofit collect a whole bunch of donations not hold much not be accountable at all do whatever I want not fix or do anything and nobody says anything honestly I hope you guys understand where coming from the only thing we might have to do with it is if it's mentioned in the lease if the you came to Upper Township and opened a nonprofit that the township didn't own the land we wouldn't be you know like for example a church we we're not getting to the operation of churches it's the same same premise um now the only only thing that we have if we have that is the lease because it is a Township piece of property we have nothing to do with what goes on with nonprofits that we don't fund we don't we don't uh wave taxes on them other than property taxes and they have to file statements to that effect so what we're going to do here is we're going to take um you know your your under advisement thank you for all the information we too I see my wife just walked in we have adopted many animals from from uh Beacon over the years and absolutely love it so and giving them many many years of great home so not to cut you off but let's let's move forward on this we we understand the problem we're going to have Tony Joanne and Gary uh see what we can do from the township standpoint and go from there that's where we're going to be I appreciate I just want to say one other thing I understand you're saying about a church live animals that can't speak for themselves that to me is a big difference I understand so I appreciate that you said you contacted the board the board is another whole I have contact with the board and I did not did you put the names in the of the board in one of the emails that you I have the names of the board they had to give me the names because I I no board members are there there nobody the the one board member I reached out to I do not want to say too much but her response was I volunteered at the fundraiser for lavaris uh reached out to her she had no idea I don't she didn't know there was an issue with the dog she didn't know what was going on she's okay I just just trying to put it in in my not but also ask and then she actually told me to to to tell Ryan Parker there's there's some personal things going on there's a few board members that are having some health issues so what I what I going to ask you to do is we're about to reord on the public comment we're going to go and close session you'll have about a 5 minute window if you get with Mr dearo and give him your information you'll go from there much thank you very much thank you thank you anybody else okay I will uh end the public portion of the meeting and entertain a motion to go into close session Mr panc don't forget about the it's 11 I hereby move that a resolution be incorporated into the minutes authorizing the township committee to into an executive session for the following matters pursuant to the open public meetings act number one contract negotiation act engineer number two contract negotiation CME Associates number three litigation newent Enterprises versus Upper Township number four personnel and number five the add-on contract negotiation cell tower I also includeed my motion the estimated time and the circumstances under which the discussion conducted in Clos session disclosed to the public as follows it is anticipated the matter discussed in closed session may be disclosed to the public upon the determination of the township committee that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality with respect to employment and Personnel matters such discussion will be made public if and when formal action is taken or when the individuals involved consent that it can be made public with respect to contract negotiations such matters will be made public when negotiations have ceased and there is no longer a reason for confidentiality with respect to litigation matters such discussions will be made public when litigation is complete and the applicable appeal period has expired second please call Mr Corson yes Mrs Hayes Mr nappen yes Mr Panos yes may nman yes motion carried okay we'll take five