##VIDEO ID:5TQSpJ-YfpY## I'd like to uh call the order the September 12th 2024 Vander City commission meeting uh would everybody please rise for the flag Alle Unice Thank you Lisa roll call please commissioner lra here Comm Mento here mayor Kel here uh Lisa would you please read the open public meetings notice proant to open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda has been posted in City Hall and on the city's website Lisa would you please me read the live streaming announcement the city of VOR offers live streaming and the option of public comment via remote access public who participates remotely will be needed during the commission meeting except during the public comment portions of the meeting any person attempting to disrupt the meeting may be denied access at the discretion of the city in the event remote access is unavailable due to a technology malfunction or other reason beyond the city's control the city will not pause or stop the live meeting City commission meetings are held in person and the public is welcome to attend the best way to ensure an individual's ability to publicly comment is to attend in person so that the comments may be made in in the event of a technology malfunctioned the city reserves the right to discontinue offering public comment via remote access at the discretion for any future meetings thank you uh we'll be voting on three resolutions tonight that's why we have such a pack room tonight uh during the workshop portion of our meeting it's um uh where we'll be um proudly appointing uh new officers to our our ranks at the denner city police department um can I have a motion to adopt uh resolution 2024-25 one resolution of city of Ender County of Atlantic state of New Jersey appointing Mark suprin to police Lieutenant I'll make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Creo yes and I have a motion to adopt resolution 2024-25 two resolution city of ventner County of Atlantic state of New Jersey appointing Lindo C the police Sergeant I'll make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner lra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes and I have a motion to adopt resolution 2024-25 three resolution city of vener County of Atlantic state of New Jersey poting L strua hopefully I pronounced that correctly as police chaplain within the city of Venter Police Department I'll make that motion as well second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commiss Mento yes mayor Kel yes at this time we'd like to begin to administer the oath of office uh starting with u Mark supren please take pictures there it is hold the I I Mark super you Solly swear solemnly swear that I support the Constitution that I support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that'll bear true Faith that'll bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this city in this city under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office of Lieutenant of police Lieutenant of police effect of September 1st 2024 of September 1st 2024 according to the best of my skills and ability to the best of my skills and ability so help me go sign so I am appreciate your work congratulations L to be the first sergeant female sergeant at vender City Police Department I'll stop it yep I do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this SE and in this SE under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially partially and justly performed and justly perform the duties of the office of the duties of the office of Sergeant of police Sergeant police effective September 1st September 1st 2024 according to the best of my skills and ability according the best my skills and building Mo your Seafood Fest from now got it all right ready I lulia I Lala got you solemly swear you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and the governments and the governments established in the United States established in the United States in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform the duties of the office of the duties of the office of police chaplain police chaplain according to the best of my skills and ability according to the best of my skills and ability so help me God actually where stop s I think so think want scho thank you family family were the Lindsay family no I gotta [Music] go that's it L go ahead ready five put in there same thing did you seen that there wasart they all had yes I did see that we are going to schedule these department head reports coming up maybe in October Maybe yeah i' like control you want to start with them they're the rest of the see let's start with um October when they shut down yeah cheap usually out on Thursday so but it's okay we can get we can probably get um start with them I wouldn't do more than spread it out a little bit I think that picture yeah they got it I got it it's nice to have babies in the room it's nice when they leave they're all future police officers yeah okay okay uh next on the agenda is department head reports we have none today but we'll begin that uh probably in October um we have um we have no Capital discussions this evening um we have no we do not have minutes to approve from uh F later items are scheduled to to uh take action on we have no minutes uh from for approval uh we have one ordinance for introduction tonight um commissioner langra would you like to discuss this uh is uh controls for dust and plastic contaminants so this is constru this is something that a lot of towns especially Shore towns are doing um with the move to plastic uh products instead of wood products um the AAC the the decking the white material everybody puts on their homes including me um we're looking to control that dust from getting into our waterways um so this ordinance will require them to do where as much as possible do an enclosed area and a tent that they could set up right put drop clost down to collect the the residue that comes out of the saws and the drills um and that we're going to put that into effect hopefully by early October great by passing this tonight so it preserves our waterways and gets tries to keep as much Plastics out of those waterways as possible Right these are lifetime materials so I I I support this um this ordinance um yeah as well we actually did this when we built my you did we had you had them you practiced ital down on top of my lawn right all the cutting was done yep I've seen it already starting to take to take shape but this kind of puts it it formalizes it um next we have a public hearing and adoption uh for ordinance 021 regarding increase in our Towing fees this is one that we've discussed in the past bringing us up to I think more of a a local standard any questions on that no um resolutions um uh following resolutions we'll be voting on by consent this evening um I'll go through them if you have any questions on the items please um P please just stop me and uh first is uh resolution uh 254 this is uh authorizes the event manga mja uh for September 29th with the rain date of October 6 also known as uh dinner with Maria um and it is sold out for this evening and there's a waiting list and there's a waiting list first year we sold out it's great it's great it's one of my favorite what one of many great restaurants in V nette will you be there oh sold out that's the one time she's not she has a meatball vegetarian me all right um next is resolution um authorizing to uh mayor to execute three-year agreement with the American Cancer Society for the bathon was a great event um and we're looking forward to keeping it and fine-tuning that the date the dates and the then the then the the layout the dates would be June 1st of 2025 June 7th of 2026 and June 6 of 2027 I believe so just a comment on that when last year when I was mayor they pressured me to ride in this thing okay yes there's going to be pressure put on yourself to do this this year I got together I got all right I got a together that's from Philly right it is you can you can jump on in hamon they offered that to me only 27 miles or something all right all right well let's see think about it we'll think about it that's what what my wife says when she doesn't want to do something you see me do it last they do allow battery bikes too all right that would be the way I would do it sounds good um next is 20 uh 256 resolution uh this is closing of go ramp uh along with some no parking for the American can Society bathon for the for for the first uh for this year that would be in 2025 May 30th 2025 to June 2nd 2025 the actual event is scheduled on the first so that's the vote ramp um pretty straightforward um 20 uh resolution 257 is authorizing cancellation of tax for uh 316 Somerset Avenue that is 100% uh cancelation for veteran um 258 is a revocable license for uh 5400 Edgewater Avenue which was discussed at our last meeting and we discussed that at the planning board as well that was uh it's a good use of two lots by the same owner yep and they engineer reviewed and we're good yep so um 259 uh is a resolution again a a tax refund this was a a for 723 North Little Rock Avenue this was the mortgage company I believe um doubled the the payment to us and we're refunding that amount um resolution 26 uh is uh chapter 159 for 202 for ARP coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds in the amount of 57,8 4768 these funds will assist in the replacement of Somerset Avenue sewer main project do you want to add anything to that um Lance no we had had this project ready to go a couple years ago when we got the leadline replacement uh project moving forward trying to get money for that kind of put this on hold for a little bit but now we got these funds that we need to use up by the end of the year right this right yeah that's the issue we've actually had the funds but we have to have them o to use by the end of this year or we have to give it back and we'll incorporate the leadline replacement right yeah into this great so it'll be good it's couple blocks of sewer line so we need to get it done yeah it's GNA be a busy busy section of town it is um on all on North on on on South then north um next is uh 261 this is a resolution another cancellation of property tax endorsement Avenue for disabled veteran uh 262 is our um is a resolution that opposes the protection against climate threat the pack resilient environments and Landscape rules the state has published a new proposed Coastal rules which a significant impact on Atlanta County municipalities the these rules will these new rules will restrict development and push homes and structures another five feet higher this is something that commissioner langra has discussed early on you want to provide any more background on that yeah we've our my biggest problem with this is that it was not done through legislative act this was done by executive order by the governor right um doesn't follow through the normal process of making a law he directed D to create these rules they in my opinion a lot of the coastal Comm opinions they're using failed data um that's an old report we're preparing for something a 100 years from now where we should be doing it incrementally forcing homeowners that just raised their homes to Elevation 12 to now move them up to Elevation 17 is ridiculous so it it's just it's going to stifle development in our communities um we are already we just did for stairs to put into the streets how are you getting into these homes right so so that's not the only issue with it but there's a lot of that that is going to um really restrict development on the Barrier Islands understanding we know see levels coming up we have to work with that but it should be done with a group effort we've met here we hosted two meetings here with Atlantic and K May County and some of Ocean County we had um state senators here patina was here uh we had a representative the Deputy Commissioner of the D was here thought he was listening apparently not they didn't change a darn stay in these rules that we've asked them to do um so we're we're trying again K May County the all the communities and K May County has opposed this we're trying to do the same in Atlantic and and it's not just homeowners it's the municipalities our is going to be impacted by this cost us more to comply one of the examples was if you build a parking lot the parking lot now has to comply with flood elevations most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of in my life okay what what do you do on a Barrier Island when it's going to flood you move your car High Ground you don't park it in a a parking lot that floods you move it to a garage Casino Casino right does that's pretty good so you know it's already hard enough to build parking lots on the islands now you're gonna make it even more hard harder so and we're not there's other municipalities that are on board with this all of the ones on the Barrier Islands R te I don't know about Atlantic City they don't really understand a lot of things so okay um we'll leave that at that Margate Longport everybody Atlantic or Cap May County um even on the Bayside of Atlantic County those communities are all in favor they did the same thing for riverine areas okay and those communities all opposed it it's it's it's honestly frustrating how lack of um response we're getting from the state right that's what concerns me the most right so okay so we're I think we're all in agreement on this I think I read somewhere too there's conflicting data necessarily agree with the state's projections of when this is all going to happen right even the even the the professor at Ruckers that wrote the original report that they're relying on has said look there's new data out there and then there's an updated report they're not looking at that new report so anything that comes from the state costs us Millions it's it's like hundreds of thousands of dollars not Millions but no consideration absolutely no consideration for what it's still to the taxpayer in the city okay so I think we're all in agreement that this resolution to um oppose the uh resilient environment landscape Bo um moving on the next uh 236 is a resolution that establishes a $25 per mailed notice to the delinquent account for a tax sale pretty straightforward um 264 authorizes tax collector to participate in electronic sale that's that's a normal course of business um resolution 265 authorizes the closing of the boat ramp and no parking in areas beginning September 11th through September 13 17th for the down Beach Seafood Festival um as for this year this week um which is already underway for U for I'm sure for staging area I think John has moved into town yeah his trailer is that we should send him a tax bill just as a kind of a little joke tape it to his door can we do that he's here for three days it's prated right you good the he's he's he's he's in charge of that section of town he is he takes over uh resolution 266 is authorized the hiring a full-time parking enforcement officer for the city this is U Mari Lima he's a retired um Sergeant um the um uh his he's got a reputation for being very stringent and uh and has written a lot of um lot he be strictly parking enforcement got a reputation for being very strict in this manner so we can look for some um calls phone calls and reaction um he was one of the top producers as a as a sergeant and as an officer so he'll be doing um uh he'll be added to that parking enforcement group he'll be doing street cleaning um uho broken uh blocking d block driveways and in the North Beach area the 4our um parking permit parking permit reir so um so that's why they call enforcement um he's law enforcement um so keep keep an eye out there um and we're happy to have him so happy to have him back uh in vent as a retired Sergeant so also it's good to have a person that has that kind of experience uh looking um had eyes on the street street our other um parking enforcement is retired police officer and has in a number of ways has seen um has because they're monitoring a radio they've helped officers in other ways um just by being a set of odds um next is 267 excepts the resonation of uh domic h theii and a a an from potential H that um is not not going to make it through the academy Sor to to resign um next IS 268 um closing out an escrow account in the name of uh Ammon construction I believe that's buad it is um 269 uh approves a permanent appointment of Dino cavalary for to construction official full time yep we appoint those as temporary until they get what through six months great congratulations to him y um resolution 270 authorized design and construction Management Services of Somerset Avenue uh sewer main replacement which we talked about before the funding to Edgewater Avenue to calber Avenue this is bringing in Remington verick to uh to to get those specs out get that project moving right this is under Ed Stinson's Management Service and inspection sorry and this is going to be another FastTrack program we put uh put a short schedule to turn this around to get it out to bid to get it under contract before the end Year great great any other questions there it's pretty still straightforward uh 271 is a resolution authorizing deasio and Associates to prepare bid documents and specifications for the purchase of Boardwalk decking um so it's a 4,000 includes preparation of bid documents advertising for bids bid review recommendations of award for Boardwalk decking material procurement and uh working with our city engineer um and any questions there that's uh that's for the procurement of the boardwalk correct we were we were suggested that we use a lot of the state money that we're getting to purchase this stuff ahead of time and outside of you know we think we can get a better price just bidding it out from what we're directed by both the Blasio and on our city engineer at Stinson so that's where we're going now we'll try and purchase this stuff and they'll they'll hold it for us until we're ready to use it which will be quickly um we have to have the whole Boardwalk or at least a section we replacing done by 2026 December this is essentially a change order to the contractor I already have with them to do the design uh but that did not include this was you know it was decided later to separate this out to purchase the decking ahead of time and to perform those services for us that's what this fee is for great great um so uh then we would have uh and then we''ll be ready to to begin the the process when that design construction is cor will have the materials on um we'll be adding two resolutions on the bench tonight resolution 2024-25 resolution um awarding the contract to leathers and Associates for renovations of the seore Children's Park and playground presum to njsa um 48- 11-5 so that that is the the that is the company that designed and fabricated the seore playground and similar playgrounds um so UPG upgrad that needs a lot of repairs um we have to go just to them because it's Sole Provider for that material those materials we're not even allowed to touch most of it right we can't we have to call them in to do this work so it's close to $100,000 in improvements um so Tom and I and Rick and the Gang went stin went out there and looked at it and we brought these guys in and they're GNA do this work for us quickly over the winter so great great um and it's a busy Park uh you know my daughter was raised going to that Park it's it's a great and we have a handful of it's time it's time it's time yeah there there's a substantial amount of work that's T of work look at the scope work that's proposed it's it's substantial replacing a lot of the equipment so yeah yeah too so we did the um them the did the base the rubberized flooring there we redesigned all that had came in and redesigned it so now it flows the water drains through it and doesn't back up and cause problems so there's nothing being done to that this is all just the the equipment and the fencing and all all that stuff so replacing the slide pardon me different fencing new fencing like I know that's been an issue where it needs to be replaced it's going to be replaced what right it's mostly the equipment it's not really fencing work there might be some repairs where they had some Pi some pickets there yeah it's mostly the equipment itself but then they're I go C very quickly they're going to power wash the structure they're going to replace plastic caps with upgraded aluminum caps they'll be making repairs to the framing power wash and the decking power wash all the handrails power wash decking and rails of the accessible ramps fix with the fence they're going to fix broken posts and repair uh Framing and replacing the slide the spiral tube slide right replacing support legs on fence uh other replacing missing wide slide with new one with two beds that's a fencing thing replacing the swings horizontal ladder ring Bridge chin up pipe bu that's being replaced right Rick's got an update too yeah in addition that they perform the related good changing great good thanks Rick and and again uh half of this money is from a grant so I think the award is about 999,000 we have a $50,000 Grant uh there's also apparently some money that was left over from the original committee that I think that's going to get turned over to us that'll also be applied to this great uh and then the rest will come out of the general improvements to the that whole facility that you approved in the bond movements back in the spring good great it's a great asset it's popular Park especially u in the summertime um resolution 2020 and the other one we're adding on the bench is 202 24-27 three um this is authorizing the hiring of part-time uh School traffic cards very well very much needed um and just in time um then we'll have uh bills and payroll and we have one discussion item tonight um parking regulations for 100 block of North Derby Tom do you w to yeah yeah so last two Saturdays ago we had a meeting with the residents of of the 200 block of North Derby acua our trash and recycling collection um vehicles are having trouble getting down this portion of the road um if you know Derby Avenue the 100 block has a significant curve in it almost 90 degree turn um with a little bit of a radius on it they have trouble getting through there when cars are parked on the inside of that curve so we met with the residents um we came up with a solution that a portion of that inside of that curve for a certain I think it's three hours on Wednesday mornings from 7 AM to 10: am will be no parking um the residents supported that so um that's what we're gonna we're going to prepare an ordinance for that for next month and get that into play ACA was was here with us that was a really good meeting I thought it went really well um so they that was their suggestion and and the residents were okay with that just in time for uh Mar Lima to be out there enforcing exactly there we go see yep well Lance if I may one of the things we discussed afterwards what we got feedback from the residents and from the AC is that they're usually there by 7 o' in the morning to do the collection so we thought we should probably adjust the hours maybe from 6:30 to 9 you know that we were going to come up with the exact hours with ACA but it was roughly that three hour time frame to let them come through with delays and whatever and they also pick I think they're going to add um yard waste for that same day right they're gonna do it all one day for that area so that'll be good great yes so we'll have to to to get a specific description of the of the area we know that it runs roughly from uh 107 North Derby there's a fire Hydra to go from there to dors it on that North Side to make that no parking during that period of time so we need to get the legal description put in the ordinance for Nicole and then let's you know we need to settle on what we're going to do as far as the Rick and Ed we can have them at Dimensions yeah carved out that get the linear delineation I to have that ready to introduce at the next meeting signage is easy okay okay we'll look to have that ready to introduce at the next meeting yes please great all right discussion um can I I'd like to um so we'd like to open um uh for public comment any items that we've discussed so far and I have a motion to open uh for public comment so moved have a second second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes Mayo yes so at this time members of the public May comment on anything that we have discussed so far uh there will be another public comment session at the end of the meeting to discuss anything you would like uh if you wish to speak please come up to the microphone state your name and address for the record and we ask you limit your comments to three minutes hi good good good evening my name is Sher Lan Feld I am resent of Margate um but I'm here because of your ordinance 20 20 2422 I'm super thrilled to see this um myself and Steve Jai from the Margate Green Team introduced this ordinance it was just an idea in Margate October 20123 um I do have a couple of comments regarding the implementation of it some things that I've learned um because first of all it's great to have an ordinance as you know but you need to enforce it now Margate when we introduced this the building department was there Roger McClaren was there the police department was there and they all realized that everyone's involved in enforcement so for veter like you need a champion you need someone that people can call and report a problem at a worksite and that someone's going to show up and and deal with it we call the building department we call um Jim Jimmy um you know from the building department G thans I always get him confused with agtina you know I know he's not here anymore but anyway we called Jim Jimmy gtino and he I send him pictures on his cell phone I tell him the site he shows up he has also we have things um we have Flyers okay that we give out I'm happy to share them yeah that would be great with you um so it's it's an educational process like the builders need to understand you're not doing this to be mean to them you're not doing this to put more restrictions on them you're actually doing it for their benefit as well as the benefit of the community you know they don't really when they're sitting over a saw producing microplastics and breathing it in and getting it all over their clothes they're taking this home it's in their car their kids get subjected to it goes in the water like they don't realize it's a problem for them but anyway there's an educational process that has to go on um when permits are given out supposed to give them before here you can I don't know if you we got the digital copy too we can put it out we send you a digital copy we also have it in Spanish in English and Spanish um so who so what I'm saying is people U residents have to know they need to know who to call also we had ideas like putting a sign up you know how's our work site you know call this number we had a lot of ideas and you may choose to implement some or others and Steve and I are happy to talk with you that's good um about some of them or even have a poster up there's an affidavit buers have to sign you know when they get per about different things they're going to do protect storm water like you can include this one big thing that they'll start saying is oh my goodness this is going to cost us so much money well first of all there's so many inexpensive things that they can buy like you can go on Amazon you can get a tent for over to put over a saw with a vacuum attachment it's $139 you get this tent and Steve has a whole bunch of pictures of all these attachments which we have to also send to you but the reason I'm here speaking to you is because the ordinance is great but it has to be implemented right there has to be education and who's ever going to someone has to be the lead in going out to these work sites and talking and educating so anyway so I I don't know like what is your plan for implementation you have not gotten it's like any other code in code office it's in the Construction office any other code is enforced construction code is enforced by our construction official so then is your Construction office up you know will they be handing out these flyers will go into every packet awesome that's great and then um people need to know residents need to know who to call like maybe you can put up on your website trust me residents know where to call when they You' be surprised I'm like I I wanted to people the time all they all they do we'll give we'll give him Jimmy at gano's number he's very good at it we get it I've already talked to dino about it great they're aware that it's coming so this is something that that we're going to implement and it'll be in every not just contractor's packets you know if someone comes in work on their home right if they're going to use Plastics or anything they got to be able to control the dust so into the streets and the storm water and I'm sure you already have ordinance in place for storm water and then that the other question are there going to be fines with it and and in your ordinance for violations like what's your yes there there are are ordinance so it follow it follows the same as the the other littering piece of the um code that we already kind of attached this to okay that's specifically added in here and it's also specifically in there I know you touched upon it already but that the notice of this um provision of the ordinance is actually going to be given for any new permit that's issued with construction whether it's construction renovation and even says or related activities so any of that it should cover so it should be well it should be out there for sure okay what is the fine amount if there after um I think after the second one it's that's ,000 have to pull that okay but that sounds strong but I appreciate what you're doing I mean you have to have for it any ordinance is only as good as the enforcement we yes exactly not just every ordinance thats and there's always exactly you know 100% compliance is a goal but it's not always achievable but you know most people do want to follow the rules when they know the rules so you're right 100% you know getting the information on all of our website our newsletter we have aite a newsletter and a social media platform with 14,000 followers it it would be good put it there I mean even though you who to call is usually a few handhold you know who to call I hear people all the time complaining yep and they don't they just complain to their friends and they don't call the right party right um and you know we want to see it we want to see it for the intent of it and that's to keep the area clean and safe for everyone and and like you said comes from people from the builders understanding it's not to be me it's it's for their safety as well as the safety of everyone they'll talk among themselves I'm sure they'll start to understand it but thank you for your help and thank you for for putting it on the books we really we really admire that and appreciate it thank you hi Steve Jai one TR nor mcer Marie um uh backing up Sher here sher's very passionate about this in fact she's the one that wrote the ordinance up and got the whole thing the whole ball rolling and as your communities you guys are now completing down Beach and if we can get a length we get AB um the whole Aban Island we really feel that this should be a state issue and it should be it should be a federal issue I mean because Plastics is now the the latest thing I mean it was lead it was as best as all kinds of things we're really happy promoting this and um you know we communicate any way we can to help you guys out and uh that's it thanks see you thanks uh if there no more comments by the audience uh is there any comments in the zoom Jen yeah Matt wishes to speak Matt hey y'all can you hear me yes all right thank thanks a lot uh I'm with Surf Rider foundation and specifically our our volunteer LE chapter uh South Jersey chapter and uh we also support this ordinance uh 022 to to contain this plastic dust seems like a a no-brainer if you've seen the photos it looks like snow on the ground it's crazy and I think everyone now has has seen how plastic has has just gone everywhere and it's in our bodies now and it's really scary so this seems like a no-brain not not too much of a hassle for Builders not too expensive to to buy some different attachments and uh we thank you for working on this and and to see it passed thank you thank you thank you appreciate the work you do sir Ryder uh any other comments from the zoom community no hearing none other can I have a motion to close the public so moved second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor creel yes uh at this time can I have a motion to close the workshop portion of the meeting and open the regular SE the regular meeting I make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes yes call the order the regular portion of the meeting I have a motion I'll make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes uh we have no minutes to approve this evening uh can I have a motion to introduce ordinance 202 24-22 ordinance amending chapter 197 streets and sidewalks article three littering and obstructions to include controls for dust and plastic contaminants at construction sites I make that motion second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes can I have a motion to open for public hearing ordinance 2024 -21 I'll make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2024 d02 second have roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes this is the ordinance regarding Towing fees seeing none in the in Chambers any comments on Zoom anybody on Zoom wish to speak or comment on this ordinance none none can I have a motion toose so move second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 z21 as described motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-21 second roll call Lisa commissioner langr yes commissioner Mento yes yes all right moving on to uh motion um by consent can I have a motion to adopt resolutions 2024-25 4 through 24-27 and resolutions 20 24-27 2 and resolution 202 24-27 3 by consent make a motion to adopt resolutions 2024 254 through 273 second commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor pel yes Amy would you read bills and payroll please the payables for this period is 6,976 29460 thank you payrolls for this period 1,484 $361 thank you may have a motion to pay bills and payroll please so moved second um I second and recusing myself from the three payments to the ACA for digital media Recycling and track thank you roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor yes seeing no uh announcements or safety reports this evening I'll move on to uh commissioner comments at um uh commissioner Mento do you have any comments no I don't think I have anything for tonight okay business as usual commissioner langra do you have any comments or reports I have a few um just some updates uh the traffic signal project on Venter Avenue from Oxford to Jackson if you've driven there you've noticed that all the traffic signals are down so be careful going through those intersections they have temporary stop signs on the cross streets just be careful going through that area it is going to be under construction for about the next couple of months so we're adding all new traffic signals there um the they've started the construction um like I said it's going to be moving forward this will be similar to the county project although we did the bump outs to provide better pedestrian safety and um traffic control at those intersections so um we changed it up a little bit better grading there there a lot better solution we think it's a better solution than all the curbs that they did on the other section so um in that they're trip out they are in that same area Little Rock Avenue is a separate project that is a pedestrian only Crossing um signal that will be installed we finally got the materials in we've been waiting like five months for the the actual equipment that'll be installed that's been received they should be putting that in over the next week or so and they'll be operable over the next two to three weeks great and that's a it's for there is a um eyesight impaired couple that lives in the area uh we got a grant to help with that intersection and put that um impaired technology in so it'll be a flashing they'll be able to push the button and it'll Flash and say look pass or pedestrians are crossing here so um this has been a few years it has you know not that we didn't try to push it along as quickly as possible takes time getting a lot of money for it from the Fed so it helps that's why it takes longer I remember you working with the a couple yep y they'll be happy um also in that same area of the city Winchester Avenue bulkhead um sorry Chief they showed up a little early today I know sorry about that for a pre construction meeting yesterday I thought they could start so um we'll work through that I know Ed's working with you to try and get them um moving in a better Direction so that work should start next week what they did today was move some some equipment there mobilization uh that will be the the um bulkhead that runs from Jackson Avenue down Winchester on what's the cross street I forget at the end of it but anyway by The Crab House by that's that street yeah it's a right before Jackson yeah second one in from Jackson it's great it's it's further down than that CL house so that'll be working over the next few months there will be a challenge there connecting to Atlantic City's bloodwalk they did not install their bulkhead particularly Plum so that's going to be a little bit of an issue there but we got to work around so um two projects on the boardwalk that one is still ongoing at Vasser uh we're working with the Vasser condominium group some of their um Boardwalk supports that they extend the boardwalk to their property had failed we're working with them to get that repaired portions of it are already complete should be done early next week the rest of it Austin Avenue Austin thank you um going back to the Winchester bar that's all right that's helpful another one Derby Avenue was completed this week we had Derby and Cornwall we had a piling Trail in that area um we had a contract that Arthur Henry come in and fixed that in less time than they anticipated so that's back fully operational in that area um these are showing us why we have to replace the board walk right this is the exact reason I wish we hadn't you know didn't have to do it before we replace everything but you got to keep access to it so um oh you talk about Seafood Fest or um yeah brief briefly Seafood Fest is you know starting this weekend they're already starting to Stage that I I would just mention that it is also uh an operational training exercise for us in the county so we put our uh the our shared Service uh Command Center uh Trail that we work with uh with Margate and Longport becomes a mobile uh Command Center um and it and is actually because of the organization of it um and because of the um we're uh the the the um uh it becomes part of our our training points with the county um we do uh we have uh three inspectors um on site with 80 inspections uh for for all these uh food vendors um and we have two EMS there so I'm just talking about the fire side of it but it is just a great event that's part of it it's a safe event and it and they uh and John Henderson and good time tricycle has created this uh uh this environment there that really makes that um that use of every square inch of SK Beach from the from the uh the kids areas to the to the the beer tent to the stage and the and the activities that go on there so it's it's a it's a really uh it's a banner event for the fall and it's a good time at the fall um it kind of gives us that shoulder season um um but I also want to thank um the police and the uh for the the the summer specials they did a great job this year and the beach Patrol will have them in for um for try to get them in for one of our first department head meetings just to sort of debrief us all about the all the activities that uh happen this summer as we get into that um we're also the the the Band Shell is out to bid now so we'll be waiting on the on on bid results for that so we can gear that up soon um yeah we also uh are now uh fully we're funded for a PPE grant for the fire department $75,000 um that goes towards um uh jackets pants and boots uh each set of those that equipment is of $5,000 per individual and and and part of the the part of the the the state requirements are that they have two sets so that one can be be contaminated after an event um so we're getting closer to that that's working with Jim Rella um we have a total of $125,000 and grants for that it doesn't so it doesn't doesn't cover the entire group but as this as we go through the years and uh we'll get more and more of these um jackets pants and boots uh for our men um and um oh we also are getting a firstc entry simulation uh with uh Margate and long for so this is a a device that allows our fire department to um to simulate forced entry it's working with the police department in Venter and Margate in Longport as well so it's something that um allows them to train new officers on um on forced entry if if needed in a in an emergency situation lot going on there's a lot going on just to finalize some details on Seafood Fest it's Saturday and Sunday Saturday and noon to 7 I believe is the timeline on it um Seafood music uh the Glam chowder contest clam chowder amazing crab eating is there like a crab cake eating contest he does a crab cake eating contest he does right so be fun there's a little area for like a playground area for kids um and then there's music all day it's a it's a really it's it's really one of the best events that we have um also the farmers market is W has wound down for the year so thankful for them as well sad yeah they did a great job John John jumped into some deep shoes and and did a Yan's work on it K done he's got a few more gray hairs but he's he did enjoy it all right um so uh can I a uh open the uh open the meeting for public comment um I have a motion to open the we all we're all done with commissioner comments I have a motion to open for public comments so moved second second have a roll call least langra yes Comm Mento yes mayor Kel yes so now we'd be open to um to the public to discuss any topic of interest uh if you'd like to please come to the microphone or on make yourself known on Zoom your name and address for the record seeing none in the chambers Jim do you have any comments on Zoom anybody on Zoom wish to make any comments no none can I have a motion to close comment so moved second roll call Lisa Comm langra yes Miss Mento yes may C yes we Have No executive session this evening and there is no further further business so for the go of the order may I request a motion to adjourn so moved second roll call Lisa commissioner lra yes M Mento yes Mr yes right any