called order City Bender Commission meeting June 13 2024 um black salute please un States stands nation godp liy and Justice all Thank you Lisa roll call commissioner langra here mayor Kel here commissioner Mento is unable to attend the open public meetings announcement pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda has been posted in City Hall and on the city's website our live streaming notice the city provides live streaming of its meetings and allows public comment via remote access any person who attempts to disrupt the meeting will be denied access access if technology issues make remote access unavailable the meeting will continue the city reserves the right to discontinue remote access at its discretion thank you uh there are no presentations tonight there are no department head reports for Capital discussions tonight uh following items are scheduled for Action during the regular portion of the meeting following this Workshop minutes from May 9th 2024 meeting will be approved and introduction of the following ordinance Nicole would you mind summarizing sure the introductions on for tonight we will have the first reading and introduction only by of ordinance 2024-the will be 25% which is what's permitted under the statute ordinance 20245 amends chapter 27-22 of the city code regarding driveway no parking areas this would be a change to the current practice whereby the city will now um make the driving markouts for no parking zones in front of driveways currently the residents are doing that and in order to be more uniform the city is going to um put together an application that residents can uh file with the city to have that done by the city and the application fee will be $25 202 24-16 names a new Street in the city uh the street is adjacent to ventner Plaza coming off of Wellington it's between the Dollar General and uh provenza that name of that street will be known as Osprey place and 24-17 amends ordinance 20234 with regards to charging for electric vehicles this would add a sir charge for leaving your vehicle longer than the time allotted uh sir charge would be $25 and depending on where you are the amount of time you're allowed to be there is either four hours or one hour as provided by the ordinance okay just couple comments on ask you commissioner Lang if you have any questions or comments on just just a couple comments so the the parking and driveways the Triangular shape things that on either side to keep people from parking too close what's going to happen now is Public Works will paint them in be an application through the code office and then right code office we didn't we didn't dump that on Lisa right yes yeah the application and that'll go to uh Public Works ra your hand no uh you're lucky you wer you're here um that'll go to Public Works to do the painting um the second one is Asos place um can't not mention Kathy idea to name it because the ospry nest is at the end of the the street and Tom was in favor of that because he's a Stockton grad I had a conversation with Alex Marino um if the dates line up we will have Talon here which is their Osprey mascot for stockin that's great just something fun when we put the sign up we'll do you know do a little thing so yeah ni they were actually very happy to see that because it's you know their local college so kind of fun but that was fun I talked to Alex this morning and he was he was cool with it so it's great idea to hear um and I'm so glad to hear about the um the driveway kind of kind of organizing that there's always we get a number of calls from people that don't understand how to follow the instructions or it seems awkward to be putting that kind of a DIY Thing in their hands so I think this will keep things a lot a lot um so uh moving on with the workshop portion the public hearing on ordinances there are none this evening um there are a number of resolutions to be adopted in the consent agenda these will be voted on during the regular meeting um we'll do the same thing uh I'll go through them and then if you have any questions or comments that all right yep um so there's a group of tax abatements resolutions uh 2024 106 through 166 we6 160 sorry through 166 um 16 67 refund of a building permit 168 approves the Perman appointment of Amy Winter botom in we were having this problem last night PL board too understand Jim's working on getting all these replaced check check was one that had yeah um we have um so we were uh we're at uh resolution 169 and 70 are budget amendments adding uh special Revenue items with offsetting Appropriations we have 171 authorized seasonal appointment in public works um 17 2 and 73 are refunds for Vick ball players 17475 and 76 are liquor La renewals of existing liquor licenses uh 177 authorizes application to the pp for infrastructure trust uh 178 is amendment to resolution having to do with our application for funding on the lead service line replacement project through New Jersey ibank this increases phase one from 10,000 million excuse me sorry 10 million up to 20 million 179 first to financing for the lead service agreement um replacement project 180 authorized the C the city to participate and Cooperative purchasing system up with to Valley sewage Commission so all these are kind of related than for that 181 authorizes the city to participate in Educational Services for commission Cooperative purchasing group 182 amends resolution 153 and clarifies and contract withas ass uh including construction management and inspection services where the for construction pro3 resolution clarifying the commission has received the annual audit um get into that as well uh for 2023 and have minimum and a minimum review the comments and recommendations section 184 is another license approval 185 authorizes shared service agreement of the bongage for Legal Services in opposition to the off wind project 86 is related sare wi projects and supports Atlanta County Executive and Commissioners in these efforts 187 is approval 188 appr professional service contract with Ed Stinson LLC 189 authorized seasonal and part-time employment one okay pulling 189 190 authorizing agreement with Alantic the electric with place non-advertised banners cility polls and 191 is the last the this R yes did you give an updated one because we have resolutions 192 through 19 I have yeah okay I have it uh 192 is appointing class three member to the planning board 193 uh is vending resolution appointing the planning board for the year of 2024 uh 194 is refunding a bck ball membership fee 195 a uh last of the liquid license renewals for uh transfer and location opening up and 196 is just just some updates really or comments on on some of the reasons so 179 is the uh increasing from 10 million to 20 million um the reason for that is 50% of that is eligible to for so we're going to spend hope it's not spending our money hope we spending state and federal money to do this L line service replacement the more we put into that first phase we expanded the first phase for the0 million project to basically F about hopefully we can get 10 million that forgiv over good time with that that's that's the reason I was recommended To Us by that entity that's helping us with this more yeah just uh issue of timing we want to apply while we're still eligible for the maximum amounts of principal forgiveness uh as uh economic conditions continue to improve here in the future we may not be eligible for that right so we want to get that all locked in place now okay um 183 I know we just read through real quick but this kudos to Amy on this one this is our audit and our rating has been maintain and we got A plus Mar knows more about this and she's sorry she couldn't be here because she was going to stand up and cheer um but great job by by yourself Leon and our our financial team just doing a great job on that you B things that too we wait till the end but but really great job on this this is this keeps us where we're at and and with the ability to do things we want to do so we appreciate that um the other two on 185 186 this deals with the offshore and I thought I was going to not be here tonight and I do apologize I have a hard stop at 5:30 so that's why this meeting was moved to this time I have a a prior commitment out of town Mr Mento is ill so we did have to move this for for my ability to attend um so I can not read the first sentence for apologizing for not being here um do want to share my support for S the items on the agenda tonight and that's these two first that's to support and hiring Ed Stinson back as our Consulting City um we want to bring him back um he did a great job for us in the past and we look forward to um having him assisting veter in the future secondly that both resolutions opposing offshore wind as I've stated many times were not opposed to alternative energy sources but the projects as proposed and anticipate along our Coast will bring an industrial type of use to our pristine Shores it has taken decades for our marine environment to recover from The Dumping of trash and waste of New York State into the ocean now beautiful beaches without trash and dying marine life that lited our Shores these offshore turbines will turn what is a beautiful natural Vista into a sea of spinning industrial windmills just a few miles off our beaches these installations will require huge subsidies to make them economically feasible Pro of that is the BPU Grove Gad $40 million to make sure that project work they even pulled out they couldn't even make it with that subsidy so there's a lot that's behind the Cur not a lot of people seen um I've asked them several times in public hearings on the projects why can't these facilities be move further offshore only receive noes been able to answer in return simple reason why it's cost it cost them more money to put them out leave the water further off our Shores because they have to they can only run the cable 70 ft 2,000 they have to build a box underneath the ocean Bo they have to do that every 2000 ft um cost too much them beyond our our views from our homes and beaches I will support both funding continue litigation litigation and resolution propos so that's ials um almost not almost all of the down Beach communities have signed it BR te County I believe County looking into may have already passed the resolution poseses think that's on these these refunds and pick ball memberships do we have we cap our membership I think these were some exting circumstances this is not related to this is not related to that we had issues with one court for two weeks no nothing not related to that we made a clear we were not to issue that just unplug that one move next move over next to Tom I knew there was one plug there we go that's we need detective take back no your fault it's not in charge of microphones not that anybody's fault I shouldn't say that but we the the issue with importance was resolved and I was at the rec board meeting we kind of talked through it with as well good that's good to hear um I think that's all I have thank you yeah so I will Circle back again as well um I want to thank um on 171 uh uh the seasonal employee is actually a a client and friend of mine mar Mario I think he's going to be a great catch for Public Works he's a very thorough thorough man from my experience um uh he was my boss as a client so it' be fun to be here in Boston um the uh uh the resolution um clarifying the Atlantic Electric non-advertising banners and P this is something that we've been uh working with AC electric on for probably six to eight months to get them to find finally come through and give us the approvals for that so we will now be working to get designs that um we can all agree on for are these These are downtown specific on Venter Avenue and Dorset Avenue so these are non-advertised polls that will um sort of signal our downtown similar what we did with with similar so their issue is that they're they advertisement for businesses these are not these are going to be these are going to be welcome to vend they shouldn't have any issues with that that's what this authorizes so this is uh this is that agreement okay and we had to specify the right polls right and the size and the location you and then I I will Circle back to 183 uh Tom did you have some something you wanted to or or did you want to mention yeah I saw some notes about the audit because it is big news yeah there's actually two bits of financial news one is is the audit which you've received and you're going to you uh acknowledge 10 that you've read it at least the comments section comments and recommendations but the other thing I was going to have am was going to speak to it when she does the bills and payroll but we can we can mention it now we had uh a raing meeting the bond sale next week and we had a ring meeting that mayor was able to attend via Zoom uh with standard and pores that was a week or so ago and as a result of that meeting they issued their rating for the bonds and notes that were going to be selling Double A on the bonds and the highest rating on the short-term notes of sp1 so two bits of good news I congratulations to Amy for continuing to do a great job I thought that was all in one item so I'm sorry for that's okay going into that but great job yeah thank you as as the commercial says you can't call people rock stars in the business world anymore but she's a superstar bil doesn't want us calling people Stars appar all right so um moving on we have uh approvals of bills and payroll as mentioned uh we'll have that during the regular meeting um we have uh discussion items do you have any items for discussion commissioner I do not want my commissioner comments there or discussion items um you can up to you I have a couple items you can vot to them again with hand um yeah the way we have set up the the general comments and reports from you guys would be at the end right that's what I thought yeah okay so um having none um we will need a motion to open for public comment motion open public comment second pleas certain roll call commissioner langra yes mayor Kel yes okay the meeting's now open for public comments on any matters discussed and scheduled for adoption uh uh General comments on matters not listed or discussed may be made during the public comment period in the regular meeting anyone wishing to wishing wishes to speak can come to the microphone seeing those in public here or um on Zoom uh state your name and address for the record Jim is anyone on Zoom raising their hand for public comment during the workshop session if anybody on Zoom wish to speak on any of the items that have been discussed please make yourself known by raising your hand within the chat feure no seeing none motion to close public portion public comment meeting in uh the in the uh Workshop so moved and U motion to motion to open the regular meeting move that as well second second and roll call and closing public me commissioner langra yes mayor Kel yes okay uh Now call the regular meeting to order motion to adopt minutes from May 9th 2024 regular meeting I'll make that motion I'll second Leisa can I have Ral call commissioner langra yes mayor Kel yes I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 D1 d014 make a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d014 second please can have a roll call commissioner langria yes May Kel yes I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 D1 d015 make a motion to introduce ordinance 2020 2024 it says 2014 on the agenda um 015 015 our second Lisa May commissioner langra yes mayor Kel yes and I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d0 six I'll make that motion second please have a roll call commissioner Lang yes mayor Kel yes I have motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d017 make a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 -17 second Lee second can have a roll call commissioner L yes mayor Creo yes I have a motion uh so public hearing on these ordinances will be June 207th 2024 there are no public hearings on these ordinance tonight uh I have a motion to adopt the consent agenda consisting of resolutions 20 24- 160 to 196 196 without 189 exempting 189 omitting 189 thank you I'll make a motion to adopt resolutions 2024 160 through 196 with the exception of 189 second that may commissioner lra yes mayor Kel yes okay Amy bills and payroll the payables for this period are 973 payrolls with peri 1,311 2206 a motion to adopt bills and playr I'll make that motion second please have a roll call commissioner lra yes mayor Creo yes would you like to report on the standard and rating we got that right um I will make need a motion to open the meet the meeting to uh public comment you want to do commissioner comments oh any commissioner comments oh we do yeah I'm sorry um we do have commissioner comments L um commissioner langra do you have any commissioner comments just a couple um Public Works and these guys are here Ernie and Rick are here just great job getting the city ready I mean we're still not quite there to summer yet so we got a few more weeks before we we get uh the masses arrive a great job by by the crew um City's starting to take shape and we're getting to where we need to be for you know the next couple weeks when all the schools are out and everybody starts coming down here for the summer so good job with that that um projects are that finished up I guess since our last meeting on Monmouth Avenue we finished that those projects Lafayette Avenue just some punch list items there that we we're finishing up um and we talked right before the hearing um about the street ends on the boardwalk side of of the streets um that painting contractor should be in next week to 10 days or so to start that we marked out they're ready for them to commit start painting off the no parking zones at the street ends um it's just a matter of getting them in here and actually doing the work um that's that's all I have um I got a couple things commissioner langra mentioned that we're getting ready for the masses to arrive this week and uh tomorrow is the Farmers Market at 8:30 and next week really starts the full sort of weekend activities that we have the Farmers Market on Friday uh next week Saturday is the citywide yard sale at 9: concert at Newport Avenue the same day first concert in the new layout at 5 o'clock Sunday is another day of City yard citywide yard sale where you don't have to pay you can just um conduct your own yard sale believe there's a map as well right yeah they're working I don't I don't have a copy of it yet but I understand that they're very very popular yes and then H that Monday so that's a big weekend and the Monday is our first um movie night at ski Beach at 6:30 uh which is Jaws I have I have one uh other thing that the police the fire chief brought to my attention today that I wanted to to mention um uh we have a uh Lieutenant Jason Johnson who was on um at station two and um uh there was a gentleman came um who lives at uh uh in that area um near Marshall Court on Saturday May 11th around 11: A.M he had symptoms that his right side was numb and Urgent Care was so urg care was closed and he had no other way of um uh he had no other caregivers with him or family members the only thing he could think of was going to station two um he rang rang the doorbell uh Lieutenant Jason who's um Jason Johnson who's um you know also trained the EMT invited him in have a seat they talked as him he took his brother pressure suggested he go to the hospital after a few minutes he agreed he called for an ambulance he took him to the hospital and in fact he was having a mini stroke um so um so his his his actions and then and then um led to him having a good outcome here he also went back on his own time and checked checked in after him and brought him home um good work by than Johnson good fireman yeah um so this this gentleman was also a um a member of the uh Coast Guard auxiliary gave him a a presentation and a coin oh nice challenge Co something that should always keep with you can save you buying drinks how many do you have how many do you have this one always with I have one from Chief I one from Chief K always keep one in your pocket smart good stuff that's good that's congratulations to attendant Johnson he's he's like I said he's good fireman and even better person so it's good to hear so that uh that is our uh M the comments um I will open it up to one last thing we wish Maria Health know she's struggling a little bit so she'll be good but can I something sure I just would like to wish Tom a happy birthday tomorrow what happy birthday ceri happy birthday thank you happy birthday we were not aware it's tomorrow okay well we won't see you tomorrow so happy birday tomorrow were you on the young side at the Rolling Stones concert I uh about average age however whatever whatever Mick and Keith Richards are eating or drinking I want some yeah absolutely really astonishing yeah that they can do what they do it their a really a lot of friends were up there for that show I heard it was good great it's inspiring that I can keep going for another it is 20 years excellent um and there there are rockid um all right motion to uh open public comments so moved second Le second have a roll call commissioner langria yes mayor Kel yes we open this for public comment U this is now that anyone uh not seeing anyone in the chambers anyone on Zoom want to uh uh open the comment for anything we've discussed or uh anything at all right anybody on Zoom who wishes to comment on any items please make yourself known by raising your hand or within the chat feature nette has a question nette recognizing nette from Galloway Al or what's nette Galloway Gallow yeah there's nobody raising their hand okay she's got her hand up on the screen not on mine okay may yeah I'm not seeing anybody on on here raising their hand yeah isn't there a hand we all seen a hand up yeah I do okay all right not crazy we give a few more another out okay all right motion close motion to close public comments we I was rushing it all right um Le second I have roll call commissioner langra yes mayor Freo yes we have uh no executive session uh motion to adjourn so moved second L Commission lria yes mayor yes sorry