##VIDEO ID:McH2_72QuUk## good evening uh like to call order the September 26 2024 vendor City commission meeting uh would everyone please rise for the flag salute pledge allegiance to United States to the repic for stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all Thank you Lisa would you uh please call R commissioner langria let the reflect commissioner langra is absent commissioner Mento yes here mayor Kel here um Lisa would you please read the open public meeting notice pursuant to open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided has been posted at City Hall and on the Venter City's website thank you Lisa would you please read the live stream notice the city of Venter offers live streaming and the option of public comment via remote access public who participates remotely will be muted during the commission me meeting except during the public comment portions of the meeting any person attempting to disrupt the meeting may be denied access at the discretion of the city in the event remote access is unavailable due to a technology malfunction or other reason beyond the city's control the city will not pause or stop the live meeting City commission meetings are held in person and the public is welcome to attend the best way to ensure an individual's ability to publicly comment is to attend in person so that the comments may be made in the event of a technology malfunction the city reserves the right to discontinue offering public comment via remote access at this discretion of any future meetings Thank you Lisa we have uh we do not have any presentation scheduled for this evening we do not have any department heads scheduled for this evening and there will be no Capital discussions for this evening um following items uh schedule for Action at today's meeting we will uh be approving so this is the workshop portion of the meeting we go through these items and have brief discussions on them and then later on uh as we Recon reconvene the main meeting we will vote on them there'll be a um so at um we will have uh we'll be approving uh minutes from the August 15 2024 regular meeting and the August 15 2024 executive session and September 12th 2024 regular meeting right any questions on that um there is one ordinance scheduled for public hearing and adoption uh ordinance 2024-25 is an ordinance amending chapter 214 of the code uh city of Venter entitling vehicles and traffic uh specifically section 2014-3 uh which is uh section two no parking certain hours to provide no parking on certain sections of North Derby Avenue we discussed this at the last meeting um this is for um uh for introduction thank you um the uh the ordinance uh will amend chapter 214 section 30 no parking on North Derby Avenue specifically it will now be in accordance with the provision of 24-7 no person shall Park a vehicle at any time upon any of the following described streets or parts of the street this is um North Derby Avenue on the east side from 7 am to 9:00 a.m. on Wednesdays uh from a point 330 ft south of Mammoth Avenue to Dorset so this is um this is to allow a very narrow street that is also on a curve that also has um curb cuts and driveways uh in order for the trash and recycling uh pickup to happen on that street um so we're responding to a residents uh request there any questions on that questions we discussed that last time uh item 11 there's uh uh public hearing and adoption there's one ordinance scheduled for public hearing and adoption um this is uh an ordinance amending chapter 197 streets and sidewalks article 3 the littering and instru and obstructions ordinance includes controls for dust and plastic contaminants at construction sites so this is uh an ordinance we discussed uh for uh this is now for public hearing and adoption uh we introduced last meeting uh this is for uh The Cutting of things like ASAC and um other plastic materials uh that that can H do harm to our environment um uh we um any questions on that well there'll be time for public comment at the end of this before we start our uh our main session um so that uh then we'll go through resolutions and contracts um we'll have resolutions by consent um we only have uh three resolutions the first one is to reappoint sumar renzi as our community rating system coordinator um so this is our CRS coordinator and Community rating system uh for our insurance purposes uh frommer employee that uh still works in that capacity for us um resolution uh 275 is resolution chapter 159 this is a uh $775,000 uh for a 2024 American Rescue plan for a firefighter Grant um the amount of $75,000 this is uh we discussed this last meeting this is for uh personal uh equipment um will go a long way to help us U distribute that uh those dollars um and then the last ordinance uh resolution tion by consent is 276 um this resolution permanently appoints Larry Hoff to our public works department as equipment operator and water repair effective September 17 2024 again we discussed this at our last meeting um glad to have board full time that position um then uh we'll be approving bills and payroll uh we do not have any scheduled discussion items for this evening um and um that is the end of our agenda for I'll make the motion I'll second it Lisa can I have a roll call commissioner Mel yes mayor Kel yes so uh if there are any items that we are going to vote on this evening that we've already discussed um you can come to the microphone give your name uh and address for the record um and make any comments the items that we discussed so far um if there's anything in general outside of what we discussed that'll be at the end of the meeting yeah my name is Bill stum um live at 247 Marshallville Road in tuo um I'm the co-chair of the South Jersey chapter of the Surf Rider found foundation and I'm here to uh thank you and fully support your bill your ordinance that's going to try to reduce uh plastic waste um I work with riseo Plastics in our chapter and do lots of work um with monofilament Recycling and um it's really great that you recognized how dangerous the plastic is and how prevalent it is everywhere and I'm really glad you're passing this this is really great and uh we just came up with a map and will be for in the map in bright red it's just we just got it together today and hopefully it'll encourage other towns to pass the same kind of ordinance so great thank you we're happy to do it um it's a it's it just seems to be common sense thank you hi Sher willan Feld um from Margate I Margate sustainability team and I was here the last meeting and I'm sure you know I'm is here to to say thank you again and that we're here to also help with enforcement and any other ideas we speak with a lot of other the sustainability teams and we're working with Bill with Surf Riders they helped us with that last um flyer I done the first flyer and then they made it better um yeah so thank you again and thank you for recognizing it and you like you said you're going to be pred dominant on our map with a number of other townships but but we want to see that map fill up with a lot of pinpoints so the more people that adopt this ordinance the more people are going to be aware that this is a problem um the one thing also I talked about with enforcement contractors are like you know this is going to cost us more money you know how are we going to do this it's so simple it actually would take them less time if they have a tent over their mitera and vacuum attach and a tarp underneath honestly it's less time less money and if they were smart they promote themselves as a green and Community friendly contractors so right we can just change the conversation also with the contractors this is a really good thing it's for their protection and everybody else's and it's actually going to save them time and money yeah I think you head to run ahead I appreciate you're coming the you know it's not this is the beginning not the end of the process so there's I appreciate the the flyer you brought to give them the give the contractors the information but just like the our plastic bag ordinance that was hard to get people traction word to mouth spreads especially with contractors um they all know what the challenges are and what they have to and how they have to um be uh you know comply so um it may it may take a little while but I think in general as you said as a homeowner I would appreciate it if they keep they're keeping those Plastics out of my pets and kids Y and when they have dogs they're sniffing and they're breathing in all the out of the water table as well and the water table um yeah I don't remember if Steve jaeki sent you the list of some some items that contractors can use did he send that to you or yeah he sent us the the in the tent the and some links the where they could buy it that sort of thing so e Amazon 149 I mean come on okay thank you again thank you thanks for coming all right any other comments um I do have one person on Zoom we wishes to speak to one person on Zoom thank you Brian yes thank you uh let me put my camera up hold on a second no the camera will not come on oh okay uh thank you very much my name is Brian Thompson I'm at five Drew Court in Monmouth Beach I am a mammoth Beach environmental commissioner and a member of the Beyond Plastics National Advisory Board I'd like to congratulate you on this ordinance uh mouth Beach was inspired uh by the folks down in Margate uh to pass what appears to be the first such ordinance in the nation a Longport was a couple of weeks behind us now you would be number three uh and we hope this will spread not just Statewide but Nationwide I'm working with Surf Rider uh the fine folks at Surf Rider to protect our ocean and to protect us the evidence is in there is plastic in all of our bodies and without this it only threatens to increase the amount of plastic the goal of Beyond Plastics is to reduce the amount of plastic not to eliminate and we just want to keep our vital organs and our reproductive organs and everything else is as low in plastic as we possibly can and we think that this Common Sense ordinance is a great step in that direction I might add that our mayor right before we pass our ordinance check the two big builders in our town in our town um uh Goldman and and uh Shaw and they both said they saw no problem with it and they were happy to oblige and we are as much of a Coastal Community as ventner is so I just say thank you very much and what you're doing tonight will inspire people everywhere great thank you for thank you for your comments I much appreciate it very much um any other comments from the public on the zoom platform no I I have a motion to close public comment I'll make the motion I'll second Lee a roll call commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes thank you so at this point we'll close the uh public portion of tonight's meeting and I'll call the order the regular portion of our meeting um can I have a motion to approve the minutes from August 15 2024 regular session August 15 2024 executive and September 12th 2024 regular meeting uh I have a motion please I'll make the motion I'll second roll call Lisa commissioner Mento yes mayor Creo yes I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024-25 as we described during the workshop portion this is the No Parking uh for North Derby Avenue I'll move 202 24- 023 I will second roll call Lisa commissioner Mento yes mayor Cel yes and I have a motion to open for public hearing ordinance 2024 022 this is the uh the um controls for dust that we've just discussed um I'll move 202 24-22 I'll second Lisa may have Woll call please commissioner Mento yes mayor cable yes may I have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-22 as described we're still in public oh I'm sorry um seeing no one from the uh public for public comment can I have them or any are there any any comments from the public I'm sorry anyone else any on Zoom want to make any additional comments thought we have all right no more comments on 204-2273 to adopt ordinance 2024-25 as described I'll make the motion to adopt I will second Lisa may have a roll call commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes all right thank you very much motion is the uh ordinance is adopted um we have uh you're welcome thank you um motion uh so next item item number 22 is motion to adopt resolutions by consent uh resolutions 202 24-2 274 to 202 24-27 um as described earlier in the workshop I will make the motion I'll second Lisa may have roll call please commissioner Mento yes mayor creable yes right um item 23 approval bills and payroll can you Lisa can you um pay we have bills an amount of 2,120 35 8 we have payroll from 91 to 914 2024 in the amount of 65459 660 thank you can I have a motion to pay uh bills and payroll please I'll make a motion I'll second please second I have roll call pleas commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes I seeing no announcements for safety report item 24 uh commissioner comments item 25 commissioner Mento do you have any comments you'd like to add for the good of the work um yeah uh I I talked to our tax assessor today and um I think we broke a record here with 37.7 million so far and added Assessments in the city of ventner in what time period in I believe the year it's almost a year almost a year yeah wow yeah fantastic yeah yeah well it's obvious to see you can see the the construction you can see the the the um you know the activity around that's great it's great yeah and we are having our event this weekend too manga mja but um fortunately and unfortunately um it's sold out there is a waiting list so um I think this is the first year we actually have people on a waiting list so it's it's a really nice event it'll come around again next year right and get your tickets early and if it rains the rain dates the following weekend and there will probably be some tickets available for people who can uh um go on the rain dat you could go to Red Room afterwards I think they have dinner service after right they usually close they usually Clos because it's such a big night yeah it's hosted by Red Room which is a restaurant inent and for anyone who doesn't know that they're a fabulous Italian restaurant and um they they uh host it at their place it's out on the street we closed the block off or half a block off and I believe they even closed their restaurant for us where they have in the pants so it feels like you're at uh Grandmom's on the weekend yeah it's a nice Community event great thank you um I just have a is that is that all or did you have any anything else I'm sorry no no so I just wanted to share this um report on the summer season from the beach Patrol um I passed this out in emails to the um to to the rest of the commission but I think it's uh it's just a great tool are are um we have uh such 100 days of summer and a lot of that responsibility falls on our beach Patrol and their team um and so this is an internal report just to show us what um what our activities are these are things that we kind of know in a way because of the the the the the the beaches that have um the most activity but um but it's nice to get this kind of comprehensive information so if you can go to P two Jim um service summary this shows us that we had um 740 incidents in a 100 days uh you know we have uh and I was a lifeguard as a kid there's a point in your life when you're a kid that you realize what the what the importance of this job is and um so out of that 365 rescues 244 Minor Medical and it shows us that um you know August is our our busiest month at least it was this year and that typically is U if you can go to the next page of the service summary um shows us uh that uh on the weekdays um you know maybe that's obvious but um uh we that we have a spike Friday Saturday Sunday but um but as this as we become a more uh uh summer seasons you know the Wednesdays are are also over a hundred incidents um it also allows us uh page five shows us that Lafayette and Dorset are our busiest active rescue um each for the summer 110 rescues on Lafayette 71 rescues on Dorset with a total of 365 active rescues in a 100 days you can imagine the activity that these kids are trained for that's why it's it's uh that's why you know that's why we have uh that's why you have to be a good swimmer it's not you know just being about a good athlete you have to be an exceptional swimmer um to be able to go out there on these difficult days and you have to tr you have to train to be ready um uh so so this is just good information I won't go through the whole thing page six just shows us Trends uh it shows us the Dorset and Lafayette are those busy weeks but it also shows page eight shows that missing children happen on uh Austin and New Haven so this is a tool that our um our um our the officers in our beach Patrol can use to analyze and prepare for the next year so kudos to Dave FK for putting this together and um that's all I have for commissioner comments um item 26 is public comment so uh can I have a motion to open the meeting to public comment I'll make the motion I'll second Lisa I have roll call commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes so we're now open to public to discuss any topic of interest uh if you have any uh topic of Interest not that doesn't have to be on the the agenda so far come to the microphone and give your name and address um you're here in the and if there's anyone I'm seeing none in the chambers there's anybody on the on the zoom platform that would like to make public comment now is the time anybody on Zoom wish to make any comments no seeing none may have motion to close public comment I'll make the motion I'll second Lea roll call commissioner Mento yes mayor cille yes yes okay um I see we have uh no executive session this evening so else may be a be a record um uh last item on the agenda is adjournment if there are no F no further business tonight uh request a motion for adjournment I will make the motion I'll second Lisa roll call commissioner Mento yes mayor Creo yes thank you wow wow that