##VIDEO ID:dSOrEjNSlWM## all right good evening like to call to order the V City Commission meeting January 8th 2025 first meeting of the Year welcome everybody to a 2025 um start the flag salute to the flag United States of America to The Republic which it stes one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all he the roll call here Lisa could you read the uh open public meetings announcement provided the agenda for this meeting is posted in City Hall and on the city's website thank you could you read the live streaming announcement please comment via remote access as a convenience to the in the remote access is unavailable for any reason beyond the city's control the city will not call their stop live St the live meeting the city reserves the right to discontin remote access at the discretion of the city for any future meeting thank you and thank you Nicole for making it more brief could have a Parra that that's good presentations item six we have none uh Department reports we have none we are going to start that soon hope I think February you want to bring them up in February yeah I think it's a good idea would you be able to do a public works department head presentation not short thing just a report in February all right cool yeah I think gives us first meeting in February great that's what I'm saying yeah it's at 5:30 they're done at 3:30 you understand that right we'll open it up to good idea no but doing it once a month doing adding a different we better serve pizza yeah right sorry and moving forward uh Capital discussion um following items are scheduled for Action at the one n portion of the commission meeting so are there no Capital no Capital discussion no uh there uh minutes are none and we have ordinance introduction um ordinance 2025 d001 is uh ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a cap bank that's every year that is every every year and just to be clear it does not actually appropriate any money for spending uh it doesn't mean that we're going to exceed the cap it establishes a bank for future years in the event that we would have any kind of a uh crunch with the cap okay understood and um did you want to uh I'll go do you want to how do you want to handle this Tom there's a handful of resolutions here that are's more more than a handful there's like 52 of them so i' I've offered if you don't mind to uh run through them for you and kind of do the Readers byest version um yep and with that I I said there's 52 of them uh the agenda as posted there was 51 but we are adding one uh From the Bench that's 52 that's good be to award the contract for the fireworks display so resolution 20251 authorizes the award of the contract uh for Professional Services to uh for the city solicitor services to blay Donahue and Weinberg that's our friend Nicole here O2 uh is awarding a contract to the same firm to serve as Labor Relations Council 003 Awards contract to and name names Ford Scott as the city auditor uh as in Prior years o4 names Archer and Griner as Bond Council for the city o5 names Joel fleschman as our bond Council specific to the NGIT financing program that's the I bank that we use for uh environmental infrastructure trust projects o six is awarding a contract to Jim Jim relli for planning and Grant assistance O7 names Hank roord to continue as our general tax councel 8 names George Brown as a special appraiser that can uh be used when needed on tax appeals 9 it's a contract for human resources and Personnel consultant to Cindy cotton 010 it names uh benefit consultant professional benefit consultant as the health insurance broker that's Terry Flynn for those who know him by name 11 names NW Financial Group as the city's continuing disclosure agent if you have questions about what that is you can uh Maria can certainly explain it if if uh there's any questions 02 names the same NW Financial Group to serve as the municipal Finance advisor and we do Bond or not sale there the financial advisor on those 13 app points Jean syracusa and the insurance uh agencies Inc to serve as the Risk Management Consultant for us for the GIF 14 authorizes the mayor to enter into an agreement with Atlantic care for the medic medical surveillance that's the drug testing program for firefighters police and public works and any new fires 15 authorizes the employee assistance program with Atlanticare for another year 16 offers uh it authorizes a professional service contract for police training to lexipol that was formerly the Rogers Group they uh help with police training and with the reaccreditation uh 17 is a small contract with em for emergency training and Consulting uh primarily that one I think is the fire department 18 appoints Tom halpen to continue uh for a new term as the Fire official 19 appoints the 2025 Municipal Alliance committee number 20 names Lisa Han the clerk to serve as the public agency compliance officer 21 I I don't have the names here but I think this names Lisa and I as the uh City Representatives that have authorization to contact the Employment Practices liability hotline that the GIF maintains uh 22 appoints the class three member of the planning board that I believe is Lance it is 23 is a resolution naming Jim pacanowski as our fund GIF fund commissioner and Joe ianelli as the alternate 24 uh appoints the members of the vettiner city creative team that's the veter Arts Alliance 25 reappoints the members of the Green Team advisory committee for 25 26 appoints members of the planning board whose terms were up and I think mayor you're you're you don't need to be appointed you're automatically as the mayor and member of the planning yes it adds joy and is Ellie this is okay as well as um reappointing um Tim coup uh resolution 27 names the uh police custodian of Records 28 authorizes the tax assessor to handle tax Appeals 29 establishes the uh interest charges for delinquent taxes and water and sewer bills uh 30 gives the tax collector the authorization to refund or cancel delinquencies that are less than $10 that that really aren't worth processing 31 establishes rules for conduct at these meetings that primarily conduct of the public 32 establishes the official newspapers the one add on to this Lisa uh added the city website as a potential site to post our legal notices in anticipation that there may be new legislation coming from the state to do that since many of the print newspapers uh are basically going out of business Star Ledger being the largest in the state no longer going to be doing a print edition so U there's likely to be some legislative change on that 33 authorizes the public employees bonds 34 uh appoints Roger McLaren to serve as our qpa for this year qualified purchasing agent 35 adopts the temporary budget for the 2025 that typically as you know is covers the first quarter of the year and likely will be extended for a month or so beyond that based on what the budget schedules is going to be uh 36 is a resolution that uh addresses or authorizes us to do self-examination of the 2025 Municipal budget means it's not subject to approval by DCA before you adopt right 37 uh provides a list of the designated bank depositories that are authorized 38 adopts the city's cash management plan 39 appoints Ed Stinson to serve as the city engineer for 2025 number 40 uh Awards a contract to DeBlasio and Associates for design and construction uh for a an ibank application for the Winchester Avenue sanitary sewer replacement project if I could just give a couple comments on that I don't really ask the questions on that so that is Winchester Avenue um basically running from Mar won't be the whole thing is we can it's more money than that than is in this grant but from Margate to say the firehouse area this essentially it'll eventually go all the way down to the pump station at Public Works it's a 30inch main that is the main trunk line of sewer coming through the city um so that's why that's being done it's old um I think the last time it was worked on I think I was working for the city so Winchester am yeah right so again this is for the design and construction management services and for the application to the ibank for funding uh number 41 is Awards a contract to lumberman Associates for the Furnishing of the uh and delivery of the boardwalk Lumber and uh metal fasteners or steel fasteners for that project uh that's $2,514 th000 so that's all of the decking that's going to be used for the section of the boardwalk that's going to be replaced um it was decided to go out the bid in anticipation that that was potentially going to yield a better price than purchasing from the co-op and it in fact did so uh it's on your agenda for approval great and it's a long lead time item so it's better to get that under contract and get that stuff and they my understanding is that they will store the materials until we need them correct we won't deliver it all at once because we have no place to put all that Lumber right um so they'll store it and deliver it to as needed I think that's a smart way to handle that yeah number 42 authorizes the fire department to transfer and sell a 2006 ambulance which is uh no longer in service in exchange for uh receiving Public Safety Training or training from Public Safety Training of South Jersey so that's basically a bordered deal we're giving them the ambulance in return we're going to get free training I think it's a good deal for the city that we get value out of something that has very little value yeah and it's uh typical typically good work by Mike kahill to come up with that yep uh 43 authorizes the submission of a grant to the state do for uh Transportation project in in 2025 that's Atlantic Avenue looking for more funding for the traffic signals there uh 4 4 authorizes a tax refund 45 authorizes a water and sewer refund 46 Awards a contract to lanberg construction for the ventner gardens Plaza storm Water Rehab project Lance you want to address that yes um is Ernie still here no Ernie wasn't here so this will be news to good news for Ernie this is the project that leads to the pump station there at ventner Gardens Plaza all of the pipes in that system are old unders we had Palestina Associates uh engineering go out and actually survey all those pipes video them and found that they're well some are broken some are undersized most are undersized because that system brings the water in from Margate to that pump station as well as water from Venter it's just storm water um so this will help that s that area not flood as much when we get heavy rain storms um we will be reaching out to margay for their proportionate share of this work because their storm water does run through that so it's a good project long overdue um but we'll get it moving 47 is another resolution authorizing a grant exec ex I'm sorry a Grant application and authorizing mayor to execute the grant agreement with the US Department of Transportation if we in fact get the grant uh 48 is a resolution I want to go back on these I just want to give an update on them this is the traffic signal for the Plaza uh that we applied last year and didn't get um the count is requiring them to install at the new ospry place a traffic signal uh they've said they can wait for it and we're trying to help because it's a traffic signals are not cheap right to do the whole intersection so um we've applied for that Grant again I'll let Mark know that Mark um Greco will know that we've applied for it again see if we get it it's discretionary fund so okay there's a chance there's a chance 48 n names the pool of Engineers for this year it's basically the same as it was last year I think there might be one new one that submitted uh qualifications uh 49 uh authorizes the an interlocal service agreement with the city of Margate for Dino to serve as their construction official he'll be doing that on his own time but we're doing it as a shared service so uh they they will pay us we'll pay him great 50 is a a slight modification to the resolution that was done last May when the three of you uh began your new terms and Maria was named as the Director of Revenue and finance this uh amends that resolution for just for one purpose and that is to move the office of special events into Maria's portfolio uh and out of Tim cbles so it's just dividing up the labor a little bit bit differently and 51 is a contract to Masset Building Company for the construction of the new Bandshell uh in an amount not to exceed $233,000 so uh Tim you want to talk about that one um it's a it's a it's a modification of our original plan it's gotten kind of simplified and simplified let's say over the years but it's still um G to suit a purpose um it's still going to have a unique shape and a unique uh play setting space for um for that area to uh create Mass it's a good very good well respected company in the area they came in within the budget that we had kind of planned for and we anticipate having a sizable donation on it on a behalf of the beautification when that comes through so um I think it's good it's I think over time we can even add more plantings and accessories to it to make to to fill out that area so that it works best for um the con series I have a comment I know um people have been anxious to see this happen throughout the community so why don't you remind us what that first bid was what we work back from you know because you're you're also taking the interest of the resident in the taxpayer line you know when we're spending money so what were looking at do you remember the number 500 oh no it's 747 747 just like The Airliner I I blocked that out night why that Band Shell is not there today right right started at $747,000 yeah for for concerts that you don't charge tickets for it's hard to make that up but uh so yeah 747 was a little bit uh of a of a stretch and then the second one was three 350 in range 350 in range yeah more than that 370 so it's it's it's a simplified it's still going to serve the purpose um and I I think it's still going to be something that um it becomes a uh listen the the you know part of uh what I think separates Venter from other cities is that we have these events in the summertime it brings people out and um and and I think this is a a good way of sort of um making a statement about it those events just got a lovely shout out from lifestyle magazine I whoever follows lifestyle magazine or they're they're online too so there was a really nice article about the the music events throughout Atlanta County and there was a really good piece there that included ventner so it was great and included Donna who's sitting in the back of the room yeah Donna has a very good press agent I know she is and then the last one resolution 52 one wasn't enough we're adding one of the was enough 52 is my lucky number D my anniversary oh May second so yes uh so anyway we're we're just added that today or this evening uh that's to authorize the mayor to sign a contract with zamb belly fireworks to conduct the fireworks display from July 3rd um you'll recall we had some discussions about this at the last meeting uh we were looking to try to do uh two years worth because 2026 fireworks displays are going to be very much in demand because of the 250th anniversary of the US and uh but it turned out that to to do that it clearly was going to ceed the bid thresholds and we didn't have time to lock this down now and put out the two-year bid we we are still going to do a bid for next year as soon as the uh purchasing rules allow us to do that so we're going to do this so that we make sure we have 2025 locked up as as we figure out the best way to lock in 26 okay yeah and i' I'd like to thank Nicole Tom Donna and Tim too because Tim's great at analyzing data for um really sticking with this and getting it on the agenda tonight I I know you know I know we've gone round and round with some of the language and sometimes it's just language we prefer not to have not not necessarily something wrong with it but again in the interest of protecting the city as much as possible and um not everything's black and white or or perfect for every entity so we had some changes for that Donna was back and forth with the company we know that there's not that many companies out there that do this I think two or three we were all anxious that we weren't going to have fireworks on July 3D if we didn't get this done sooner rather than later and um and we know how much the public enjoyed it last few years it's been phenomenal so hopefully this year it'll be another phenomenal event there won't be any rain and we won't have to move it to a a postponement date it'll be under thank you had a new concert venue yeah so thank you for doing what get done they can do them in the rain they can't do them when it's windy yeah ah but nobody will be there watching the rain but right they make raincoats and ponchos for July no it was it was it was a bit of a lift so thank you yeah all right that's it that'll be the consent agenda when you get to it you'll pass the Baton to me now to finish up the agenda back to you all right uh um then we will go through bills and payroll there any discussion items I see none see any um now uh there's a public portion of any items that have been discussed so far can I have a motion to open up to public portion so moved second and roll call or call please commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes and any comments from the audience that is all employees uh no to kind volunteer he drives me in the parade so oh all right yeah yes Ben yes if I may yeah of course so so seven and a half million of of money we got from the state is for the boardwalk yes so that 2.5 one of the reasons we wanted to do it is to get that money starting to be spent because we have to spend all that 7.5 million by next December uh 26 December of 2026 which is g to go like that um because we still have to bid the rest of the job we just bid the lumber and the fasteners for now um we also added another seven and a half to get us to the pier that state money got us to Su roughly about halfway between Jackson and and uh the pier so we wanted to at least get to there and some other funds we we're talking now with Jim Rell about going out for another Grant Federal grant to do the rest of the boardwalk the entire Boardwalk the hope would be done completely it won't be in the same time frame because the Federal grant will come out in the next year to 18 months so we'll apply for that um but we're starting that work now second question relates to Marg pay share puming station right no no no no there's a formal agreement that I think it'll depend 30% 30% I think the agreement is 30% here's three the county I don't think the county pays any of the maintenance though yeah connect to that as well no no it's it's only a certain portion of Margate that flows in to us mainly the gardens Marvin Gardens in that area back there um that flows into to Venter so that that took years and and even I think prior administrations that was unsuccessful getting an agreement whether it was us or them or or the county or whoever but it took years before the parties agreed to sit down and negotiate this agreement okay yep all right thanks Ben well thanks Ben any comments from the zoom platform anybody on things that we've discussed anyone on Zoom wish to comment on any items that were discussed hearing none no can I have a motion to close the workshop P the uh public portion so moved second roll call Lisa Mr langra yes commiss Mento mayor Kel yes I have a motion to close the workshop portion of the meeting and open the regular session I'll make that motion roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes I have motion to approve minutes none uh ordinance introduction I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2025 d001 as described the U Municipal cap bank I'll make a motion to introduce ordinance 20251 second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes may have a motion to adopt resolutions 2025-the I'll make that motion second I have a roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes Amy can I have uh bills and payrolls read into the record please yep payables for this period 68342 199 payrolls for this period 1,282 37377 almost um langra is playing for a penny and bills budget uh budget Bingo here um we have no announcements or safety reports uh commissioner comments and reports commissioner landra um touch base on the recent storm um we had they said officially seven inches I didn't see that much snow here um at least on my deck it was about five but and it wasn't windy there was somebody on channel six up on the boardwalk saying it's windy during the storm I'm like the snow is flying Landing straight down I don't know where they were but anyway um Rick gave me a little brief update on on the guys did a pretty good job was a lot of snow for us anything over two or three inches just kind of we have smaller equipment so it's harder to to get this stuff moving but we had nine plow trucks five Salters one brine unit that's part of a county um shared service that we provide County provided us with the truck and the brine machine on the back and we do that the day before a storm we do Wellington Avenue Dorset and Venter Avenue through ventner Margate and Longport and then they're the count that's the County Route so we do that for them and then we do our other streets um the main streets typically Atlantic Avenue we do that also in in Margate and Longport we also do Winchester and Monmouth um as our main drags through town that's the bring agreement that we came correct um when we do the other streets in Margate and Longport we have a tally of how many gallons of brine we use and we charge them for that that material um I don't know that we charge them for our time on that it's just really just they're running the streets um seemed to work very well I reached out to Nick Russo got a good report back from him that had helped on on their streets I did not hear back from mayor Collins in in Margate um right after the storm but I I think he did shoot me a quick text anding everything worked out pretty well um I was pretty happy with how the brine helps keeps the roads from freezing up a lot makes the snow removal a little bit better um so we had a bunch of other units out there skid steers loaders almost all of our equipment is on the street snow blowers um spreaders and everything trying to get salt out and keep the sidewalks you know clear around city property so guys did as as good as they could do with with that storm again that's a lot of snow and it's been cold the snow's not going away so you can see that at night streets are going to freeze up again and ice over I know Rick was out there working on Newport Avenue and Winchester today we had some issues there at that intersection cars are our biggest issue cars on those streets make it very difficult for our guys to get curb to curb and get that snow out of there so um I like that you put down shovels 10 10 shovels used um anyway 63 tons of road salt 1,400 gallons of Brine and 150 pounds of sidewalk ice melt um 11 what' I say, 1150 pounds of sidewalk yeah sorry um and we had guys working over we had brought them in at 3:30 the night of the storm they work 16 hour shift roughly 288 man hours a lot of time put in by these guys um that's good stuff for the Los yeah we can put some of this out yeah we can get that report they're getting paid overtime they live this is how they make their [Laughter] bones people out there who don't understand what it takes yeah it's a lot it's look they do let them know we're not we're not North Jersey we're not Vermont those guys they're they have bigger vehicles bigger budgets for it um you know we do what we can here and we try to get the main roads clear um side streets are always tough and I grew up in Pennsylvania side stre my street was never even plowed you got it packed down and you you wait waited for the cinder truck to come by you drove on the Cinders you didn't have salt back then so um I think they did a good job um so you know I'll be over there to thank those guys one day this week maybe tomorrow I get over there like to like to thank him for the work I saw him out continuous hours just guys working so I appreciate what they did um update on the Venter Avenue what we call the CMAC project which is the traffic signals down in North Beach all the flat work is done uh meaning the asphalt the pavement the curbing all that is finished we're waiting for the polls and has requested a written date from them they were supposed to be here in January which means they could finish up over the next two months and be done by March we're still hopeful of that time frame um and that's pretty much it on on that project the bulkhead on Winchester Avenue is punch listed we're just finishing up there um we'll be going out for bid for some of Bulkhead on Cambridge and a little uh fix at the end of Winchester Avenue that that we ran into private property versus our city property so we had to fix that but that'll be coming up soon getting a lot of stuff done over the winter time so um update on the beach replenishment The Dredge should be here the 16th of January um they schedule 30 days of dredging and and pushing that sand onto the beach um and know with weather delays and whatever they'll they they think that's going to take until late February early March 30 days means 45 to me in that um and then they've got Dune planning and things like that to do afterwards so the the equipment's here the pipe is here um they're just waiting for the dredge to get here and with this weather they're not putting the dredge out there anyway too windy right be great for summer yeah we'll have Beach back between the peers um tar pier and Margate Pier although they're not doing any dredging for beach replenishment in Margate at all they I guess I assume they measured I've been down on the beach at that end and it seems like it's eroded as much as ours but you know they don't have they have a deeper Beach there with the Dune coming back behind the the boardwalk so maybe they don't need it right but they will they will grade the beach north of the pier but not add more sand more sand will start at our pier and go towards Margate or border with at Fredericksburg so great and some of it will go that's go they're they're looking at that loral drift to just push it down there fill their beaches in that's it great maybe we can get some of that back yeah shared service agreement per grain of sand big trucks big trucks that's how Wildwood is deep sound for yeah that'll start that'll start January 16th backup soundar if you haven't seen this occur it it's pretty impressive um process it pumps in in a three- foot diameter pipe and actually goes through a a um explosive um screen because if there's a if the dredge sucks up something from the ocean it was an unexploded bomb explosive you mean what oh yeah the word oh yeah that's why it's on there and it would hit that and it would contain it World War II M but it looks like a a big fire hose shooting sand and water into the air right after it sprays out of that but and then they just let it dry out and they move it around it's a pretty impressive process I would they do it all night long you watch it at night that's all I have great thank youo thank you well this is our first first meeting for the year yeah right so that was sort of a happy New Year and um I'm happy to be back here with you two gentlemen making uh decisions on what's best for the city and uh what's best for the taxpayer and some of them are easy some of them are hard we don't always agree but I think we um work it out through Tom and Tom he's our mediator doing what's U they're all easy keep this invest continue to invest in the city and uh doing the infrastructure improvements we need and hopefully you know moving the city to forward to be vibrant and some place we want to live and someplace people want to visit and um good to see our consultants and professionals appointed today I I happen to think we have the best of the best they do a great job for us great job particularly in the state of New Jersey they are um well versed on dealing with the state of New Jersey and our rules and rags and some of the people we have to deal with sometimes and um it's just good it it's good to be here and start another year off and um I thank our employees for everything you know they've done done last year and Lance you sent out a great email to all the employees that that I wish I thought of it but I didn't so um it was wonderful when when you sent out that email thanking them for their service and their commitment and their loyalty they're the ones that get the stuff done that we want to get done so they help us get our goals achieved our our decorations this year were wonderful thank you Lance and Rick I mean Mike he's the bomb to me from now on I don't call him Rick anymore he's the bomb because he's just wonderful AKA The Grinch AKA The Grinch and um so yeah we're we're we're off to hopefully a great another year and Lisa wanted me to remind everybody also that um dog licenses are due the clinic is February 22nd 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the firehouse on Winchester New Haven $10 fee for neuter yeah for neuter and $15 for nons Spade or neuter so February 22nd for um the clinic great and they'll get their shots there yes right that's what they do and they can get their license there too if they don't do it before and you can get your license there too and it's is the fee higher if you have to get it there nope no and it's Dr Grant again and that it might I don't know if it's Dr gr or Dr Sarah but yes yeah and we do have a new schedule out for all our events and that'll get published sooner or later is it going up on the web page Facebook or all the above tomorrow where I don't know everything and um the city does have a newsletter that goes out via email and um if you don't get that you should sign up for for it through our web page our web page okay because that'll be on there too and and all other kinds of information you just type newsletter into the search bar on the web page and it'll show you it'll take you to it and'll and to it'll take you to the sign up page and while you're signing up for that if you're not signed up for code red sign up for that too at the same time that's right so that's it for me I think oh we have 26 million in ratables for the year yeah good news oh an additional 26 additional yeah no no yeah no it's more it he told he told me I thought it was more to but he told me 26 today he lied he Li he lied he lied maybe it was 26 more than what he originally told her yeah because last year was higher and I thought it it's more like 38 it's still I'm still happy about it but yeah yeah listen you say it was how much Tom I think 38 million new that's different than 26 million well there may be he may have been talking about an adjustment where because some stuff comes off too you have appeals and demolitions and things like that so the net might be that but I I think it's more like 38 yeah so it depends what you're asking for right what we're asking for yeah great okay thank you commissioner Mento I just want to before I kick it back over to commissioner langra I want to reiterate that uh um thank you for the comments about the new year I think we sometimes we do have to take a take a step back and and remember that we all took a lot of took this responsibility on eight years ago and took a lot of sacrific and make a lot of decisions and I look forward to working with both of you um to to keep our uh imagine veter agreed moving forward so thank you m lra yeah I forgot one thing and it's kind of it's sad news one of our Public Works guys Mike wireback is having some difficulty um prayers are asked for him he's still in the hospital he's still struggling a bit so he's been an employee for close to 40 years um so he's he's having a rough time of it um of you know might know Steve is brother so he reached out and asked for uh just some well wishes for for Mike he could use it right now thank you absolutely um I'll just um have a couple items um our Polar Bear Plunge was successful um it was I will say good on yeah I did take this year wasn't ours it wasn't ours the Polar Bear Plunge um people are I had the the honor of saying Ready set go when everybody had already started off to the water because nobody wants to stand around in their bathing suit in on January 1 but anyway it was a good time it always is um I I do have a couple things that uh I I I typically go to the Green Team Zoom meetings so there's uh some just some interesting things to keep everybody uh up to date on that you guys don't necessarily get to see um they're it's a really good team they are very dedicated um we talked a little bit about um how the the veter West ecopark acit is going forward um that we talked um they they've done a um a 2025 Community forestry management plan for the entire city so we have an IT tree Data Bank that shows all the trees and their state in them that they the state that they're in some that to kind of act as a road map and a and a way to get grants for that um so there they they had a um and so that's helping one of the things that we've been talking about that I'd like to keep on your radar is the idea of using some of the money that we've set aside for our downtowns year-over-year to um replant some of those trees that they've identified as in distress and and filling out the area starting with um one section of town the theater area so I've been looking at that with some with them and they've identified Tre that are salt resistant that have you where a lot of these green team members are on other teams in the uh in in Margate and um and Atlanta County so they know what types of trees and plants work in these situations um so we talked a little bit about that I'd like to move forward with uh in the springtime of replacing some of those trees um on Venter Avenue um promoting um uh they have they have the litter cleanup that I think commissioner langra you had talked to um so that's a different one that came out of the Surf Riders in the school at the veter plaza yeah so students from the VCC and I'm gonna Michael's his first name he's he's on the Green Team yeah he's a teacher there and he had the students go out there and do one cleanup and he said look one's not enough and he reached I put him in touch with Mark REO who owns The Plaza and he's kind of showed his tenants there what these kids are doing and and ask them to be more proactive in trying to keep their trash in the building and in the dumpsters and things like that um and the kids are going to do another one I I don't have the date with me 20th January 20th Yep um 20 something we'll put it out on our in our newsletter we're g do that but uh they're going to go out and do that all the um tenants are going to hopefully be there as well some of them uh and then Mark's gonna buy pizza for the kids so and I think we're gonna have them in here uh we're gonna have them here for the next meeting thank the kids so and kids are very excited about that they feel like they're really contributing I think that's a good um they seem like they're very passionate I was reading some of the emails about between um the teacher and Mark and you know they have a whole list of things that can be done to um lessen the the trash mitigate a little bit and um we had Mark's a great partner because he embraced much of what they were asking for I know it's aens list yeah I saw it I was like I almost didn't want to send that email to him but he jumped right in he's that guy else say yeah I got too many other things to do you know he's longterm guy it yeah he's a great partner for the city he lives here so he's got a place on sokk so and the last thing I have is the discussion about U with the green team about um the boardwalk that when it gets removed the potential of salvaging some of it so it doesn't get into landfills and they um uh knowing that you know it's it's a lot of material I'd like and I don't know where we we don't necessarily have a place to store it but the idea of um putting it to use in some way even if it's a portion of it if it's like a percentage of it um that's still reusable for um for projects they came up with the idea of having uh a contest for design for things like benches or um planners um um and having people do uh samples of them things of that nature just uh just something I think that would be idea I think DUI people and and contractors we put some of it out there to sell it yeah reclaim just you know in bul or for someone who wants a piece of venter's Boardwalk you know I think I think Josh DUI DIY sorry but I'm sorry the police thing is coming in um Josh belloff had suggested that we we sell some of it off to people use it on projects done an image of like if you would do like a feature wall or a powder room wall in reclaim Boardwalk kind of It kind of brings a little bit about of that Nostalgia because it's minicipal property we probably have to put that on gov. bid whatever that site's called yeah we could do something ourselves we'll start thinking about it with Rick see if our Carpenter guys can come up with some ideas that we can use it around here you could use it as part of the ecopark and and you could take down this wallpaper boardwalk and wrap this entire building in Boardwalk inside take it down I don't know if that would work I think the fire department have a problem with flammable material on the inside the walls but it's heavy I'm glad you guys are on board with that I think it's a good uh I think it's part of what the the Green Team mission is to try to keep things out of landfills and also to be creative about some a resource that we could potentially sell or you reuse in other places like the Ecco park or or um depends on what it's like some of it's it's already got screw holes in it so you know but there's there's there's potential there not in the streets you wouldn't be able to put it down in the streets now it it has been done in the past people have other municipalities have done that they've sold off that material for use by contractors so they use it they use it for I can imagine someone putting it on their deck if it was in decent shape you know yeah know any length same size yeah so when it's cut or hand you burn through your saw you burn your blad yeah I think we give it to them as the the lengths that are coming off the boards right let them deal with it yeah when it first came on the scene 25 whatever probably more than that it came to a mid work shop that I worked at and and they had to retool for metal blades to to actually machine it because it is so hard it doesn't float sinks float yeah yeah it's very very dense you can just feel it so so good stuff that's guess not you can't move over yeah no okay um all right um so I that's commissioner comments um can I have a motion to open the um meeting up to public comments on any items so moved second roll call Lisa commissioner langra yes commissioner Mento yes mayor Kel yes so at this point uh open up to anyone participating and interest in interested in saying anything about any topic hopefully vent related I have three items three quick ones um number one as it relates to the parking permits so we sling again this year the North Beach area parking permits are are already issued yep second one relates to sidewalk Shel have an ordinance that says that sidewalks need toel amount amount of hours snorm to my acknowledge it is only during the it is it is a is by ordinance in the in the path to the schools along Winchester Avenue and through Venter Heights so beyond um not in the not in the city entirely but I may be wrong if we have you're going to get sued from somebody because somebody's not their own sidewalk right especially as it relates to the my third topic which is the airbnbs rental properties to across the street for me have not Sho or you know they're just deplorable condition in the sidewalks are ICM slippery and we're not we had an ordinance or we don't have an ordinance and the sidewalks are not shoveled you leave City open to AAL lawsuit one of the tvers it I'm reading our City's I'm reading our city our solicitor's body language I think she looked it up I think we do have a nance I'm pretty sure we says within 12 hours 12 hours so you could so you could call if you're so inclined and the police department will go out and enforce that ordinance I would suggest 311 is I think it goes to code and I'll write the violation code yeah code would write it like a lot of it's Property Maintenance so it comes under the construction code yeah so I would just send go that 311 because then it's tracked I see it I send it to Rick I send it to well it won't be Rick I'll send it to um Dino and then they'll go out and they'll issue a violation if they don't do it within a certain time they'll get fined I mean practically speaking we are a short community that doesn't I'm not giving exam I'm not giving a you know I'm not giving a pass to people but we are a short community and N we you know 20,000 of our 30,000 residents aren't here right now like understand mayor but bottom line is that we have eight pound homes our we were on we were on an email all morning on Monday morning to make sure our sidewalk which was half it's on vent sure half it's on Oakland and half is on Nashville make sure they were shov by my case my neighbor sh mine yeah had our landscapers come out make sure rest sidewalk sh as an HOA that makes sense right but the city isable if the ordinance somebody slips and falls and let's say somebody doesn't have adequate liability insurance on the house they can come after the city if it's un enforced ordinance my opinion L prevention standpoint I just I look at this all the time okay yeah noted thank you structure monitor no no the only the only change was to add an additional service through uh the company that handles the the registrations and that is to have a hotline available for people to be able to reach someone when there's a problem that was missing previously we've added that to the contract this year that's with um host host Community host host yeah thank you yeah thanks Ben yeah so based on your comments we'll we'll get that on the newsletter to make sure that the public is aware of the hotline for host compliance okay all right can I any um any comments from the if I may I I I don't want to just let the the comments about liability oh yeah sure go un unanswered I I don't I don't think that the city has liability it's I'm not an attorney obviously our attorney sitting next to me uh but to just make a blanket statement about us possibly having liability because somebody doesn't clear their sidewalk I don't think that uh that the courts view it that way and our solicitor agrees with that so it may be a nuisance but it may not be the legal liability doesn't excuse it and and you know I think it's a good being a good neighbor um is uh is is something that isn't is I think an individual basis right or not know what I would suggest is maybe we post something on our social media and our in the newsletter send it out there hey reminder guys when we get a snowstorm you got so many hours I think it was 12 um to yeah get your sidewalks cleared so public can access them I agree with that I think that's a good idea good idea can H people I mean I did the Neighbors on both sides of me you did the same so we're the we're the and then was four people to live on our street so yeah exactly so most of this most of our street is vacant this time of year so we did do it I use my neighbors driveway so I make sure he's clouded out it is any comments from the zoom platform for public comment on any subject Jim anybody on Zoom wants to make any comments I look at that one this one's closer nope thank you uh motion to close public comment so moved second roll call Lisa Mr langre yes Mr Mento yes mayor Creo yes uh we have no executive session this evening no but if you'll indulge me I'd like to just say something briefly since it's it is the beginning of the year and when you started the commissioner comments I think Maria you mentioned about problems and things like that um and I the first job I has had as an administrator I worked for a mayor named dick light in Avalon uh dick was a retired Insurance executive and we had had a lot of fun and I was you know forever appreciative to him for giving me the opportunity and that really brings me to what I wanted to say he uh always said there are no problems there's only opportunities and I've remembered that throughout my career and tried to approach things in that fashion and to keep a sense of humor about things not take ourselves too seriously I think they were good words to live by there are no problems or only opportunities and so that that's how I try to approach it might be a little bit corny but I I think they're words to live by I think we all agree I think sometimes uh we we we need to sand the edges off of some of the questions and problems that we have and just keep keep moving forward thank you one other thing um can we take a look at the fee structures that was proposed for various type of events and let us know whether that's something that we have to do by resolution I don't think we have in the past but see seems to make sense we should I I think we actually have an ordinance that has the fee schedule so that's probably where it needs to go is to amend the the fee schedule ordinance it's in the code yeah yeah was there anything else on there Donna other than events special events and the block party okay vendor fees I just don't want to to forget it we won't yeah all right just another opportunity opportunity well put no executive session this evening thank you thanks Tom uh may have a motion to adjourn so moved second roll call Lisa Mr langra yes Mr Mento yes mayor Creo yes 52 times that was a lot and