for the January 24th 25th city of ventor commission meeting uh prior [Music] to estasia prior to to um starting our meeting we have a new live streaming public comment disclaimer to read um everybody here uh city of ventner offers live streaming and the option of public comment via remote access public who participate remotely will be muted during the commission meeting except during the public comments portion of the meeting any person attempting to disrupt the meeting may be denied access at the discretion of the City in the event remote access is unavailable due to a Technologic to a technology malfunction or other reason beyond the city's control the city will not pause or stop the live meeting City commission meetings are held in person and the public is welcome to attend the best way to ensure an individual's ability to publicly comment is to attend in person so that comments may be made in the event of a technology malfunction the city reserves the right to discontinue offering public comment via remote access at its discretion for any future meeting this is a um something that a lot of municipalities are um having to do out of necessity really so um um that's our remote comment a remote public disclaimer and if you can raise to uh salute the flag Pledge of Allegiance Thank you Lisa can I have a roll call commissioner creel here commissioner Mento here mayor langra here mayor langra joining us from Florida we're all um uh thoughts are with you during this time thanks appreciate it um so um P next uh pursuant to the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided the agenda for this meeting is posted on in in City Hall and on the Atlantic and and on the city's website uh www. venders so this is our um this is our Workshop meeting half of the meeting uh it is less formal than our uh second half so we're going to um uh we during this Workshop meeting um it's meant uh just to discuss the items that are on the agenda that we are going to vote on uh after we close this half and begin the next so the next item on the agenda is presentations which we have none tonight um we're going to talk about uh some items that have some uh further discussion when we bring them up in this meeting um uh we have Department the next item is department head report can you can you hear me sorry I'm a little the the microphone is a little tight here hang on a second there you go how's that Marsha great good to see you um next is the department head Department uh department head reports we have none uh next is capital discussion uh which this evening we have we do not have um item eight is a minutes from December 21st 2023 regular meeting I believe Lisa we have everyone here so we can correct uh commissioner Mento was absent that meeting so we'll just need you and mayor Le gra to okay yes um first item that will be on the agenda for the regular meeting is is Introduction of uh ordinance 20243 ordinance of the city of ventner uh amending and supplementing chapter uh 214 vehicles and traffic articles uh scheduled chapter 40 schedule seven loading zones so this is something that cleans up um uh loading zones throughout the city it's uh an ordinance introduction that we have discussed in the past uh cleaning up some language um just a question on that is this the um the street ends Boardwalk Street ends no do we have do we have that on tonight expect we expect to have that at the next meeting we did discuss that today and we are making a broad based ordinance with General language and um specifying some of the um uh some of the the street um areas that don't quite line up with those um uh uh off the street end distance requirements so uh we have a draft started today actually for okay all right thank you um next is public hearing we'll be public hearing an adoption of the um ordinance um uh uh the budget ordinance uh this is the um uh an ordinance we do every year um it is uh count not to exceed the municipal budget um we discussed it at the last meeting um and so this is the adoption of that um any questions on that and uh that's that's the cap Bank yep cap bank right and then uh next is uh ordinance 20224 d002 a public hearing and adoption on that um this is the amending um vehicle traffic this is something we do every year um corrective language again for parking meter zones um for that ordinance any questions on that no I'm good it last year um so the next is a group of resolutions that we will adopt uh by consent um so the first is uh 043 uh tax abatement for 108 South Oxford Avenue there's a series of these tax abatements uh this is something we do regularly um Z so that includes 043 for 108 South Oxford 044 for 115 South Princeton Avenue 045 is another tax abatement for 6700 Atlantic Avenue um and that's the tax abatements for this particular meeting um next item will be uh 046 which is a refund of a a deposit for the community center for the ventner Democratic Club and 047 is a refund for the deposit of the community center for Dennis Kelly who is the Republican Club so those those deposits are typically used for that they can use that facility um the next item is um accepting the retirement of Jimmy agustino effective April 1st um mayor do you want to make comment on that here I do thank thanks Tim um so Jimmy has been with the city um for 34 years just shy of 34 years 33 and change uh he started in 1990 um and he he's going to retire on April 1 of of this this year um serves as our City's construction official our building subcode official and also serves as our zoning official since 1995 and he's also the head of our Department of Code Enforcement and and building office so um he holds numerous licenses he is an extremely valuable um member of our team here in Venter and has been for a long time um he holds the licenses for construction official building subcode building inspector housing code and inspector of hotel and multiple dwellings uh um you know he also assists with the city of the burough of Longport um as a shared service with the city of vetner and Longport uh with their code of inspections and things of that nature so he will be certainly sorely missed um Jimmy has done a fantastic job for our Administration and and prior um he's been a a key person when when we came in Tim and Maria you you were on the team then as well you know that's the first person that that I sat down with and say look how do we get better at making this department more development friendly and and he gave me the ideas and we we moved through them um or he effectuated the ideas I had in some cases um sometimes with some Kicking and Screaming which is rightly so um that's a good exchange of ideas when when someone doesn't always agree with you but works with you to get something done and that's something that I think we've all shown in each of our departments but um Jimmy's gon to be missed um we will be stepping up Dino cavaler into that position and some of that position not all of it he doesn't do the zoning aspect of things but uh Jimmy I don't know if you're on or in the room but uh you will be certainly missed in our community uh you've been a godsend to to us and and moving in into our Administration so I thank him for his years of service thank thank you mayor and and I would just add that um that department had to respond to the scale of inflow of work over at you know during CO as covid sort of created a boom and some of the other things that happened here in in ventner so he scaled that um that department and took on a a lot more volume just in general so oh yeah stepped it up and then and you know we've got good people in there handling it and Jimmy chose a lot of those people so it's good yep good office great so then um so we that will be voted on um during the regular meeting um next is uh resolution 049 uh which is appointing our uh Poe to our to coordinate um random alcohol and drug testing not to exceed $6,500 we've had discussion with them about their um their services we're happy to have them back um any questions there no uh next item 050 is um authorizing uh authorizing a local Recreation Improvement Grant um uh the ability for us to apply for a grant this grant applies to um Community things that can be used for uh so this is just the application process but as we know Jim Rella can um can write successful applications um in our our newsletter just recently uh going back to 16 we we're just just just over 13 million in Grants that he and the city have won for um direct purposes in this case um if successful it could be used towards community centers playgrounds walking trails bike trails um multiport courts and improvements or Professional Services for those things so um I think that I think we all be in favor of that um next item is um resolution 051 uh which is a basic refund for tax overpayment um and then the next two resolutions kind of go together 052 this is uh Lance this is more your area if you want mention sure thanks Tim um so these are part of the construction utility construction it's going on on Lafayette Avenue as well as Monmouth and now we'll we'll morph into har Harvard Avenue from Monmouth going back towards uh Winchester as they're doing the construction as a lot of these utility projects do they run into issues that's what these are are designed to handle the first is part of a hiring the engineer to re to design an sewer replacement going up Harvard Avenue that they ran into that they could not repair um the old clay pipes are just disintegrating as you're as you're trying to fix them so we're going to repair that block and repave that street because it's it's about to fail anyway so um so both of those are tied to those two projects on Lafayette and Monmouth Avenue to to allow those to um get change orders to get that work done right all right so that that's um resolution 052 and resolution 053 both related to those uh construction changes and uh new new requirements yeah great thank you um next is uh resolution [Music] 2024-the of the third and final liquor license in bner um uh congratulations going through the process process that's uh and um that'll be voted on today any questions on that for the bench Lance yeah I have a quick question does this allow them to because I we've you know we've obviously been talking with Tony and his team they're looking to relocate that license to Aroma does this allow that to happen or do we have to pass another resolution down the road for that this is the first step okay maybe Tom can add some comment yeah that would be a separate application for a place to place transfer yeah okay all right there's a form for it's place to place transfer after this is in in their possession okay good so um um that'll be voted on the next and uh next item is 055 this is uh authorizing the bidding for emergency repairs for water and sewer system so this again is something that we do um it's your your Lance it's your area if you want to add some color yeah sure so we we we put this out to bid for for sewer water repairs in emergent nature and you'll hear some of that in my my mayor's comments later um for stuff that our guys can't handle if it goes below four feet in depth um or if it's just too much of a of a project we have to bring in you know our big guns you know in the past it's been Arthur Henry um so this this is they've been the guys that we call to come in there's several utility companies uh Sam Burns mechanical Arthur Henry and we use all those guys kind of interchangeably when we need them so that's what this is for to to handle these bigger emerg emergent projects right you need the right tool in the shed depending on what the the project or who hit what kind of and it's typically a big tool usually a big tool that's right so that's um that that's on the agenda now we're adding three resolutions today um and uh one of them the first one would be uh 056 um this is authorizing the bidding uh for uh uh of Professionals for a conceptual um Ecco Park um I'll give a couple comments on this we're we're um we're moving forward step by step this is a longterm project but we received a $200,000 Grant I believe part of it can be used for this effort this is simply putting out to bid the ability to design what we've already had memorialized in our our um our master plan which is the use of roughly 150 acres of unused land that has been sort of kicked to one process or another being used for one use or another in this case um we are gathering um some momentum and some traction with the Grant and and the group um that is helping um sort of create what our wish list is and now it's time to bring it to a professional's attention to see what we can really do to make a presentation um to other entities the other other bidding out other other funding sources um and also bring the public in bring schools in to what this area can be um for a long-term project for the city so I'm excited to see this first step and hap happy to to to sort of be um the person that can help coordinate that for the city it's a it's it's a it's a it's a great you're doing a little more than coordinating it there commissioner K you're leading that charge and doing a fantastic job with it this is this is something that that can change that section of our community um and as as you and I both have heard there's interest in this on the federal level of assisting us so it's a great project this this could be a gift to the whole city and the county and the state and um it's kind of something that I I I agree I haven't let go of I'm kind of keep poking at this until it happen now you're now we're not going to let you so um this is a big project and it could be um really something that uh we as a city can all kind of look at and be proud of uh if it becom if we allow if we can um get all the right tumblers in place and I and I I feel confident we can um next resolution is 057 this again is for you uh sort of a public work Works area this is an emergency repair uh waiver uh for the um for an emergency repair to the HVAC at the community building um yeah um that the it's not part of the library system it's in the same structure but it's a separate system uh we're going to go out we're going to look at a a split system there the Micro Systems and and try and offset some of the costs a little bit but this gets out and gets that that fixed we lost the heating system there this past week so that's why this is an urgent matter right right okay so that's 057 the last one that we're going to add on the bench is um I guess also you know Lance and I have been working on this for a while uh 058 is resolution uh authorizing the second half of um uh the contract we have with uh William EC architecture to proceed with the preparation of contract documents and bidding and construction Administration for uh a Bandshell under the terms of contract that we awarded in resolution 6 uh 360 of 2021 so this is the now uh coming to fruition um we're doing this the right way we've got the we while we were on board with while we were on a meeting with Lance and I uh while we were on meeting with the AR with the architect we received the permit for this from the D so we are clear to go forward with this I ask um uh Jim to put up some images that we have of the conceptual design for everyone to see and I also um want to point out in the audience tonight is um the members of the beautification committee uh some of them um we have Shelly derazio we have um um Marsha gesp here uh and uh and also Rose Hamilton is here so the and and of course um Mar um Peter um shelle's husband also U um a member of that beautification committee um always on board with every everything they do but um so if you can see the the the design here it is a simplified design it's a um and I it's and the reason I bring up the beautification committee and I I'll have them speak once I give a little bit of the description of this um is that they're always here to help support things that are happening in the city and part of this um um part of this part of their effort towards the city is to is to um is to make a donation towards the completion of this um it it will be a low structure um considering that there are people going to be using this from the beach it'll occupy the existing location where we have a Gaz IBO that has somehow survived the I maybe I I don't know how it got through Sandy um but it's still standing and um um th um but also due to the popularity of our concerts we have these concerts are are um are sometimes um thousands of people uh coming to these concerts and it's it's a great Hometown uh it puts the hometown sort of at at and it's in a in a in a great light um so this will operate uh it'll be as low maintenance as possible it's going to be a concrete foundation it's going to have the same IP panels that we have on other structures that we've uh Incorporated through our administration at the at the pier um and at the uh Beach Patrol headquarters so we're looking to have the same kind of form family of design finishes they kind of relate so people kind know they're in if they're in you know that these are municipal buildings that all the same color family and there'll be a a a there'll be a hardscaping area leading up to it that has U the ability to use uh bricks for uh donations uh to other words to memorialize a this is in memory Park so it sort of makes uh it'll help us fund it but it also uh kind of fits with Memorial Park that you can uh you know and the fact that we have uh so many benches now that are um that are not enough places for people to to to to memorialize their loved ones in this case they can they can purchase a brick and it'll be part of that whole leftand side uh uh leading up to the to the um to the to the stage area uh it'll be handicap accessible it'll have lighting and um electrical points for bands it'll also be pretty big it's roughly 25 by 30 now so roughly three times the size of the existing gazebo so it'll be a bigger space for bigger bands um maybe um Elvis impersonators for for sh shelle do you have I mean give you the mo give you the mic if you'd like to say anything and you scaled it back because initially it was very expensive yeah yeah well I you know Lance actually had it we kind of uh circled back to one of the original ideas that Lance brought which is uh something seen in in um uh in Cincinnati that's right in Cincinnati and we there is an installation similar to this at um uh at Canali I believe so we can see this in person that Bandshell idea but it's also it's on the beach so it we did have kind of a larger structure in mind um uh but this seems to make sense for uh for the location it's also going to add a little buffer of planning and uh I think it's going to be a great addition uh you can see some perspectives of it too Jim could you show them during the day at night look at that so at night it'll be lit From Below you'll be able to see uh and then uh you'll see that that kind of gives you some scale and then there's a third image that shows it from the boardwalk so it's a really I tried to pick a a a a canopy that was you don't see that often there's a couple normal shapes that are um you know more Band Shell this is something a little unique it's got a kind of a butterfly shape to it but um I think we're I think we're we've got a great another great opportunity to have a a landmark it's GNA be something that's going to be a landmark people are gon to remember it think you just gave it a nickname The Butterfly Bandshell there you go there you go but um but uh if just um if you can come up to the mic and state your name is official Shelley derazio um from the bentor beautification committee along with um Mara Gillespie Rose Hamilton Peter mover Cindy windr and Pete derazio this has been a long time coming I guess since 20 maybe 189 in conjunction with a few things so people know the beautification committee we do the chef's night out every year this will be our 11th year we have two more to go at 13 I bow out that's my lucky number we do the garden tour uh we've done a lot of things for the city I don't know if people are aware of um the enclosures on the beach that need some tender love and care now receptacles on the boardwalk uh we'll call them receptacles not trash cans because at $550 a piece the receptacles and also through the city on ventner Avenue and uh Atlantic Avenue we filled in for some banners on the boardwalk and the last time we did the complete entire Boardwalk with banners that are now being used throughout the city we've done uh American flag banners on V on Atlantic Avenue and American flags on Venter Avenue H in addition to which the welcome to Venter signs with we've had sponsors but our big event that we've done is obviously the chef's night out and along with the committee and thanking them for all their hard work and dedication I have to thank the businesses without businesses without our restaurants and they all know who they are this will be 11 years I go into them and they do not refuse me and they provide for sometimes 350 people they they chefs they're Cooks they servers they're there for us the ice cream poers with all with all their Delicacies the the bakeries with their sweet treats and of course our our delicious candies and then our our liquor stores with samples of red and white wine our musicians that play for us every year donate their time four hours they play our host and hostesses that stand there for four hours checking wristbands checking tickets guiding people and then of course we try to give back we give the vendors a free space in front of all our establishments to sell and to help enhance our our event so it's a big thank you every for everyone in the community that's come together to make this come to fruition yeah so from all that we've done in the past years and now for this we are giving the city at the time of the ribbon cutting we're giving them a check for $75,000 from the beautification committee to sponsor the stage wow thank you awesome that that's that's that's an amazing um that's an amazing donation and I I just want to put it also in perspective you mentioned when it's start when beautification started and the first chef night out and the there if you you've been here in ven her long enough the the offerings of that Chef's Night Out versus the offerings of this these past year Chef night out has grown like every year there's more there's not only more more restaurants and more more more more participants but the quality and the and the and the has grown and it and I I just remember it was kind of like a uh um a Grassroots effort in the beginning and and it was untried it was really just a a spark of your imagination that wasn't um quite figured out how it was going to work out and it's grown into something that you obviously you've given back to the community so we thank you for that eight eight eight locations 25 yeah yeah yeah so it's so my point is that the the that your effort has grown with the city it's grown with all the the things that the city has to offer so it's it's we we're we're walking down this path together appreciate it ribbon cut thank you so much tremendous effort by you and your volunteers on on everything you put together not just the beautification stuff but I obviously our our holiday parade um but just thank you so much for this um that's the money will be certainly put to good use absolutely absolutely so that's a that's a that's a huge deal for us and and I I hope um uh I I look forward to the ribbon cutting um thank you and thank you for coming tonight um so we'll be voting on that and getting out out to bid to take the next step um that is the last of the resolutions we're adding at the bench and then we will um we'll have uh bills and payroll um we have uh what's the a discussion item discussion items yeah it'll take oh okay so um oh that's right um so there is one item um there's uh uh the green team is present and ventner are presenting uh Doug taly PhD Stockton University at Stockton University um he is a New York Times bestselling author um I believe it is about uh Tom do you want to mention the well the the event takes place in March at Stockton uh it's being funded completely through donations by a variety of groups but uh our local green team are the prime sponsors that put it together right uh the city is providing a certificate of insurance for it to rent the space and there's a contract that needs to be executed so I was just looking for a Voice vote from you guys tonight that authorizes the mayor to sign that contract so we can just move ahead with there's there's no uh expense to us involved right it's pass through money no expense to us or the city and the topic is on is uh um is it's it's it's green team related but it's isn't it the uh um using uh plantings that are um uh I'm not everything that's going to be discussed okay Lance did you have something I just said indigenous plantings that's all that's the word I was looking for yeah so um uh any uh any comments or discussion on that I think it's been set up with I think v um Margate is there's a lot of organizations the acua that are part of this um effort that's gonna um no I I support it you need a you need a vote on that Tom I think just to authorize this signing of the contract I I didn't want to sign a contract without you guys being aware of it yeah yeah I support it yep I do too as long it's vetted right um so any other discussion items yeah I have one uh Tim Mark Greco uh reached out to me he's got a a company that does a project that is called Community solar that's not their name that is that is actually a BPU um and state program that allows commercial properties uh sometimes occupied sometimes not but in this case it would be on the roof of the plaza the ventor plaza uh they would put solar arrays up there a lot of them um Mark had wanted to do that for the plaza but apparently the the system there doesn't allow for it so he's looking at other options to give back to the community and this community solar as part of its name uh they provide they collect that solar energy they put it into the grid and then what they allow is that to go to the residence of our community um 50% of that has to be for low and moderate income households so they would if if you want to do this say if you're a household that is low moderate in your income you would apply for that show that you're low mod and then you don't necessarily get that exact energy but your your bill your electric bill would be reduced by the energy generated by that solar array um it's a really great program it costs us nothing uh there's some hurdles that they have to go through uh from the plaza standpoint and from the installer standpoint um they're going to need our support with Atlantic Electric to tie into their grid there's uh there's two potential tie-in points and one of them would require some poles to be installed again at no cost to the city um this would be a A plus plus to our residents um the other 50% can go to anybody who wants to apply for it um to get these these basically credits to get your your electric bills reduced so I think it's a it's a good program um I met with with Mark and Keith pelsman from the the contractor and I'm I'm not remembering the name of the the company he works for but they just wanted I wanted to vet it with you guys first before I said look we're on board um so if there's any questions from me I I'll try and answer them if not um Keith is available for you guys to reach out to um I've already put him in touch with Atlantic City Electric and to work through them they have to apply for the BP you to get the the ability to do it so it's a little bit of a process but that that application is due like next next month so I wanted to at least get a feel from both you guys um for Keith and his team to be able to make that application yeah I think it's I mean I'll say first I think you're the public isn't seeing this but it's basically covering almost every square inch of the roof line of the plaza from one the other with solar panels that aren't really going to be seen by the public and um but it's just another example of how this o the ownership at the plaza is making um long-term improvements so they're going to have to improve they're gonna they can't put these on without new Roofing all the all the things that uh that align with um a good neighbor which um we know he's become out there at the plaza the so I I have no objection to it at all great Mar as well all right good thanks I I'll let him know that that we're in support and uh if he needs a resolution we can put it together for our next meeting right great thanks guys so the that is the last discussion item we had um we talked about the Bandshell um which again I thank um everybody involved in that um and I'll keep you all posted as the progress becomes clear to me as soon as possible fin the trigger for we we finally got the cafer permit which was the huge thing yeah the cafer permit is is huge um so then um the next item on the agenda here is for is public portion um so this is public portion for anything that's been discussed so far in the um Workshop session so uh I'll read this um briefly but it can uh so anybody um uh anyone in the audience that wishes to speak on anything that we spoken about so far in the workshop session um now is time you can do that if you like sir you want to come up and uh just have to state your name and thank you uh B subanen 306 North Lafayette Avenue been in a resident since uh 78 um on H on the the grant for the recreational has that been approved no that's the that is um we're voting on the ability to apply for the grant so we're applying for the grant correct so anything that is deemed where we will use it for will be after we get the money for the grant yeah so so right now it just we're in a application uh part of this yeah so it's one of many applications for Grants we have a great grant writer the retell Associates and they are always looking for things that are a fit for the city of ventner some things are some things aren't this we happen to have a lot of uh need for recreation improvements we've got we've got the pickle ball courts that need resurfacing we've got uh we we try to do the worst first but this is um we're always looking to take the burden off the taxpayers and find uh uh when it's the right fit sometimes matching money doesn't make it the right fit but um and but this is just a first step uh you don't you don't get it if you don't ask so well you you you opened it up if if it does go through it could be a long process correct yeah but or it could be something that we have in the works this grant can be used for uh repairs on existing or it can be used for projects we have in the pipeline like the Ecco park or it depends on when it hits in the cycle and whether we've already funded it or not unless someone else Tom you you do know you brought it up the pickleball courts are I'm in vpac uh committee and um the advisory committee and we do have a problem there right now so we're just wondering uh if there's anything that you need from us to help move that along so we can get our courts ready for use now yeah our internal discussions have focused on resurfacing the pickleball courts that's commissioner Kel brought that up right that is likely what we're going to apply for and then depending on how much of a grant we are awarded uh would dictate how far that stretches okay we're just looking on a time frame that's our biggest because now it's I don't know that yet and you know at some point they're GNA have to close the courts down to resurface yeah just well we're lucky that this has come up when it has exactly so we'll try to um I don't know if there's anything we can take it off offline another conversation if there's something you can do as a uh when we get to that point there might be a place for your organization to put a letter absolutely in with a letter of support to the application and um and then you know we can always write a narrative about how it's grown I think we're up to somewhere around 700 people 700 paid paid yes yeah and they use that facility for us so there's a good story to be told there about use that's what people that's what these things um you said mayor do you have any other um comment on that that is no uh just one thing we're aware of the issues on the courts um I actually have Matt Doran looking at something in the interum if we don't get the grant um or if it comes too late for this season uh we can do some temporary fixes if you will uh to fix the most egregious issues that we're having but because we don't want to you know really delay um pickle ball usage for the for the spring and summer so you know we can do some temporary stuff that that Matt's been very successful in using in other communities um so we're working through that process as well kind of side by side with this Grand application the ideal ideal situation is we get the money we can repay them all we we know what it really needs and at some point they're goingon to have to be regrounding completely the basketball the tennis and the pickle ball courts to bring them eventually yeah Ballers are a lot like rowers we'll break the ice if it's a good flat day and there's no wind and I've seen pickle Ballers out there after snows absolutely on the court we're out there the polar pickle Ballers we're we realize it's a force of nature the the the the association thank you very much I appreciate your time yeah thank you all right think that's um that concludes the public portion unless anyone else has something uh anybody on the on Zoom have uh any uh anything that they want to comment about things we've discussed so far Jim if anybody on Zoom wishes to speak or comment please raise your hand within zoom and I will ask you to unmute your microphone no no hearing none uh we will close the workshop portion of the meeting um can I have a motion to close Port uh Clos Workshop portion of the meeting and open and call to order the regular portion of the meeting so moved second Lisa can have roll call commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes can I have a motion to approve minutes of December 21st 2023 I make that motion second I don't think Maria can she wasn't here so I have to second so I will second that motion for approval of minutes roll call Lisa commer Kel yes commissioner Mento stain mayor lrea yes right uh can I have a motion uh for ordinance introduction of Z 003 ordinance for amending and supplementing chapter 214 vehicles and traffic articles six schedule chapter 40 schedule 11 or that's 12 loading zones I'll have to get my daughter who's studying Classics to brush me your Roman numerals I'll make a motion to introduce ordinance 202 24- Z3 second roll roll call Lisa commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes uh can I have a uh motion for public hearing on ordinance 001 uh uh this is the ordinance uh to exceed the mun Municipal budget appropriation limits to establish a cap bank I'll make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 202 24-1 second second all in favor I I and um can I have an ordinance adoption for the we gotta you got to let I'm sorry public comment got to open it to the public um can I we made a motion to open it to the public you got to ask if there's any public comment any uh can a motion open to public comment on um ordinance 001 motion to close second anyone in Zoom have any public comment on ordinance 001 please raise your hand if you have any any comment and I will ask you to unmute no now I'll make now I'll make a motion to close sorry I was a little preemptive so seeing none in uh in Chambers or on Zoom motion to close public uh hearing on ordinance 001 second you have to make the motion first you made the motion okay all in favor I I got it all right um next 19 is um ordinance adoption for uh ordinance 001 as we previously described can I have a motion for ordinance adoption so moved may have second second Lisa I have a roll call please commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes right next uh we have a public hearing on ordinance 002 this is um ordinance amending chapter 214 vehicles and traffic part two Article 13 meter schedule section 61 schedule 22 parking meters and meter zones may I have motion to open public hearing on ordinance 002 so moved and a second um all in favor hi I so this uh ordinance is open for public hearing anyone in the audience have any comment on ordinance 002 anyone in Zoom anybody in Zoom have any comment no no hearing none motion to close public ordinance uh 002 on public hearing excuse me so moved second all all in favor I I next item is adoption of the same ordinance so motion to adopt ordinance 002 I'll make that motion second uh Lisa roll call please commissioner cille yes commissioner men yes mayor langra yes all right all right as per the workshop we have a motion to adopt by consent resolutions 202443 through 2024 d55 by consent adding ordinance 05657 and 058 as described in the workshop a motion uh to adopt those resolutions I'll make a motion to adopt resolutions 202443 through 058 second Lisa have a roll call please commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes mayor langra yes all right and uh next we have um anyy will you um uh describe the uh bills and payroll please the payables for this period is 2,134 3482 payrolls for this period 1,311 18977 thank you uh motion to approve bills and payroll I'll make that motion second Lisa roll call please commissioner creel yes commissioner Mento yes mayor landra yes and we were so close to having a a zero Cent one I've been waiting for eight years to have a zero Cent Bill and payroll two cents that's right sorry guys a little Punchy do we need to chip in uh thank you uh any announcements and safety report is written into the record Lance I think you mentioned you may have a um commissioner mayor report you'd like to yes I do thank you commissioner Kel um so a couple things so so this our first meeting since we had our our first snow in two years uh significant snowstorm um you know four four inches or so um prior to that and may many of you have seen the posts um as part of a leap Grant with the county we were able to get a brining machine and a dump truck um to be able to pre-treat the the county roads um through not only ventner but Margate and Longport uh so we did that for this storm um we did it on ventner Avenue Dorset and Wellington Venter Avenue was all the way through Margate and Longport down to the bridge in Venter we also did Winchester and Monmouth Avenues um the roads around City Hall including Atlantic Avenue and we also did it around Public Works and I believe the library the public buildings um from talking with with Rick Santoro he said it was a it helped quite a bit in removal of the snow you I got to thank these guys were out on Sunday morning before that um I guess it was yeah I guess it was early one morning I know I sawen Gary Rothman and he was driving the truck takes two guys to to operate the the bring machine uh one to drive one to operate the equipment so those guys were out early in the morning getting all the streets done and it seemed to really help uh the snow removal went smoothly uh the guys did a did a great job with that so I want to give them Kudos um sticking with Public Works uh the other night Tuesday night we had kind of a everything thrown at us we had our main sanitary pump sanitary sewer pump at Public Works go down on us um so we had some issues there we and had installed a bypass if you guys remember about two three months ago we had the bypass piping installed for just this type of emergency so we're able to bring in a a pump hook that pump up and get that bypass working uh and that worked very well um so that was a good Kudos and that was our guys you know doing that work uh during that time we also had a pump go down at the Fulton and Harvard sewer pump uh location which is under the under the roadway there right by commissioner Mento house um the guys were out there that evening taking care of that aspect uh the probes had the rack holding the probes had collapsed into the pump and they were damaged uh we were able to get that fixed rather quickly third item uh we had a water main break on New Haven Avenue on the beach block um with all of our other guys tied up with the other issues our our supplementary crew came in and were able to fix that water main in-house and get that work done by 10:30 that night so kudos to these guys they were out there in the cold the wet and and fixing these things uh I'm really proud of the work they've done over the last couple of months and and and specifically Tuesday night was just everything went wrong um and they they handled it well Bernie and his team and those guys did and John Conor did a great job getting these three issues resolved as quickly as possible so thanks to them yeah excellent it does always seem to happen in waves or Pyon and that it's similar to what happened uh and they did a great job it's similar to what happened uh I just have one other do you have anything else mayor no I'm good thank you I I just to just to sort of piggyback on that we had another sort of Pyon evening when um about I guess on the 19th there was a a gas leak on a Friday night and uh which is normally you know a Friday nights you see an uptick in um in just regular calls but at this point we had a gas leak on Venter Avenue um multi multiple um so we had to all at one time not only handling the the normal Friday traffic of calls we had to shut down roughly four streets a entire Square block area and uh under the under the umbrella of the potential worst case scenario in a gas leak you've got um uh you've got to um divert traffic and then as it sort of escalated um away from the street the gas company asked us to um to evacuate houses nearby so now you've got police fire setting up uh warming stations for people they have to go door Todo um some of those people are not uh are one of the I know two at least were handicapped um they had to get them to safety away from this um situation at the same time you've got um f whole families you've got to get headcounts you've got to get headcounts of the people that were working that night um and you've got to divert um you've got to divert this traffic all all along with the normal chaos that happens uh on a on an on a on a normal evening so he did a I think all of all the police fire and um uh and the dispatch did an unbelievable job um in that adverse situation that's what they're trained for but uh to in my debriefing with the chief and hearing as things go on it's just a it's it's we're lucky to have such professional organizations doing that doing their work completely agree Tim they did a fantastic job yeah um um just another day for them but um but except ceptional U for for folks that need it when they need it um so that is the that is U mayor commissioner Mento do you have any promote it again well you know as commissioner of Revenue and finance I never have anything fun to report I get I don't get to talk about these marvelous projects I don't get to talk about special events and concerts and band shells and and the hercul like efforts of our police and fire departments and public works I get to tell you that your taxes are due February 1 and umt grace period this year because the 10 days falls on a Saturday so the grace period takes you out to 212 so that's the most exciting news I have to report I'm sorry to say no no no no so so yeah but your departments pay for all of these improvements that we're doing so you gotta take credit credit in there you make sure we can pay for them yeah we did put credit card machines in place so that's working really well any he g go so you know that's that's a little bit of fun and and we're poking fun at it but we can't do these we can't have these types of uh we can't have nice things if we if we don't have if we don't have if we haven't done the things in the background that we've done to get to this position I mean I look back at the bond rating and the work you did um uh in and around that that that gives us cheaper money to borrow ex it it's just um good Common Sense budgeting um that we uh are the beneficiaries of to do these things these are not things that that you know we're in the in the realm now of things that we want to do not just the things we have to do and we've been doing the things we have to do for for the last eight years and now we get to do some of the things we want to do y well said Tim well said Tim yeah so um uh moving to public comment and this is a open forum for um so um this is um open for for anybody in the Chambers or on Zoom um if anybody wants to uh make a comment about anything um now is the time we can open that all in favor so moved megot I say I I I so open for public comment now anybody in uh in the chambers or I see none bomb I love it we have some comments un unattributed um anybody in Zoom Jen that wants to um make public comment anybody in Zoom wish to make any comments no none uh we can close public comment and motion to close so moved second all in favor I and uh next item is executive session if necessary do we have any no I'm seeing no reason for executive session uh and uh last item is a motion to adjourn can I make one comment before you do that because I want to tag team with what Maria was talking about with Finance um as as you'll recall we uh engaged a contract with Jersey Cape Diagnostics to do our uh preseason sales they're doing uh extremely well but the sales for the month of January are going to far surpass what we did in house house over the historically uh I want to remind everyone anybody that is listening or picks up this news that uh the online purchasing is a very smooth process for them the tags are actually mailed to their home so they don't need to wait to March or April or May beach tags beach tags I'm sorry if I failed to say that um but we everybody knows April and May we get very busy selling beach tags sell probably 25,000 tags in those two months so people that are traditionally waiting that long you don't have to wait get them now they'll be mailed to you you don't have to stand in line and fight the crowds to get your beach tags yeah so literally there are lines that wrap around the corner when we sell I didn't realize it was that many in that short period of time so we'll have to do uh I'm I'm sure we have but we'll have to do a couple of blasts over time we'll keep doing that there's going to be a reminder that'll go out with Maria's water bills but I think it's a very convenient way for people to purchase their tags it's certainly helps us and helps L's office they don't get swamped with having to deal with all that so the more people buy them online the better for everybody um I'm yeah I'm I'm in favor of that less less of that um because it is a a a a big influx of people coming in and taking care of it so we can so that's great um just on on that beach badge notice um I don't know if I guess we didn't do it tonight for resolution but I you know Sue Simon is is stepping away from the beach badge I just want to thank her for the the seven plus years that she's helped us with that yeah um you know she's going to be very difficult to replace um but we we really thank her for what she's done um and and she really organized that that that department so we appreciate that so I want to thank SU for that yeah thanks for bringing that up I agree and uh hurting all those Beach badge um yes is a it was a big task so she will be missed yep y all right anything else and thank you guys for the accommodation this evening I'm sorry I'm not there in person no not at all glad you can make it yeah motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I I congratulations gentlemen meing injour congratulations on the liquid license