##VIDEO ID:SgARiIroMhM## e e e e e e e e two three testing e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay good evening we're gonna open the meeting of the Veron Board of Ed for Thursday December 19th Mr slam May I'm going to call the meeting to order may we have a roll call please miss Ahern here miss Brock here Mr smaga here m Mr cantino here Mr Krauss here miss pallet here Dr Ross here Mr Sweeney here Mr Zin we have a quum okay uh it is recommended that the board enter close session for the purposes of discussing legal personnel and student matters may I have a motion please so move moved by Mr cantino seconded second second by Miss pellet all in favor hi we are in closed session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we're going to uh recommended that the board return to open session may I have a motion please so move moveed by Mr cantino second second second second by Mr Krauss all in favor I opposed we are back in Open Session Mr cantino I mean Mr uh slam could you please do a roll call again please miss Ahern here miss Brock here Mr smaga here Mr cantino here Mr Krauss here miss pellet here Dr Ross Mr Sweeny here Mr Zarin we have a okay uh could you please join me and rise and salute the flag pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you item F Mr slam the reading of the meeting notice please the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests discussed or acted upon in accordance with provisions of the ACT Vernon Township Board of Education has caused notice this meeting to be published an adequate notice has been provided and notice this meeting has been properly posted in accordance with the New Jersey open public meeting law uh just a quick note uh our next meeting is a reorganization meeting and that'll be Thursday January 2nd at 7M okay thank you all right U we're goingon to need approval of the minutes may I have a motion to approve the minutes as listed uh motion move by Mr Krauss second second by Miss Brock any comments or questions there the Clos session meeting from November 14th the work session meeting from November 14th the closed public session from November 21st and the public session from November 21st okay uh all uh roll call please miss Brock yes Mr smaga yes Mr cantino yes Mr Krauss yes Miss Pet yes Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeny yes Miss ahorn yes obain where noted and one and two thank you motion carries thank you of tonight item H we are very fortunate to have the is this the Glenn meadow middle school saxophone Ensemble it looked like a few people might have been spending too many years in eth grade on first Al sax I have Junior CH on ter saxs and I have W Den on the very saxs on Al can I just say thank you for coming we really appreciate it e e e e e e e thank you thank you foring our students talents you're teaching and uh lifting our Spirits through music it it's been it's been great this week uh listening to uh all all all your band members are performing for us this this this week as well be surprised thank you very much thank you guys wow great okay item I president's report good evening couple of brief comments I would like to thank the two outgoing board members for their services Rose aharn and Carolyn Ross although their time was brief they have left a lasting impression and and through their contributions opinions and Leadership we are in a better place because of their service thank you very much to both of you thank you I happened to be at Walnut Ridge school on the first day of our new preschool program was purely an accident it looked like an awesome day with the students looking very excited although I did hear some crying but I was assured that it was not any of the faculty I would also like to wish all of the residents and staff of Vernon schools a very happy and peaceful holiday season and further we are looking forward to an exciting 2025 and there the board goals item that I have on here is actually going to be postponed one more time I have everything ready but it's appropriate that we do it with the new board and so we're going to do it at the reorganization meeting and that is item h i mean item I item J board report summary Finance building and ground Mr Zimmerman is not here tonight obviously um member of the finance committee or maybe Mr slam wna I have notes but um Mr slam yeah that would be great yeah no pressure yeah Under Pressure yeah uh so uh we had a uh few items of discussion under the finance portion of the night uh one of those items was discussion of uh postponing Rolling Hills fire alarm replacement uh due to the change order that was priorly Prior approved prior for the high school uh that was about just under $100,000 uh and then also we are looking at some issues with septic repairs uh at the Walnut Ridge School um one of the other items to discuss was a request for a RFP uh for our food service uh sooner than we had planned uh we decided to stick with our original plan which is to go out in the spring uh since there wasn't really um didn't really benefit the district to go out sooner uh and it would have been a very difficult base off the timeline uh to meet those requirements under uh bu grounds one of the new uh repair items is the warut ridge septic system um first a preschool we thought uh we had a little bit we had a backup there uh first uh cause we thought was wipes which there were wipes stuck but behind the wipes was Roots behind the roots uh were some issues with the actual uh septic system so we're exploring that and as we have more information that will be shared uh and then other than that we discussed some of the projects that have been in progress um and some of the projects that have been completed so some of the latest projects that were completed or added to our completed list were uh the installation of fire doors at Glen Meadow Rolling Hills ly Hollow and the high school um the repair of the water heater uh the repair of boilers at lre Hollow and Rolling Hills uh and then also the completion of our Wastewater management and Water Treatment Services RP uh with a recommendation on uh tonight's agenda for approval and that's it any questions about buildings and grounds and finance want to add anything Jen or Charles you guys were there okay uh Mr cantino community relations so we had our first community relations meeting on December 4th at 7M we did it via Google meets um in attendance were myself Mr Rogers Rose Ahern Lindsay leuk Eric Kosik Carolyn Ross and we want in the future to have some representation from the elementary schools of course the first thing we talked about was establishing a mission for the committee um and we're looking to see who we want to be a part of this committee besides obviously board members and administrators so we were thinking um inviting the sca to participate in some capacity along with parents who are very active of course we need to create some kind of application process we're in the process of creating that application now we have a draft along with a draft for the mission but of course those things have to be approved before we can share them um then we were looking for ideas as to what we want our goals to be so obviously um we want collaboration with the sca and a way for the community to ask questions um the whole point of the committee should be about Community engagement um and we want to do something like the drivein mov me night we're thinking of something like that and a state- of the district address as a part of our goals for communication but all of these things still have to be approved at a later date but that's what was discussed so that's everything I have thank you Mr cantino curriculum miss pet so we had a curriculum meeting on Monday December 16th um we had in attendance vny gagliostro Nick lasso myself Melissa Brock John Krauss and we had alternates Carrie Ross and Charles saglia um we harri was going to be a little bit late so we took the opportunity to invite Mr saglia to come uh because as you might remember we had that um conversation come up last week about the server and system evaluation discussion um the committee had you know had was discussing the concern raised that the statement of work by a vendor um in the wake of a power failure that caused crucial servers to shut down um there was some concern about the scope of work and the statement of work presented for approval and that it didn't cover reviewing a disaster recovery or continuity plan so it was agreed at the committee meeting that the administration will review The District's current disaster recovery and business continuity plan and make any necessary up dates as well as be mindful of the need for thorough and detailed descriptions in the scope of work covered in future negotiations of agreements um we also discussed the um idea of the administration creating a template for reporting on incidents like this going forward that would include uh destion of the incident what was done to handle it the cost to the district and what we can learn that uh ended up being a potential area for discussion later because we discussed it as a committee but we need to discuss it I guess with the administration and the full board um then we uh went to Old business which was the high school grading policy class waiting and scheduling update we've been working uh the district has been working on that since April of 2023 um and a new grading policy went into place this school year at the high school that involved shifting to major and minor grades rather than different waiting for homework participation quizzes and tests and the idea there was to provide more consistency across the district and to avoid situations where a student's marking period grade was overly impacted by a single test um so we have in the committee report uh these the major grade and the minor grade waiting it varies by course um so I don't know I can read these uh for the CP course level it's 60% major grades 40% minor grades for ACP it's 70% major grades 30% minor grades for honors and AP courses it's 8 80% major grades and 20% minor grades uh on the other items the administrators and faculty are still working on developing recommendations for changes to the grade waiting differentials for AP honors ACP and CP courses as well as um a decision about whether to keep the current rotating schedule at the high school or move to a block schedule and the hope is to reach a consensus on the waiting for the coming school year um we also discussed the family Tech night um the district has met with a potential presenter screen strong and plans to hold the tech night sometime uh late winter or early spring um we also reviewed the instructional coach updates what our new instructional coaches have been doing which is a lot of really exciting work um it's there's a lot here so I encourage the board members to look at the um there's a link in the report to the uh Power the the slide deck that explains a lot more detail but they've been focusing on maximizing instructional best practices creating a rubric on teaching practices and classroom and working with teachers on overcoming challenges to implementing them through collaboration classroom visits and providing feedback but there's a lot more there I just don't want to go on and on on um and then we also talked about an Ela and math curriculum um project that the administration's been auditing curriculum in preparation for qac and evaluating potential new math curriculum for grades 5 through eight and possibly also grade four which will replace math and focus and that's it thank you Miss bellet Charles Mr paly are we allowed to ask questions oh yes please sorry I forgot to say questions or comments um I just wanted so on the the grading wait grade waiting yes scheduling and do three things right grade waiting scheduling the high school uh yeah the high school rotational yeah we we're one is done we're waiting on two yes okay and they're looking towards the end of the year to wrap this up well the one will wrap up the end of this year okay and then the follow the the high school scheduling I don't know that we're going to get to a decision on that they're hoping to oh they are okay hoping to very much thank you and then I just had one other question um I was in the meeting so I did get to ask a couple questions about the scheduling um it didn't not schedule I'm sorry great Point awaiting nope wrong again it's the uh grading policy grading policy grading policy not the class waiting and um and actually when I saw it on paper that's what it made me think about um something because um you know I I don't know if anybody knows Janet hail she's she's some curriculum person very popular School Board think she is and know the reason why it just happened to line up that I had to take policy uh governance three at the same time that we had the policy meeting or CN meeting so she was saying things in there um so two concerns I have was one related to her where um she's looking at why you know and and her Focus was not anything like the work do right here so it was more H focus in having two schools or this goes back probably to when we went to school when we had a special ed program and the General Ed program like we were teaching two different ways but and we learn that's wrong right so not that this is wrong and I not trying to call anybody out and say that this is wrong way and and I'm happy we're trying different things it's very nice but is it do we do we see that it's working good that we have different levels of of the class we have AP we have DP General we have three three different right and not only do we we make them different in rigor that we're now we're also taking changing the way we're grading those so not only the classes from an AP to let's say General right let's go to this two extremes I think AP is the top right General the bottom we're we're not only is the horse work lesser right it it's it's also we're we're trying to uh we're we're accepting we're change not accepting less we're we're changing how we're grading this so it's it's almost we're we're messing with two two items at the same time not only forew load but also how we're handling what they're they're Hur handing in so I obviously this is we just put in effect this year I I I don't expect you to have like all the answers right now um but is this something I would like to see that we're we're looking at because to me it does it seems a little weird right it doesn't seem normal but we need to be not normal sometimes we need to do something that's different come out of the box and and make something better because we don't know until we actually tried but so I just want to make sure that we're reinforcing we're really checking how this comes along long and the other thing is with that is the 6040 this is our low lower end right of the not the high performers right and um trying to say it the right the best way they can be high performers in those classes okay so not the kids that are try that are working with a harder course world because I I I my some of my kids have taken AP classes the teachers say right away I don't check homework if you don't do your homework you're not passing this class right and it makes sense because the course work is very hard so I understand how the grading is I think 8020 is something like for the honors AP yeah yep and then but when we get down to a lower grade it's and and you know I'm don't really have my homework here where I can say that classwork and homework these are the four things I know classwork homework quizzes grad grades right and Labs right uh quizzes tested Labs so quizzes tested labs I would assume or major and classwork homework I would assume is minor so if I did all my homework in a lower grade I would get a 50 or I'm sorry a 40 40 40 I would get a 40 just on that portion so I did hand in all my homework every time and you know homework's not what we used to have right we're not getting three hours of homework because we know better now like it's the qu the quality not the quantity right so I can do less work and I can get a 50 on all my tests and I would get 30 points right so 40 plus 30 would mean I would have 70 I would pass the class and and like what this lady was saying you know we look at the standard right that's our that's our goal to get to the end it's not how we design our guid line to design the class but if I took if I'm making assessments and I'm only learning getting 50s at them did I get to my goal where we want those children to be and then if that kid just and this is because we go back to the whole reason why we're changing things because people were playing the system right kids were I don't not playing the system but they weren't not trying to hurt themselves so they can get into college right so they they would take lesser uh other classes instead of AP classes so they can get a better grade but in this situation I mean I can literally just do my homework come to school every day not even really pay attention to a test and still I can probably come out with a 70 and and that kid would they ever be able to move on from there because if you only learned you got a 70 on your assessments right you only learned about half of the stuff obviously you know there's more to learning than just tests right so if you learn only about 50% of that you would never be able to get out of General class so as a parent I think that that makes me a little concern I'm not saying we have kids out there I probably just blab the word out you know now everybody's GNA say oh we could try that out but I hope nobody does that and but I that's what I it scares me when seeing that um so how are we how are we addressing and and I'm not saying you have to go and change anything because maybe this way is great I'm not saying it's wrong but are we going back we're GNA have numbers at the end of the year to show that this is not happening because you can really play the system I think and the kids aren't Gonna Learn could I just make a comment to that I think it's basically semantics the teachers are just changing wording what a major grade and a minor grade is they still are counting the same things they counted as a major grade before they're just waiting it differently but it's it's not weighted differently it's actually pretty much the same if if I'm if I'm incorrect I mean a a person in an AP class an AP teacher is going to put heavy weight on more difficult items because it's a difficult class and in the lower class of the regular college prep class let's just say it's going to still do what they were doing before they're just calling it something different so all those grades are still going to be major or minor but they're they're just giving less Credence to maybe a quiz maybe a quiz counts more in a in a in an upper level class than it does in a in a CP class so I don't think that what you're saying I is going to affect a huge change in anything I think our grading is going to pretty much remain the same and M yes please please um so what what but I I think that addresses the first part of my question and and you know you're an education John you've done it for many years I I know uh you know you have some experience in that and and and I don't have the experience so you know at the end of this year I would like to see that I trust you I trust I trust the members of the faculty and stuff that have put this together and tried hard to do a good job right and put it together and I'm not saying that wrong but my my more more concern is that 6040 it just I mean I do I like math that's that's what I do and and it comes up and if I did my homework I can still get 40 points for that class I did all my homework right what you're saying is that just homework is 40% which it's probably not there's probably other things that comprise that 40% if I'm if I'm not mistaken not just homor we don't know individual teacher is does what they do of all the major grades and and the minor grades but I I would you know they might say I have they maybe heavy weight a project for instance you know some things does a lot of Project based learning things in some of the in some of those classes so maybe they put more weight on a project where an AP class is going to put more weight on a test you know what I'm saying I think that's where the differences are I don't think a kid's going to be able to just do his homework and skate through the class I don't think that's going to work you know because it's gonna be pretty much what it was before they just yeah they're just it's semantics really well that would be my question if you looked at it before and you added up the the quizzes the homework and participation it probably was at least 40% right right so I don't know how much I mean I don't know how much this is different from we were doing before really going memory I'm thinking 20 20% 10% homework 20% this is you know haven't been to school in a while you know but you know 40% quizzes qu and and other ones I I see it with the a higher level it's just I feel like this we are letting we could be potentially hurting the lower level ones um but I don't know if we have the like you're saying maybe if we have the some information of how what the percentages were last time and exactly what a minor and major was and I know there's some differences based on the the department you know like me like science they explained in in the meeting has Labs nobody else really has Labs right we don't have a lab class of Music Labs it's just lab and and and science so yeah that's going to be a little bit of difference but what are the major and what are the minor um components that will be I guess standardized or more mostly I think that's gonna vary by Department were you at the curriculum committee meeting I understand discussed that at a curriculum committee meeting I I bring it up a little bit and and and but I wasn't it wasn't actually until I saw that number like I I did ask about it was standard we talked about it a curriculum but he didn't really take in the differences until he saw the report with them laid out they were in the agenda too Charles isn't on the committee he was subbing in for Carrie she was late so he he didn't have the agenda in advance I guess I would also just say just you know for the record like I think we have to have some faith in the fact that you know they took a year to figure out how to do this they piloted it the year before and we have to have some faith that the Educators you know know what they're doing I mean I understand what you're saying but I'm education I'm not an educator and I do think like they spent a lot of time and thought and energy into you know figuring this out and I'm sure if we you know but education teachers us right this scientific method engineering has a process right we that we we we find something we make an assumption we make an hypothesis of of what we're going to do and and and we we test it out and we come back with data so are we going to be seeing the data at the end of the year to see that this this plan worked out because I I mean I could be totally wrong I could be off this could be the best plan in other people model off of us and I don't want to take that away from all the work the hard work that people put in but also we do have to evaluate how the district's moving right so it's not that it's bad it's this may be a good plan maybe just needs a little tweaking and and I heard some rumors that that the you know this The Faculty especially at the high school are going to be re-evaluating some of that stuff but are we going to see that are we going to be uh yeah they report to the uh curriculum committee and the the grading the grading committee uh consisted of approximately 12 teachers and administrator who met many times and like Mrs pellet said before I think they they piled it a little bit as well and this isn't just like they they took the percentages and they they are having ongoing conversations so I would love if you wanted to to to have somebody from the committee or or the administrator come to the committee meeting uh to to tell you what exactly they went through this whole process in order to come up with these percentages and what their findings are and where they're at because there is discussion throughout the year about um how how this these percentages are working and how they feel about it as well but I think that it' be appropriate to do that uh at the curriculum committee yeah I think that would be great and and I would just also add that I believe they you know they are planning to look at it how it went this year and just bet it to make sure because I think that was said at the meeting as well so and the results will be reported back to the curriculum committee yes correct that's our old business and we follow up on it when we remember to that we will did you get your questions answered I I think so you're at the end of the year there you guys you said that your conso are reviewing it right throughout the year you you're saying even with the percentages of something right there you said they're looking at it and it'll be reported back to the curriculum committee and then we can look at it as a we can discuss it as a whole discuss the results and their findings and what they talked about yeah and where and why they made the decision to go where they're going and and maybe possibly make changes based on their discussions and I'm I'm sure I'm I'm looking for more like result wise how how did it work out what do we Chang in because maybe we saw that this doesn't work but this works better the administrator is doing that in the process no that's that's what I'm looking for at the end of the year are we is that where we're you're talking that we would probably will I'm not trying to commit you no listen I just got in I got this discussion question I believe uh earlier earlier uh earlier today and and I reached out to the principal and I I'm confident that if they came to the curriculum curriculum committee they'd be able to answer your questions should um yeah and then I'll report it to you because you're not on curriculum although you should maybe put that on your list in the reorg meeting so that's a great idea anybody else have any questions about the curricula I I just have I didn't know if this goes I'm sorry I talk it's okay uh I have one more thing and I wasn't sure where this goes because um we talked about it a little bit last time policy talked about it I think curriculum we all talked about it it's about AI I was just wondering um we I I think we left the meeting it seemed like we were going to do it as a board um is that part of what you're going to report later or so okay I don't want think you no no it's quite all right yeah in my presentation next next uh next year there are committees that we can establish because AI has become such a u um a force I was anticipating recommending if if I became president that we have a technology committee separate from curriculum committee because it's so important that I think well both of them are important that we should allow those committees to focus more on those topics it's something to talk about it doesn't have to but we can think about it and talk about it I think we should talk about all our committees and whether we did that once before right and it's probably a good idea to so in my in my my presentation I have like 12 committee potentials I mean some of it is is you know redundancy but eight would probably be more than enough then eight would be eight people would be chair people the President should be chair of of any committee that sounds yeah so that's it'll be for the second okay oh and I'm sorry one more thing no you're welcome Charles it's I know I just keep on saying you guys I'm done but I keep on looking at my notes I'm like I haven't heard that yet good soon I hope um was the uh I I just want to go back to the disaster recovery plan uh business continuity we are because part of my discussion last week I I voted on agreeing to the scope of work that I didn't like but I said if it was okay if we we I would go along with that scope work as long as we will still be reviewing um the business continuity Disaster Recovery plan that we already have and we're going to if we need to we would make adjustments but that's what I just want to clarify that's and and I I talked to you as well is that uh my idea was to address it as soon as possible so we're Gathering all that information uh uh our Tech our supervisor of technology is reaching out to High Point Solutions I think we're going to have quite a compreh ensive report I think we need to unpack that and share it with the technology committee uh and he'll have some ideas of he'll share with you some ideas of of what he hopes to do and maybe we could have a discussion on on uh make you you know he wants to make sure it's properly funded so we can do things in in the most uh efficient way possible so that something like this won't happen again okay be following up on that it's my understanding that you got all of your questions uh they respond responded to all of your questions I think so I don't I could probably find another one if you want Jo no not new ones old ones we're good for now all right Charles thank you very much right now we're waiting on uh updated agreement with additional language in the statement of work okay okay just just just met with him today okay all right now can we open up the meeting to the public we still got oh jeez I thought that was you oh yeah boy I'm losing control now we're Mr smaggle the policy committee all right so uh we had our meeting on uh December 5th um from 5:30 to about 7 um was there myself was R me Russ uh Melissa Carolyn John and Nick lasso um who is our technology I forgot his position but he's our lead technology guy he's a he's the guy that we everyone goes zo calls right so um um good great great guy of talk he came to he wanted he really was passionate about technology so we had a good discussion in there we reviewed he didn't take part of this but we did review this the second reading which we're going to recommend that U that second reading just go through U is good we not making any Chang that first reading we have um I'll bring this up when I talk about the first reading um but we talked about some of the technology things a drive uh for the Board of Ed and also I I mentioned about tablets and um Nick actually heard that my comments and and then gave us uh bring it up in the meeting and we also discussed some U some options with that um so first thing is the um P policy 5111 1111 it's uh the eligibility this was this is up for second read Mee uh we don't see there's any need for any more changes whatever we agreed upon that last meeting we are recommending to agree upon it again this time um first reading so this is a little little bit of discrepancy I will probably I'll take some blame for this we had some uh um somebody at the office I I was talking to and I I don't know if I was Clea and I'm pretty sure I wasn't Claire well we we can have a a discussion today instead of a first reading yeah yeah I was going to say either can present it I don't know we could put on the table and vote on it or we can just talk discuss I'll tell you what our recommendations were this is for R random drug testing 55301 uh currently um and this was discussed in the group already so uh currently we have U one section portion of the of the the whole um polic uh recomend regulation that says up to 20% um as a group uh we discussed this um I we think it feel it fits better that we we uh change this to a number that's um to a minimum instead of a maximum um we're just reversing the language uh we feel like we we recommend a 10% I we think we feel like this would do better for our for our students um as as we put a baseline for what we want to achieve this goes along with our our our board policy about safety um concerning concerns um it's also I feel like this is a little bit more me probably than the board because we didn't really the committee because we didn't talk about it but uh we feel that I feel like we should probably review this at the end of the end of the year annually um and we always look at this one because this is something serious about the health and safety of our children um so we should probably look you know do we need to adjust that number is it a good number where we at um one thing I did want to um bring out about this was we actually Russ gave us a lot of information from the district um there was a lot of things going on that I don't think many of us know um that the each school is doing themselves little programs they have stuff scheduled out throughout the year so they're addressing um safety in a in a different way uh which was very nice to see um another thing is this U 18a statistic um is is we can see that it's actually working uh 18a when somebody somebody I guess notices it I don't know how to put this in Lay I guess notices something's wrong they re they work towards fixing that problem um and if you look at the percentage wise it looks like the teachers or I shouldn't say teachers the staff the whole entire staff are doing a well job at it because the numbers are good they're not it's not like only 10% of the kids that they that they suspect or or have a problem it's actually a very high number so I I I just want to point out out because I I did feel that our our our staff is doing a great job at that and um the um so whether but the only change we wanted to make was make it from 10% from up to 20% to at least um at a minimum of 10% um the one policy 167 was brought up many times at the public um public participation board meetings we actually spent most of our probably talk time talking about this uh after the technology side of it and um we we didn't come up with an unit ofous decision um we have there's feelings on both sides whether it's good or it's not I think we all saw the side that um you know it is good for the community um but it's also sometimes it could be a little um what's the uh not not so great for our uh for the for our our presentation here of of the board because we're not getting we're not being effective it could be a little bit distractive so as a committee we we thought that you know what there's probably a better way to approach this and what we're recommending is that we look at other policies instead and not just look at taking away public comment from remote remote public comment we're we're saying maybe we just look at how we organize the meeting a little bit um I I put some suggestions that we did we didn't really change any policies but we put some suggestions that we can talk about next time um so um some of the more a total time for for a comment um which sometimes we do or we have it has in the past a timer that can be displayed for all to see um one thing was maybe an app on the on the TV screen so even the person at home can see it um uring information is collected when someone speaks which we try to do the best out of this but a lot of times we just forget and and it doesn't always happen uh enforcing uh uh per speaker time limits um which you guys probably W for me right now but um deciding on on uh the need for video or voice only uh preventing inappropriate comments a warning system you people start saying things that don't pertain to the portion of that meet of the of the meeting you know here's a warning let let's move on because we need to we have business also to conduct here um a number of turns per per speaker per comment session uh strict rules on answering uh unanswering questions answering given at the end and or maybe the next meeting this is you know stuff that we're receiving uh restricting uh restricting security related topics to off camera this is something actually Nick um brought up and you know there are some concerns and you know I I talk about cyber a lot and I never really actually thought hey maybe we shouldn't say some of that and it's not just computer-wise it's also probably any kind of security topic I know Joe you've done pretty good job of keeping us um except for you except for me with my MFA all the time yelling out there but um yeah so well maybe we have to change that in our policy shut the cameras off when we're doing this and this is not just for public comment it's also for the live stream um um agenda and uh Amendment deadlines and um defining work session public and public meetings and special sessions uh which I know Joe has a whole presentation about which I think he wants to eliminate some of those words already already so um but that's all those are those are things that we're looking at and um no decision was made on anything just that's what we're going to focus on on the next meeting um I'll try to go quick on the last couple things here uh electronic communication between staff is p uh policy for 2 A3 we would just I I put this on there I just think it's it's a 10-year-old policy technology has changed let's make sure we're up to date with it no no big thing we didn't really get to talk about it um the next thing is the the drive Nick um actually set us up today or yesterday with it um so I I put a proposed thing if everybody could just check the notes of how I think we should structure it should be structured uh every every committee has a folder only uh only committee members have access to right to that the committee cheer has full rights to that that folder so they can make folders put it organize it the way they want everyone else in in the board basically can have access to it but cannot comment on on Google on Google Sheets or anything on that um and then I thought that we would need some security groups uh board members which would include all of us board leadership which ACC the President and Vice President then we have committee chairs and then committee members so everything will be working in groups a little more security thing probably nobody cares about the that it's a little bit more geeky I guess but um that's that's what I I propose if everbody could just take a look at it and then um I would like to get back to Nick this week before the holiday so we can just finish that up um that would be tomorrow Charles yeah yeah well you know you know I work all night long so anybody have any questions policy did you have one more thing yeah Charles say me I'm working with Administration we're going to get that the review started there may be Russ knows more about it than I do so I'm going to probably lean on him yeah they do the annual review of all the policies but also they just had another batch of policies out we'll do when we have a batch of policies come out we usually will uh compare the the recommendations to the policy that we have give some of our recommendations uh and highlight them to certain color and then give them to the policy committee so they can look at them and see what some of our recommendations are based on expertise in certain areas so you guys can make decisions on what you want to do with those policies and then two last things well part of that is that we we went over our Trello rules we we're just making this I put them down there if you guys want to see the rules but we're just making sure that we don't we don't do any U fors any problems with uh privacy and we're pro protecting the school data um and then tablets which I would love to open this discussion about it doesn't have to be today but in a future meeting um would love to talk more about tablets uh Nick went over a couple options we could have some of the board me uh committee members also mentioned different options we don't have to change but I think we should move with the times um you know um let's get away from paper we don't need paper anymore we we should be saving trying to save money um and just be more organized and be better I think if we board members had their own device that they were able to bring to have it set preset up when they got here it wouldn't be like we have to get here get a Chromebook log in try to figure out and and go around so something to bring up I would like to talk about maybe next year is uh tablets and then I think I'm done for now yeah okay um on yeah on the um 5550 Point well the random drug test policy I I guess I'm just confuse as to why this is never seem to get to a Reading part you to a first reading I know you said it was probably like an oversight or whatever but we've been talking about it you know for a while and I think we kind of have an agreement now with the minim I mean unless there's you know someone who doesn't agree with the 10% it used to be 20% so that's you know a little bit of a roll back seem like a reasonable amount we haven't ever missed it right so so is there a problem that we're not actually getting to a reading on this policy it's just never seems to be an attachment right so I I'll just answer let me Rush but I'll just say a couple things was I know we kept it in committee for a couple sessions that was on us because we we wanted to get more information Russ gave us whole bunch of information about it um so it did take a little bit more time I I think there was a little confusion on my part about getting on here today but again I have the the link on the paper if we're I don't know if we're allowed to do this or not I would suggest I I would propose that um we can call a vote to put that on the table to a vote on it tonight the Link's there it's only one sentence change but if we can't I just want to speed it up it's it's just like Jen said it's been three months yeah yeah I don't want to report on it again yeah right I mean if or can you define the change again please sure it's it's the this there's a sentence is is up to 20% and we're want to change it to a minimum of of 10% so what's what's up to the number of children to in the random drug testing pool to be tested it used to be 20 per year per month per month it used to be 20% per month and then we changed it to up to 20% Which basically means you don't you know have to test anybody and so we and and the district has been testing Charles looked back and they tested at least between 10 and 20% so we thought okay let's just make it 10 to 20% so that it's established that it can't be 0 to 10% that was that so the ch is uh 10 at least 10% right from from up to 20% it's a minimum of 10% of the pool so you like to put that in for first reading before our second reading yeah that would be nice yes and and I just want to I think we agreed upon 10% for the year because of oh I'm sorry because you know some months November you have Thanksgiving Christmas during December there's less people less activities so 10% total it's 10% over the year yeah is is the goal so roughly how many kids are in the pool how many students are in the pool oh we have that somewhere yeah like is it uh seven six 700 something like that I think it's a little higher than that um I can get I bring it up Russ actually gave us yeah he did give us so then it would be 70 say if it's 700 then it be 70 children 70 students okay right okay pretty much does anybody have any objection to adding this to the agenda no but I think we have to do a motion and all add it now yeah add it to the agenda yeah so once you get to that yeah so once you get to that um section you just need a motion in a second to add it to the agenda and then you do a do a separate role okay so we have to remember what the exact number of the policy is and have to give us a clear statement of what the change is yep I'm bringing it up right now so okay actually what we could do we could amend the motion that's there um a motion on the table right now well once we're down there so there we could amend the motion that's on the um agenda so it's m2a to m2h we could add a resolution to it just N2 I is that yep okay and Joe last year was 637 was it 637 yeah that was the children the students who were in the population of Avail drug you know what it's a little higher because GL meow is separate yes on so that's this is a high school right thank you all right any more questions about policy Dr Ross I have two comments I just wanted to underscore what Charles said about uh what Nick said about discussing security issues at the meetings I thought this was really interesting he was saying both um we talk sometimes about online security and physical security and we live stream it to the internet and then it's on there forever so he was saying this is something we should consider when we have specific items we should we should you know section them off and close down the live stream if we're talking about anything that we wouldn't want the general population to always at any time be able to find you know on the internet people who don't live in town Etc so I thought that was really just an important point that I hadn't thought of before and then I just wanted to say about the paper free thing that I hear you but there is some some people do not comprehend as easily through screens so I do think even though oh I got both right yeah so if we completely do away with paper there might be some board members who aren't engaging as well with the screen so I think having some sort of mix is the probably the way to go and I you know I think I think you bring that up right in when we talking about as well yeah yeah it's agism Charles I didn't say I didn't say some old people I said people I'm okay with that I'm not offended no I think it'll be a great discussion as the for Char you got the number that policy with the first reading on yes it's uh it's it's regulation regulation 50 55301 it should be ay Mr cantino I do have one question that's about what Carrie was just saying around Dr Ross um the idea of sectioning off a certain section of the meeting and closing down the live stream is doing that in okay with the New Jersey um open public meetings law if it's related to security yes okay I just that was a when I heard that I was like okay that makes sense but I just I mean we may not do it that way we may do it a different way by having discussed in an executive session but if we make a mistake we don't want to well we don't want to make a mistake about security we want to be extremely careful but yes if it comes up during the meeting we can pause and you know stop the live stream we probably just move it to Executive session later on I think his point was I could be wrong about this but it it could still be an open meeting it's fine for the P public yeah who are present it's just that you wouldn't want it indefinitely published on the internet because then uh anybody can access it at any time so there's some issues where like if someone you know like cyber security attacks or whatever if someone wanted to know how we then that wouldn't just be our community members here present in this meeting that would be like you could go to that school and look that up I don't mean to cut you off I'm sorry the only thing with that is anything discussed here in front of the public goes into the minutes so if it's not on the live stream it would still be in the minutes you can redact minutes though if they're security issue yeah I don't know I just thought it was really like you know as I just thought it was really something to consider what he was saying and in big picture we have to be careful what we say because sometimes we mention things security related that are that is easily searchable on the on the web yeah I think it would be easier for us to just make sure to discuss those in executive session because I don't know this is not my territory no but it's something that we should discuss think about and uh try to find a resolution about how to handle it because there's a lot too I mean building and grounds might say we're putting in a new alarm system well do should we not I mean that's a big budget item right we would we should discuss it out here we might not want to go in there but if it was something an armed ninja in in each classroom yeah maybe we just talk about that not discuss the specifics of the alarm system right in general terms in general right so general terms would be okay but anything specific would be executive session because we wouldn't want to get into yeah reaction things like that where we could have ISS on the sunshine right and I could always double check that with I'm sorry I did have one more thing and I'm sorry to flip back to the uh random drug T but Charles you mentioned before um that you'd like us to see an you'd like us to do an annual um review of it and I did want to say that um the New Jersey Administrative Code actually requires and I don't I don't know that we have been doing this but it requires that each District Board of Education shall establish a process for the annual RW with review of the effectiveness of its policies and procedures regarding student Alcohol and Other Drug abuse so that is something we we really have to do it's not like an option so we should start you know kind of that I believe we do do an annual annual report if we actually proc but it's not just a report it's we're supposed to annually um review the effectiveness of the policy so we're supposed to be looking at them and looking at our data which we did this year for the F like first time since I've been on the board um we looked at the data for the you know for the random drug tests and the 18a and so we've started it it was remarkable but that was something that we just I you know I brought it up and then now I think we should make that a practice going forward every year because it is turns out to be required so and I think it goes along with that's going to be our goal right and it's also a board goal yeah so fits ni goal at the same time right yeah yeah okay anybody else all right so moving on to item K public comment we GNA open the meeting to the public if you have anything to say please come to the microphone identify yourself and the municipality in which you reside hi good evening good evening Mr Fisher my name is Brian fiser I live in Highland Lakes I just wanted to weigh in on uh the issue we were just discussing or you were just discussing um Charlie mentioned a couple of times during his presentation that we need to move with the times I heard that exact phrase couple of times to me moving with the times means that online access is the same as in-person access and I understand the comments about uh well you can search the internet but you know basically really anybody could show up here at any time too we're not checking IDs at the door uh somebody made the comment that it's in the minutes call said that and then somebody said well the minutes can be redacted well the tape be redacted too so if there's something on the live stream that we don't want out there that should have been done in executive session that can be edited out later as well so I don't think we should be or the board should be discussing anything uh here that's not also going out there thank you thank you Mr Fisher anybody else in the audience anybody else online no sure okay you sure all right we're gonna move on thank you for your comments we're g to move on to item L student representative report would you like me to read it sure unfortunately Christina uh chanella could not make it unfortunately I cannot make today's meeting this is her report due to a swim meet and an em class I do have a few updates to report though the holidays are quickly approaching and vths has been embracing the holiday spirit we have participated in gift giving to families in need and door decorating winter sports just started and we already have some winds under our belt that's a good thing we have the winter pep rally tomorrow and then after that we can all enjoy a nice festive and relaxing winter break I hope that everyone has a very merry and Long Winter break Christina Chanel thank you Christina next item uh informational matters and reports we're pleased to announce the Vernon Township High School students and as a district artist of the month for December their artwork is being displayed at the board office as well as a Wen Hill Primary students who have their artwork displayed at the municipal building during the month of December um a great deal of thanks to miss rosar and Dr Carolyn Ross for their service as Vernon Township School District Board of Education members you came in and uh tough situations as uh seats were vacated and we appreciate what you did in in your time here with the board uh I think we we we learned a great deal together and uh and you understand uh the time commitment and commitment overall to the board of education and our children here verden and your service to us is is is much appreciated um the national inter Scholastic athletic administrators Association is pleased announce Mr William Foley as athletic administrator K12 health physical and education supervisor of Vernon Township High School has been recognized by the Association as a certified Master athletic administrator Mr Foley is also one of a very lead group of inter Scholastic athletic administrators Nationwide to attain this level of professionalism um the national inter classic athletic administrators Association announced that Mr William Foley um supervisor of Vernon Township school has been recognized as Association of certified Master uh athletic administrator as well as uh athletic director uh of the year for our region um I'm going to have Mr gagliasso report on the spring weda alternative access score report it's a requirement of the state you're going to hear this very it's going to be very quick uh so we did give the alternative access waa this spring but it is under the suppression amount of students so I cannot report any of the data out otherwise it will identify the students who took what is weeda mean uh it is the Consortium for our uh MLL students our uh bilingual population and that's the report that's the report that's the requirement of the state and we can't ask well we could ask questions but you can't answer them because right they took it that's about it can you tell us how many students or no you can't even tell us it's under 10 okay did they do well I can't say thank you m thank you all righty as a requirement from the state to report that report um we're going to have a celebration for many of these uh teachers uh in May but congratulations to the 2024-25 governor's educator of the Year award recipients and the 2024-25 educational services professional Awards the following of the recipients of the 2024-25 governor Governor's educator of the Year award Susan desano Katan at the vernans high school Jennifer P Andrea at Glen metal Middle School Beth Jensen at lsbury Hollow School Pamela Weber at ring Hills Primary School Ivory Petty at Cedar Mountain Primary School and Dana Cook at Walnut Walnut Ridge School um the following are the recipients of the 2024-25 educational services professional award Alex Alexis Pisco school counselor at Vernon Township High School Bethany kopinsky school psychologist at Glen metal Middle School alen Revlon fourth and fifth grade teacher at Lansbury hollow school and alexic Stokes School counsel at ring Hills primary school and Cara zimnik speech language uh specialist at Cedar Mountain Primary School congratulations to all these uh teachers uh and uh professionals uh we will celebrate them in May and what I get to enjoy even more I get to see what they're doing on a daily basis in the district day to day also congratulations to Amar McCay for being selected as a sea County ESP recipient for Vernon amarie was nominated by Mr Mark citro Mr citro said this about AMR Miss mccab is an outstanding choice for nj's ESP award or unwavering commitment to helping students and staff alike is truly commendable her friendly demeanor and willingness to go above and beyond to assist everyone in need has created a warm and welcoming environment for all whether it is answering phone calls assisting with administrative tasks offering a listening ear for board is always delivered with kindness and professionalism thank you Mrs mccab again we will celebrate all these uh uh people in person in may as well number two recommendations it recommends that the board approve the following faculty staff appointments Etc in the in the table below I'll give you a little bit time to look that over in case you may have some questions letter B is recommended the board approved the following positions for the 2425 cclc program all be paid with 21st century Community Learning uh Center Grant funds there's two tables there I want to note that there's a there's an error in the rate uh for the CCL substitute RPO that should be $29 an hour not 20 is B cclc substitute RPO age n okay thank you that should be $29 per hour thank you 29 28 28 sorry $28 an hour thank you Mr gag asro it is recommended the board approve the following 2024-25 statement appointments as listed below and letter D it is recommended the board approve the professional development travel conferences conventions and workshops that comply with the provisions of the New Jersey statutes annotated njsa 18a 11-12 for Vern attach of School District employees in the chart letter e it is recommended the board approve the harassment intimidation and bullying school safety and random drug testing reports letter F it is recommended that a board approve the policy for a second reading and final approval P 5111 eligibility of Resident non-resident students letter G it is recommended the board approved permitting the following student to attend Vernon Public Schools according to border education policy 5111 child of employee number 5335 Beed to be permitted to attend verit Township High School as a nth grader for the 2025 26 school year letter H it is recommended that the board approve the following job description administrative assistant to the board secretary attachment a and letter I it is recommended that the board approve the following regulation for a first reading R 55301 random drug testing M and what that is is what's the line that's changed in that Mr Saga um the line is the district will test up to 25% of the total number of students in the testing pool annually and it will be changed to the district will test a minimum of 10% of the total number of students in the testing pool annually and I'll send it out VI email may I have a motion please move moveed by Mr cantino thank you second second you second by Miss pellet questions or comments tell me what a pyramid scheme pyramid uh model training is listen I researched sorry that fa the pyramid model within the context of multi-tier systems of support is a framework that uses a tiered approach to promote positive social and emotional development in young children providing Universal supports for all targeted adven for atrisk children and intensive support s for those with significant behavioral challenges essentially acting as a as a visual representation of how to deliver different levels of support based on individual needs within the mtss system so it's the RTI pyramid you yeah you've seen similar things in our presentation based on RTI model and uh PBIS as well PBIS um POS the behavioral Behavior interventions acronym okay thank you anybody have any other questions um Charles recommendation two uh a number uh five um that that seems to me the only one of the newer positions and you have PA paa next to it I just want to confirm that it means it's being paid out of the PA Grant that's for an RPO uh yes that's correct okay if there are no further questions we'll have a roll call Mr smaga yes Mr cantino yes Mr Krauss yes Miss pallet yes Dr Ross yes Mr sweene yes Miss aern yes Miss Brock yes motion carries hey item End Business administrators report uh item one uh discussion uh informational items uh letter a is use of bungs of grounds as noted below letter b f trips as noted below item two recommendations letter a is recommended the board approve the following Financial reports as noted below and you'll notice here we have the attachments noted as well um and just a quick note on the list of checks we do have a list there for anyone that need to obstain oh there's one miss I got you got it okay okay thank you on top of things letter b approval of the board sector and trans reports as noted below it's attachment F5 and attachment F6 letter c as recommended the board approv transportation is listed below uh we have quoted trips letter d uh sent uh whereas the special services department has determined that individual students require a special education placement based on their individual needs and whereas the special service department has determined that services are needed will continue till June 30th 2025 whereas the special services department has determined that school/ service listed below is the most appropriate placement therefore be resolved the vant Board of Education approves the contracts as listed below letter e is recommended the board approve the disposition of the following items is are either obsolete or in disrepair letter F is recommended the board approved the 2025 Weather Service renewal agreement with weather works for the district weather monitoring needs at a cost of $695 that's attachment F7 and just a quick note we actually um split that cost with the town we'll be using it tonight yep um but letter G has recommended the board approve Water Management Services for the district's Wastewater service and poble water services in amount of $84,000 for one year that's attachment f8 that was in response to the RFP that we had um put out uh letter H is recommended the board approve Hy na LLC as the DJ for the junior prom for May 22nd 2025 that's attachment F9 letter I is recommended the board approve the 2024 2025 preschool regular education tuition re reimbursement that's attachment F10 uh and letter J is Rec the board approve ridi Public Schools student number 22340 to receive home instruction services that are $4 per hour up to eight hours a week okay may I have that in the form of a motion please so move move by Mr Contino seconded seconded seconded by Dr Ross comments questions opinions last do you have I see a smile on your face does that mean you have no no comments or questions no I have a question anybody else wants to go now let's get let's get the the best first right um the I guess it's more of a suggestion can we work on this for next year um I see the the field trips we're we're getting them for next month right this is nice next month January I think we go out to June May whatever there were some in the beginning of the year probably due to timing people starting and all that it's understandable but if we're planning these June or something maybe we or over the summer if somebody has a suggestion they want to put it in September or a trip on September October probably up to November right September October November we can get that ahead of time because we are voting on the course and it's like we're voting after again we have made it a point of emphasis I think we're improving but there there are times that um based on a couple days or something they don't get the forms in time and I don't want to deny uh K the the opportunities in these field trips because of a day or two uh not handed in on time but we are making the point of empasis and we do have those discussions and we do tell people listen you have to get this you know we're making Improvement in that direction okay but I'm not going to deny for you know a trip for a bus that's something that they've done all the time because someone may have been late by by a day with a uh with a with a for okay um and then I think I I mentioned this before some of the I don't know exactly where it is on the register but there are a couple of um checks um I noticed you know for for paper shredding printers postage all this stuff um I think we talked about this before Russ you said that you your district has over the years been you've been working have a plan to reduce all that how are we going are we continuing that plan are we trying to reduce every year to cut back on those expenses another expense I see is the the capable TV um are we using it is there can we get it off the internet can we can we do another way we have fivr coming into the buildings can we get it that one's the cheapest of all the bills but these all these little things add up we're paying every month we working to reduce some of the there are very specific reasons why I believe we discussed this before but I'll look into that again for you as far as the the TV as far as the paper shredding and all we're do we're doing a we're doing a great deal of downsizing as we claim rooms at rolling at Walnut Ridge for for our students uh we've taken a lot of those and we we've shredded a lot of that and we're looking to digitize it versus yeah so we went through we went through a process uh as as W Ridge there was a lot of storage space there no longer is any real storage space there um big push to get the preschool uh set up so we're going through a process there and that shredding is actually related to State approval for documents that were fairly old um that we got approval to destroy and now are being destroyed okay so it's older stuff not it's okay all right I thought it was I say for the business office we some of it is as well Charles okay isn't there a regulation that you have to do it like every seven years or something or seven years back or whatever have to get rid it so it's different depending on what the document is so there's a there's a retention schedule uh and depending on what that document is really dictates when you can destroy it if you can destroy it at all some of the schedules depending on what it is it's like 99 years you don't have to but that's when you can you increas preschool classes get rid of it but before you to short you also need to get the approval to do so okay which we did but it's just a one I think the TVs were for the news wasn't it something like that I think it might have been a security get news I think you're Carl um so this may be a silly question but I'm a little surprised Vernon Township National Honor Society NHS ceremony for the for the High School Vernon Township High School they have to get board approval to use the cafeteria at the high school and also the parent football meeting and then the Rolling Hill student mentoring activity they're all using facilities within the building I don't remember ever voting on them using so are you so if it's building use it's actually informational and not for voting oh okay just we want to let people know he the facilities are being used these are who who's using the facilities I also want to know the story behind the broken chair just a single chair I just one chair just gave up we're doing walkthroughs for qack I probably told someone they can no longer use their chair it's not compant at the time so not comp we let them order a new one though anybody else Mr slam what about the Water Management Services how what what kind of dollar figure is that compared to last year do you have any idea off the top of my head it was definitely north of 100,000 uh but this is a decrease yes so we did receive two proposals uh this was the lower cost proposal uh because of our bid specs both the services were looking for either you provided them or you didn't they both provided them but this vendor came in I think it was 8 I say 84,000 8 yeah the other vendor I think was about they were north of 115,000 so so but last year this cost us over over about 100 definitely over a 100 uh I don't know the exact number over top of my head because then those vendors are also the vendors that we would use for say testing for a project so like walner Ridge had a project that required additional water testing over our normal water testing so it it all gets kind of grouped together but it was definitely over 100,000 thank you very much anybody else have anything all right let's go for a roll call please Mr coutino yes Mr Krauss yes Miss pellet yes if stain we're noted I think you need yes I I need to do that to you stain we're noted in in a with the CHS thank you I think we're gonna be recusing he sent something about that today further from attorney oh uh I shared it with the board but was right before the meeting uh he had a response where basically if it is a conflict of interest where you're not going to be involved in any of the discussion any of the questions then you would recuse yourself but if you're just simply not voting on say a check or a meeting that you weren't at then it would be obstain okay thank you because I I asked because I know there was discussion previously yeah yes I think I gave some faulty information out last suay it's okay thank you you got it straight Dr Ross yes Mr Sweeney yes but abstain from a check issued to me Miss eern yes but stain from 2A check number 94270 they preschool reimbursement and also item I preschool reimbursement thank you uh Miss Brock yes Mr smackle yes abstain from check 9 4315 motion carries thank you Mr slam moving on to the second portion of the public comment and open the meeting up for anything like to say uh please state your name and the section of town that you're from where you the mun the municipality in which you reside hello Stephanie Bearwood good evening how are are you good how are you good thank you I just have a few questions that may be a little silly but why know item F you were T talked about um The Weather Service renewal agreement you pay to get the weather report is that what that is I'm just curious you want yeah it's a weather Works report and it gives detailed information especially on pavement temperatures Etc so you can make a better quality so I could I I I want to let you know I try to make the best call I can but sometimes the weather does not cooperate yeah I got it I figured that was it I was positive um the district waste water scratch that I changed my mind on that um Can someone explain why it says it was recommended that the board approv Ridgefield public school student blah blah blah to receive home instruction Services what does that have to do with it is confusing yeah it is without violating any it's a homeless student that we are getting paid from Ridgefield yeah so we provide the services pay for the services and then we get reimbursed by Ridgefield okay questions and comments you ask about questions and comments after your vote after the after the motion after the motion then the it's okay then then people can talk about it okay okay that's just the way I was thinking about vote so why would you right that was it boring sorry no it's okay I'm glad we could address your questions anybody else yeah I I just want to follow up on what you have to identify yourself again I'm sorry Mr fiser my name is Brian Fisher I live in Highland Lake thank you I just want to follow up on what Stephanie was saying and I if I review the itinerary I I think I mean we can review the the video or whatever but for the business administrator recommendations and I believe there was one other you you did the roll call vote and then asked if there were questions so I think that's stephany's question because we were asking each other why you would do the vote and then ask for questions and they were there I know it was on the business administrators and I believe the the item before that where there was a roll call vote you asked for a vote got the roll call vote I guess it was the superintendence report you asked for the vote got the roll call vote and then said are there any questions I don't think so but if I'll look at it to see the intention is the procedure is to get the a a first and a second for the Motions then have discussion right then after the discussion is completed to have the roll call vote that's the procedure that's that's if I made a mistake you know I'm sorry but I'll look to see if that was the case and I'll send you an email yeah okay okay thank you um anybody online we do not have anybody online well I how many people are watching uh I do not have the YouTube up today oh okay um but we only have one attendee in the zoom okay all right so we're going to move on to we close the meeting to the public they're going to move on to item P open board member Forum if anybody has any items that they would like to discuss Now's the Time I would just like to commend everybody at Walnut Ridge for getting us through preschool the uh full day preschool everybody did an exemplary job um of course there there's hiccups but everybody adjusted and adapted very smoothly and I would just like to applaud the whole wner ridge staff and facilities for really doing a tremendous job and effort to get our kids home safe and all and have a good day and we right before the holiday season so it's definitely not easy with a spread of three to five year olds and the superintendent made it difficult the first day was a two-hour delay the week before the holiday uh for for everyone to begin their their full day preschool experience I want to thank the entire staff support um the community support as well um it was I was so excited to see the growth and progress we made in just a few short days with the students who came in initially with maybe as Mr Sweeney said few tears in their eyes I think that was some of the parents I want to let you know though the next day some of those same students were giving me high fives in the hallway so it was nice to nice to see the pro progress and I'm excited to see uh the educ the educational impact that we make uh in this in this uh amount of time until the school Year's at as well I can tell you my daughter has spoken very highly she so she absolutely loves it she loves her teacher um so yeah like just being on the parent side of it not the education side of it um we're really happy we're excited for her we're excited for the school district everybody we've dealt with from the application process to her teacher has been extraordinary so thank Youk and thanks to the students I mean the teachers and administrators everybody involved in that and it's been a special week you see the preschool I I get to go to many concerts this past week um this this this winter season the starting it's been it's been a great experience uh being involved in in the experience with the students and I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday to wish everybody a happy holiday and happy New Year I'll see you guys on the second I do have a question Mr Cantina um and I know this has nothing to do with actual board business but I did hear something about the old Board of Education offices down um um 9 um 515 and I heard that the building might be demolished do we know anything about that I know that's not a building that we have anything to do with anymore that's correct we don't but it's something I did hear and I was wondering if we knew anything about it or if it's appropriate for us to even discuss it because I am a little upset if it's being toed no no no idea we don't own it no we don't we I know we don't own it anymore we don't know sad Dr Ross and thank you so much for everything thank you guys learned so much you're all been really wonderful to work with so thank you I'll still see you with your children in the school district yes yeah that's right you'll also see me for Gard sooc is that a threat choc please everybody else have a nice holiday Charles sorry sorry yeah I just want to um actually we talk went to preschool I my my kids went to not to this one obviously but we've had some wonderful T Preschool teachers so I I know the the program is going to be phenomenal we still have the talent that we had there back then those are the first they they start the whole the whole journey for these kids so um I I know we had an excellent staff and I'm sure we we just added to that so I just want to make a comment on that and the um the I guess less less exciting thing uh we talked about the calendar last week we had the kindergarten thing last week when you're building this calendar this year can we block off days that are board days um I don't know that's just a request um so you know like was the prek back to school yeah yeah right not the SCH obviously if it's a sports game you can't always avoid that but can we avoid anything else on on a on a board night we we've been very good at that uh this this past year I believe it was just a matter of uh timing uh around the board and uh I believe it was probably prioritizing the the preschool over the board meeting at that that particular time okay and and then um yesterday B Meto won the uh Ki second annual kittyy basketball championship game someone was that was that those games I it must have been exciting to be that's great boys play very well yep is there tonight uh jeffon right I think the boys that's great okay motion to close move Mr The Krauss second by Mr Contin all in favor that was fast Christmas pleasure pleasure