##VIDEO ID:_Ti9UrBGBzg## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all good to go thumbs up okay I call the Board of Education work session meeting of December 12th to order uh may I have a roll call please Mr slam Miss ahar Miss Brock here Mr smaga here Mr cantino Mr Krauss here miss pallet Dr Ross Mr Sweeny here Mr Zimmerman we have a quarum okay may can you please join us rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America for which it stands one nation one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you okay item C Mr slam I the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of public to have advanced notice of to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with provisions of the act of ver Township Board of Education has caused notice this meeting to be published an adequate notice has been provided and notice this meeting has been properly posted in accordance to the New Jersey open public meetings law uh just to note the next public meeting will be next Thursday which is December 19th okay I just had to make a comment before we open to the public uh item F on the agenda will not be uh uh discussed tonight we'll do it on next Thursday because it was a going to be a presentation about some of the uh Board of committees and and committees and how we're going to change uh in the coming year but since there's only five of us here I think it's best if we have you know as many as board members as we can at that presentation so item F will not be discussed tonight and I apologize for starting late we didn't have a quarum till about 7:04 and I'm going to open the meeting up to the public for agenda items and uh any students in the audience for and please uh identify yourself and tell us what municipality in which you live and the meeting is open to the public nobody in the audience how about anybody online we have Jesse paladini uh Mrs paladini the floor is open just a quick question you have an item under the superintendent's report for discussion of a policy but you don't State what policy can you tell us what policy it is please um what item are you looking at oh okay um it's like on the second or third page I apologize I think one c yeah that's it we we had a policy meeting before this last uh meeting and I wanted to make give the uh the president of the uh policy committee uh or the leader uh the opportunity to discuss anything that we may discuss in that committee meeting so it's not about any specific policy well Charles do you have any policies that you wanted to discuss tonight yeah so actually we we talking about that before um if we were going to do the committee reports next week I can wait until next week or I can do it I didn't really put my report together because I thought we're going to do it next week and then we are we are going to do it next week yeah so we could probably just do it next week it doesn't need to be brought up if somebody want to discuss any of anything specific we can go over that part of the meeting but we're going to do it again next week so it's to me we done it you had your meeting were there any recommendations yeah yeah we did all right so okay we'll talk we should know you should have your report before the meeting right we should all see it before yeah but it's on next week's meeting yeah that's why I so if I can go over it I have my notes if you want me to go over the the committee meeting so many people though why is there anything of major interest I know that U at the last meeting or the two meetings before we were talking about remote participation is anything about that on there yeah so we have a recommendation we did discuss that would took up a good part of the meeting um do you want to discuss it now or what's the recommendation get there yeah oh we're in public comment so uh well we're trying to respond to what the public request that it's uh I don't know the number off hand but I can get it for you but I can talk about that at that time at what time get the one GC G okay yeah so we don't know what I don't know the policy number Mrs paladini okay no problem I'll wait okay but we they'll we won't be voting on anything at this point in time okay no problem okay thank thank you anybody else no that's all okay then we're gonna move on we're gonna close the meeting to the public and move on to review of public agenda public meeting agenda does anybody have any questions or comments or concerns about the agenda for next week actually Joe yes the only thing I did have which I was going to talk about next week anyway but if we're going to talk about the uh other policy today I might just me mention it because uh we do have a policy and we supposed to go over the committee reports and workshop so I think we just have to restructure our policy if we want to change it if we're going to go to one meeting we're going to go to two meetings say that again I'm sorry I I kind of lost you so one of our policies is that we the the conduct of a board meeting states that we go over committee reports during workshops yeah and we never we we changed it yeah we he's given the report or you have questions about it to question about the it's the same question I guess I'm filing on but about next week's agenda all of a sudden the committee reports are on the public agenda and they've always been on the work uh agenda and so I just wondered why the change that's the same question is related to our goal right committee reports typically out of committees you make recommendations yeah and we vote on recommendations at board public board means not in work sessions but you would make the would you make the recommendation at the work session and then it would go on the agenda for the vote at the next so yeah my my understanding would be well my that's part of my whole presentation too by the way yeah which pros and cons of doing it right but if we had a work session a work session for me is like you have a committee you work on a small group The as the committee you present it to the the rest of the board to work and the work session so they can say oh you know what we like your recommendation but we want we want to do this also you know some boards don't have work sessions when they have committees like this right since we still have the work session it does seem like that would be the flow our policy 164 would have to be suspended while we're going over this and see if we like it this way yeah and we may not we may decide not to do it this way we may decide to go back to what you know the way we've been doing it for the 50 years that I so well when did it change though we didn't change it so I'm wondering why it changed when we did it's trying to it was inv I made the change I asked that it' be changed Ray I believe it was related to the timing of when the committee meetings were occurring sometimes they were happening after the work session so it wasn't ready until the public meeting okay that that's my recollection yeah okay and and the committee will have to have written reports before we get before we get to discuss them and vote on them so all the other board members will have to see what the Committees discussed and and are recommending so that they can ask intelligent questions as well well I do like the idea of having robust discussions at the public meeting um about this particular idea of discussing the policy uh a week or you know a week before the committee report that concerns me because we don't have it like I didn't get a copy I didn't know what policy was going to be discussed and what regulations it's just on here as policies regulations and usually we get the actual policy with the recommendation highlighted and all that good stuff I don't have it either yeah so we don't have that so to have that conversation now and we haven't had the knowledge to be prepared for it I that would concern me so you know in terms of discussing remote participation tonight um it just wasn't clear that that was going to be part of the discussion it's just on here as policy regulations well we're talking and his committee report was supposed to be next week so I assumed that we were going to talk about the results of that well we are talking about the agenda for next week right but I'm bringing it up because it's it's related because the committee report is for next week and so that's when I thought we were going to hear the committee report and the and it's on you know it's on the public agenda for next week committee report and I thought that was when we would look at the recommendation and you know okay discuss it so it just seemed weird to be and also you said that there's a curriculum meeting coming up so we should be there should be a board report summary for a curriculum committee we did think we were gonna have that this week but we had everybody that's thck so we had to have it next week so it's the 16th yeah can I suggest that we get all emailed to us before the public meeting to those committee reports that we can go over them so we can have something that we can discuss that's our goal I think I managed it five hours before yeah five hours at least I had time to read it Charles I was gonna say I think the last our last last month we did the same thing and I or two maybe we didn't for two months and I think we most of the I think almost every every policy committee chair has emailed it out like we've been doing it we doing it kind of but I mean hav yeah right I just want to make sure that it's brought out that everybody does it and and it was right before day before and we just got to change the policy to go along with it you know if that's the way we're gonna change it so yeah it should be sorry I didn't hear you again we just have to spell out change the policy to go along with it so if that's the way we're going to go or like you said I didn't know about suspending the policy but that might be something else that we should probably just put in place we should suspend the policy we would have to vote on it if we are going to go that way we will vote to suspend it for say three months and if we like the way it's going and and it's all to try to become more effective and more efficient yeah no we actually talked a little bit about it John had good Insight from the way things were done in his district so I mean there's a there's a lot of different ways we can be more effective I think and do our run our meetings and stuff so it was um we've been having this we had a good in Union City what they did was they had it's one meeting a month but the work session was like a couple hours before the public session so was kind of like the work session public too no the work session is not public it's behind closed doors in the work sessions like we would be doing committees and then a public session would be after that that's they can't if it's a full board then they can't have that shouldn't do that it's yeah it's not their work sessions are not in public they go behind Clos and then I maybe they're executive maybe it's just they cover everything everything and they're are they are they or are they named they are no they're appointed by the mayor okay so they might they're type one oh they're not electing yeah there might be something different about I don't know it's a different kind of District than us um anybody else have any comments about the the public agenda for next week okay we're going to move on to uh item G which is now F right Mr Rogers informational discussion items uh 1A the harassment intimidation and bullying random drug testing and school safety reports and attachment ws1 and letter B the enrollment report and attachment WS2 I apologize for C on there because I was part of the policy committee and I thought there might have been discussion prior if we were if there was going to be votes in in the future now we're we're saving that for the meeting so I apologize to the policy committee for that all right Mr slam sorry Jo do we need to remove the thing that we skipped or like do we need to officially take it off no okay uh so have informational items letter a is going be a lottery selection for Choice School seats um this is uh the selection for the order of the wait list all right so we are a choice school right which means how many kids come here as a choice School uh we have 13 uh seats and that's all we're allowed to have right yes there's only certain situations where the seats can be expanded okay so and we have 13 seats and they're currently all filled y that's correct and we have 15 people who want to be here that's correct so that two who have to wait in like a waiting list yep and that and so this Lottery is to determine who's number 14 and who's number 15 exactly and you're doing it right now yep in public yep exactly you you're gonna announce the names or what are you gonna do it says student one student two so we have it sh on the [Music] around right student number two uh which means that the next spot will go student number one well you have to you should pull it out to make sure that that doesn't say student number two as well student number one I'm glad that wasn't like uh the 200 students we did for the preschool thank you R oh okay all right that's a waiting got it yes question yes um so if you if you make it so like say student number two right was the first one on their waiting list and somebody drops out they make it are they now entitled to stay in the district continue do they have to go back into a lottery next year or are they able to stay in the district until they decide to graduate or leave my understanding is they stay in but if someone's on the wait list they need to reapply each year if they don't make once they get in they're in they're in so is that done yep yep I'll set and then uh the parents will be contacted they had been contacted before this uh with the information on who was who okay but they be contacted again um as followup uh letter B uh we have the draft meeting dates beginning January 20125 do everybody have this well you probably have it online yeah I have it right here including the reorganization meeting for January 2026 has attachment ws3 is everybody available with the second nope yes Charles you're available yeah I'm available can we ask everybody else to see if it's just John I'd like to have everybody here I can send an email out to everyone and make uh see what availability there is um I could check uh believe we have a snow date um which is the sixth John what's your availability I come back to seventh I won't get back from Texas until the 7 the is that a Saturday is that oh you so you never know you might even be later than that yeah you won't even be back until that'll be in Newark yeah and I think we have to have it by the 7th no I think so I think you the 10th well no within the first week you have to have it within the first week and there are extenda circumstances days you have a three day um three Wednesday Thursday Friday in the first week I understand it no I think it's the first five days first five business days or something like that it doesn't say exactly we're gonna get the attorney the first five business days then I could I don't know still I I thought we could C still seven and I I can follow up theact and then also to look into um the viability of you know if virtual would work for that okay so then after that these are just the public meetings oh yeah okay there are no work sessions on this schedule oh true yeah it's all just public meetings yeah and the May one um you know special meeting uh that's an unus we usually are early in the month but that's dictated by by deadlines I'm assuming May one is to approve the final budget it's usually either at the end of April April or the beginning of May um off the top of my head I can't remember the exact date that needs to be approved by but it's at the very beginning of May uh is the deadline for the approval of the of the final budget um we don't have a uh election school election counter for next year out yet it hasn't been released um so that's why we say that this draft is going to be tentative because there may need to be adjustments based off of when those dates are okay and then like the 19th of June is June right not that's not the official celebrated Daye okay but it's also may be changed due to graduation or eighth grade advancement that sort of thing yeah we we've done that before yeah we and we can always change a date well we the reason we put them out like this and this is draft so we can still make changes um is so we can advertise all the dates all at once as opposed to advertising each meeting individually uh and then if we do need the change of date then we just need to make sure that we advertise with enough notice uh for the public and be aware that this may be changing because we the newspapers that we advertise in May no longer be printing down the road the state would the salger right and The Herald and the herald yeah so the state is looking into revising the rules yeah upd updating the law yeah okay anybody have any questions about this I just wanted to bring everybody's attention to it so that yeah and again it is a draft so it can still be updated okay uh so uh we have some recommendations because of deadlines right yep that's correct uh so number two recommendations letter a is recommended the board accept the 23-24 acfr uh that's the annual comprehensive financial report uh that was presented at the last public meeting uh letter B is recommended that the board approve 2023 2024 corrective action plan that's attachment ws4 letter C ised the board approve the 2526 three-year preschool program plan and N update that's attachment ws5 and then letter d uh application for uh toilet room facilities for early intervention pre kindergarten preschool programs kindergarten classrooms as noted below letter e is recommended the board approve the square footage waiver for both walnart Ridge school and Discovery year Learning Center for the full day preschool program that's tachment ws7 letter f recommended the board approve the tools of the Mind curriculum and staff professional development for the preschool program in the amount of $52,500 as attachment ws8 letter G ised the board except the stipulation of a settlement oal doet number eds1 62-24 letter H is recommended that the board approve a retroactive High Point Solutions Inc statement of work to perform assessment of the district's current systems infrastructure and make recommendations for improvement project vtsd 16596 systems assess in amount of $285 attach from ws9 letter I is reced the board approve the before and after care agreement between the Vernon Township School District and the Vernon Police Athletic League backed December 16th 2024 through June 30th 2025 that's attachment ws10 letter J is reced the board wave the before and after care monthly fee for power for the duration of the 2425 school year may I have a motion for those recommendations please move by Mrs pellet second second second by uh Mr Kow uh comments questions who wants to go first you you go further miss pet yeah I was hoping we could just uh get you know talk through the um I'm sorry I'm trying to scroll the corrective action plan and why we needed to do that and oh thank you I found it yeah just so people understand uh yeah so the corrective action plan is required any year there's any uh audit finding recommendation uh there are three findings uh only one recommendation two of the findings didn't have um any recommendations because they were things that were already in the process of addressing um in summary basically one was that the food service program has more than three years average operating expense uh that has been in process since last year uh we're going out to bid been working with our prior architect we're still working with them because we've already kind of invested money into the design with them although there have been delays um essentially to replace equipment at each uh School Building kitchen equipment uh because fund 60 is the Food Service program uh and you can only use those funds to reinvest back into the Food Service program because the program's not there to make a profit it's to be self- sustaining um the second finding also related to food service has to do with with uh student loan debt um unfortunately uh you know Economic Times Are uh and student loan debt is fairly High just debt debt from lunch right yes lunch Deb okay your kid's not ready for college we are yet uh sorry student lunch debt from the national school lunch program good catch uh I guess I just hear student loan debt so much in dayto day but um anyway so the amount of money has gone up significantly in the last year uh we have already are trying to collect that because we're required to try to collect that uh we have revamped the letter that goes out to everybody we're looking at the process right now it's automated electronically uh we're looking at ways we can change that process it's a situation where it's very difficult because we're required to try to collect the funds um there's a lot of people that that that can't pay um and uh there's really no there's no really great solution to the problem right so uh but we've been working on that because we have been working on that and we're already aware of the issue before they brought it to our attention there is no recommendation uh so the one issue where there was a recommendation was Finding related to the fixed assets report which hadn't have been updated uh I'm not sure exactly it was probably in early 2010s last time they had a company coming into it so it had been updated internally over those years so best practice is to have a company come out every so often and do that but in the past with all the St cuts and everything that's been happening uh that's not really something that the district could really afford to do um so there was a finding essentially to basically say you should have a company come out and reloc at everything and do an inventory so that's something we'll have to do an RFP for um that's exactly what I was gonna ask so you GNA do an RFP I'm GNA get some quotes uh if it's and I'll see what the dollar amounts are but if it's over the quote threshold or over the bid threshold uh then I would start looking for an RFP and obviously I talk to the attorney to see um you know I'm not really sure this would be considered Professional Service it would be a full inventory of Rix ass essentially right you go ahead you had the floor okay and with the um the Food Service fund uh money do we have to use that by a certain amount a certain deadline before and and lose it or risk losing it or no uh it's unlikely uh you'd have to really be sitting on that and just not do anything with with it uh we are in contact with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture um they've asked what our plan is and my Bas my response is basically we've been in the process of trying to spend this money since last year um the bid was I'm confident he'll spend a great deal of it with the upgrades that we're making in the kitchen so we've been talking about this for about a year now yeah so the bids were released um they're advertised rather and you have to use it for those things right just to make it clear we use it do something else very very specific list of what you can use it for and all has to be directly related to um food service thank you I had one more but I Charles maybe you all right okay Charles okay um I was looking at um which item is it number eight letter H your um Highpoint Solutions so I'm just looking at the scope here and well first the target date says in business days but I don't think that's correct because the date is not in business days if it's a date start date of the date not business date but that's I think grar grammar but um you have I don't see anything about uh business continuity or Disaster Recovery um if we're doing an assessment I I I think that's two main things that we should be looking at because it's it's it's nice that we have a plan but I'm assuming we have a business continuity plan here and I'm assuming that there's also a disaster recovery plan in place that we can put in place but but um situations that might have happened already if we did it work what were our results and this is what I'm if they're going to help us guide us to way make things better that's more important to us right because it's great to have stuff when it's working but when the disaster happens if our plan sucks I'm I'm sorry I guess I don't know if I say that in public session but if our plan is no good we need it's not great for the district it's not going to help the administrator it's not going to help the teacher and it's not going to help the te the students so that I think should be part of the scope uh at least review it they don't have to produce one but if there is not one I'm assuming there I don't know maybe they assume there is none and that's what they're going to tell us at the end is hey you need one but again that's not any help because we have a 30-day they're going to take 30 days to finish this and then if they tell us we have to do a business continuity plan they're going to come back and say okay we can help you with that what that another 30-day and you know by the time we're out of the snow season which is probably going to be the worst part of the year for us right as far as anything happening it's usually when it's you know snow bad snowstorm something it's not going to be very helpful for us the other thing is too it says Deep dive into active directory um the current state of actor directory that's fine but are we looking I don't they put items on their server infrastructure storage infrastructure active directory the they put it as an um item under active directory so are they only looking at those items per how active directory Works um and you know I mean we probably would go to entra I would say it should be some kind of act directory is old um that's only on when you have on premise stuff and it's kind of old technology right now so but are we looking at that where to make the improvements because if we're just looking at the server because of back directory I mean are they going to tell us that it's not good for our data so if we're keeping it for storage we're using print servers we're doing other things on this an assessment on act directory is not going to really say oh it's you know you guys are bad here because of that it's just like well after directly works on it but we can check that off that's good but and then we have a problem down the line because other stuff so I just want if they can clarify on page three yeah well I'm looking at page three and it shows the assessment will focus on understanding the current state of server infrastructure Ser uh storage infrastructure active directory DNS DHCP Access Health review vulnerabilities analyze performance security and reliability identify issues that need to be addressed and develop clear recommendations towards remediating identified issues yeah but the scope says the scope is what they're going to follow right that's the the items that they're going to say we paying them they're going to say we did all these things that are on your soap are you going to check that you know check it off and it's good that like I said they will probably if we don't have a disaster recovery plan they will recommend it but that's plus another 30 days probably to get that done but we have redundency built in into the cloud somewhere I mean if we have disaster here on on a on a solid server don't we have redundancy built in in a cloud um and then we can always just recover stuff if we're using directory I would probably say they wouldn't I I don't know the system I don't know what Nick has we'd have to talk to Nick about that I think there's redundancy build in it has to be it should be but it's not being I want it to be it should be reviewed I think because that's more important that when something happens bad to our system or we lose a server we lose a server tomorrow um what do we do I think they always have redundancy that is yeah if we move lose one with there's another one I remember we had a problem with emails at one time going back the west and and then they wanted to check and they couldn't find certain emails but they had them on another server they they everything gets saved forever oh yeah emails emails using Google Google is gonna back that up so yes so that's but the active directory part is is our security right yes I understand that so if the teachers can't log in in the morning because we don't have a you know you have a domain controller and you should have a backup to me right and and if if that's probably what the Deep dive of the ACT directory the questions for Nick though right yeah but if we're paying money and we're asking them to do an assessment on our systems I I I actually would not agree with this unless they said they were going to review our disaster recovery and business continuity plan as well then it wouldn't be it wouldn't pass but that's okay yeah this it potentially wouldn't pass I forgot they would say that you need that they probably tell us that if we need it no these are legitimate questions and we need to have them answered really by by Nick I think yeah yeah Nick anwers so can we put this off until the public meeting we can uh oh we have to Tech because we have it's curriculum in technology right right we can bring that up in the meeting yeah yeah okay okay um that have to be go ahead I'm sorry I just want to provide some background on this uh so when we had that winter storm everything went down uh I was approached with this contract we reached out to the county um business administrator and asked for emergency uh approval to move forward so this is a retroactive approval we can talk to them to add those areas but my basic understanding as it was explained to me because granted this is outside of my area of expertise is that we kind of have a system that over the years bits and pieces have been added to it and things have expanded more and this is g to be I'm sure a very simple comparison to the how you you would understand it but phones are added you know computers are added access points are added and no one really went and back and looked to see what do we do with the servers things are added a little bit at a time over a large amount of years and I think that's why we kind of ended up in a situation which happened um I think it was on a Friday where was on yeah snow Friday yeah so theine so basically the generator came on the breaker flipped and it that so the generator was on but the power wasn't getting to our servers all the servers went down and it was very very difficult to get those back up uh because I think there's a lot of things about it that reminder saying really need to be looked at by um a systems engineer right you just unplug it and plug it back look at it it put it in the right spot and that's exactly what I'm like what I was I was getting at because so I don't know how long it took I don't know I I know Nick worked hard I know that whoever was here was working hard this whole team yeah they did great job not commenting on how well or bad they did they think they they did the best they could and I think they did a we're back in nobody noticed I don't think there was a little little hicup on Monday but delay on emails on Friday but but for other than that nobody noticed so they did they did a great job but the thing is if that happened during the week what happened in Monday yeah Monday Tuesday Wednesday and if they worked here that that's where that Disaster Recovery plan would come into play the other part is your business continuity so when the Ser when the teachers come into school Monday morning and they can't log onto their computers what do they do and that's that's why it's important because if this you look at this one example it took time it should take less time it's it's not going to be perfect it's always going to be something and if we put other system in place that means they haven't if if they didn't know where to to start things up in with the proper order that's because the plans have not been updated in years it's it's well my concern is if like we're entering the winter season where we may have some power outages again we're uh much more in tuned about the backup generator and whether the breaker uh flips or not do we're having people look at it I want things to be addressed as soon as possible so I would still want this to to continue in the right direction because we don't have a lot of time maybe the gener the day that this happened on Frid yeah I was I was on with Nick all throughout the weekend he was here with his whole team uh for for many many hours and it it was a it was a top priority and it still is if we want to add to this in the future I would but but we we need to continue uh the process of what they're doing right now to assess it in order to find Solutions as soon as possible but see the way the way I'm sickling on it is they'll tell you what the problems are but we don't and and we have they have 30 days right let's say they take 30 days they have 30 days they'll tell us what the problems are within that time we can go down we can lose everything right we can have the same problem we had it could take the same amount of time but during the week after those 30 days after those 30 Days Are Over still they don't we don't have any plan in place they're just going to tell us for what at least I'm maybe I'm understanding this wrong but they're just going to say hey you guys need to put a plan together well that doesn't help us in 30 days because if something happens after 30 days what's going to happen oh they told us to make a plan but we don't have a plan how do we get back up and running and they're not just going to make recommendations that you need to plan they're gonna make recommendations on what we need but then we still have to do it and this this is a company who's helped us before where we have situations I believe they can do it I think High Point solutions could could do this and they could probably do it but it's not in their scope so if we're checking off items on the if they're going through their list and saying yep done done done they're not going to say here oh by way we did some extra homework for you and here here you go here's your plan they're going to say hey you guys need a plan if you need a help we'll come back but they're not gonna I it said provide a pro proposed road map for remediation including a recommended sequence of remediation items that's not a business it's not it's not Disaster Recovery plan yeah I mean it doesn't say anything here about Disaster Recovery I agree with you on that respect we need we need to make sure we have that as as well as a business PL to keep going yes so we're looking to add that to the scope that's what you're I I would like that to be do that and and like you like I said again I would love to know this before this meeting so I could ask Nick these questions and we could probably address it right now in the meeting but once again in the middle of the meeting is coming up again and I try to answer but I I te outside came out on Tuesday right I look at this on Tuesday unfortunately I I I was traveling for family right I know I didn't look at it I'm I'm so you know I do apologize that I'm bringing here but but it's not even it's Russ is not even your fault I I would I would I wouldn't blame it even on anybody in your your apartment as your Consultants they should be saying they should have asked that question to Nick do you have a plan and if he said no then he was they should have said we're gonna we're gonna make this part of the scope okay you know just it's just like my immediate concern is to address this as soon as possible and I think I think we both share that same sentiment yes time sensitive to vote on this or could we vote on it next week well it's dated actually the 2nd of December it's retroactive oh it's retroactive retroactive but so it can be retroactive to still next at the next meeting so what I'm going to propose is that we pull this from the recommendations and vote on it next week is that a problem that's Nick because I don't know how they helped us with the work of getting it up and running again too and what if Nick answered yes that we do have a recovery that's Charles would be okay with it and it makes a lot more sense to vote for it but it sounds like the plan do it doesn't work it's not that it's it's probably if even if they had a plan if if things didn't go if they weren't up and running in an hour or a couple hours then there there's there need there's need work to be done to it they work going through that right now with the generator issue right and and that was yeah well right the generator turning on and off doesn't fix the server that's doesn't turn back on the ter the the server shuts down because it's corrupt and you lose a part you have a surge it you're down a server right the power can be on all all it wants but it's not going to help the school you know so it sounds like we definitely want to explore this and find out whether it should be out of the scope to me the question now is how you know how pressing was this to approve this are they waiting for check you know can we wait a week problem I I don't know without asking Nick but I know they they were instrumental and helping getting things up and running as soon as they were as soon as they did when that power did Ser they go High Point Solutions we're not going to not you know pay them so okay I'm not suggesting we don't I I believe that we do need this right but we also need what Charles is saying and I I think the board would support this plus what they have here it's not terrible it's not like oh my God what they come out with this can we start with this at least though so they continue the thing could put on this and then add it or you're saying you are uncomfortable with um I I I'm I feel like that has to be addressed so if if we can come up with a way that that will also be addressed I I can as long as you have a solution for for for for for the disaster recovery to be addressed I can move forward with this I would be comfortable with that too we have to follow up and you said you have a meeting with curriculum technology on Monday 16th yeah that's Monday I believe that's Monday yes could you put that on the could you put that on the agenda absolutely thank you okay I'm just worried if it would hold up the process of where what they're doing I think Charles said he would be okay we'll vote for it tonight thank you um does anybody else have any questions or comments about anything oh I just want I mean you you have the FL you said you had something else yes I did um just this toilet room facilities that's okay that we're applying for it now even open yeah it's just a standard yeah it's standard yep I know go to the county tomorrow no we've already we've already had it looked at months is it American Standard isn't that a toilet we don't end we don't endorse Brands here to strike that last comment please sorry all right if there are no other questions comments then we'll have a roll call vote please just before so we're keeping we are keeping this we're not making any changes yeah are there any addendums or anything like that the addend is the agreement with uh the P okay okay yeah the letter I and J U part of the which is needed for money okay yeah yeah Miss Rock yes Mr SMA I just want to we're agreement that we are gonna address the other issues okay um and yeah yes Mr Krauss yes Miss bellet yes Mr Sweeny yes i' would like to thank Charles for keeping us on top of things uh Miss aern yes MO thank you Mr slam move on to item I public comment or any items that the public may want to comment on please identify yourself in the M municipality in which you reside we are open to the public doesn't appear that anybody in public here would like to say anything is there anybody online that would like to say anything have any hands ra currently okay um then we're going to close the meeting to the public and move on to item J open board member for and if anybody would like to bring up anything please feel free I have something but I'll wait for everybody else are we doing close session oh yes we are doing a closed session we didn't have a quorum earlier so we have to do an executive session at the end there will be no uh action taken but we have to discuss a couple of things that are under executive session yeah and I think the plan is that we'll close the meeting from executive session we won't be returning the public okay so open board member for we are open for discussion I just wanted to thank everyone for the support of the uh full day preschool program uh it was uh back to school night tonight uh and here we are in December with a back to school a very uh large number of the community who was excited about uh sending their the children into our full day preschool which is why we have so many extra items on a on a uh work session and I appreciate you passing that and we're really really excited about Monday and uh filling up the classrooms with preschool children from our from our community wish you the best which should be wonderful yeah very exciting anybody have anything else congratulate the music department for all these Christmas concerts and holiday concerts I should say they were really great I I saw three different ones and wonderful wonderful job amazing how how professional they always sound they do yeah I actually went to a middle school concert and it wasn't the middle school band it was the um it was a sixth grade band the seventh grade band and the eighth grade band right right with their own different sets their own set of music as well yeah yeah nobody else we some of us attended the sasus scany school boards uh meeting in earlier in this month and one of the topics was from forget the name of the uh entity it was the center for prevention prevent uh provided a presentation on uh vaping and uh drug use and it was really really informative and surprising the heck out of me and but maybe could we present something like that to the people in the town oh that would be great I mean it would I don't think it would cost anything and it was they happy to come I actually have a call with them next week um I'm just doing some homework on it that would be great I think that's great idea I'm just I mean it was really the stuff that they sell and it looks like it's so yeah it's crazy it looks like it's candy you know it's it's terrible and and they're great presentations but the one thing I I want to do community outreach to get people to to attend these that's what I was thinking that's what I was thinking it's for the community not I mean for parents kids too it's just that's just something to think about candy flavors on this things they are clearly Market to Children it is terrible and the amount of T of uh THD you know that back you know people say oh well you know my day and like oh my gosh o is unbelievable is crazy high one of the statistics was that the potency went back in the 80s 90s or something like a marijuana cigarette was 3% THC and nowadays it's upwards of 80 to 90% to 90% that's that's that's crazy spiked with pentanol it's so dangerous it's so addictive I just thought we could talk about something like that they they were wonderful we should at at a board meeting you're saying no I'm saying well we could discuss it at a board meeting but the presentation should be just through for the community and it's just yeah I'd love love to do that but like I said I just want to make sure that we we we do the pr on to get them as many people as possible to attend work with the student give out food and prices that's what we we've been trying a lot of those for some of these anything else you could do any other ideas we we'll do it as well but uh I'd be more than willing to and and able to try to welcome them to give us a presentation that would be great yeah that's I I just I thought it was a very you know useful presentation for my education too uh anybody else no I agree with the food because that's why he go L the sea lry has always the best spread I like cookies why don't we do with cookies if you have they said if you have a lottery with prizes you goes way especially if you tell the kids to tell their parents to go because there'll be prizes yeah Vernon Viking apparel the kids say mommy going I think all right let's move on let's move on anybody else have anything else yes uh looking forward to next week and uh anything else motion to move to close session so move by m ahar second second by Miss pellet all in favor okay thank you Melissa we're gonna go to session Mela was there oh [Music] right R you're uh just a reminder for anyone that's still joining us online uh we're going to Executive session right now we will not be taking any further action tonight and we'll be adjourning from executive session thank you for joining us tonight and I hope you have a lovely evening