the meeting May we have a reading of the statement please yes statement adequate notice of this regular meeting was provided to the public in the Press on January 17 2024 and was posted at the municipal building in accordance with the open public meetings act njsa 107 thank you you please all stand and a pledge to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands a nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all thank you br call please council member bueri here council member D benedetto present member Higgins here council member Sparta presid president rudo here good evening before we start um can I have the latest score from school for those online right right now it's Vernon 58 High Point 34 with 436 remaining in the game all right thank you there you go may you go right in on a happy note mayor's comment thank you council president uh tonight my comments will be short last week uh the ver Police Department uh and the ASPCA conducted a search warrant on a home in pvl section of ver together they rescued over 90 dogs I can't go much into details it's still an ongoing investigation but I wanted to specifically thank our police chief uh Dan young Sergeant Kamar Sergeant Fitzgerald and officer lens um and all the other officers uh for all their efforts in making that making this happen I met with Sergeant Kamar at the animal shelter last week and he brought me up the speed on all the progress the an shelter has been making for the past several years and I will say that s Kamar loves what he is doing and and it clearly shows um if anyone like to donate please visit the Veron Township website click on the services link and then Animal Control to see all the uh items needed uh I believe our council meeting in March the chief and Sergeant will will be at the meeting to further discuss uh I'd like to enter the following names into the record for the following committees excuse me the economic development advisory committee for a one-year turn uh appointment I have Bruce Campbell Campbell Evan kovich David killan William Ricky Jr and Debbie Coulson and for the environmental commission I I have Debbie Coulson and for the board of recreation I have R uh Raven slockbower and that's all my comments for today thank you thank you regarding next meeting so we will have an opportunity to uh recognize s Sergeant Kamar very well deserved yep very well deserved public comments may I have a motion to open the meeting I'll make that motion motion made by Mrs bueri is there a second second seconded by Mrs de benedetto all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed motion carries the meeting the floor is open to the public for three minutes per person on agenda items only is there anybody in the audience or on line wishing to comment Council I don't have any hands up okay seeing no one coming forward or no one online I ask for a motion to close the muting to the move by Mr Sparta is there a second by Mr Higgins all in favor signify by saying I I motions motion passes and the Flo's closed bills list has been included with your packet it was kind of light of the time Li time meetings and there any questions it's a question anything outstanding here Donell that we should be uh page we just we just ran bills today yeah all members of the council have received copies of minutes of our uh January 22 regular meeting and the minutes of the executive session of February 15 for January 22nd regular meeting minutes they I have a motion to place those on the floor for consideration move that moved by Mr Higgin is there a second second seconded by Mrs de benedetto um are there any additions comments or deletions requests for deletions on these minutes if not I'll ask for a roll call council member rieri yes council member D benedetto yes council member Higgins yes council member Sparta abstain council president rudo yes and for the executive session uh minutes may I have a motion to place those on the floor for consideration mov by Mr Sparta is there a second second second by Mr Higgins um any additions deletions or comments regarding the executive session minutes if not I'll ask for a roll call vote council member bushier yes council member D benedetto abstained council member Higgins yes council member SC yes council president rudo yes carries and for the meeting I'm sorry the minutes of the regular meeting February 15 may I have a motion to place those minutes on the floor for consideration moved by Mr Higgins is there a second second seconded by Mr Sparta any questions or comments or the deletions on request for deletions on this if not I'll ask for a roll call vote council member bushier yes council member D benedetto St council member Higgins yes council member Sparta yes council president wudo yes motion carries we have a consent agenda anybody wishes to have any item separated from the consent agenda please let me know and we can have that separated and discussed and voted on separately resolution 2465 Township of Vernon resolution of support for the jcpnl energized New Jersey program epu docket number EO 23179 3 resolution 2466 run refund for totally disabled veteran k c um resolution 2467 cancelling taxes for totally disabled veteran Kenova resolution 2468 refund for totally disabled veteran Roden rwal uh resolution 24- 69 refund for totally disabled veteran grodal resolution 24-70 cancelling taxes for totally disabled veteran Roald resolution 2471 moving a solicitor's permit for Trinity solar uh may I have a motion to place these on the floor for consideration move move by spart is there a second I'll second it seconded by Mrs bueri roll call please council member bueri yes council member D benedetto yes council member Higgins yes Spa yes council president rudo yes motion carries public comment this is on any item that you wish to speak on public is limited to five minutes on any topic or person and uh may I have a motion to open the floor to the public I'll second itart is there a second I'll second it seconded by Mrs bueri all in favor I I opposed motion carries meeting is open to the floor for five minutes for any person uh on any item anyone wishing to come forward please do so is there anybody on line yes uh Jesse padini yes Mrs padini yes thank you um I just want to announce that last week we had a really great Scenic byway committee meeting we have a couple of great new members Mr John Stevens who is um an art architectural engineer the county planner is Autumn Sylvester she's on our committee mayor Rossi joined us um for this meeting Peter knip our chairperson of the economic development committee is um on our committee and uh as is Jessica krugle way wayanda State Park superintendent if you would like a council representative on this committee I would be more than happy to entertain that I'm not going to discuss a whole lot of um the substance of that meeting but it was to decide what to apply for a grant for and I could tell you that we have a really really exciting proposal to apply for and um if we get it it will solve a 20year problem that Vernon has not been able to solve I'll tell you more about it in the months to come um council president rosuto you said that you would have us come and do a presentation and we'd like to do that presentation in April our new um chairperson president actually I'm sorry of the Historical Society Jody White Barner will do that presentation but I just wanted to let you know that we had that meeting and we're really excited about it um excuse me Mrs padini do you have any preference as to which meeting in April um I think the second meeting would be great okay say I believe that's 202nd 22nd sure that's fine thank you um and lastly I just want to say that I might have mentioned that the state put up the wrong byway signage and I'm in touch with them to try to get the correct signage put up but um that's still pending and that's really all I have to say thank you thank you is there anyone else I don't see any other hands up is there anyone on the council who would like to volunteer to be active on that committee okay I'll try and get to a few meetings thank you uh is there anyone no one else no sir thank you may I have a motion to close the Flo to the public moved by Mr Sparta is there a second second by Mrs de benedetta all in favor signify by saying I I oppose motion Carri uh before we move for Council comments I have with us this evening we have with us this evening uh Mr Jones who is a I believe a partner at the uh or did I mistakenly promote you and I'm going to catch both partn you're both Partners okay Manley also who is a partner for our uh uh auditor H isach Gil in Gilbert um right not anymore I dwell on the past don't I but the reason why I asked them to come is at a previous meeting we had a motion to uh uh adopt to and approve the increased Bank cap and it did not pass and it's not the first time something like this hasn't happened but I was concerned because we do have two brand new uh members of the you know on our Council and uh I thought perhaps that we would have the auditor come in and explain s you know very briefly uh but just give us a a good summary concise summary as to what is the bank cap what happens when we pass it and that what happens if we don't pass it so on that basis you know U I think maybe there were some misgivings on doing something like that in terms of having to borrow or not wanting to borrow but being forced to do so or or something like that but I did want the the council to uh review this it's also probably a good thing for all of us to know especially if there have been any change and I believe there was a change in the amount the percentage amount on that uh uh on that bank app so uh maybe uh you could give us some benefit of your knowledge on that good evening everybody good evening so excuse me if I I'm saying something that you already know but you know for the benefit of just like first graders like I'm five please all right so in relations to the budget um the state has two different caps on the budget one's a 1997 Appropriations cap so that only relates to the appropriation side and the 2010 tax levy cap so and that's on the tax levy side so the 2010 tax levy cap places a limit so to speak on how much you can go up in terms of your tax Ling and the 20 the 1997 Appropriations tab places the limit on how much you can go up in terms of your what they call inside cap appropriation so what I mean by inside cap is your normal operations right your salaries and wages and your OE it doesn't include Capital expenses or Debt Service or uh any other grants so those are just some examples how about insurances about insurances Insurance that's inside C okay yeah most everything is Inside Yes um so with the cola ordinance which was what you um have in question that that relates to the 197 97 Appropriations C all right by so by the state of New Jersey allows for a what cola stands for is cost of living adjustment so every year the state comes up with what the cola is the cost of living adjustment is so for 2024 is 2.5% so the state requires all municipalities to pass a cola ordinance to in order to go up to sex toally permitted 3 and a half per. what the other thing that the call ordinance does is that you allows you to bank cap so what I want to stress is that the same orance is not a spending orance it's not authorizing you to spend anything it's just merely giving you the flexibility if you need to to go up to the 3 and a half% and in what and what I meant before about banking is that in any given year let's say your inside cap appropriation you only need to go up to 1% but by passing the cola ordinance you allow to go up to three and a half% you can Bank the difference of Two and a half% to use for two the next two years so this is almost like an insurance policy right in case something happens whether it's this year or the next two years um if for some reason there's an unanticipated increase in your garbage contract for example or you have um increase in health benefits which is what's been happening uh the last couple years gasoline so you can plan for the unexpected pension pension exact exactly but then if we do need to spend it where does the money come from so if the costs go up and we need to spend that three and a half% where does that money come from well you can either obviously increase your tax Lev to there's but there's other reeven there's okay it's not solely it's not solely because you're increasing your inside cap appropriation doesn't automatically mean that you're increasing your tax level okay so where else would the money come from you can have cases where maybe your debt service you're Appropriations outside of your the outside cap appropriation decreases so it gives you the flexibility to increase overall appropriation without raising tax levy you can have a new Revenue Source you can you know use more fund balance I'm sure other options that not thinking of yeah I actually want to ask to now a number of new Revenue sources and it increases its revenues so um I believe it was 2020 or 2019 they passed a short-term rental ordinance um with that ordinance not only did we receive funds it's not a lot it's about $40,000 in permits um but then it also appropriate um applied a tax to those short-term rentals in the same fashion that hotels are taxed right so our average I'm just I believe we were at like $280,000 I think in Revenue in 2018 um for the hotel occupancy tax we're well over 500,000 now right so there are additional revenues um if Canabis goes forward we finally do have that go forward right there is a tax that's applied to that we will see revenue from that there are other things in the township that we do um that increase fees which increase our revenues so then when we write these ordinances can we write them in a way that stipulates if we do need to spend up to the three and a half percent we won't raise the taxes we'll pull it from a revenue Source or something like that you can't do that no but I I do want to be clear and it's something that mon said it is for every appropriation so for example I just want to let you know for pension this year which we do not control that so that is the state the state tells you this is what we have to pay and that's it it's $161,000 increase from last year that needs to be appropriate for we cannot do anything about it so if we don't do something like a cat bank right the whole point of the cat bank is it helps us with things like that it also helps us for emergency Appropriations we have an issue with um one of the tankers right with their uh what is that called the war tank the actual the actual tank um that to fix it that's an operating charge that's not not a capital expense if we don't have I mean we don't appropriate $100,000 in a line item to fix one one thing right if that happens it's usually an emergency appropriation we then have to rage it in next year's budget that cuts into these appropriation but didn't we have money left from the previous year's budget that's not how that works so where does that money go why couldn't we use that money instead of pulling from from last year's budget for a cost if we had money left from last year's budget that would fund balance that goes to fund balance that would be the financing part right that that's not the appropriation part an example of the appropriation part was would be in 2023 health benefits sort uh about 24% state health benefits plan it was financed in the 23 budget but there was a portion that could be outside the cap so the financing was there for 23 in 24 the state was not allowing an ex an adjustment to the inside cap appropriation so that amount that was outside cap would come inside has nothing to do with financing at all you're already you're paying for it in 23 the funds would be there without any kind of tax increase if that stayed level but now you're just moving from outside to inside but I have to have enough room inside to accept that I think we're we're we're uh Jess is getting hung up a little bit is that you have to balance your budget right and what her point is if if you have the cap bank at 3 and a half% where you can raise your Appropriations what she's asking is well you have to have the revenue to support that and the revenue to support that she's linking it to the tax levy but it doesn't and there's two different bank caps right so the tax levy cap is at what two 2% so if we happen to go to three and a half percent on our Appropriations cap we can only still go up to our two and a half or 2% on our on Levy that's where you have to find your other income to make up that 1 and a half% gap and the other advantage of the bank cap is that if you on the appropriation side if you only go to one and a half% you have that 2% that now you can bank and use in a future year now I know when we were on the school board we always kind of had a little bit of an issue about that because it's like I'm going to buy a sandwich now but now you're going to tell me in two years you I got to pay another dollar for that sandwich so it's always there as I've always looked at it as an emergency fund that it doesn't always have to be used and as far as the um uh income side of it you as a council person has a say on where that difference come from you could say no I don't I don't want to raise tax ly you have last year we actually did it right last year we said hey you got to pull some money from your reserve so and that's what we did okay yeah got it thank you yeah no problem for the cola ordinance only gives you spending Authority it doesn't actually allow you to spend anything you would have to do something else appropriate money do something else the governing body to actually spend okay it's just spending Authority that's all it is okay and it creates that bank just mentioned where it's an emergency yeah and I'm I'm okay with that so and I I guess I misunderstood that or because I I was I did vote no I was not in favor of increasing it to three and a half% I wanted to keep it at to 2% so you're saying now we didn't pass anything because I thought we were we introduced um this ordinance at our reorganization meeting and it was um voted down I know intro but so I thought so we even have to approve the 2% like that needs to be approved too or that's the standard does is that it allows you go up to it's three three and a half three and a half and it allows you so if you don't pass the cola orance not going to be able to bank any in case you need it so but do we can we go what but is the 2% already approved two and a half right now but there's no way to bank anything so even if we had our Appropriations at a 1% increase that difference we Bank allows the cola ordinance yeah okay so I just didn't want to go up to three and a half percent I didn't realize we couldn't Bank it though I want and I I want to be clear about the three and a half% and bud just touched on it it allows you to go three and a half% you still have a budget you have to right I I get that I totally get that yeah having that cat Bank up to three and half% is really important I mean I I don't like I said a pension increase is $161,000 that is something you have to relate it to what was it last year though yeah what's that percentage increase I mean you say 161,000 is that off of $3 million or is off of $400,000 right you have to you have to relate it something I think that in a s is 160,000 it equates to about almost % of your tax rate an 8% increase right that's huge 8.25% increase in pension yeah and what was our insurance looking at your pension payment and what was our insurance Ins Insurance we did better on this year because we join the head but it's still an increase it's still um actually our our health insurance is not but our workers compens insurance is up our general liability insurance is up um you know we we do have I don't want to like I hate to go into this but like we do have um contractual obligations that we are required to provide yeah no I understand I did I just I didn't realize that we couldn't Bank anything um by go by not approving the three and a half I just didn't want to go up to three and a half I just wanted to keep it at the and between you know our firm we we have you know 80 plus Municipal clients that we review their budgets for and last year we have a large number of clients who have a an appropriation caps issue meaning they don't have a problem with tax levy side and in some cases they didn't even need to go up to the 2% however they weren't able to go up to the three or they had a inside cap Appropriations that exceeded the three and a half perc and if they didn't have the bank Levy cap from previous years they would have been in trouble they would have cut cut essential services and so for this year I think the 1% difference was about $197,000 I think is what when our C bank's ordinance makes sense you can actually 197 right so like I said $161,000 without a pension what would have happened what would happen if in fact we experienced a an emergent situation where we needed borrow heavily on this Bank cap and we were not able to what would be the response that we would have to if we if we didn't have any cap to bank like if we didn't have any Bank cap yeah yeah you would either have to cut services or you would have to go to the state to allow to get an exemption from the cap and what does that exemption allows like we had Bank basically be extremely frowned upon to come to the state for that kind of relief I can't tell you that they would Grant it or you would have to jump through some hoops to get them to all you to do that okay but they can do it they would think that your town is possibly mism the state could do it without a problem so again speaking to that mismanaged because taxes go up and because people see themselves being pressured in terms of buying taxes we s we had a situation last week where we had a meeting just on taxes people seem to think that Vernon is very very poor or troubled troubled financial situation how do we rate actually I actually just got um the updated Moody so we're still double A3 um they don't give an Outlook right now just because they didn't do an official um statement or anything but they contact me annually um we reach out we just give I give them a as much information as you know um they ask for but I we've done pretty well with Moody's the last two bond issuances that we've done um you know during 2020 during Co when we went out for a B I mean it's a couple years ago but during um 2020 during the bond issuance when they were giving like nobody they weren't changing anything um Vernon originally had an a negative outlook from 2018 after the Mountain Creek things happened and they still Vernon still had a negative outlook and then when we went out for Bond issuance we had an official reading and they removed that during 2020 which is kind of says something for how good the township has been doing financially um for them to do something like that and all the things that are in progress right now the sewers the water they actually finally see Vernon like moving along um so you know I think I think if we do have to go out for Bonds in the future I I can't we're not I think we're going to be doing well um you know everything's contingent on making really good financial decisions for the township and making sure that we're safe and we're secure um and doing something like a cat Bank ensures that security right so it doesn't again mean that we have to use that money it just gives you that cushion and that safety net so that if something like that happens where there's $150,000 repair that we have to do on a ladder truck it's a $2 million ladder truck right we are able to do that in the cat Bank in the following year so could you talk about a past year where we've had to use the c bank and what that looked like and where the money came from as an example do if you don't have one offand we used I mean we used some C Bank last year okay um just to again to help the appropriation side but we didn't raise taxes we didn't raise taxes in the prior year either right so what what was it for cap what did you use it for they're not for specific items it's you add in all of your Appropriations okay and then there are certain things that are outside of C Service grants shared services right that redu because had a huge increase in health increase in health pension and so where did that money come from then it comes from revenues okay cool thank you this would have been helpful I didn't know to ask these questions yeah and it was very much yeah Don whenever you do when is a budget presentation this year so I we need to sort that out with the mayor and the council president okay would be because you you obvious know the facts the figures and everything speak to the audience meaning not us but the public when you do it because just what what you said right now I understand what you're saying they don't and uh it it really has to be clear you know start from the top and down saying we have X number of dollar budget we have this much spent this much is committed for here's here's the portion that we can negotiate you know in those types of words because it it makes it more clear to them yeah it's helpful to um any council member we would be happy to come up at any time and sit down and go over um Municipal budgeting and Financial Accounting in New Jersey be careful what you asked for it's a fairly unique animal in New Jersey so we'd be happy to come up and and sit down and go over it give um high level overview and then you know try and answer whatever questions anyone has so uh the more informed you are the the easier our job is y we might take on you know we have I said we have two new members on the council and uh and one Saturdays M has nothing better to do on Saturday okay okay actually we were up here Saturday we had a meeting up at the minerals minerals thank you thank you for the sure Y is there does any council member have any other questions thank you so much for taking time to come up we appreciate the time thank you very much thank you thank you too thank you Council comments yes Mary been sending the updates on a regular basis to us a lot of them have to do with information coming to the US from the state and it's all about grants so just for for s of discussion there's a lot of opportunities for Grants so the first question is who's the responsible person for pursuing grant money in Vernon has everyone look at me so uh there are a lot of different departments that apply for different grants right so we have safe and secure grants there's a lot of police grants that the police apply for individually it's usually by Department um a lot there are sometimes where I work with those departments if it's you know if they need my help on certain things um and sometimes the grants we qual qualify for and sometimes the grants we don't qualify for depending on what um criteria they have for eligibility so we do apply for the ones that we are able to apply for um you know and then it's obviously at the discretion of the mayor if there's specific like projects that we that he might think is a good project to go ahead and apply for a grant that we might not usually apply for um that's happened in the past so if as they come around we figure we kind of figure it out there's no one specific that is a grant writer that's my question there is no grant writer here y we were looking into a grant Rider so know the chief uh recommended somebody who's done very well for another Township so we are looking into that which we should probably kick off a meeting yeah so for example today it was a d grant that was on one of the notices that Mar sent out so you would know if you read it then you would determine who would pursue the de EP Grant within Vernon I guess you have somebody in that department well if if it was for something that that would be useful for an idea yeah grants could be good and bad you can get grant money you hire people under the grants the grants run out and then you got to say goodbye or you've got an extra employee and you don't know what to do with that person or you're going to fund it from your own resources so it's uh Too ited Short there anything else Mr that's it okay thank you Mr de benad got nothing okay Mr just spart just want to kind of build off of what what uh build off of what bill was talking about um when it comes to Grants uh and I think I had this conversation with the mayor at one point in time I'm not a huge fan of grants that we have to match because what ends up happening is that match stays in year after year after year after year so when grants are presented to us I know it's always in the supporting documents but can we just make sure that um as a council we know if it's a match how much we're matching and because of that how many grants last year did we have that were matching grants and is are those matches going to be removed from this year's budget um so we did have one that was a match uh that was a new match um that was for the recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities um I believe it was a like a $3,000 match for a 125 Grant um we apply for that Grant again and we're awarded it again this year so that 3,000 will be in it again um the other ones I mean something like safe and secure that we get that we have for the police department that has a match but that's part of our salaries but it's already it's already there yeah it's already ex concerned with the with the only that's the only one that I know that um other than like the community Project funding for the sewers that had a match right um we were all aware of that's infrastructure stuff right and it was a huge infrastructure amount that we were you know we were hoping to get um but other than that I don't know we don't have any other line items there was a cash um match line in our budget just for that so okay and uh I know Mr rzo mentioned at the start but want to congratulate uh the boys basketball team who won their quarterfinal quarterfinal round I think it was 6644 was the final they played Glen Rock I believe on Wednesday night at um I don't know what the time but I think it's six o'clock that's what the games have been but we were just kind of talking beforehand how well the sports programs have been doing at the high school um in in the fall uh the winter so far uh girls wrestling team I think had three girls that are moving on uh I think boys wrestling did did uh had had a couple of two I think I believe uh I I read um girls basketball was eliminated in the first round of the state playoffs but they won their conference for the first time since 1978 uh so there's there's a lot of exciting things going on and uh I actually took a video uh what was it last Monday night the first round yeah and and uh tonight they played High Point tonight so the crowd was a little bit bigger but um I think Bill parked at his house and walked up was quicker for him uh with how many cars are parked it's just it's exciting to see the sports programs uh flourish in the town and and what those Sports PR Sports programs do for the spirit of the community and I think that's the great part about it more than anything so congratulations to uh to the boys they won the Hunter and waren Sussex tournament for the first time ever um S A Week Ago Friday night at uh Centenary College against um did they play Hunton H Central at night and uh and they upset number 19 ranked in the state fburg in order to get there so um it's it's exciting to see it's it's great to see nice little touch the kids did tonight they put a table up between the end of the basket and the Sands and put a big sign ESPN and had two or three people they pretend they were that's I actually thought that was ESPN I shouldn't have told you thank you and but you are perfectly right Sports programs do a great have a great effect on the Township's Spirit on the Township's demeanor it's it's a it's a coalescing uh spirit that brings everybody together and there is a difference I had one Community member tonight come up to me he says I can't play golf I can't play hockey so I might as well come here and watch FK there you go there you go yeah Mrs berer thank you um well congratulations to the boys basketball team um I just wanted to ask the mayor or maybe Pat either one of you hear from Jessica Caldwell our last meeting we had a question about the Builder U the the developer who has a potential project over on a behind um Herold Square yeah Harold Square Mountain Creek South by the gas station yeah so we had asked specifically about the locations of previous projects and I didn't get an email from her did either one of you get an email from her okay all right I'll I'll follow up with her because we were I think several of the council members were interested in seeing yeah um you know previous development from that Builder right um okay and I I do uh want to Echo the mayor's sentiment with um our animal control and police department Sergeant kamaras he's done a phenomenal job just in general um you know taking over the animal control um he's you could it's obvious he really cares about the work and the animals and the um that one rescue which I say very Loosely was not a rescue at all you know uh they worked so diligently to close that down and rescue those animals so it's really something for um all of us as you know citizens here and and our Police Department to be proud of um you know when you have innocent you know in innocent um beings that can't speak up for themselves and uh can't pay you back but there's people willing to step in and and help them that that really is um a great uh another Feelgood thing for our town 90 animals 90 animals that's really disgusting just horrible so I'm just thankful that they're um that they're in in a you know a safe environment and being taken care of so I think uh yep I'm through go ahead um just to follow on on to that um I did speak with Le Chief and he you know I asked about having officer I'm sorry Sergeant Kamar is here U but he's required his presence has required some other places um and uh the whole situation is much more than what was told in the paper and I think it's better that we let uh sergeant karus and the police chief provide us with the the information because it's an on as the mayor said it's an ongoing investigation but more than that I don't think anybody realizes the extent of the participation and control that was necessary to bring this uh execution of the uh uh the search warrant into effect so I would rather than making any more comment hold off until our next meeting when we will have an opportunity to hear the the people involved and to the extent that they were able to tell us let them uh provide the narrative and as far as uh with our Sports programs I I've taken the liberty of uh speaking with the the ad and we will have them it sounds like we're going to have them here at the next meeting because of the you know the whole program is going to be completed by then so uh we're going to have a little coffee and cake and uh at the council's expense and if someone complains about it I'll pay for it and uh and we'll be able to have a little bit of fun and uh I don't know maybe we can even get some highlights up on on the screen or go on to this big one over here so we see what we can do but I'm happy this is uh I was up there last tonight and I don't think I've ever seen the gym that act as it was tonight and we've been through a lot of successful programs I think the people were looking for something like this they found it they came up they cheered and and the kids responded so they did a hell of a good job and uh uh and I'm I'm happy for them and I'm I wanted to beat Glenn Rock too yeah I heard were an old an old rival when I was in school and I would like to see them uh tested let's put it that way okay was it horse and buggy then or there was a guy by the name of Henry Ford Henry Ford was there and you could get any car as long as it was black all right anybody else have anything no seeing no one else may I have a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make that motion motion made by mrsi is there a second seconded by Mr Higgins all in favor signify by saying I I Mo carries before we go I would like to introduce Mr Peter King I should have done that for the public uh hang on Mr mench uh was not able to make it this evening he had advised the council and the mayor previously Mr King was kind enough to uh come here and uh sit in his place so thank you so much thank you we uh serious and kind was a great meeting and you're out of here before eight out of here before can't always promise that okay thank you very much good night