##VIDEO ID:jfWjGzmuHZQ## e e e e e e continuing to do that we're continuing to build every day um we um let's see we started with um Pleasant Valley and senic leagues um then we um let's see we've done um I'm trying to think what we've done now we Barry Lakes what's that Barry Lakes yeah Barry Lakes getting done now I think that we've have service there now and um we have um I'm trying to think what other areas we're doing I should have had the guys print out a whole list for me but um we got most of L communities either done or in process of being done now um um there's um some of the roads are again challenging because we have a great relationship with susex world so any polls that are there is not a problem jcpnl not a problem um even bright speed their polls problem so um that's kind of to a certain extent determine where we can build and where we are slower building um we have um we've got a lot of Crews up here working and um we have a lot of customers here and we're you know every day we're installing new customers Vernon and uh everyone's really happy we do um just for clarification purposes we do we provide highspeed internet and we provide phone services we uh we don't provide television but people can do streaming there's you know Hulu and YouTube TV and Direct TV stream and a million other options um you know most people are switching to us from Optimum or from you know some from war Valley if they have DSL or whatever um our our pricing inning is very competitive um we have $49.95 a month for uh gigabit service and um we have um very there's no startup fees or you know contracts or anything and we provide a whole home Wi-Fi as part of it so make sure people have really great coverage throughout their whole homes um we have 24 by7 support that's here in Sussex County so if someone has a problem or a question they can call up and get one of our people and works for us not a you know call center somewhere another country or whatever um and then if someone needs help we can send somebody out right away because we have five or six employees uh who live here in Vernon at least that are technicians who work and who you know they bring their Vance home every night they go out in morning and do installs whatever so um makes it U makes it really easy and uh think it's been wonderful to work with the town getting approvals and we we had to build a pop here uh we built our Pop um on the on the Sussex RS um property um at the break which is which is like a uh storage container basically right so just for the people who don't know so it it houses all of our equipment has generator in it so that you know if it power is out um and we have substation right there but you know who knows might happen um you know if if that ever loses power for some reason the generator will keep running as long as people have generator at their home and the fiber isn't broken their connection will still work and they'll still have internet connectivity um we have two separate paths to that so there's uh you know one One Direction one in another Direction um and um you know it's it's an honor to serve earning so do those fail over just yeah so if if something happens on one and something gets cut and then immediately within milliseconds switches over to the other so so you have redundancy built it so there's built-in redundancy obviously if the cable to somebody's home is cut or tree falls on it or something then they won't have service but um we're very quick and everything that we do um a lot of other companies have contractors do all the work so have contractors put the cable up they'll have another contractor come out and splice it they'll have another contractor come and do the installs um we do all of that in house with our own employees so if something happens in the middle of the night we're usually sitting there waiting for the power company to finish as soon as the power company's done and seen a safe then we can immediately start fixing it so you know we're not waiting for somebody to come from another state or you know for them to be called out the next day or our people are ready to go immediately so yeah no and uh I appreciate all the work uh and all the support I mean you're you're very involved right um and I I just gave you guys just a little a little quick story about about the the the company or at least you know Mr boil here is well I got a complaint I guess from a customer I think it was in Barry lakes that uh there was a telephone P put on the corner kind of on where his property is um which M Bo had the they plan Network had the right to to put that poll um at that location but he said no you know I just don't want the poll I said well I'll see what I could do I I'll I'll call him and I I called Mr Bole and uh before I came that was kind of the end of the day and then but in the morning before um I can even call the gentleman back to let them know that I spoken to you and I don't know what the outcome was because you you need to just look at it the guy calls me up back and he says they moved the poll this morning thank you so much it was great and I know you're very active on social media and you answer a lot of the questions uh that people have and and I I seriously appreciate that and uh you really do go above and beyond to help people um and even the the guys that came to my house they didn't know who I was and and they were just super uh respectful the Gent guys were out here the other day uh even the guy directing traffic was was was super just resp oh s like just very nice nice you got a good good team of people and uh and like I said uh you guys are local uh and thank you for investing into our town really really appreciate it it's long overdue um and I know uh we're looking for the upgrade here right most important it's it's it's uh painful um uh do you have uh a time frame on so in order to come down here we have to we have to jump across the road and do a couple things and so what we need to do is we need to originally we were going to close a lane of traffic and you know do it in the middle of the night and um because it's a County Road county says the whole process to go through and part of it is putting the whole thing together and then the Commissioners need to approve it and this whole thing so we work with the chief and I mean listen the County's great to work with too I have no complaints with the county so anyone listening I don't want you to think I'm complaining it's you know the bigger you get the more bureaucratic things get and the more processes are involved and getting them things done you know get something done on the State Highway close State Highway he even bigger deal but um so so we we figured out a way working with the chief and and um tenants and figured out that what we're going to do is we're going to redirect we're going to have two police and we're going to redirect traffic and make one of the lanes two ways and by redirecting the traffic we'll be able to do it much faster rather than waiting a month or something to get approval so as soon as that part is done then we'll be here on Church Street so we're just I I don't know the exact schedule of that I can find out it's within the next couple weeks that should be done nice and um and then the other the other thing that we need to do is we want to run a redundant connection here from the other direction and we have to go you know over the back here past DPW and and by the ball field and I know you guys are taking down those poles to put in some some new lights so we need to we need to figure out a way to get through there so we're we're working on that and trying to find a a solution but um as as soon as we do that then we'll have two separate feeds into here right so we're which will be redundant no matter what happens you guys will never lose your connection the police department never lose connection so yeah that's that's uh it's vital downstairs with the Dispatch Center so um and and the turnaround time I think uh I mean the turnaround times were great too um so and uh no I really again I appreciate it than again for everyone town has been wonderful to work with I mean the building department to police to everyone here in the mici building every's been wonderful so good great thank you DW's been great too so you guys we work in a lot of towns I mean there's I don't even remember the number exactly 562 municipalities in New Jersey or something and we've worked with probably a third of them at this point and um it's absolutely a pleasure working with you guys so thank you thank you and uh look forward to finishing building out the rest of the town as uh as quickly as we can and uh getting everyone service so thank you I have one just one other any members of the council have any questions just uh the hyb section right because I know that's that's a it's challenging to get to that that section out there uh and I know we we kind of talked about um you guys are going to come from the route 23 section right coming through through Vernon um what's what kind of ETA estimate you know obviously estimated I know that that's on the plans for probably early 25 so um it'll get done you know sometime in the next six months I don't know exactly when but you know hopefully earlier later we also want to so one of the things that I didn't talk about is we've done all aerial construction so far in Vernon we haven't done any of the underground areas and obviously there's huge underground community and so we're going to be working on those um as soon as we can um probably it'll probably be sometime this winter that we're going to get started and then by you know spring summer hopefully most of those will be done um they're a littleit more challenging the ones that are just streets that you know newer streets basically anything built after like the 80s typically um you know where you have cter saacs at the end and everything's buried underground those are pretty easy because those are rights of way with the town so we just you know some I think we talked to them I think it's just a Road opening for M we're not actually opening the streets or anything we're just going on the sides and the right way but um those are fairly easy to do um all of the HOAs and all of the you know like the Vernon Valley and those types of places it's all private property connecting the homes so we need to get permission from the HOA or the the company that owns it or whatever so uh those sometimes take a little bit longer to get those property access agreements in place but once we have those then we can build them pretty quickly so any have any questions sir just how how do our residents know when their house is ready to be hooked up so if people go to our website which is planet.net um they can put in their address and it'll tell them if it's services available or not okay as soon as it's available they can order it um we typically will will open up for pre-ordering about 30 days beforehand if people put their address and their contact information in as soon as it's available we will send out an email message to them let them know um we will also um typically um send out mailers we will also go door too and let people when once it's available because I know I've seen you on the side roads but obviously most people are working out of the area so they're not here when you're doing it so they don't see your truck go past their house when you're stringing so and I try to keep people updated on like on different social media groups and stuff too um although it's sometimes hard because you know you say oh we're in this area but then you know there's like another Street that's off of that so it's like it's a little bit of an inexact science but we uh but sometimes when people say hey this street is technically part of that get this done we okay we'll go get that done so we try to be really responsive to people you know that's one of the things that differentiates us from Big cable companies and other phone companies where we're super super responsive and trying to take good care of our customers so and I know you got off to a rocky start with the social media posts about the police and so on and so forth and yeah was a little bit of a misunder understanding I I have to say you you maned up and you came in here and and you worked things out and I think I actually called you the next day and I appreciated you doing that because most people wouldn't have done that so that kind of shows the character you are and I think that's at least I appreciate it that you did that oh thank you and then when I came in that night Chief and I went outside we had nice conversation and it was a misunderstanding and it was like you know it it was it all worked out absolutely that's what it was suppos afford to build if every single Street we need police no that's not what we said okay I like okay so and yeah everything's been great good and the feed from the from the police has been good too like you know um you guys are very responsive and and letting them know and and so they can provide you traffic we try to be super I mean you know KN one right we've never had any safety incidents with robes stuff or anything we we try to be very very you know super super safe I tell everybody like listen the most important thing is everyone goes home to their family absolutely um and so we take that really seriously make sure that we're our people are you know safety first and you see some of these people and they'll just be like I'm one of those dangerous roads and they have one cone out it's like this is crazy like I would you know we don't tolerate that kind of behavior it's tough because you're not stationary too you're you're mobile you're moving P to poll so it's tough so we you know we do the best that we can and we try to follow all the best possible safety procedures and we do all our own traffic control we don't use third parties for that so they're all planted employees like you said the flagger was nice but because it's one of our guys not like you know somebody that you know we hired in today and tomorrow he's in Patterson and the next day yeah Philadelphia or whatever so yeah very good thank you every thank you very much you thanks thank you good you much thank you thanks for coming may I have a motion to open the floor for public comment on agenda items move move by Mrs benedetto is there a second second seconded by Mr sparter signifi by saying I I floor is open for public comment on uh agenda items only for three minutes there anyone here wishing to address the councel seeing no one coming forward may I have a motion to close the FL of the public moved moved by Mr squ seconded by mrsi all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose motion carries all members have received a copy of the yeah yes you missed the mayor's comment missed me oh I'm sorry I had I put a check up I know sorry mayor I know you're you're you're in my office quite often you don't want to hear me anymore I get it um oh thank you Mr boy for coming in today appreciate it um I don't have much to to really add I know to um so hope everybody enjoyed their their three-day weekend Columbus Day um we had um on Tuesday was Tuesday the fire department had a their annual uh memorial service for the men and women who who are no longer with us that served in our fire department um so it was uh so thank you to the fire department for inviting me um to it's a special uh uh day you know again to to recognize the Mena women um also uh just just give you just a quick couple updates the so that fire engine for uh po valley that finally uh was delivered yesterday so the new engine is in um I was talking to the commissioner earlier and uh he invited me to come and uh take a ride in the new truck in the new appara so looking forward to that so that was delivered it's going to be in service in about two weeks still has to get the radios put in and um uh plates on there so there's a couple of things that has to be done but but she'll be ready to go in in about two weeks um couple of things real quick so this uh this weekend we have the bulky waste cleanup day um which is on Saturday from 8 to 4: so take advantage of the clean up um cleaning up the house and the yard so we got that going on so we are nominating um we're accepting senior of the Year nominations um we encourage people to nominate someone so think they can go to our website and they can uh submit who they feel should be the senior the that and just want to put um we have put someone to the record for the uh Recreation um board Rec uh Board of recreation Patricia uh EV venis she will I don't have a term here but I think it's I think it's only one year anyway but anyway so I just to put her on record for the for the board of recreation it'll be the end of um uh this year this year okay bring Point okay yeah it's kind of kind of late in this season um Town Center so um we got the approvals for the Town Center uh facelift project um I I think uh I did post on social media the blue clock and the black clock um I think we got overwhelming support on the blue clock um I don't know if Council had a chance to to look at it or you're not on social media anymore um so that that clock's uh hoping to be ordering uh this week um today we put a planter down by um on 94 coming into from Hamburg we put a uh nice new uh Stone planter uh underneath the welcome sign to Vernon so that's GNA it' be nice welcoming so it's part of our facel project so and uh I think that's that's all I have um really we got a lot of things in oper we just um sometimes things just take a little bit longer to uh to get them done so but we're chugging along so for my comments oh wait one other thing sorry um in two weeks we have our uh we're we're starting to have our in-house budget meetings um and I've always said that council is more than welcome to come sit in on that let us know so we don't have these showing up um but you guys are more than welcome to to to come in and uh we have them planned out week so that was number one on my list for comments I was going to ask you about that right okay so um so hopefully we'll see we'll see where we're at and um hopefully we'll come up with a good budget and move forward so thank you so much man thank you may I have a motion to now open the public for for public we did it did it already can we can we count that you can count we can count it no problem okay open to the bills done that okay uh any comments on questions on the bills list nobody has any questions move right along members have received copy of the minutes for regular meeting of September 9th the executive session of September 23rd and the regular session of September 23rd um for the meeting of September 9th may I have a motion to place that on the floor for consideration move move by Mr Sparta second seconded by Mrs Le benedetto is there any questions comments additions deltion if not may have a rooll call member bushier yes Council MTO yes council member SP yes council president Ludo yes for the meeting session uh for the executive session of September 23rd May I have a motion to place that on the floor for move move by Mr Sparta and may have a second second second by Mrs de benetta uh again there any or comments additions or deletions on these minutes seeing none may I or hearing none may I have a uh a roll call please council member buer yes council member yes council member Sparta yes council president rudo yes motion carries and finally on the uh regular session meeting of uh September 23rd May I have a motion to place those on the floor for consideration move Mr seconded by Mr de benad um any additions uh roll call please council member bueri yes council member dto yes member Sparta yes council president rudo yes moving to our consent agenda uh if you have any requests to separate please let me know after I read these and we can separate them resolution 24- 257 resolution authorizing Grant of parking easement relative to parking identified as block 512 Lot 37 on the official tax ma of the township of Vernon resolution 24258 the resolution approving participation in the state of New Jersey Federal grant program administered by the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General resolution 254-259 appointment of Office of the emergency management Deputy coordinator the individual cited is Howard leer resolution 24-26 approving the act of volunteer firefighter for membership in the New Jersey state Firemen's Association firefighter uh resolution 24- 261 approving active volunteer firefighter for membership in New Jersey state fireman's Association fireman Palace um resolution 24- 262 approving active volunteer firefighter for membership in New Jersey state Firemen's Association firefire OK Conor resolution 24- 263 approving active volunteer firefighter for membership in the New Jersey state fireman's Association uh firefighter entering resolution 24- 264 authorizing the use of Mars County cooperative pricing Council for proposed improvements to Glenwood Mountain Road section two resolution 24265 a refund for totally disabled veteran block 302 lot 3 munz resolution 24 4- 266 a resolution for totally disabled veteran block 436 lot 14 chowski um resolution 24- 267 refund overpayment block 233 lot one qarm stens Ste I'm sorry Stevens uh resolution 2 24- 268 a resol Sol solution over payment block 263 Lot 2 uh qarm Stevens resolution 24- 269 refund overpayment block 40 Lot 4 Farm Stevens resolution 24- 270 refund overpayment block 3879 core logic resolution 24- 271 refund overpayment block 529 lot 248 Clark finally Lot 24 dish resolution dish 24272 resolution of the township of Vernon County of Sussex state of New Jersey authorizing the procuring of financial advisory and Management Services losap Program compe ative contract may I have a motion to place these on the floor for consideration move move by Mrs de benad second seconded by Mrs bueri anyone wish to have any of these separated hearing no separation may I have a roll call council member yes Council yes council member yes president Ruda yes motion carries thank you introduction of an ordinance ordinance 24-22 an ordinance of the township of count Township Council of the township of County of Sussex state of New Jersey amending certain portions of chapter 99 en titled vehicles in traffic may I have a motion to uh place that on the floor for introduction I'll make that motion made by Mrs bueri seconded by Mr Sparta uh all in I may roll call please council member busher yes council member D benedetto yes yes yes motion carries adoption of an ordinance ordinance excuse me 24-21 the ordinance of the township of Vernon County of Sussex state New Jersey amending chapter 275 of the township code to repeal chapter 275 and replace same to adopt flood Hazard maps to designate a flood plane administrator and providing for a severability and an effective date May I have a motion to open the floor for a public hearing on this ordinance motion motion made by Mr Sparta is there a second second okay seconded by Mrs de benedetta uh all in favor signified by saying I I I opposed motion carries the floor is open for the public for consideration and comment on this particular item seeing no one coming forward may I have a motion to close the rep of the public I'll make that motion made by mrsi is there a second second seconded by Mrs de benedetta all in favor signify by saying I I oos motion carries may I have a motion to place this uh this ordinance on the floor for public adoption I'll make that motion move by by misseri is there a second second second by Mrs benedetto um are there any questions or comments on this from the council move to adop hearing none may have a r quoted council member yes council member yes council member yes council president yes carries um public comment may I have a motion to open the floor for public comments moved moveed by Mr Sparta is there a second second second by Mrs bueri all in favor signify by saying I I oose motion carries floor is open to the public for a comment on any item and is limited to five minutes on and that's on any topic seeing no one wishing to come forward may I have a motion to close the four to the public move by Mr seconded by Mrs bueri all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries Mrs de Ved ladies first I have no comments no comments okay Mr spart you want to go to Natalie what you're doing ladies first I'm like in the end here I forget to I'm like hiding behind the that's my job if I cover and any comments no comments thank you I just have a brief one I at the end of the last meeting I um made a comment about the over trucks on 515 um it kind of took on a life of its own and I just wanted to clarify some statements that I made it was this was not any type of knock on our police department at all it was more of a comment from public safety for the people of our town I had local business people calling me telling me that I wanted all the trucks off the road that was just not the case at all I I understand local deliveries can happen uh I know a lot of local use that road and they're never been the ones I've been concerned with because any incidents that have ever happened on that road is from people who don't know the hill so my comments came from a place of safety for our residents um on that hill and at the bottom of the hill or nothing less I I apologize if any of my comments were construed as differently I had a very nice conversation with Chief young about it he has told me that they have done targeting enforcement up there uh numerous times there is the the lighted board up there now I kind of chuckled when I drove by it because I said I guess I had something to do with that but um so please uh if if any of the our our Police Department is listening it was it was not a knock on you guys at all um I just I just want that Hill I've lived here my entire life I know all the incidents that's happened on that hill and we've actually been very fortunate with all the incidents that have happened on there that there's only been a few casualties over the matter of 50 plus years that I've lived here so um that that's all I just want to apologize if any was anything was taken out of out of context thank you I welcome I'm sure Mr spart that your comments were received with the inen that they were meant for um as a matter of fact your comments have BN some results if you'll notice the introduction of the ordinance that was passed this evening it uh it uh moves to address that particular problem so I think think you'll uh maybe we'll call it the spart no that's keep my name out of it Brad spart do um I have a couple of comments first I did mention I'm going to mention if uh you could send out an email or text message or however I guess an email would probably be more appropriate to any of the council members for the time when they may take part just observe the internal meetings if they want to look at the uh be involved with the seeing what's going on development of the budget that would I'm sure they would appreciate it I don't know if any of them would be able to make it but at least the offer will be out there um secondly the mayor and I did attend the meeting with AC pnl and we did uh review the questions and that were brought up by the group of residents regarding the uh the smart meters and the billing differential uh a number of County townships were there including Township of Newton uh jcpnl had uh four of their Executives there including a technician who's very well familiar with the smart meters and very involved with them uh we the matter was taken very very seriously I did uh feel that the issue was uh given weight and as a matter of fact so much so that they are willing to have another meeting with the group as a small meeting this will be with the people who were here um with Mr coni who uh appears to have uh become a spokesperson for that meeting as well as having a high degree of technical competence in that area and he would be willing they would be willing to meet with him and a couple of other people who experience significant uh differentials in the bills between some and winter when this happened and which may they felt which many of these people felt were attributable to the uh the meters um they are waiting and they they feel that this is the appropriate time because they wanted to have at least two billing Cycles go by from this period because they think a good part of this could have been substantive changes to the billing uh brought on by the an extremely warm winter sorry excuse me extremely warm summer and with a an increase of about 8 and a half% that was due uh to the bill from uh the Bure you Public Utilities whether or not that becomes an acceptable issue will only remain to be seen uh so I'm waiting to hear from Jack uh she's our contact person on this particular meeting and we'll see if we can schedule it for a uh in time within the next week or so okay um they were very very accommodated number three is the fact that uh we're coming on to Thanksgiving I know we have a lot of Trunk or Treats but we're going to have a lot of youngsters walking up and around the streets so please give give wide birth and uh and and pay attention uh many of the costumes that they'll be wearing may have some vision problems and they cause an issue I know my three grandchildren two of them are ghosts they have masks that are full face and God knows the dog chewed up one of them I think she was too scared oh so uh and uh I think that's about it [Music] um council president do you want mention the second meeting in November thank you for reminding supposed to put it on your I was supposed to put it on my agenda I didn't um second meeting in November November right um we will November 11 supposed to be the 25th no it's 23rd isn't it 2th the 25th Monday the 25th Monday the 25th is that the one you're talking about yeah right I'm going to recommend that this be C this meeting be uh cancelled because it's it's uh it's the week of Thanksgiving week of Thanksgiving and uh the other meeting though we're looking at is the meeting prior to the December December 23rd December 23rd um yeah that's right in the Christmas holidays is there a problem with anybody any concerns on cancel the 25th of November and cancel the 23rd of December the other question I have that was November 11th this Veterans Day so we we're meeting on the 14th not be any problems you guys aren't going to have any things you need to bring to us I don't think so I've spoken the mayor advid me he's spoken with okay the the Chief Financial Officer and she's advise me that she'll make sure that any transfers that have to be made will be made at the appropriate date and uh that there shouldn't be any problems you also just as everyone knows if you do cancel those two meetings but for some reason you find that there's a need you can always add them back on to the calendar at a different day or you know for some one particular item you can yeah have a special meeting if if you need to okay all right I'm take it off my calendar clerk will put out the appropriate notice yes thank you um done that for both meetings right the 23rd the 25th of November yes and the 23rd of December just a second though wa let I'm surprised if I removed them from my calendar already you could do a different date but I've already taken these off right exactly I will also remind everybody it's election day right um on nove November 5th yes and also the league of municipalities is um the 19th to the 2 first right um great um is there any other any other items thank you appreciate your you thank you very much now since I've turned 81 I tend to be a little more yeah that's right yeah happy birth Happy uh may I have a motion to adjourn moved second second moved by Mr sparter seconded by Mr Jerry all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries before you all run away just want to let you know something person I didn't are we on or um wait give me one minute give her a minute oh my gosh the suspense for