##VIDEO ID:4MOYGLNHtD4## I call this regular meeting of the to council for Monday the 23rd of September 2024 Madame clerk would you please read the open public meetings act and find statement the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been expect to this meeting of the township Council the meeting time along with the public internet link said notice in the meeting agenda was posted in the municipal building and sent the official newspapers of the township the Veron nework times and the Star Ledger 48 Hours preceding the St time of this meeting the agenda and handouts can be view.org counil meetings on the meeting agenda and instructions on how to thank you mad cord to call the RO please councilwoman Holland here councilwoman McGrath here councilman r here Deputy Mayor makoy here mayor Toro here may also present tonight is Township manager Joseph York P attorney briya Deputy Township manager Kevin oin myself municipal clerk Jennifer thank you madam clerk would everybody please join me in pledge ofg the United States ofer for all thank you everyone for the mayor's report today just a few items first of all congratulations to congresswoman L Monica mcgyver who won the special election for the can expire term uh and she will serve the rest of the year in congressional district 10 the general election will be in November as as usual so congratulations to congressman mver I hope to see her in Verona frequently uh thank you everybody for participating in the 911 ceremony and especially to Deputy Mayor act boy for uh for speaking and to at Leisa North our Pio for making arrangements and uh St CO as well uh and everybody participated from our fire department our rescue squad or Police Department the uh BR High School chamber choir the hbw middle school and our the lake a Roman Catholic school and to Father Peter it was really wonderful to see everybody there I had the pleasure of attending the brown together cornhole tournament in support of mallerie's army which is a cause very near and dear to my heart the antibullying um caus as an educator this is something that we absolutely need to be spending more time and attention on uh I got to rud on our Deputy Mayor unfortunately my teers didn't necessarily uh have the desired reaction but uh but he was a good sport throughout and it was really a nice event so congratulations to everybody from gr together for that great event I had the opportunity to attend the uh ribbon cutting and grand opening of golf Paradise in Verona uh which is a really neat place so I recommend anybody who likes to golf go over there you can golf in a simulated manner on how many courses tiing there yeah something like 25 26 different courses and you actually like golf the whole course was very very interesting uh they seem to have an energetic group there so that's right in Pilgrim Plaza I was not able to attend the official opening of twe's candies and Curiosities on bonfi Avenue I was teaching a drill on trauma and splinting at the Run Rescue Squad for several hours that day but I did take the resue s crew over and plot to the crew who was average age was half of mine quite a bit of candy to eat and enjoy um and I got to to speak with the owner and it's it's a lovely business and a lot of fun I can't wait to go back and buy the Lego shaped candy for my nephews next time I go up there thank you for the C council members for attending or to councilman Roman for deputizing that day thank you to assemblyman Aras and assemblyman to Phillips for attending uh the openings of both golf paradise and tweel teas I I appreciate their support I'm sorry actually it was only something can borrow this at the golf Paradise but um I appreciate their support and it definitely shows the uh a large scale government supportting your business on a uh on a happy note I performed my third in a group of weddings I had the pleasure of performing a number of weddings but third and the same group of friends uh this past Friday it started with Mark and Mark and it now went on to the third couple and these guys were the witnesses for Mark and Mark um and some congratulations to all of our couples one of the there's four couples in the group one group got married at one of the village without me but uh they they definitely said they would have love to have you there so that was very nice uh but nice group of people and the couple that just joined in matrimony this weekend plan to move to Verona so I'm very very excited about that um we just had our breast cancer flag raising so thank you to Wings cancer support group and angels for not only attending the the event but for the amazing work that they do uh for our breast cancer uh patients survivors uh their families and for the community and it's always good to see them uh and finally I just want to close out by sending well wishes to Mayor Meritus Frank Sapienza uh and Frank I I wish you the best and get better as soon as you can and that's all I have Mr colr I'm sorry um well we'll do Mr CTR and I'll do the appointments on on good evening mayor council um we'll start with tomorrow morning at 9:30 we have our monthly mayor's call and I did send they didn't even tell me who I was I'm Julius culture I'm the county leison Mr Mayor um tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. is the monthly mayor's call I did send the link to the administrator and hopefully we see you on the call uh also tomorrow is senior Wellness day at Cody Arena it starts at 10 to2 it's a great event for seniors for wellness for giveaways Etc and uh it's well attended so hopefully any senior in town can join us at Cody Arena uh Mr Mayor that was very interesting about your golf opening so I may pass by in attendance since I'm an avid golfer and always need help people on economy you would appreciate without a doubt uh we have our full family festival at the Essex County Environmental Center on Sunday September 29th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 300 p.m that's on Eagle Rock Avenue in Rosland just before you cross into Mars County and the rain date is Saturday October 5th 2024 um other things that are happening are um Sunday uh the 29th and I just mentioned that the full Environ environmental uh Center we have computer recycling on uh October 19th Saturday from 8 to 12 on Bradford Avenue in Cedar Grove we also have on the same date which is strut your mut in branchport park and we also have the same thing strut your mut October 26th in Grover Cleveland Park and Gardens of glow in Montclair which is off of Bradford in Montclair on Friday October 25th and next month I'll give you a little bit more on what's happening in October very chop full of events and Halloween Etc is coming along uh basically that's my report any other comments questions anything for culture councilman thank you um I just want to thank you in advance for addressing the concerns that our uh chair of the shry commission raised about brona Park and the stairwell going down I think there was a railing that was a little loose and I'm sure it's U been addressed but I just want to thank uh the county for being so um you know prompt on addressing that thank you thank you thank I just came all right to finish up uh my agenda we have some appointments to the environmental commission um so I am pleased to appoint Adam Bulger we are moving him from an alternate member to a hoding member and Kelly henna as a member F an non-expired term Mr bers would be expir as well and I'm going to move the addendum appointment to this part of the report because all happen at the same time and appoint Phil bolac to alternate number one R expired term ending 6:30 2026 the date on the addendum was uh typographic by error so the unexpired term will be June 30th of 2026 I thank all of them for their willingness to to serve the environmental commission as a working commission that does quite a bit um Beyond just monthly meetings and cleanups and mentoring their junior Commissioners uh providing site plan review public education something the the videos that they've put up on social media have gone under five million views uh it really is it's a great group and it's an honor to be there liaison there is one more alternate position that is open so if anybody is interested in that position please reject to Mrs Kieran and that is my report Mr diaro report of the manager thank you mayor um I'm sorry my agenda F around somewhere items as they usually do uh item number one on my agenda is the rfps with the streetcape designs did come in we have six companies that submitted um I think Kevin and Deputy manager and I will be going through those submissions and selecting the top three based on criteria and then I think we may want to schedule a special meeting because it'll be encompassing just for three companies to present to you um the clerk will coordinate that with May importance in timing is that one your affordable housing will be uh out for opening and and filling which will affect your cdbg Zone we'll be working on the applications to expand your zone so that you'll also be able to apply for grants for your downtown in the cdbg also Beyond just uh curb Cuts so your timing is has been perfect uh we continue the meet with the fundraising company for the Emergency Services building and reviewing the policy we'll there be no continued update on that but we are working in in two capacities one the 501 c3s and the township attorney will be helping the police with Foundation to shift it there we'll also be uh work working on the value of the naming policies within the complex and on the naming policy which has been introduced any it's in the manual already any recommendations that the council's sending in even after it's been included so I can work with it in a positive manner we'll making the amendments to council members that submit things so it's a like all your policies it's a living document that I'll continuously update um and then the uh I did want to report on all of your parking signs working with the Chamber of Commerce and and staff all the two have been funded and will be in the process of being re redone and they'll be on the Avenue for your 2025 season and updates in the downtown um parking lot signages have all been completed um and the township attorney be working on the copyright of your seal and then I'll pass it to Kevin for de reports any questions from mrco Mrs Kieran the folks at home can't see the video per thank yous that's you're thank you man um I will go through my report um as quickly and suly as I can but uh I just to follow up on an update on the pool rate study and strategic plan we remain on target for completing drafts of that of both documents in early October they will be circulated to the recreation advisory committee and we anticipate presenting at the October 21st mayor and council meeting uh we have a number of updates on our Wastewater projects our smoke testing is complete Administration will be sitting with the township engineer to come up with a list of recommendations and priorities on the findings of that smoke testing program uh we had a successful meeting with the ibank regarding our primary clarifier pumping station project down at Wastewater Plant uh they informed us that uh the final list of of comments they provided us is there four or five general administrative comments that they wanted us to change our specifications a company with having an authorized construction management contract with the last items to get the project out to bid uh there is a resolution uh effectuating the ladder of those and the design Engineers completing those minor modifications to the plan so we'll have that project out bid in the very near future uh we have a kickoff meeting with the design engineer for the other Wastewater improvements that's the UV disinfection system and the micro screen project we'll be meeting with the design engineer to kick off that design project tomorrow and we look forward to advancing that as quickly as possible as well um there's a number of other Wastewater projects that are going on the the last notable one that I'll reference is the collection system trunk line on um adjacent to Derwent Avenue uh we are still receiving some complaints on um on some some issues during heavy brainstorm events so the township is pursuing quotes for heavy cleaning uh tree root removal and televising of the entire climb from Bloomfield Avenue to uh to the wastewater treatment plant uh that we do anticipate having second and third quotes uh for that so we can advance that project in the coming weeks regarding the water wells Lind Drive well continues uh on schedule that should be back in service by December uh Fairview Avenue well we uh again we we had that meeting with the ibank that that was one of the projects that they did indicate we do need uh final uh approval from Green Acres on our exemption application uh I did receive feedback from Green Acres today that they are having an internal meeting tomorrow regarding our application so we hope that they advance that um but we've been discussing in coordination with DV ibank Green Acres and enforcement on the Fairview Avenue well uh again uh that meeting with the ibank was a good opportunity to discuss the clar drive Pump Station project uh again they they generally classify that as the same as the the Wastewater project in that there were a few minor comments and uh they did want a construction management contract in place to authorize us to advertise for bids uh we expect having the uh construction management contract on the October 7th meeting and hopefully we can get that project out to bid immediately thereafter um we I know we've been talking a little bit about the parking kiosks that are installed uh we're hoping to have those uh up and running uh by this time there has been some some difficulty in getting the kiosks integrated with the park Mobile payment application so the two uh programs communicate uh we have been in touch with them on a daily basis over the past few weeks so we are hoping that the final um final coding for the kiosks is complete and those are up and running 100% in uh the next one to two weeks um we have a few energy initiatives that we're still continuing to work on uh the energy audit is continuing to move forward we have draft reports for all the facilities except for the wastewater treatment plant uh we will have a presentation from the the local government energy audit team uh this fall um and they are nearly complete with with the Wastewater plan so we expect to be scheduling them shortly uh we also continue to work with our solar consultant on updating their presentation uh they're shifting their presentation from a feasibility study to a proof of concept again going to be answering a lot of the questions that came up they are currently underway on that um the big project that's seen a lot of advancements the last few weeks has been the community center playground and the Ada restroom that project should be uh substantially complete by the end of the week uh there will be minor punchless items over the following week but uh we are uh we are very close to the final completion of that project this past Friday was a an important day or an exciting day the the pre-fabricated structure for the restroom was delivered and lifted off a crane and placed on site uh so that that got us very near completion on that project uh we have a number of the road projects which are still moving forward uh they're they're largely complete in construction it's just a matter of some paperwork to close those projects out and get the final D dot urements and we do continue to work with the complete streets technical assistance team for the Lyon Avenue uh speed control uh effort that are going on in that project uh the ever field project will uh is into its final design uh there is the bond ordinance for second reading tonight but we are working with neglia and we'll continue to work with neglia and all the interest groups to then present periodically uh through to the Council on the um advancements of the final design pickle ball courts are out to bid uh will'll be receiving those October 16th um similarly the is also out to bid we will be receiving those bids also on October 16th uh we have the town hall windows and repointing project is out to bid we will phase one of that is is um is being bid and we will receive those on October 17th um and that generally concludes my report questions um any questions for the deputy manager Mr Roman go into a little more detail on that construction manager is that so normally when we do construction obviously our our Municipal engineering firm is pretty heavily involved in the construction management um is this a third party firm that's going to basically sit between the township and the general contractor on each of these or what is the contract how is the contract going be different from typical projects so this uh the the resolution that's on the agenda tonight is the um it would be the authorization of the design engineer then advancing into the construction man in the construction phas phase M McDonald was the design engineer for this project I think design started a few years back uh it was just a matter of completing the application to the ibank at this time so they they've completed the design they're most intimately uh involved with the design and the details of that project so they'll they'll be handling the management of the construction just move to this next yeah exactly and and that's fairly typical when a f design professionals usually they just generally it's in their base to provide construction management services that was the construction management was not part of the original authorization so this this would then authorize them to advance into that phase okay councilwoman mcra um thank you so in terms of the technology for this room I know things are being worked on just roughly what is that timeline um so that because um you know there was a really big you know zoning board meeting here and there was no video attached and so you know once again this is in the spotlight um for transparency purposes for there is an uh an open negotiation with Comcast on their franchise renewal um they uh the the financials of that um are currently being negotiated in that it um the target would be to have this um this room upgraded at um through the technology grant that would be assumed in that uh franchise um however there's it's it's part of ongoing negotiation that we are going back and forth on what those final financials will will come in at and do we roughly think that maybe it'll take like two months to resolve or six months like what is a rough timeline that we hope to resolve those negotiations uh we just received some feedback from them within the past week yeah okay so we are responding to them currently um if I think it lines up with whatever that whatever the final Financial figure is um it would line up with any supplemental Capital planning that would come in the 2025 budget so it may it may turn into some Capital planning in 25 budget as well okay and our lead negotiator is colon L okay so the Army on our yes thank mayor uh just a quick you mentioned the Lynden Avenue study that we're doing and it's came up after the last meeting someone brought this up uh question are we doing any of the surrounding streets along with it and the reason I ask it because going back years ago when they put stops the four-way stop signs on Lyon everybody starts going down Woodland so I'm wondering if they're going to look at Woodland and maybe add stop signs there also so the the grant for the technical assistance was specifically for Lyndon Avenue from Fairview to as we leave Cumberland um what they are proposing is three different forms of temporary demonstrations along that stretch in different areas uh in an effort to see which ones would be the most effective in controlling speed um this should in turn serve as a good template for what we can potentially do for uh controlling speed on other streets um but that's that's not part of this particular scope thanks other question hearing on thanks to Mr anything else no question no all right so we'll table the uh sponsorship recognition for another time uh Miss North and I have been in conversation and chief karan's been involved about having a ribbon cutting unveiling on the triangle but there's little public safety thing there that chief of police is um said he'll make it work so we're all pick a just kind of it won't be we can't F A lot of people on the islands it be also DC Administration do care about your safety and that would be on a on a weekend morning not 5 am yes so well will make it work it's such a beautiful sign we definitely want to stand next with um okay all right moving on to our council member reports stany mayor makoy thank you Mr Mayor uh I'm going to start a little repetitive here but uh welcome the new businesses golf paradise and Tweedle teas I was at the ribbon cting for golf Paradise uh and through the the chamber is very Chamber of Commerce is very excited about all these businesses uh tweetle te's did reach out to them and unfortunately I kind of was the one that said let's do it at noon and then work got in the way so I couldn't make it but I've actually tried to go there four times now and three of The Times They were so crowded I just didn't want to sit and disrupt the owner so uh I hope that continues for them and both these buiness as their successful uh I would like to thank uh Ken McKenna and manet's Angels uh for joining us tonight for the flag raising and uh Holly Denton and the wings cancer support group uh this is a very uh near and dear topic to me uh but as the mayor said in his remarks uh everybody is pretty much affected by breast cancer uh one way or another through family members friends and relatives so uh I thank them for being here and all that they do for for everyone that has to go through this uh I was present for the excitement this week up at the community center uh the playground is looking great but seeing see the bathroom uh unit come off a truck uh raised up in midair up and over the electric lines and dropped into place uh with perfection and I think it was under two hours uh so full bathroom ready to go in probably three or four hours uh it was it was quite impressive so I thank everybody involved DPW buildings and grounds uh the management staff Elisa uh for for being there and uh making it go smoothly uh our director of Public Works that uh although on vacation uh still shows up so thank thank you to him and the rest of the staff that that helped out uh as mentioned uh Verona together did have their cornhole tournament a couple Saturdays ago uh and congratulations to mallerie's Army as there the recipient recipients of uh the proceeds from this uh against Rona bags bullying together was their theme this year uh that is a group of families uh that got together in Verona and they've done this as their fifth tournament and they do raise a lot of money towards very very good causes over the years so I thank them and all that they do uh I would like to mention uh September 11th and the ceremony that we had it was very nice ceremony Mr Mayor wonderful job uh in your speech and running it uh once again something that everybody uh was affected by uh some closer than others but one way or another it affected all of us so it's a very uh solemn ceremony it everybody that was involved uh we'd like to thank them police fire rescue uh and everybody and even like having the VHS course that the choire is just a adds a very nice touch to it we've been doing for a couple years now but for all those that joined in the uh eighth grade classes uh we thank them to uh and I think this is lastly the uh ver sustainable Verona will be having their EV Fair on October 5th it will be at the Verona pool uh lower parking lot from 11: to 3 I think they're up to about 15 or 16 electric vehicles that they're going to have uh you basically name it it's going to be there uh Ruckers is bringing a solar powered race car there I believe it's a race car but uh it's definitely a solar power car uh and there's going to be uh electric bikes you can test drive in the Side Lower parking lot food trucks DJ it's going to be a fun day 11 to3 October 5th and lastly included in this is sustainable Verona uh did put a lot of time in other groups and people put a lot of time into their application for their silver award and they were awarded uh the silver certification this year uh up from bronze they had 34 actions and 12 different categories they scored 415 points when they only needed 350 points to get the certificate so congratulations to everybody in that group uh and others in the town that helped out they did a wonderful job and they will be honored on Tuesday at a in Atlantic City at the league of municipalities so if any of the council members are there or anybody else from the town and want to join uh I'm sure they would bring us up on stage for a nice photo walk so that's all I have for this evening Mr Mayor thank you thank you Deputy Mayor councilman Roman you uh my items are a little bit repetitive so I will go through quickly but uh I do have to say thank you very much for the 911 ceremony to everyone who worked to put that together um it was a very touching ceremony U Mr Mayor Deputy Mayor thank you very much for your speeches um very very plant words that you had for the uh for every uh and I appreciate all of our Emergency Services the r High School choir thg the township Administration for putting this together and then especially the township staff for doing all the flags in the Square which just looked absolutely beautiful and it's a lot of effort and very well worth it so I think this is just a fantastic ceremony the town puts on just I'm glad we're able this tradtion point it's important um and then just congratulations to both of our new businesses I was able to attend Tweedle te's along with uh councilwoman H councilwoman mcrath um great business want to thank our assembly members for showing up as well uh congratulations also to golf Paradise I regret not being able to attend I was overseas on business during that one that all I have for this evening thank you coun councilman McGrath uh thank you um I too attended the 911 ceremony um it was really beautiful and poignant and I echo my fellow council members remarks on thanking everyone involved um and to the breast cancer um awareness flag raising today um you know as a woman as a mother um as a daughter obviously this is an issue that is very close to uh my heart uh especially since um you know I had a good friend this year who died of cancer and one of the cancers she had was breast cancer so I was thinking of her today and my friend who is a Survivor um who was uh recently diagnosed and treated um so thank you to um manet's angels and wings to excellent local organizations um I too uh I did go to the twile D's candy um Grand Opening what a fun fanciful store um full of Whimsy and representing kind of the vibrancy of imagination and family um focus fun that really Verona is becoming known for between that and the Princess Cafe I think these are two businesses within walking distance and the bookstore that are all um you know really kind of congealed together in a wonderful way lots of synergies there um I also attended the library open house um uh a few weekends back and I want to applaud them for a great event um but also by inviting in the League of Women Voters um which did a voter registration drive and they had a cute activity for the kids where they voted on which stuffed animals should be added to the library's collection I regret mentioning this and not knowing the winner but I think it was like a hamster or frog and something else so it was very very cute um and I think though you know one of the since we last met obviously one of the most um a very important event that happened was the special election I do want to congrat congratulate congresswoman and this was only of a few minutes ago she was just sworn in in Washington congresswoman L Monica mcgyver I've had the pleasure of getting to know her over the last few weeks um um she was the former New York Council president she was one of the youngest people elected to New York City Council she is a mom of an 8-year old um and I think many would agree we need more moms in Congress um that are really in touch with um issues that are so um uh pressing and important for our residents such as the price of child care amongst others I've had a chance to talk to her about some of Verona's issues that we have with our um aging first responder facilities and flash flooding and these are things that have happened in her community so I know that she will serve us well I just want to thank to the voters of Verona it was a low turnout election but Verona really did show up we actually had the highest vote by male return rate in the entire 10th congressional district um which I think just shows how engaged our voters are um in every election we also had 56 56% of our voting electorate either voted early or utilized um early voting which we are so for fortunate to have in the Ron Community Center and I want to thank our municipal clerk Jennifer Kieran for all of her hard work on elections and ensuring that the early voting at the community center runs well and I also want to highlight that we were honored to have the lieutenant governor come and visit our facility because of its Excellence so again thank you so much uh municipal clerk Jennifer Kieran on that and to all of the voters who participated uh finally since our last meeting we had a neighborhood traffic and sey committee meeting where we did talk about the lyen Avenue project um which was uh mentioned in the deputy Township manager report they also are planning on a meeting with the township Administration on a draft of a complete streets policy um and they talk also extensively um too about how to make the town more bik friendly um so I'm excited to see uh that committee progress um and I do encourage residents to bring traffic and safety issues to that meeting they do meet every other month um and they will be meeting at the end of October um and then this week on Wednesday the Multicultural inclusion and accessibility advisory committee is having a meeting um and they are having an event uh for Hispanic Heritage Month um on um uh after the EV Fair on Saturday October the 5th at 3 o'clock um it's going to be a great podcast with a two young adventurers um who um you know explore adventures and I believe it they're of Puerto wean descent um so that will be at the Rona Public Library at 3M and food will be served and that's my report thank you thank you councilman Holland thank you um I do just want to remark on the somber and um moving 911 ceremony it was particularly impactful to have the eth grade students there many of whom read um two books over the summer regarding the 911 um tragedy and so it was great to have them there to be part of the experience and and really to just bring the community together to remember such an important event in American history I also want to acknowledge that between the last meeting and today we did hold a Rec committee meeting and during that meeting there was a robust discussion about the Everett field project uh recommendations ultimately came out that in the two-story Edition that bbsl will be contributing there was a recommendation that only portable sound systems be used instead of a permanent installation of the sound system at this time so um that was a recommend recomendation that was recently emailed to the council and that was a robust discussion that was had during the rec committee meeting they also broke into several subcommittees which will be addressing discrete topics ranging from disability programming to the pool and other aspects of their mission including a recreation strategic plan or master plan um so there was a lot of Engagement a lot of enthusiasm and we're we're definitely seeing action coming out of the rec committee I also want to compliment Jen um our municipal clerk regarding the election because I think it was really important to to have that early voting facility here in Verona for myself I utilized it while my kids were you know playing at the fields at the Verona Community Center and I just think it's such an asset to have in our community um and I know that you're a big part of having that so I just want to thank our municipal clerk I also want to acknowledge our municipal clerk for leading an election discussion with uh 20 I believe it was approximately 20 second grade Brownie Girl Scouts um and leading them through the steps necessary to earn their democracy badge um so we definitely had a very Lively election there was a runoff there was then a special question on the ballot um and so it was a very engaged electorate um each of them had to register to vote when they came to the meeting because it's really important that they understand the voter registration requirement um it was very sweet and very engaged and the Girl Scout leaders and the parents were very pleased so I hope these girls take it away and I think it's important to recognize that at every level of girl scouting there is a democracy badge and it's so important for the girls to engage and women in particular to engage in the voting experience similarly I want to acknowledge the contributions of the township of Rona at various different levels but notably the DPW for assisting the girls of the eth and nth grade girls of troop 20528 in finishing their silver award project the girls um constructed two mini libraries out of reclaimed wood and had them installed beside the two bus stops in town they also worked with the Lions Club and the DPW to procure the necessary materials to revitalize both of those bus stops so the girls the girls and some of their friends and parents assisted in painting the all of those bus stops they've also worked with New Jersey transit to audit all of the bus stops in town identifying where bus stop signs were damaged or obscured or missing so we're going to get replacement bus stops in sign and the girls have worked with the Verona Public Library to have Transit themed um story times and commuter reading lists um to enhance the public transportation experience and I believe that the collective bookstore is also going to have a commuter oriented reading list so I think it's been like a whole Community effort with these girls but certainly there's been a lot of Engagement from the township at Verona and I just want to um recognize that and express my appreciation um finally I was able to attend the ribbon cutting of Tweedle te's candy store and I will just say that I very much appreciate the Alice themed uh decorations within it I I too have an affinity for and Alice and um I expect with two middle school age daughters I will be spending a lot of time at the candy store and then actually I'm so sorry I did forget one additional note so shame on me I did get Outreach from the u12 girls softball team um identifying that they were in fact the summer champions for their age level so I did just want to express my congratulations to those girls um they were just beaming with pride it was like the sweetest pictures ever to see them with their trophies um so just really pleased for them and just really want to congratulate them on their win thank you that concludes my report thank you all right we're gonna be moving on to our hearing and Adoption of ordinances next item on the on the agenda is an ordinance on second reading Madame clerk please read the tile of ordinance this is 202 24-33 Bond and supplemental appro of $150,000 for preliminary planning expenses for the Improvement of ever Field located on Bluefield Avenue block 707 Lot 10 hidden by the township of Verona in the county of es6 New Jersey and authorizing the issuance of $142,500 bonds or notes of the C sh thank you mad cler move move motions made by councilman Holland as second second second by the deputy mayor now it's time for public hearing on ordinance 2024 33 bam clerk please read the public participation statement anyone from the speak on this matter Zoom please raise your hand by placing the raise on your monitor if you're dialing phone press star n please raise your hand elect turn once you recognized clearly state only your name and Township of residence to provide your street address know that these will be posted on on the Township's YouTube channel to address the count dialogue to speak has been heard May address your thank you madam Clark just a reminder this is comment only on this confence see no public participation I'll the public hearing on the ordinance is are any Council discussion coun Roman yes um well I'm okay with uh this moving forward prior to us uh doing the actual construction Bond whenever that is time I would like to ensure that the policy regarding sound systems codified into the par regulations of the township um I did receive the correspondence from the rec committee um my opinion on it is that is still that no Amplified sound should be permitted at this facility at all um the exception for portable sound systems I would want to discuss with them a little bit thank you I I tend to agree cler would call the RO please councilwoman Holland yes councilwoman McGrath yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor makoy yes mayor tamboro yes mayor ordinance 24-33 passes 5 to Z will be published according to law at this point I'll open for public comment on any matter that anybody would like to speak about comments can appla talk about anything heing none I will close public comment we'll have another opportunity at the end of the meeting moving on to our descent agenda which includes two sets of minutes as well as 12 resolutions will somebody please move the consent agenda do you need something yes if you can please pull the minutes from August 19th we thank you right so hear a motion on J2 and K1 through 12 second correction hold on hold on we have to we have to call the the motion made by councilman McGrath the second is by councilman Holland um I'm open for public comment on the consent only and hope common state applies you can even talk about K2 if you want or K1 have public com on everything hearing not I poose public comment on the consent agenda the deputy mayor is recognized uh my pack I just want to make sure that uh K7 is labeled properly we had it K8 there were two K8 oh yeah okay so just and on that uh in this one the last two pages uh the scope of work just one minor correction in the first uh paragraph it says just correct Green Acres the L last word and I think in the funding section section D we have uh expenses for the Commerce and Mount Prospect I think we should label like specific Commerce Court and Mount Prospect Avenue just so public knows exactly what we are talking about on those just two minor Changs thank you Deputy Mayor councilman Roman just wanted to ask about the Imaging Services contract for uh the records um what scope does that cover basically what does that get and the C plus maps and that was basically my question was how much you so it's the entire Arch basically everything we have on paper right now in those twoing you're you're in full motion okay that you requested Jo yes I mean this this is this has been one of my big desires so when this is all digitized there'll be an indexing way that it'll be easy I mean people still have the file open request or can we put a lot of this just online without people having to file the hope is to put it on there's an OCR search it's fairly simple for us there be something available online we to see how many documents have public works that's the intent as much available online without the need to follow for requests not only gets people access to the documents CER but also saves a lot of Manpower and a lot of a lot of Manpower not only of our clerk but our our secretary and our clerk's office and our toship attorneys so uh that would be big de Cil you was just so when they're going to be imaged they'll be searchable PDF documents um pdfa they have to be um in the state for D so it's a pdfa okay and they're certified with the records management or okay so so this this was one other question how far does this number yes like because in the past we talked about a much larger number to get this done it's getting the technology is improving so much of tech recognition and AI Adobe has big AI uh impation so now it'll be actually able to recognize and do a lot of the indexing which previously would have had been done by hand so under it's this is one of the only things that's getting cheaper in government I've got SPS and these two departments these are a good chunk of our paper record I imagine police is also pretty heavy and we might have to get them in a later year or what else is left to do after this police have done a really records destruction so yes's office would be next um that would be a large sum of it in the taxes awes you see it in your Capital bud each yeah this is this is very ex anybody looking from a home thinks he's going to think that we're strange but um it really is a great great advance for us any other he likes the paper record there's one person here that's very happy yeah I would imagine so all right here I no further Council discussion we'll call the RO mam cler Council woman Holland yes yes councilwoman McGrath yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor makoy yes mayor Toro yes may say K1 through K12 will be numbered 164 through and including 175 thank you and would somebody please move j one J One Council Roman moves J one is there a second the second is by councilwoman Holland is there any I already called for public comment anything on extent agenda so is there any Council discussion on the minutes mayor I'll be refusing myself V thank you thank you madam clerk would you call the rooll for everybody except for councilman M councilman Holland yes councilman Roman yes Deputy Mayor maoy yes mayor tamboro yes mayor passes for thank you the addendum was dealt with during the mayor's report have anything on for new or un finished business just uh ask that anybody who has not given their comments on the um on the ordinance related to attendance of committees to please send them to our atten of attorney I thank uh councilman McGrath getting her in today and for councilman Holland for being the first um I will now open for public comment on any item that anybody wishes to discuss same public comment hearing not I will close public comment while we made a resolution for executive session I do not believe that we will be having executive session so is there a motion that anybody would like to make I make a motion to adjourn cath Roman makes a motion to adjourn at 752m is there a second he by less than two hours any other meeting we've ever had mayor seconds this non debatable motion all those in favor I I all those opposed and stay here have a great night everyone we'll see you in a couple weeks