##VIDEO ID:3CEnS-rSbNM## e e good evening it's now 6:30 and I call this regular meeting of the Victoria city council to order and the council chambers with us tonight are the wee below's den of the Victoria Cub Scouts Pack 3589 who will join us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning so Cub Scouts if you want to join us right up here come on up hats off we all set I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all thank you gentlemen the first item on our agenda this evening is announcements our next city council meeting will be held next week on Monday December 16th at 5:30 p.m. this will be our final meeting of the year as our city council meeting for December 23rd has been cancelled all meetings of the city council are open to the public and held in the council chambers at City Hall unless otherwise noted if you're interested in speaking at a council meeting we encourage you to contact our city clerk for more information in other announcements we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended our annual lightup Victoria event and to recognize our city team for their hard work in making this event possible lightup Victoria was organized in partnership with the Victoria business Owners Association and all the wonderful local businesses that participated it was a delightful evening and we truly appreciate your support and participation there are no other announcements this evening even and our next order of and there are no proclamations this evening so our next order of business is to adopt the final agend agenda Council can I get a motion to adopt the final agenda motion to adopt the final agenda we have a motion can I get a second second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries we'll move on to our next item which is the open Forum the open forum is an opportunity for anyone to address the Council on an item that is not on the agenda and not an application that will be coming to the council at a future date council members may ask clarifying questions but we don't typically engage in discussion during open Forum each speaker has up to five minutes to address the council and we have two individuals who have registered in advance to speak this evening I will ask our city clerk to uh set a timer for each speaker and our first speaker is Mr dusterhoff we would like to invite you to step forward to the podium um please state your name and address for the record and then you will have the floor for the next 5 minutes Mr dusterhoff my name is Bruce dusterhoff I reside at 8024 Trillium Trail that's in Victoria it's down down the road here we had uh a situation where we I created a petition because I lived on a dirt road Trillium Trail is only one lane two directions The Block is about half a block long we have three lots on my side of the street five Lots on the other side of the street uh we petitioned it we got clearance we put down asphalt also included to the north of me one lot then there's a cuy sack where was tarred that was done I believe in the mid 2000 teens 15 16 somewhere in there maybe 17 I didn't keep track of it all anyway we had a new road put in on three of them Rose sunflower and Trillium Trail so they tore out what they did five six years back and they tore out the cisac they never replaced it they put in curbs on rows and sunflower they put a curb on trillum trail it ended at my lot so I don't have a curb we got new asphalt we don't have any Asphalt in the cuy saac I got nowhere to park other than in my driveway so the cyac got tore out which means there's mud there if we have an occasion it's raining we send people to park in the cuy saac temporarily and if it's if it's raining they get mud okay so it's it's a big step backwards um of course not having a curb on the street there everybody else got one I got nowhere to park then they come and charge me unexpectedly $99,100 on top of taxes that I've been paying for 30 years I've resided in the town of Victoria for 30 years now will be May next year it be 30 years okay so I pay on average I look back the last 10 years I'm paying additional $430 a year extra on top of what I pay I want to know what happened to the Surplus that the state of Minnesota had 17.9 million why am I being charged 9,110 it blows my mind I want that money back that's about all I got to say about the road we have a neighbor living directly across he's of trillum Trail remember one lane wide like an alley I got no curb so he's in there driving tearing up my Boulevard freshly seated nobody's ever come back to fix it nobody's ever come back to put a curb in for security there I sit uh his backyard's full of junk trailers cars two cars have been sitting there for a year now and there's there's no laws I guess you can do what you want throw trash out there if you want that's fine I live here just in downtown Victoria it's sad what happened then we got Creeping Charlie it's taking over I'm in the middle I got a lot that city of Victoria sold to somebody he's got a curb now on Trillium TR there's no house there his creeping Charlie's marching this way and they got a state park over by the cuy sack and the lot to the north of me they creeping Charlie's coming I'm tired of spraying poison I want my yard to look nice plus I look at the garbage across the way right across the street from me like like looking at you Deb garbage it's what's going on so I'd like to get some of this resolved I sent all of you my complaints emails if you want me to forward them to you please respond to Deb give me your emails um yeah so that's just pretty much it I mean I can go into more depth I can talk about we're the highest paid County or the state taxes we pay the highest out of 78 counties we're number one Carver County the most the biggest city in Carver County is chasa what about motanka what about Idina all these ritzy places they're not part of Carver County why are taxes so high it's the second county in the state the most expensive County to live in the second most so thank you Mr dust we appreciate it we also have the wee belows den of the Victoria Cub Scouts Pack 3589 who also asked to speak to us this evening um please come on forward and introduce yourself for our record uh my name is Dean Erikson uh I live at 2753 Northwest Boulevard in Victoria um I am the den leader of the wee below's Den for Victoria pack 3589 we are a feeder into the Victoria um BSA Troop 589 uh thanks for the opportunity to come and take part in this uh council meeting uh Scouts today are working on the my community module of their rank requirements um so they're going to here observing the local government in action um they were learning about the majority and plur plurality types of voting and how um offices work so um maybe you can answer some questions here um they'll be easy ones and not uh not political ones um first question um what type of voting for these uh Council positions are used is it a majority V Vote or a plurality type vote it is a majority vote okay um and how long are the council positions held for um each of us has been elected to a four-year term okay um are there term limits I don't think so I'm looking at my city manager she's shaking her head no yeah okay you can sit in these chairs as long as they're comfortable I guess uh final question that um might be a little bit tougher um what's the um typical turnout for voters for the city of Victoria um council elections that is such a good question and I'm going to defer that to our city clerk Miss Claudia EDF over here who runs our elections so um in the this current election we had an 85% turnout of Voters okay um so we probably had a 45% turnout that voted absentee and then the rest appeared at the local polls on voting dat all right 85% that's something to be proud of Victoria yeah that's quite a fews mayor yes can I weigh in on that last question about term limits uh I never thought I would have the opportunity to say these words but so uh I also Mr Vose please introduce yourself for the pack sure yes so I'm Bob Vose I'm the the city's attorney so I'm the City attorney for Victoria and a couple of other cities including uh Independence and as to your term limit questions so uh I was at a meeting last week Tuesday night last week in Independence where uh mayor Marvin Johnson presided as mayor over his last council meeting after having served for 46 years as mayor of Independence the longest serving mayor ever in the history of Minnesota so showing you about no term limits on local offices I will not be sitting here in 46 years all right well thank you as delightful as this job is and Scouts you after you had enough of uh watching very good well thank you and we welcome you to the to the council meeting this evening is there anyone else in the audience who would like to address the Council on an item that is not on the agenda or not coming to us at a future meeting all right seeing no one um we are moving on to our consent agenda the items on the consent agenda are routine administrative and do not require deliberation or our housekeeping items that are rep required by law consent agenda items are approved with one vote unless someone requests an item to be considered separately Miss Hardy does uh staff wish to pull any consent at items for separate discussion and vote none from staff Madame mayor council anyone wishing to pull anything from the consent agenda item consent agenda or anyone in the audience wishing to pull anything from the consent agenda seeing none I will we will um make a motion for the consent agenda please I'll make a motion to adopt the consent agenda we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries now moving on to our regular agenda this evening the first item on our regular agenda is 6.1 which is our truth and Taxation hearing for the 2025 budget and Levy presenting this evening is a assistant city manager and finance director Trisha Pollock Miss Pollock welcome the floor is yours thank you good evening mayor members of the council um the first item um for this uh budget and Levy adoption would be for you to um open up the um truth and Taxation and ask the public whether or not um there's anyone here that would like to make comments on the budget very good thank you Miss Pollock this is our truth and Taxation here at for our 2025 proposed budget in Levy I will now open the floor for public comment if there is anyone who wishes to speak to this item please approach the podium anyone who wishes to speak to this item and last call all right seeing no one we will close the hearing um and now the floor is open for for the council to discuss uh do you have a presentation yes thank you mayor I do um so tonight is our um final budget meeting um we began as you recall in June with workshops and um several months later here we are um ready to adopt the final budget and tax levy so in September the council approved a preliminary Levy of just over $9 million which was a 12.47% increase over the 24 Levy uh staff were able to find additional reductions and are proposing a final Levy that is lower than what was discussed in and approved in in September the proposed final Levy is 8.98 million um which would be 11.84% increase over 2024 um overall that's a $50,000 decrease from the max tax levy this decrease um was achieved um without impacting service levels and um was primarily a result of employee benefit elections being slightly less than what we had projected additionally we have removed um the playground replacement um and will in stead be completing the installation of the 2024 Deer Run project which um we paid for um this year uh we've also added a full-time fire inspector position um in the public safety department which would begin the second quarter of 2025 uh the tax capacity rate um will increase by 1.76% um to 30.9% the medium home value de inreased slightly and as a result of that value decrease and the levy change taxes on a median value home will increase 5.4% over 2024 to $1,678 annually this chart gives you a look back five years in the forecast of 10 years um our long-term projections are based off of a projected increase in the medium home value of 10% and the 2025 3.19% tax rate is lower than the 3204 tax rate um in 2020 but is is is also expected to rise in 2026 through 2028 um to just shy of 35% with the issuance of the bonds for the new fire station and this several road projects um before you'll see that it starts to drop back down again so with that I am happy to take any questions from the council and then staff is asking for the approval of four resolutions very good and we want to take these resolutions individually yes please okay very good thank you all right Council uh comments questions any discussion on this final tax levy I guess for the record I think we're going the wrong direction on some of the items that are in that budget and I think it's going to affect our Trails because I think by the time we're finally said and done with some of those amenities that we feel have value you're going to we're going to be $500,000 down the rabbit hole and that's a lot of Trail connection so unless we get rid of it um I this budget just it's not going in the right direction so okay other comments on council member Gunderson do you want to go further into detail about the items you're not in agreement with or no okay okay other comments from Council all right seeing none I will entertain the first motion a motion uh for a resolution approving a final tax levy for the city of Victoria for collection in 20125 in the amount of [Music] 8,984 327 we have a motion can I get a second second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed n motion car motion carries um can I see that again the Motions please yeah a resolution approving a final tax levy for the city of Victoria for collection in 2025 in the amount of 8,984 327 motion by council member Roberts second by council member re all in favor except council member Gunderson thank you all right uh the second resolution please I'll make a motion a resolution adopting the final 2025 general fund and Victoria Recreation Center fund budgets we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries and the third resolution please I'll make a motion for resolution adopting the final 2025 water fund fund sewer fund and storm water fund budgets we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries and a final resolution please make a motion for a resolution adopting the 2025 through 2029 Capital Improvement plan we have a motion can I get a second second a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries Al righty we're moving on to item 6.3 which is a public hearing for our proposed 2025 fee schedule presenting that this evening is assistant city manager Alyssa Nelson Miss Nelson welcome hello mayor hello members of city council one moment while I pull my presentation up for you here we are um so tonight and for this item you will be considering adoption of the 2025 uh proposed fee schedule you are all been through this process multiple times as this is an annual process that we do here um at the city and it does require an ordinance Amendment which then requires a public hearing so this will not be the first time you're also seeing these fees and these fee changes uh this is W before you as part of the August budget Workshop um which my colleague Trish who just left um provided a presentation on the proposed fee changes then after the August Workshop what we do is um as staff we compile the fees after receiving Council Direction into one comprehensive document which is called the fee schedule which then we bring back to you tonight to review um all the redline and consideration changes um to hopefully then approve um as we try and be as transparent in this process as much as possible we did provide in the Agenda Report details on every single change that is made our propos to be made in this fee schedule as well as we did include the red line changes as the attachment to the agenda report as well um just as an overview and I don't need to go into this in nitty-gritty detail um but just to uh go through how um staff uses or looks at the fees and reviews them and then makes any developments or considerations um we do go through uh different types of criteria Market City comparisons and best practices fees required by external sources such as um the international building cold or legislation cost recovery or just simply the cost of doing business and then lastly um utility fees which are based on rate studies and such so with that um mayor I will pass it back to you to one if Council has any questions but two to open up the public hearing very good this is a public hearing on the proposed 2025 V schedule I will now open the public hearing if anyone wishes to speak to this item please approach the podium anyone wishing to speak to the 2025 fee schedule and last call all right seeing none I will now close the public hearing and open the floor for Council discussion any discussion from council members on the fees all right very good we we will uh take two proposed motions on this I will entertain the first motion motion to adopt ordinance 466 MC adopting a revised fee schedule we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries and I will consider a second motion please motion to approve resolution authorizing ordinance publication by title and we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries moving on to item 6.4 is a public hearing for 6530 and 6540 Hawks Point Lane easement vacation presenting on that item this evening is our associate planner Travis brle Mr brly welcome good evening mayor and councel so tonight as uh for as as you pointed out for an easement vacation which lies between two properties uh the reason is coming forward is we staff received a law combination request um and we've reviewed the combination request and we are approving the combination requests uh based on tonight's uh decision uh the city council's role when it comes to drainage utility easements uh is to review the request conduct the public hearing which we'll do tonight which has been properly noticed and to adopt a resolution to vacate the easement if chosen to do so now what we're looking at specifically is on the screen uh the yellow part that's highlighted is specifically the drainage and utility easement which we're requesting to be vacated uh these easements are put in as part of the platting process uh between property lines with the combination where the blue line is is a current property line that would be removed what we see in green is the uh drainage intil easements which would exist after or after this process is completed um vacating the the easement between the two Parcels has no adverse effects on the property as there's no utilities put in place this will also allow for greater flexibility for use of the property for the property owner which owns both Parcels um with that being said I'd be be very happy to stand for any questions else I would recommend a motion to adopt the resolution uh to vacate the drainage utility eement thank you Mr briely this is a public hearing for the easement vacation on 6530 6540 Hawks Point Lane I will now open the public hearing if anyone wishes to speak to this please approach the podium anyone wishing to speak to the easement vacation please approach the podium and one last time all right seeing none I will now close the public hearing and um ask if there's any questions or comments from Council seeing no further discussion I will now entertain a motion motion to adopt a resolution vacating a drainage and utility easement at 6530 and 6540 Hawks Point Lane we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries next item 6.5 which is to consider an amendment to the conditional use permit for enky Brewing at 1495 stiger Lake Lane presenting this evening is city planner Brian mccan Mr McAn we've got all the staff here this evening please thank you Madame mayor and council members yeah we're just cycling through each one of us this evening uh tonight we have a conditional use permit Amendment request from our favorite Brewery just down the road in keep Brewing Company uh they are proposing to amend resolution number 15-7 which would result in a change of use from a micro Brewery to a brew pub uh as you're aware the up amendment process starts with an official application which we received in early November and then staff reviews the application plan commission holds the public hearing which occurred at their meeting last week and then the city council makes the fin decision so the existing conditions of the property it's currently located at 1495 stiger Lake Lane their operations as a micr brewery include a tap room with food service they also Brew Malt Liquor on site uh which is also served on site and then uh they distribute to liquor stores and restaurants and they also hold outdoor events so the proposed amendment to the conditional use permit this evening would be the change from a micr brewery to a brew pub with that they would have to cease distribution to liquor stores and restaurants but that would allow them to sell wine and distilled spirits on site one quick question on that the the wine and distilled Spirits do not have to be manufactured there correct correct got it yeah so some proposed conditions for the amendment this evening include compliance with all the conditions in the resolution 1579 and then in line with our zoning code that their beer production is limited to 15,000 barrels per year they will also be required to update their liquor license and they must initiate the use by next December 9th our Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the requests at their meeting last week they did not receive any public comments and they recommended unanimous approval with a 70 vote with that I have a sample motion for you on the screen this evening and the applicant is in the audience very good thank you Council discussion on this agenda item pretty straightforward seeing none I will entertain a motion uh I'll make a motion to adopt the cup Amendment for AI Brewing Company at 1495 L you have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries our last item this evening is item 6.6 which is an overview of the proposed Victoria Ridge apartment building by Doran companies reviewing this evening is city planner Brian mccan Mr mccan back to you thank you mayor and council members uh as you may recall the Victoria Ridge Development recently had their first phase approved for the first 70 Town Homes the entire project includes 134 row town homes and a 144 unit apartment building um since that approval occurred for their preliminary plat the apartment developer has dropped out of the project so uh civil site group and Golden Valley land have been looking for a new apartment user so that's where Inland development and doring companies have come in so as you recall this was the approved site plan at preliminary plat for the apartment building uh with the L-shaped design with a surface parking lot and some underground parking a lot of those elements remain the same in the proposed site plan it's a slightly larger building with that they're proposing to increase the unit numbers uh generally the parking figures will float in the same amount of area for um numbers but as you can see they have included some additional features in the apartment building that weren't previously there uh such as a pool and spa area and a relocation of uh patio and fire pit areas which were previously on the back side of the building with this proposal that was included with the packet this evening they also did provide um a breakdown of the number of units and bedrooms that would be provided with this new building and then initially the staff report that was published last week noted that it would be 164 units they've actually changed that since then it's 162 apartment units and they've also modified some of those parking ratios so as you may recall with Victoria South when it was originally approved they had an overall parking of 1.89 spaces per unit they're proposing about 1.8 for this new building with a slight reduction in the number of enclosed spaces per unit from 1 to 0.99 and then also a reduction in the surface parking from 0.89 spaces per unit to 0.81 and the reason we're bringing this forward this evening is because they're preparing for a final plat submitt when they do that they're also going to have to do a PUD Amendment with a public hearing with the planing commission and final approval by the city council so they want to verify that these Amendment changes are agreeable with the city council before they move forward with an application um and then there is no motion required for this there's is only for discussion only but I do have representatives of the application and attendance this evening to answer any questions you may have okay very good um can you go back we are increasing the number of units and decreasing the number of parking spaces correct understanding that correctly correct okay Council questions discussion what was the breakout of unit types with okay hi welcome please introduce yourself thank you good evening my name is jaquel Haider I'm with Doran companies I'm here on behalf of Inland development and Dorne um just to clarify there Inland development is the developer of record that you'll see on a lot of the submitt but Dorne companies and in my day-to-day is helping and just kind of the development role itself um so the breakdown is very something we are very um passionate about we typically look at the market and see we've got other projects in the area as well and see what's really doing well what does the demographic seek and we revise that through multiple iterations this is a real time where we think the market is um looking for these types of apartments um whether it be market rate or affordable we are proposing 20% um affordable in this building right now at 50% Ami um and then I would also like to address the parking question that's something we typically in the Suburban Market we park a 1.65 um stalls per unit and we typically any project we manage um for at least 10 years after we develop so we really see how that does and we're very passionate about that is pretty spot on now this Market is even a little bit further out than some of your second ring or first ring suburbs so that parking count is um very strategic right now and you don't also want to overpark or over develop infrastructure from an impervious standpoint as well very good um yeah we do we don't have any public transportation out here at this point in time so so we are an automobile using um community so we're always concerned about those parking ratios um Council questions comments on this proposal you said 20% affordable at 50% Ami correct can you shoot me a an a price on that a rent on 50% Ami for our area um what the latest meeting is I'd have to look back um we just got new postings from the county so typically what we've been seeing is those are around for a two-bedroom unit the last one that we looked at was about 1 1300 a month to 1,200 a month okay um probably pretty close to that still okay thank you all right Council questions comments on this plan I guess my only question would be I mean we've talked about affordable housing a lot so I like that the 20% is there is there anything we can do to get that number higher I guess sure um part of the feasibility is coming here first and just making sure you see the team that's going to be working with this community and really we're evaluating the fin financial model we just want to make sure that the site itself is going to be supported as we get into further design and Analysis absolutely we're always looking to support what we can in this community um and we'll continue to have that conversation we've been talking to Jen and Tammy a little bit in early analysis so we'll continue that and and you'll see that through future proposals okay perfect thank you good any other questions it's a dollar amount on the Ami I mean we use 20% but what's that break down to dollar amount wise um just uh so council member Gunderson one of the U metrics is it depends on the bedroom count um so as I mentioned for instance a two-bedroom is at closer to, 1500 um a month right versus in this market we might see anything from 22 to 2,800 a month depending on the size of that two-bedroom so and then it goes on by the studio El Cove one bed two three um so typically it's just where that market rent is at you get that discounted rent a lot of people ask questions about that how does that work in a building we've done that very successfully in other markets across the Twin Cities and really see that really successfully in all of our buildings with great management team um it's just people are coming through um and just need that additional support based on their income levels right when we're going to be looking at a I mean area of median income so what's that what's that breakdown dollar amount if you're taken to what's our median income oh you're saying your median income what they're making a year Ami I mean what 20 if you make 20% of Ami what's our Ami and 20% of that I mean I want to say that's still somebody at 80 to $90,000 a year yeah I don't have that in front of me because it's based on household size um but yeah so typically the rents that we're modeling is based off of the income um and when we come back we can have a further analysis of what that total breakdown is once we finalize our final affordable level to but to clarify you you were saying that 20% of the units will be affordable units and is your affordable threshold 50% of Ami or is it 80% of Ami 50% is our Target okay yep and then when when people come and are looking for those affordable units um do you do a certain number of alcoves a certain number of two-bedrooms or do you do you just um do it until there's 20% of them gone and then no matter what the makeup of the unit is sure that's does that make sense yeah that's a great question um that is typical dependent on the market so a lot of times we like to do a mix um of the different unit types right but we also analyze the market further to see where is the affordable need a lot of times you see that in larger units and smaller units so it's always good to look at what other projects have been doing in the area what the market needs and typically we end up with a mix across the unit types right Council other questions comments okay seeing no further discussion there's no action necessary tonight on this item so we will move on uh Mr mccan you have what you need for from us for the evening okay so there are no more um items come before us this evening so we'll move on to reports and emerging issues attorney Vos you're up first yeah mayor council lot's going on nothing that I need feedback on or to report on but we're we're staying busy good news all right we don't want you idle Miss Hardy any reports from staff thank you mayor members of the council um our city clerk does have an announcement for you all oh very uh yes uh Madame mayor and council members just wanted to point out we do have a new art selection as part of our continuous collaboration with dub sellers art studio um it's various locals art Artisan it's a mix use so art is open to the public during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8: to 4:30 very good thank you Miss Edis fold and we encourage the public to come and view this beautiful artwork that's on display here in our council chambers um Miss Hardy anything else from staff nothing further from staff Madame mayor uh members of the council anything from the council this evening evening none for me mayor all right seeing no more seeing nothing more I will entertain a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn I have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries We Stand adjourned --------- ##VIDEO ID:eX7LXxh9ASg## e e e good evening it's 5:30 and I call this Workshop of the Victoria city council to order we have one item on our Workshop agenda this evening which is our downtown west Phase 2 development Proposal review kicking us off this evening on that topic in the development team is our community and economic development director Jen Brewington Miss Brewington the floor is yours right good evening mayor members of the council so let's just get started here so in September the city launched a request for proposal for phase two of downtown west and phase two aims to uh create a vibrant mixed use area the RFP request um was focusing on keeping the small town field mix of housing retail Green Space and pedestrian connections the city did receive three proposals from Doran company in collaboration with Inland development partners Monarch development Partners in Roars companies the proposals were assessed using key criteria to ensure the alignment with the city's Vision the first one was responsiveness so how well did the proposal address the city's goals capability the developer ability to successfully execute the proposed project creativity the level of innovation and uniqueness in their design and experience um the developers have the city council did outline a Clear Vision for downtown west focusing on the key following areas on the screen and after reviewing and scoring the proposals the mayor city council and internal staff um identified Monarch development Partners as the preferred candidate for further discussion so tonight an oral interview with Monarch development Partners is scheduled to clarify some spe specific aspects of their proposal ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its details so the discussion will focus on how the proposal aligns with the Community Values objectives council's Vision community's vision and emphasizing its contributions to the broader vision of downtown west so now I will like to introduce the Monarch team and I'll have Carl come up here to introduce his his crew here Mr rank welcome thank you mayor members of the council good to be back here and um while it says Monarch development which is my entity that the team I have um assembled um this is part of the team is here tonight as well and they come from different experts expert uh lines of expertise and backgrounds and and I'd like to introduce them all uh to come up here but in terms of um I just want to say thank you for uh considering our proposal and selecting us as the the group to take on this important vision and to establish it together I don't know if that came through clearly um but the whole idea is to work on this as a public private partnership versus us having a fixed Vision that we want to you know develop and impose here um so I'd like to run through that first and then introduce the rest of the team and in terms of dates that I have worked on as targeted times with Jen and Dana uh we're looking out the next 60 days to have workshops together and between now and a and a proposed workshop on January 31st for that afternoon um our team is would like to put together a lot of due diligence because it's a pretty big site as you all know I think you've all walked it um there's no current survey on the site there's not soil test um there's a lot that we have to get understand just about the actual site and infrastructure you know that's coming around it and then there's also the market that we have a market study that's in um that works right now with markad advisers you know one of the preeminent firms in the Twin Cities on the housing supply and demand for this uh neighborhood that we're envisioning here in terms of what's missing you know there's been a lot of Apartments of course have been uh proposed and now built with the Roars project and the new sha Richardson project and we're proposing different types of housing that would be a more Main Street walkup type of housing that's uh Missing right now in downtown uh that we're really excited about and as part of the reason I chose the team I did that have experience with this type of housing between uh Villas and row homes and condos in addition to rentals um oh sorry if you go back to that Jen um so that and then also retail our proposal is unique that we're also looking at um building uh the commercial retail buildings here based on market demand again and right now we're we have have um Brokers that aren't here tonight and a retail developer not here tonight working on that right now so we're prepared for this workshop with you on January 31st to go through who are the users out there looking for this exact location to complement what's in downtown Victoria today and add to downtown Victoria over there given the population growth of Victoria in the surrounding areas uh so we're ultimately preparing for a an in-depth packet to share with you all in advance of that workshop and then a follow-up Workshop we're proposing in February 10th and then after that we like to establish a scoping document we call it if you could go to the next slide which really defines these key items key issues for what Downtown West becomes where we have a a proposed Vision or several Concepts you saw in our in our proposal but let's narrow it down together in terms of the street grid should the street grid match the current downtown Victoria which is about 250 F feet by 250 feet City street blocks um should it be slightly different in that uh we'd like to work with you on that and do the streets you know of course we like to see sidewalks like to see boulevards trees lights we want to have a an established joint Vision on what the grid is we're creating to expand upon downtown Victoria as it is today uh the public spaces we know that's really important that we we look at the public space that's been designated um and how is it programmed what are the views of CER Lake if it has views how how do it connect to the current you know the downtown here um can we we build a boardwalk that's been proposed you saw uh from here all the way over to um Victoria Drive to have a future Trail connection up to Carver Park Reserve as many Trails um and we have an adviser not here tonight Max musican who's works with the city of viina and wi that and other cities on programming these public spaces so we make sure it's successful and not not vacant and not not competing with other Victoria parks that it becomes a space that families really want to visit year round um project scale density and Heights we want to make sure on the same page of you regarding um what what types of heights and densities feel right here should it be one story Villas should be look at twostory row homes should we look at some three-story condo buildings really want to work together in terms of what what are the right Heights to establish for this development so it feels right for Victoria um and then the housing types themselves you know looking at for sale again versus for rent and we're looking at the market you know supply and demand and we will share openly what that market demand study shows for this location um the retail commercial types as I mentioned will size it for a small town for a small town scale that you were seeking your proposal and um that means really an extension of what's successful in downtown here and the scale of bilings that people like to add over there to be successful for today's tenants looking for space there um and that with that goes public parking to make sure that there's adequate public parking day one uh to sign on retail tenants for visitors coming in and for the housing uses and making sure that we have we're addressing the market ultimately and uh for both types of uses there uh and also as important with all this is what's the overall theme and aesthetic that the city's interested in here and do we want to keep with the more traditional theme that downtown Victoria has which we we uh support and have inspirational images that we're all using as we designed the buildings and bring applications forward to the city with specific buildings um infrastructure and there's a big you know price for all this infrastructure to build streets and to build a park um in storm water utilities and we will want to be able to have uh that defined with you in addition to an engagement process with the public and how are we interacting with the public um as we create this joint Vision together so there's open communication Beyond just the central website which is open communication and inviting opinions in about what this ultimately becomes together um and then the rest of it's really you know we'll can continue to add to this list but this is meant to be a a major item list that we want to work on with you over the next two months and then come to you for consideration as actual document that's approved by you that we then use to start designing actual projects for the infrastructure for the first housing buildings and the first retail buildings so we we're not going backwards together we're going forwards what what this project is um the team uh as mentioned that U um has been assembled um brings a lot of different perspectives and experiences and um um not everyone is here but I'd like to start with my co-developers if uh Dan and um uh Jim might want to come up and speak a bit as well as Kent and Eric here tonight uh Matt pavic um you know him from his his work in in the city here as a developer and as a civil engineer he's a civil engineer in this project T Manar uh could not be here tonight but he's done some of the most high-profile U Master planning in the Twin Cities in the last five years uh in other suburbs which we're very excited about him being involved he couldn't make it tonight uh but he'll be part of these workshops to do together um with that being said did U you want to come hi welcome please introduce yourself uh I'm Dan schaer with s SW group welcome thank you um so yes thanks for having us here um as Carl said so we're part of the the core development team um we're doing a project right now over in city of mountain on Lake minaka together it's our first project together as this team um I've been around since 98 develop single family multif family for rent for sale so bringing experience to that so our our main focus is helping guiding the um housing typology the design of that constructing the housing and as we say right now we think it's all going to mostly going to be for sale is the intent but yeah perfect thank you hi please introduce yourself Jim ghouly uh mayor and Council um excited to be part of this team um I was formerly the chair of the Planning Commission in Yetta um worked in real estate my entire career and uh I I love to get involved in projects including this one that we're doing in Mound and and what we'd like to do here where you have passion for the project I mean you can feel a part of it this isn't just you know a real estate development opportunity this something you can be passionate about for me personally the walkability of this project from downtown to to you know that to me is what this is all about you want to be able to walk downtown you want to be able to shop your family friends whatever you just there's such an amazing opportunity here that I think we you know really want to try to capture Willie as a group with you so uh if you have any questions we're here but uh appreciate this opportunity pretty good thank you good evening mayor mayor mayor mam mayor I should say sorry about that and members of the council I'm Kent Carlson and um I've been in the real estate devel development business for over 40 years I spent 30 plus years at the Ryan organization in a variety of uh different positions uh doing Land Development and Industrial Development Office development and some retail uh um one of the projects I did here in the Twin Cities was Dean Lakes which is down in chakip it consisted of uh 350 plus acres 400 homes 400,000 ft of retail and A700 square feet of office and light industrial space uh also been working candidly the last 10 years with a lot of cities um worked with the city of Robinsdale on the Redevelopment of the Terrace Mall back in 2016 and Parker station Flats which is a 200 unit multi family project uh across the street the city of Richfield on the development of uh 300 plus apartment units south of uh uh 66 or on 66 just uh west of uh Cedar Avenue where the airport had expanded a number of years ago and that's a 20e plus relationship with the city of Richfield I also serve candidly as the mayor of deep Haven these days for the last two years with six years on the council prior and 12 years on the planning commission prior to that so I bring kind of an interesting perspective of both uh the elected officials as well and I'm here really to assist you and the development team figure out the best way to work with that site and uh to bring your vision uh forward so thanks for having us and I look forward to working thank you mayor Carlson good evening mayor and Council Eric Anderson uh I've got a bit of a bifurcated uh career I spent my first 17 years with the city of Vina uh the last 10 being their Deputy city manager and I spent the infancy of my job on Edinburgh and Centennial Lakes when I was a gravel pit and how we reformed that into something completely different I became kind of the Tiff Guru for all that we had about nine different Tiff districts and it was fun to do but early 2000s I de said was time to go over someplace else I went to Ryan spent 20 years there did everything from the Western Galleria condo and hotels to I did some office development um uh other land planning type stuff and then I found my niche in senior housing and I developed about a billion dollars in Project cost in Senior Living luxury mostly in the South but did a ton of projects doing that retired a couple years ago Kent and I have been friends for a long time and we both got kind of an itch for the public side as well I'll also disclose I'm the chairman of the economic development commission for the city of Chanhassen so look forward to be part of this it's fun seeing master plan developments and I kind of sat on both sides of the table so it's interesting perspective so thank you for having me very good chair commissioner Anderson thank you hi Matt hi Council Matt pavic with civil site group um just a quick uh resumes I've been doing civil engineering now for about 25 years uh um been working in the city of Victoria for the last 10 uh doing various projects um been working with Caris that entire time uh so I'm really familiar with your staff uh planning staff engineering staff uh Public Works folks and um I think this is going to be a really fun project to work on as a civil engineer lots of uh infrastructure challenges and we'll look forward to solving those so this will be a fun project thank you do you have an election certificate you want to disclose very good well that's uh what we' like to really accomplish may love to answer your questions or you know address any comments or concerns you might have about our proposed U process really here that we have because we don't have a vision yet again it's a process to get to that Vision together right I think um Council uh comments for these fine gentlemen this evening but want to kick us off here I think um I'll get us started I guess since everybody else is kind of quiet tonight um I I think um you know Carl you've been around a long time Matt you've seen us so you kind of know what we're what we're looking for here you know Victoria is a small town and we like things that are um small scale we like things that fit we want this to be a a beautiful continuation of what we already have here um we think that we've um got something pretty special and we want to keep that going as as we we move um a little further west I love the idea of walk-ups Brownstones smaller um we we as you can see if you drive around Victoria we've got a number of multif family apartment buildings um we we feel like we've and we've been told we have enough of that so we're looking for some different housing types and um senior housing is a big thing that we hear a lot about is uh single level living we hear a lot about that and creating community so we have these beautiful stiger Lake condos that are right over here always full it's a beautiful building there's a lot of great community space in there that's well utilized I think those are the kinds of things that we're looking for um very active space um it is you know we were down my husband and I were down here last weekend A lot of people walking around you know you're parking once you're walking around there's people out on the streets it feels it feels vital and fun and we want to kind of create that um loved what you said about kind of taking a look at where the where are the needs and where are the niches that we that can be filled from a service from a retail standpoint um really curious about the retail market right now um you know we've got a lot of stuff that went online and some of those kinds of things so just really curious about what you're seeing in that retail Market I I I could speak maybe first about that that again we have a a retail developer that's not with us tonight um in retail Brokers but um the retail users are you know they're all different and they have different needs and they have need for you know certain traffic accounts and and certain projections of Revenue they could they could you know earn here um we're not sure what the mix is yet you know we can't promise you today that there's going to be you know there was a a grer at one time we can't promise you there's going to be that um we can't promise you who the restaurants are for the anchor tenants yet but um we're starting with the anchors is what we could share in terms of researching who's out there as could be the anchors and then filling in from that and knowing that we're trying to balance something difficult here which is an autoc Centric what works today as you know is autoc Centric you know retail spaces but we're trying to make this an extension of downtown Victoria that's walkable that with these grid Street grids that are what you what you people like about downtown Victoria today um so we we have a challenge in front of us in terms of how do we lay that out like our proposal showed is um do you have you know parking in the middle do you have parking invisible from Highway 5 how does this really feel like it's a an extension of downtown Victoria so we don't I don't have a direct answer yet in terms of retail but we we're planning ahead with anchors in mind first and then the the smaller tenants that want to be complimentary to those and then how how's that mix complimentary to what's already in downtown Victoria today yeah good um Jen the pictures that you're showing us do you want to talk us through those a little bit and well or or Carl going talk yeah these um these I why don't you start back with the the images from The Proposal um this is you know beyond the housing since uh the mayor's just talking about retail if you can go back to the other site plans uh from The Proposal itself Jen so this these slides if you had uh looked at these you know starting there with the connections and then here how do we divide up this space into walkable blocks and you know if we can start from a grid there's a lot of flexibility with a street Grid in terms of housing types as we showed here if we did one story Villas or two story row homes or three story condos um in terms of densities and then this this slide on retail it's hard to see this but um going down here shows a couple of different concepts of how can we create some smaller buildings um that line Highway five but also are you know have lots of parking that people are looking for and that these retailers need and then how does it still connect visually to this boardwalk and connect visually to Carver Park Reserve and how does it like I was talking to Matt or Mark culus with the cities how does this ultimately tiar with the Topography is there a way of doing that with retaining walls so it feels unique and special of this Village on a hill but still satisfying what retailers are looking for down here um in terms of the spaces that we have and the the parking that they require um so again we don't have a fixed Vision this is these are ideas that we want to continue exploring together and and deciding together what that ultimately becomes um and this shows on the active spaces that those want to be you know surrounded by active uses too and not dormant in our minds it should be if we find let's say two anchor uses on the edges could those be on the edges like those you know Jen those images I shared from uh Caramel Indiana and eastn Ohio where there's there's examples where you have active uses with green space in the Middle with semi-enclosed structures lots of seating and and I know Dana has a fondness for this one where my in-laws live as well in in Wisconsin that that's a brewery right next to this new Plaza they built in this downtown small town Wisconsin but it's it's and there's there's things for all ages year round it's not just in the summertime so our goal is creating a spaces that are that meld the two horizontally between public spaces and Retail spaces with these anchoring uses and then how does the public realm All Connect that together and then connect downtown Victoria you have here just a comment on that Carl I like that courtyard type I'll call it a courtyard View and I think somebody's got familiarity with Galleria or the you know Centennial Lakes I should say and that's that same feel right it's a larger scale but it's that same feel where it's community in the middle there and surrounding I love that feel yeah that's our our goal is yeah learning from the best examples here and around the country that we could apply at a at a small scale here that we all want you know the like as you mentioned you know mayor regarding being really sensitive to scale here that this is a small town expansion we're not adding a um a large city over there it's it's an extension of what's already here today yeah um do you want to walk us through some of the other um images that you've shared some of these are really sure yeah beautiful and curious about them you want to go to the here uh back to the beginning of those so this one's in um eastn Town Center outside of Columbus Ohio um where that's been a successful um mixed you horizontally mixed you Center primarily retail but this is one of their entertainment Wings if you will that's Outdoors that has anchoring four anchoring uses surrounding this shared space where there's plenty of parking around it to serve the restaurant uses entertainment uses but you have shared space in the middle that's activated not just in the summer but like like this time of year they have a Christmas tree out there a lighting ceremony and there's ways to make it year round you know active that way and I love how each of the buildings is unique they don't look like the same thing exactly yeah we thought as well that um we want diversity of that's why we haven't named all the Architects for the project yet we want to be selective Who The Architects are for the retail buildings and the housing so there it feels like there's diversity of housing but there's a Common Thread yet among it yeah I got share the mayor's Vision that I I think diversity in the commercial structures is really desirable concept for us so is this what you were saying is the activated buffer zone in concept B of your 2ab complex Concepts that's prior yes we're thinking right now that this could be an what's what's an iconic feature of downtown west this could be a we think an iconic future if we can make it happen and it starts with these anchoring uses and attracting them and then it's this in infill space and making sure it's programmed right from the beginning that it's actually successful the last thing we want is that to be just dormant and quiet we want people to be there year round and really using the space and it's it's some on the next slide Jana Dana as far as um again this really small town version and with less density than Victoria and Shauna Wisconsin but the other example was in carel IND Indiana does that show up Dan on I me this one oh it didn't come on here no um I think it might have been on your cover side but yeah the previous slide was in in downtown um that one uh that's in Caramel Indiana which is a very uh known for urban plant being very successful suburb and creating a town center here that has again an active use there with the with the restaurant space facing this public Plaza and then bike trails and kind of all modes of transportation connect there and then in terms of walkup units uh you know this is an example at the Glen View Illinois you know which was a naval base turned into a new town that's been very that's been now 20 years in the making and very well received by the market between retail and this is right next door to retail where you have walk up Ro houses like this um that you know this is just a flavor of what we're thinking in terms of does the market support this we think it does we like more research on that yeah and what does It ultimately become which is why we want you know housing type the heights the Aesthetics all that in the sculping documents so we on the same page about how we advance the plans for individual projects here this project you've all you probably all seen in France Avenue South the 50th in France again it's maintenance-free living really high standards of of housing that you could walk to 50th in France from this building so we see similar needs like you describing for um empty nesters or others who want this type of housing that's maintenance free close to downtown Victoria or the new you know expansion of retail we do in downtown west I mean these are two great Concepts because as everybody knows you know Victoria has a pretty um healthy housing stock of of equity that people would want to be able to stay but maybe not want to take care of a 3/4 acre or one acre lot and 10,000 square foot of house could get this level of feel to in maybe maybe not downsized in my in my pocket books or but certainly these these check a lot of boxes I think for what we would need to satisfy those who want to stay but still be able to have that's exactly right and what size of units would attract people downsizing from a home in Victoria I mean so we can really dial in on is it two bedrooms two bass is it some three bedrooms is it um small units is it large you know we'll really dial in on what those want to be and what price points we really want to hit knowing that everyone wants the best everything but there's also price limit so we need to figure out what how to design and build what we're talking about here with through that market study again I mean I would I I guess I would just add that you know when I we've done a lot of talking right about you know this area and and I I thought your group knocked it out of the park right like I mean it it kind of just hit on everything that we have talked about right it's the walkability it's combining that Community those houses right I love I love the uh the row houses right you got the stoop there where the kids are going to play right and and uh you know and then you've got the open space the green space that you know people can go and enjoy it uh you know sitting whether it's sitting out you know just enjoying a drink outside or or um but it it it feels very you know Community uh and I think that's what we've wanted right like we don't want just one big retailer for that area you want it to be a real a community yeah thank you that's exactly our we're aligned entirely that way that it wants to feel like a community and it's in it's an alternative to what you find in most subdivisions in the subs where it's it's walkable it's community and there's already downtown here there just adds more offerings to what what people are looking for here in Victoria well then I also think about like what I'll call infill because we we have the parcel that 13 and a half acres But ultimately you this this provides I think that drive that we need to get infill of spaces that are not part of this right now so if we go back to where the proposed Boardwalk is on the overall map with the beginning of the presentation it's these kind of feel and housing options that are going to be needed to break free that strip that's going to connect downtown as we know it and downtown west I I think we all share this idea that we don't want this to be like an island in of itself and disconnected and this feels as though this is potentially the key that unlocks that strip there to say you know what it's time to reuse this for something that drives that connectivity so um I like Chad said I think you knocked it out of the park with that and you know just kind of going back to where you're thinking of which concept these housing structures that you're talking about seem to be to fit best in option option concept B because you're not at single level but you're not filling in with what we already feel that we have plenty of north of three stories high the other thing I really like about your proposal is collaboration I think that's huge in something like this and you're already mapping that out um several phases I know there's some unknowns and things like that and you're going to do the research and work with us on that in the community but I think that's a great step thank you and and the phasing itself of execution we're we're going to propose building this in phases just to you know let the market absorb instead of doing it all at once and potentially having vacancies which we don't we want to make sure we're on the mark for what the Market's looking for as we continue building and we'll work with you on what that phasing plan wants to be yeah I think that's wise yeah this is this is just such a special property you know as it overlooks that big Regional Park it's it's just such a special property and we all really want this done well and done right and I think this is we're on that path so great other comments from development team or I don't want to shut off any conversation with the council you know here's a question for you Carl before you sit down um we live in Minnesota and it's cold here in the winter and we we talk about these big um outdoor activated spaces and and can you talk a little bit about how you've thought about that for my my third grader never gets cold and loves to be outside so I think there's a way to potentially uh think about programming this with you know kid Centric things that they want to be outside here yet um and I don't we don't know what that is there's topography there I was just thinking of you know Lambo field they built this you know snow tubing Hill that's ranks field for kids and we have topography are there ideas like that to consider here that could be used year round in these public spaces and so I think that the ideas are endless it's what's actually going to work here in winter months and and summer months and we have we think the right team to work together on this on programming it that way yeah awesome great then I'll just throw a quick comment about your your concept A and concept B um which is the page that's after your density concept um I I I I think it's fair to say you won't be able to get everything day one and many things will be in the future and I look at concept B and I like that having that parking space where you're not having buildings blocking the view from Highway five as people travel by it's easier to see over a parking lot and see that shining example that's on the hill as opposed to it maybe being obscured by by the commercial units in concept A and then that gets you this activated buffer zone and then lastly you know we all talk about parking and is there going to be enough if if from where my head is at concept B would allow for a better placeholder for a future you know structure that would have maybe underground parking in it and then building above it you would be able get that later in the future a whole lot easier than if you landlocked that strip of property with commercial buildings yeah something on on parking we we were thinking about is all the topography here and if you've all walked the site I just did last weekend for the first time my family I it's surprising how much Topography is back there and is there a way to use that to our advantage with structured parking where there could be like in wetta their garage is is one simple level carved into the side of a hill could we do that here at a more inexpensive you know way with with dollars here to you know double the parking count that feels easy to get in out of for retail customers for example so um parking is definitely going to drive a lot of how this ultimately turns out and we want to be consider it from the front end of what it what it how we're planning it good great any other comments from the development team a blanks late let's go have some fun right all right Council any other comments questions all right that go ahead do you we just we look forward to um working with you closely on this and we've again proposed and established two different workshop dates but it doesn't mean we can't be talking in between now and then of course as this is all being prepared uh to talk together so yeah great look forward toing thanks yeah Miss party please thank you mayor members of the council so just uh before you wrap up here I just want to talk about some Next Step things um and I can Jen can jump in here too if she if she wants um but of course as Miss brunon notice or like noted earlier um what you're seeing here is in response to a request for proposals or RFP that we had um earlier conducted earlier this year we did receive those three proposals so staff I just want to um make sure um that we just say for anybody who is watching us this evening that staff did independently review each of these proposals and score them um and so it was our recommendation from a staff perspective to bring uh to move Monarch and the team that you see here uh forward for um what we're calling this as an oral interview um before you make any uh official decisions about next steps um I think what I was hearing here tonight key points just a couple of things to review um that this proposal um really aligns really well with your with your vision and the community's vision as you know we've done um extensive engagement on what downtown west should look like with that we heard scalability for our community um ensuring that we maintain a small town feel as this space develops providing a good mix of diversity in both the commercial structures and for housing adequate parking from day one uh for all retail housing and visitors and then connectivity um not only within the site but also to downtown and the park um so I think those are the things that you were looking for so I wanted to um note those this evening so if you agree and then after you've heard more about the proposal if there aren't any other questions or feedback for staff our intent would to bring you um some sort of memorandum understanding document that we would work with our City attorney to draft um and ideally bring that forward for you uh to consider um at the next at the next meeting that umou would give us um allow us to LEAP into those workshops that Mr rank um and team noted um and we would be having those regular engagements um public discussions at a workshop setting but also M there would be um many many more in between meetings with um the staff team as well uh to make sure that we're um all aligned um and moving in the right direction so um I just wanted to note that um for anybody who is watching us this evening so that is all I had to add and I don't know if Jen had anything else before we wrapped up brington you're all set all right yeah thank you for acknowledging that that we did uh have a couple other proposals and we rewed those and uh this was the one most in line with the vision that we had kind of set forth so very good so seeing no more discussion on this I will entertain a motion to adjourn the workshop motion to adjourn we have a motion can I get a second second you have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries We Stand adjourned we Recon