##VIDEO ID:bHnnM7BgSxw## e e good evening it's now 5:30 and I call to order the workshop of the Victoria city council our workshops are informal so we'll Dive Right into our agenda this evening which is our transportation Improvement projects update so kicking us off with that topic this evening is our city engineer Cara Garen Miss Garen the floor is yours thank you good evening mayor members of the city council you only have me tonight for this update um but as as we've done previously we're um taking opportunities periodically for workshops to keep the council apprised of the progress made on the very big list of projects that are happening in the community so I have a fair amount of content to get through tonight but certainly if you have questions along the way um stop me so just this list is a reminder of the projects that are currently in design um headed our way uh three of them relate to the Arboretum area transportation project but the first two I did want to just continue to remind folks that there are planned improvements beyond the arbored area transportation plan specifically the um plan roundabout at Highway 11 um County Road 14 Highway 11 Highway 14 and Marsh Lake Road intersection um that roundabout was hoped to have been constructed this fall but due to some property delays um delays in obtaining the needed right away that has been delayed till spring um Highway 11 North is the project by Carver County to improve County Road 11 between Highway 5 and Highway 7 so north of the city's 5 and 11 project um that one's in design hurdling towards Construction in 2025 we'll talk about that a little bit when we talk about the 511 projects um as a reminder the city has a project page with these Transportation projects that link to the other partners project pages so you can find more information as needed um but specifically what we're going to talk about is the arbor areia Transportation projects the next 12 months all of these are going to be hurdling towards construction as a reminder it's an investment of over $150 million in transportation projects heading our way so certainly big impacts for the city of Victoria um one thing I did just want to note is that these projects are happening within the city of Victoria um but there are other Regional projects happening around the city of Victoria that the county is coordinating [Music] um all of the projects over the next 5 years to try to balance and mitigate impacts on traffic so um just wanted the council Council to be aware that the county is not doing the work in a vacuum they are paying attention to other projects planned in the area so specifically first we're going to talk about 82nd Street um what will become Highway 18 when the project is completed as a reminder um that road is getting from converted from gravel to paved it'll be a two-lane um undivided roadway with a trail a 10-ft trail along the north side of the road this project is fully funded with State and County funds um the big news here is that the county did open bids for the project last Thursday for this one um they had 12 biders on the project and the low bidder was I want to say two and a half million below the engineers estimate um so that is that is good news so SM henches was the low bidder for this project construction will start um you'll start to see construction already happening in the fall and into the winter um with off-road improvements so things that um can happen in advance of the Lion Share of the work um but the construction is scheduled to be completed in 20125 overall this is a $29 million project and as we covered um might have been two meetings ago this is fully funded with State and County funds without any funding from the city of Victoria so that is pretty impressive um Cara will this complete In One Construction season the majority the intent is that'll be substantially complete In One Construction season now whether or not they have to do some additional restoration and or Landscaping work after the end of the project that might happen but um the goal is to have this project open this road open to through traffic before the highway 5 project comes forward um it's anticipated that on opening day we'll start to see four to 6 thousand cars per day on this roadway um the other thing that I just should note is that when the roundabout is under construction on Bavaria Bavaria will be closed to through traffic during that so um that will be a traffic impact to the community in 2025 quick question again you said um 4 to 6,000 cars will probably be on that road when it opens what is that what kind of traffic is that road carrying today uh a a thousand I mean I don't quote me on that number but it's be significant it's significant increase for the folks who live on that Corridor okay very good thank you oh one more question on that will there be an a public entrance to the Arboretum off of 82nd Street not a new one okay so just one that's currently there yeah yeah and the the road now oh I have a map I can point um the section of the road I don't know yeah you can see that right now County Road or 82nd Street goes up and around um we covered this in a previous update but when County Road 18 is complete through to 41 this road will be terminated in two culdesac so you won't be able to go north anymore so if you want to get into I think this is the this is the B Center over here at the arum um Victoria folks would need to go out to 41 and then back in and up over here um so those roadways are in chasa and Chan Hassen so that was a decision that those folks all made in terms of what condition to leave those roadways in okay thank you not wanting to have this old lady Second Street serving as a cut through instead of folks staying on Highway 18 to 4 one is there a property owner in between there I see the smaller parcel and the larger part in the middle is that is there a homestead there um I I think so um but yeah those folks have been working with chasa and Chan Hassen and the arum on that and I mean I don't want to get don't lock them out yeah yeah they they've all been involved in those decisions and down to what to name the street too so you know if the right of way is still going to me be retained in that or that Ro distrib I believe the rightaway is being vacated but again because that's outside of Victoria city limits I have not been following those details as closely yeah do do we know what the plan speed limit is going to be in the majority of 82 yet has that been um I want to say that the design is a 45 40 m hour design um because that's a County Road it'll have to go through the um speed study process after the road is complete to determine the speed limit for it the county does not have the does not have the um Authority that the city was granted over speed limits the county is still limited by State Statute are there will it be temporary limits I don't know the answer to that but I can check that and report back I it would just be nice to tell people something yeah at the beginning when it's open I can check on that okay so moving on to the highway 5 and 11 Improvement project so this is the project that is being led by the city of Victoria even though it is primarily occurring on County and state roadways um this is a major safety and capacity Improvement at the intersection 11 of 11 and then also includes a roundabout to provide um improved access both to the property owners who um live north of the intersection but then also to facilitate traffic in and around the 13 a half acres um this is a $9 million project it's also fully funded with significant State and Regional funds so we're getting 7 million in state and Regional funds so federal and state funding um for this project through various grants that the county applied for and that the city applied for um couple of things that I want to highlight on this is that um in terms of construction staging we are trending towards constructing this Northerly roundabout first and as part of that we are exploring the connection of what we're calling a bypass lane um bypass roadway through the 13 1 12 acres so that when we do the next phase with the roundabout here the second phase in the summer Highway 5 will be closed to through traffic when we build this roundabout by Dairy Queen um so having a connection through the 13 and 1 12 ERS will give an alternative way in and out of downtown it'll also give our emergency responders access to the um Mountain bik course um which is something attend frequently um right now it does look like we can use federal funding towards the cost of stiger Lake Lane um so it there's only a portion of stiger Lake Lane that the federal funds can be used for specifically grading the aggregate base and then pavement 24 ft wide um so we are heading towards still putting the utilities underneath that roadway that would be needed long term as well as the sand section that we put under our roadway at a City cost um but we're continuing to work through that process so because we're talking about using federal funds to build this temporary bypass and because we wouldn't be removing it we're also having to deal with the rusty patched bumblebee um as it relates to the work in the 13 a half acres so the design team is working through what that mitigation process would look like for the rusty patch bumblebe in this area um specifically an example of what we might have to do would be that we're only able to um clear the ground um in a particular timeline so in spr um so we're working through that process with The Regulators who regulate the rusty patch Bumblebee and figuring out how that fits into our timeline so just to be clear on this Cara so this is a temporary road that we would turn into a permanent road that would be the intent okay and that would Ser this and which is outside it's a different road than the current stiger Lake Lane obviously so it would um the construction of it would hopefully facil or complement what we're trying to do in that 13 and a half acres that is correct so it follows what really the alignment for stiger Lake Lane needs to be through the 13 and a 12 acres we'd want to get the sewer and water in the ground so that um we could have that available as development comes in without having to um disturb the roadway it has depending on the length and some of these impacts it has the potential to save the city up to $750,000 depending on um what portion of the bypass we construct so if you recall we've already approved a development in this area the Marco mlan project um that's trending towards closing on that land under that development agreement the city needs to build a portion of stiger Lake Lane up through the central green area those plans are already approved we're just waiting for a timeline to bid them so then the bypass connection would just be from where that project ends out to Highway 5 um but we do feel like it's a good opportunity to use some of those federal dollars towards a local connection but also it it's a pretty key um connection to provide continued access in and out of downtown um when Highway 5 is closed in 2025 to facilitate the roundabout construction yeah I would highly encourage us to figure that out because the timing on that is perfect and to have to disturb a roadway that's already there that we've paid money for would be a shame um so the other thing that I just wanted to highlight Rel related to environmental impacts is this roundabout here is impacting Three Rivers Park District property and cut off the screen up to the north a little bit um on within our project limits we have Trail constru construction that's occurring on Three Rivers Park District property our 51 project is impacting about an acre of their property um between permanent and temporary easements the Highway 11 project to the north that goes all the way to Highway 7 is impacting about nine acres of Three Rivers Park District property so I'm I'm going to try to not get too far into the weeds but the type of property that that land is requires the County to follow a specific mitigation process um and because the impacts to the north are 9 Acres compared to our 1 acre the county is leading that process and dealing with that mitigation through the Highway 11 North project so we're just along for the ride for that process um but as part of it they have to essentially purchase land um to provide that land to three Rivers Park District that has a similar value as what the value is of the land they're impacting so there's appraisals in process mitigation properties in process that are that are quite complicated that are being led by the county and the County Board the only reason I bring it up is that we're following it very closely because of the potential impact on our schedule if they can't get through the process of those impacts it could potentially impact our project schedule um we could probably spend an entire hour talking through What that particular process looks like and you will likely learn more about it further down the road as we get into any agreements for those impacts but um that work remains ongoing and is being led by the county just so that I'm clear there's no process that we can do to assess them because that there's no real assessed value based on some of the other projects we have going on yet we or other County entities other municipalities can get charged an appraised value that they believe the land is worth isn't that kind of the same thing that we're asking if we're asking an appraisal yeah so this is pretty different because this is this is considered 6f property so it is land that the Three Rivers Park District acquired through a particular process that has Federal restrictions on what can be placed on it so it's really even outside of Through Rivers park districts control what that process looks like um and it's quite complicated I um if we want to talk more about that I would probably ask somebody from the project team to be here to speak to what that process looks like Okay Okay so before I move on to the Highway 11 project I just wanted to then Circle back to this slide talking about the 2025 roundabout staging so I just briefly covered three roundabouts four roundabouts actually that are going to be constructed in um 2025 three of them having traffic impact so the the bubble down here is the Highway 114 Marsh Lake Road roundabout um here's the Bavarian roundabout and then here is the roundabout on Highway 5 by Dairy Queen we are working together to try to get these stage so that they aren't we aren't closing all those roads to through traffic at the exact same time so our current trend line is that this guy gets built um first in the spring then we move over to Bavaria so that gets completed preferably before school starts while that one's getting built the north one on Highway 11 would be getting constructed and then the closure of five to facilitate the roundabout by Dairy Queen would be third um these are all tight timelines that are have different project teams working on them that the county is coordinating to make sure that we don't gridlock the city of Victoria when construction starts okay so moving on to the highway five project um um it's we've talked through this a couple of different times but I just want to remind everyone it's expansion to four lanes from Highway 41 to the um fire station there's intersection improvements at 41 and5 and then um this project does include Rolling Acres Road which has um SE speed and safety concerns so um just as a reminder some of the reasons why we're improving Highway 5 um are noted here on the slide I'm not going to read through all of them um but really the expansion to four lanes is necessary to accommodate what um is anticipated to be 50% increase in traffic above and beyond what it is today and as I like to say when I'm around giving folks presentations on this topic um Highway 5 has not been improved for the last 50 years um to accommodate it additional traffic despite endless development out in caror County um it does have above average crashes and those are only going to get worse um both in number and sity if we don't complete improvements and then certainly looking to improveed Transportation facilities for walkability and bikability are a part of the um improvements so I do have the layout slides in here um Dan lannis presented these to the council a couple of meetings ago um I have them in here should we want to come back and reference them at all um so I'm going to move through these next few slides relatively quickly but we're working from downtown Victoria towards Highway 5 so we have the planned roundabout at commercial um we have The Pedestrian overpass at 78th uh traffic signal at Park coia um very much improved intersection at Rolling Acres Road in Bavaria with increas um number and lengths of turn Lanes in all directions um permanent signal at minow wasta the signal that's there right now is just temporary um when improved that will be a permanent signal and the self leg is set up to accommodate a um new entrance into the Arboretum um widen four lane through the narrow part where we have water on both sides um Arboretum exit only in its current entrance location um you can see on the North side here that right now if you um look at the entrance to the Arboretum there's a road that goes to the North Crimson Bay um that road is being uh that access to Highway 5 is being removed and they will connect up to 78 Street in Chanhassen so those folks are Chanhassen residents what can you go back sure sorry uh one more go back one more is that entrance being done at the same time um so the University of Minnesota is um looking to align their timing with the highway 5 timing but so that they have an entrance because the way this reads they wouldn't have an entrance yeah yep and then improvements a lot of improvements to expand the intersection of 5 and 41 to accommodate the traffic that is there today and will be there in the future uh that is the same thing so then Rolling Acres Road um so I'm going to flip-flop directions a couple of times so I'm going to just get you oriented here so now we're on the north side of Rolling Acres Road by mount oliv it church so um roundabout at Interlocking median um pedestrian underpass at the um Regional Trail Crossing um roundabout at tamarak Trail and then you know we're heading back here's the Apple house um so the Apple house property access gets relocated with this project um sother North right yeah yeah North is to your left so now I'm going to switch here and flip directions just to confuse you so what I what I wanted to do with this slide was just highlight specific to Rolling Acres Road um some of the changes that have or haven't occurred since the arborita Maria Transportation plan was adopted by the city so the layout that you're actually looking at here is from the open house that was held in August of 2023 so a year ago so it was the first open house that was held after the completion of the Arboretum areia Transportation plan and I just wanted to highlight some things that were different and some things were that were the same um so in the lower right hand corner you actually have the plan typical section for the roadway from the arbor areia Transportation plan so when we adopted the arbor areia Transportation plan we did have an 18t wide median in the plan that hasn't changed so the median hasn't gotten bigger it hasn't gotten smaller it's remained a consistent 18 ft and the reason for that 18 ft is to be able to accommodate um the ability to landscape within it and we had a presentation on visual quality the same time Dan lanis presented those other layouts a little while ago um I don't have updated visual quality information for the city council tonight that will come forward at another meeting um Kendra and I have been meeting with the project team to work through different options um we're getting input from the public works team there um so we're getting closer to probably being able to share an update with the city council outside of that from the arbor to areia Transportation plan there were some modifications to the Lane widths in order to reduce the impacts to the community as a whole so originally the drive Lanes in the plan were each going to be 14 ft um those did get reduced to 13 feet um one of the boulevards got reduced from 10 feet down to 6 feet and then the trail north of the underpass got reduced from 10 feet to 8 feet so all of these changes were made um after the Arboretum area transportation plan as the project moved forward to designed to try to minimize the impacts to the adjacent Property Owners so um those changes did occur in our incorporated into the current plan going forward then working from s South to north um the roundabout at tamarak Trail was added after the arbor Maria Transportation plan after the project went through a value engineering study that identified um that it was an opportunity to facilitate um turning movements for folks who live on um the west side of the road that wouldn't be able to have full access through the median um doing so also resulted in the driveway for one of the homes being changed from Overlook Lane out to tamarak so and then a sidewalk was added so these changes did occur after the Arboretum areia Transportation plan but were shown in the layout from the September openhouse in 2023 during the arbu redum area transportation plan The Pedestrian underpass or overpass had been identified as future or optional it's now included in the plan that's moving forward based on um just funding opportunities um so then those are the biggest changes the roundabout for um interlockin was in the ARB burum area transportation plan but it showed a full access into the church as a fourth leg to the round about that actually got changed in 2024 after a technical review of traffic operations at the church so I'm going to move I'm going to cover two additional elements of this then three additional elements of this um specifically then what's changed recently is what we want to talk about next so just first are there any questions about the changes occurring since the arbor area transportation plan a quick question so the church is right in right out of that entrance moved further south correct correct if you're coming from the north you'll be able to just turn right into the parking lot if you're from the north when you leave you have to go out right you have to go down to the second roundout Loop all the way through and then return North correct that is correct and that you know that layout and design was really developed in partnership with the church after taking a look at their traffic operations and um you know the project team and the Traffic Engineers were out there on a Sunday to see what this actually functions like um during church Sunday in this summer or a Sunday after September I don't know because there's a huge difference I'm not kidding that we average less than 300 in the summer and we average over 700 after after September they were very large numbers whatever they were so Christmas we bring in 3,000 I I believe that um okay so then things that have changed recently so the council is aware of concerns that were raised um by the neighbors relating to the roundabout at tamarak Trail and the roundabout at Interlocken um so the project team has been working on refining the design um so the tamarak trail roundabout if you can see the difference in color red was what had been previously presented is the revised layout um so the county has reduced the size of the roundabout by 8 ft they eliminated the splitter Island on Overlook Lane to reduce the impacts to that property um they also moved the trail um closer to the road adjacent to this property there's an existing Trail eement through here that um the city council staff certainly will be recommending that the city council consider vacating that trail easement once the trails relocated to give those folks um back that space um whoops I went too far um and then everything just got shifted a little bit further away from the property on tamarak um um these are the latest drafts that I have then moving on to the roundabout at interlockin again the red was the previously presented layout the blue is the the new layout um based on recent revisions by the county I'm going to flip to this slide because it has a little bit more information um so you know one of the concerns that had been raised was relating to the speed at which cars would come into Interlock in they were able to reduce with these modifications they're able to reduce the um design speed from 23 down to 21 coming around this corner um the trail Crossing now matches the existing Trail Crossing and then in addition the county did reduce the roundabout footprint from 120 to 112 um and then shifted the impacts further onto the um Church property so um the church has as I understand it I haven't spoken with the church the church has been um shared and has not raised any concerns with these modifications um I the city isn't leading this project so in terms of any updated conversations with any of the land owners who are immediately affected by this project I'm not a party to those so that's that's happening outside of us but I did want to um at least show the council some of the changes that were being Incorporated based on feedback um Trail same thing here where the existing Trail is in this location they're going to um push it closer to the road to provide a little more space in between um any questions about those two things before I move on to the next one that I need some input from the Council on Council any questions for Miss Garen on this one for me thank you all right seeing none I think we're free to carry on so the next topic then of conversation to discuss is the planned sidewalk so here's mount oliv it again here is The Pedestrian underpass right now the plan includes construction of a sidewalk along the um this whole side of Rolling Acres Road so Trail on one side Sidewalk on the other side the ARB burum area transportation plan included a recommendation to have pedestrian facilities on both sides particularly as you start to get north of here there's a lot of houses on the west side of the road that would be important to get them a safe connection to cross over to the trail system um instead of running across a road like Rolling anres Road um but as we started to specifically look at the sidewalk through this section um particularly as it relates to this property right here um this property is sitting where the hous is is about 30 ft below Rolling Acres Road and so to facilitate the construction of the sidewalk through here the county would need to obtain a temporary easement from these folks um in order to fit the sidewalk in and then do the necessary grading adjacent to it um this property owner is opposed to that sidewalk construction and is pretty concerned about the um risks of the temporary easen of grading that steep slope they've historically had some challenges with that slope causing problems in their front yard and they won't be able to access the sidewalk because of that 30 foot elevation change they will access the trail um through their the private drive that serves all of these homes they would come down that and then be able to get into the underpass um to access the trail system so they they're requesting that the sidewalk be eliminated including the sidewalk along this segment of road is a city of Victoria decision um we would pay for the sidewalk under the County's policy so this one is actually our decision um so we've made contact with the property owner of this property and mount olivit Rolling Acres and both of those two property owners have indicated that they would like to see the sidewalk extended to their properties um to give them access to the roundabout so they could make a safe Crossing across Rolling Acres Road to get into the trail system that ties into the underpass and all of those other facilities um the cost of the trail from um mount oliv it so across Mount Olive it Rolling Acres up to 7240 is about $36,000 to continue it down to the trail is another 50,000 um so you know I'm not asking the council to take any formal action I just want to make the council aware that this is something that we're working through with the land owners um right now based on the information that I have and talking with our Public Works team about it with the information I have I'd be recommending that we do extend the sidewalk to 7240 um essentially that would give every property on this side of the road access to a pedestrian facility um but I wouldn't recommend extending it past 7284 because of the the grading challenges and the concern for that property owner so again not looking for any um any official action on that but if you if you have comments you want to share or questions I'm happy to receive those or answer any questions you might have about that just a clarification so from Mount oliv it to 7240 was 36,000 correct roughly yeah and and we'd be proposing so um the county is working with the property owner at 72 40 at potentially adding a second driveway in this location um it's a little bit complicated but this parcel has a conditional use permit for a boat access um granted by the city and with this median proposed in front of their driveway there's it could create some challenges for boats to get in and out of the boat launch um just because it's like this crazy hairpin turn to go in and around um so the county is looking at adding a second driveway in this location um and so that 36,000 would get the sidewalk up to the location of their second driveway that's why proportionately the 50,000 is you know from here down the rest of the way got okay so we want to we want to sidewalk to get people from 7240 to the roundabout yes and mount oliv it Rolling Acres that property okay so do they is would they typically be walking they they I did hear from them that they would like that sidewalk to go in to be able to walk to the roundabout and cross it I mean this was budgeted right and so we're really saving money because we're going to cut it off by $50,000 correct yeah we'd be reducing the city share by 50,000 and then accommodating um a specific concern and request by one of the property owners so are they the sidewalk will take them to the roundabout and then they have to get on the street on the roundabout itself to cross over or is the roundabout will all roundabouts have pedestrian facilities around all sides so they will have a pedestrian crossing a marked crosswalk that they can get across to the trail okay and then from there they could go down to the under pass and get to downtown Victoria and get to um exceler and anywhere else they want to go on the trail and then 7284 would be able to access off of that street correct that private driveway will Connect into the there'll be a little piece of sidewalk in here that'll get those folks access to the underpass okay so essentially we'd be giving everybody access we wouldn't be leaving anybody without access to so this might be the sidewalk that I heard that goes to nowhere but it actually does go to somewhere okay thank you council member genderson sorry I was just going to say once they cross then is the underpass and the way that they would access it that's all Ada accessible is that the reason it looks long yes is there also going to be little stairs though that you can walk down yeah it'll be ADA Compliant does that include the stairs though I don't think there's stairs planned okay just curious just I mean considering that 7284 would prefer not to have a sidewalk on their property and the difficulties in doing that and they still have access I would say I would accommodate that request and since 7240 and then mount oliv it also has access to get to the trail system I think that makes sense to me Council I think we can give Cara guidance at least I you have Mike incurrence that the plan as proposed satisfies the greatest number europea we don't create uh hazardous condition and easements for 7284 doesn't want the sidewalk yeah comfortable with the access that they currently have because we're not taking anything away from them they get to the trail as is through a portion of their property and then it's it's accommodating 7240 and mount oliv it with access that they currently don't have today that's correct correct so and then that property via going north to the roundout crossing The Pedestrian conflict then then headed south can then access the trail going east correct sa for West yes that is correct any other comments on that yeah the only other thing I we did discuss eliminating it all together um but really then heard from those two particular property owners that they were not supportive of that full full elimination and you know the best time to construct a pedestrian facility is when the road is being rebuilt so um that's why we're here okay so the next topic we're going to talk about is the rusty patch Bumblebee as it relates to the highway five project um and I'm really sad because a different presentation I had access to had a giant picture of a rusty patch Bumblebee and I meant to add it today and I didn't get a chance to but um and I you know I we've talked about this a little bit here and there but the arbor Maria Transportation projects are impacting um land that is impacting the rusty patch bumblebee that's as much as I can tell you about it the project which has federal funds is obligated to mitigate for the rusty patch Bumblebee and so um the project team has been looking for opportunities is to mitigate for the bee um in addition uh the property the projects are also impacting the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum I.E University of Minnesota in terms of um access impacts to their property RightWay impacts temporary easement impacts um noise and viewshed environmental impact so a whole list of impacts to them um so I'm going to dive in a little bit deeper about that but on this slide what I wanted to make sure everybody was aware of and I I'm just curious have any council members been to the University of Minnesota Landscape argum tamarak property so this property is North of Highway 5 um the Arboretum obtained it I want to now I thought I knew what year I don't remember what year but they obtained it through um funding from the Their Own Foundation the lard Sam's outdoor Heritage Council and Minnesota environmental and natural resources trust fund um so the property was slated for single family residential development and it came up for sale and the University of Minnesota purchased that property and um since then has put it as part of their system so it was open in 2019 um it's an 80 acre property I'm going to just read from here is a spectacular natural site with several thousand feet of Lake Shore on beautiful Lake tamarak diverse wetlands and Majestic Oaks and Maples are on the North End of the property um the property is available it's open essentially um whenever the univer whenever the landscape Arbor itum is open are the open hours for this site um but it's available for uh fishing and non-motorized boating hiking birding and photography there's a few picnic tables here the reason I asked is I had never been to the property and I had to go um as part of this project for a tour and it's a it's a pretty beautiful piece of property so if you haven't been there um there's a nice little gravel parking lot that you can drive up to and park and walk around and see so what we're talking about as part of the project is so all of these Parcels that you're seeing on this um these this graphic are currently owned by the city of Victoria um so the two over here were outlots that the city obtained um at the time of development oddly enough parcel 206 is in the city of Victoria although it's the city of Victoria owns it although it's technically in Chanhassen so that was part of the Land Development that occurred at the time um and then these properties over on the um what would be the opposite side of the Regional Trail from um interlockin from the Swiss Mountain neighborhood these Parcels were um donated to the city of Victoria by a developer who owned the land for a very long time and was not in a position to be able to develop it developing these properties is quite challenging because you would have to get a roadway across the Regional Trail um up until recently any Crossings of that Regional Trail would have needed to accommodate a light rail train um so when you look at our bridge downtown and you look at um the highway 5 Bridge they're way up in the air and way wide because that had been a planned rail Corridor that you needed to accommodate a trail going through here um but completing a roadway connection through here is a challenge and then a lift station is also potentially needed to develop these properties so you know the developer who owned the land for years ultimately decided it wasn't cost effective cost effective and gave them to the city so the conversation that the city has been the county has been having with the um University of Minnesota would be the potential that um we end up whoops providing this property to Carver County that would then turn around and give it to the University of Minnesota and the land would be used for Rusty patch bumblebee mitigation um so the project would actually come in here and improve this land um from a habitat perspective it's it's not maintained right now we own the land we don't do any maintenance on it there's some um kind of uh woodsy trails that folks have um used to walk through with their with their dogs and you know kids probably playing back there um but essentially if if this moves forward it would get it would become part of this lake tamarak property and be um preserved and maintained by the University of Minnesota consistent with what their current tamarak property is so um it's a pretty pretty unique um way to really see that that land is better cared for and better preserved than the city would otherwise um do for that land that we don't even really have access to today um and so just Cara are you talking about all these Parcels 200 205 2011 all of those Parcels correct color doesn't matter correct okay and then these 206 and 207 correct or two others that we would provide as well and they are all contiguous with the with land that the Arboretum currently owns correct yes got it and land is that from a standpoint of acreage 26 Acres so the land is being appraised um it's going through an appraisal process if we were all to agree to this the value of the land would be credited credited against the city's cost share on the project so we would get that value that value would reduce the city's cost share on the highway 5 and ring Acres Road projects why wouldn't we turn it right over to ourselves um I don't think we want to negotiate that agreement with the University of Minnesota um they're working through they have to acquire additional land for the project um so they're working through a big land deal moving all of these different properties um this way we don't have to be a party to that directly one more land the County's doing yeah yep so your question for us is are we agreeable to this plan yeah I mean at some point you would have to you would know more about the value and about um uh you know we'd end up having to enter into an agreement in some fashion but um wanted to make aware that these discussions were happening and um make sure there weren't any concerns by the council the other particular thing is we have a road right away that runs through these Parcels um that we'll need to decide if we're going to vacate that road right away um you know if if we are going to trade these Parcels for the purpose of B mitigation I'm not envisioning that we would want to construct a roadway through this Corridor um but that vacation would require action by the city council public hearing so on and so forth so um just again looking for any feedback no specific action but if the council has any questions or feedback on this so my so my opinion on this is this is land that we have in our possession that doesn't give us any future tax benefit it's not buildable it's you know and and for preservation purposes because it is contiguous with the University of Minnesota land I think this is a great opportunity for us to um help get that mitigation in place and also to reduce our cost share on this so this is this is a plan that I am in favor of yeah I mean I'm not in disagreement at all I just I mean the donating land donated land makes me nervous just because of what happened on 78 Street that with donated land that was land donated by a family to another organization that chose to end up to selling it because they couldn't do with it what they wanted to do with it I wouldn't want the same to happen here meaning that if all of a sudden it does we do and we have said that it's buildable just very difficult to build on it what's to say that what's to stop the organization that we donate to from is are there agreements that we can put down that the that we can make it unbuildable or that they will never be developed into development or homes or that's a great question so because it's being proposed for Rusty patch bumblebee mitigation it will need to have a conservation easement over it that protects it in perpetuity to not have that happen and then I and then the road then if we're donating the land on each side of that right away why we just make that go away and make it all under that that uh outdoor agreement or conservation agreement that's that's my opinion I mean I would agree I mean it's like we said we can't access it we can't do really anything with it so we might as well get a discount out of it right so for sure Council any other comments on that no I mean I think that we naturally we have a due diligence responsibility to understand what value there is in doing this but uh from what has been presented here the the the parcels that are buildable are predicated on a very costly Road structure to get into that space where it it may not be of an economic fair tradeoff to invest so heavily in a piece of infrastructure to serve Parcels that we would potentially never get fair value for in terms of a longer term view so overall this is you know assuming good idea and we should definitely pursue do we know what our cost share was sorry great cut you off pardon I didn't mean to cut you off no I mean that's the cost it's going to be like the determination of an assessment of what what this is practically Worth right I was just going to ask D we what's our cost share on the project I I don't have a specific breakdown yet for the highway five project um that'll come forward at a future meeting as we start to get refined estimates so the will see what our cost share is overall for the $150 million we've been saying 8 to 10 million 7 to9 million Dana I can't remember 8 to 10 million are we looking at anywhere from 5 to 20% of the I haven't seen the appraisals so the appraisals aren't done yet um it it is a worthwhile comment to make that the reason you're seeing buildable here is that from a planning zoning perspective they do meet the requirements to be buildable buildable but council member evansky is exactly correct that the the cost to be able to have them be buildable is what's what drove the developer to um list them for sale or donate them to us got it okay okay so um given the time I am not going to go through the next 10 slides I have on construction staging you've already seen them um what I do want to note is that I'll just essentially we're looking at 26 and 27 construction for the big Highway 5 project 26 they'll focus on the north roads the north south roads and 27 on Highway 5 um we did host a meeting with the downtown business owners on last Thursday where we went through the staging information in detail with those folks they've been asking for that information for quite some time um this information was shared at the open house and um Dan lanis went through it with the council fairly quickly so I'm not in knowing what's on the agenda tonight I'm not going to talk for a lot longer so I'm going to skip over those um but I do want to highlight that joint Powers agreements will be coming forward for all of these projects that we covered tonight um the council already approved the joint Powers agreement for Highway 18 82nd street that one had no cost to the city um you're going to start to see these other ones coming forward as soon as they're ready um all of them have different cost sharing agreements and different um Parts the city's participating in so um ultimately you know you have to approve the work happening within the city limits and the part that we have to pay for under the County's cost share policy so more to come on those and with that I will had our last slide to find out what was making you nervous or excited but I know we have a full agenda tonight so all right this give us one minute here to cover with the council if they have anything additional to add I'm excited I'm nervous about all the I share I share your view that I think there's a lot of good news that we heard today uh certainly there were some elements that were well familiar with the amount of acrimony that we had been presented earlier with I think that would R Visions we've seen feel to me like what I've seen is a a best fit when we balance the the needs of property owners versus the overall community in general and the the idea of taking land that's in our public domain and putting it to a perhaps higher and better use than what we're able to get out of it today uh I doesn't feel like that investment tradeoff is there although we're going to like we said do our due diligence on it thanks for putting this together Cara good any other last comments if not I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any oppose motion carries We Stand adjourned