##VIDEO ID:gCseZVAeAFQ## e e good evening it's now 6:30 and I call to order the regular meeting of the Victoria city council it is our tradition to begin with the pledges of Allegiance so we invite you to join us I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice before we proceed with this evening's agenda we'll begin with the Oaths of office city clerk Claudia eisold will administer the Oaths miss eisold the floor is yours longney mear to support the Constitution I Deborah McMillan do solemnly swear to support the the constitution of the state and to discharge Faithfully the duties of the office of Mayor of the city of Victoria and the county of haror the state of Minnesota to the best of my Jud and ability so I Chad Roberts do solemnly swear to support the Constitution of the United States the constition of the state of Minnesota to discharg Faithfully the duties of the office of the council sorry the office of council member of the city of Victoria in the county of Carver state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability so help me gu [Applause] I Christian Pon do Solly swear to support the constition of the United States the constition of the state of Minnesota and to discharge Faithfully the duties of the office of council member of the city of Victoria in the county of Carver the state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God congratulations thank thank you Miss Edis fold congratulations to council member Pon council member Roberts I want to thank you all for your support it's a privilege to serve as your mayor another term and I look forward to working with the community are you comfortable in your seat council member pron so far so good all right let's get to work then the first item on our agenda this evening is our announcements uh we want to welcome everyone to the first council meeting of the year thanks to everyone who's here to join us this evening the city council will hold a half-day workshop on Friday January 31st from 9:00 to 300M at the rec center at 8475 coia Lane here in Victoria please contact the city clerk if you are interested in attending all meetings of the city council are open to the public and held in the council chambers at City Hall unless otherwise noted we encourage anyone wanting to attend our Council meetings our workshops in person to contact our city clerk in advance so we can um Ure we have enough space in other announcements City Hall will be closed on Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr holiday we also are excited to announce the return of our Citizens Academy that will be held on Wednesday evenings for a five weeks from April 10th to May 15th Victoria Academy is free and fun participants get a Hands-On behind the scenes look at how the city operates you can learn more or register on our website or contact our Communications and public engagement director Kendra gral for more information and lastly we are now recruiting for open seats on all of our citizen advisory boards if you'd like to apply or learn more about Planning Commission the park and wreck committee or the senior advisory committee please check our website or contact our city clerk the next item on our agenda this evening evening is to adopt the final agenda can I get a motion to adopt the final agenda motion to adopt the final agenda we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries we'll move on to our next item which is open Forum this is the opportunity for anyone to address the Council on an item that is not on the agenda or not in application form that will be coming to the council at a future date uh the council will will not take any action this evening please do not expect a back and forth conversation but we will uh hear your remarks is there anyone in the audience who would like to address the council seeing no one we'll move on to our next item which is the consent agenda items on the consent agenda are routine administrative and do not require deliberation or are housekeeping items that are required by law they're approved with one vote unless someone requests an item to be considered separately Miss Hardy does anyone do you wish to pull any consent items for separate discussion and vote this evening none from staff Madame mayor members of the council is there anyone who would like to see an item pulled for separate discussion and vote mayor I'd like to pull item9 thank you council member evansky any other items from the council or anyone in the audience that would like to pull an item from the consent agenda for separate discussion and vote seeing no uh clerk please let the record reflect that item 6.9 has been pulled for further disc discussion and vote and council could I have a balance uh motion for the balance of the consent agenda motion to adopt the balance of the consent agenda we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion uh let's give that to council member evansky we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries we're now moving on to item 6.9 which was pulled from the consent agenda for a separate discussion and vote council member evansky please mayor I have it donation that I made to the city in 2024 and to avoid any appearance of impropriety I'm going to recuse recuse myself from voting on this item very good thank you council member evansky Council can I get a motion for uh item 6.9 please motion to approve the resolution accepting forth quarter donations for 2022 thank you council member Roberts can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion carries now moving on to our regular agenda which there are no items to come before us this evening on the regular agenda so with that we will move to reports and emerging issues attorney Vose this is your opportunity yeah mayor uh Happy New Year to all the council members congratulations to our new council member and uh what a nice donation by council member evansky but I have nothing to report okay very good thank you councilman thank you attorney Vos all right uh Miss Hardy anything from staff this none from staff Madam mayor and uh council members anything from the council this evening none from me mayor okay very good uh I want to take this quick moment just to uh the last meeting of the of 2024 we were not able to record that because we had some issues with our audio and video but I just wanted to uh say thank you to council member Derek Gunderson whose term ended here at the end of the year um it is no small thing to put your hand in the air and show up for uh 24 23 or 24 Council meetings a year so we want to thank him for his service to the city of Victoria uh with that I think we have no more items to come before the body this evening so I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn we have a motion can I get a second second we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion carries um we will be back in just a few moments with our annual meeting of the economic development AU We Stand adjourned