##VIDEO ID:iOaageO9WIY## e e good evening good evening I I'll call this meeting to order our first order of business is to adopt tonight's agenda Commissioners is there a motion to adopt the final agenda for tonight so mov motion can I get a second I'll second motion a second all those in favor I oppose thank you the motion carries our next order of business is to adopt the minutes from our November 19th 2024 Planning Commission meeting Commissioners is there a motion to approve the minutes so move yeah motion a second second motion and second all those in favor I oppos thank you the motion carries we are now moving on to our discussion items our only item for discussion tonight is item 3.1 consider a conditional use permit Amendment for Inky Brewing at 1495 ster Lake Lane this item does include a public hearing I'll now turn it over to city planner Brian McCain for staff presentation then open a public hearing for those in the chamber that wish to speak on the requests thank you chair and Commissioners tonight we have a request from Inky Brewing Company they're looking to amend their existing conditional use permit at 1495 stiger Lake Lane uh this resolution number is number 1579 now what they're looking at specifically doing is changing their liquor license and their use of the property from a micro Brewery to a brew pup so through the cup amendment process we have an application that was submitted uh early November there 60 days expires on January 7th staff review the proposed amendment and then we bring it to the Planning Commission with a public hearing and then city council would consider the recommendation from the public hearing after that meeting so the existing conditions of the site as I mentioned it's located at 1495 stagger Lake Lane their operations as a micr brewery currently include a Tap Room some food service uh they also Brew Malt Liquor served on site uh as well as Distributing that malt liquor to local stores and or local liquor stores and restaurants and they also hold outdoor events what the proposed amendment would entail is an operation as a brew pub instead of a micr brewery what that would entail is ceasing the distribution aspect of their business so they wouldn't be allowed to distribute to liquor stores and restaurant as part of their change in liquor lure but they would also be allowed to sell wine and distilled spirits on site with that uh the amending conditions that we have proposed for you this evening which were included in the staff report include complying with the original conditions of the resolution from two or 2015 their beer production is still limited to 15,000 barrels per year which is in line with the state licensure requirements and our zoning code requirements uh as well as updating their liquor license within the next year and that the use must be initiated by one year from approval of the city council meeting which is planned for Monday evening so one year from December 9th not November 25th like I had originally stated in the packet with that a public hearing is required for this we noticed it in the won some Patriot as well as sending a mailer to Property Owners within 350 fee of the property was also on the city's website and posted at City Hall at the time of um well right now we haven't received any comments received um I have a sample motion for you on the screen to approve table or deny the request the applicant is in the audience this evening and staff can stand for any questions you may have thank you Brian does the applicant wish to speak speak okay all right thank you uh I will open the public hearing is there anyone in the chambers this evening that wish to comment on this item seeing no one in the chambers uh Commissioners may I have a motion to close the public hearing so move I a motion can I get a second second all those in favor I oppos thank you the motion carries and the public hearing is closed I will now open the floor for the Planning Commission to discuss Commissioners any questions or comments I have a question um so right now enky Brewery distributes its products commercially and you would cease to do that so it would no longer be able uh be off sale at other liquor stores or anywhere else except for buying it at the brewery that's correct got it just to build on Ben's question um and not to invade your business decision making is is there a is there a way to u to have both Brew brew pub lure and to continue distribution because I don't mind going to Winchester and Ry and ordering an Inky beer yeah no there's no way to do both it's an either or or so the the U exchange is we make the uh The Tap Room environment more desirable we have a lot of customers that don't come because someone in the group doesn't want to drink beer they would like to have a glass of wine or a cocktail and we can't serve that customer base not that you asked but um we've been moving in this direction for quite some time and we have not put any effort into to distribution for at least three or four years we have Winchester and Ry and and um the burrow that uh buy our beer um we've stopped canning so we really don't distribute to liquor stores we haven't distributed to liquor stores for several years so we're not giving up too much in the way of distribution business in order to facilitate this change know are there other brew pubs or breweries that also sell wine and liquor um essentially all of them do yeah would you be able to uh license that out to have someone Brew your beer and sell it commercially um I suppose I could I had I had really not restricted by any of the stuff we're doing here right it wouldn't it would be the I would be licensing out the the name right um it would be somebody else's beer if it was brewed someplace else they could Brew it to our recipe so from a consumer perspective it would be essentially the same thing but from a legality perspective it would not be Inky's Inky's own got it product thanks yeah okay yeah thank you but if you could yeah I mean let's say I if somebody brought a growler to you would you could you fill it oh yes we can we can sell um Growlers and crawlers on premise so you can still get your yky beer to go from the from then you can bring it to Winchester and Ry well corking Fe sure you can do that okay thanks it's more from the legal standpoint is this just off sale or is this on sale or both or just on believe this is just on sale correct what just said so right now we have an on sale license that allows us to sell enky beer we have an offsale license for eny beer only and we have a Sunday license that allows us to sell on Sundays we would have all those licenses with this change to a brew pub um what we would be able to do is for off sale we can still only off sale beer that we make on premise um but we would have on sale I know it's kind of on sale for Inky beer other beer uh wine and spirits and Sundays as well gotta thank you yeah I wasn't sure if that was code or business side of things just from Ryan this might be a question for you assuming we approve and move forward it's it has stipulation about the um lures is like like update liquor license could that still impact their decision to do this assuming we proove everything it's it's really changing it just with the state for from a micro Brewery to a brew pub and we just want that change reflected with the state within the next year so they would be allowed to continue as a micro a brewery until such time that they decide to operate as a brew pub and get their lure from the state they couldn't get like denied from that and then they'd have to come back and go through a bunch of Hoops again not that I'm aware of any more questions from my perspective and and experience think he's been a wonderful part of Victoria as a community and I fully support approv get a motion I would like to make a motion to recommend the city council approve the cup amendment to anti Brewing Company at 1495 stiger Lake Lane a motion can I get a second second second got a motion and a second all those in favor I opposed thank you the motion carries that concludes our our discussion items for this evening moving on to the miscellaneous section of our agenda are any miscellaneous items from staff yeah I've got a few items uh at the last meeting I mentioned how Christian pson has been elected to our city council uh with that we have a role to fill on our playing commission for a full-time voting member so Aaron has accepted that position as our alternate one and Jason has also agreed to move up to the alterate number one position in his replac perfect welcome and then we will recruit for the alternate number two position with Council in the new year as well okay uh our next two meetings are December 17th and January 7th we do have items for both of those meetings um the one for December 17th includes an appeal of a zoning decision by City staff on a building permit uh you would be acting as a board of adjustments and appeals in that situation which is probably new for a lot of you I know it's new for myself as well so I would like to try to schedule about a 15minute phone call with each of you in the next week or two to talk through what that entails based on our code requirements and the specifics of the situation if you all are willing to do that and then our January 7th meeting is the preliminary plat for the quick trip site in our South growth area and then Jen also wanted me to mention that this Thursday at 5:30 is light up Victoria so please attend with your families if you can it's going to be a fun evening and that is all from staff thank you uh Commissioners any miscellaneous items hearing no more items this evening could I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn this got a motion can I get a second second motion a second all those in favor I oppos thank you the motion carries we are meeting