##VIDEO ID:SikJZirlD0c## e e e e the microphones are hot so be careful what you say you folks I certainly will we're going to call this meeting of the Victoria senior advisory committee to order and we'll do a roll call Sharon I'm here welcome nice to have you Susan welcome I'm here Richard here glad to have you here Patrick is not here and Jack and Lena good to have you with us welcome we have visitors yes Jenna Jenna yep I'm Jenna Smith Parks and Recreation our new park and wreck lady and hi there my name is Kelsey Platt I am the senior property manager for aelite Village here in Victoria as well as Juniper in Minista so the one here is the new one going up no no the Senior Living aelite that's ra to Lions field yeah back in the corner yeah back in the cor right right welcome it's nice to have you with us than you thank you so uh we have petitions proclamations suggestions from the staff well I don't know about any suggestions or complaints or proclamations but I do have some upcoming events all right good yeah I'll leave the suggestions on the complaints to the committee level um but just to get on your radar there is a health and wellness Expo which is going to be at the chasa community center it's held by Carver County um and if you want to get it added to your calendars it is going to be January 11th um 10:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. we also have our light up Victoria our annual light up of our downtown area celebration coming up in about a couple of weeks December 5th it's extended from 1 hour to 2 hours it's now going to be 5:30 to 7:30 can see all the lights turned on and Victoria down down to we have parlers Santa hay rides luminary walks um llamas games a wide variety so fun for all the ages Christmas llamas right usas can't have Christmas without our llamas and then they're also um will be a toys to tot's donation with the Victoria Alliance as part of that event we do have boxes at the Victoria Recreation Center as well as at City Hall downstairs so if you are interested in contributing to that um please feel free to and then we also have a new event now this is something um I don't typically put on here but I know the committee has talked about Bingo for quite some time so I did want to introduce that and it's not necessarily official yet because it will be in the winter Parks and Recreation brochure but again I knew you would all be excited about this I wanted to include it on here but there will be a Bingo Bash at the Victoria Recreation Center our Parks and Recreation Department is going to host it it's going to be uh February 5th there'll be more information to come in the winter brochure so keep it so we get a new parks and wck person director and we get Bingo you're welcome thank you a request for a while yeah yeah she gets on things doesn't she gets it done and then I have some news from Carver County uh Carver County Public Health representative is not able to be here today but they did want me to share a few news updates with you first I spelled flu wrong in the PowerPoint so please excuse that um but there is going to be Co and food vaccine clinics uh this November and December if you are interested ining that that is free and it will be in chasa at the Carver County Community or government center and then um you may remember Emanuel he ran um he's been at a couple of these meetings he also ran the annual meeting he's no longer with Carver County so they are um hiring to fill that position they did let me know that this week they are conducting interviews so hopefully we'll have somebody joining us at our next upcoming meeting or at least relatively shortly very good with that I will pass it back to you chair anything from committee members proclamations questions comments good we'll move on to approval of minutes in do we have minutes from September 9th to approve that's probably last time man it's been a while oh that seems a long time ago would somebody like to make a motion to approve thises Jack thank you and we have a second Sharon thank you all those in favor say I I any oppos same sign it carries we got good minutes we're going to move on to new business we're going to talk about the results of the survey yes well um you guys may have remembered we've been talking about the Victoria Recreation Center a lot over this past year especially over the last couple of months it seems to be the big topic um for this committee as part of our work plan is really to identify you know what do we want as a committee of that future of this space um and including of having these conversations at the committee level staff has also uh done a community survey um for Victoria residents and users of the Victoria Recreation Center that was held from August of this year to October and we did receive 3155 responses which is actually quite well I think we hoping for 300 so we got a little more than what we were anticipating um and really what that survey was is to as the community you know what are your thoughts about the future of this facility and also what are your thoughts about the current state of the facility it's a 20 or 20 plus year old building and we know there's room for improvement so we just wanted to see what the community's thoughts were regarding the space and what we can do to improve as we've talked about multiple times and I'm just mentioning again so it's on the record um and also just as a refresher for all of us but that building is a partnership with the school district Eastern carer County School District District or School District 112 um they operate the two ice ring Center collectively we call that the ice arena and so they also own that part of the building it's kind of a weird contract deal with Bing however they own that part of it and manage that so any rentals any maintenance when it comes to the ice arena side as well as the concessions is through the school district that contract is going to be up in 20132 seven years away and we know that's going to be very quick and also with this upcoming election we also know and thank you Jack for bringing these um that the Chanhassen Bluffs Community Center is going to be built right next door and there's going to be two ice arenas as part of that facility as well we don't necessarily know what the school district's future intentions are um for that building for this partnership but we do know the contract is ending in 2032 and we do know that we need to start planning what we want for this building in the future because once that contract ends the facility will be completely owned and operated by the city and that will give us the flexibility to really make that place Shine the way that our community wants that to be it could be continuing to have two sheets of ice in there it could be repurposing a sheet of ice or two sheets of ice for other things Carver County uh Eastern Carver County Schools isn't the only one that uses the ice we have a lot of organizations and associations that use that ice as well as fully family and knowing that this building is coming through we're starting to have conversations with the school district now as well as holy family and as well as those associations of really what what are they looking to have as part of you know their future growth similar to the questions in the survey what do they really want um in their community so um looking at now knowing that this referendum was passed in Chan Hassen knowing that this committee has been talking through these things as well as the Parks and Recreation committee um and having the survey complete city council is soon going to have their halfday workshop to really talk about this topic and to really understand you know what is the overall community's needs what does the community want and then putting a vision towards what the recreation center might look like um for the future yes soon maybe you'll cover this in the presentation but with the um School District having the sheets of ice through 2032 in the survey would it be a two twart plan for the recreation center because are you going to wait to 2032 to do anything with the city Side the you know the gym and the property and how do you plan for that not knowing to 2032 and do you know what income I mean does the school district share the income that's generated from the ice rental yeah the those are both really good questions I'll answer the last one um first so the ice rentals 100% go to the school district they operate and manage that side of the building so if the city would take that over we would take care of the rentals we would hire the staff for that space and you'd have the income from it um just keeping on that same mindset of funding and this is something Council just talked about at their last Workshop um so if anyone is really interested in looking at the financial the recreation center I do recommend watching um last Tuesday November 12's Workshop budget Workshop um related to the CIP as well as the recreation center funding a majority of the funds that we receive come from the school district it's part of that contract they pay to be operating within that space so the building itself is self-sufficient however we know once the school district leaves that building will no longer be self-sufficient we have to rethink how we operate that space now to your first question implementation is probably going to be very different depending on what that vision and what the amenities are going to be for us okay I think it depending on what you know the community really wants whether they say you know we want more meeting rooms and more conference spaces we could probably put that in different areas of the building or expand and not have to wait for the ice arena or if they say you know we want a indoor playground well we might have to wait a little bit on that okay so it really depend Vis do you have any idea Alissa on the timeline when the city would let us know I mean is there anything in the contract that says to get a three three-year notice or anything like that I'm sure there's something in the contract and I'm looking at Jenna if she remembers off the top of her head the contract and I'm not even lying is probably this thick yeah um it's pretty big binder there probably is something in there but we've been pretty active within the last year of talking to the school district knowing that this facility is a possibility um so yes there will need to be some termination Clause that we'll have to we have to follow and the school district will have to follow legally but we'll have conversations well before then to know like they're not moving forward with re-upping the contract I'm guessing you know just in basic conversation they probably wouldn't continue the contract as is but instead they'd probably just be a renter is the only sheeta I at the school district owns the one between the two middle schools with inflatable Dome because I'm I think that might be the only one that they well or that they that stands on their property I don't know I know they have another Sho Dev ice I don't know where okay are you talking Chan Hassen no the school district district 112 does have a shet of ice somewhere Holy Family how how does Holy Family fit into the ice rink yeah so we do have two ice rinks the West rink which is our newer rink built in 2008 is all of it's operated by the school district but the primary user is the Chanhassen storm and then the East Ring which is our older ring the primary user is Holy Family Holy Family rents from the school district so when we're having these conversations of what the future is looking like for these and what the needs Are Holy Family is one of our first phone calls because they are one the high school that happens to be in our community and two they're primarily user of the space currently so one of the things that you probably reviewed in the survey I know I sent that to you about two weeks a week and a half ago um is that we we received quite a bit of feedback of what the future of the space is is looking like and as the workshop um is coming up with city council one of the things that they've asked this committee specifically specifically to do is one start having conversations about what your Envision and your wants or what you represent you know the communities senior population might want for any sort of space any sort of senior facility or senior Focus facility we've had those conversations but two do some insights and analytics related to um what the survey says what do you gleam is important information that you see as part of the survey results what should staff take back from the survey results and bring to council the one thing that we also want to know is that um the survey results obviously we had 3155 people take it and I think there's about 25% of those users as demographic data on the lower end of the survey um happens to be 55 plus but that doesn't represent the entirety of Victoria senior population so it might not have have um senior programming high on the list in like future programming needs but you've talked to your neighbors you've talked to your friends we've had these conversations that they might actually be a priority to some users they just didn't take the survey so making sure those C or those notes are also being expressed as well you really are the voice of you know this population of the committee yes who you are that's a scary thought and you've all done such a great job doing that so we just want to get this written down in a way um that we can share with city council when it comes to that Workshop in January so with that I really don't have much for a presentation I do have the survey results open on my computer if we have any questions sending those to inance we're not going to walk through those but I can definitely pull them up um and then just really hearing from the from you the committee members what are you thinking um what did you hear what can we do better to group on I'm going to step away from the mic for a second and hopefully pick up the microphone in the podium well there you go one of the things that we do um at the city council level and we have these strategic conversations and other committees we're going to have this conversation at the parks Committee in December at their next meeting is ask the same questions about what did you Gleim from those survey results and we utilize these three questions to help us generate thoughts and summarize thoughts now the three questions are you know what are we doing well what do you hear from the survey of what we're currently doing well with the recreation center what if people want to keep you know we don't want to remove anything that we're doing or people are excited about what can we do to improve there's a lot of things in there that talk about Improvement and we know that there's a lot of things that we can do to improve and then the last one is similar to the second one but what are we missing um we know we might be missing certain facilities or certain programs or certain things in that facility and we want to gather what maybe some of those areas are and I'm going to already add one to this um because we've been talking about this for quite a while and I haven't added it yet um because I wanted to chat with you guys about it first but one of the things that this committee has talked about quite a bit is that we are missing in our community and specifically that space is an area for people just to gather um kind of like a coffee shop atmosphere where people anybody but specifically having that coffee hour for seniors where we can have natural Gathering space then we can also program that too so people can also come there and have Donuts in Victoria or we can do other type of programming and just have that Gathering space for people to come sit play cards play games whatever that have you so I'm going to add that because I see head nods to that what are we missing we talked about it quite a bit Lissa question about the methodology on the survey or yeah results uh I read through a lot of those comments has anybody tabulated those cuz I started counting like how many people want a sauna how many people want a swimming book you know but there's so many of them because a lot of people had comments it'd be nice to see those tabulated like what was the number one suggestion to add you know what I meanes that make sense the only problem is though that this was what what portion of the total yeah committee total possible response I think one thing that would be really helpful is to mail the survey to any of our population who are getting their utility bills mailed because in polling my neighbors and seniors that I know here in the area um they just don't have access Internet wise so I don't know that we're getting a whole lot of senior feedback if they don't have access it remind us how the survey was administered or who how it was distributed pull that up um we did the survey similar to how we've done our other surveys in the past specifically the park survey of 2023 so the survey was included in our Parks and Recreation brochure as well as um social media that's a big one we had Flyers at the Victoria recreation center city hall and then we brought them to any of our community events and pop up events so if you think um within that time frame Truck Rodeo um any of the donuts and Victoria events um anything that we can hopefully push out to just get people informed that this survey is here and then of course our website too there's limited funding when it comes to these type of surveys cost thousands of dollars to do mailin so we do have to be budget conscious when we're talking about you know mailing out surveys of this nature we just try and hope to push it out as much as possible the other positive to this that we did gleam from the demographics is that 25% of the people that took this survey are 55 plus which we thought was a really interesting a big percent I would think it's actually representative of our community um 25% of Victoria's population also happens to be 55 there was a spot in here that um had a percent that didn't even know we had a recck center I'm like oh okay we do hear a lot of that actually at the front desk you found the recreation center they're like yeah we had no idea this is here we've lived in Victoria 10 years oh really and they live just around the corner well there's not a need if you're not at the current time if you're not Fitness oriented or if you're not a hockey looking at this first one60 respons Sals out of the 315 have visited but aren't members I mean there are were you there for voting were you there for a hockey game were you there for whatever um and actually down below to with like Fitness classes they used to have a lot of Fitness classes for seniors um now you can go but there other than like donuts and a few things and if you don't play pickle ball or work out or well a number of people use the walking Track um there's nothing to bring them to the recreation center and unless they want to go for Fitness related stuff one thing I noticed was that there seemed to be good consensus that it was easily accessible it's in a good location I think that's important because you know my bias is to add some kind of senior programming for dedicated to seniors and that's a good place to do it because it's easy to get to you know L of parking yeah it is yeah it is a very central location and it was built very nicely where it provided enough parking to host the multiple activities that it has maybe not on a double header of a hockey night you might have to walk there's still parking available right I did pull up um this is something that we asked as part of the survey to the people that took it on you know the amenities the features that they would like to see you know constructed and developed and this is just kind of a summary of and I can blow this up a little bit um what people might be looking for as you can see and this is what we've heard um for a very long period of time is that this community wants access to water whether that's an indoor swimming pool a splash pad um access to a Lakefront Beach and this is something that we've earmarked and Council has earmarked as a priority for for us especially as we're expanding into our South and West growth areas um looking for opportunities in that regard we know this is a huge need so this does not come surprising to us but you can also see other things in here like the SAA and steam room um fitness studio and classrooms the indoor play areas the walking Track is a big um priority or middle priority depending on if people know it exists or not um we added a climbing walk wall in there just various different types of amenities that you might find um in other community centers but you might also find on the private side as well and I passed it already but I did see um we did have a senior center space um here that got about three responses which out of 300 if you think is is pretty good about 10% um and this is something for the committee to talk through is is a still a huge priority and I think we've kind of answered at least the Gathering spaces having that area and then there's opportunities to program that based on um what the community needs are for programming after that we also had in things that we've talked about in the past too like the arts and craft room the wood class the wood shop classroom um that could be a priority for folks or at least a desire for folks um the other partner that um needs to be engaged when we get to the workshop is the Victoria library as well they're obviously talking about what the future of the Victoria library looks like and just libraries in general um what kind of programs they hope to be offering in the future we don't necessarily want to compete with um government organizations that are in our same Community or nearby so making sure that you know we're thinking about what this space looks like knowing that the library is a partner and that if they also want to have a wood shop in their future Library space maybe that's not the best maybe we shouldn't have that or vice versa recording and then yes we did have an opportunity for folks to put in um things that we didn't have listed so there is kind of a general we do see outdoor pool versus indoor pool um a c plunge um ice arena improvements not letting me scroll yoga studos a lot of these happen to be repeat of what we saw above um other than the outdoor pool section excuse me Alyssa going back up a little um so when you look at meeting rooms and some of this um do you what is the conversation with the city council or park and wreck about the Pavilion Lion's Pavilion I know they're paying it off with you know or whatever but the city really owns that and manages it and that is that is a big space that's I think underutilized I know that the income comes from rental and there's no staff devoted to that I mean it's wired for technology and um I mean that building other than I don't know the building on weekends and some evenings is rented but what is the use during the day you know from from well what is the use during the day and is that has that been in the conversation at all would we be duplicating something if that space is available during the day and you know meeting rooms or I mean having that available well great question I do think um and I'm just trying to pull up we do have a utilization feature and I'm trying to see if the linion is on here but I'm not seeing it um anyways for the Lion's Pavilion it happens to be our most expensive rentable space so when it comes to like your general meetings um what you might find for like an HOA meeting um other type of meetings that we frequently get asked about are like Association meetings typically they want to go Girl Scout Boy Scout meetings on the cheaper side um hence the reason people navigate towards either council chambers or the recreation center the costs of those are relatively low compared to the higher cost of the Pavilion also note that the Pavilion um is pretty regularly used you're right it's not as regularly used during the day we see most of our action at the evening times as well as the weekends um I don't know if I'd classify it and I I'm looking at Jenna too because she's been really delving into our rental spaces throughout this last couple of months if we would classify the Pavilion the same as a meeting room no BEC I mean HOAs or boy girl scouts they don't need a space that big they probably can get by with 30 something that can accommodate 30 people but when we talk about like where where are you going to hold The spingo Bash it'll be at the recreation center at the rec center in the gym in the multi-purpose room in that other one in that little room it's a fair it's a fairly large room oh the daycare room back there okay okay okay it just seems like a space that certain hours is underutilized and what about when the new fire station is built are there going to be meeting rooms in the new fire station or in this this one as well there will be uh at least one meeting room but Council hasn't decided if that's going to be open to public how they're going to navigate through the renting of that space happens to be an emergency building makes sense comment alista as I read through the list of options there it seems to me that a lot of these things could be included in the same space check a lot of boxes with the right building if you got a good architect that could kind of Envision the space that we have currently and how that could be configured you could you could check off quite a few of these things and use that space in a variety of ways absolutely and the purpose of the survey isn't necessarily to gather like thoughts on um having one large room because that probably will end up if these are really a priority that's most likely what it will be um where you have a room that can be multi-purpose our multi-purpose room is a great example of how we utilize that space today use it for yoga sometimes workout classes rooms you have Donuts in Victoria in there it just is a wide variety of use this was just more to gather is this purpose use something that people are interested in so then we can gather the size because the size for a cycle Studio might be a little different than what you might find for a wood shop classroom we might need garages for those areas versus bracket Ballroom or an arts and crafts in the current recre Recreation Center doesn't it have two locker rooms or not or uh there are locker rooms that are utilized by the hockey um associations and schools um and then there's the public use and then there's a okay but didn't you say the public use ones aren't used very often was that looked at in the remodel as possible space that's down the hallway by the offices is I would say the they're probably not as used as you would see in like a larger um fitness facility um but they are used by our population so it's something that we could potentially um if funding were available be able to remodel the space and still have that amenity but maybe utilize the space differently that would be an impacted depending on if you do some of this aquatic stuff yeah yeah and then of course if we did um have any sort of Aquatics if we we're focusing on locker rooms that would be something that constructionwise it might completely alter how it lays out because with locker rooms with um swimming you can't have them be going through different departments and areas it would have to be a direct access so that would be something that there would need to be a um structural remodel um included in the design so going back to those three questions just cuz I know that we're always limited on time um is there anything and starting with with that first one that when you think about the rec center that we're doing well today based on the survey based on your own um insights into the space and with that I will also lead into the second question of things that we can improve I know from a personal standpoint in the winter I mean I will use the walking Track which is nice um the fitness Center I think the remodel the equipment is really nice in there um it is nice to have the other side um for classes but it gets loud and it's limited so possibly a a separate area for facility you know for a workout area um nice to have the pickle ball um but you're right there is a lot of spa it could be repurposed better to have multi-level activities um but the current Fitness area itself and the walking Track I don't know if you have to bundle up because you're walking around a sheet of ice um but I think they're they're very wellmaintained I've seen that too I do have one suggestion just because my mother moved in with me and she work walks with a walker and she's on that track you know every day once the weather turns like this um there are no handicap accessible doors in the interior of the building so she does require a worker within the building to open doors for her and um going into the fitness center going into the walking Track um because they're heavy and um I think if you go into like Chan Rec Center or whatever they have handicap right so we just want to be as accessible yeah the only ones that are there are the entrance doors yeah they're the only ones that are handicapped right they see her coming in and they're ready to help her but I think for me you know dropping her off for 2 hours you know it just it's a little worrisome inside yes yeah and if she wanted to go into to the gym yeah she'd either basically have to come in the back door go down the elevator there's no ramp there and then come back cuz you've got those three stairs well and Patrick's not here but I have to say she is a weekly visitor of his Library she's reads about 10 novels a week um and she loves the little Library there but she can't get to it yeah right and so I think that's one of the things that just accessibility um a good point and again I'm in my 50s so we're all seniors here but I think for the older seniors in our community um accessibility right do they have access to our information do they have access to our programming you know I think that's where my mind is is kind of the 70 Plus members of our community the hard part about some seniors is there they don't have access to technology now that we don't have a paper you know a City newspaper or anything so and one of the things I realized in the surveying and just talking to my neighbors and the seniors I know in the community I know several right there at the flats um they do a lot of their programming in minaka they do a lot of their senior ongoing learning in in Prairie I'm looking at this right now like the lifelong learning options and opportunities aren't necessarily housed just in their Community Center they're in the firehouse they're in the schools um and that helps a lot of our seniors be connected I think to the community um so they meet the firefighters they meet people in the schools and so one of the things when I'm thinking about programming for the rec center is you know do we want to call it a senior center or do we want to have programming space for a lot of opportunities right and then can we also get them into a holy family once in a while for just to be in the community or in the firehouse like you said I saw the new the new space there's beautiful programming rooms in there they can meet some of the fire fighter staff and just now they have connection to the Community Options yeah the one thing that struck me was part of the building I think is way underutilized yes I'm guessing it's that lower floor but didn't you somebody do a utilization study like how often is each room used how often is it gym used how often is it multi-purpose room used so that would give you some indication it seems like there's a little bit of waste of space there definitely can be some repurposing of some areas um that is definitely something that we've looked at in the past when we were talking about the park system plan is our utilization rates and then luckily our Parkson Recreation programming or program Civic FR allows us the ability to quickly pull that statistic together and that's something that we'll also have for the workshop is really how often are these areas utilized cuz somebody asked me this the other day our gym was probably our our largest um rented area or utilized area we have a a utilization rate from 2023 of 31% that might seem really low um however we're talking about the entire time that that space can be rented from 5 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock at night like that's where that statistic is coming from pretty much 365 days or whenever that space is open um and it's not also including the open gym times that people might just be in there because they're a member um so that happens to be our most frequently used area and then on top of um that thinking through um our other meeting room spaces and our other spaces either in the facility on our Park shelter areas we did hire a recreation coordinator at the beginning of this year you may have met him his name is Mark um and he works for us specifically trying to improve the utilization of our Park spaces he helps out when it comes to any park shelter rentals um he's helped um increase our utilization rates he helps renters if they have any questions um and he's really helped make sure that you can have a completely online experience if that's what you desire for reserving any of our spaces so we're hoping looking at 2024's results at the end of the year um that some of these numbers will be increased you brought up a point about people going to minut tanka I know Eastern Carver County schools has programs chasa has programs Chan has programs Eden Prairie and and you also mentioned technology I mean if there was technology classes and lifelong learning things offered here I wonder if people would have to go that far to utilize them we are fortunate we have a lot of options but because there aren't things right here offered they seem to travel that doesn't mean we need to duplicate but and you have to start somewhere those all that programing you've got the Eden Prairie um Senior Center it doesn't I mean you you have to grow that you know and start somewhere yeah and that's you know where we also rely on our partners Carver County Library specifically Victoria's Branch does a great job already doing technology classes that you know it's leveraging them it's helping advertise them and bringing their programs or at least getting them into the library getting people into the library or if they want to host it at one of our facilities giving them that space too and that's just one example of the many many activities they do and I'm speaking for Patrick right now I was gonna say Patrick would be able to tell us yeah the thing that strikes me is it it would be nice to try to kind of duplicate like uh whenever we it's time to build a new library it seems to me that'd be a logical place for it right next to the rec center or attached to it combined with it the fact that the new fire station is kind of you know half a block away makes sense too that becomes kind of the Hub what happens in the community so I'm kind of concerned about this West project down West project and if that diverts you know people away from away from it but it seems to me that the rec center is in an ideal location one one of the pl that came up so we ought to try as much as possible to expand on that site and add other services there or other programming whether it's a Senior Citizen Center or a library or a city hall you know uh instead of having places or stuff in fire four or five different locations try to put them all right there I don't know how much land the city owns there but seems to me there's a lot of land there that You' have room to add a swimming pool you know or to add a library if you you know designed it and you get the parking lots already so you don't have to duplicate those expenses I think also one thing the recreation center has going for it if that space can be repurposed like the chasa lodge they're connected to the chasa community center all their Fitness programs are there um and they can walk from one thing to another they can do Fitness they can is an art center there too or a gall yeah but I think that's closing that's by the Carver County art Consortium I think they're not going to utilize that space anymore but that's an example of what I'm talking about so you're Under One Roof and you keep going yeah and and the coffee space or I mean a you know General it's there and then classes and everything so you'll get and yeah it it that's one thing it has going for it if it could be repurposed and offer some meeting spaces and activities um and offer some probably different Fitness classes I mean a lot of places have silver sneaker classes and other things um then you're going to draw right people for that as well as my experience we're in an area that people love to learn um start with some of those lifelong learning programs or other activities um it it's a way to get people not only to be physic or mentally fit but physically fit as well when you look at this deal it's it's not a rec center it's a community center yeah and our rec center could easily become a community Cent yeah think it's and I think I think in my polling of um older adults that I've been talking to rec center didn't sound like it was inclusive for seniors Community Center felt like you know and that's you could find something for them yeah name change maybe sounds just you know like for Youth and that's great um but we can have a used in community space perhaps would they this was a referendum to get the Chan wck Center um and it was interesting how they did their financing there aren't they adding a half perc sales tax on they get a lot of people in the community and this maybe is premature to ask but with looking at the rec center here would it have to be a referendum or could it be absorbed or would there be bonds but that you probably don't know that until you know the amount of what will be done MH absolutely okay hard to tell when the doll y yeah exciting Good discussion I'm not uh I've lived here 11 years now and I've gone to minaka Community Center to do driver training I've done it in Shan Hansen I've done it in Eden Prairie uh so we get around we couldn't keep a grocery store here for a while because we weren't using it enough or there were others very close so it is we're in competition with lots of other places for well yes and no when Holly when Holly first started they used to have driver safety classes here did they yes and they used to have some other things and at that time she would partner with Chan Hass and we invited them to go to ball games to some trips and do some stuff but she was one person um so it might you've got to grow that stuff people go because it's not here and I think we're in a different era now anyway because of the construction there's a lot more people to so we can probably yeah well I we can probably do community education training for for other communities and I can say that we're kind of a small group of people who are available to a lot of communities um so it would be very easy to add the 55 plus you know all these different programming I'm looking at even just Eden prayer I know a lot of these people who are doing these so we could probably add it if we do have the space on the availability um I just have one quick thought um because based on the survey and wanting more social Gathering space what I did hear from a lot of people was wanting to have access to an open space where they could get snacks and coffee and things and also Bingo cribbage mja or and then puzzle exchanges a lot of you know my house right now I have 2,000 puzzles that we couldn't exchange you don't want puzzle exchanges we started that in Chanhassen yeah it's within oh but you have to to maintain them yeah and you get hundreds of them but to get people to get I think it's just one more reason to get together at the rec center and meet people you know you you hit on a really critical issue though is who's going to do this yeah you know you got to have the staff before you start adding programing so we it would be great to try some of these things in the space that we have to see what kind of response there was but who's going to do it I mean is IT Park and wreck that you have AIC ated senior citizen person on your staff 10% time or something but until it seems to me that the staff has to come first yeah you know and once you get the staff then you can try different programming and see what response you get even with the Bingo Bash that's great and people are going to come for Bingo but then what's next you know and not Bingo you Bingo people and Maan people aren't the same I mean I'm not being mean but um but and we've talked as a committee for the last two or three years and we've even offered uh November is Alzheimer's awareness month we've got a great Alzheimer's Association um you know start start doing some education here and then build on that you know and you establish a database of people and you get different but you're right you need some devoted staff and space and it's moving in a good direction so you you know based on the one deal we did where we had the what we call it the day where senior citizen day or something the Expo the expo Expo yeah there's a whole ton of ideas from there that people that came and set up boost that would do programming you know you could do something every week with the different organizations that showed up there and it would be it be useful stuff I think but again you need somebody to to call them up and schedule them and get them here right reserve the space and then when you're talking seniors there's many seniors that don't have the ability for transportation you know to come to these things so we really you know I I think we're pretty fortunate when you look at weab and Southwest Prime yeah but they don't yeah they don't want to utilize it weab isint people toing no that's what I'm saying it's and they're expensive for some of them you know that's what I've been told that's a good point that you raised though know if you saw the article in the paper about the prime or the Southwest trans expanding you're going to have driverless cars through Eden Prairie and certain designated spots so you can get to the to the Transit centers Victoria I mean that's they're like the second place in the in the country I think or the the state that is adding that service but that would be a a great kind of forward-looking project for the city here to do is is to get some kind of Transportation on land that would you don't need a car then you can just well some of them don't even drive anymore so exactly well that's the point the car comes up and it pulls up to your front door and picks you up and drives you in this case how are they going to access that you need an app to do that yeah or a phone call or something but if you think down the road transportation is critical for senior citizens and that kind of a service expand weab or get a driveless car system for Victoria and I will say we're having regular conversations with Southwest Transit just about the of trans good this seems to be a really well-run Innovative it does seem to be and they do M Walker transport yeah they're all handicap accessible yeah and there's a lot of people here that do Mall walking you know and would love to get Transportation so one thing I I help a couple older people who don't drive um and I keep saying to this one why don't don't you use Southwest prime or well or some she's it's door too but you need someone to walk you into somewhere too which is a really hard thing um to do so you are limited with that I think we cab might do that but I don't know how much transportation is not an easy topic is it but that would help to get to bingo bat right yeah they have turnout every they could drop you off at the door yeah that's what Lista do we we done what you want have we given because we technically still have at least eight minutes if you're always willing to go but have we given you enough to work with I think so and I'm just going to review down review the stuff I wrote just because this is we write it on posted notes so we can take them off if we want to we can always add more um if we're missing something this is just summaries of the conversations that we've heard um so what do we do well the walking Track huge priority as well as the fitness center heard good feedback on that what can we do to improve um Fitness Studio space gets a little claustrophobic in there gets a little loud yeah um accessible spaces it's a huge need for that facility and then um I read oh um mulp Services expanding on that site thinking about it differently and that leads into what are we missing a community center I have that big and bow out at the bottom um lifelong learning opportunities and then Gathering space social as well as activities games fun things like that gives people something to do other than just drink coffee while they're talking and being together and having that social environment now is there anything that you want well with the survey I agree with the Aquatic things we need a pool and a sa and ASAP how how serious I mean you mentioned that pools come up all the time um how serious is the city I mean that's been talked about for a long time I know people wanted it at this but the cost to put a pool yeah I think was maybe an additional $32 million and that's not only the expense um maintenance because I know years ago probably 20 plus years the pool's been talked about but that's still on their radar somewhat yeah the city did a pool study in 2016 for the recreation center site it was indoor and outdoor um and at that time I think it cost us um roughly $12 million to install but it would be a negative balance each year of like maintain y I'm not going to say quite up to a half a million dollars but it's quite expensive to maintain a pool and at that time city council decided to disregard the the topic that being said we hear over and over again that the city wants access to water so maybe it could be a pool maybe it could be other opportunities that we're not thinking of um we're the city of lakes and Parks what can we do with our Lakes as well that gives us that same access to water that people are looking for that's not necessarily as costly as a pool Alyssa are there um grants or funding available if the pool is handicap accessible I think by requirement it has to be handicap accessible the lift and yeah I access couldn't tell you anything about funding for providing a pool I'm just like thinking of safari Islands pool right now and it's utilized a lot by the senior community there you know I'm sure yeah yeah there's a senior living space I forget the one in Mia and they have a pool that you can I mean people can use and pay an admittance during the day perspectives anything else and if you think of anything I'm just a phone call away too I just have a tin um suggestion too I know in Delano they do have a very experienced team and the senior center there Nick neon I don't know how many of you are familiar with that Senior Center but it is utilized every single day not to mention they provide lunches every day that local um restaurants provide lunches to them so it is a very utilized it' be a good place to go for just even shadowing hearing knowing from even a mentorship and development standpoint from programs to just the volunteers because it is well ran with a lot of volunteers and of course some paid workers too it's it's definitely it's in the city hall there in Del it's in the back of the city all I would agree with that but I'm a little biased one of my relatives is a senior coordinator over there well and on that note we were all at the um aging and place conference we did talk about visiting water towns MH meeting I wonder if maybe we could as a group visit a couple of these centers just to get some input and ideas I was to a couple of them this Summer got to be careful on open meetings laws yeah but uh Alissa facilitated us going on our own to his own lies yeah yeah so that's a good idea I think keep keep encouraging that you know or I can keep sending so yeah this summer we did that activ um and we sent out a couple of opportunities as well as dates you know when they're open um what their addresses are and then if anyone wants to go on their own they're they're absolutely able to you can go in pairs but as soon as you hit three then we run into open meeting law violations yeah so it's great to Jack visit in Eden Prairie and brought home not there what do you think think of the Eden Prairie senior center it's an older building not real accessible every time I go and I don't go real often but there are people sitting drinking coffee and unfortunately it's men in one room and women in a different room but uh and I and I went for the don't know why senior citizen the insurance thing they're on right now I went to that a couple weeks ago and uh they had a good turnout of 15 or 20 of us so and they have a woodw shop which you can always hear so there are people down there but uh but I don't know how busy it is continuously yeah I think for the male I mean in our facility I think the hardest thing is the males have nothing for them I mean and our facility is is independent and active living but in the area in the town so the wood working is really good because then the men have things to do I think us women go out and find things more than they do but I'm just saying from what I've my perspective what I've seen is they need things you guys need to suggest what would you like to do need a lot it's we don't have time for two minutes yeah you are needy we're very needy yeah yeah I think we're ready to wrap here yep say anything comments from you I do not thank you again for meeting thank you jna and Kelsey for both being here your we have a motion to adjourn then we have one more are we planning on meeting in January I mean in December again hopefully is we will we do have it on the agenda to meet in December we have our senior resource guide to go through okay oh yeah great that's did she say yes regular time regular regular time well you'll put it on there Alicia you'll text us I'll send you guys a message yeah yeah okay Su wants to move that we adjourn uh yes I would I move that we adjourn a second Richard thank you all those in favor say I I there you go e for e